
(移除Category:Lists; 添加Category:列表通过HotCat小工具)
第1行: 第1行:
[[File:Traits.jpg|413px|thumb|right|角色图片上突出显示的是特质栏(v. 3.0)]]
[[File:Traits.jpg|413px|thumb|right|角色图片上突出显示的是特质栏(v. 3.0)]]

[[File:Character button.png|Traits|link=]] ''特质 代表 一个[[角色]]的性格、能力、声誉和身体特征。它们可以在[[事件]]和[[教育]]中获得或失去 。They affect a variety of areas, everything from [[attributes]] to [[relations]]. Additionally, most traits are tied to certain [[events]] occurring or affect which options are available in events. Paying attention to obtaining the right traits is essential for a good ruler.
[[File:Character button.png|Traits|link=]] '''特质'''反映了 一个[[角色]]的性格、能力、声誉和身体特征。它们可以在[[事件]]和[[教育]]中获得或失去 。它们影响到从[[ 属性]] [[ 好感]] 的各种领域。此外,大多数特质影响着某些[[ 事件]] 中可用的选项。好的特质对于一个优秀统治者来说是必不可少的。
不能同时具有对立及不同级别的同功能特质。例如,具有 [[File:Genius.png|link=]] 天才特质的角色无法拥有 [[File:Slow.png|link=]] 迟钝或 [[File:Quick.png|link=]] 敏锐特质。
A trait that has opposites (functionally including different levels of the same characteristic) cannot be had simultaneously with them. For example, a character with {{iconify|Genius}} cannot also have {{iconify|Slow}} or {{iconify|Quick}}.
特质会影响AI角色在事件中的选择。例如,当廷臣想要与领主发生婚外情时,好色[[File:Lustful.png|link=]] 的统治者更有可能会选择“采取行动”。特质也会作用于AI的[[ 修正#AI 行为| 理性、狂热、贪婪、荣誉、野心]] 五项参数,进而影响其在[[外交行动]]中的选择。
Traits affect the choices AI characters make in events. For example, when a courtier shows interest in an affair, a {{iconify|Lustful}} ruler is more likely to choose "Make a move". Traits also affect AI choices in [[diplomatic actions]], by modifying five AI parameters: [[Modifiers#AI behavior|rationality, zeal, greed, honor, and ambition]].

[[File:Raised.png|Education|link=]] Each [[character]] gets an [[education]] trait upon becoming an adult (at 16 years-old) and dependent on the child's education. In the base game, they are usually close to the education of their ''guardian,'' though there is some random variation.
[[File:Raised.png|Education|link=]] 每个[[ 角色]] 在成年(16岁)时,基于幼年的教育,都会获得一个[[ 教育]] 特性。在基础游戏中,他们通常接近于他们“监护人”的教育,不过有一些随机变化。

The {{icon|con}} [[Conclave]] DLC reduces the impact of the guardian's own education by implementing a [[Objectives#foci|focus]] driven system. Education by guardians with high-level military traits also grants [[#Leadership|leadership]] traits. Military educations can improve to the next level by a random battlefield event, while the others can be improved with random events from the corresponding focus.
{{icon|con}} [[ 御前会议]] 拓展包引入[[ 教育(御前会议)| 儿童时期生活重心]] 系统,弱化了监护人教育所造成的影响。拥有高等级军事教育特质的监护人同样能够带来[[#Leadership| 指挥官特质]] 。军事教育特质可在随机的战场事件中升级;其他教育特质则能够通过相应生活重心下的随机事件得到提升。

{| class="wikitable" style="width: 83em"
{| class="wikitable" 
! style="width: 24px" |
! style="width: 24px" |
! style="width:9em" |
!Internal name
! 内部调用名<!--暂译,原文Internal name ;与控制台指令相同  -->
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link= 属性# 管理| 管理]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link= 属性# 密谋| 密谋]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]]
! style="width:2.5em" |[[健康]]
! style="width:5em" |[[ 生育能力]]
! style="width:7em" |[[Duel|个人实战能力]]
!Cost<ref>Change in character's age in [[Ruler Designer]].</ref>
! style="width:5em" |其他
!Flavor Text
! style="width:4em" |花费<ref> [[ 角色设计器]] 中改变角色的年龄。</ref>
! 背景叙述
|-id="Naive Appeaser"
|-id="Naive Appeaser"
|[[File:Naive appeaser.png|Naive Appeaser|link=]]
|[[File:Naive appeaser.png|Naive Appeaser|link=]]
第37行: 第35行:
| -1
| -1
第44行: 第43行:
|''Naive Appeasers want to be well liked and fancy themselves diplomat. Unfortunately, everyone else just tend to bully them.''
|'' 天真的外交家总想要左右逢源,幻想着他们自己是优秀的外交家。不幸的是,其他人通常只是欺侮他们。''
|-id="Underhanded Rouge"
|-id="Underhanded Rouge"
|[[File:Underhanded rogue.png|link=Underhanded Rogue|link=]]
|[[File:Underhanded rogue.png|link=Underhanded Rogue|link=]]
第57行: 第56行:
| +5%
| +5%
|''The Underhanded Rogue is a rough but decently effective diplomat.''
|'' 狡猾的无赖举止粗俗,不过不失为有效率的外交家。''
|-id="Charismatic Negotiator"
|-id="Charismatic Negotiator"
|[[File:Charismatic negotiator.png|Charismatic Negotiator|link=]]
|[[File:Charismatic negotiator.png|Charismatic Negotiator|link=]]
第72行: 第72行:
| +5%
| +5%
|''The Charismatic Negotiator is an excellent diplomat, impressing dignitaries with elegant dress and persuasive rhetoric.''
|'' 魅力非凡的说客是优秀的外交家,其优雅外表和滔滔雄辩往往能令政要印象深刻。''
|-id="Grey Eminence"
|-id="Grey Eminence"
|[[File:Grey eminence.png|Grey Eminence|link=]]
|[[File:Grey eminence.png|Grey Eminence|link=]]
! 幕后 纵者
! 幕后操 控人
第87行: 第88行:
| +10%
| +10%
|''The Grey Eminence is the epitome of statesmanship having fully mastered the art of diplomacy.''
|'' 幕后操控人是典型的精通外交的政治家。外交总管的职位为此人量身打造,同时也能成为儿童在外交领域的最佳导师。''
|-id="Misguided Warrior"
|-id="Misguided Warrior"
|[[File:Misguided warrior.png|Misguided Warrior|link=]]
|[[File:Misguided warrior.png|Misguided Warrior|link=]]
第102行: 第104行:
| +0.5
| +0.5
| +5 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| +5 
|''The Misguided Warrior was trained in warfare and the martial arts, but sadly lacks all talent for it.''
|'' 鲁莽的战士在战争和军事技艺方面受过训练,但是毫无天赋可言。''
|-id="Tough Soldier"
|-id="Tough Soldier"
|[[File:Tough soldier.png|Tough Soldier|link=]]
|[[File:Tough soldier.png|Tough Soldier|link=]]
第117行: 第120行:
| +0.5
| +0.5
| +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| +10 
|''The Tough Soldier is fearsome on the battlefield, but only a mediocre commander.''
|'' 坚强的战士在战场上令人生畏,不过指挥官资质则非常平庸。''
|-id="Skilled Tactician"
|-id="Skilled Tactician"
|[[File:Skilled tactician.png|Skilled Tactician|link=]]
|[[File:Skilled tactician.png|Skilled Tactician|link=]]
! 优秀 战术家
! 优秀战术家
第132行: 第136行:
| +0.5
| +0.5
| +15 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| +15 
|''The Skilled Tactician is an adept of the art of war - a valiant warrior and reliable commander.''
|'' 优秀战术家是战争艺术的行家,既是勇敢的战士,又是可靠的将领。''
|-id="Brilliant Strategist"
|-id="Brilliant Strategist"
|[[File:Brilliant strategist.png|Brilliant Strategist|link=]]
|[[File:Brilliant strategist.png|Brilliant Strategist|link=]]
! 天才 战略家
! 天才战略家
第147行: 第152行:
| +0.5
| +0.5
| +1 [[#Leadership|Leadership traits]] <br/>
| +20
+20 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| +1 [[#Leadership| 指挥官特质]]
|''The Brilliant Strategist has an almost preternatural understanding of all things martial, having the perfect makings for a Marshal or military tutor.''
|'' 天才战略家有着超乎寻常的军事天分,是绝佳的军事总管和军事导师的候选人。''
|-id="Indulgent Wastrel"
|-id="Indulgent Wastrel"
|[[File:Indulgent wastrel.png|Indulgent Wastrel|link=]]
|[[File:Indulgent wastrel.png|Indulgent Wastrel|link=]]
第159行: 第164行:
第165行: 第171行:
|''The Indulgent Wastrel was groomed to become good with money, and if good means spending it quickly, the Indulgent Wastrel certainly is.''
|'' 放荡的浪子被期望培养为精通金钱之道的人。如果精通是花钱如流水的意思的话,那么放荡的浪子的确很精通此道。''
|-id="Thrifty Clerk"
|-id="Thrifty Clerk"
|[[File:Thrifty clerk.png|Thrifty Clerk|link=]]
|[[File:Thrifty clerk.png|Thrifty Clerk|link=]]
第178行: 第184行:
| +5%
| +5%
|''The Thrifty Clerk is a dutiful, if not particularly skilled, administrator.''
|'' 节俭的职员做事兢兢业业,但不是有卓越技能的管理者。''
|-id="Fortune Builder"
|-id="Fortune Builder"
|[[File:Fortune builder.png|Fortune Builder|link=]]
|[[File:Fortune builder.png|Fortune Builder|link=]]
! 财富 创造者
! 财富创造者
第193行: 第200行:
| +10%
| +10%
|''The Fortune Builder came out of adolescence armed with a well honed business sense, determined to live a life of luxury.''
|'' 财富创造者在青少年时期就展露出非凡的商业天赋,一生注定享尽荣华富贵。''
|-id="Midas Touched"
|-id="Midas Touched"
|[[File:Midas touched.png|Midas Touched|link=]]
|[[File:Midas touched.png|Midas Touched|link=]]
第208行: 第216行:
| +15%
| +15%
|''This character is truly Midas Touched, never seemingly running out of funds - an excellent choice for Steward and mentor to children destine to become administrators.''
|'' 此人被赞誉为能够点石成金,绝无财富耗尽之时。此人可以成为优秀的财政总管,也能成为希望从事管理的孩子的最好导师。''
|-id="Amateurish Plotter"
|-id="Amateurish Plotter"
|[[File:Amateurish plotter.png|Amateurish Plotter|link=]]
|[[File:Amateurish plotter.png|Amateurish Plotter|link=]]
! 业余 阴谋家
! 业余阴谋家
第223行: 第232行:
| +4 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| +4 
|''The Amateurish Plotter has received an education emphasizing intrigue skills. Unfortunately, it didn't stick.''
|'' 业余阴谋家接受以密谋知识为主的教育。不幸的是,此人并不适合这种教育。''
|-id="Flamboyant Schemer"
|-id="Flamboyant Schemer"
|[[File:Flamboyant schemer.png|Flamboyant Schemer|link=]]
|[[File:Flamboyant schemer.png|Flamboyant Schemer|link=]]
第238行: 第248行:
| +8 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| +8 
|''Flamboyant Schemers thrive on court intrigue and fancy themselves as master of the trade. However, their lack of secrecy tends to endanger even their best efforts.''
|'' 浮夸的谋士依靠宫廷阴谋发家,并喜欢炫耀在贸易方面的知识。不过,他们保守不住秘密的天性总是令他们的努力功亏一篑。''
|-id="Intricate Webweaver"
|-id="Intricate Webweaver"
|[[File:Intricate webweaver.png|Intricate Webweaver|link=]]
|[[File:Intricate webweaver.png|Intricate Webweaver|link=]]
第253行: 第264行:
| +12 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| +12 
|''The Intricate Webweaver is a master manipulator, well suited to a life of intrigue.''
|'' 暗中策划者是操控别人的专家,天生适合生活在阴谋诡计中。''
|-id="Elusive Shadow"
|-id="Elusive Shadow"
|[[File:Elusive shadow.png|Elusive Shadow|link=]]
|[[File:Elusive shadow.png|Elusive Shadow|link=]]
第268行: 第280行:
| +16 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| +16 
|''The Elusive Shadow has mastered the art of Intrigue and should make a perfect Spymaster - as well as an ideal mentor for prospective schemers.''
|'' 难以捉摸的影子是阴谋的大师,可以成为最好的间谍总管,也是未来阴谋家的最好导师。''
|-id="Detached Priest"
|-id="Detached Priest"
|[[File:Detached priest.png|Detached Priest|link=]]
|[[File:Detached priest.png|Detached Priest|link=]]
第281行: 第294行:
| -1
| -1
|''The Detached Priest received a clerical education but displays no talent beyond basic literacy.''
|'' 清高的牧师接受过神学教育,但除了基础文学之外毫无天赋。''
|-id="Dutiful Cleric"
|-id="Dutiful Cleric"
|[[File:Martial cleric.png|Dutiful Cleric|link=]]
|[[File:Martial cleric.png|Dutiful Cleric|link=]]
第298行: 第312行:
| +10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| +10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
|''The Dutiful Cleric is learned and possessed of beautiful penmanship, but lacks particular interest in theology.''
|'' 尽职的教士学习并掌握了优美的书法,不过对神学理论毫无兴趣。''
|-id="Scholarly Theologian"
|-id="Scholarly Theologian"
|[[File:Scholarly theologian.png|Scholarly Theologian|link=]]
|[[File:Scholarly theologian.png|Scholarly Theologian|link=]]
第313行: 第328行:
| -5%
| -5%
| +20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| +20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
|''The Scholarly Theologian is wise and well read, with a deep understanding of philosophy and theology.''
|'' 渊博的神学家博学多才,对哲学和神学都有很深造诣。''
|-id="Mastermind Theologian"
|-id="Mastermind Theologian"
|[[File:Mastermind theologian.png|Mastermind Theologian|link=]]
|[[File:Mastermind theologian.png|Mastermind Theologian|link=]]
第328行: 第344行:
| -5%
| -5%
| +30 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| +30 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
|''The Mastermind Theologian is recognized as one of the top scholars of the Faith.''
|'' 神学大师被认为是最顶尖的宗教方面的学者之一。''
For characters of non-Christian [[religion]]s, the cross in the icons of ''[[File:Icon learning.png|Learning|link=]] learning [[education]]'' traits is replaced by a more appropriate symbol (a crescent for [[Muslims]], menorah for [[Jews]], triquetra for [[Pagan]]s etc).
对于非基督教角色而言,[[File:Icon learning.png|link=]] 学识教育特质图标中的十字架将由相应的其他符号代替(例如穆斯林的新月,犹太教徒的七烛台,原始宗教的多重三角形<!-- 暂译,原文triquetra -->)。

With the {{icon|con}} [[Conclave]] DLC active, [[children]] can acquire childhood traits, determined by their childhood focus, that will influence which [[Education (Conclave)|education]] traits they eventually receive. Each such trait provides a {{green|+1}} bonus to a specific [[attribute]]. Each childhood trait has several adult traits into which it may evolve during adolescence, ensuring that no childhood traits are retained into adulthood.
Check the [[Education (Conclave)#Childhood_traits|specific table]] for the educational effects of each childhood trait, as well as the adult traits they can evolve into.

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!class="unsortable" style="width: 24px" |
!class="unsortable" style="width: 24px" |
! 名称
!Internal name
! 内部调用名
!Temporary effect
! 作用
!class="unsortable" | Flavor Text
!class="unsortable" | 背景叙述

第355行: 第374行:
| +1 [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|Diplomacy|link=]] 外交
| +1 [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|Diplomacy|link=]] 外交
|''This child is kind and quick to show love and affection. Can develop into: {{iconify|Kind}}, {{iconify|Content}} or {{iconify|Trusting}}''
| {{iconify|Kind}}, {{iconify|Content}} {{iconify|Trusting}}
| {{iconify|Charitable}}
| 被囚禁 {{iconify|Imprisoned}} 儿童可能获得
第362行: 第384行:
| +1 [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|Diplomacy|link=]] 外交
| +1 [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|Diplomacy|link=]] 外交
|''This child loves to engage in fun and games, almost always turning any activity into an excuse to play. Can develop into: {{iconify|Gregarious}}, {{iconify|Deceitful}} or (rarely) {{iconify|Lunatic}}''
| {{iconify|Gregarious}}, {{iconify|Deceitful}} {{iconify|Lunatic}}
| {{iconify|Cruel}}
第369行: 第394行:
| +1 [[File:Icon martial.png|Martial|link=]] 军事
| +1 [[File:Icon martial.png|Martial|link=]] 军事
|''This child is proud and vain, convinced of their own superiority. Can develop into: {{iconify|Proud}}, {{iconify|Arbitrary}} or {{iconify|Cruel}}''
| {{iconify|Proud}}, {{iconify|Arbitrary}} ,{{iconify|Groomed}}或 {{iconify|Cruel}}
| {{iconify|Ambitious}}
第376行: 第404行:
| +1 [[File:Icon martial.png|Martial|link=]] 军事
| +1 [[File:Icon martial.png|Martial|link=]] 军事
|''This child is loud and lively and usually prefers rough physical activities over calmer pursuits. Can develop into: {{iconify|Brawny}}, {{iconify|Honest}} or {{iconify|Dull}}''
|{{iconify|Brawny}}, {{iconify|Honest}}, {{iconify|Uncouth}} 或 {{iconify|Dull}}
| 与 {{iconify|Timid}} 相反,可能使 {{iconify|Genius}} 降低至 {{iconify|Quick}},或者移除 {{iconify|Quick}}
第383行: 第414行:
| +1 [[File:Icon stewardship.png|Stewardship|link=]] 财政
| +1 [[File:Icon stewardship.png|Stewardship|link=]] 财政
|''This child is unusually scrupulous and responsible, taking delight in completing any chores and tasks to perfection. Can develop into: {{iconify|Diligent}} or {{iconify|Temperate}}''
| {{iconify|Diligent}} {{iconify|Temperate}}
| {{iconify|Just}}
| 当特质发展时,20%几率获得{{iconify|Stressed}},除非监护人干预
第390行: 第424行:
| +1 [[File:Icon stewardship.png|Stewardship|link=]] 财政
| +1 [[File:Icon stewardship.png|Stewardship|link=]] 财政
|''This child is very particular about details that seem trivial to others, sometimes to the point of causing anxiety and frustration. Can develop into: {{iconify|Patient}}, {{iconify|Greedy}} or {{iconify|Paranoid}}''
| {{iconify|Patient}}, {{iconify|Greedy}} {{iconify|Paranoid}}
| {{iconify|Diligent}}
第397行: 第434行:
| +1 [[File:Icon intrigue.png|Intrigue|link=]] 密谋
| +1 [[File:Icon intrigue.png|Intrigue|link=]] 密谋
|''This child is a thinker, often sitting inside in deep ponderings as others play outside in the sun. Can develop into: {{iconify|Just}}, {{iconify|Wroth}} or {{iconify|Envious}}''
| {{iconify|Just}} {{iconify|Wroth}} ,{{iconify|Uncouth}} 或 {{iconify|Envious}}
| {{iconify|Temperate}}
| 被囚禁 {{iconify|Imprisoned}} 儿童可能获得
第404行: 第444行:
| +1 [[File:Icon intrigue.png|Intrigue|link=]] 密谋
| +1 [[File:Icon intrigue.png|Intrigue|link=]] 密谋
|''This child is very averse to any kind of exertion, be it mental or physical. Can develop into: {{iconify|Charitable}}, {{iconify|Slothful}} or {{iconify|Gluttonous}}''
| {{iconify|Charitable}} {{iconify|Slothful}} ,{{iconify|Groomed}},{{iconify|Sturdy}} 或 {{iconify|Gluttonous}}
| {{iconify|Gregarious}}
| 被囚禁 {{iconify|Imprisoned}} 儿童可能获得
第411行: 第454行:
| +1 [[File:Icon intrigue.png|Intrigue|link=]] 密谋
| +1 [[File:Icon intrigue.png|Intrigue|link=]] 密谋
|''This child is stubborn and strong-willed, and doesn't obey or give way easily. Can develop into: {{iconify|Ambitious}}, {{iconify|Brave}} or {{iconify|Stubborn}}''
| {{iconify|Ambitious}}, {{iconify|Brave}} {{iconify|Stubborn}}
| {{iconify|Proud}}
第418行: 第464行:
| +1 [[File:Icon learning.png|Learning|link=]] 学习
| +1 [[File:Icon learning.png|Learning|link=]] 学习
|''This child has an inquisitive nature and is constantly asking questions and poking around looking for new and interesting things. Can develop into: {{iconify|Shrewd}}, {{iconify|Cynical}} or sympathies for other [[religions]]''
| {{iconify|Shrewd}}, {{iconify|Cynical}} 或其他[[religions|宗教]] 同情者
| {{iconify|Patient}}
| 与 {{iconify|Genius}} 相斥,可能使 {{iconify|Imbecile}} 降低至 {{iconify|Slow}},或移除 {{iconify|Slow}}
第425行: 第474行:
| +1 [[File:Icon learning.png|Learning|link=]] 学习
| +1 [[File:Icon learning.png|Learning|link=]] 学习
|''This child is easily impressed and also has a fervent desire to seek for ultimate truths. Can develop into: {{iconify|Zealous}}, {{iconify|Erudite}} or {{iconify|Frail}}''
|{{iconify|Zealous}}, {{iconify|Erudite}} {{iconify|Frail}}
| {{iconify|Kind}}
| 与 {{iconify|Genius}}
第432行: 第484行:
| +1 [[File:Icon learning.png|Learning|link=]] 学习
| +1 [[File:Icon learning.png|Learning|link=]] 学习
|''This child is shy and usually avoids open conflict/ Can develop into: {{iconify|Humble}}, {{iconify|Shy}} or {{iconify|Craven}}''
| {{iconify|Humble}}, {{iconify|Shy}} {{iconify|Craven}}
| {{iconify|Content}}
| 与 {{iconify|Rowdy}} 相反,被囚禁 {{iconify|Imprisoned}} 儿童可能获得
第442行: 第497行:
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! ! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | Command
! ! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]   
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link= 属性# 管理| 管理]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link= 属性# 密谋| 密谋]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;"  | [[Health]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;"  | [[Health|健康]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 7em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 7em" | [[Opinions|好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 费用
! style="width: 1px;" | [[DLC]]
! style="width: 1px;" | [[DLC]]
! class="unsortable" | Flavor Text
! class="unsortable" | 描述
| [[File:Depressed.png|Depressed|link=]]
| [[File:Depressed.png|Depressed|link=]]
! Depressed
! 沮丧消沉
| depressed
| depressed
| style="text-align: center;" | 22
| style="text-align: center;" | 22
第469行: 第524行:
| style="text-align: center;" | -1
| style="text-align: center;" | -1
| -5% [[Fertility]]<br>-5 Personal Combat Skill
| -5% [[Fertility|生育能力]]<br>-5 [[Duel|个人实战技能]]
| Enables the [[File:Decision icon commit suicide.png|Commit Suicide|link=]]''Commit Suicide'' targeted [[decision]]
| [[File:Decision icon commit suicide.png|Commit Suicide|link=]]'' 自杀''[[decision|决议]] 可用
| style="text-align: center;" | -15
| style="text-align: center;" | -15
|''Life has lost its luster to this character.''
|'' 对此人来说,生命殊无乐趣可言。''
| [[File:Drunkard.png|Drunkard|link=]]
| [[File:Drunkard.png|Drunkard|link=]]
! Drunkard
! 酒鬼
| drunkard
| drunkard
| style="text-align: center;" | 33
| style="text-align: center;" | 33
第485行: 第540行:
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| -5 Attraction <br>-5 [[Religion|Church]] <br>+5 Same Trait
| -5 性吸引力 <br>-5 [[Religion| 基督教好感]] <br>+5 相同特质好感
| -10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>-5 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Rationality]]
| -10 [[Duel| 个人实战技能]]<br>-5 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 理性]]
| style="text-align: center;" | -5
| style="text-align: center;" | -5
|''This character is a drunken sot.''
|'' 这个角色就是个大酒缸。''
| [[File:Immortal.png|Immortal|link=]]
| [[File:Immortal.png|Immortal|link=]]
! Immortal
! 永生
| immortal
| immortal
| style="text-align: center;" | 231
| style="text-align: center;" | 231
第502行: 第557行:
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" | +10
| style="text-align: center;" | +10
| +25 [[Eastern religions|Taoist]]
| +25 [[Eastern religions| 道教好感]]
| [[Immortality|Immortal]] characters will not die from old age or [[disease]]
| [[Immortality| 永生]] 的角色不会死于年老或[[disease|疾病]]
| style="text-align: center;" | 
| style="text-align: center;" | 
|''This character has achieved eternal life and will never succumb to the ravages of old age. The character is not invincible though, physical injury will still hurt them.''
|'' 这个角色已经获得了永生,永远不会屈服于年老的蹂躏。但这个角色并不是不可战胜的,身体上的损害仍然会伤害他们的生命。''
| [[File:Incapable.png|Incapable|link=]]
| [[File:Incapable.png|Incapable|link=]]
! Incapable
! 无能
| incapable
| incapable
| style="text-align: center;" | 32
| style="text-align: center;" | 32
第520行: 第575行:
| style="text-align: center;" | -3
| style="text-align: center;" | -3
| -30% [[Fertility]]<br>-100 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| -30% [[Fertility|生育能力]]<br>-100 [[Duel| 个人实战技能]]
| Rulers with this trait require a [[Regency|regent]]
| 拥有此特质的统治者需要一名[[Regency| 摄政]]
| style="text-align: center;" | -66
| style="text-align: center;" | -66
|''Due to advance age, head injury or other mental disabilities, this character is not fit for any kind of work. Incapable rules must employ a regent.''
|'' 由于年事已高,头部受伤或是精神失常,此人无法承担正常工作。无能的统治者必须由他人摄政。''
| [[File:Infirm.png|Infirm|link=]]
| [[File:Infirm.png|Infirm|link=]]
! Infirm
! 体弱多病
| infirm
| infirm
| style="text-align: center;" | 31
| style="text-align: center;" | 31
第537行: 第592行:
| style="text-align: center;" | -1
| style="text-align: center;" | -1
| -30% [[Fertility]]<br>-50 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Rationality]]
| -30% [[Fertility|生育能力]]<br>-50 [[Duel| 个人实战技能]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 理性]]
| style="text-align: center;" | -31
| style="text-align: center;" | -31
|''This character is infirm and suffers from a sickly disposition.''
|'' 此人体弱多病,性格病态。''
| [[File:Lunatic.png|Lunatic|link=]]
| [[File:Lunatic.png|Lunatic|link=]]
! Lunatic
! 精神错乱
| lunatic
| lunatic
| style="text-align: center;" | 23
| style="text-align: center;" | 23
第553行: 第608行:
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| -10 Attraction <br>+5 Same Trait <br>-5 [[Vassal]] 
| -10 性吸引力 <br>+5 相同特质好感 <br>-5 [[Vassal|封臣好感]]
| -50 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Rationality]]
| -50 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 理性]]
| style="text-align: center;" | -8
| style="text-align: center;" | -8
|''This character is stark raving mad.''
|'' 此人满口胡言乱语,疯疯癫癫。''
| [[File:Maimed.png|Maimed|link=]]
| [[File:Maimed.png|Maimed|link=]]
! Maimed
! 残废
| maimed
| maimed
| style="text-align: center;" | 30
| style="text-align: center;" | 30
第570行: 第625行:
| style="text-align: center;" | 
| style="text-align: center;" | 
| style="text-align: center;" | -2
| style="text-align: center;" | -2
| -15 Attraction <br>+5 Same Trait
| -15 性吸引力 <br>+5 相同特质好感
| -30 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| -30 [[Duel| 个人实战技能]]
| Replaced with [[Traits#Maimed|specific injuries]] with {{icon|trd}} DLC
| 拥有 {{icon|trd}} DLC,被[[Traits#Maimed| 具体受伤特质]] 替代
| style="text-align: center;" | -27
| style="text-align: center;" | -27
|''This character has been maimed. It would take a true miracle to heal such an injury.''
|'' 此人的身体已经残疾,只有真正的奇迹才能使其恢复正常。''
| [[File:Possessed.png|Possessed|link=]]
| [[File:Possessed.png|Possessed|link=]]
! Possessed
! 恶魔附身
| possessed
| possessed
| style="text-align: center;" | 24
| style="text-align: center;" | 24
第587行: 第642行:
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| -10 Attraction <br>+5 Same Trait
| -10 性吸引力 <br>+5 相同特质好感
| +5 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>-40 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Rationality]]
| +5 [[Duel| 个人实战技能]]<br>-40 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 理性]]
| Enables the [[Tactics#Good Tactics|Religious Fervour]] combat tactic
| 解锁[[Tactics#Good Tactics| 宗教狂热]] 作战战术
| style="text-align: center;" | -3
| style="text-align: center;" | -3
|''This character experiences frequent violent episodes, speaking in tongues, spitting and assaulting those nearby, as if possessed by evil spirits.''
|'' 此人经常经历暴力事件,喃喃自语,对附近的人口出恶言甚至拳脚相加,好像被恶魔附身了一样。''
| [[File:Court physician.png|Renowned Physician|link=]]
| [[File:Court physician.png|Renowned Physician|link=]]
! Renowned Physician
! 训练有素的医生
| physician 
| physician 
| style="text-align: center;" | 237
| style="text-align: center;" | 237
第604行: 第659行:
| style="text-align: center;" | +2
| style="text-align: center;" | +2
| style="text-align: center;" | +0.5
| style="text-align: center;" | +0.5
| +5 [[Opinion|General]]
| +5 [[Opinion| 大众好感]]
| +0.25 Monthly [[Prestige]]
| +0.25 每月[[Prestige|威望]]
| [[Court Physician#Physician improvement events|Can be earned]] by serving as a [[court physician]]. Some characters found by using the [[File:Decision icon seek treatment.png|Recruit Court Physician|link=]][[Decisions#Health|Recruit Court Physician]] decision already have this trait
| 可通过担任[[宫廷医师]]来[[Court Physician#Physician improvement events| 获得]] 。一些使用[[File:Decision icon seek treatment.png|Recruit Court Physician|link=]][[Decisions#Health| 雇佣宫廷医师]] 决议找到的角色已经拥有此特质
| style="text-align: center;" | 
| style="text-align: center;" | 
|''This character is a renowned practitioner of medicine and a sought after physician - he would be a welcome addition to the court of any ruler.''
|'' 这个角色是一名著名医学践行者以及受欢迎的医师——他/她加入任何统治者宫廷都会受到欢迎。''
| [[File:Scarred.png|Scarred|link=]]
| [[File:Scarred.png|Scarred|link=]]
! Scarred
! 伤疤
| scarred
| scarred
| style="text-align: center;" | 121
| style="text-align: center;" | 121
第621行: 第676行:
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| +10 Opposite Trait
| +10 相反特质好感
| +0.10 Monthly [[Prestige]]
| +0.10 每月[[Prestige|威望]]
| Replaces {{iconify|Wounded}}<br>Opposite Grievously Scarred and Horrifically Scarred
| 替代 {{iconify|Wounded}}<br> 与伤痕累累和怖人伤疤相反
| style="text-align: center;" | 
| style="text-align: center;" | 
|''Old wounds have left this character visibly scarred.''
|'' 旧伤在这个角色身上留下了清晰可见的疤痕。''
| [[File:Scarred_mid.png|Scarred|link=]]
| [[File:Scarred_mid.png|Scarred|link=]]
! Grievously Scarred
! 伤痕累累
| scarred_mid
| scarred_mid
| style="text-align: center;" | <span style="border-bottom: 1px dotted black;" title="Unstable. Because this trait is in an unnumbered file, the ID will change with each version.">U</span>
| style="text-align: center;" | 
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
第638行: 第693行:
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| +5 Same Trait<br>+5 Opposite trait<br>+5 Attraction<br>+5 Tribal
| +5 相同特质好感<br>+5 相反特质好感<br>+5 性吸引力<br>+5 部落好感
| +0.15 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>+5 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| +0.15 每月[[Prestige|威望]]<br>+5 [[Duel| 个人实战技能]]
| Opposite Scarred and Horrifically Scarred
| 与伤疤和怖人伤疤相反
| style="text-align: center;" | 
| style="text-align: center;" | 
|''Old wounds have left this character visibly scarred.''
|'' 旧伤在这个角色身上留下了清晰可见的疤痕。''
| [[File:Scarred_high.png|Horrifically Scarred|link=]]
| [[File:Scarred_high.png|Horrifically Scarred|link=]]
! Horrifically Scarred
! 怖人伤疤
| scarred_high
| scarred_high
| style="text-align: center;" | <span style="border-bottom: 1px dotted black;" title="Unstable. Because this trait is in an unnumbered file, the ID will change with each version.">U</span>
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
第655行: 第709行:
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| +10 Same Trait<br>+5 Opposite trait<br>+10 Attraction<br>+10 Tribal
| style="text-align: center;" |
| +0.20 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>+10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| +10 相同特质好感<br>+5 相反特质好感<br>+10 性吸引力<br>+10 部落好感
| Opposite Scarred and Grievously Scarred
| +0.20 每月[[Prestige|威望]]<br>+10 [[Duel| 个人实战技能]]
| 与伤疤和伤痕累累相反
| style="text-align: center;" | 
| style="text-align: center;" | 
|''This character has seen <nowiki>[Root.GetHerHis]</nowiki> share of fights, as <nowiki>[Root.GetHerHis]</nowiki> face can attest.''
|'' 该角色脸上无数的伤疤是其身经百战的见证。''
| [[File:Stressed.png|Stressed|link=]]
| [[File:Stressed.png|Stressed|link=]]
! Stressed
! 紧张不安
| stressed
| stressed
| style="text-align: center;" |  21
| style="text-align: center;" |  21
第673行: 第728行:
| style="text-align: center;" | -1
| style="text-align: center;" | -1
| -10% [[Fertility]]<br>-10 Personal Combat Skill
| -10% [[Fertility|生育能力]]<br>-10 个人实战技能
| style="text-align: center;" | -14
| style="text-align: center;" | -14
|''This character finds the burden of work and life almost too much to handle.''
|'' 工作和生活给此人带来了难以承受的压力。''
| [[File:Wounded.png|Wounded|link=]]
| [[File:Wounded.png|Wounded|link=]]
! Wounded
! 受伤
| wounded
| wounded
| style="text-align: center;" | 29
| style="text-align: center;" | 29
第690行: 第745行:
| style="text-align: center;" | -1
| style="text-align: center;" | -1
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" | -15 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| style="text-align: center;" | -15 [[Duel| 个人实战技能]]
| Can evolve into {{iconify|Scarred}} or {{iconify|Infection}}
| 可转化为 {{iconify|Scarred}} {{iconify|Infection}}
| style="text-align: center;" | -11
| style="text-align: center;" | -11
|''This character has been seriously injured, but the damage should heal, given time.''
|'' 此人受到了严重的伤害,不过只要假以时日,一切伤痛都可以复原。''

