




  • Flat (additive): 1 意味着 +1
  • Percentage (multiplicative): 1 意味着 +100% (即 x 2),0.1 意味着 +10% (即 x 1.1),及其他。


修正只能在正确的作用域内使用。 当在错误的作用域内使用修正时,它将在工具提示中显示为NONE,并将完全不执行任何操作(但是某些显示为NONE的修正实际上会有效果):

  • [1]角色:角色修正依附于角色,修正他们的个人或国家能力,他们的行为(对于AI角色),或者一群人对那个角色的好感。它们主要在事件中通过指令add_character_modifier作战战术(对于指挥官),野心&重心,宝物,血脉和宗教character_modifier来使用。
  • 特质:特质修正用于特质内。所有角色修正在特质内有效,但反过来不成立。
  • [2]省份:省份修正依附于省份,影响角色在那个省份的行动。它们在事件中通过add_province_modifier指令或疾病添加。
  • 内阁:内阁任务修正应用于内阁成员执行任务所在的省份。
  • 科技:科技修正给予已经到达该科技等级的省份一个加成。任何可作为省份修正的也可以作为科技修正,但反过来不成立。
  • [3]地产:地产修正依附于省份内的个人地产,使用add_holding_modifier指令。在2.4版本前,此种修正仅通过原版代码附加。
  • [4]建筑物:建筑物修正仅影响它们所在的地产。对于家族宅邸建筑物,任何角色修正也可用,将应用于其拥有者。一些修正仅在家族宅邸内有效。
  • 法律:法律修正应用于这些法律生效的主头衔。


