
(重定向自On Hajj Events

These are events related to characters going on Hajj.

ID Name
86000 Start Event
86001 Invite a courtier to come
86010 older liege, berate him to come on hajj
86011 liege gets event asking him to come
86012 our liege is coming..
86013 our liege is NOT coming
86015 our liege gives us advice
86020 adult son wants to go with you
86100 Hajj Starting
86101 Bandits
86102 Bandits catch us
86105 Seasick on a ship
86110 Christian pirates
86150 Bandits have attacked a fellow on hajj
86151 Saved from bandits by fellow pilgrims
86160 Encountering a rival on the hajj
86161 We have had an ambush
86162 We hurt
86163 Success!
86164 They got away
86165 Another hajj is attempting to befriend us
86166 Breaking bread together
86167 Does not want to reconciliate
86170 Lose glutton and drunkard...
86180 Lost in the desert
86300 The Hadiths on Hajj
86320 Hadith - Greed
86330 Hadith - protect from laziness, cowardice etc
86340 Hadith - Envy
86350 Hadith - Truth
86360 Hadith - Cowardice
86380 Hadith - Unjust
86390 Hadith - Next world
86400 Hadith - cynical
86410 Hadith - Wroth
86500 Hidden gateway event
86510 Wudu
86511 Impurity in water
86520 Ihram
86550 Tawaf
86551 Hidden gateway event
86600 Sa'i
86610 Wuquf at Mount Ararat
86620 Ramy al-Jamarat (Stoning the Devil)
86630 Eid al-Adha
86700 Dangerous bandits have cornered us..
86701 Discover
86720 Encounter a poor village
86800 We are now home, and have been on our hajj
86900 Random Events when NOT on hajj or is hajjaj
86901 Remind on promised hajj
86902 Remind on promised jihad!
86903 hidden clear up event.
86810 Shipwrecked
86811 Shipwrecked: Shared Food
86812 Shipwrecked: Did NOT Share Food
86815 Mutiny
86816 Mutiny: Fights Crew
86817 Mutiny: Sneaks Off Ship
86820 Caravan
86825 Oasis
86826 Oasis: Has Faith
86827 Oasis: Gives In To Despair
86830 Desert Mirage
86835 Camels
86840 Baggage Train
86845 Hashshashin
86846 Hashshashin: Intervenes
86850 Pilgrim Remains
86855 Sandstorm
86860 Stranded Pilgrims
86865 Hashshashins: Ambushed
86866 Hashshashins: Saved