=== Diseases ===
=== 疾病===
=== Symptoms ===
=== 症状===
=== Maimed ===
=== 受伤===
With {{icon|trd}} [[The Reaper's Due]] DLC, these traits replace the generic {{iconify|Maimed}} trait. Instead of being a permanent health penalty, any maiming comes with temporarily gaining the {{iconify|Severely Injured}} trait. Under the [[Imperial elective]] succession of the Byzantine and Roman Empire, having any trait listed in this section disqualifies a character from the imperial throne.
拥有 {{icon|trd}} [[ 死神索命]] DLC, 这些特质替代普通的 {{iconify|Maimed}} 特质。任何的重伤都不是获得永久的健康惩罚,而是暂时获得 {{iconify|Severely Injured}} 特质。 在拜占庭和罗马帝国的[[ 帝国选举制]] 下,拥有任何此部分所列特质的角色将丧失获得帝国皇位的资格。受伤特质不能在角色设计器中被选择。

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link= 属性# 管理| 管理]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link= 属性# 密谋| 密谋]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[Health]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[ 健康]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 7em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 7em" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | 其他修正
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! class="unsortable" | 描述
! class="unsortable" | Flavor Text
| [[File:Disfigured.png|Disfigured|link=]]
| [[File:Disfigured.png|Disfigured|link=]]
! Disfigured
! 毁容
| disfigured
| disfigured
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 222
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 222
第731行: 第785行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -20 Attraction <br>+5 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -20 性吸引力 <br>+5 相同特质好感
| <!-- Other modifiers -->  
| <!-- Other modifiers -->  
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|'' 这个角色被毁容了——很少有人会爱上这样一张脸。''
|''This character is disfigured - a face few could love.''
| [[File:Mangled.png|Mangled|link=]]
| [[File:Mangled.png|Mangled|link=]]
! Mangled
! 血肉模糊
| mangled
| mangled
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 223
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 223
第746行: 第799行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> -2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> -2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health -->  -3
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health -->  -3
| <!-- Opinions  --> -5 Attraction <br>+5 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions  --> -5 性吸引力 <br>+5 相同特质好感
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -50% [[Fertility]]<br>-40 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -50% [[Fertility|生育能力]]<br>-40 [[Duel| 个人实战技能]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|'' 这个角色曾身受恐怖的重伤,而今拖着残破的身躯生活。''
|''This character has been horribly mangled and now lives with a mangled body.''
| [[File:One-eyed.png|One-Eyed|link=]]
| [[File:One-eyed.png|One-Eyed|link=]]
! One-Eyed
! 独眼
| one_eyed
| one_eyed
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 219
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 219
第761行: 第813行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health -->
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 Attraction <br>+10 [[Pagan]] <br>+5 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 性吸引力 <br>+10 [[ 原始宗教]] <br>+5 相同特质好感
| <!-- Other modifiers -->  -10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->  -10 [[Duel| 个人实战技能]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|'' 这个角色少了一只眼——这可不是你每天都能见到的。''
|''This character is missing an eye - not something you see everyday.''
| [[File:One-handed.png|One-Handed|link=]]
| [[File:One-handed.png|One-Handed|link=]]
! One-Handed
! 独手
| one_handed
| one_handed
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 220
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 220
第776行: 第827行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 Attraction <br>+5 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 性吸引力 <br>+5 相同特质好感
| <!-- Other modifiers -->  -20 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->  -20 [[Duel| 个人实战技能]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|'' 这个角色少了一只手——虽然缺少一只手在战斗中会导致一些问题,但起码不用做家务了。''
|''This character is missing a hand - having only one hand causes problems in combat but makes it easier to escape chores.''
| [[File:One-legged.png|One-Legged|link=]]
| [[File:One-legged.png|One-Legged|link=]]
! One-Legged
! 独腿
| one_legged
| one_legged
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 221
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 221
第791行: 第841行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 Attraction <br>+5 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 性吸引力 <br>+5 相同特质好感
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -30 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -30 [[Duel| 个人实战技能]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|'' 这个角色少了一条腿——真正的残疾,尤其是在战场上或者与孩童追逐玩闹的时候。''
|''This character is missing a leg - a real disability when it comes to the battlefield or chasing youngsters.''
| [[File:Recently maimed.png|Severely Injured|link=]]
| [[File:Recently maimed.png|Severely Injured|link=]]
! Severely Injured
! 身受重伤
| severely_injured
| severely_injured
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 224
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 224
第806行: 第855行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> -2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> -2
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 Attraction <br>+5 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 性吸引力 <br>+5 相同特质好感
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -25% [[Fertility]]<br>-20 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -25% [[Fertility|生育能力]]<br>-20 [[Duel| 个人实战技能]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|'' 这个角色伤重致残,生命垂危。如能伤愈,他将恢复健康,但已造成的伤害永远不能彻底治愈。''
|''This character was recently maimed resulting in serious injury, a life threatening condition. Once the wounds heals their health will recover, but the damage dealt will never fully heal.''

=== 体型===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link= 属性# 管理| 管理]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link= 属性# 密谋| 密谋]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[Health]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[ 健康]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 7em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 7em" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | 其他修正
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! class="unsortable" | 描述
! class="unsortable" | Flavor Text
| [[File:is_fat.png|Fat|link=]]
| [[File:is_fat.png|Fat|link=]]
! Fat
! 肥胖
| is_fat
| is_fat
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 340
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 340
第840行: 第888行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 Tribal
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 部落好感
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>-20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Duel| 个人实战技能]]<br>-20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|'' 这个角色已经极度超重。''
|''This character is extremely overweight.''
| [[File:is_malnourished.png|Malnourished|link=]]
| [[File:is_malnourished.png|Malnourished|link=]]
! Malnourished
! 营养不良
| is_malnourished
| is_malnourished
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 341
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 341
第856行: 第903行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>-5% [[Fertility]]<br>-20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Duel| 个人实战技能]]<br>-5% [[Fertility|生育能力]]<br>-20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|'' 这个角色身体十分孱弱。''
|''This character has a very fragile health.''

== 出生==

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! style="width: 7em" | Name
! style="width: 7em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link= 属性# 管理| 管理]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link= 属性# 密谋| 密谋]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]] 
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 8.5em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 8.5em" | [[Opinions|好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 165px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 165px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 费用
! class="unsortable" | Flavor Text
! class="unsortable" | 描述
| [[File:Bastard.png|Bastard|link=]]
| [[File:Bastard.png|Bastard|link=]]
! Bastard
! 私生子
| bastard
| bastard
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 41
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 41
第889行: 第935行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 相同特质好感
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> See: ''[[Bastard]]''. Disqualifies the character from [[succession]] and does not inherit parent [[dynasty]]. Enables [[decision]] to [[File:Decision icon legitimize bastard.png|Legitimize Bastard|link=]] ''Legitimize Bastard.''<br>Opposite of Legitimized Bastard [[File:Legit bastard.png|link=]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 详见:''[[Bastard|私生子]]''. 没有资格[[succession|继承]] ,不属于父母的[[dynasty|家族]] 。可用[[File:Decision icon legitimize bastard.png|Legitimize Bastard|link=]]'' 合法化私生子''[[decision|决议]]<br> 相反特质:[[File:Legit bastard.png|link=]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
|''This character was born out of wedlock and has not been legitimized - and is thus disqualified from the line of succession.''
|'' 此人非婚所生,地位不被人承认,因此被取消继承资格。''
| [[File:Born in the purple.png|Born in the Purple|link=]]
| [[File:Born in the purple.png|Born in the Purple|link=]]
! Born in the Purple
! 生于紫室
| born_in_the_purple
| born_in_the_purple
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 124
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 124
第904行: 第950行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Vassal]]
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Vassal|封臣好感]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->+0.5 Monthly [[Prestige]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->+0.5 每月[[Prestige|威望]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->Given to [[children]] born to a Byzantine [[Emperor]].<br>[[Succession#Born in the Purple|Takes precedence in inheritance]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 由拜占庭[[Emperor|皇帝]] [[children|孩子]] 获得。<br>[[Succession#Born in the Purple| 拥有优先继承权]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
|''This character is porphyrogennetos - literally "born in the purple." It is an honor bestowed only to children born of a ruling Basileus or Basilissa in the Purple Chamber of the Imperial Palace. Their succession claim is stronger than that of older sibling born before their parent ascended the throne.''
|'' 这个角色生于紫室——字面意思就是「出生于紫色的房间」。这是一个专属于在位巴西琉斯或巴塞丽莎降生于皇宫紫色寝宫的子女的荣誉。他们的继承权要优先于在父母登基以前就出生的兄姐们。''
| [[File:Child of consort.png|Child of Concubine|link=]]
| [[File:Child of consort.png|Child of Concubine|link=]]
! Child of Concubine
! 庶子
| child_of_consort
| child_of_consort
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 133
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 133
第921行: 第967行:
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->For characters born to ruler and his [[concubine]].<br>These characters can [[Succession|inherit]] both lands and [[dynasty]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 由统治者和他的[[Concubine|侍妾]] 生的孩子获得。<br> 这些角色可以[[Succession| 继承]] 土地和[[ 家族]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|''This character was born to the concubine of a ruler. Children of concubines can inherit but are somewhat poorly regarded by others.''
|'' 这名角色是统治者的庶子。庶子有继承权但是被他人轻视。''
| [[File:Child of consort.png|Child of Concubine|link=]]
| [[File:Child of consort.png|Child of Concubine|link=]]
! Child of Consort
! 庶子
| child_of_consort_male
| child_of_consort_male
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 387
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 387
第936行: 第982行:
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->For characters born to ruler and her consort.<br>These characters can [[Succession|inherit]] both lands and [[dynasty]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 由统治者和她的[[Concubine|庶夫]]生的孩子获得。<br> 这些角色可以[[Succession| 继承]] 土地和[[ 家族]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|''This character was born to the consort of a ruler. Children of consorts can inherit but are somewhat poorly regarded by others.''
|'' 这名角色是统治者的庶子。庶子有继承权但是被他人轻视。''
| [[File:Legit bastard.png|Legitimized Bastard|link=]]
| [[File:Legit bastard.png|Legitimized Bastard|link=]]
! Legitimized Bastard
! 合法化的私生子
| legit_bastard
| legit_bastard
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 43
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 43
第951行: 第997行:
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Gained through decision of parent.<br>Opposite of {{iconify|Bastard}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 通过父母的决议获得。<br> {{iconify|Bastard}} 相对
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -1
|''This character was born a bastard but was legitimized. Legitimized bastards can inherit, though the stain of bastardy can never be entirely cleansed.''
|'' 此人非婚所生,但已获得合法地位。合法私生子可以继承爵位,但私生子的出身污点永远无法被抹去。''
| [[File:Twin.png|Twin|link=]]
| [[File:Twin.png|Twin|link=]]
! Twin
! 双胞胎
| twin
| twin
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 42
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 42
第964行: 第1,010行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> +30 with their twin
| <!-- Opinions --> +30 双胞胎相互好感
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
|''This character had the fortune of being offered a twin. Twins like each other better.''
|'' 这名角色有幸生为双胞胎之一,双胞胎之间相互好感更高。''

== 怀孕==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! style="width: 7em" | Name
! style="width: 7em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 8.5em" | 配偶[[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 165px;" | [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" |  理性
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" | 摄政
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]]
! class="unsortable" | 描述
! class="unsortable" style="width: 8.5em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 165px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! class="unsortable" | Flavor Text
| [[File:Pregnant.png|Pregnant|link=]]
| [[File:Pregnant.png|Pregnant|link=]]
! Pregnant
! 怀孕
| pregnant
| pregnant
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 44
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 44
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Diplomacy -->
|  +15 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial -->
| -20 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Stewardship -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
|'' 这个女人的腹中怀有新生命。''
| <!-- Opinions --> +15 [[Marriage|Spouse]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->-20 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|''This woman is with child.''
| [[File:Pregnant_ending.png|Final Months|link=]]
| [[File:Pregnant_ending.png|Final Months|link=]]
! Final Months
! 晚期妊娠
| pregnancy_finishing
| pregnancy_finishing
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 334
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 334
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Diplomacy -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Stewardship -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
|'' 这位女士已进入孕期的最后阶段。她目前的情况令她在分娩前都无法参与公共生活。''
| <!-- Opinions -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Will need a regent, but can still be guardian to children
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|''This woman has entered the last phase of her pregnancy. Her condition is preventing her from taking part of her public life, at least until the time her labor comes to term.''
| [[File:hard_pregnancy.png|Difficult Pregnancy|link=]]
| [[File:hard_pregnancy.png|Difficult Pregnancy|link=]]
! Difficult Pregnancy
! 危险妊娠
| hard_pregnancy
| hard_pregnancy
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 335
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 335
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Diplomacy -->
|  +15 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial -->
| -50 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Stewardship -->
| -5 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
|'' 这位女性正在经历一场特别艰难的怀孕。在平时看来很简单的行动现在都超出了她的能力范围。''
| <!-- Opinions --> +15 [[Marriage|Spouse]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->-50 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->-5 Rationality
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|''This woman is going through a particularly hard pregnancy. Actions that would normally be simple are now beyond her abilities.''
| [[File:troubled_pregnancy.png|Troubled Pregnancy|link=]]
| [[File:troubled_pregnancy.png|Troubled Pregnancy|link=]]
! Troubled Pregnancy
! 高危妊娠
| troubled_pregnancy
| troubled_pregnancy
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 336
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 336
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Diplomacy -->
|  +15 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial -->
| -100 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Stewardship -->
| -15 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue -->
| 将需要一位摄政(丧失能力)
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
|'' 这名女性正在经历或最近经历了一次特别危险的怀孕,使得卧床的她虚弱和发烧,无法做太多的事。''
| <!-- Opinions --> +15 [[Marriage|Spouse]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->-100 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Will need a regent (incapacitating)<br>-15 Rationality
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|''This woman is going through or has recently gone through a particularly troubled pregnancy, leaving her weakened and feverish in her bed and unable to do much.''

== 遗传特质==
[[File:Dynasty close relative.png|Congenital Traits|link=]] Genetic traits are randomly assigned at birth (although a few, like {{iconify|Stutter}}, may also be granted by childhood events). Parents have a (small) chance of passing these traits onto their [[children]]. For strategies, check [[Breeding]].
[[File:Dynasty close relative.png|Congenital Traits|link=]] 遗传特质在出生时随机分配(即使一些特质,例如 {{iconify|Stutter}} ,也可以用过儿童事件获得)。父母有(微小的)几率将特质传给他们的[[ 孩子]] 。查看[[ 优生]] 获得生育策略。

=== Positive ===
=== 正面特质===
{{positive genetic traits}}
{{positive genetic traits}}
=== 负面特质===
=== Negative ===
{{negative genetic traits}}
{{negative genetic traits}}
=== 不可遗传特质===
一些遗传特质的不可遗传等价特质可以通过[[Education (Conclave)| 教育]] 获得。
Non-inheritable equivalents of some genetic traits can be gained via [[Education (Conclave)|education]].
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! ! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | Command
! ! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link= 属性# 管理| 管理]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link= 属性# 密谋| 密谋]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;"  | [[Health]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;"  | [[ 健康]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 7em" | [[Opinion]]s
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 7em" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 费用
| [[File:Brawny.png|Brawny|link=]]
| [[File:Brawny.png|Brawny|link=]]
! Brawny
! 健壮
| robust
| robust
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 203
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 203
第1,089行: 第1,108行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> +1
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 Attraction <br>+5 [[Vassal]]<br>+5 [[Tribal]]
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 吸引力 <br>+5 [[ 封臣]]<br>+5 [[ 部落]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Frail}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Frail}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 21
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 21
| [[File:Sturdy.png|Sturdy|link=]]
| [[File:Sturdy.png|Sturdy|link=]]
! Sturdy
! 结实
| sturdy
| sturdy
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 339
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 339
第1,105行: 第1,124行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> +0.25
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> +0.25
| <!-- Opinions -->
| <!-- Opinions -->
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +2 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +2 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Frail}}, {{iconify|Brawny}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Frail}}, {{iconify|Brawny}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | 
| style="text-align: center;" | 
| [[File:Frail.png|Frail|link=]]
| [[File:Frail.png|Frail|link=]]
! Frail
! 脆弱
| feeble
| feeble
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 204
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 204
第1,119行: 第1,138行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> -0.5
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> -0.5
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 Attraction <br>-5 [[Vassal]]<br>-5 [[Tribal]]
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 吸引力 <br>-5 [[ 封臣]]<br>-5 [[ 部落]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Brawny}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Brawny}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -14
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -14
| [[File:Shrewd.png|Shrewd|link=]]
| [[File:Shrewd.png|Shrewd|link=]]
! Shrewd
! 精明
| shrewd
| shrewd
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 205
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 205
第1,135行: 第1,154行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| <!-- Opinions -->  
| <!-- Opinions -->  
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+15 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Rationality]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+15 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 理性]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Enables the [[Tactics#Good Tactics|Clever Ambush]] combat tactic.<br>Opposite of {{iconify|Dull}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 解锁 [[Tactics#Good Tactics| 聪明的伏击]] 作战战术。<br> {{iconify|Dull}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 10
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 10
| [[File:Dull.png|Dull|link=]]
| [[File:Dull.png|Dull|link=]]
! Dull
! 迟钝
| dull
| dull
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 206
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 206
第1,150行: 第1,169行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -3 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>-15 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Rationality]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -3 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>-15 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 理性]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Shrewd}} 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Shrewd}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -10
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -10
| [[File:Groomed.png|Groomed|link=]]
| [[File:Groomed.png|Groomed|link=]]
! Groomed
! 整洁
| groomed
| groomed
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 404
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 404
第1,164行: 第1,183行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> +15 Attraction <br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +15 吸引力 <br>-5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Uncouth}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Uncouth}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Uncouth.png|Uncouth|link=]]
| [[File:Uncouth.png|Uncouth|link=]]
! Uncouth
! 邋遢
| uncouth
| uncouth
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 405
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 405
第1,179行: 第1,198行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Health --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 Attraction <br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 吸引力<br>-5 相反特征
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Groomed}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Groomed}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->

== 生活方式特质==
[[File:Game master.png|Lifestyle|link=]] Lifestyle traits are given after prolonged selection of a [[focus]]. Without the {{icon|wol}} [[Way of Life]] DLC, they are granted by lifestyle event chains that occur randomly.
Lifestyle event chains will not trigger for characters who already have a lifestyle trait. However, it is possible to gain more than one by certain events that grant them despite not being lifestyle events, or with the [[File:Ruler Designer.png|Ruler Designer|link=]] [[Ruler Designer]] DLC.

Note that {{iconify|Faqih}} also counts as a lifestyle trait.
[[File:Game master.png|Lifestyle|link=]] 生活方式特质在长时间选择一个[[生活重心]]后获得。没有 {{icon|wol}} [[生活之道]]DLC,则通过随机发生的生活方式事件链获得。
已经拥有一个生活方式特质的角色不会触发生活方式事件链。然而,通过某些不是生活方式事件的事件或拥有[[File:Ruler Designer.png|Ruler Designer|link=]] [[角色设计器]]DLC,也可能获得超过一个特质。

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link= 属性# 管理| 管理]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link= 属性# 密谋| 密谋]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 170px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 170px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | [[Focus]]
! class="unsortable" | [[ 生活重心]]
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
| [[File:Administrator.png|Administrator|link=]]
| [[File:Administrator.png|Administrator|link=]]
! <!-- Name --> Administrator
! <!-- Name --> 管理者
| <!-- Command -->  administrator
| <!-- Command -->  administrator
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 180  
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 180  
第1,220行: 第1,236行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10% [[Warfare#Movement speed|Movement Speed]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10% [[Warfare#Movement speed| 行军速度]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Rulership focus.png|link=|Rulership]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Rulership focus.png|link=|Rulership]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
第1,226行: 第1,242行:
| [[File:Architect.png|Architect|link=]]
| [[File:Architect.png|Architect|link=]]
! <!-- Name --> Architect  
! <!-- Name -->  建筑家  
| <!-- Command --> architect
| <!-- Command --> architect
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 181
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 181
第1,234行: 第1,250行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20% [[Warfare#Siege|Siege]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20% [[Warfare#Siege| 围攻]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Business focus.png|link=|Business]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Business focus.png|link=|Business]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 
第1,241行: 第1,257行:
| [[File:Duelist.png|Duelist|link=]]
| [[File:Duelist.png|Duelist|link=]]
! <!-- Name --> Duelist  
! <!-- Name -->  决斗大师
| <!-- Command --> duelist
| <!-- Command --> duelist
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 69
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 69
第1,249行: 第1,265行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +30 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +30 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:War focus.png|link=|War]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:War focus.png|link=|War]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
第1,256行: 第1,272行:
| [[File:Game master.png|Game Master|link=]]
| [[File:Game master.png|Game Master|link=]]
! <!-- Name --> Game Master
! <!-- Name -->  游戏大师
| <!-- Command --> gamer
| <!-- Command --> gamer
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  186
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  186
第1,264行: 第1,280行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +30% [[Combat#Narrow flank|Narrow Flank]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +30% [[Combat#Narrow flank| 狭窄阵线]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Carousing focus.png|link=|Carousing]]<br>[[File:Family focus.png|link=|Family]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Carousing focus.png|link=|Carousing]]<br>[[File:Family focus.png|link=|Family]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
第1,271行: 第1,287行:
| [[File:Gardener.png|Gardener|link=]]
| [[File:Gardener.png|Gardener|link=]]
! <!-- Name --> Gardener
! <!-- Name --> 园丁
| <!-- Command --> gardener 
| <!-- Command --> gardener 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 66
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 66
第1,279行: 第1,295行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Business focus.png|link=|Business]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Business focus.png|link=|Business]]
第1,286行: 第1,302行:
| [[File:Hedonist.png|Hedonist|link=]]
| [[File:Hedonist.png|Hedonist|link=]]
! Hedonist
! 享乐主义者
| hedonist
| hedonist
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  64
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  64
第1,294行: 第1,310行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +1 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +1 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Christian|Christian Church]] <br>-5 Opposite Trait <br>+10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Christian| 基督教会]] <br>-5 相反特质 <br>+10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20% [[Fertility]]<br>-30 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20% [[ 生育能力]]<br>-30 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Seduction focus.png|link=|Seduction]]<br>[[File:Carousing focus.png|link=|Carousing]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Seduction focus.png|link=|Seduction]]<br>[[File:Carousing focus.png|link=|Carousing]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Celibate}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Celibate}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 10
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 10
| [[File:Hunter.png|Hunter|link=]]
| [[File:Hunter.png|Hunter|link=]]
! <!-- Name --> Hunter
! <!-- Name --> 猎人
| <!-- Command --> hunter
| <!-- Command --> hunter
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 70
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 70
第1,309行: 第1,325行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions -->+10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions -->+10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+20% [[Combat#Phases|Pursue]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+20% [[Combat#Phases| 追击]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Hunting focus.png|link=|Hunting]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Hunting focus.png|link=|Hunting]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Not obtainable by [[Jainism|Jain]] characters
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Jainism| 耆那教]] 角色不能获得
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 10
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 10
| [[File:Impaler.png|Impaler|link=]]
| [[File:Impaler.png|Impaler|link=]]
! <!-- Name --> Impaler
! <!-- Name --> 拷打爱好者
| <!-- Command --> impaler  
| <!-- Command --> impaler  
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 68
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 68
第1,324行: 第1,340行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10% [[Combat#Damage|Morale Damage]]<br>-15 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Honor]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10% [[Combat#Damage| 士气伤害]]<br>-15 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 荣誉]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Intrigue focus.png|link=|Intrigue]]  
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Intrigue focus.png|link=|Intrigue]]  
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Not obtainable by [[Jainism|Jain]] characters
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Jainism| 耆那教]] 角色不能获得
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 10
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 10
| [[File:Master schemer.png|Master Schemer|link=]]
| [[File:Master schemer.png|Master Schemer|link=]]
! <!-- Name --> Master Schemer
! <!-- Name --> 阴谋家
| <!-- Command --> schemer 
| <!-- Command --> schemer 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 184
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 184
第1,339行: 第1,355行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +3
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +3
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Intrigue focus.png|link=|Intrigue]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Intrigue focus.png|link=|Intrigue]]
第1,346行: 第1,362行:
| [[File:Master seducer.png|Master Seducer|link=]]
| [[File:Master seducer.png|Master Seducer|link=]]
! <!-- Name --> Master Seducer
! <!-- Name --> 勾引大师(男)
| <!-- Command -->  seducer
| <!-- Command -->  seducer
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 178 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 178 
第1,354行: 第1,370行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +50 Attraction
| <!-- Opinions --> +50 吸引力
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Seduction focus.png|link=|Seduction]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Seduction focus.png|link=|Seduction]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Only obtainable by male characters.<br>Opposite of {{iconify|Celibate}} and {{iconify|Master seductress}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 仅男性角色可获得。<br> {{iconify|Celibate}} {{iconify|Master seductress}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 12
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 12
| [[File:Master seductress.png|Master Seductress|link=]]
| [[File:Master seductress.png|Master Seductress|link=]]
! <!-- Name --> Master Seductress
! <!-- Name --> 魅惑大师(女)
| <!-- Command -->  seductress 
| <!-- Command -->  seductress 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 179 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 179 
第1,369行: 第1,385行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +50 Attraction
| <!-- Opinions --> +50 吸引力
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Seduction focus.png|link=|Seduction]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Seduction focus.png|link=|Seduction]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Only obtainable by female characters.<br>Opposite of {{iconify|Celibate}} and {{iconify|Master seducer}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 仅女性角色可获得。<br> {{iconify|Celibate}} {{iconify|Master seducer}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 12
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 12
| [[File:Mystic.png|Mystic|link=]]
| [[File:Mystic.png|Mystic|link=]]
! <!-- Name --> Mystic
! <!-- Name --> 神秘主义者
| <!-- Command -->  mystic
| <!-- Command -->  mystic
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 67
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 67
第1,384行: 第1,400行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +2
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Scholarship focus.png|link=|Scholarship]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Scholarship focus.png|link=|Scholarship]]
第1,391行: 第1,407行:
| [[File:Scholar.png|Scholar|link=]]
| [[File:Scholar.png|Scholar|link=]]
! <!-- Name --> Scholar
! <!-- Name --> 学者
| <!-- Command --> scholar
| <!-- Command --> scholar
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 65 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 65 
第1,399行: 第1,415行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +3
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +3
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Scholarship focus.png|link=|Scholarship]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Scholarship focus.png|link=|Scholarship]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Not obtainable by [[Muslims|Muslim]] characters.<br>Non-Muslim equivalent of {{iconify|Faqih}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Muslims| 伊斯兰教]] 角色不能获得。<br> 非伊斯兰教,等同于 {{iconify|Faqih}}
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 10
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 10
| [[File:Socializer.png|Socializer|link=]]
| [[File:Socializer.png|Socializer|link=]]
! <!-- Name --> Socializer
! <!-- Name -->  社交家
| <!-- Command --> socializer  
| <!-- Command --> socializer   
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 183 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 183 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Diplomacy --> +3
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Diplomacy --> +3
第1,414行: 第1,430行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Attraction <br>+10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 吸引力 <br>+10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Carousing focus.png|link=|Carousing]]<br>[[File:Family focus.png|link=|Family]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File:Carousing focus.png|link=|Carousing]]<br>[[File:Family focus.png|link=|Family]]
第1,421行: 第1,437行:
| [[File:Strategist.png|Strategist|link=]]
| [[File:Strategist.png|Strategist|link=]]
! <!-- Name --> Strategist
! <!-- Name --> 策略家
| <!-- Command --> strategist
| <!-- Command --> strategist
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 182 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 182 
第1,429行: 第1,445行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20% [[Combat#Unit Attack and Defense|Defence]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20% [[Combat#Unit Attack and Defense| 防御]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File: War focus.png|link=|War]] 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Focus --> [[File: War focus.png|link=|War]] 
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
第1,436行: 第1,452行:
| [[File:Theologian.png|Theologian|link=]]
| [[File:Theologian.png|Theologian|link=]]
! <!-- Name --> Theologian
! <!-- Name --> 神学家
| <!-- Command -->  theologian
| <!-- Command -->  theologian
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 185
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 185
第1,451行: 第1,467行:

As of {{icon|wol}} [[Way of Life]], the following traits are no longer lifestyle traits:
{{icon|wol}} [[ 生活之道]] 起,以下特质不再是生活方式特质:
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! ! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | Command
! ! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link= 属性# 管理| 管理]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link= 属性# 密谋| 密谋]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]] 
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 110px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 110px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
| [[File:Celibate.png|Celibate|link=]]
| [[File:Celibate.png|Celibate|link=]]
! Celibate
! 独身主义者
| celibate
| celibate
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 63
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 63
第1,477行: 第1,493行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Christian|Christian Church]] <br>-5 Opposite Trait <br>+10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Christian| 基督教会]] <br>-5 相反特质 <br>+10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -1000% [[Fertility]]<br>+1 Monthly [[Piety]]<br>+30 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -1000% [[ 生育能力]]<br>+1 每月[[ 虔诚]]<br>+30 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Hedonist}}, {{iconify|Master seducer}}, and {{iconify|Master seductress}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Hedonist}}, {{iconify|Master seducer}}, {{iconify|Master seductress}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -28
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -28
| [[File:Falconer.png|Falconer|link=]]
| [[File:Falconer.png|Falconer|link=]]
! Falconer
! 训鹰师
| falconer
| falconer
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 72
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 72
第1,491行: 第1,507行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Not obtainable by [[Jainism|Jain]] characters
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Jainism| 耆那教]] 角色不能获得
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 4
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 4
| [[File:Poet.png|Poet|link=]]
| [[File:Poet.png|Poet|link=]]
! Poet
! 诗人
| poet
| poet
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 71
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 71
第1,505行: 第1,521行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 
第1,511行: 第1,527行:

== Personality ==
== 个性特质 ==
[[File:Ambitious.png|Personality|link=]] Personality traits appear during childhood and are [[Education_(Conclave)#Strategies|influenced by the child's guardian]]. They may also be added or removed by events later in life.
[[File:Ambitious.png|Personality|link=]] 个性特质在童年时期出现并且[[Education_(Conclave)#Strategies| 受儿童的监护人影响]] 。它们在以后的生活中也可能通过事件增加和移除。

Random events to acquire personality traits will not fire for characters who have 5 or more of them (although it is still possible to get them from events that are not specifically personality trait events), while random events to remove personality traits will fire for characters possessing 6 or more.