  • <holding_type>可以是city,castle,temple或tribal
  • <unit>可以是pikemen,light_cavalry,knights,heavy_infantry,archers或light_infantry,来自/common/special_troops的也有效:horse_archers,war_elephants,camel_cavalry
  • <tech_type>可以是economy,culture或military
  • ✓ 意味着已知这个修正在该作用域生效(用于原版或测试)
  • X 意味着已知这个修正在该作用域不生效
角色属性修正 描述 类型 角色[1] 特质 省份[2] 内阁成员 科技 地产[3] 建筑物[4] 法律
diplomacy 角色的外交能力 Flat X
diplomacy_penalty 修正角色的外交能力。总加成不能超过0。 Flat X
stewardship 角色的管理能力 Flat X
stewardship_penalty 修正角色的管理能力。总加成不能超过0。 Flat X
martial 角色的军事能力 Flat X
martial_penalty 修正角色的军事能力。总加成不能超过0。 Flat X
intrigue 角色的密谋能力 Flat X
intrigue_penalty 修正角色的密谋能力。总加成不能超过0。 Flat X
learning 角色的学识能力 Flat X
learning_penalty 修正角色的学识能力。总加成不能超过0。 Flat X
fertility 角色的生育能力 Percent X
fertility_penalty 修正角色的生育能力。总加成不能超过0。 Percent X
health 角色的健康 Flat X
health_penalty 修正角色的健康。总加成不能超过0,即拥有health_penalty = -1的疾病和拥有health_penalty = 2的治疗一起作用,不会导致+1 health,而是0。 Flat X
combat_rating 角色的个人实战(决斗)技能。 Flat X
threat_decay_speed 威胁度每月衰减百分比 Percent
领地修正 描述 类型 角色[1] 特质 省份[2] 内阁成员 科技 地产[3] 建筑物[4] 法律
demesne_size 直辖领规模上限 Flat X
vassal_limit 封臣上限 Flat X X X X
global_revolt_risk 一位统治者的领地(整个省份,不仅仅是直辖)的叛乱风险 Percent X
local_revolt_risk 一个省份的叛乱风险 Percent X X X
disease_defence 省份得某种疾病的几率 Percent X
culture_flex 对其他文化的包容度 Percent
religion_flex 对其他宗教的包容度 Percent
short_reign_length 数年的短暂统治惩罚 Flat
moved_capital_months_mult 修正迁都的冷却期,如果他们的政体允许一生中可迁都不止一次。脚本位于首都地产内。
密谋修正 描述 类型 角色[1] 特质 省份[2] 内阁成员 科技 地产[3] 建筑物[4] 法律
assassinate_chance_modifier 刺杀一个省份内角色的几率 Percent
arrest_chance_modifier Percent
plot_power_modifier 角色阴谋的阴谋力量 Percent X [✓]
murder_plot_power_modifier 默认是1,当涉及到谋杀阴谋时与一个角色的阴谋力量相乘。 Percent [✓] X [✓] [✓]
defensive_plot_power_modifier Percent [✓] X [✓] [✓]
plot_discovery_chance 发现一个省份内阴谋的概率 Percent X
财富,威望和虔诚 描述 类型 角色[1] 特质 省份[2] 内阁成员 科技 地产[3] 建筑物[4] 法律
tax_income 来自直辖地产的税收 Flat [✓]
global_tax_modifier 来自统治者领地内所有省份的税收。如果在特质作用域使用,适当增加所有直辖收入,但被列作是'管理'加成。 Percent X
local_tax_modifier 来自一个省份内所有地产的税收 Percent
<holding_type>_tax_modifier 来自直辖城堡/城市/神殿的税收 Percent X
<holding_type>_vassal_tax_modifier 来自地产相应政体的封臣的税收 Percent
monthly_character_prestige 一位角色每月获得的威望 Flat
liege_prestige 给予地产拥有者和他/她的领主威望 X X
add_prestige_modifier 角色威望增加的修正 Percent X X
monthly_character_piety 一位角色每月获得的虔诚 Flat
liege_piety 给予地产拥有者和他/她的领主虔诚 X X
add_piety_modifier 角色虔诚增加的修正 Percent X X
monthly_character_wealth 一位角色每月获得的财富 Flat [✓]
AI行为修正 描述 类型 角色[1] 特质 省份[2] 内阁成员 科技 地产[3] 建筑物[4] 法律
ai_rationality 影响AI做出选择的方式,例如,如果AI想要开战,它是否会将自己的征召兵规模与敌人的征召兵规模进行比较。 Flat X
ai_zeal 影响AI处理宗教冲突的方式,主要是AI是否会加入十字军和邻近的圣战。 Flat X
ai_greed 影响与金钱有关的互动,例如礼物对好感的效果,以及要求赎金或发动禁运战争的可能性。 Flat X
ai_honor 影响AI尊重关系和同盟的可能性,和尽管有这样的关系仍然进攻的几率。也影响它加入阴谋的可能性。 Flat X
ai_ambition 影响AI的扩张欲望,主要影响想要发动战争的可能性。 Flat X
AI建造修正 描述 类型 角色[1] 特质 省份[2] 内阁成员 科技 地产[3] 建筑物[4] 法律
ai_feudal_modifier 如果AI是封建制,或者是部落制但努力成为封建制,则影响AI的建造的权重 Flat
ai_republic_modifier 如果AI是共和制,或者是部落制但努力成为共和制,则影响AI的建造的权重 Flat X X
建造修正 描述 类型 角色[1] 特质 省份[2] 内阁成员 科技 地产[3] 建筑物[4] 法律
build_cost_modifier 建造一个地产(仅直辖)的花费 Flat
build_cost_castle_modifier 建造一个城堡地产的花费 Flat
build_cost_city_modifier 建造一个城市地产的花费 Flat
build_cost_temple_modifier 建造一个神殿地产的花费 Flat [✓]
build_cost_tribal_modifier 建造一个部落地产的花费 Flat