===The Seven Virtues===
=== 七美德特质===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link= 属性# 管理| 管理]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link= 属性# 密谋| 密谋]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]] 
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 140px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 140px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
| [[File:Chaste.png|Chaste|link=]]
| [[File:Chaste.png|Chaste|link=]]
! Chaste
! 忠贞
| chaste
| chaste
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 74
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 74
第1,542行: 第1,558行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Christian|Christian Church]] <br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Christian| 基督教会]] <br>-5 相反特征
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.5 Monthly [[Piety]]<br>-15% [[Fertility]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.5 每月[[ 虔诚]]<br>-15% [[ 生育能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Lustful}}.<br>Not obtainable by [[Muslim]] characters
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Lustful}} 相反。<br>[[ 伊斯兰教]] 角色不能获得
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 6
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 6
| [[File:Temperate.png|Temperate|link=]]
| [[File:Temperate.png|Temperate|link=]]
! Temperate
! 温和
| temperate
| temperate
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 76
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 76
第1,556行: 第1,572行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->  
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->  
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Religion|Church]] <br>+5 Same Trait <br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Religion| 教会]] <br>+5 相同特质 <br>-5 相反特征
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Greed]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 贪婪]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Gluttonous}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Gluttonous}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 5
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 5
| [[File:Charitable.png|Charitable|link=]]
| [[File:Charitable.png|Charitable|link=]]
! Charitable
! 慷慨
| charitable
| charitable
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 78
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 78
第1,570行: 第1,586行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Religion|Church]] <br>+5 Same Trait <br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Religion| 教会]] <br>+5 相同特质 <br>-5 相反特征
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -3 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>-15 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Ambition]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Honor]]<br>-100 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Greed]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -3 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>-15 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 野心]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 荣誉]]<br>-100 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 贪婪]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Greedy}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Greedy}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 6
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 6
| [[File:Diligent.png|Diligent|link=]]
| [[File:Diligent.png|Diligent|link=]]
! Diligent
! 勤奋
| diligent
| diligent
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 80
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 80
第1,584行: 第1,600行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Vassal]]<br>+5 Same Trait <br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[ 封臣]]<br>+5 相同特质 <br>-5 相反特征
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Greed]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 贪婪]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Slothful}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Slothful}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 10
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 10
| [[File:Patient.png|Patient|link=]]
| [[File:Patient.png|Patient|link=]]
! Patient
! 耐心
| patient
| patient
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 84
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 84
第1,598行: 第1,614行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| <!-- Opinion modifiers --> -5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinion modifiers --> -5 相反特征
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +5 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+20% [[Combat#Unit Attack and Defense|Defense]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Rationality]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +5 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+20% [[Combat#Unit Attack and Defense| 防御]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 理性]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Wroth}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Wroth}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 12
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 12
| [[File:Kind.png|Kind|link=]]
| [[File:Kind.png|Kind|link=]]
! Kind
! 仁慈
| kind
| kind
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  82
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  82
第1,612行: 第1,628行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Vassal]]<br>+5 Same Trait <br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[ 封臣]]<br>+5 相同特质 <br>-5 相反特征
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -5 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Honor]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -5 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 荣誉]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Envious}} and {{iconify|Cruel}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Envious}} {{iconify|Cruel}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 5 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 5 
| [[File:Humble.png|Humble|link=]]
| [[File:Humble.png|Humble|link=]]
! Humble
! 谦卑
| humble
| humble
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 86
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 86
第1,626行: 第1,642行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 Same Trait <br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 相同特质 <br>-5 相反特征
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +1 Monthly [[Piety]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Ambition]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +1 每月[[ 虔诚]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 野心]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Proud}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Proud}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 20
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 20

===The Seven Sins===
=== 七宗罪特质===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link= 属性# 管理| 管理]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link= 属性# 密谋| 密谋]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]] 
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 140px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 140px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
| [[File:Lustful.png|Lustful|link=]]
| [[File:Lustful.png|Lustful|link=]]
! Lustful
! 色欲
| lustful
| lustful
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  73
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  73
第1,659行: 第1,675行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Christian|Christian Church]]
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Christian| 基督教会]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -0.25 Monthly [[Piety]]<br>+20% [[Fertility]]<br>+20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Greed]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -0.25 每月[[ 虔诚]]<br>+20% [[ 生育能力]]<br>+20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 贪婪]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Chaste}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Chaste}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 0
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 0
| [[File:Gluttonous.png|Cluttonous|link=]]
| [[File:Gluttonous.png|Cluttonous|link=]]
! Gluttonous
! 暴食
| gluttonous
| gluttonous
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  75
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  75
第1,673行: 第1,689行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Religion|Church]]<br>-15 Attraction <br>+5 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Religion| 教会]]<br>-15 吸引力 <br>+5 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Greed]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 贪婪]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Temperate}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Temperate}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -10
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -10
| [[File:Greedy.png|Greedy|link=]]
| [[File:Greedy.png|Greedy|link=]]
! Greedy
! 贪婪
| greedy
| greedy
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 77
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 77
第1,688行: 第1,704行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10% National [[Income|Tax]]<br>+15 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Ambition]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Honor]]<br>+100 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Greed]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10% 国家[[Income| 税收]]<br>+15 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 野心]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 荣誉]]<br>+100 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 贪婪]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Charitable}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Charitable}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 4
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 4
| [[File:Slothful.png|Slothful|link=]]
| [[File:Slothful.png|Slothful|link=]]
! Slothful
! 懒惰
| slothful
| slothful
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 79  
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 79  
第1,701行: 第1,717行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> -1
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Vassal]]
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Vassal|封臣]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->  -5 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Ambition]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Greed]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->  -5 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 野心]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 贪婪]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Enables the [[Combat tactics#Bad Tactics|Hesitant Commander]] combat tactic.<br>Opposite of {{iconify|Diligent}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 解锁[[Combat tactics#Bad Tactics| 犹豫的指挥官]] 作战战术。<br> {{iconify|Diligent}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -10
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -10
| [[File:Wroth.png|Wroth|link=]]
| [[File:Wroth.png|Wroth|link=]]
! Wroth
! 易怒
| wroth
| wroth
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 83
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 83
第1,716行: 第1,732行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>-5 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Honor]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Rationality]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>-5 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 荣誉]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 理性]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Enables the [[Combat tactics#Bad Tactics|Reckless Charge]] combat tactic.<br>Opposite of {{iconify|Patient}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 解锁[[Combat tactics#Bad Tactics| 鲁莽冲锋]] 作战战术。<br> {{iconify|Patient}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 1
| [[File:Envious.png|Envious|link=]]
| [[File:Envious.png|Envious|link=]]
! Envious
! 嫉妒
| envious
| envious
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 81
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 81
第1,729行: 第1,745行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> -15 [[Vassals|Liege]]
| <!-- Opinions --> -15 [[Vassals| 领主]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Honor]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 荣誉]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Kind}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Kind}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 1
| [[File:Proud.png|Proud|link=]]
| [[File:Proud.png|Proud|link=]]
! Proud
! 骄傲
| proud
| proud
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 85
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 85
第1,744行: 第1,760行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.5 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Ambition]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.5 每月[[ 威望]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 野心]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Humble}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Humble}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 5
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 5

=== 其他===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link= 属性# 管理| 管理]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link= 属性# 密谋| 密谋]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]] 
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 160px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 160px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
| [[File:Ambitious.png|Ambitious|link=]]
| [[File:Ambitious.png|Ambitious|link=]]
! Ambitious
! 野心勃勃
| ambitious
| ambitious
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 93
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 93
第1,775行: 第1,791行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +2
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 Same Trait <br>-25 Ambition Opinion
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 相同特质 <br>-25 吸引力好感
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+40 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Ambition]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+40 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 野心]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> "Ambition Opinion" affects an ambitious character's opinion of a character they want something from.<br>Opposite of {{iconify|Content}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> "[[好感|吸引力好感]]" 影响野心勃勃的角色对他们希望有所取的角色的好感。<br> {{iconify|Content}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 8
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 8
| [[File:Arbitrary.png|Arbitrary|link=]]
| [[File:Arbitrary.png|Arbitrary|link=]]
! Arbitrary
! 专断
| arbitrary
| arbitrary
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 95
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 95
第1,789行: 第1,805行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> -1
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Vassal]]
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[ 封臣]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Honor]]<br>-20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Rationality]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 荣誉]]<br>-20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 理性]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Just}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Just}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -8
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -8
| [[File:Brave.png|Brave|link=]]
| [[File:Brave.png|Brave|link=]]
! Brave
! 勇敢
| brave
| brave
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 90
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 90
第1,803行: 第1,819行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Vassal]]<br>+5 Same Trait<br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[ 封臣]]<br>+5 相同特质<br>-5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10% [[Combat#Damage|Morale Defense]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10% [[Combat#Damage| 士气防御]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Enables the [[Tactics#Good Tactics|Heroic Countercharge]] combat tactic.<br>Opposite of {{iconify|Craven}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 解锁[[Tactics#Good Tactics| 史诗反冲锋]] 作战战术。<br> {{iconify|Craven}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 12
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 12
| [[File:Content.png|Content|link=]]
| [[File:Content.png|Content|link=]]
! Content
! 安于现状
| content
| content
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 94
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 94
第1,817行: 第1,833行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> +25 [[Vassals|Liege]]
| <!-- Opinions --> +25 [[Vassals| 领主]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.5 Monthly [[Piety]]<br>-40 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Ambition]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.5 每月[[ 虔诚]]<br>-40 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 野心]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Ambitious}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Ambitious}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 9
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 9
| [[File:Craven.png|Craven|link=]]
| [[File:Craven.png|Craven|link=]]
! Craven
! 怯懦
| craven
| craven
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 89
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 89
第1,831行: 第1,847行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Vassal]]
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[ 封臣]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>-20% [[Combat#Damage|Morale Defense]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>-20% [[Combat#Damage| 士气防御]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Enables the [[Combat tactics#Bad Tactics|Timid Advance]] combat tactic.<br>Opposite of {{iconify|Brave}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 解锁[[Combat tactics#Bad Tactics| 胆怯推进]] 作战战术。<br> {{iconify|Brave}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -17
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -17
| [[File:Cruel.png|Cruel|link=]]
| [[File:Cruel.png|Cruel|link=]]
! Cruel
! 残暴
| cruel
| cruel
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 101
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 101
第1,845行: 第1,861行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Vassal]]
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[ 封臣]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10% [[Combat#Damage|Morale Damage]]<br>-5 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Honor]]<br>+5 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Greed]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10% [[Combat#Damage| 士气伤害]]<br>-5 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 荣誉]]<br>+5 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 贪婪]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Enables the [[Combat tactics#Bad Tactics|Charging Own Skirmishers]] combat tactic.<br>Opposite of {{iconify|Kind}}.<br>Can [[Traits#Maimed|mutilate]] [[File:Recently_maimed.png|link=|Maimed]] prisoners.
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 解锁[[Combat tactics#Bad Tactics| 碾过自家散兵冲锋]] 作战战术。<br> {{iconify|Kind}} 相反。<br> 可以[[Traits#Maimed| 致残]] [[File:Recently_maimed.png|link=|Maimed]] 囚犯。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 0
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 0
| [[File:Cynical.png|Cynical|link=]]
| [[File:Cynical.png|Cynical|link=]]
! Cynical
! 愤世嫉俗
| cynical
| cynical
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 97
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 97
第1,859行: 第1,875行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Religion|Church]]<br>+5 Same Trait <br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Religion| 教会]]<br>+5 相同特质 <br>-5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -0.2 Monthly [[Piety]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Rationality]]<br>-100 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -0.2 每月[[ 虔诚]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 理性]]<br>-100 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Zealous}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Zealous}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -5
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -5
| [[File:Deceitful.png|Deceitful|link=]]
| [[File:Deceitful.png|Deceitful|link=]]
! Deceitful
! 狡诈
| deceitful
| deceitful
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 87
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 87
第1,873行: 第1,889行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +3
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +3
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>-25 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Honor]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>-25 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 荣誉]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{Iconify|Honest}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{Iconify|Honest}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -2
| [[File:Erudite.png|Erudite|link=]]
| [[File:Erudite.png|Erudite|link=]]
! Erudite
! 博学
| erudite
| erudite
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 188
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 188
第1,887行: 第1,903行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +2
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Religion|Church]]
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Religion| 教会]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -2 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -2 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 5
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 5
| [[File:Gregarious.png|Gregarious|link=]]
| [[File:Gregarious.png|Gregarious|link=]]
! Gregarious
! 合群
| gregarious
| gregarious
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 92
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 92
第1,901行: 第1,917行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Vassal]]<br>+5 Attraction <br>+5 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[ 封臣]]<br>+5 吸引力<br>+5 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Shy}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Shy}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 12
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 12
| [[File:Honest.png|Honest|link=]]
| [[File:Honest.png|Honest|link=]]
! Honest
! 诚实
| honest
| honest
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 88
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 88
第1,915行: 第1,931行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 Same Trait <br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 相同特质 <br>-5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -2 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+25 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Honor]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -2 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+25 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 荣誉]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Deceitful}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Deceitful}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 1
| [[File:Just.png|Just|link=]]
| [[File:Just.png|Just|link=]]
! Just
! 正直
| just
| just
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 96
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 96
第1,929行: 第1,945行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Vassal]]<br>+5 Same Trait <br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[ 封臣]]<br>+5 相同特质 <br>-5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Honor]]<br>+20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Rationality]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 荣誉]]<br>+20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 理性]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Arbitrary}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Arbitrary}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 8
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 8
| [[File:Paranoid.png|Paranoid|link=]]
| [[File:Paranoid.png|Paranoid|link=]]
! Paranoid
! 多疑
| paranoid
| paranoid
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 99
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 99
第1,944行: 第1,960行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Honor]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 荣誉]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Trusting}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Trusting}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 1
| [[File:Shy.png|Shy|link=]]
| [[File:Shy.png|Shy|link=]]
! Shy
! 害羞
| shy
| shy
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 91
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 91
第1,958行: 第1,974行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -2 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -2 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Enables the [[Combat tactics#Bad Tactics|Hesitant Commander]] combat tactic.<br>Opposite of {{iconify|Gregarious}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 解锁[[Combat tactics#Bad Tactics| 犹豫的指挥官]] 作战战术。<br> {{iconify|Gregarious}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -2
| [[File:Stubborn.png|Stubborn|link=]]
| [[File:Stubborn.png|Stubborn|link=]]
! Stubborn
! 固执
| stubborn 
| stubborn 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 189
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 189
第1,971行: 第1,987行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Vassal]]
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[ 封臣]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Ambition]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 野心]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -5
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -5
| [[File:Trusting.png|Trusting|link=]]
| [[File:Trusting.png|Trusting|link=]]
! Trusting
! 轻信他人
| trusting
| trusting
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 100
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 100
第1,986行: 第2,002行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -2 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Honor]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -2 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 荣誉]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of {{iconify|Paranoid}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Paranoid}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -1
| [[File:Zealous.png|Zealous|link=]]
| [[File:Zealous.png|Zealous|link=]]
! Zealous
! 狂热
| zealous
| zealous
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 98
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 98
第1,999行: 第2,015行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Religion|Church]]<br>+15 Religious Same Trait<br>-25 [[Religion|Other Faith]]<br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 [[Religion| 教会]]<br>+15 相同宗教特质<br>-25 [[Religion| 其他信仰]]<br>-5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +1 Monthly [[Piety]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Rationality]]<br>+100 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +1 每月[[ 虔诚]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 理性]]<br>+100 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Enables the [[Combat tactics#Good Tactics|Religious Fervour]] combat tactic if the character also has the {{iconify|Inspiring leader}} trait.<br>Opposite of {{iconify|Cynical}}, {{iconify|Decadent}}, Sympathy for Christendom [[File:Sympathy Christendom.png|link=]], Sympathy for Islam [[File:Sympathy Islam.png|link=]], Sympathy for Eastern religions [[File:Sympathy indian.png|link=]], Sympathy for Judaism [[File:Sympathy Judaism.png|link=]], Sympathy for Pagans [[File:Sympathy Pagans.png|link=]], and Sympathy for Zoroastrianism [[File:Sympathy Zoroastrianism.png|link=]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 如果角色也拥有 {{iconify|Inspiring leader}} 特质,解锁[[Combat tactics#Good Tactics| 宗教狂热]] 作战战术。<br> {{iconify|Cynical}}, {{iconify|Decadent}}, 基督教同情者 [[File:Sympathy Christendom.png|link=]], 伊斯兰教同情者 [[File:Sympathy Islam.png|link=]], 东方宗教同情者 [[File:Sympathy indian.png|link=]], 犹太教同情者[[File:Sympathy Judaism.png|link=]], 原始宗教同情者 [[File:Sympathy Pagans.png|link=]], 和祆教同情者 [[File:Sympathy Zoroastrianism.png|link=]] 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 30
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 30

== 指挥官特质==
[[File:Icon martial.png|Martial Leadership|link=]] Characters with the {{iconify|Brilliant strategist}} education start with one free leadership trait. Leadership traits are gained through events triggered after a battle in which the character was a leader.
[[File:Icon martial.png|Martial Leadership|link=]] 拥有 {{iconify|Brilliant strategist}} 教育特质的角色初始就免费获得一个指挥官特质。角色指挥一场战斗后可触发事件获得指挥官特质。

They are used by [[commander]]s during [[combat]] to determine casualties and morale.
它们被[[ 指挥官]] 用于[[ 战斗]] 中确定伤亡和士气。
A high martial skill enhances a character's bonuses and mitigates the penalties of leadership traits.

{{Leader traits}}
{{Leader traits}}

== Religion-specific ==
== 特定宗教==
=== Christian ===
=== 基督教===
[[File:Catholic.png|Catholic|link=]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox|link=]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite|link=]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian|link=]] These traits are exclusive to [[Christianity|Christians]].
[[File:Catholic.png|Catholic|link=]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox|link=]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite|link=]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian|link=]] 这些特性是专属[[ 基督教]] 角色。

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 12em;" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 12em;" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
| [[File:On pilgrimage.png|On Pilgrimage|link=]]
| [[File:On pilgrimage.png|On Pilgrimage|link=]]
! On pilgrimage
! 朝圣中
| on_pilgrimage
| on_pilgrimage
| style="text-align: center;" |  143
| style="text-align: center;" |  143
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 Same [[Christian|Faith]]
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 相同[[Christian| 信仰]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.2 Monthly [[Piety]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.2 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Gained after taking the decision to [[File:Decision icon catholic pilgrimage.png|Go on Pilgrimage|link=]] [[Decisions#Minor|Go on Pilgrimage]].<br>Replaced by {{iconify|Pilgrim}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 在采取决议 [[File:Decision icon catholic pilgrimage.png|Go on Pilgrimage|link=]] [[Decisions#Minor| 去朝圣]] 后获得。<br> {{iconify|Pilgrim}} 替代
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Pilgrim.png|Pilgrim|link=]]
| [[File:Pilgrim.png|Pilgrim|link=]]
! Pilgrim
! 朝圣者
| pilgrim
| pilgrim
| style="text-align: center;" |  119
| style="text-align: center;" |  119
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 Same [[Christian|Faith]]
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 相同[[Christian| 信仰]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.1 Monthly [[Piety]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.1 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Gained by completing the [[Pilgrim events|pilgrim event chain]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 完成 [[Pilgrim events| 朝圣事件链]] 后获得
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 5 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 5 
| [[File:Crowned by priest.png|Crowned by a Bishop|link=]]
| [[File:Crowned by priest.png|Crowned by a Bishop|link=]]
! Crowned by a Bishop
! 由主教加冕
| crowned_by_priest
| crowned_by_priest
| style="text-align: center;" |  328
| style="text-align: center;" |  328
| <!-- Opinions--> 
| <!-- Opinions--> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.05 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>+0.10 Monthly [[Piety]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.05 每月[[ 威望]]<br>+0.10 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> See [[Coronation]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 参见[[ 加冕]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Crowned by bishop.png|Crowned by a Prince-Bishop|link=]]
| [[File:Crowned by bishop.png|Crowned by a Prince-Bishop|link=]]
! Crowned by [a Prince-Bishop]
! [ 采邑主教] 加冕
| crowned_by_bishop
| crowned_by_bishop
| style="text-align: center;" |  329
| style="text-align: center;" |  329
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 Church
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 教会
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.25 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>+0.25 Monthly [[Piety]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.25 每月[[ 威望]]<br>+0.25 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Crowned by a powerful theocratic vassal: a prince-bishop, a [[cardinal]], or an [[antipope]]. In most cases, shows the name of the character who performed the [[coronation]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 由一位强力的神权封臣加冕:一位采邑主教,一位[[Cardinal|枢机]], 或者一位[[ 对立教宗]] 。在大多数情况下,显示执行[[ 加冕]] 的角色的名字。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Crowned by pope.png|Crowned by Pope|link=]]
| [[File:Crowned by pope.png|Crowned by Pope|link=]]
! Crowned by [a Pope]
! [ 教宗] 加冕
| crowned_by_pope
| crowned_by_pope
| style="text-align: center;" |  330
| style="text-align: center;" |  330
| <!-- Opinions--> +10 Church
| <!-- Opinions--> +10 教会
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.50 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>+0.50 Monthly [[Piety]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.50 每月[[ 威望]]<br>+0.50 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:crowned_by_myself.png|Self-Crowned|link=]]
| [[File:crowned_by_myself.png|Self-Crowned|link=]]
! Self-Crowned
! 自我加冕
| crowned_by_myself
| crowned_by_myself
| style="text-align: center;" |  331
| style="text-align: center;" |  331
| <!-- Opinions--> +10 Vassal<br>-25 Church
| <!-- Opinions--> +10 封臣<br>-25 教会
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +1.00 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>-0.50 Monthly [[Piety]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +1.00 每月[[ 威望]]<br>-0.50 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:baptized by pope.png|Baptized by a Pope|link=]]
| [[File:baptized by pope.png|Baptized by a Pope|link=]]
! Baptized by [a pope or patriarch]
! [ 教宗或牧首] 施洗
| baptized_by_pope
| baptized_by_pope
| style="text-align: center;" |  342
| style="text-align: center;" |  342
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 Christian
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 基督教
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.05 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>+0.10 Monthly [[Piety]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.05 每月[[ 威望]]<br>+0.10 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 宗教改变时失去
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:baptized by bishop.png|Baptized by a Prince-Bishop|link=]]
| [[File:baptized by bishop.png|Baptized by a Prince-Bishop|link=]]
! Baptized by [a Prince-Bishop]
! [ 采邑主教] 施洗
| baptized_by_bishop
| baptized_by_bishop
| style="text-align: center;" |  343
| style="text-align: center;" |  343
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 Church
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 教会
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.05 Monthly [[Piety]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.05 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 宗教改变时失去
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:baptized by satan.png|Baptized by Satanists|link=]]
| [[File:baptized by satan.png|Baptized by Satanists|link=]]
! Baptized by [a satanist]
! [ 撒旦教徒] 施洗
| baptized_by_satan
| baptized_by_satan
| style="text-align: center;" |  344
| style="text-align: center;" |  344
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.05 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>-0.10 Monthly [[Piety]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.05 每月[[ 威望]]<br>-0.10 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Visible only to the character and members of the [[satanist]] society
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 仅对此角色和[[satanist|撒旦]]社团成员可见。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:beatified.png|Beatified|link=]]
! 真福
| beatified
| style="text-align: center;" | 
| <!-- Opinions--> +25 教会
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 死后可能获得
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->

=== 伊斯兰教===
[[File: Sunni.png|Sunni|link=]][[File: Shia.png|Shia|link=]][[File: Ibadi.png|Ibadi|link=]] These traits are exclusive to [[Muslims]], except for {{iconify|Sayyid}} and {{iconify|Mirza}} which are inherited.
[[File: Sunni.png|Sunni|link=]][[File: Shia.png|Shia|link=]][[File: Ibadi.png|Ibadi|link=]] 除继承得到的 {{iconify|Sayyid}} {{iconify|Mirza}} 以外,这些特性专属[[伊斯兰教]]角色。
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 4em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 4em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 11.5em;" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 11.5em;" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 好感
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
| [[File:Ashari.png|Ashari|link=]]
| [[File:Ashari.png|Ashari|link=]]
! Ashari
! 艾什尔里
| ashari
| ashari
| style="text-align: center;" |  146
| style="text-align: center;" |  146
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions--> -30 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> -30 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +1 Monthly [[Piety]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +1 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->Gained through decision. Trait is lost if [[religion]] is changed.<br>Opposite of {{iconify|Mutazilite}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 通过[[ 决议]] 获得。如果[[宗教]]改变,失去特质。<br> {{iconify|Mutazilite}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Decadent.png|Decadent|link=]]
| [[File:Decadent.png|Decadent|link=]]
! Decadent
! 腐化
| decadent
| decadent
| style="text-align: center;" |  172
| style="text-align: center;" |  172
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions-->
| <!-- Opinions-->
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Characters with the {{iconify|Decadent}} trait generate 2% [[decadence]] for their [[dynasty]] per month, unless [[imprisoned]].<br>Opposite of {{iconify|Zealous}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 拥有{{iconify|Decadent}} 特质的角色每月给他们的[[ 家族]] 带来2%[[ 腐化度]] ,除非被[[ 逮捕]] <br> {{iconify|Zealous}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Faqih.png|Faqih|link=]]
| [[File:Faqih.png|Faqih|link=]]
! Faqih
! 法基赫
| faqih
| faqih
| style="text-align: center;" |  116
| style="text-align: center;" |  116
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +3
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +3
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 [[Muslim]]
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 [[ 伊斯兰教]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Muslim]] equivalent of {{iconify|Scholar}}.<br>Exclusive with other [[#Lifestyle|lifestyle traits]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 等同于 {{iconify|Scholar}} [[ 伊斯兰教]] 特质。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 8
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 8
| [[File:Hafiz.png|Hafiz|link=]]
| [[File:Hafiz.png|Hafiz|link=]]
! Hafiz
! 哈菲兹
| hafiz
| hafiz
| style="text-align: center;" |  117
| style="text-align: center;" |  117
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions-->+5 [[Muslim]]
| <!-- Opinions-->+5 [[ 伊斯兰教]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| Gained by completing the [[Personality traits events|Hafiz event chain]]
| 完成[[Personality traits events| 哈菲兹事件链]] 获得
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 1
| [[File:Hajjaj.png|Hajjaj|link=]]
| [[File:Hajjaj.png|Hajjaj|link=]]
! Hajjaj
! 朝觐者
| hajjaj
| hajjaj
| style="text-align: center;" |  114
| style="text-align: center;" |  114
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions-->+5 [[Muslim]]
| <!-- Opinions-->+5 [[ 伊斯兰教]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->+0.10 Monthly [[Piety]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->+0.10 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Gained by completing the [[On Hajj Events|Hajj event chain]]. Muslim equivalent of {{iconify|Pilgrim}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 完成[[On Hajj Events| 朝觐事件链]] 获得。等同于 {{iconify|Pilgrim}} 的[[伊斯兰教]]特质。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 4
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 4
| [[File:Mirza.png|Mirza|link=]]
| [[File:Mirza.png|Mirza|link=]]
! Mirza
! 米尔扎
| mirza
| mirza
| style="text-align: center;" |  120
| style="text-align: center;" |  120
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 [[Muslim]]
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 [[ 伊斯兰教]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Obtained by [[children]] of {{iconify|Sayyid}} mothers, but non-Sayyid fathers
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Sayyid}} 母亲和非赛义德父亲的[[孩子]]获得
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 1
| [[File:Mutazilite.png|Mutazilite|link=]]
| [[File:Mutazilite.png|Mutazilite|link=]]
! Mutazilite
! 穆尔太齐赖
| mutazilite
| mutazilite
| style="text-align: center;" |  145
| style="text-align: center;" |  145
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +5
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +5
| <!-- Opinions--> -30 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> -30 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Gained through [[decision]]. Trait is lost if [[religion]] is changed.<br>Opposite of {{iconify|Ashari}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 通过[[ 决议]] 获得。如果[[ 宗教]] 改变,失去特质。<br> {{iconify|Ashari}} 相反
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:On hajj.png|On Hajj|link=]]
| [[File:On hajj.png|On Hajj|link=]]
! On Hajj
! 朝觐中
| on_hajj
| on_hajj
| style="text-align: center;" | 115
| style="text-align: center;" | 115
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions--> +10 [[Muslim]]
| <!-- Opinions--> +10 [[ 伊斯兰教]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.2 Monthly [[Piety]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.2 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Gained during the [[On Hajj Events|Hajj event chain]].<br>Replaced by {{iconify|Hajjaj}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[On Hajj Events| 朝觐事件链]] 期间获得。<br> {{iconify|Hajjaj}} 替代
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Sayyid.png|Sayyid|link=]]
| [[File:Sayyid.png|Sayyid|link=]]
! Sayyid
! 赛义德
| sayyid
| sayyid
| style="text-align: center;" |  118
| style="text-align: center;" |  118
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 [[Muslim]]
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 [[ 伊斯兰教]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Obtained by [[children]] of {{iconify|Sayyid}} fathers
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> {{iconify|Sayyid}} 父亲的[[孩子]]获得
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 1

===Germanic pagan===
=== 日耳曼多神教===
[[File:Norse.png|Norse|link=]][[File:Reformed Norse.png|Reformed Norse|link=]] These traits are exclusive to [[Pagans#Germanic|Germanic Pagan]] characters.
[[File:Norse.png|Norse|link=]][[File:Reformed Norse.png|Reformed Norse|link=]] 这些特性专属于[[Pagans#Germanic| 日耳曼多神教]] 角色。
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! style="width: 7em" | Name
! style="width: 7em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 8.5em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 8.5em" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 165px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 165px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项<!-- 暂译,原文Miscellaneous -->
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width:3em;" | 花费<!-- 暂译,原文Cost -->
| [[File:Berserker.png|Berserker|link=]]
| [[File:Berserker.png|link=]]
! Berserker
! 狂战士
| berserker
| berserker
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 136
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 136
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Diplomacy --> -2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Diplomacy --> -2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +4
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +4
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 同特质好感
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +25 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>-5 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Rationality]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +25 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>-5 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 理性]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->North Germanic [[character]]s following a Germanic [[pagan]] religion can obtain this trait through a [[combat]] event
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 信仰[[ 原始宗教|日耳曼多神教]] 的北日耳曼文化组角色可通过[[ 战斗]] 中的事件获得
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 7
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 7
一位统治者可以任命一位宫廷中的女性作为 [[File:Shieldmaiden.png|alt=|link=]] 盾女,如果:
*统治者是 [[File:Norse.png|alt=|link=]][[File:Reformed Norse.png|alt=|link=]] [[Pagans#Germanic|日耳曼多神教]],该女性军事属性[[File:Icon martial.png]]高于10,并且该女性拥有至少一个以下特质:{{iconify|Brave}}, {{iconify|Proud}}, {{iconify|Ambitious}}, {{iconify|Diligent}}, {{iconify|Just}}, 或 {{iconify|Gregarious}}
所有情况下,该女性必须没有:{{iconify|Incapable}}, {{iconify|Inbred}}, {{iconify|Imbecile}}。
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
| [[File:Shieldmaiden.png|Shieldmaiden|link=]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! id=Shieldmaiden | Shieldmaiden
! style="width: 7em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 8.5em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 165px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
| [[File:Shieldmaiden.png|link=]]
! 盾女
| shieldmaiden
| shieldmaiden
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 236
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 236
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Diplomacy --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Diplomacy --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> 
| <!-- Opinions -->+15 Religious Same Trait<br>+5 [[Pagan]] Opinion
| <!-- Opinions -->+15 同宗教好感<br>+5 [[ 原始宗教]] 好感
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+0.1 Monthly [[Piety]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]<br>May serve as [[marshal]] or [[commander]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+0.1 每月虔诚<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->[[Character]] must be a female Germanic [[Pagan]] to obtain this trait. With Holy Fury, members of Warrior Lodges can give this to their wife or sister regardless of religion. Costs [[wealth]], gives [[prestige]] (to player and the woman). Requires to be an adult, 10+ [[File:Icon martial.png]][[martial]] and ( {{iconify|Brave}}, {{iconify|Proud}}, {{iconify|Diligent}}, {{iconify|Ambitious}} or {{iconify|Just}} ) and NONE of ( {{iconify|Shy}}, {{iconify|Content}}, {{iconify|Slothful}}, {{iconify|Envious}} or {{iconify|Gluttonous}} )
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 可担任[[ 军事总管]] [[ 指挥官]] 。<br>统治者指挥军队时可能触发涉及盾女的特殊战斗事件。<br> 拥有盾女特质的角色总是被委任为军事总管或指挥官,不论他们的领主信仰是什么。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->

=== 祆教===
[[File:Zoroastrian.png|Zoroastrian|link=]] These traits are exclusive to [[Zoroastrian]] characters.
[[File:Zoroastrian.png|Zoroastrian|link=]] 这些特性是专属[[ 祆教]] 角色。
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! style="width: 12em" | Name
! style="width: 12em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 12em;" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 12em;" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
| [[File:Saoshyant.png|Saoshyant|link=]]
| [[File:Saoshyant.png|Saoshyant|link=]]
! Saoshyant
! 萨奥希扬特
| saoshyant
| saoshyant
| style="text-align: center;" |  138
| style="text-align: center;" |  138
| <!-- Opinions--> +10 [[Zoroastrians]]
| <!-- Opinions--> +10 [[ 祆教]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Acquired through [[File:Decision icon become saoshyant.png|Become Saoshyant|link=]] [[Decision#Religious|decision]] by a [[Zoroastrians|Zoroastrian]] ruler who controls the ''Persian Empire'' and all of its ''[[de jure]]'' [[duchies]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 由一位控制''波斯帝国''和它的全部''[[法理]]''[[公国]] 的[[Zoroastrians|祆教]]统治者通过 [[File:Decision icon become saoshyant.png|Become Saoshyant|link=]] [[Decision#Religious| 决议]] 获得。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Saoshyant descendant.png|Saoshyant Descendant|link=]]
| [[File:Saoshyant descendant.png|Saoshyant Descendant|link=]]
! Saoshyant Descendant
! 萨奥希扬特后裔
| saoshyant_descendant
| saoshyant_descendant
| style="text-align: center;" |  139
| style="text-align: center;" |  139
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 [[Zoroastrians]]
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 [[ 祆教]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Gained by [[children]] of a {{iconify|Saoshyant}} parent
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 一位 {{iconify|Saoshyant}} 父母的[[孩子]]获得
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 

=== Dharmic ===
=== 达摩宗教 ===
[[File:Hindu.png|Hindu|link=]][[File:Buddhist.png|Buddhist|link=]][[File:Jain.png|Jain|link=]] These traits are exclusive to [[Indian religions|Dharmic]] characters.
[[File:Hindu.png|Hindu|link=]][[File:Buddhist.png|Buddhist|link=]][[File:Jain.png|Jain|link=]] 这些特性是专属[[Indian religions| 达摩宗教]] 角色。

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 12em;" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 12em;" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
| [[File:Indian pilgrim.png|Pilgrim|link=]]
| [[File:Indian pilgrim.png|Pilgrim|link=]]
! Pilgrim
! 朝圣
| indian_pilgrim
| indian_pilgrim
| style="text-align: center;" |  310
| style="text-align: center;" |  310
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 Same [[Hindu|Faith]]
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 相同[[Hindu| 信仰]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.1 Monthly [[Piety|Karma]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.1 每月[[Piety| 善业]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Gained through [[Decisions|Indian pilgrim events]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 通过[[Decisions| 印度朝圣事件]] 获得。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 5 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 5 
| [[File:On indian pilgrimage.png|On Indian Pilgrimage|link=]]
| [[File:On indian pilgrimage.png|On Indian Pilgrimage|link=]]
! On pilgrimage
! 朝圣中
| on_indian_pilgrimage
| on_indian_pilgrimage
| style="text-align: center;" |  311
| style="text-align: center;" |  311
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 Same [[Hindu|Faith]]
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 相同[[Hindu| 信仰]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.2 Monthly [[Piety|Karma]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.2 每月[[Piety| 善业]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Gained during the [[Decisions|pilgrim event chain]].<br>Replaced by {{iconify|Indian pilgrim}}.
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Decisions| 朝圣事件链]] 期间获得<br> {{iconify|Indian pilgrim}} 替代。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Brahmin.png|Brahmin|link=]]
| [[File:Brahmin.png|Brahmin|link=]]
! Brahmin
! 婆罗门
| brahmin
| brahmin
| style="text-align: center;" |  159
| style="text-align: center;" |  159
| <!-- Opinions-->
| <!-- Opinions-->
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.1 Monthly [[Piety|Karma]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.1 每月[[Piety| 善业]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The highest caste. [[Hindu]] characters are required to have this trait to be granted [[temple]] holdings.
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 最高种姓。被授予[[Temple|寺庙]] [[ 印度教]] 角色要求拥有此特质。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Kshatriya.png|Kshatriya|link=]]
| [[File:Kshatriya.png|Kshatriya|link=]]
! Kshatriya
! 刹帝利
| kshatriya
| kshatriya
| style="text-align: center;" |  160
| style="text-align: center;" |  160
| <!-- Opinions-->
| <!-- Opinions-->
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.1 Monthly [[Prestige]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.1 每月[[ 威望]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The second-highest caste. Required for [[Hindu]] characters to be granted [[castle]] holdings.
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 第二级高的种姓。被授予[[ 城堡]] [[ 印度教]] 角色要求拥有此特质。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Vaishya.png|Vaishya|link=]]
| [[File:Vaishya.png|Vaishya|link=]]
! Vaishya
! 吠舍
| vaishya
| vaishya
| style="text-align: center;" |  161
| style="text-align: center;" |  161
| <!-- Opinions-->
| <!-- Opinions-->
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.03 Monthly [[Wealth]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.03 每月[[ 财富]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The third caste. [[Hindu]] characters are required to have this trait to be granted [[city]] holdings.
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 第三级种姓。被授予[[ 城市]] [[ 印度教]] 角色要求拥有此特质。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Shaivist_hindu.png|Shaivist|link=]]
| [[File:Shaivist_hindu.png|Shaivist|link=]]
! Shaivist
! 湿婆派
| shaivist_hindu
| shaivist_hindu
| style="text-align: center;" |  163
| style="text-align: center;" |  163
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.5 Monthly [[Prestige]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.5 每月[[ 威望]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Hindu]] religious branch. <br>Opposite of Shaktist [[File:Shaktist_hindu.png]], Smartist [[File:Smartist_hindu.png]], and Vaishnavist [[File:Vaishnavist_hindu.png]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[ 印度教]] 分支。 <br> 与性力派 [[File:Shaktist_hindu.png]], 传承派 [[File:Smartist_hindu.png]], 和毗湿奴派 [[File:Vaishnavist_hindu.png]] 相反。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Shaktist_hindu.png|Shaktist|link=]]
| [[File:Shaktist_hindu.png|Shaktist|link=]]
! Shaktist
! 性力派
| shaktist_hindu
| shaktist_hindu
| style="text-align: center;" |  165
| style="text-align: center;" |  165
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20% [[Fertility]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20% [[ 生育能力]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Hindu]] religious branch. <br>Opposite of Shaivist [[File:Shaivist_hindu.png]], Smartist [[File:Smartist_hindu.png]], and Vaishnavist [[File:Vaishnavist_hindu.png]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[ 印度教]] 分支。<br> 与湿婆派 [[File:Shaivist_hindu.png]], 传承派 [[File:Smartist_hindu.png]], 和毗湿奴派 [[File:Vaishnavist_hindu.png]] 相反。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Smartist_hindu.png|Smartist|link=]]
| [[File:Smartist_hindu.png|Smartist|link=]]
! Smartist
! 传承派
| smartist_hindu
| smartist_hindu
| style="text-align: center;" |  166
| style="text-align: center;" |  166
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.5 Monthly [[Piety|Karma]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.5 每月[[Piety| 善业]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Hindu]] religious branch. <br>Opposite of Shaivist [[File:Shaivist_hindu.png]], Shaktist [[File:Shaktist_hindu.png]], and Vaishnavist [[File:Vaishnavist_hindu.png]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[ 印度教]] 分支。<br> 与湿婆派 [[File:Shaivist_hindu.png]], 性力派 [[File:Shaktist_hindu.png]], 和毗湿奴派 [[File:Vaishnavist_hindu.png]] 相反。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Vaishnavist_hindu.png|Vaishnavist|link=]]
| [[File:Vaishnavist_hindu.png|Vaishnavist|link=]]
! Vaishnavist
! 毗湿奴派
| vaishnavist_hindu
| vaishnavist_hindu
| style="text-align: center;" |  164
| style="text-align: center;" |  164
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 Opposite Trait <br>+5 [[Vassal]]
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 相反特质 <br>+5 [[ 封臣]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Hindu]] religious branch. <br>Opposite of Shaivist [[File:Shaivist_hindu.png]], Shaktist [[File:Shaktist_hindu.png]], and Smartist [[File:Smartist_hindu.png]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[ 印度教]] 分支。<br> 与湿婆派 [[File:Shaivist_hindu.png]], 性力派 [[File:Shaktist_hindu.png]], 和传承派 [[File:Smartist_hindu.png]] 相反。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Mahayana_buddhist.png|Mahayana|link=]]
| [[File:Mahayana_buddhist.png|Mahayana|link=]]
! Mahayana Buddhist
! 大乘佛教
| mahayana_buddhist
| mahayana_buddhist
| style="text-align: center;" |  167
| style="text-align: center;" |  167
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 Opposite Trait <br>+5 [[Vassal]]
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 相反特质 <br>+5 [[ 封臣]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Eastern religions|Buddhist]] religious branch. <br>Opposite of Theravada Buddhist [[File:Theravada_buddhist.png]], and Vajrayana Buddhist [[File:Vajrayana_buddhist.png]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Eastern religions| 佛教]] 分支。 <br> 与上座部佛教 [[File:Theravada_buddhist.png]], 和金刚乘佛教 [[File:Vajrayana_buddhist.png]] 相反。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Theravada_buddhist.png|Theravada|link=]]
| [[File:Theravada_buddhist.png|Theravada|link=]]
! Theravada Buddhist
! 上座部佛教
| theravada_buddhist
| theravada_buddhist
| style="text-align: center;" |  169
| style="text-align: center;" |  169
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +1 [[File:Icon learning.png|Learning|link=]] Learning
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +1 [[File:Icon learning.png|Learning|link=]] 学识
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Eastern religions|Buddhist]] religious branch. <br>Opposite of Mahayana Buddhist [[File:Mahayana_buddhist.png]], and Vajrayana Buddhist [[File:Vajrayana_buddhist.png]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Eastern religions| 佛教]] 分支。 <br> 与大乘佛教 [[File:Mahayana_buddhist.png]], 和金刚乘佛教 [[File:Vajrayana_buddhist.png]] 相反。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Vajrayana_buddhist.png|Vajrayana|link=]]
| [[File:Vajrayana_buddhist.png|Vajrayana|link=]]
! Vajrayana Buddhist
! 金刚乘佛教
| vajrayana_buddhist
| vajrayana_buddhist
| style="text-align: center;" |  168
| style="text-align: center;" |  168
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +1 [[Health]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +1 [[ 健康]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Eastern religions|Buddhist]] religious branch. <br>Opposite of Mahayana Buddhist [[File:Mahayana_buddhist.png]], and Theravada Buddhist [[File:Theravada_buddhist.png]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Eastern religions| 佛教]] 分支。 <br> 与大乘佛教 [[File:Mahayana_buddhist.png]], 和上座部佛教 [[File:Theravada_buddhist.png]] 相反。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Digambara_jain.png|Digambara|link=]]
| [[File:Digambara_jain.png|Digambara|link=]]
! Digambara Jain
! 天衣派
| digambara_jain
| digambara_jain
| style="text-align: center;" |  170
| style="text-align: center;" |  170
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +1 [[Health]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +1 [[ 健康]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Jain]] religious branch. <br>Opposite of Svetambara Jain [[File:Svetambara_jain.png]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[ 耆那教]] 分支。 <br> 与白衣派 [[File:Svetambara_jain.png]] 相反。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Svetambara_jain.png|Svetambara|link=]]
| [[File:Svetambara_jain.png|Svetambara|link=]]
! Svetambara Jain
! 白衣派
| svetambara_jain
| svetambara_jain
| style="text-align: center;" |  171
| style="text-align: center;" |  171
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 Opposite Trait <br>+5 [[Vassal]]
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 相反特质 <br>+5 [[ 封臣]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Jain]] religious branch. <br>Opposite of Digambara Jain [[File:Digambara_jain.png]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[ 耆那教]] 分支。 <br> 与天衣派 [[File:Digambara_jain.png]] 相反。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->

=== Ascetic traits ===
=== 苦修者特质 ===

Ascetics, such as monks, cannot [[marriage|marry]] or inherit. These traits can be gained by [[event]] or by the [[Diplomatic_actions#Order_to_take_the_vows|Order to take the vows]] action.
苦修者,例如修士,不能[[marriage| 结婚]] 或继承。这些特质通过[[ 事件]] [[Diplomatic_actions#Order_to_take_the_vows| 要求发誓]] 行动获得。

The ascetic trait is lost if the character's [[religion]] changes. The ascetic trait is also lost if the [[character]] becomes a ruler, for example, by being granted a [[theocracy]] or by having their [[claim]] pressed.
如果角色[[ 宗教]] 改变,则失去苦修者特质。如果[[ 角色]] 成为统治者,也会失去苦修者特质,例如被授予一个[[ 神权制]] 政体或者索取他们的[[ 宣称]]

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 12em;" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 12em;" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 6em;" | [[Religion]]s
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 6em;" | [[ 宗教]]
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
| [[File:Monk.png|Monk|link=]]
| [[File:Monk.png|Monk|link=]]
! Monk
! 修士
| monk
| monk
| style="text-align: center;" |  141
| style="text-align: center;" |  141
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 Same Faith
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 相同信仰
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 Monthly [[Piety]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Catholic.png|link=Christianity#Catholic|Catholic]] [[File:Orthodox.png|link=Christianity#Orthodox|Orthodox]] [[File:Miaphysite.png|link=Christianity#Miaphysite|Miaphysite]] [[File:Nestorian.png|link=Christianity#Nestorian|Nestorian]] 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Catholic.png|link=Christianity#Catholic|Catholic]] [[File:Orthodox.png|link=Christianity#Orthodox|Orthodox]] [[File:Miaphysite.png|link=Christianity#Miaphysite|Miaphysite]] [[File:Nestorian.png|link=Christianity#Nestorian|Nestorian]] 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Males only
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 仅男性
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Nun.png|Nun|link=]]
| [[File:Nun.png|Nun|link=]]
! Nun
! 修女
| nun
| nun
| style="text-align: center;" |  142
| style="text-align: center;" |  142
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 Same Faith
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 相同信仰
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 Monthly [[Piety]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Catholic.png|link=Christianity#Catholic|Catholic]] [[File:Orthodox.png|link=Christianity#Orthodox|Orthodox]] [[File:Miaphysite.png|link=Christianity#Miaphysite|Miaphysite]] [[File:Nestorian.png|link=Christianity#Nestorian|Nestorian]] 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Catholic.png|link=Christianity#Catholic|Catholic]] [[File:Orthodox.png|link=Christianity#Orthodox|Orthodox]] [[File:Miaphysite.png|link=Christianity#Miaphysite|Miaphysite]] [[File:Nestorian.png|link=Christianity#Nestorian|Nestorian]] 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Females only
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 仅女性
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Muni.png|Muni|link=]]
| [[File:Muni.png|Muni|link=]]
! Muni
! 苦行僧
| muni
| muni
| style="text-align: center;" |  304
| style="text-align: center;" |  304
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 Same Faith
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 相同信仰
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 Monthly [[Piety|Purity]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 每月[[Piety| 纯净]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Jain.png|link=Indian religions#Jainism|Jainism]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Jain.png|link=Indian religions#Jainism|Jainism]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Males only
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 仅男性
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Aryika.png|Aryika|link=]]
| [[File:Aryika.png|Aryika|link=]]
! Aryika
! 苦行女僧
| aryika
| aryika
| style="text-align: center;" |  305
| style="text-align: center;" |  305
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 Same Faith
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 相同信仰
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 Monthly [[Piety|Purity]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 每月[[Piety| 纯净]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Jain.png|link=Indian religions#Jainism|Jainism]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Jain.png|link=Indian religions#Jainism|Jainism]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Females only
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 仅女性
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Bhikkhu.png|Bhikkhu|link=]]
| [[File:Bhikkhu.png|Bhikkhu|link=]]
! Bhikkhu
! 比丘
| bhikkhu
| bhikkhu
| style="text-align: center;" |  306
| style="text-align: center;" |  306
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 Same Faith
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 相同信仰
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 Monthly [[Piety|Karma]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 每月[[Piety| 善业]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Buddhist.png|link=Indian religions#Buddhism|Buddhism]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Buddhist.png|link=Indian religions#Buddhism|Buddhism]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Males only
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 仅男性
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Bhikkuni.png|Bhikkuni|link=]]
| [[File:Bhikkuni.png|Bhikkuni|link=]]
! Bhikkuni
! 比丘尼
| bhikkhuni
| bhikkhuni
| style="text-align: center;" |  307
| style="text-align: center;" |  307
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 Same Faith
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 相同信仰
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 Monthly [[Piety|Karma]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 每月[[Piety| 善业]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Buddhist.png|link=Indian religions#Buddhism|Buddhism]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Buddhist.png|link=Indian religions#Buddhism|Buddhism]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Females only
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 仅女性
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Sanyasi.png|Sanyasi|link=]]
| [[File:Sanyasi.png|Sanyasi|link=]]
! Sanyasi
! 苦行僧
| sanyasi
| sanyasi
| style="text-align: center;" |  308
| style="text-align: center;" |  308
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 Same Faith
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 相同信仰
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 Monthly [[Piety|Karma]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 每月[[Piety| 善业]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Hindu.png|link=Indian religions#Hinduism|Hinduism]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Hindu.png|link=Indian religions#Hinduism|Hinduism]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Males only
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 仅男性
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Sanyasini.png|Sanyasini|link=]]
| [[File:Sanyasini.png|Sanyasini|link=]]
! Sanyasini
! 苦行尼
| sanyasini
| sanyasini
| style="text-align: center;" |  309
| style="text-align: center;" |  309
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 Same Faith
| <!-- Opinions--> +5 相同信仰
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 Monthly [[Piety|Karma]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 每月[[Piety| 善业]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Hindu.png|link=Indian religions#Hinduism|Hinduism]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Hindu.png|link=Indian religions#Hinduism|Hinduism]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Females only
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 仅女性
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 

=== Crusader traits ===
=== 十字军特质 ===
Crusader traits are religion-specific traits that are earned by [[character]]s participating as an attacker in a [[Crusades, jihads and great holy wars|crusade, jihad, or great holy war]] who have reached the target [[kingdom]] as a [[commander]]. While all [[religion]] groups besides the [[Eastern religions|Dharmic religions]], which have their own crusader traits, only those religions and heresies with established [[religious head]]s can call for this type of war and, within the [[Christian]] religion group, only an established Catholic or Fraticelli [[Pope]] can call on a crusade.
十字军特质是宗教限定的特质,[[ 角色]] 作为进攻者参加一场[[ 十字军、吉哈德和大圣战| 十字军、吉哈德或大圣战]] ,以[[ 指挥官]] 身份到达目标[[ 王国]] 可以获得。除了[[Eastern religions|达摩宗教]] ,所有[[ 宗教]] 组都有它们自己的十字军特质。仅那些设立有[[ 宗教领袖]] 的宗教和异端能发起这类战争,在[[ 基督教]] 宗教组内,仅设立的天主教或小兄弟会[[ 宗教领袖|教宗]] 能发动一场十字军。

All crusader traits are opposite of each other and provide similar modifiers.

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" |
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 12em;" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 12em;" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 163px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em;" | [[Religion]]s
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em;" | [[ 宗教]]
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
| [[File:Ares_own.png|Ares' Own|link=]]
| [[File:Ares_own.png|Ares' Own|link=]]
! Ares' Own
! 阿瑞斯之属
| ares_own
| ares_own
| style="text-align: center;" | 248
| style="text-align: center;" | 248
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Hellenic|Church]]<br>+15 Religious Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Hellenic| 教会]]<br>+15 相同宗教特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Hellenic.png|link=Pagans#Hellenic|Hellenic]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Hellenic.png|link=Pagans#Hellenic|Hellenic]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The [[Pagans#Hellenic|Hellenic religion]] must be reformed to have a [[religious head]]. Without {{icon|hf}}[[Holy Fury]], it is not attainable in game and can only be found on Incitatus.
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Pagans#Hellenic| 希腊多神教]] 必须改革以拥有一位[[ 宗教领袖]] 。未拥有 {{icon|hf}}[[ 神圣之怒]] ,则游戏中无法达成并且仅可在英西塔图斯身上找到。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Crusader.png|Crusader|link=]]
| [[File:Crusader.png|Crusader|link=]]
! Crusader
! 十字军战士
| crusader
| crusader
| style="text-align: center;" |  40
| style="text-align: center;" |  40
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Christian|Church]]<br>+15 Religious Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Christian| 教会]]<br>+15 相同宗教特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Catholic.png|link=Christianity#Catholic|Catholic]] [[File:Catholic Heresy.png|link=Religion#Heresies|Fraticelli]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Catholic.png|link=Christianity#Catholic|Catholic]] [[File:Catholic Heresy.png|link=Religion#Heresies|Fraticelli]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The [[Religion#Heresies|Fraticelli]] Papacy must be established for their [[Pope]] to declare a [[Crusades, jihads and great holy wars|crusade]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Religion#Heresies| 小兄弟会]] 教座必须为了他们的[[ 宗教领袖|教宗]] 而建立,从而发动一次[[Crusades, jihads and great holy wars| 十字军]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 17
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 17
| [[File:Crusader_king.png|Crusader King|link=]]
! 十字军之王
| crusader_king
| style="text-align: center;" | 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +3
| <!-- Opinions--> +35 [[Christian|教会]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +15 [[Duel|个人实战能力]]<br>+30% 针对宗教敌人的攻击<br> +20% [[征召兵]]规模<br> +20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Catholic.png|link=Christianity#Catholic|Catholic]] [[File:Catholic Heresy.png|link=Religion#Heresies|Fraticelli]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Religion#Heresies|小兄弟会]]教座必须为他们的[[宗教领袖|教宗]]建立,才能发动一场[[Crusades, jihads and great holy wars|十字军]]。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Crusader_queen.png|Crusader Queen|link=]]
! 十字军女王
| crusader_queen
| style="text-align: center;" | 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +3
| <!-- Opinions--> +35 [[Christian|教会]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +15 [[Duel|个人实战能力]]<br>+30% 针对宗教敌人的攻击<br> +20% [[征召兵]]规模<br> +20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions -->  [[File:Catholic.png|link=Christianity#Catholic|Catholic]] [[File:Catholic Heresy.png|link=Religion#Heresies|Fraticelli]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Religion#Heresies|小兄弟会]]教座必须为他们的[[宗教领袖|教宗]]建立,才能发动一场[[Crusades, jihads and great holy wars|十字军]]。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Eagle warrior.png|Eagle Knight|link=]]
| [[File:Eagle warrior.png|Eagle Knight|link=]]
! Eagle Knight
! 雄鹰战士
| eagle_warrior
| eagle_warrior
| style="text-align: center;" | 242
| style="text-align: center;" | 242
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Aztec|Church]]<br>+15 Religious Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Aztec| 教会]]<br>+15 相同宗教特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed Aztec.png|link=Pagans#Aztec|Reformed Aztec]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed Aztec.png|link=Pagans#Aztec|Reformed Aztec]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The [[Pagans#Aztec|Aztec religion]] must be reformed to have a [[religious head]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Pagans#Aztec| 阿兹特克多神教]] 必须改革以拥有一位[[ 宗教领袖]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Gondi shahanshah.png|Gond-i Shahanshah|link=]]
| [[File:Gondi shahanshah.png|Gond-i Shahanshah|link=]]
! Gond-i Shahanshah
! 万王之王军团
| gondi_shahansha 
| gondi_shahansha 
| style="text-align: center;" | 251
| style="text-align: center;" | 251
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Zoroastrians|Church]]<br>+15 Religious Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Zoroastrians| 教会]]<br>+15 相同宗教特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Zoroastrian.png|link=Zoroastrian|Zoroastrian]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Zoroastrian.png|link=Zoroastrian|Zoroastrian]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The [[File:Decision icon restore high priesthood.png|Restore High Priesthood|link=]][[Zoroastrians#Restoring the High Priesthood|High Priesthood must be restored]] for [[Zoroastrians|Zoroastrianism]] to have a [[religious head]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 祆教[[File:Decision icon restore high priesthood.png|Restore High Priesthood|link=]][[Zoroastrians#Restoring the High Priesthood| 大祭司教座必须被恢复]] 以拥有一位[[ 宗教领袖]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Romuvas_own.png|Hound of Dievas|link=]]
| [[File:Romuvas_own.png|Hound of Dievas|link=]]
! Hound of Dievas
! 季耶瓦斯猎犬
| romuvas_own
| romuvas_own
| style="text-align: center;" | 247
| style="text-align: center;" | 247
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Romuva|Church]]<br>+15 Religious Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Romuva| 教会]]<br>+15 相同宗教特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed Romuva.png|link=Pagans#Romuva|Reformed Romuva]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed Romuva.png|link=Pagans#Romuva|Reformed Romuva]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The [[Pagans|Romuva religion]] must be reformed to have a [[religious head]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Pagans| 洛姆瓦教]] 必须改革以拥有一位[[ 宗教领袖]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Shaddai.png|Kanai|link=]]
| [[File:Shaddai.png|Kanai|link=]]
! Kanai
! 忌邪者
| shaddai
| shaddai
| style="text-align: center;" | 250 
| style="text-align: center;" | 250 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Judaism|Church]]<br>+15 Religious Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Judaism| 教会]]<br>+15 相同宗教特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Judaism.png|link=Judaism|Judaism]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Judaism.png|link=Judaism|Judaism]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The [[File:Decision icon build third temple.png|Build the Third Temple|link=]][[Judaism#Build the Third Temple|Third Temple must be built]] for Judaism to have a [[religious head]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 犹太教[[File:Decision icon build third temple.png|Build the Third Temple|link=]][[Judaism#Build the Third Temple| 第三圣殿必须被建造]] 以拥有一位[[ 宗教领袖]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Mujahid.png|Mujahid|link=]]
| [[File:Mujahid.png|Mujahid|link=]]
! Mujahid
! 圣战者
| mujahid
| mujahid
| style="text-align: center;" | 113
| style="text-align: center;" | 113
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 Religious Same Trait<br>+5 [[Muslim]]
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 相同宗教特质<br>+5 [[ 伊斯兰教]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Sunni.png|link=Muslims#Sunni|Sunni]] [[File:Shiite.png|link=Muslims#Shia|Shia]] [[File:Ibadi.png|link=Muslims#Ibadi|Ibadi]]<br>[[File:Sunni Heresy.png|link=Muslims#Yazidi|Yazidi]] [[File:Shiite Heresy.png|link=Religion#Heresies|Hurufi]] [[File:Ibadi Heresy.png|link=Religion#Heresies|Karijite]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Sunni.png|link=Muslims#Sunni|Sunni]] [[File:Shiite.png|link=Muslims#Shia|Shia]] [[File:Ibadi.png|link=Muslims#Ibadi|Ibadi]]<br>[[File:Sunni Heresy.png|link=Muslims#Yazidi|Yazidi]] [[File:Shiite Heresy.png|link=Religion#Heresies|Hurufi]] [[File:Ibadi Heresy.png|link=Religion#Heresies|Karijite]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The relevant [[caliphate]] or sheikhdom must exist in order for [[Crusades, jihads and great holy wars|jihads]] to be declared.
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 相关的[[ 哈里发]] 或谢赫国必须存在,以发动[[Crusades, jihads and great holy wars| 吉哈德]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 11
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 11
| [[File:Nyames shield.png|Nyame's Shield|link=]]
| [[File:Nyames shield.png|Nyame's Shield|link=]]
! Nyame's Shield
! 尼亚姆之盾
| nyames_shield 
| nyames_shield 
| style="text-align: center;" | 245
| style="text-align: center;" | 245
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#West African|Church]]<br>+15 Religious Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#West African| 教会]]<br>+15 相同宗教特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed West African.png|link=Pagans#West African|Reformed West African]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed West African.png|link=Pagans#West African|Reformed West African]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The [[Pagans|West African religion]] must be reformed to have a [[religious head]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Pagans| 非洲泛灵教]] 必须改革以拥有一位[[ 宗教领袖]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Peruns chosen.png|Perun's Chosen|link=]]
| [[File:Peruns chosen.png|Perun's Chosen|link=]]
! Perun's Chosen
! 佩伦选民
| peruns_chosen
| peruns_chosen
| style="text-align: center;" | 246
| style="text-align: center;" | 246
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Slavic|Church]]<br>+15 Religious Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Slavic| 教会]]<br>+15 相同宗教特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed Slavic.png|link=Pagans#Slavic|Reformed Slavic]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed Slavic.png|link=Pagans#Slavic|Reformed Slavic]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The [[Pagans|Slavic religion]] must be reformed to have a [[religious head]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Pagans| 斯拉夫多神教]] 必须改革以拥有一位[[ 宗教领袖]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Tengri warrior.png|Skylord|link=]]
| [[File:Tengri warrior.png|Skylord|link=]]
! Skylord
! 天之骄子
| tengri_warrior
| tengri_warrior
| style="text-align: center;" | 249
| style="text-align: center;" | 249
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Tengri|Church]]<br>+15 Religious Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Tengri| 教会]]<br>+15 相同宗教特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed Tengri.png|link=Pagans#Tengri|Reformed Tengri]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed Tengri.png|link=Pagans#Tengri|Reformed Tengri]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The [[Pagans|Tengri religion]] must be reformed to have a [[religious head]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Pagans| 长生天]] 必须改革以拥有一位[[ 宗教领袖]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Ukkos_axe.png|Ukko's Hammer|link=]]
| [[File:Ukkos_axe.png|Ukko's Hammer|link=]]
! Ukko's Hammer
! 乌戈之锤
| ukkos_shield
| ukkos_shield
| style="text-align: center;" | 244
| style="text-align: center;" | 244
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Suomenusko|Church]]<br>+15 Religious Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Suomenusko| 教会]]<br>+15 相同宗教特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed Suomenusko.png|link=Pagans#Suomenusko|Reformed Suomenusko]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed Suomenusko.png|link=Pagans#Suomenusko|Reformed Suomenusko]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The [[Pagans|Suomenusko religion]] must be reformed to have a [[religious head]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Pagans| 索米多神教]] 必须改革以拥有一位[[ 宗教领袖]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Valhalla_bound.png|Valhala Bound|link=]]
| [[File:Valhalla_bound.png|Valhala Bound|link=]]
! Valhalla Bound
! 瓦尔哈拉之约
| valhalla_bound
| valhalla_bound
| style="text-align: center;" | 232
| style="text-align: center;" | 232
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 Religious Same Trait<br>+5 [[Pagan]]
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 相同宗教特质<br>+5 [[ 原始宗教]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed_Norse.png|link=Pagans#Germanic|Reformed Germanic]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed_Norse.png|link=Pagans#Germanic|Reformed Germanic]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The [[Pagans|Germanic religion]] must be reformed to have a [[religious head]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Pagans| 日耳曼多神教]] 必须改革以拥有一位[[ 宗教领袖]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Sun warrior.png|Warrior of the Sun|link=]]
| [[File:Sun warrior.png|Warrior of the Sun|link=]]
! Warrior of the Sun
! 太阳武士
| sun_warrior
| sun_warrior
| style="text-align: center;" | 243
| style="text-align: center;" | 243
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Zunist|Church]]<br>+15 Religious Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Zunist| 教会]]<br>+15 相同宗教特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed Zunist.png|link=Pagans#Zunist|Reformed Zunist]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed Zunist.png|link=Pagans#Zunist|Reformed Zunist]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The [[Pagans|Zunist religion]] must be reformed to have a [[religious head]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Pagans| 尊日神教]] 必须改革以拥有一位[[ 宗教领袖]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Kailash_guardian.png|Kailash Guardian|link=]]
| [[File:Kailash_guardian.png|Kailash Guardian|link=]]
! Kailash Guardian
! 鸡罗娑守护者
| kailash_guardian
| kailash_guardian
| style="text-align: center;" | 407
| style="text-align: center;" | 407
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Zunist|Church]]<br>+15 Religious Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions--> +15 [[Pagans#Zunist| 教会]]<br>+15 相同宗教特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Zeal]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 狂热]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed Bon.png|link=Pagans#Bon|Reformed Bon]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Religions --> [[File:Reformed Bon.png|link=Pagans#Bon|Reformed Bon]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> The [[Pagans|Bon religion]] must be reformed to have a [[religious head]].
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> [[Pagans| 苯教]] 必须改革以拥有一位[[ 宗教领袖]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 