build_time_modifier 建造一个地产(仅直辖)的时间 Flat
build_time_castle_modifier 建造一个城堡地产的时间 Flat
build_time_city_modifier 建造一个城市地产的时间 Flat
build_time_temple_modifier 建造一个神殿地产的时间 Flat
build_time_tribal_modifier 建造一个部落地产的时间 Flat
local_build_cost_modifier 在一个省份建造一个地产的花费 Percent X X[1]
local_build_cost_castle_modifier 在一个省份建造一个城堡地产的花费 Percent X
local_build_cost_city_modifier 在一个省份建造一个城市地产的花费 Percent X
local_build_cost_temple_modifier 在一个省份建造一个神殿地产的花费 Percent [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓] X X
local_build_cost_tribal_modifier 在一个省份建造一个部落地产的花费 Percent X
local_build_time_modifier 在一个省份建造一个地产的时间 Percent X X[2]
local_build_time_castle_modifier 在一个省份建造一个城堡地产的时间 Percent X
local_build_time_city_modifier 在一个省份建造一个城市地产的时间 Percent X
local_build_time_temple_modifier 在一个省份建造一个神殿地产的时间 Percent X
local_build_time_tribal_modifier 在一个省份建造一个部落地产的时间 Percent X
好感修正 描述 类型 角色[1] 特质 省份[2] 内阁成员 科技 地产[3] 建筑物[4] 法律
ambition_opinion 改变野心勃勃特质持有者对角色的好感,他们想从这些角色处获得某些事物(例如一个省份)。 Flat
vassal_opinion 用于特质,改变直属封臣和廷臣的好感。用于宝物,改变封臣及其以下的好感。 Flat
sex_appeal_opinion 改变对你的性别有兴趣的成年人的好感。也改变同性恋对异性的好感,但仅用于特质时,不能是用于角色修正或宝物时。仅对45岁以下成年女性和65岁以下成年男性生效。 Flat
same_opinion 改变和你有同一特质的角色的好感 Flat
same_opinion_if_same_religion 改变和你有同一特质的同宗教角色的好感 Flat
opposite_opinion 改变拥有一个与你的特质定义了opposites = { }的特质(相反特质)的角色好感 Flat
liege_opinion 改变你对你的领主的好感改变你的领主对你的好感(取决于所用为何处) Flat
general_opinion 改变所有角色对你的好感 Flat [✓]
twin_opinion 改变你的孪生兄弟姐妹对你的好感 Flat
dynasty_opinion 改变你的家族内所有成员对你的好感 Flat X
male_dynasty_opinion 改变你的家族内所有男性成员对你的好感 Flat X X
female_dynasty_opinion 改变你的家族内所有女性成员对你的好感 Flat X X
child_opinion 改变你的子女对你的好感 Flat X X
oldest_child_opinion 改变你的长子/女对你的好感 Flat X
youngest_child_opinion Flat X
spouse_opinion 改变你的配偶对你的好感 Flat X X
male_opinion Flat
female_opinion Flat
<religion>_opinion 改变该宗教所有角色对此角色的好感。可以添加自定义宗教,但必须首先在00_modifier_definitions.txt内定义。 Flat X[3]
<religion_group>_opinion 改变该宗教组所有角色对此角色的好感。可以添加自定义宗教,但必须首先在00_modifier_definitions.txt内定义。 Flat X ]]
same_religion_opinion 同宗教角色对你的好感 Flat
infidel_opinion 对其他宗教组的好感 Flat
<religion_group>_church_opinion Flat ?
church_opinion 改变神职人员对你的好感 Flat
temple_opinion Flat X
temple_all_opinion Flat X
town_opinion Flat
city_opinion 改变市民封臣对你的好感 Flat X X
castle_opinion 改变封建封臣对你的好感。如果作为省份修正使用,仅在是你的首都时有效果。 Flat
feudal_opinion 对直属封建封臣的好感 Flat X X
tribal_opinion 对部落封臣的好感(所有部落包括未改革部落) Flat
unreformed_tribal_opinion Flat
rel_head_opinion 对角色的宗教领袖的好感 Flat X
free_invest_vassal_opinion Opinion of vassals with bishops Flat X
clan_sentiment [✓]
战争修正 描述 类型 角色[1] 特质 省份[2] 内阁成员 科技 地产[3] 建筑物[4] 法律
levy_size 征召兵上限。不影响舰队规模。 Percent X
<holding_type>_levy_size 一个城堡/城市/神殿/部落的征召兵上限 Percent
global_levy_size 角色征召兵规模修正 Percent
levy_reinforce_rate 征召兵再生时间 Percent
army_reinforce_rate 指挥军队,近卫军或游牧军的再生时间(例如,如果角色指挥侧翼) Percent
phase_<phase>_attack 增加或减少特定阶段的效果,作为进攻的军队。如,phase_melee_attack。阶段:melee, skirmish, pursue Percent
phase_<phase>_defense 增加或减少特定阶段的效果,作为防御的军队。 Percent
<unit> 增加(或移除,如果是负值)指定数目的地产征召兵的给定单位,也直接增加同样数量的地产守备部队规模。 Flat
<unit>_max_levy archers_max_levy, etc.
<unit>_min_levy archers_min_levy etc.
<unit>_offensive Percent
<unit>_defensive Percent
<unit>_morale Percent