=== Sympathy for other religious groups ===
=== 其他宗教组同情者 ===
Sympathy for other religious group traits remove the "{{red|-20}} Infidel" [[opinion]] penalty both ways for [[character]]s who match the [[religion]] that the trait tolerates.
同情其他宗教组特质将移除与信仰此特质所容忍宗教[[角色]]的双方“{{red|-20}} 异教徒”[[ 好感]] 惩罚。

If a [[character]] on the receiving end of the trait is {{iconify|Zealous}}, the "{{red|-25}} Zealous" [[opinion]] penalty will remain even though the "Infidel" opinion penalty is removed. Both characters will also have {{red|-5}} opinion penalties for opposite traits (Zealous vs Sympathy).
如果获得此特质的[[ 角色]] {{iconify|Zealous}} ,“{{red|-25}} 狂热”[[ 好感]] 惩罚将保留,即使“异教徒”好感惩罚被移除。拥有相反特质(狂热 vs 同情)的角色都有 {{red|-5}} 好感惩罚。

Some methods of [[religious conversion]] have a chance to leave [[character]]s with sympathy for their former religious group. It is also possible to gain these traits through [[event]]s: For example, a [[Christian]] pilgrim in Jerusalem can gain Sympathy for Jews [[File:Sympathy_Judaism.png|Sympathy for Judaism|link=]] and Muslims [[File:Sympathy_Islam.png|Sympathy for Islam|link=]].
一些[[ 宗教转变]] 的方法有机会使[[ 角色]] 同情他们以前的宗教组。通过[[ 事件]] 也有可能获得这些特质:例如一名[[ 基督徒]] 在耶路撒冷朝圣可能获得同情犹太教 [[File:Sympathy_Judaism.png|Sympathy for Judaism|link=]] 和伊斯兰教 [[File:Sympathy_Islam.png|Sympathy for Islam|link=]] 的特质。

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
!  class="unsortable" style="width: 24px" |
!  class="unsortable" style="width: 24px" |
! Name
! 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
|[[File:Sympathy_Christendom.png|Sympathy for Christendom|link=]]
|[[File:Sympathy_Christendom.png|Sympathy for Christendom|link=]]
!Sympathy for Christendom
! 基督教同情者
| Removes the {{red|-20}} Infidel [[opinion]] penalty both ways with [[Christian]] [[character]]s
| 移除与[[基督教]][[角色]]的双方 {{red|-20}} 异教徒[[ 好感]] 惩罚
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
|[[File:Sympathy_indian.png|Sympathy for Indians|link=]]
|[[File:Sympathy_indian.png|Sympathy for Indians|link=]]
!Sympathy for Eastern religions
! 东方宗教同情者
| Removes the {{red|-20}} Infidel [[opinion]] penalty both ways with characters who follow [[Eastern religions]]
| 移除与信仰[[东方宗教]]角色的双方 {{red|-20}} 异教徒好感惩罚
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|[[File:Sympathy_Islam.png|Sympathy for Islam|link=]]
|[[File:Sympathy_Islam.png|Sympathy for Islam|link=]]
!Sympathy for Islam
! 伊斯兰教同情者
| Removes the {{red|-20}} Infidel [[opinion]] penalty both ways with [[Muslim]] [[character]]s
| 移除与[[伊斯兰教]][[角色]]的双方 {{red|-20}} 异教徒好感惩罚
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
|[[File:Sympathy_Judaism.png|Sympathy for Judaism|link=]]
|[[File:Sympathy_Judaism.png|Sympathy for Judaism|link=]]
!Sympathy for Judaism
! 犹太教同情者
| Removes the {{red|-20}} Infidel [[opinion]] penalty both ways with [[Jewish]] [[character]]s
| 移除与[[犹太教]][[角色]]的双方 {{red|-20}} 异教徒好感惩罚
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
|[[File:Sympathy_Pagans.png|Sympathy for Pagans|link=]]
|[[File:Sympathy_Pagans.png|Sympathy for Pagans|link=]]
!Sympathy for Pagans
! 原始宗教同情者
| Removes the {{red|-20}} Infidel [[opinion]] penalty both ways with [[Pagan]] [[character]]s
| 移除与[[原始宗教]][[角色]]的双方 {{red|-20}} 异教徒好感惩罚
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
|[[File:Sympathy_Zoroastrianism.png|Sympathy for Zoroastrianism|link=]]
|[[File:Sympathy_Zoroastrianism.png|Sympathy for Zoroastrianism|link=]]
!Sympathy for Zoroastrianism
! 祆教同情者
| Removes the {{red|-20}} Infidel [[opinion]] penalty both ways with [[Zoroastrian]] [[character]]s
| 移除与[[祆教]][[角色]]的双方 {{red|-20}} 异教徒好感惩罚
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 

===Bad priests===
=== 邪恶神职人员===

Priests with inappropriate traits who are unable to exercise discretion ([[File:Icon diplomacy.png|Diplomacy|link=]] Diplomacy ≤ 3) or hide their habits from public view ([[File:Icon intrigue.png|Intrigue|link=]] Intrigue ≤ 3) are at risk of becoming known as immoral. For most [[religion]]s, "priests" include both theocratic rulers and [[Chaplain|court chaplains]]. These traits require the {{icon|soa}} [[Sons of Abraham]] DLC.
拥有不宜特质的神职人员(不能自主决断([[File:Icon diplomacy.png|Diplomacy|link=]] 外交 ≤ 3 )或不能向公众隐瞒他们的习惯([[File:Icon intrigue.png|Intrigue|link=]] 密谋 ≤ 3 ))有被认为不道德的风险。对大多数[[ 宗教]] ,“神职人员”包括神权政体统治者和[[Chaplain| 宫廷司祭]] 。这些特质需要 {{icon|soa}} [[ 亚伯拉罕之裔]]DLC

The traits considered "inappropriate" depend on [[religion]]. The traits below are considered unpriestly by all religions:
被认为“不宜”的特质取决于[[ 宗教]] 。以下特质被所有宗教认为神职人员不应拥有:

It should be noted that {{iconify|Incapable}} priests are never at risk. Other qualifying traits are listed as follows.
值得注意的是 {{iconify|Incapable}} 神职人员没有这种风险。其他相应的“不宜”特质列在下表。

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 90em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 90em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px" |
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px" |
! class="unsortable" | Name
! class="unsortable" |  名称
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" | Command
! class="unsortable" | 键值
! class="unsortable" style="text-align: center;" | [[Religion]]
! class="unsortable" style="text-align: center;" | [[ 宗教]]
! class="unsortable" | [[Opinion]]
! class="unsortable" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Ranks
! class="unsortable" | 级别
! class="unsortable" style="width: 28em"| Qualifying traits
! class="unsortable" style="width: 28em"| “不宜”特质
|[[File:Bad_priest_zoroastrian.png|Immoral Priest|link=]]
|[[File:Bad_priest_zoroastrian.png|Immoral Priest|link=]]
!Immoral Priest
! 悖德祭司
|style="text-align: center;" |[[File:Zoroastrian.png|Zoroastrian|link=Zoroastrians]]
|style="text-align: center;" |[[File:Zoroastrian.png|Zoroastrian|link=Zoroastrians]]
| -10 [[Zoroastrians|Church]]<br>+25 Religious Same Trait
| -10 [[Zoroastrians| 教会]]<br>+25 相同宗教特质
| -1 Monthly [[Piety]]
| -1 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Requires the [[character]] to be a Priest or High Priest
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 要求[[ 角色]] 是祭司或大祭司
|{{iconify|Greedy}}, {{iconify|Wroth}}, {{iconify|Envious}}, {{iconify|Proud}},<br />
|{{iconify|Greedy}}, {{iconify|Wroth}}, {{iconify|Envious}}, {{iconify|Proud}},<br />
{{iconify|Arbitrary}}, {{iconify|Cruel}}, {{iconify|Possessed}}
{{iconify|Arbitrary}}, {{iconify|Cruel}}, {{iconify|Possessed}}
|[[File:Bad_priest_aztec.png|Unworthy Priest|link=]]
|[[File:Bad_priest_aztec.png|Unworthy Priest|link=]]
!Unworthy Priest
! 卑劣巫师
|style="text-align: center;" |[[File:Aztec.png|Aztec|link=Pagans#Aztec]]
|style="text-align: center;" |[[File:Aztec.png|Aztec|link=Pagans#Aztec]]
| -10 [[Pagans#Aztec|Church]]<br>+25 Religious Same Trait
| -10 [[Pagans#Aztec| 教会]]<br>+25 相同宗教特质
| -1 Monthly [[Piety]]
| -1 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Requires the [[character]] to be a Priest
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 要求[[ 角色]] 是巫师
|{{iconify|Kind}}, {{iconify|Lustful}}, {{iconify|Gluttonous}}, {{iconify|Arbitrary}},<br />
|{{iconify|Kind}}, {{iconify|Lustful}}, {{iconify|Gluttonous}}, {{iconify|Arbitrary}},<br />
{{iconify|Craven}}, {{iconify|Hedonist}}, {{iconify|Possessed}}
{{iconify|Craven}}, {{iconify|Hedonist}}, {{iconify|Possessed}}
|[[File:Bad_priest_norse.png|Unworthy Priest|link=]]
|[[File:Bad_priest_norse.png|Unworthy Priest|link=]]
!Unworthy Priest
! 卑劣祭司
|style="text-align: center;" |[[File:Norse.png|Germanic|link=Germanic]]
|style="text-align: center;" |[[File:Norse.png|Germanic|link=Germanic]]
| -10 [[Pagans|Church]]<br>+25 Religious Same Trait
| -10 [[Pagans| 教会]]<br>+25 相同宗教特质
| -1 Monthly [[Piety]]
| -1 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Requires the [[character]] to be a Priest or [[Fylkir]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 要求[[ 角色]] 是祭司或[[Fylkir|英雄王]]
|{{iconify|Gluttonous}}, {{iconify|Greedy}}, {{iconify|Wroth}}, {{iconify|Envious}},<br />
|{{iconify|Gluttonous}}, {{iconify|Greedy}}, {{iconify|Wroth}}, {{iconify|Envious}},<br />
{{iconify|Craven}}, {{iconify|Hedonist}}, {{iconify|Possessed}}
{{iconify|Craven}}, {{iconify|Hedonist}}, {{iconify|Possessed}}
|[[File:Bad_priest_tengri.png|Unworthy Priest|link=]]
|[[File:Bad_priest_tengri.png|Unworthy Priest|link=]]
!Unworthy Priest
! 卑劣萨满
|style="text-align: center;" |[[File:Tengri.png|Tengri|link=Tengri]]
|style="text-align: center;" |[[File:Tengri.png|Tengri|link=Tengri]]
| -10 [[Pagans#Tengri|Church]]<br>+25 Religious Same Trait
| -10 [[Pagans#Tengri| 教会]]<br>+25 相同宗教特质
| -1 Monthly [[Piety]]
| -1 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Requires the [[character]] to be Priest or High Priest
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 要求[[ 角色]] 是祭司或大祭司
|{{iconify|Greedy}}, {{iconify|Wroth}}, {{iconify|Envious}}, {{iconify|Arbitrary}},<br />
|{{iconify|Greedy}}, {{iconify|Wroth}}, {{iconify|Envious}}, {{iconify|Arbitrary}},<br />
{{iconify|Cruel}}, {{iconify|Paranoid}}
{{iconify|Cruel}}, {{iconify|Paranoid}}
|[[File:Bad_priest_muslim.png|Wicked Caliph|link=]]
|[[File:Bad_priest_muslim.png|Wicked Caliph|link=]]
!Wicked Caliph
! 邪恶哈里发
|style="text-align: center;" |[[File:Sunni.png|Sunni|link=Muslims]][[File:Shia.png|Shia|link=Muslims]][[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi|link=Muslims]]
|style="text-align: center;" |[[File:Sunni.png|Sunni|link=Muslims]][[File:Shia.png|Shia|link=Muslims]][[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi|link=Muslims]]
| -10 [[Muslim|Church]]<br>+25 Religious Same Trait
| -10 [[Muslim| 教会]]<br>+25 相同宗教特质
| -1 Monthly [[Piety]]
| -1 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Requires the [[character]] to be a [[Caliph]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 要求[[ 角色]] [[ 哈里发]]
|{{iconify|Lustful}}, {{iconify|Gluttonous}}, {{iconify|Greedy}}, {{iconify|Wroth}},<br />
|{{iconify|Lustful}}, {{iconify|Gluttonous}}, {{iconify|Greedy}}, {{iconify|Wroth}},<br />
{{iconify|Envious}}, {{iconify|Proud}}, {{iconify|Hedonist}}, {{iconify|Possessed}} 
{{iconify|Envious}}, {{iconify|Proud}}, {{iconify|Hedonist}}, {{iconify|Possessed}} 
|[[File:bad_priest_christian.png|Wicked Priest|link=]]
|[[File:bad_priest_christian.png|Wicked Priest|link=]]
!Wicked Priest
! 邪恶司祭
|style="text-align: center;" |[[File:Catholic.png|Catholic|link=Christianity]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox|link=Christianity]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite|link=Christianity]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian|link=Christianity]]
|style="text-align: center;" |[[File:Catholic.png|Catholic|link=Christianity]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox|link=Christianity]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite|link=Christianity]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian|link=Christianity]]
| -10 [[Christian|Church]]<br>+25 Religious Same Trait
| -10 [[Christian| 教会]]<br>+25 相同宗教特质
| -1 Monthly [[Piety]]
| -1 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Requires the [[character]] to be a Priest
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 要求[[ 角色]] 是祭司
|{{iconify|Lustful}}, {{iconify|Gluttonous}}, {{iconify|Greedy}}, {{iconify|Wroth}},<br />
|{{iconify|Lustful}}, {{iconify|Gluttonous}}, {{iconify|Greedy}}, {{iconify|Wroth}},<br />
{{iconify|Envious}}, {{iconify|Proud}}, {{iconify|Hedonist}}, {{iconify|Homosexual}},<br />
{{iconify|Envious}}, {{iconify|Proud}}, {{iconify|Hedonist}}, {{iconify|Homosexual}},<br />
第2,847行: 第2,917行:

Bad priests get {{red|-10}} [[Religion|Church]] [[opinion]] and {{red|-1}} monthly [[piety]], but {{green|+25}} opinion with other bad priests of the same [[religion]].
邪恶神职人员获得 {{red|-10}} [[Religion| 教会]][[ 好感]] {{red|-1}} 每月[[ 虔诚]] ,但和同一[[宗教]]的其他邪恶神职人员有 {{green|+25}} 好感。

The death of a [[Christian]] [[religious head]] with Wicked Priest [[File:Bad priest christian.png|link=]] will trigger a special event for all members of that [[religion]]: the {{w|Cadaver Synod}}.
拥有邪恶司祭 [[File:Bad priest christian.png|link=]] 特质的[[ 基督教]][[宗教领袖]]去世,将触发一个针对此[[宗教]]所有成员的特殊事件:{{w|Cadaver Synod|审尸会}}

===Zodiac Signs===
=== 星座特质 ===
[[File:Hellenic.png]] [[File:Reformed Hellenic.png]] These traits are obtainable with the [[Pagans#Hellenic|Hellenic]] religion or reformed pagan religions with the Astrology [[Pagans#Doctrine|doctrine]].
[[File:Hellenic.png]] [[File:Reformed Hellenic.png]] 这些特质需信仰[[Pagans#Hellenic| 希腊多神教]] 或拥有占星术[[Pagans#Doctrine| 教义]]的改革原始宗教才能获得。在邀请某人去观星或完成[[Societies#Hermetic_Society|赫尔墨斯学会]] 的“研究星星”任务也可能随机获得。通过这种方式获得该特质,除了加入社团的所需的要求外,没有宗教要求。
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link= 属性# 管理| 管理]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link= 属性# 密谋| 密谋]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]] 
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 140px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 140px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 80px;" | Date
! style="width: 80px;" | 日期
| [[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]]
| [[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]]
! Aries
! 白羊座
| zodiac_aries
| zodiac_aries
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  375
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  375
第2,878行: 第2,948行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 Same trait <br/>-15 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 相同特质 <br/>-15 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +40 Honor<br>+20 Zeal<br>-20 Greed
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +40 荣誉<br>+20 狂热<br>-20 贪婪
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of Libra [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]]<br/>
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 与天秤座 [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]] 相反<br/>
Romantic match with [[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]] [[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]] [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]]<br/>
[[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]] [[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]] [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]] 相合<br/>
Romantic mismatch with [[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]] [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]]
[[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]] [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]] 不合
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 20 March-<br/>18 April
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 3月20日-<br/>4月18日
| [[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]]
| [[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]]
! Taurus
! 金牛座
| zodiac_taurus
| zodiac_taurus
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  384
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  384
第2,894行: 第2,964行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 Same trait <br/>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 相同特质 <br/>-5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -20 Rationality<br>+40 Ambition
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -20 理性<br>+40 野心
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of Scorpio [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]]<br/>
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 与天蝎座 [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]] 相反<br/>
Romantic match with [[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]] [[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]] [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]]<br/>
[[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]] [[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]] [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]] 相合<br/>
Romantic mismatch with [[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]]
[[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]] 不合
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 19 April-<br/>19 May
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 4月19日-<br/>5月19日
| [[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]]
| [[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]]
! Gemini
! 双子座
| zodiac_gemini
| zodiac_gemini
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  378
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  378
第2,910行: 第2,980行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 General <br/>+10 Same trait <br/>-15 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 大众好感 <br/>+10 相同特质 <br/>-15 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -20 Rationality<br>+40 Ambition<br>+20 Greed
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -20 理性<br>+40 野心<br>+20 贪婪
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of Sagittarius [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]]<br/>
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 与人马座 [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]] 相反<br/>
Romantic match with [[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]] [[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]] [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]]<br/>
[[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]] [[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]] [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]] 相合<br/>
Romantic mismatch with [[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]]
[[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]] 不合
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 20 May-<br/>20 June
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 5月20日-<br/>6月20日
| [[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]]
| [[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]]
! Cancer
! 巨蟹座
| zodiac_cancer
| zodiac_cancer
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  376
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  376
第2,926行: 第2,996行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 Same trait <br/>-10 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 相同特质 <br/>-10 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +5 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+40 Rationality<br>-20 Zeal
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +5 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+40 理性<br>-20 狂热
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of Capricorn [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]]<br/>
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 与魔羯座 [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]] 相反<br/>
Romantic match with [[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]] [[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]] [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]]<br/>
[[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]] [[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]] [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]] 相合<br/>
Romantic mismatch with [[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]] [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]]
[[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]] [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]] 不合
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 21 June-<br/>21 July
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 6月21日-<br/>7月21日
| [[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]]
| [[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]]
! Leo
! 狮子座
| zodiac_leo
| zodiac_leo
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  379
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  379
第2,942行: 第3,012行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 Same trait <br/>-20 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 相同特质 <br/>-20 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.05 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br/> -0.01 Monthly [[Piety]]<br>+40 Ambition<br>+40 Zeal
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.05 每月[[ 威望]]<br/> -0.01 每月[[ 虔诚]]<br>+40 野心<br>+40 狂热
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of Aquarius [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]]<br/>
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 与宝瓶座 [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]] 相反<br/>
Romantic match with [[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]] [[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]] [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]] [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]]<br/>
[[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]] [[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]] [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]] [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]] 相合<br/>
Romantic mismatch with [[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]] [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]]
[[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]] [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]] 不合
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 22 July-<br/>21 August
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 7月22日-<br/>8月21日
| [[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]]
| [[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]]
! Virgo
! 室女座
| zodiac_virgo
| zodiac_virgo
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  385
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  385
第2,958行: 第3,028行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 Same trait <br/>-10 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 相同特质 <br/>-10 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -0.05 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br/> +0.01 Monthly [[Piety]]<br>-40 Ambition<br>-40 Greed
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -0.05 每月[[ 威望]]<br/> +0.01 每月[[ 虔诚]]<br>-40 野心<br>-40 贪婪
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of Pisces [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]]<br/>
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 与双鱼座 [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]] 相反<br/>
Romantic match with [[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]] [[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]] [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]] [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]]<br/>
[[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]] [[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]] [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]] [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]] 相合<br/>
Romantic mismatch with [[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]] [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]]
[[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]] [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]] 不合
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 22 August-<br/>21 September
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 8月22日-<br/>9月21日
| [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]]
| [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]]
! Libra
! 天秤座
| zodiac_libra
| zodiac_libra
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  380
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  380
第2,974行: 第3,044行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 Same trait <br/>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 相同特质 <br/>-5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -40 Zeal<br>+40 Rationality
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -40 狂热<br>+40 理性
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of Aries [[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]]<br/>
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 与白羊座 [[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]] 相反<br/>
Romantic match with [[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]] [[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]] [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]]<br/>
[[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]] [[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]] [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]] 相合<br/>
Romantic mismatch with [[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]] [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]]
[[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]] [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]] 不合
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 22 September-<br/>22 October
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 9月22日-<br/>10月22日
| [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]]
| [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]]
! Scorpio
! 天蝎座
| zodiac_scorpio
| zodiac_scorpio
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  383
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  383
第2,990行: 第3,060行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 [[Dynasty]]<br/>-5 Same trait <br/>-15 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 [[ 家族]]<br/>-5 相同特质 <br/>-15 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10.0% [[Fertility]]<br>+40 Zeal<br>-20 Rationality
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10.0% [[ 生育能力]]<br>+40 狂热<br>-20 理性
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of Taurus [[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]]<br/>
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 与金牛座 [[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]] 相反<br/>
Romantic match with [[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]] [[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]] [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]]<br/>
[[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]] [[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]] [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]] 相合<br/>
Romantic mismatch with [[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]]
[[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]] 不合
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 23 October-<br/>21 November
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 10月23日-<br/>11月21日
| [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]]
| [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]]
! Sagittarius
! 人马座
| zodiac_sagittarius
| zodiac_sagittarius
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  382
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  382
第3,006行: 第3,076行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 Same trait <br/>-10 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 相同特质 <br/>-10 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -0.05 Monthly [[Piety]]<br>+20 Zeal<br>+20 Honor
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -0.05 每月[[ 虔诚]]<br>+20 狂热<br>+20 荣誉
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of Gemini [[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]]<br/>
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 与双子座 [[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]] 相反<br/>
Romantic match with [[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]] [[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]] [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]]<br/>
[[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]] [[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]] [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]] 相合<br/>
Romantic mismatch with [[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]]
[[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]] 不合
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 22 November-<br/>20 December
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 11月22日-<br/>12月20日
| [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]]
| [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]]
! Capricorn
! 摩羯座
| zodiac_capricorn
| zodiac_capricorn
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  377
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  377
第3,022行: 第3,092行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> +1
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 Same trait <br/>-10 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 相同特质 <br/>-10 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20 Rationality<br>+20 Ambition
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20 理性<br>+20 野心
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of Cancer [[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]]<br/>
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 与巨蟹座 [[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]] 相反<br/>
Romantic match with [[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]] [[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]] [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]]<br/>
[[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]] [[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]] [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]] [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]] 相合<br/>
Romantic mismatch with [[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]] [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]]
[[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]] [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]] 不合
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 21 December-<br/>19 January
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 12月21日-<br/>1月18日
| [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]]
| [[File:Zodiac aquarius.png|Aquarius|link=]]
! Aquarius
! 宝瓶座
| zodiac_aquarius
| zodiac_aquarius
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  374
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  374
第3,038行: 第3,108行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 Same trait <br/>-10 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 相同特质 <br/>-10 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers -->+0.05 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>-40 Rationality<br>-20 Greed
| <!-- Other modifiers -->+0.05 每月[[ 威望]]<br>-40 理性<br>-20 贪婪
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of Leo [[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]]<br/>
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> '''注意:'''此特质当前被标记为一个宗教特质,使得在宗教改变时它会消失。这已经被报告了,[https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/ck-ii-the-aquarius-zodiac-trait-is-marked-as-a-religious-trait.1175186/ 并被Paradox确认为bug]。其他星座特质未受影响。<!-- 译者注:经查验,目前3.2版本的游戏文件,中该特质仍被标记为宗教特质 --><br> 与狮子座 [[File:Zodiac leo.png|Leo|link=]] 相反<br/>
Romantic match with [[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]] [[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]] [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]] [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]]<br/>
[[File:Zodiac aries.png|Aries|link=]] [[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]] [[File:Zodiac libra.png|Libra|link=]] [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]] 相合<br/>
Romantic mismatch with [[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]] [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]]
[[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]] [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]] 不合
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 19 January-<br/>17 February
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 1月19日-<br/>2月17日
| [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]]
| [[File:Zodiac pisces.png|Pisces|link=]]
! Pisces
! 双鱼座
| zodiac_pisces
| zodiac_pisces
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  381
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  381
第3,054行: 第3,124行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 [[Dynasty]]<br/>+10 Same trait <br/>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 [[ 家族]]<br/>+10 相同特质 <br/>-5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -40 Greed<br>-20 Ambition<br>+40 Honor
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -40 贪婪<br>-20 野心<br>+40 荣誉
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Opposite of Virgo [[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]]<br/>
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 与室女座 [[File:Zodiac virgo.png|Virgo|link=]] 相反<br/>
Romantic match with [[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]] [[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]] [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]] [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]]<br/>
[[File:Zodiac taurus.png|Taurus|link=]] [[File:Zodiac cancer.png|Cancer|link=]] [[File:Zodiac scorpio.png|Scorpio|link=]] [[File:Zodiac capricorn.png|Capricorn|link=]] 相合<br/>
Romantic mismatch with [[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]] [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]] 
[[File:Zodiac gemini.png|Gemini|link=]] [[File:Zodiac sagittarius.png|Sagittarius|link=]] 不合
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 18 February-<br/>19 March
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Date --> 2月18日-<br/>3月19日

=== Bloodthirsty Gods ===
=== 嗜血神灵 ===
Available for {{iconify|Aztec}} (including reformed) and any reformed pagan religion with the Bloodthirsty Gods [[Pagans#Doctrine|doctrine]].
适用于 {{iconify|Aztec}} (包括改革)和任何拥有嗜血神灵[[Pagans#Doctrine| 教义]] 的改革原始宗教。

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link= 属性# 管理| 管理]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link= 属性# 密谋| 密谋]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]] 
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 140px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 140px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 80px;" | Obtained
! style="width: 80px;" | 获得
| [[File:bloodthirsty_gods_1.png|Haemophiliac|link=]]
| [[File:bloodthirsty_gods_1.png|Haemophiliac|link=]]
! Haemophiliac
! 嗜血
| bloodthirsty_gods_1
| bloodthirsty_gods_1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  401
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  401
第3,090行: 第3,160行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 Feudal Vassal<br>-5 Republic Vassal<br>+5 Tribal<br>+5 Church<br>+5 Same Trait<br>+5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 封建封臣<br>-5 共和制封臣<br>+5 部落<br>+5 教会<br>+5 相同特质<br>+5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.1 Monthly [[Piety]]<br>-15 Rationality<br>+30 Zeal
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.1 每月[[ 虔诚]]<br>-15 理性<br>+30 狂热
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Unlocks "Blood Tournament"
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 解锁 " 鲜血竞赛"
| style="text-align: center;" | 10 <code>burned_hearts_points</code>
| style="text-align: center;" | 10 <code>burned_hearts_points</code>
| [[File:bloodthirsty_gods_2.png|Haemophant|link=]]
| [[File:bloodthirsty_gods_2.png|Haemophant|link=]]
! Haemophant
! 嗜血狂
| bloodthirsty_gods_2
| bloodthirsty_gods_2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  402
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  402
第3,104行: 第3,174行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 Feudal Vassal<br>-10 Republic Vassal<br>+10 Tribal<br>+10 Church<br>+5 Same Trait<br>+10 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 封建封臣<br>-10 共和制封臣<br>+10 部落<br>+10 教会<br>+5 相同特质<br>+10 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.2 Monthly [[Piety]]<br>-30 Rationality<br>+70 Zeal
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.2 每月[[ 虔诚]]<br>-30 理性<br>+70 狂热
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Unlocks "Mass Sacrifice"
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 解锁 " 大规模献祭"
| style="text-align: center;" | 50 <code>burned_hearts_points</code>
| style="text-align: center;" | 50 <code>burned_hearts_points</code>
| [[File:bloodthirsty_gods_3.png|Haemoarch|link=]]
| [[File:bloodthirsty_gods_3.png|Haemoarch|link=]]
! Haemoarch
! 嗜血魔王
| bloodthirsty_gods_3
| bloodthirsty_gods_3
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  403
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  403
第3,118行: 第3,188行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning -->
| <!-- Opinions --> -15 Feudal Vassal<br>-15 Republic Vassal<br>+15 Tribal<br>+15 Church<br>+5 Same Trait<br>+15 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -15 封建封臣<br>-15 共和制封臣<br>+15 部落<br>+15 教会<br>+5 相同特质<br>+15 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 Monthly [[Piety]]<br>-75 Rationality<br>+100 Zeal
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 每月[[ 虔诚]]<br>-75 理性<br>+100 狂热
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Unlocks [[Casus_Belli#Flower_War|Flower War]] CB<br>Halfway to [[Bloodline#Action.2FActivity_Bloodlines|Bloodthirsty Bloodline]]!
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 解锁[[Casus_Belli#Flower_War| 荣冠战争]]CB<br> 获得[[Bloodline#Action.2FActivity_Bloodlines| 嗜血血脉]] 的途中!
| style="text-align: center;" | 100 <code>burned_hearts_points</code>
| style="text-align: center;" | 100 <code>burned_hearts_points</code>

===Pagan branches===
=== 原始宗教支派===
Reformed pagan religions with no religious head ([[Pagans#Leadership|Leadership: Autonomous]]) give their followers freedom to interpret the religion in different ways.
没有宗教领袖([[Pagans#Leadership| 领导权:地方自治]] )的改革原始宗教给予信徒以不同方式阐释宗教的自由。

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! style="width: 8em" | Name
! style="width: 8em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 9em" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 140px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 140px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="unsortable" | Flavor Text
! style="unsortable" | 描述
| [[File:pagan_branch_1.png|Syncretist|link=]]
| [[File:pagan_branch_1.png|Syncretist|link=]]
! Syncretist
! 调和派
| pagan_branch_1
| pagan_branch_1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  355
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  355
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 Religious Same Trait<br>+10 Other Religious Groups<br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 相同宗教特质<br>+10 其他宗教组<br>-5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> -30 Zeal
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> -30 狂热
| ''This character believes in adapting some of the features of the newer religions to <nowiki>[Root.GetHerHis]</nowiki> own worship of the old gods.''
| '' 这名角色相信[Root.GetSheHe] 自己对旧神的崇拜应当采纳诸新兴宗教的部分特点。''
| [[File:pagan_branch_2.png|Spiritualist|link=]]
| [[File:pagan_branch_2.png|Spiritualist|link=]]
! Spiritualist
! 唯灵派
| pagan_branch_2
| pagan_branch_2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  356
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  356
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Church<br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 教会<br>-5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.25 Monthly [[Piety]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.25 每月[[ 虔诚]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> -30 Zeal
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> -30 狂热
| ''This character believes in detaching <nowiki>[Root.GetHerselfHimself]</nowiki> from worldly affairs in the pursuit for true enlightenment.''
| '' 这名角色相信为了追求真正的启迪,应当把[Root.GetHerselfHimself] 从世俗事物中分离出来。''
| [[File:pagan_branch_3.png|Militant|link=]]
| [[File:pagan_branch_3.png|Militant|link=]]
! Militant
! 尚武派
| pagan_branch_3
| pagan_branch_3
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  357
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  357
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>+10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 每月[[ 威望]]<br>+10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> +20 Ambition
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> +20 野心
| ''This character has interpreted <nowiki>[Root.GetHerHis]</nowiki> scriptures as a call to action against all the infidels threatening the survival of <nowiki>[Root.GetHerHis]</nowiki> faith.''
| '' 这名角色已经把[Root.GetHerHis] 经典解释为一种号召,要奋起反抗一切威胁到[Root.GetHerHis] 信仰存亡的异教徒。''
| [[File:pagan_branch_4.png|Tribalist|link=]]
| [[File:pagan_branch_4.png|Tribalist|link=]]
! Tribalist
! 部族派
| pagan_branch_4
| pagan_branch_4
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  358
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID -->  358
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Dynasty<br>-5 Opposite Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 家族<br>-5 相反特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10% Fertility
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10% 生育能力
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> +10 Honor
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> +10 荣誉
| ''This character believes that the true worship of the old gods is still best exemplified by the care that a <nowiki>[Root.GetManWoman]</nowiki> has for <nowiki>[Root.GetHerHis]</nowiki> own family.''
| '' 这名角色相信一个[Root.GetManWoman] [Root.GetHerHis] 家族的关心仍然是真正崇拜旧日诸神的最佳例证。''

== 朝觐==

[[File:Chinese Imperial.png|Travel to China|link=]] These traits are gained by traveling to [[China]] in order to demonstrate subordination, as long as the [[character]]'s [[realm]] is within diplomatic range to the Dragon Emperor. Those traits will be removed if a new [[dynasty]] comes to rule China. It requires the {{icon|jd}} [[Jade Dragon]] DLC to interact with China.
[[File:Chinese Imperial.png|Travel to China|link=]] 这些特质在前往[[ 中国]] 以示臣服的旅行中获得,只要[[ 角色]] [[ 领地]] 在中华帝国的外交范围内。如果一个新[[ 家族]] 开始统治中国,则会失去这些特质。需要 {{icon|jd}} [[ 碧玉之龙]] DLC 来与中国互动。

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
!  class="unsortable" style="width: 24px" |
!  class="unsortable" style="width: 24px" |
! Name
! 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 9.5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
|[[File:Kow_tow_travels.png|On Kowtow|link=]]
|[[File:Kow_tow_travels.png|On Kowtow|link=]]
!On Kowtow
! 朝觐中
|On pilgrimage to [[China]] (requires a [[regent]], but the pilgrim can still educate [[children]])<br>-0.2 monthly [[Wealth]]<br>-0.5 [[Health]]
| 朝觐[[ 中国]] ( 要求一位[[ 摄政]], 但朝觐者仍可教育[[ 孩子]])<br>-0.2 每月[[ 财富]]<br>-0.5 [[ 健康]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|[[File:Kow_tow_completed_tier_1.png|Kowtow I|link=]]
|[[File:Kow_tow_completed_tier_1.png|Kowtow I|link=]]
!Kowtow Complete (Tier I)
! 朝觐 (I )
| +1 Monthly [[Grace]]<br>-0.1 Monthly [[Prestige]]
| +1 每月[[ 与中国互动|皇恩]]<br>-0.1 每月[[ 威望]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|[[File:Kow_tow_completed_tier_2.png|Kowtow II|link=]]
|[[File:Kow_tow_completed_tier_2.png|Kowtow II|link=]]
!Kowtow Complete (Tier II)
! 朝觐 (II )
| +2 Monthly [[Grace]]<br>-0.1 Monthly [[Prestige]]
| +2 每月[[ 与中国互动|皇恩]]<br>-0.1 每月[[ 威望]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
|[[File:Kow_tow_completed_tier_3.png|Kowtow III|link=]]
|[[File:Kow_tow_completed_tier_3.png|Kowtow III|link=]]
!Kowtow Complete (Tier III)
! 朝觐 (III )
| +4 Monthly [[Grace]]<br>-0.1 Monthly [[Prestige]]
| +4 每月[[ 与中国互动|皇恩]]<br>-0.1 每月[[ 威望]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->

== 劫掠==
These traits are obtained by sacking settlements while [[raiding]]. They can be obtained by:
通过[[ 劫掠]] 地产,满足下列任一条件的角色可得到本组特质:

* [[Pagans#Germanic|Germanic]] pagans (only sufficient if {{icon|tog}}[[The Old Gods]] is active)
* [[ 原始宗教# 日耳曼多神教| 日耳曼多神教]] 信徒(须有 {{icon|tog}} [[ 逝往神灵]] 拓展包)
* Pagans following a reformed religion with the "Sea-Bound" and "Daring" [[Pagans#Doctrine|doctrines]]
* 具有 {{icon|HF}}“航海”与“勇敢”[[ 原始宗教# 教义| 教义]] 的改革原始宗教信徒
* Characters with the [[bloodline]]: Blood of Ragnarr 'Lodbrok'
* 拥有 {{icon|HF}} 朗纳尔“洛德布罗克”的[[ 血脉]]

Germanic Pagans will start with Viking and others will start with Pirate, but they share the same upgrade path. If {{icon|HF}}[[Holy Fury]] is enabled, these traits unlock special events when raiding and sacking<!-- (search for this_is_sea_raider_trigger) -->.
作为系列特质的初阶,日耳曼多神教信徒将得到“维京人”,而其他原始宗教信徒则是“海盗”;不过升级路径是相同的。如 {{icon|HF}} [[ 神圣之怒]] 拓展包已激活,这些特性可以触发劫掠时的特殊事件。<!-- (search for this_is_sea_raider_trigger) -->[[角色]]无需亲自领军来获得这些特质。

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! style="width: 7em" | Name
! style="width: 7em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 8.5em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 11em" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 165px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 165px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
| [[File:Viking.png|Viking|link=]]
| [[File:Viking.png|link=]]
! Viking
! 维京
| viking
| viking
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 140
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 140
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +1
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 Same Trait<br>+15 Germanic<br>+15 Reformed Germanic
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 同特质<br>+15 日耳曼多神教<br>+15 改革日耳曼多神教
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>+10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 14
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 14
| [[File:Pirate.png|Pirate|link=]]
| [[File:Pirate.png|link=]]
! Pirate
! 海盗
| pirate
| pirate
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +1
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +1
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 Same Trait<br>+15 Germanic<br>+15 Reformed Germanic
| <!-- Opinions --> +5 同特质<br>+15 日耳曼多神教<br>+15 改革日耳曼多神教
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>+10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.3 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->Viking equivalent for characters following other religions
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 等同于[[File:Viking.png|维京|link=]]特质,供其他宗教信徒。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 14
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 14
| [[File:Ravager.png|Ravager|link=]]
| [[File:Ravager.png|link=]]
! Ravager
! 劫掠者<!-- 暂译,原文Ravager -->
| ravager
| ravager
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 233
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 233
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +2
| <!-- Opinions -->+5 Same Trait<br>+20 Germanic<br>+20 Reformed Germanic
| <!-- Opinions -->+5 同特质<br>+20 日耳曼多神教<br>+20 改革日耳曼多神教
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.4 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>+20 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.4 每月威望<br>+20 个人实战能力
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->An upgraded version of the {{iconify|Viking}} or {{iconify|Pirate}} trait.<br>Obtained by [[raiding]] 50 additional settlements. [[Character]] does not need to lead [[troops]] to obtain this trait.
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->[[File:Viking.png|维京|link=]] [[File:Pirate.png|海盗|link=]] 的升级版。<br>拥有初阶特质后,再劫掠50块地产以获得。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 19
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 19
| [[File:Sea king.png|Sea King|link=]]
| [[File:Sea king.png|link=]]
! Sea King
! 海盗王
| seaking
| seaking
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 234
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 234
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +3
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +3
| <!-- Opinions --> +25 Germanic<br>+25 Reformed Germanic
| <!-- Opinions --> +25 日耳曼多神教<br>+25 改革日耳曼多神教
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.5 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>+20 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.5 每月威望<br>+20 个人实战能力
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->An upgraded version of the {{iconify|Ravager}} trait.<br>Obtained by [[raiding]] 50 additional settlements. [[Character]] does not need to lead [[troops]] to obtain this trait.
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->[[File:Ravager.png|劫掠者|link=]]的升级版。<br> 拥有上一阶特质后,再劫掠50块地产以获得。角色无需亲自领军。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 21
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 21
| [[File:Sea queen.png|Sea Queen|link=]]
| [[File:Sea queen.png|link=]]
! Sea Queen
! 海盗女王
| sea_queen
| sea_queen
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 241
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 241
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +3
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> +3
| <!-- Opinions --> +25 Germanic<br>+25 Reformed Germanic
| <!-- Opinions --> +25 日耳曼多神教<br>+25 改革日耳曼多神教
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.5 Monthly [[Prestige]]<br>+20 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +0.5 每月威望<br>+20 个人实战能力
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->An alternate version of {{iconify|Sea king}} only obtainable by female [[character]]s.
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 代替[[File:Sea king.png|海盗王|link=]] ,仅供女性角色。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 

== 弑亲者==
Obtained by killing family members. With multiple family murders, only the worst trait will be retained.

These traits can only be removed by:
* A random event from the Pope, if you're independent, have 100 piety, and +0 opinion from the Pope
* 一个来自教宗的随机事件,如果你是独立的,有100虔诚,教宗对你+0 好感
* A "murder deflection" decision available for certain [[Bloodline#Murder_bloodlines|murderous bloodlines]]
* 一个“混淆视听”决议,适用于某些[[Bloodline#Murder_bloodlines| 谋杀血脉]]
* For non-tribal kinslayer traits: By [[Religious_conversion|converting]] to Muslim, even temporarily.
* 对于非部落制弑亲者特质:通过[[Religious_conversion| 转变]] 为伊斯兰教,即使是临时地。
* For tribal kinslayer: By changing [[government]] type, then saving and reloading<!-- Bug report: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/ck-ii-3-0-changing-government-does-not-re-evaluate-trait-eligibility.1128839/ -->
* 对于部落制弑亲者:通过改变[[ 政体]] 类型,保存并重新加载。<!-- Bug report: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/ck-ii-3-0-changing-government-does-not-re-evaluate-trait-eligibility.1128839/ -->

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! style="width: 7em" | Name
! style="width: 7em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link= 属性# 管理| 管理]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link= 属性# 密谋| 密谋]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]] 
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 8.5em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 8.5em" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 165px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 165px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
| [[File:Kinslayer.png|Kinslayer|link=]]
| [[File:Kinslayer.png|Kinslayer|link=]]
! Kinslayer
! 弑亲禽兽
| kinslayer
| kinslayer
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 46
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 46
第3,323行: 第3,389行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -25 [[Dynasty]]<br>-10 General
| <!-- Opinions --> -25 [[ 家族]]<br>-10 大众好感
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> Gained by killing ancestors, descendants, or siblings.<br>Not for [[Muslim]]s or [[Tribalism|Tribal]]s
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 杀死直系先祖、直系后代或兄弟姐妹获得。<br> 不适用于[[ 伊斯兰教]] [[Tribalism| 部落]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -28
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -28
| [[File:Familial Kinslayer.png|Familial Kinslayer|link=]]
| [[File:Familial Kinslayer.png|Familial Kinslayer|link=]]
! Familial Kinslayer
! 弑近亲者
| familial_kinslayer
| familial_kinslayer
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 321
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 321
第3,337行: 第3,403行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -20 [[Dynasty]]<br>-5 General
| <!-- Opinions --> -20 [[ 家族]]<br>-5 大众好感
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->Gained by killing blood aunts/uncles, nieces/nephews, or cousins.<br>Removed upon gaining the {{iconify|Kinslayer}} trait.<br>Not for [[Muslim]]s or [[Tribalism|Tribal]]s
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 杀死亲姑姨/ 叔舅,侄甥女/ 侄甥,或同辈堂表亲获得。<br> 获得 {{iconify|Kinslayer}} 特质时移除。<br> 不适用于[[ 伊斯兰教]] [[Tribalism| 部落]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -19
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -19
| [[File:Dynastic Kinslayer.png|Dynastic Kinslayer|link=]]
| [[File:Dynastic Kinslayer.png|Dynastic Kinslayer|link=]]
! Dynastic Kinslayer
! 弑族亲者
| dynastic_kinslayer
| dynastic_kinslayer
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 322
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 322
第3,351行: 第3,417行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -15 [[Dynasty]]
| <!-- Opinions --> -15 [[ 家族]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->Gained by killing other [[Dynasty|dynastic members]].<br>Removed upon gaining {{iconify|Familial Kinslayer}}, or {{iconify|Kinslayer}}.<br>Not for [[Muslim]]s or [[Tribalism|Tribal]]s
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 杀死其他[[Dynasty| 家族成员]] 获得。<br> 获得 {{iconify|Familial Kinslayer}} {{iconify|Kinslayer}} 特质时移除。<br> 不适用于[[ 伊斯兰教]] [[Tribalism| 部落]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -11
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> -11
! Tribal Kinslayer
! 部落弑亲者
| tribal_kinslayer
| tribal_kinslayer
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 406
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 406
第3,365行: 第3,431行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Dynasty]]<br>+15 Attraction
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[ 家族]]<br>+15 吸引力好感
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->Only for [[Tribalism|Tribal]]s<br>Only with {{icon|HF}}Holy Fury
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 仅适用于[[Tribalism| 部落]]<br> 仅拥有 {{icon|HF}} 神圣之怒时
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->

== 特殊==
These traits are gained through special actions or circumstances.

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 88.3em"
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | 
! style="width: 7em" | Name
! style="width: 7em" | 名称
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | Command
! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em" | 键值
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! style="width: 1px;" | ID
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link= 属性# 外交| 外交]]  
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link= 属性# 军事| 军事]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link= 属性# 管理| 管理]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link= 属性# 密谋| 密谋]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] 
! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link= 属性# 学识| 学识]] 
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 8.5em" | [[Opinions]]
! class="unsortable"  style="width: 8.5em" | [[ 好感]]
! class="unsortable" style="width: 165px;" | Other modifiers
! class="unsortable" style="width: 165px;" | 其他修正
! class="unsortable" | Miscellaneous
! class="unsortable" | 杂项
! style="width: 1px;" | Cost
! style="width: 1px;" | 花费
| [[File:Adventurer.png|Adventurer|link=]]
| [[File:Adventurer.png|Adventurer|link=]]
! Adventurer
! 冒险者
| adventurer
| adventurer
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 187
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 187
第3,399行: 第3,465行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20% [[Levy]] Size<br>+10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>+10% Max Manpower<br>+40 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Ambition]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +20% [[ 征召兵]] 规模<br>+10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>+10% 最大人力<br>+40 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 野心]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Augustus.png|Augustus|link=]]
| [[File:Augustus.png|Augustus|link=]]
! Augustus
! 奥古斯都
| augustus
| augustus
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 125
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 125
第3,413行: 第3,479行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 [[Vassal]]
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 [[ 封臣]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->+0.5 Monthly [[Prestige]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->+0.5 每月[[ 威望]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->Given to [[emperor]]s of the restored [[Roman Empire]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 给予重建的[[ 罗马帝国]] [[ 皇帝]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Blinded.png|Blinded|link=]]
| [[File:Blinded.png|Blinded|link=]]
! Blinded
! 致盲
| blinded
| blinded
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 123
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 123
第3,427行: 第3,493行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 Attraction
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 吸引力
| <!-- Other modifiers -->-100 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>-1 [[Health]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->-100 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>-1 [[ 健康]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Cannibal.png|Cannibal|link=]]
| [[File:Cannibal.png|Cannibal|link=]]
! Cannibal
! 食人者
| cannibal_trait
| cannibal_trait
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 252
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 252
第3,441行: 第3,507行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 General<br>+25 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 大众<br>+25 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers -->+1 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Honor]]<br>-20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior|Rationality]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->+1 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]<br>-10 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 荣誉]]<br>-20 [[Modifiers#AI behavior| 理性]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->Allows to [[Imprisonment#Actions_that_kill_prisoners|devour prisoner]] if [[character]] is also {{iconify|Lunatic}} or {{iconify|Possessed}}
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 允许[[Imprisonment#Actions_that_kill_prisoners| 吞食囚犯]] ,如果[[ 角色]] 还拥有 {{iconify|Lunatic}} {{iconify|Possessed}}
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Cat.png|Cat|link=]]
| [[File:Cat.png|Cat|link=]]
! Cat
| cat
| cat
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 316
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 316
第3,455行: 第3,521行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -10
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -10
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> -10
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> -10
| <!-- Opinions --> -20 Attraction
| <!-- Opinions --> -20 吸引力
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -5000% [[Fertility]]<br>-2 [[Health]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -5000% [[ 生育能力]]<br>-2 [[ 健康]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->[[Character]]s with this trait cannot [[Marriage|marry]], [[Succession|inherit]], or hold landed [[title]]s
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 拥有此特质的[[ 角色]] 不能[[Marriage| 结婚]] [[Succession| 继承]] ,或持有有地[[ 头衔]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Eunuch.png|Eunuch|link=]]
| [[File:Eunuch.png|Eunuch|link=]]
! Eunuch
! 阉人
| eunuch
| eunuch
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 122
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 122
第3,469行: 第3,535行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -20 Attraction
| <!-- Opinions --> -20 吸引力
| <!-- Other modifiers -->-5000% [[Fertility]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->-5000% [[ 生育能力]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->[[Character]]s with this trait cannot [[marriage|marry]], [[Succession|inherit]], or be granted landed [[title]]s, but can receive a [[honorary title]].<br>If the player character is within diplomatic range to [[China]], an {{iconify|Eunuch}} may be sent to the Dragon Emperor in exchange for [[grace]] (requires {{icon|jd}} [[Jade Dragon]])
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 拥有此特质的[[ 角色]] 不能[[marriage| 结婚]] [[Succession| 继承]] ,或被授予有地[[ 头衔]] ,但可以接受一个[[ 荣誉头衔]] <br> 如果玩家角色在中华帝国外交范围内,一个 {{iconify|Eunuch}} 可被送到中华帝国从而交换[[Grace|皇恩]] (需要 {{icon|jd}} [[ 碧玉之龙]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Excommunicated.png|Excommunicated|link=]]
| [[File:Excommunicated.png|Excommunicated|link=]]
! Excommunicated
! 绝罚
| excommunicated
| excommunicated
| style="text-align: center;" |  45
| style="text-align: center;" |  45
第3,483行: 第3,549行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions--> -15 Same [[Religion|Faith]]
| <!-- Opinions--> -15 相同[[Religion| 信仰]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Other modifiers --> 
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> See: ''[[Excommunication]]''
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 参见:''[[ 绝罚]]''
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Gladiator.png|Gladiator|link=]]
! 角斗士
| gladiator
| style="text-align: center;" |
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Diplomacy -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Martial --> 5
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Stewardship --> -2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 2
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> -4
| <!-- Opinions--> -5 大众好感<br>+15 同一特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +1 [[健康]] <br>+15 [[Duel|个人实战能力]]<br>+1 [[#Leadership|指挥者特质]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Heresiarch.png|Heresiarch|link=]]
| [[File:Heresiarch.png|Heresiarch|link=]]
! Heresiarch
! 异端头目
| heresiarch
| heresiarch
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 135
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 135
第3,497行: 第3,577行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -15 Other [[Religion|Faith]]<br>+25 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -15 其他[[Religion| 信仰]]<br>+25 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->Given to randomly-generated leaders of [[heretic]] revolts
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 给予[[ 宗教|异端]] 叛乱中随机产生的领导者
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Homosexual.png|Homosexual|link=]]
| [[File:Homosexual.png|Homosexual|link=]]
! Homosexual
! 同性恋
| homosexual
| homosexual
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 47
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 47
第3,511行: 第3,591行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> +30 Attraction<br>-5 [[Vassal]]
| <!-- Opinions --> +30 吸引力<br>-5 [[ 封臣]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->-15% [[Fertility]]
| <!-- Other modifiers -->-15% [[ 生育能力]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->Affected by attraction [[opinion]] bonus of same sex [[character]]s instead of opposite sex characters
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 受同性别[[ 角色]] 的吸引力[[ 好感]] 增益影响,而不是相反性别角色的
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 0
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 0
| [[File:Horse.png|Horse|link=]]
| [[File:Horse.png|Horse|link=]]
! Horse
| horse
| horse
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 202
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 202
第3,525行: 第3,605行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -10
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> -10
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> -10
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> -10
| <!-- Opinions --> -20 Attraction
| <!-- Opinions --> -20 吸引力
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -5000% [[Fertility]]<br>-2 [[Health]]<br>+1000% Horse
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -5000% [[ 生育能力]]<br>-2 [[ 健康]]<br>+1000%
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->[[Character]]s with this trait cannot [[Marriage|marry]], [[Succession|inherit]], or hold landed [[title]]s
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 拥有此特质的[[ 角色]] 不能[[Marriage| 结婚]] [[Succession| 继承]] ,或持有有地[[ 头衔]]
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:In hiding.png|In Hiding|link=]]
| [[File:In hiding.png|In Hiding|link=]]
! In Hiding
! 藏匿中
| in_hiding
| in_hiding
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 176
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 176
第3,539行: 第3,619行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[Vassal]]
| <!-- Opinions --> -5 [[ 封臣]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -2 Monthly [[Prestige]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> -2 每月[[ 威望]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->[[Character]] is in hiding and less vulnerable to [[assassination]] plots
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->[[ 角色]] 处于藏匿中,不易受到[[ 刺杀]] 阴谋的攻击
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Lovers pox.png|Lover's Pox|link=]]
| [[File:Lovers pox.png|Lover's Pox|link=]]
! Lover's Pox
! 情人的疱疹
| lovers_pox
| lovers_pox
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 253
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 253
第3,553行: 第3,633行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions -->-5 Attraction
| <!-- Opinions -->-5 吸引力
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->
第3,559行: 第3,639行:
| [[File:Travelling.png|On a Journey|link=]]
| [[File:Travelling.png|On a Journey|link=]]
! On a Journey
! 旅行中
| travelling
| travelling
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 333
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 333
第3,569行: 第3,649行:
| <!-- Opinions -->
| <!-- Opinions -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->Will need a regent, but can still be guardian to children
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 将需要一位摄政,但仍可以担任儿童的监护人
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost -->
| [[File:Peasant leader.png|Peasant Leader|link=]]
| [[File:Peasant leader.png|Peasant Leader|link=]]
! Peasant Leader
! 农民领袖
| peasant_leader
| peasant_leader
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 134
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 134
第3,581行: 第3,661行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 [[Vassal]]<br>+25 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> -10 [[ 封臣]]<br>+25 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +3 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->Given to randomly-generated leaders of peasant [[revolt]]s
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 给予农民[[ 叛乱]] 中随机产生的领导者
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Reincarnation.png|Reincarnation|link=]]
| [[File:Reincarnation.png|Reincarnation|link=]]
! Reincarnation
! 转世
| reincarnation
| reincarnation
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 173
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 173
第3,597行: 第3,677行:
| <!-- Opinions -->
| <!-- Opinions -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Other modifiers -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->[[Character]] is seen as a reincarnation of another character and may receive traits that their "past life" character had.<br>Can be given after the death of a parent. Can be given at birth in some [[religion]]s, or may require other factors<!-- to messy to list RoI.10000's requirements here (depends on both religion and DLC) and maybe there's also something for west africans? -->
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->[[ 角色]] 被视作另一个角色的转世,可能获得他们“前世”角色的特质。<br> 可以在一位父母去世后获得。可在一些[[ 宗教]] 中出生时获得,或者可能需要其他因素<!-- to messy to list RoI.10000's requirements here (depends on both religion and DLC) and maybe there's also something for west africans? -->
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| [[File:Varangian.png|Varangian|link=]]
| [[File:Varangian.png|Varangian|link=]]
! Varangian
! 瓦兰吉人
| varangian
| varangian
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 137
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- ID --> 137
第3,609行: 第3,689行:
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Intrigue  --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Learning --> 
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 Same Trait
| <!-- Opinions --> +10 相同特质
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel|Personal Combat Skill]]
| <!-- Other modifiers --> +10 [[Duel| 个人实战能力]]
| <!-- Miscellaneous -->Men with North Germanic [[culture]] may gain this trait through an [[event]] chain (son of ruler asks to serve in the Varangian Guard). Also given to the captain of the Varangian Guard.
| <!-- Miscellaneous --> 拥有北日耳曼[[ 文化]] 的角色通过一个事件链(统治者的儿子要求在瓦兰吉卫队任职)可获得此特质。瓦兰吉卫队的队长也会获得。
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 
| style="text-align: center;" | <!-- Cost --> 

== 注释==
<references />
<references />

==See also==
== 另见==
*[[Trait modding]]
*[[ 特质模组制作]]

[[Category: 角色]]
[[Category: 列表]]

2020年12月26日 (六) 00:11的最新版本

角色图片上突出显示的是特质栏(v. 3.0)

Traits 特质反映了一个角色的性格、能力、声誉和身体特征。它们可以在事件教育中获得或失去。它们影响到从属性好感的各种领域。此外,大多数特质影响着某些事件中可用的选项。好的特质对于一个优秀统治者来说是必不可少的。 不能同时具有对立及不同级别的同功能特质。例如,具有 Genius.png 天才特质的角色无法拥有 Slow.png 迟钝或 Quick.png 敏锐特质。 特质会影响AI角色在事件中的选择。例如,当廷臣想要与领主发生婚外情时,好色Lustful.png的统治者更有可能会选择“采取行动”。特质也会作用于AI的理性、狂热、贪婪、荣誉、野心五项参数,进而影响其在外交行动中的选择。


Education 每个角色在成年(16岁)时,基于幼年的教育,都会获得一个教育特性。在基础游戏中,他们通常接近于他们“监护人”的教育,不过有一些随机变化。

DLC icon Conclave.png 御前会议拓展包引入儿童时期生活重心系统,弱化了监护人教育所造成的影响。拥有高等级军事教育特质的监护人同样能够带来指挥官特质。军事教育特质可在随机的战场事件中升级;其他教育特质则能够通过相应生活重心下的随机事件得到提升。

ID 内部调用名 外交 军事 管理 密谋 学识 健康 生育能力 个人实战能力 其他 花费[1] 背景叙述
Naive Appeaser 天真的外交家 5 naive_appeaser 1 -1 0 天真的外交家总想要左右逢源,幻想着他们自己是优秀的外交家。不幸的是,其他人通常只是欺侮他们。
Underhanded rogue.png 狡猾的无赖 6 underhanded_rogue 3 -1 +5% 3 狡猾的无赖举止粗俗,不过不失为有效率的外交家。
Charismatic Negotiator 魅力非凡的说客 7 charismatic_negotiator 6 -1 1 1 +5% 8 魅力非凡的说客是优秀的外交家,其优雅外表和滔滔雄辩往往能令政要印象深刻。
Grey Eminence 幕后操控人 8 grey_eminence 9 -1 2 2 +10% 14 幕后操控人是典型的精通外交的政治家。外交总管的职位为此人量身打造,同时也能成为儿童在外交领域的最佳导师。
Misguided Warrior 鲁莽的战士 13 misguided_warrior 1 -1 +0.5 +5 5 鲁莽的战士在战争和军事技艺方面受过训练,但是毫无天赋可言。
Tough Soldier 坚强的战士 14 tough_soldier 3 -1 +0.5 +10 7 坚强的战士在战场上令人生畏,不过指挥官资质则非常平庸。
Skilled Tactician 优秀战术家 15 skilled_tactician 6 1 1 -1 +0.5 +15 12 优秀战术家是战争艺术的行家,既是勇敢的战士,又是可靠的将领。
Brilliant Strategist 天才战略家 16 brilliant_strategist 9 2 2 -1 +0.5 +20 +1 指挥官特质 17 天才战略家有着超乎寻常的军事天分,是绝佳的军事总管和军事导师的候选人。
Indulgent Wastrel 放荡的浪子 9 indulgent_wastrel -1 1 0 放荡的浪子被期望培养为精通金钱之道的人。如果精通是花钱如流水的意思的话,那么放荡的浪子的确很精通此道。
Thrifty Clerk 节俭的职员 10 thrifty_clerk -1 3 +5% 3 节俭的职员做事兢兢业业,但不是有卓越技能的管理者。
Fortune Builder 财富创造者 11 fortune_builder -1 1 6 1 +10% 9 财富创造者在青少年时期就展露出非凡的商业天赋,一生注定享尽荣华富贵。
Midas Touched 点石成金者 12 midas_touched -1 2 9 2 +15% 15 此人被赞誉为能够点石成金,绝无财富耗尽之时。此人可以成为优秀的财政总管,也能成为希望从事管理的孩子的最好导师。
Amateurish Plotter 业余阴谋家 1 amateurish_plotter -1 1 +4 0 业余阴谋家接受以密谋知识为主的教育。不幸的是,此人并不适合这种教育。
Flamboyant Schemer 浮夸的谋士 2 flamboyant_schemer -1 3 +8 2 浮夸的谋士依靠宫廷阴谋发家,并喜欢炫耀在贸易方面的知识。不过,他们保守不住秘密的天性总是令他们的努力功亏一篑。
Intricate Webweaver 暗中操纵者 3 intricate_webweaver 1 1 -1 6 +12 7 暗中策划者是操控别人的专家,天生适合生活在阴谋诡计中。
Elusive Shadow 难以捉摸的影子 4 elusive_shadow 2 2 -1 9 +16 12 难以捉摸的影子是阴谋的大师,可以成为最好的间谍总管,也是未来阴谋家的最好导师。
Detached Priest 清高的牧师 17 detached_priest -1 1 0 清高的牧师接受过神学教育,但除了基础文学之外毫无天赋。
Dutiful Cleric 尽职的教士 18 martial_cleric -1 3 +10 狂热 2 尽职的教士学习并掌握了优美的书法,不过对神学理论毫无兴趣。
Scholarly Theologian 渊博的神学家 19 scholarly_theologian 1 1 -1 6 -5% +20 狂热 6 渊博的神学家博学多才,对哲学和神学都有很深造诣。
Mastermind Theologian 神学的大师 20 mastermind_theologian 2 2 -1 9 -5% +30 狂热 11 神学大师被认为是最顶尖的宗教方面的学者之一。

对于非基督教角色而言,Icon learning.png学识教育特质图标中的十字架将由相应的其他符号代替(例如穆斯林的新月,犹太教徒的七烛台,原始宗教的多重三角形)。



名称 ID 内部调用名 作用 可以发展成 监护人干预特质 注释 背景叙述
Affectionate 亲切 191 affectionate +1 Diplomacy 外交 Kind.png, Content.pngTrusting.png Charitable.png 被囚禁 Imprisoned.png 儿童可能获得 这个孩子和善、表达爱与同情时毫不迟疑。
Playful 调皮 197 playful +1 Diplomacy 外交 Gregarious.png, Deceitful.pngLunatic.png Cruel.png 这个孩子喜欢沉浸在娱乐和游戏中,总是能找到去玩耍的借口。
Haughty 傲慢 190 haughty +1 Martial 军事 Proud.png, Arbitrary.pngGroomed.pngCruel.png Ambitious.png 这个孩子骄傲、虚荣、自大。
Rowdy 粗暴 193 rowdy +1 Martial 军事 Brawny.png, Honest.png, Uncouth.pngDull.png Brave.png Timid.png 相反,可能使 Genius.png 降低至 Quick.png,或者移除 Quick.png 这个孩子又吵闹又活泼,比起追求安静的环境,他更喜欢粗犷的体力活动。
Conscientious 尽责 198 conscientious +1 Stewardship 财政 Diligent.pngTemperate.png Just.png 当特质发展时,20%几率获得Stressed.png,除非监护人干预 这个孩子异乎寻常地细心、负责,乐于把繁琐的杂活、任务做得完美。
Fussy 挑剔 199 fussy +1 Stewardship 财政 Patient.png, Greedy.pngParanoid.png Diligent.png 这个孩子很讲究其他人觉得琐碎的细节,有时会因此沮丧、遭遇挫折。
Brooding 沉思 195 brooding +1 Intrigue 密谋 Just.pngWroth.pngUncouth.pngEnvious.png Temperate.png 被囚禁 Imprisoned.png 儿童可能获得 这个孩子是一个安静的思考者。别的孩子白天在外玩时,这个孩子经常坐在屋内沉思。
Indolent 怠惰 196 indolent +1 Intrigue 密谋 Charitable.pngSlothful.pngGroomed.pngSturdy.pngGluttonous.png Gregarious.png 被囚禁 Imprisoned.png 儿童可能获得 这个孩子反感任何形式的努力,无论是精神上的还是身体上的。
Willful 任性 194 willful +1 Intrigue 密谋 Ambitious.png, Brave.pngStubborn.png Proud.png 这个孩子顽固、执拗,从不轻易遵从他人或作出让步。
Curious 好奇 200 curious +1 Learning 学习 Shrewd.png, Cynical.png 或其他宗教同情者 Patient.png Genius.png 相斥,可能使 Imbecile.png 降低至 Slow.png,或移除 Slow.png 这个孩子有着好奇的天性,不断地提问题、探索新奇事物。
Idolizer 狂信者 201 idolizer +1 Learning 学习 Zealous.png, Erudite.pngFrail.png Kind.png Genius.png 这个孩子容易被感情影响,有着强烈的探求真理的欲望。
Timid 怯懦 192 timid +1 Learning 学习 Humble.png, Shy.pngCraven.png Content.png Rowdy.png 相反,被囚禁 Imprisoned.png 儿童可能获得 这个孩子害羞、安静、通常避免引起冲突。


Health 健康相关的特质通常通过事件或通过疾病获得。在一个瘟疫肆虐的省份,宫廷里的人物可能会感染瘟疫。

名称 键值 ID 外交   军事 管理 密谋 学识 健康 好感 其他修正 杂项 费用 DLC 描述
Depressed 沮丧消沉 depressed 22 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -5% 生育能力
-5 个人实战技能
Commit Suicide自杀决议可用 -15 对此人来说,生命殊无乐趣可言。
Drunkard 酒鬼 drunkard 33 -2 -5 性吸引力
-5 基督教好感
+5 相同特质好感
-10 个人实战技能
-5 理性
-5 这个角色就是个大酒缸。
Immortal 永生 immortal 231 +10 +25 道教好感 永生的角色不会死于年老或疾病 DLC icon Reaper's Due.png 这个角色已经获得了永生,永远不会屈服于年老的蹂躏。但这个角色并不是不可战胜的,身体上的损害仍然会伤害他们的生命。
Incapable 无能 incapable 32 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -3 -30% 生育能力
-100 个人实战技能
拥有此特质的统治者需要一名摄政 -66 由于年事已高,头部受伤或是精神失常,此人无法承担正常工作。无能的统治者必须由他人摄政。
Infirm 体弱多病 infirm 31 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -1 -30% 生育能力
-50 个人实战技能
-10 理性
-31 此人体弱多病,性格病态。
Lunatic 精神错乱 lunatic 23 -10 性吸引力
+5 相同特质好感
-5 封臣好感
-50 理性 -8 此人满口胡言乱语,疯疯癫癫。
Maimed 残废 maimed 30 -2 -2 -15 性吸引力
+5 相同特质好感
-30 个人实战技能 拥有 DLC icon Reaper's Due.png DLC,被具体受伤特质替代 -27 此人的身体已经残疾,只有真正的奇迹才能使其恢复正常。
Possessed 恶魔附身 possessed 24 -10 性吸引力
+5 相同特质好感
+5 个人实战技能
-40 理性
解锁宗教狂热作战战术 -3 此人经常经历暴力事件,喃喃自语,对附近的人口出恶言甚至拳脚相加,好像被恶魔附身了一样。
Renowned Physician 训练有素的医生 physician 237 +1 +2 +0.5 +5 大众好感 +0.25 每月威望 可通过担任宫廷医师获得。一些使用Recruit Court Physician雇佣宫廷医师决议找到的角色已经拥有此特质 DLC icon Reaper's Due.png 这个角色是一名著名医学践行者以及受欢迎的医师——他/她加入任何统治者宫廷都会受到欢迎。
Scarred 伤疤 scarred 121 +10 相反特质好感 +0.10 每月威望 替代 Wounded.png
Scarred 伤痕累累 scarred_mid +5 相同特质好感
+5 相反特质好感
+5 性吸引力
+5 部落好感
+0.15 每月威望
+5 个人实战技能
与伤疤和怖人伤疤相反 旧伤在这个角色身上留下了清晰可见的疤痕。
Horrifically Scarred 怖人伤疤 scarred_high +10 相同特质好感
+5 相反特质好感
+10 性吸引力
+10 部落好感
+0.20 每月威望
+10 个人实战技能
与伤疤和伤痕累累相反 该角色脸上无数的伤疤是其身经百战的见证。
Stressed 紧张不安 stressed 21 -1 -1 -1 -10% 生育能力
-10 个人实战技能
-14 工作和生活给此人带来了难以承受的压力。
Wounded 受伤 wounded 29 -1 -1 -15 个人实战技能 可转化为 Scarred.pngInfection.png -11 此人受到了严重的伤害,不过只要假以时日,一切伤痛都可以复原。


名称 键值 ID Diplomacy Martial Stewardship Intrigue Learning 健康 好感 其他修正 杂项 费用
Aztec Disease 阿兹特克梅毒 has_aztec_disease 132 -3 -2 -2 -3 -2 -4 -10 吸引力好感
-5 大众好感
-30 个人实战能力
-20% 生育能力
Epidemic 瘟疫(Dlc icon sunset invasion.png 日落入侵之后)
Camp Fever 露营热 has_typhus 36 -1 -2 -1 -2 -4 -20% 生育能力
-40 个人实战能力
Epidemic 瘟疫
Cancer 癌症 cancer 230 -3 -20% 生育能力 老年更可能获得
Consumption 肺痨 has_tuberculosis 34 -2 -1 -2 -2 -25 个人实战能力 Epidemic 瘟疫
Dancing Plague 舞蹈瘟疫 dancing_plague 235 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -25% 生育能力 Epidemic 瘟疫(稀少)
Dysentery 痢疾 dysentery 226 -1 -1 -4 -15 吸引力好感 -25% 生育能力
-20 个人实战能力
Flu 流感 flu 225 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -10 吸引力好感 -10 个人实战能力 常见且短暂
Food Poisoning 食物中毒 food_poisoning 228 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -3 -15 吸引力好感 -50% 生育能力
-10 个人实战能力
Gout 痛风 gout 227 -2 -1 -2 -20 个人实战能力
Great Pox 梅毒 syphilitic 27 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -10 吸引力好感
-5 大众好感
-20% 生育能力 10% 几率继承 -44
Slow Fever 慢性热 has_typhoid_fever 35 -2 -1 -1 -3 -10% 生育能力
-40 个人实战能力
Epidemic 瘟疫
Ill 身患疾病 ill 25 -1 -1 -10% 生育能力
-10 个人实战能力
拥有 DLC icon Reaper's Due.png 死神索命DLC,Ill.png 特质被症状替代
Leper 麻风病人 leper 28 -1.5 -15 吸引力好感
-20 大众好感
-95% 生育能力
-25 个人实战能力
Measles 麻疹 has_measles 38 -2 -1 -2 -10% 生育能力
-30 个人实战能力
Epidemic 瘟疫
Pneumonic 肺炎 pneumonic 26 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -4 -50% 生育能力
-35 个人实战能力
Rabies 狂犬病 rabies 229 -3 -2 -3 -2 -7 -20 吸引力好感
-5 封臣
+30 个人实战能力
-50 理性
Scurvy 坏血病 scurvy 238 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -3 -20 个人实战能力 在海上领导军队时获得
Sickly 多病 sickly 144 -2.5 儿童出生可能就多病
Smallpox 天花 has_small_pox 39 -2 -1 -2 -3 -25% 生育能力
-100 个人实战能力
Epidemic 瘟疫
The Plague 黑死病 has_bubonic_plague 37 -2 -3 -2 -3 -2 -7 -50% 生育能力
-100 个人实战能力
Epidemic 瘟疫(几乎全图,许多特殊事件)


名称 键值 ID Diplomacy Martial Stewardship Intrigue Learning 健康 好感 其他修正 可能的疾病/其他注释
Abnominal Pain 腹痛 abdominal_pain 215 -1 -10% 生育能力 Has Slow Fever Camp Fever Flu Dysentery Cancer
Chest Pain 胸痛 chest_pain 211 -2 -10 个人实战能力 Pneumonic Consumption Cancer
Cough 咳嗽 cough 207 -1 -0.25 -5 吸引力好感 Pneumonic Consumption Measles Flu Cancer
Cramps 抽筋 cramps 212 -2 -0.5 -10 个人实战能力 Food Poisoning The Plague
Diarrhea 腹泻 diarrhea 209 -2 -2 -1 -5 吸引力好感 -20% 生育能力
-1 个人实战能力
Has Slow Fever Camp Fever Flu Dysentery Food Poisoning Cancer
Fatigue 疲乏 fatigue 216 -1 -1 -0.25 -20 理性 Consumption Camp Fever Flu Gout Rabies Cancer
Fever 发热 fever 208 -1 -1 -10% 生育能力
-10 个人实战能力
-10 理性
Pneumonic Has Great Pox Consumption Has Slow Fever Camp Fever The Plague Measles Smallpox Aztec Disease Flu Dysentery Gout Food Poisoning Rabies
Headache 头痛 headache 214 -1 -1 -1 -0.5 -10 个人实战能力
-10 理性
Has Great Pox Camp Fever Smallpox Aztec Disease Flu Cancer
Infection 感染 infection 218 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -2 -10 吸引力好感 -10 个人实战能力
Wounded.pngSeverely Injured.png 时可能出现;添加在 Wounded.png 之上但替代 Severely Injured.png
Malaise 不适 malaise 217 -0.75 Has Slow Fever The Plague Smallpox Aztec Disease Flu Rabies Cancer
Rash 皮疹 rash 213 -0.5 -5 吸引力好感 -10% 生育能力 Has Great Pox Camp Fever Measles Smallpox Aztec Disease
Vomiting 呕吐 vomiting 210 -2 -2 -1 -5 吸引力好感 -30% 生育能力
-10 个人实战能力
Flu Food Poisoning Cancer


拥有 DLC icon Reaper's Due.png 死神索命 DLC, 这些特质替代普通的 Maimed.png 特质。任何的重伤都不是获得永久的健康惩罚,而是暂时获得 Severely Injured.png 特质。 在拜占庭和罗马帝国的帝国选举制下,拥有任何此部分所列特质的角色将丧失获得帝国皇位的资格。受伤特质不能在角色设计器中被选择。

名称 键值 ID 外交 军事 管理 密谋 学识 健康 好感 其他修正 描述
Disfigured 毁容 disfigured 222 -4 -20 性吸引力
+5 相同特质好感
Mangled 血肉模糊 mangled 223 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -3 -5 性吸引力
+5 相同特质好感
-50% 生育能力
-40 个人实战技能
One-Eyed 独眼 one_eyed 219 -10 性吸引力
+10 原始宗教
+5 相同特质好感
-10 个人实战技能 这个角色少了一只眼——这可不是你每天都能见到的。
One-Handed 独手 one_handed 220 +1 -5 性吸引力
+5 相同特质好感
-20 个人实战技能 这个角色少了一只手——虽然缺少一只手在战斗中会导致一些问题,但起码不用做家务了。
One-Legged 独腿 one_legged 221 +1 -10 性吸引力
+5 相同特质好感
-30 个人实战技能 这个角色少了一条腿——真正的残疾,尤其是在战场上或者与孩童追逐玩闹的时候。
Severely Injured 身受重伤 severely_injured 224 -2 -2 -2 -10 性吸引力
+5 相同特质好感
-25% 生育能力
-20 个人实战技能



名称 键值 ID 外交 军事 管理 密谋 学识 健康 好感 其他修正 描述
Fat 肥胖 is_fat 340 -5 部落好感 -10 个人实战技能
-20 狂热
Malnourished 营养不良 is_malnourished 341 -10 个人实战技能
-5% 生育能力
-20 狂热


名称 键值 ID 外交 军事 管理 密谋 学识 好感 其他修正 杂项 费用 描述
Bastard 私生子 bastard 41 -1 +5 相同特质好感 详见:私生子. 没有资格继承,不属于父母的家族。可用Legitimize Bastard合法化私生子决议
相反特质:Legit bastard.png
Born in the Purple 生于紫室 born_in_the_purple 124 +5 封臣好感 +0.5 每月威望 由拜占庭皇帝孩子获得。
Child of Concubine 庶子 child_of_consort 133 -1 由统治者和他的侍妾生的孩子获得。
Child of Concubine 庶子 child_of_consort_male 387 -1 由统治者和她的庶夫生的孩子获得。
Legitimized Bastard 合法化的私生子 legit_bastard 43 -1 通过父母的决议获得。
Bastard.png 相对
-1 此人非婚所生,但已获得合法地位。合法私生子可以继承爵位,但私生子的出身污点永远无法被抹去。
Twin 双胞胎 twin 42 +30 双胞胎相互好感 这名角色有幸生为双胞胎之一,双胞胎之间相互好感更高。



名称 键值 ID 配偶好感 个人实战能力 理性 摄政 描述
Pregnant 怀孕 pregnant 44 +15 -20 这个女人的腹中怀有新生命。
Final Months 晚期妊娠 pregnancy_finishing 334 将需要一位摄政,但仍然可以是儿童的监护人 这位女士已进入孕期的最后阶段。她目前的情况令她在分娩前都无法参与公共生活。
Difficult Pregnancy 危险妊娠 hard_pregnancy 335 +15 -50 -5 这位女性正在经历一场特别艰难的怀孕。在平时看来很简单的行动现在都超出了她的能力范围。
Troubled Pregnancy 高危妊娠 troubled_pregnancy 336 +15 -100 -15 将需要一位摄政(丧失能力) 这名女性正在经历或最近经历了一次特别危险的怀孕,使得卧床的她虚弱和发烧,无法做太多的事。


Congenital Traits 遗传特质在出生时随机分配(即使一些特质,例如 Stutter.png,也可以用过儿童事件获得)。父母有(微小的)几率将特质传给他们的孩子。查看优生获得生育策略。


名称 键值 ID Diplomacy Martial Stewardship Intrigue Learning 健康 出生 % 继承 % 好感 其他修正 杂项 花费
Attractive 魅力非凡 fair 53 +1 1% 15% +30 吸引力好感 Ugly.png 相反 16
Genius 天才 genius 56 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 0.5% 15% +5 封臣 +10 个人实战能力
+30 理性
Imbecile.png, Slow.pngQuick.png 相反
Quick 敏锐 quick 57 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 1% 15% +5 个人实战能力
+15 理性
Imbecile.png, Slow.pngGenius.png 相反
Strong 强壮 strong 61 +1 +2 +1 1% 15% +10 吸引力好感
+5 封臣
+10 部落
+10% 生育能力
+10 个人实战能力
Weak.png 相反 25


名称 键值 ID Diplomacy Martial Stewardship Intrigue Learning 健康 出生 % 继承 % 好感 其他修正 杂项 花费
Clubfooted 足内翻 clubfooted 48 -1 0.5% 15% -10 吸引力好感
+5 同一特质好感
-5 个人实战能力 -4
Dwarf 侏儒 dwarf 55 -1 0.25% 25% -30 吸引力好感
+5 同一特质好感
-15 个人实战能力 如果父母都有 Dwarf.png 特质,继承几率增加到50%。与 Giant.png 相反 -14
Harelip 兔唇 harelip 49 -1 0.5% 15% -10 吸引力好感
+5 同一特质好感
Hunchback 驼背 hunchback 50 -1 0.5% 15% -30 吸引力好感
+5 同一特质好感
-5 封臣
Imbecile 痴呆 imbecile 59 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 0.5% 15% -30 吸引力好感
-10 封臣
-30 个人实战能力
-30 理性
Slow.png, Quick.pngGenius.png 相反 -65
Inbred 近亲缺陷 inbred 60 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -1.5 25% -30 吸引力好感
-10 封臣
-30% 生育能力
-20 个人实战能力
-20 理性
如果父母都有 Inbred.png 特质,继承几率增加到50%。 -71
Lisp 口齿不清 lisp 51 -1 0.5% 15%
+5 同一特质好感
解锁军令费解作战战术 -1
Slow 迟钝 slow 58 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 1% 15% -5 个人实战能力
-15 理性
Imbecile.png, Quick.pngGenius.png 相反 -15
Stutter 口吃 stutter 52 -1 0.5% 15% +5 同一特质好感 解锁军令费解作战战术 -4
Ugly 丑陋不堪 ugly 54 -1 1% 10% -20 吸引力好感 Attractive.png 相反 -11
Weak 虚弱 weak 62 -1 -1 1% 15% -10 吸引力好感
-5 封臣
-10 部落
-5% 生育能力
-10 个人实战能力
Strong.png 相反 -22
Giant 巨人症 giant 327 -0.5 0.5% 5% +5 封臣
+10 部落
-5 吸引力好感
-20% 生育能力
+10 个人实战能力
Dwarf.png 相反
Left-Handed 左撇子 lefthanded 337 0.75% 25% +5 同一特质好感
-10 基督教教会
-10 伊斯兰教
+15 个人实战能力



名称 键值 ID 外交 军事 管理 密谋 学识 健康 好感 其他修正 杂项 费用
Brawny 健壮 robust 203 +1 +2 +1 +5 吸引力
+5 封臣
+5 部落
+10 个人实战能力 Frail.png 相反 21
Sturdy 结实 sturdy 339 +0.25 +2 个人实战能力 Frail.png, Brawny.png 相反
Frail 脆弱 feeble 204 -1 -0.5 -5 吸引力
-5 封臣
-5 部落
-10 个人实战能力 Brawny.png 相反 -14
Shrewd 精明 shrewd 205 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 个人实战能力
+15 理性
解锁 聪明的伏击 作战战术。
Dull.png 相反
Dull 迟钝 dull 206 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -3 个人实战能力
-15 理性
Shrewd.png 相反 -10
Groomed 整洁 groomed 404 +15 吸引力
-5 相反特质
Uncouth.png 相反
Uncouth 邋遢 uncouth 405 -10 吸引力
-5 相反特征
Groomed.png 相反


Lifestyle 生活方式特质在长时间选择一个生活重心后获得。没有 DLC icon Way of Life.png 生活之道DLC,则通过随机发生的生活方式事件链获得。 已经拥有一个生活方式特质的角色不会触发生活方式事件链。然而,通过某些不是生活方式事件的事件或拥有Ruler Designer 角色设计器DLC,也可能获得超过一个特质。

名称 键值 ID 外交 军事 管理 密谋 学识 好感 其他修正 生活重心 杂项 花费
Administrator 管理者 administrator 180 +3 +10% 行军速度 Rulership 10
Architect 建筑家   architect 181 +1 +2 +10 相同特质 +20% 围攻 Business 12
Duelist 决斗大师 duelist 69 +3 +10 相同特质 +30 个人实战能力 War 10
Game Master 游戏大师 gamer 186 +2 +1 +10 相同特质 +30% 狭窄阵线 Carousing
Gardener 园丁 gardener 66 +2 +1 +10 相同特质 Business 10
Hedonist 享乐主义者 hedonist 64 +2 +1 -5 基督教会
-5 相反特质
+10 相同特质
+20% 生育能力
-30 狂热
Celibate.png 相反 10
Hunter 猎人 hunter 70 +1 +2 +10 相同特质 +10 个人实战能力
+20% 追击
Hunting 耆那教角色不能获得 10
Impaler 拷打爱好者 impaler 68 +2 +1 +10 相同特质 +10 个人实战能力
+10% 士气伤害
-15 荣誉
Intrigue 耆那教角色不能获得 10
Master Schemer 阴谋家 schemer 184 +3 -5 相同特质 Intrigue 10
Master Seducer 勾引大师(男) seducer 178 +1 +2 +50 吸引力 Seduction 仅男性角色可获得。
Celibate.pngMaster seductress.png 相反
Master Seductress 魅惑大师(女) seductress 179 +1 +2 +50 吸引力 Seduction 仅女性角色可获得。
Celibate.pngMaster seducer.png 相反
Mystic 神秘主义者 mystic 67 +1 +2 +10 相同特质 Scholarship 10
Scholar 学者 scholar 65 +3 +10 相同特质 Scholarship 伊斯兰教角色不能获得。
非伊斯兰教,等同于 Faqih.png
Socializer 社交家 socializer   183 +3 +10 吸引力
+10 相同特质
Strategist 策略家 strategist 182 +2 +1 +10 相同特质 +20% 防御 War 12
Theologian 神学家 theologian 185 +1 +2 Theology 10

DLC icon Way of Life.png 生活之道起,以下特质不再是生活方式特质:

名称 键值 ID 外交 军事 管理 密谋 学识 好感 其他修正 杂项 花费
Celibate 独身主义者 celibate 63 +5 基督教会
-5 相反特质
+10 相同特质
-1000% 生育能力
+1 每月虔诚
+30 狂热
Hedonist.png, Master seducer.png, 和 Master seductress.png 相反 -28
Falconer 训鹰师 falconer 72 +1 +10 相同特质 耆那教角色不能获得 4
Poet 诗人 poet 71 +1 +10 相同特质 4


Personality 个性特质在童年时期出现并且受儿童的监护人影响。它们在以后的生活中也可能通过事件增加和移除。



名称 键值 ID 外交 军事 管理 密谋 学识 好感 其他修正 杂项 花费
Chaste 忠贞 chaste 74 +1 +5 基督教会
-5 相反特征
+0.5 每月虔诚
-15% 生育能力
+10 狂热
Lustful.png 相反。
Temperate 温和 temperate 76 +2 +5 教会
+5 相同特质
-5 相反特征
-20 贪婪
+10 狂热
Gluttonous.png 相反 5
Charitable 慷慨 charitable 78 +3 +5 教会
+5 相同特质
-5 相反特征
-3 个人实战能力
-15 野心
+10 荣誉
-100 贪婪
+10 狂热
Greedy.png 相反 6
Diligent 勤奋 diligent 80 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +5 封臣
+5 相同特质
-5 相反特征
-10 贪婪
+10 狂热
Slothful.png 相反 10
Patient 耐心 patient 84 +1 +1 +1 +1 -5 相反特征 +5 个人实战能力
+20% 防御
+10 理性
Wroth.png 相反 12
Kind 仁慈 kind 82 +2 -2 +5 封臣
+5 相同特质
-5 相反特征
-5 个人实战能力
+10 荣誉
Envious.pngCruel.png 相反 5
Humble 谦卑 humble 86 +5 相同特质
-5 相反特征
+1 每月虔诚
-10 野心
Proud.png 相反 20


名称 键值 ID 外交 军事 管理 密谋 学识 好感 其他修正 杂项 花费
Lustful 色欲 lustful 73 +1 -5 基督教会 -0.25 每月虔诚
+20% 生育能力
+20 贪婪
-10 狂热
Chaste.png 相反 0
Cluttonous 暴食 gluttonous 75 -2 -5 教会
-15 吸引力
+5 相同特质
+20 贪婪
-10 狂热
Temperate.png 相反 -10
Greedy 贪婪 greedy 77 -1 +10% 国家税收
+15 野心
-10 荣誉
+100 贪婪
Charitable.png 相反 4
Slothful 懒惰 slothful 79 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -5 封臣 -5 个人实战能力
-10 野心
+10 贪婪
-10 狂热
Diligent.png 相反
Wroth 易怒 wroth 83 -1 +3 -1 +3 个人实战能力
-5 荣誉
-10 理性
Patient.png 相反
Envious 嫉妒 envious 81 -1 +2 -15 领主 +3 个人实战能力
-10 荣誉
Kind.png 相反 1
Proud 骄傲 proud 85 +0.5 每月威望
+10 野心
Humble.png 相反 5


名称 键值 ID 外交 军事 管理 密谋 学识 好感 其他修正 杂项 花费
Ambitious 野心勃勃 ambitious 93 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 -5 相同特质
-25 吸引力好感
+3 个人实战能力
+40 野心
+10 狂热
Content.png 相反
Arbitrary 专断 arbitrary 95 -2 +1 -1 -5 封臣 -10 荣誉
-20 理性
-10 狂热
Just.png 相反 -8
Brave 勇敢 brave 90 +2 +5 封臣
+5 相同特质
-5 相反特质
+10 个人实战能力
+10% 士气防御
Craven.png 相反
Content 安于现状 content 94 -1 +25 领主 +0.5 每月虔诚
-40 野心
-10 狂热
Ambitious.png 相反 9
Craven 怯懦 craven 89 -2 -5 封臣 -10 个人实战能力
-20% 士气防御
Brave.png 相反
Cruel 残暴 cruel 101 -1 +1 -5 封臣 +3 个人实战能力
+10% 士气伤害
-5 荣誉
+5 贪婪
Kind.png 相反。
可以致残 Maimed 囚犯。
Cynical 愤世嫉俗 cynical 97 +2 -5 教会
+5 相同特质
-5 相反特质
-0.2 每月虔诚
+10 理性
-100 狂热
Zealous.png 相反 -5
Deceitful 狡诈 deceitful 87 -2 +3 -5 相反特质 +3 个人实战能力
-25 荣誉
Honest.png 相反 -2
Erudite 博学 erudite 188 +2 +5 教会 -2 个人实战能力 5
Gregarious 合群 gregarious 92 +2 +5 封臣
+5 吸引力
+5 相同特质
Shy.png 相反 12
Honest 诚实 honest 88 +3 -2 +5 相同特质
-5 相反特质
-2 个人实战能力
+25 荣誉
Deceitful.png 相反 1
Just 正直 just 96 +2 +1 +5 封臣
+5 相同特质
-5 相反特质
+10 荣誉
+20 理性
+10 狂热
Arbitrary.png 相反 8
Paranoid 多疑 paranoid 99 -1 +2 -10 荣誉 Trusting.png 相反 1
Shy 害羞 shy 91 -2 -2 个人实战能力
Gregarious.png 相反
Stubborn 固执 stubborn 189 -1 +1 -5 封臣 +3 个人实战能力
+10 野心
+10 狂热
Trusting 轻信他人 trusting 100 +1 -2 -2 个人实战能力
+10 荣誉
Paranoid.png 相反 -1
Zealous 狂热 zealous 98 +2 +5 教会
+15 相同宗教特质
-25 其他信仰
-5 相反特质
+1 每月虔诚
-10 理性
+100 狂热
如果角色也拥有 Inspiring leader.png 特质,解锁宗教狂热作战战术。
Cynical.png, Decadent.png, 基督教同情者 Sympathy Christendom.png, 伊斯兰教同情者 Sympathy Islam.png, 东方宗教同情者 Sympathy indian.png, 犹太教同情者Sympathy Judaism.png, 原始宗教同情者 Sympathy Pagans.png, 和祆教同情者 Sympathy Zoroastrianism.png 相反


Martial Leadership 拥有 Brilliant strategist.png 教育特质的角色初始就免费获得一个指挥官特质。角色指挥一场战斗后可触发事件获得指挥官特质。

它们被指挥官用于战斗中确定伤亡和士气。 高军事能力提高角色指挥官特质的增益并减弱指挥官特质的惩罚。

名称 内部调用名 ID 单位修正 伤害与士气修正 地形修正 其他修正 作战战术
Aggressive Leader 好战者 aggressive_leader 111 +10% 伤害
-10% 防御
+25% 追击 史诗反冲锋战术
Battlefield Terrain Master 战场地形大师 narrow_flank_leader 158 +50% 狭窄阵线
Defender 守卫者 defensive_leader 108 -10% 伤害
+25% 防御
Direct Leader 正面作战领袖 experimenter 109 +20% 中军领袖
Flanker 擅长侧翼 flanker 110 +20% 侧翼
Holy Warrior 圣战士 holy_warrior 130 +30% 针对宗教敌人的攻击
Inspiring Leader 激励者 inspiring_leader 105 +15% 士气打击
+15% 士气防御
Organizer 组织者 organizer 107 +20% 行军速度
+10% 撤退
Siege Leader 围攻指挥官 siege_leader 112 +40% 围城
Trickster 诡计多端 trickster 106 +30% 战术几率 聪明的伏击战术
Unyielding 不屈 unyielding_leader 131 +10% 防御
+20% 士气防御
Winter Soldier 冬将军 winter_soldier 177 +50% 冬季作战能力 +4 冬季补给
Cavalry Leader 骑兵指挥官 cavalry_leader 104 +20% 骑兵 史诗反冲锋战术
Heavy Infantry Leader 重步兵指挥官 heavy_infantry_leader 103 +20% 重步兵
Light Foot Leader 轻步兵指挥官 light_foot_leader 102 +20% 轻步兵
War Elephant Leader 战象指挥官 war_elephant_leader 174 +20% 战象 +20% 士气打击
Desert Expert 沙漠地形专家 desert_terrain_leader 129 +20% 沙漠作战能力
Flat Terrain Expert 平坦地形专家 flat_terrain_leader 126 +20% 平原作战能力
+20% 农田作战能力
+20% 大草原作战能力
Jungle Expert 丛林战专家 jungle_terrain_leader 175 +20% 丛林作战能力
Mountain Expert 山地地形专家 mountain_terrain_leader 128 +20% 山地作战能力
Rough Terrain Expert 崎岖地形专家 rough_terrain_leader 127 +20% 森林作战能力
+20% 丘陵作战能力
Way of the Dog 犬韬 logistics_expert 318 +20% 中军领袖 -50% 损耗
+30 补给天数
Way of the Dragon 龙韬 master_of_flame 317 +20% 伤害
+20% 士气伤害
Way of the Leopard 豹韬 sapper 320 +20% 丘陵作战能力
+20% 森林作战能力
+50% 围攻
Way of the Tiger 虎韬 levy_coordinator 319 +20% 侧翼 +30% 行军速度
+20% 撤退
Fearsome 怖畏 Norse.png norse_leader 346 +25% 重步兵 +50% 俘虏敌方指挥官几率
Marauder 掠夺者 Tengri.png tengri_leader 347 +20% 轻骑兵
+10% 重骑兵
+20% 平原作战能力
+20% 农田作战能力
+20% 大草原作战能力
Forest Ambusher 林中伏兵 Romuva.png baltic_leader 348 +15% 防御
+30% 侧翼
+20% 森林作战能力
Shield of the Tundra 苔原之盾 Pagans#Suomenusko finnish_leader 349 +10% 防御 +25% 冬季作战能力 +20% 极地作战能力 +3 冬季补给
Pillar of the Plains 平原之柱 Pagans#Slavic slavic_leader 350 +20% 士气打击
+20% 士气防御
+20% 平原作战能力
Spirit Warrior 灵魂战士 Pagans#West_African west_african_leader 351 +20% 轻步兵
+20% 轻骑兵
+20% 沙漠作战能力
Scorcher 炙炎者 Pagans#Zunist zun_leader 352 +20% 沙漠作战能力
+20% 山地作战能力
+20% 围城
+10% 行军速度
Mountain Guardian 山峦守卫 Pagans#Bön bon_leader 353 +20% 轻步兵 +20% 丘陵作战能力
+20% 山地作战能力
+10% 行军速度
Aeneator 铜号手 Pagans#Hellenic hellenic_leader 354 +30% 士气打击
+20% 士气防御
+10% 行军速度




名称 键值 ID 好感 其他修正 杂项 花费
On Pilgrimage 朝圣中 on_pilgrimage 143 +5 相同信仰 +0.2 每月虔诚 在采取决议 Go on Pilgrimage 去朝圣后获得。
Pilgrim.png 替代
Pilgrim 朝圣者 pilgrim 119 +5 相同信仰 +0.1 每月虔诚 完成 朝圣事件链后获得 5
Crowned by a Bishop 由主教加冕 crowned_by_priest 328 +0.05 每月威望
+0.10 每月虔诚
Crowned by a Prince-Bishop 由[采邑主教]加冕 crowned_by_bishop 329 +5 教会 +0.25 每月威望
+0.25 每月虔诚
由一位强力的神权封臣加冕:一位采邑主教,一位枢机, 或者一位对立教宗。在大多数情况下,显示执行加冕的角色的名字。
Crowned by Pope 由[教宗]加冕 crowned_by_pope 330 +10 教会 +0.50 每月威望
+0.50 每月虔诚
Self-Crowned 自我加冕 crowned_by_myself 331 +10 封臣
-25 教会
+1.00 每月威望
-0.50 每月虔诚
Baptized by a Pope 由[教宗或牧首]施洗 baptized_by_pope 342 +5 基督教 +0.05 每月威望
+0.10 每月虔诚
Baptized by a Prince-Bishop 由[采邑主教]施洗 baptized_by_bishop 343 +5 教会 +0.05 每月虔诚 宗教改变时失去
Baptized by Satanists 由[撒旦教徒]施洗 baptized_by_satan 344 +15 相同特质 +0.05 每月威望
-0.10 每月虔诚
Beatified 真福 beatified +25 教会 死后可能获得


SunniShiaIbadi 除继承得到的 Sayyid.pngMirza.png 以外,这些特性专属伊斯兰教角色。

名称 键值 ID 学识 好感 其他修正 好感 花费
Ashari 艾什尔里 ashari 146 -30 相反特质 +1 每月虔诚 通过决议获得。如果宗教改变,失去特质。
Mutazilite.png 相反
Decadent 腐化 decadent 172 -10 个人实战能力 拥有Decadent.png 特质的角色每月给他们的家族带来2%腐化度,除非被逮捕
Zealous.png 相反
Faqih 法基赫 faqih 116 +3 +5 伊斯兰教 等同于 Scholar.png伊斯兰教特质。 8
Hafiz 哈菲兹 hafiz 117 +5 伊斯兰教 完成哈菲兹事件链获得 1
Hajjaj 朝觐者 hajjaj 114 +5 伊斯兰教 +0.10 每月虔诚 完成朝觐事件链获得。等同于 Pilgrim.png伊斯兰教特质。 4
Mirza 米尔扎 mirza 120 +5 伊斯兰教 Sayyid.png 母亲和非赛义德父亲的孩子获得 1
Mutazilite 穆尔太齐赖 mutazilite 145 +5 -30 相反特质 通过决议获得。如果宗教改变,失去特质。
Ashari.png 相反
On Hajj 朝觐中 on_hajj 115 +10 伊斯兰教 +0.2 每月虔诚 朝觐事件链期间获得。
Hajjaj.png 替代
Sayyid 赛义德 sayyid 118 +5 伊斯兰教 Sayyid.png 父亲的孩子获得 1


NorseReformed Norse这些特性专属于日耳曼多神教角色。

名称 键值 ID 外交 军事 好感 其他修正 杂项 花费
Berserker.png 狂战士 berserker 136 -2 +4 +10 同特质好感 +25 个人实战能力
-5 理性
信仰日耳曼多神教的北日耳曼文化组角色可通过战斗中的事件获得 7


一位统治者可以任命一位宫廷中的女性作为 盾女,如果:

  • 统治者是 日耳曼多神教,该女性军事属性Icon martial.png高于10,并且该女性拥有至少一个以下特质:Brave.png, Proud.png, Ambitious.png, Diligent.png, Just.png, 或 Gregarious.png
  • 统治者是一个战士公会的成员,且此女性是统治者的姐妹或女儿。

所有情况下,该女性必须没有:Incapable.png, Inbred.png, Imbecile.png


名称 键值 ID Diplomacy Martial Opinions 其他修正 杂项 花费
Shieldmaiden.png 盾女 shieldmaiden 236 +15 同宗教好感
+5 原始宗教好感
+10 个人实战能力
+0.1 每月虔诚
+10 狂热


Zoroastrian 这些特性是专属祆教角色。

名称 键值 ID 好感 其他修正 杂项 花费
Saoshyant 萨奥希扬特 saoshyant 138 +10 祆教 +20 个人实战能力 由一位控制波斯帝国和它的全部法理公国祆教统治者通过 Become Saoshyant 决议获得。
Saoshyant Descendant 萨奥希扬特后裔 saoshyant_descendant 139 +5 祆教 一位 Saoshyant.png 父母的孩子获得


HinduBuddhistJain 这些特性是专属达摩宗教角色。

名称 键值 ID 好感 其他修正 杂项 花费
Pilgrim 朝圣 indian_pilgrim 310 +5 相同信仰 +0.1 每月善业 通过印度朝圣事件获得。 5
On Indian Pilgrimage 朝圣中 on_indian_pilgrimage 311 +5 相同信仰 +0.2 每月善业 朝圣事件链期间获得
Indian pilgrim.png替代。
Brahmin 婆罗门 brahmin 159 +0.1 每月善业 最高种姓。被授予寺庙印度教角色要求拥有此特质。
Kshatriya 刹帝利 kshatriya 160 +0.1 每月威望 第二级高的种姓。被授予城堡印度教角色要求拥有此特质。
Vaishya 吠舍 vaishya 161 +0.03 每月财富 第三级种姓。被授予城市印度教角色要求拥有此特质。
Shaivist 湿婆派 shaivist_hindu 163 -5 相反特质 +0.5 每月威望 印度教分支。
与性力派 Shaktist hindu.png, 传承派 Smartist hindu.png, 和毗湿奴派 Vaishnavist hindu.png相反。
Shaktist 性力派 shaktist_hindu 165 -5 相反特质 +20% 生育能力 印度教分支。
与湿婆派 Shaivist hindu.png, 传承派 Smartist hindu.png, 和毗湿奴派 Vaishnavist hindu.png相反。
Smartist 传承派 smartist_hindu 166 -5 相反特质 +0.5 每月善业 印度教分支。
与湿婆派 Shaivist hindu.png, 性力派 Shaktist hindu.png, 和毗湿奴派 Vaishnavist hindu.png相反。
Vaishnavist 毗湿奴派 vaishnavist_hindu 164 -5 相反特质
+5 封臣
与湿婆派 Shaivist hindu.png, 性力派 Shaktist hindu.png, 和传承派 Smartist hindu.png相反。
Mahayana 大乘佛教 mahayana_buddhist 167 -5 相反特质
+5 封臣
与上座部佛教 Theravada buddhist.png, 和金刚乘佛教 Vajrayana buddhist.png 相反。
Theravada 上座部佛教 theravada_buddhist 169 -5 相反特质 +1 Learning 学识 佛教分支。
与大乘佛教 Mahayana buddhist.png, 和金刚乘佛教 Vajrayana buddhist.png 相反。
Vajrayana 金刚乘佛教 vajrayana_buddhist 168 -5 相反特质 +1 健康 佛教分支。
与大乘佛教 Mahayana buddhist.png, 和上座部佛教 Theravada buddhist.png 相反。
Digambara 天衣派 digambara_jain 170 -5 相反特质 +1 健康 耆那教分支。
与白衣派 Svetambara jain.png 相反。
Svetambara 白衣派 svetambara_jain 171 -5 相反特质
+5 封臣
与天衣派 Digambara jain.png 相反。




名称 键值 ID 好感 其他修正 宗教 杂项 花费
Monk 修士 monk 141 +5 相同信仰 +0.3 每月虔诚 Catholic Orthodox Miaphysite Nestorian 仅男性
Nun 修女 nun 142 +5 相同信仰 +0.3 每月虔诚 Catholic Orthodox Miaphysite Nestorian 仅女性
Muni 苦行僧 muni 304 +5 相同信仰 +0.3 每月纯净 Jainism 仅男性
Aryika 苦行女僧 aryika 305 +5 相同信仰 +0.3 每月纯净 Jainism 仅女性
Bhikkhu 比丘 bhikkhu 306 +5 相同信仰 +0.3 每月善业 Buddhism 仅男性
Bhikkuni 比丘尼 bhikkhuni 307 +5 相同信仰 +0.3 每月善业 Buddhism 仅女性
Sanyasi 苦行僧 sanyasi 308 +5 相同信仰 +0.3 每月善业 Hinduism 仅男性
Sanyasini 苦行尼 sanyasini 309 +5 相同信仰 +0.3 每月善业 Hinduism 仅女性




名称 键值 ID 军事 好感 其他修正 宗教 杂项 花费
Ares' Own 阿瑞斯之属 ares_own 248 +2 +15 教会
+15 相同宗教特质
+10 个人实战能力
+10 狂热
Hellenic 希腊多神教必须改革以拥有一位宗教领袖。未拥有 Holy Fury.png神圣之怒,则游戏中无法达成并且仅可在英西塔图斯身上找到。
Crusader 十字军战士 crusader 40 +2 +15 教会
+15 相同宗教特质
+10 个人实战能力
+10 狂热
Catholic Fraticelli 小兄弟会教座必须为了他们的教宗而建立,从而发动一次十字军 17
Crusader King 十字军之王 crusader_king +3 +35 教会 +15 个人实战能力
+30% 针对宗教敌人的攻击
+20% 征召兵规模
+20 狂热
Catholic Fraticelli 小兄弟会教座必须为他们的教宗建立,才能发动一场十字军
Crusader Queen 十字军女王 crusader_queen +3 +35 教会 +15 个人实战能力
+30% 针对宗教敌人的攻击
+20% 征召兵规模
+20 狂热
Catholic Fraticelli 小兄弟会教座必须为他们的教宗建立,才能发动一场十字军
Eagle Knight 雄鹰战士 eagle_warrior 242 +2 +15 教会
+15 相同宗教特质
+10 个人实战能力
+10 狂热
Reformed Aztec 阿兹特克多神教必须改革以拥有一位宗教领袖
Gond-i Shahanshah 万王之王军团 gondi_shahansha 251 +2 +15 教会
+15 相同宗教特质
+10 个人实战能力
+10 狂热
Zoroastrian 祆教Restore High Priesthood大祭司教座必须被恢复以拥有一位宗教领袖
Hound of Dievas 季耶瓦斯猎犬 romuvas_own 247 +2 +15 教会
+15 相同宗教特质
+10 个人实战能力
+10 狂热
Reformed Romuva 洛姆瓦教必须改革以拥有一位宗教领袖
Kanai 忌邪者 shaddai 250 +2 +15 教会
+15 相同宗教特质
+10 个人实战能力
+10 狂热
Judaism 犹太教Build the Third Temple第三圣殿必须被建造以拥有一位宗教领袖
Mujahid 圣战者 mujahid 113 +2 +15 相同宗教特质
+5 伊斯兰教
+10 个人实战能力
+10 狂热
Sunni Shia Ibadi
Yazidi Hurufi Karijite
相关的哈里发或谢赫国必须存在,以发动吉哈德 11
Nyame's Shield 尼亚姆之盾 nyames_shield 245 +2 +15 教会
+15 相同宗教特质
+10 个人实战能力
+10 狂热
Reformed West African 非洲泛灵教必须改革以拥有一位宗教领袖
Perun's Chosen 佩伦选民 peruns_chosen 246 +2 +15 教会
+15 相同宗教特质
+10 个人实战能力
+10 狂热
Reformed Slavic 斯拉夫多神教必须改革以拥有一位宗教领袖
Skylord 天之骄子 tengri_warrior 249 +2 +15 教会
+15 相同宗教特质
+10 个人实战能力
+10 狂热
Reformed Tengri 长生天必须改革以拥有一位宗教领袖
Ukko's Hammer 乌戈之锤 ukkos_shield 244 +2 +15 教会
+15 相同宗教特质
+10 个人实战能力
+10 狂热
Reformed Suomenusko 索米多神教必须改革以拥有一位宗教领袖
Valhala Bound 瓦尔哈拉之约 valhalla_bound 232 +2 +15 相同宗教特质
+5 原始宗教
+10 个人实战能力
+10 狂热
Reformed Germanic 日耳曼多神教必须改革以拥有一位宗教领袖
Warrior of the Sun 太阳武士 sun_warrior 243 +2 +15 教会
+15 相同宗教特质
+10 个人实战能力
+10 狂热
Reformed Zunist 尊日神教必须改革以拥有一位宗教领袖
Kailash Guardian 鸡罗娑守护者 kailash_guardian 407 +2 +15 教会
+15 相同宗教特质
+10 个人实战能力
+10 狂热
Reformed Bon 苯教必须改革以拥有一位宗教领袖


同情其他宗教组特质将移除与信仰此特质所容忍宗教角色的双方“-20 异教徒”好感惩罚。

如果获得此特质的角色Zealous.png,“-25 狂热”好感惩罚将保留,即使“异教徒”好感惩罚被移除。拥有相反特质(狂热 vs 同情)的角色都有 -5 好感惩罚。

一些宗教转变的方法有机会使角色同情他们以前的宗教组。通过事件也有可能获得这些特质:例如一名基督徒在耶路撒冷朝圣可能获得同情犹太教 Sympathy for Judaism 和伊斯兰教 Sympathy for Islam 的特质。

名称 键值 ID 杂项 花费
Sympathy for Christendom 基督教同情者 sympathy_christendom 147 移除与基督教角色的双方 -20 异教徒好感惩罚
Sympathy for Indians 东方宗教同情者 sympathy_indian 162 移除与信仰东方宗教角色的双方 -20 异教徒好感惩罚
Sympathy for Islam 伊斯兰教同情者 sympathy_islam 148 移除与伊斯兰教角色的双方 -20 异教徒好感惩罚
Sympathy for Judaism 犹太教同情者 sympathy_judaism 151 移除与犹太教角色的双方 -20 异教徒好感惩罚
Sympathy for Pagans 原始宗教同情者 sympathy_pagans 149 移除与原始宗教角色的双方 -20 异教徒好感惩罚
Sympathy for Zoroastrianism 祆教同情者 sympathy_zoroastrianism 150 移除与祆教角色的双方 -20 异教徒好感惩罚


拥有不宜特质的神职人员(不能自主决断(Diplomacy 外交 ≤ 3)或不能向公众隐瞒他们的习惯(Intrigue 密谋 ≤ 3))有被认为不道德的风险。对大多数宗教,“神职人员”包括神权政体统治者和宫廷司祭。这些特质需要 Dlc icon sons of abraham.png 亚伯拉罕之裔DLC。


  • Cynical.png
  • Slothful.png
  • Lunatic.png

值得注意的是 Incapable.png 神职人员没有这种风险。其他相应的“不宜”特质列在下表。

名称 ID 键值 宗教 好感 其他修正 级别 “不宜”特质
Immoral Priest 悖德祭司 156 bad_priest_zoroastrian Zoroastrian -10 教会
+25 相同宗教特质
-1 每月虔诚 要求角色是祭司或大祭司 Greedy.png, Wroth.png, Envious.png, Proud.png,

Arbitrary.png, Cruel.png, Possessed.png

Unworthy Priest 卑劣巫师 157 bad_priest_aztec Aztec -10 教会
+25 相同宗教特质
-1 每月虔诚 要求角色是巫师 Kind.png, Lustful.png, Gluttonous.png, Arbitrary.png,

Craven.png, Hedonist.png, Possessed.png

Unworthy Priest 卑劣祭司 154 bad_priest_norse Germanic -10 教会
+25 相同宗教特质
-1 每月虔诚 要求角色是祭司或英雄王 Gluttonous.png, Greedy.png, Wroth.png, Envious.png,

Craven.png, Hedonist.png, Possessed.png

Unworthy Priest 卑劣萨满 155 bad_priest_tengri Tengri -10 教会
+25 相同宗教特质
-1 每月虔诚 要求角色是祭司或大祭司 Greedy.png, Wroth.png, Envious.png, Arbitrary.png,

Cruel.png, Paranoid.png

Wicked Caliph 邪恶哈里发 153 bad_priest_muslim SunniShiaIbadi -10 教会
+25 相同宗教特质
-1 每月虔诚 要求角色哈里发 Lustful.png, Gluttonous.png, Greedy.png, Wroth.png,

Envious.png, Proud.png, Hedonist.png, Possessed.png

Wicked Priest 邪恶司祭 152 bad_priest_christian CatholicOrthodoxMiaphysiteNestorian -10 教会
+25 相同宗教特质
-1 每月虔诚 要求角色是祭司 Lustful.png, Gluttonous.png, Greedy.png, Wroth.png,

Envious.png, Proud.png, Hedonist.png, Homosexual.png,

邪恶神职人员获得 -10 教会好感-1 每月虔诚,但和同一宗教的其他邪恶神职人员有 +25 好感。

拥有邪恶司祭 Bad priest christian.png 特质的基督教宗教领袖去世,将触发一个针对此宗教所有成员的特殊事件:审尸会


Hellenic.png Reformed Hellenic.png 这些特质需信仰希腊多神教或拥有占星术教义的改革原始宗教才能获得。在邀请某人去观星或完成赫尔墨斯学会的“研究星星”任务也可能随机获得。通过这种方式获得该特质,除了加入社团的所需的要求外,没有宗教要求。

名称 键值 ID 外交 军事 管理 密谋 学识 好感 其他修正 杂项 日期
Aries 白羊座 zodiac_aries 375 +1 -1 +5 相同特质
-15 相反特质
+40 荣誉
+20 狂热
-20 贪婪
与天秤座 Libra 相反

Gemini Leo Sagittarius Aquarius 相合
Cancer Capricorn 不合

Taurus 金牛座 zodiac_taurus 384 +1 -1 +5 相同特质
-5 相反特质
-20 理性
+40 野心
与天蝎座 Scorpio 相反

Cancer Virgo Capricorn Pisces 相合
Leo Aquarius 不合

Gemini 双子座 zodiac_gemini 378 +1 -1 -5 大众好感
+10 相同特质
-15 相反特质
-20 理性
+40 野心
+20 贪婪
与人马座 Sagittarius 相反

Aries Leo Libra Aquarius 相合
Virgo Pisces 不合

Cancer 巨蟹座 zodiac_cancer 376 -1 +5 相同特质
-10 相反特质
+5 个人实战能力
+40 理性
-20 狂热
与魔羯座 Capricorn 相反

Taurus Virgo Scorpio Pisces 相合
Aries Libra 不合

Leo 狮子座 zodiac_leo 379 +1 -5 相同特质
-20 相反特质
+0.05 每月威望
-0.01 每月虔诚
+40 野心
+40 狂热
与宝瓶座 Aquarius 相反

Aries Gemini Libra Sagittarius 相合
Taurus Scorpio 不合

Virgo 室女座 zodiac_virgo 385 +1 +5 相同特质
-10 相反特质
-0.05 每月威望
+0.01 每月虔诚
-40 野心
-40 贪婪
与双鱼座 Pisces 相反

Taurus Cancer Scorpio Capricorn 相合
Gemini Sagittarius 不合

Libra 天秤座 zodiac_libra 380 +1 -1 +5 相同特质
-5 相反特质
-40 狂热
+40 理性
与白羊座 Aries 相反

Gemini Leo Sagittarius Aquarius 相合
Cancer Capricorn 不合

Scorpio 天蝎座 zodiac_scorpio 383 +1 -10 家族
-5 相同特质
-15 相反特质
+10.0% 生育能力
+40 狂热
-20 理性
与金牛座 Taurus 相反

Cancer Virgo Capricorn Pisces 相合
Leo Aquarius 不合

Sagittarius 人马座 zodiac_sagittarius 382 +1 +1 +5 相同特质
-10 相反特质
-0.05 每月虔诚
+20 狂热
+20 荣誉
与双子座 Gemini 相反

Aries Leo Libra Aquarius 相合
Virgo Pisces 不合

Capricorn 摩羯座 zodiac_capricorn 377 -1 +1 +5 相同特质
-10 相反特质
+20 理性
+20 野心
与巨蟹座 Cancer 相反

Taurus Virgo Scorpio Pisces 相合
Aries Libra 不合

Aquarius 宝瓶座 zodiac_aquarius 374 -1 +5 相同特质
-10 相反特质
+0.05 每月威望
-40 理性
-20 贪婪
与狮子座 Leo 相反

Aries Gemini Libra Sagittarius 相合
Taurus Scorpio 不合

Pisces 双鱼座 zodiac_pisces 381 -1 +10 家族
+10 相同特质
-5 相反特质
-40 贪婪
-20 野心
+40 荣誉
与室女座 Virgo 相反

Taurus Cancer Scorpio Capricorn 相合
Gemini Sagittarius 不合



适用于 Aztec.png(包括改革)和任何拥有嗜血神灵教义的改革原始宗教。

名称 键值 ID 外交 军事 管理 密谋 学识 Opinions 其他修正 杂项 获得
Haemophiliac 嗜血 bloodthirsty_gods_1 401 -5 封建封臣
-5 共和制封臣
+5 部落
+5 教会
+5 相同特质
+5 相反特质
+0.1 每月虔诚
-15 理性
+30 狂热
解锁 "鲜血竞赛" 10 burned_hearts_points
Haemophant 嗜血狂 bloodthirsty_gods_2 402 -10 封建封臣
-10 共和制封臣
+10 部落
+10 教会
+5 相同特质
+10 相反特质
+0.2 每月虔诚
-30 理性
+70 狂热
解锁 "大规模献祭" 50 burned_hearts_points
Haemoarch 嗜血魔王 bloodthirsty_gods_3 403 -15 封建封臣
-15 共和制封臣
+15 部落
+15 教会
+5 相同特质
+15 相反特质
+0.3 每月虔诚
-75 理性
+100 狂热
100 burned_hearts_points



名称 键值 ID 好感 其他修正 杂项 描述
Syncretist 调和派 pagan_branch_1 355 +5 相同宗教特质
+10 其他宗教组
-5 相反特质
-30 狂热 这名角色相信[Root.GetSheHe]自己对旧神的崇拜应当采纳诸新兴宗教的部分特点。
Spiritualist 唯灵派 pagan_branch_2 356 +10 教会
-5 相反特质
+0.25 每月虔诚 -30 狂热 这名角色相信为了追求真正的启迪,应当把[Root.GetHerselfHimself]从世俗事物中分离出来。
Militant 尚武派 pagan_branch_3 357 -5 相反特质 +0.3 每月威望
+10 个人实战能力
+20 野心 这名角色已经把[Root.GetHerHis]经典解释为一种号召,要奋起反抗一切威胁到[Root.GetHerHis]信仰存亡的异教徒。
Tribalist 部族派 pagan_branch_4 358 +10 家族
-5 相反特质
+10% 生育能力 +10 荣誉 这名角色相信一个[Root.GetManWoman]对[Root.GetHerHis]家族的关心仍然是真正崇拜旧日诸神的最佳例证。


Travel to China 这些特质在前往中国以示臣服的旅行中获得,只要角色领地在中华帝国的外交范围内。如果一个新家族开始统治中国,则会失去这些特质。需要 Jade Dragon.png 碧玉之龙 DLC来与中国互动。

名称 键值 ID 杂项
On Kowtow 朝觐中 kow_tow_travels 323 朝觐中国中 (要求一位摄政, 但朝觐者仍可教育孩子)
-0.2 每月财富
-0.5 健康
Kowtow I 朝觐 (I级) kow_tow_completed_tier_1 324 +1 每月皇恩
-0.1 每月威望
Kowtow II 朝觐 (II级) kow_tow_completed_tier_2 325 +2 每月皇恩
-0.1 每月威望
Kowtow III 朝觐 (III级) kow_tow_completed_tier_3 326 +4 每月皇恩
-0.1 每月威望



作为系列特质的初阶,日耳曼多神教信徒将得到“维京人”,而其他原始宗教信徒则是“海盗”;不过升级路径是相同的。如 Holy Fury.png 神圣之怒拓展包已激活,这些特性可以触发劫掠时的特殊事件。角色无需亲自领军来获得这些特质。

名称 键值 ID 军事 好感 其他修正 杂项 花费
Viking.png 维京 viking 140 +1 +5 同特质
+15 日耳曼多神教
+15 改革日耳曼多神教
+0.3 每月威望
+10 个人实战能力
Pirate.png 海盗 pirate +1 +5 同特质
+15 日耳曼多神教
+15 改革日耳曼多神教
+0.3 每月威望
+10 个人实战能力
等同于维京特质,供其他宗教信徒。 14
Ravager.png 劫掠者 ravager 233 +2 +5 同特质
+20 日耳曼多神教
+20 改革日耳曼多神教
+0.4 每月威望
+20 个人实战能力
Sea king.png 海盗王 seaking 234 +3 +25 日耳曼多神教
+25 改革日耳曼多神教
+0.5 每月威望
+20 个人实战能力
Sea queen.png 海盗女王 sea_queen 241 +3 +25 日耳曼多神教
+25 改革日耳曼多神教
+0.5 每月威望
+20 个人实战能力




  • 一个来自教宗的随机事件,如果你是独立的,有100虔诚,教宗对你+0好感
  • 一个“混淆视听”决议,适用于某些谋杀血脉
  • 对于非部落制弑亲者特质:通过转变为伊斯兰教,即使是临时地。
  • 对于部落制弑亲者:通过改变政体类型,保存并重新加载。
名称 键值 ID 外交 军事 管理 密谋 学识 好感 其他修正 杂项 花费
Kinslayer 弑亲禽兽 kinslayer 46 -5 -25 家族
-10 大众好感
Familial Kinslayer 弑近亲者 familial_kinslayer 321 -4 -20 家族
-5 大众好感
获得 Kinslayer.png 特质时移除。
Dynastic Kinslayer 弑族亲者 dynastic_kinslayer 322 -3 -15 家族 杀死其他家族成员获得。
获得 Familial Kinslayer.pngKinslayer.png 特质时移除。
Tribal_kinslayer 部落弑亲者 tribal_kinslayer 406 -3 -5 家族
+15 吸引力好感
仅拥有 Holy Fury.png神圣之怒时



名称 键值 ID 外交 军事 管理 密谋 学识 好感 其他修正 杂项 花费
Adventurer 冒险者 adventurer 187 -1 +1 +10 相同特质 +20% 征召兵规模
+10 个人实战能力
+10% 最大人力
+40 野心
Augustus 奥古斯都 augustus 125 +10 封臣 +0.5 每月威望 给予重建的罗马帝国皇帝
Blinded 致盲 blinded 123 -6 -2 -2 -10 吸引力 -100 个人实战能力
-1 健康
Cannibal 食人者 cannibal_trait 252 +3 -10 大众
+25 相同特质
+1 个人实战能力
-10 荣誉
-20 理性
允许吞食囚犯,如果角色还拥有 Lunatic.pngPossessed.png
Cat cat 316 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -20 吸引力 -5000% 生育能力
-2 健康
Eunuch 阉人 eunuch 122 -20 吸引力 -5000% 生育能力 拥有此特质的角色不能结婚继承,或被授予有地头衔,但可以接受一个荣誉头衔
如果玩家角色在中华帝国外交范围内,一个 Eunuch.png 可被送到中华帝国从而交换皇恩(需要 Jade Dragon.png 碧玉之龙
Excommunicated 绝罚 excommunicated 45 -5 -15 相同信仰 参见:绝罚
Gladiator 角斗士 gladiator 5 -2 2 -4 -5 大众好感
+15 同一特质
+1 健康
+15 个人实战能力
+1 指挥者特质
Heresiarch 异端头目 heresiarch 135 -15 其他信仰
+25 相同特质
+3 个人实战能力 给予异端叛乱中随机产生的领导者
Homosexual 同性恋 homosexual 47 +30 吸引力
-5 封臣
-15% 生育能力 受同性别角色的吸引力好感增益影响,而不是相反性别角色的 0
Horse horse 202 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -20 吸引力 -5000% 生育能力
-2 健康
+1000% 马
In Hiding 藏匿中 in_hiding 176 -5 -5 封臣 -2 每月威望 角色处于藏匿中,不易受到刺杀阴谋的攻击
Lover's Pox 情人的疱疹 lovers_pox 253 -5 吸引力
On a Journey 旅行中 travelling 333 将需要一位摄政,但仍可以担任儿童的监护人
Peasant Leader 农民领袖 peasant_leader 134 -5 -10 封臣
+25 相同特质
+3 个人实战能力 给予农民叛乱中随机产生的领导者
Reincarnation 转世 reincarnation 173 角色被视作另一个角色的转世,可能获得他们“前世”角色的特质。
Varangian 瓦兰吉人 varangian 137 +1 +2 +10 相同特质 +10 个人实战能力 拥有北日耳曼文化的角色通过一个事件链(统治者的儿子要求在瓦兰吉卫队任职)可获得此特质。瓦兰吉卫队的队长也会获得。


  1. 角色设计器中改变角色的年龄。


个人属性 属性特质虔诚威望文化宗教家族称号好感
行为 外交决议教育婚姻/生育摄政人情
目标 派系野心阴谋生活重心
恶行 刺杀暴政驱逐处决逮捕剥夺头衔贿赂
其他 内阁廷臣疾病继承同盟