<holding_type>_vassal_min_levy 封臣必须向领主提供的最小征召兵。法律之间不累积(采用最低的)。 Percent
<holding_type>_vassal_max_levy 封臣必须向领主提供的最大征召兵。法律之间不累积(采用最高的)。 Percent
land_morale 领地军队的士气 Percent X
land_organisation 士气恢复速率 Percent
garrison_size 地产守备部队规模 Percent X X
global_garrison_size 角色的守备部队规模修正 Percent [✓]
garrison_growth 地产守备部队的回复速度。在2.2.1无效,显示为NONE
fort_level 地产要塞等级 Flat X X
global_defensive X
global_supply_limit Percent X
global_winter_supply 适用于首都。
supply_limit 在一个省份停留直到导致损耗发生的士兵数量 Percent X X
max_attrition 省份最大损耗 Percent X
attrition 被指挥的部队受到的损耗数量。不是指挥修正 Percent
days_of_supply 部队在在受到损害前可以无补给坚持的额外天数。不是指挥修正 Flat
siege_defence 围攻防御速度 Percent
siege_speed 围攻进攻速度 Percent
global_movement_speed Percent X
local_movement_speed 增加移动速度 Percent X X
galleys_perc 舰队数量 Percent X X
retinuesize 近卫军数量 Flat X[4]
retinuesize_perc 近卫军数量Number of retinues Percent
retinue_maintenence_cost 适用于角色,家族宅邸和首都。部落政体的等价物是horde_maintenence_cost. [✓] X [✓]
horde_maintenence_cost 适用于角色,家族宅邸和首都。 [✓]
科技修正 描述 类型 角色[1] 特质 省份[2] 内阁成员 科技 地产[3] 建筑物[4] 法律
tech_growth_modifier 所有科技类型发展速度 Percent X X X
commander_limit 增加一位统治者可以拥有的指挥官数量。脚本用于首都地产的建筑物中。 Flat X
tech_growth_modifier_<tech_type> 文化/军事/经济科技发展速率。与tech_growth_modifier累积。 Percent X X X
<tech_type>_techpoints 在省份产生科技点 Percent X[5]
贸易修正 描述 类型 角色[1] 特质 省份[2] 内阁成员 科技 地产[3] 建筑物[4] 法律
max_tradeposts 贸易站数量上限 Flat X X
tradevalue 贸易价值 Flat
global_trade_route_wealth 可用于一个贸易站的持有者的首都
global_trade_route_value 可用于一个贸易站的持有者的首都
global_tradevalue 可用于一个贸易站的持有者的首都
global_tradevalue_mult 可用于一个贸易站的持有者的首都
multiplicative_trade_post_income_modifier 增加指定百分比的贸易站收入(1.0 = +100% = 两倍收入) Percent
人口修正 描述 类型 角色[1] 特质 省份[2] 内阁成员 科技 地产[3] 建筑物[4] 法律
manpower_growth [✓] X
max_population_mult Percent [✓]
max_manpower_mult [✓]
max_population Flat [✓]

Custom modifiers

Custom modifiers can be defined in common/modifier_definitions.

Flag Value Description Code
show_as_percent bool Show it as a percentage boost, rather than a regular number. Automatically multiplies it by 100 for display as well show_as_percent = yes
is_good bool Show positive numbers in green is_good = yes
is_monthly bool Add a "(monthly)" to the display is_monthly = no
is_hidden bool Don't show it at all is_hidden = no
max_decimals int How many numbers after the decimal point to show max_decimals = 2
show_value bool Whether to show its value at all. Setting to "no" can be useful for showing a modifier unlocks some sort of feature. Note it will only show up when the modifier is not equal to zero show_value = no

They are based on an hardcoded convention on their name, similarly to the sympathy_<religion> modifier, which works for any custom religion, not only vanilla religions.

They are restricted to the following entities:

  • Special units:
    • <special_unit>: defines the modifier providing the troop itself. E.G., "horse_archers". It's what you'd use in the building giving the special unit.
    • <special_unit>_offensive: Defines the unit's offensive modifier. E.G., horse_archers_offensive
    • <special_unit>_defensive: Defines the unit's defensive modifier
    • <special_unit>_morale: Defines the unit's morale modifier
  • Cultures:
    • <culture>_opinion: Gives opinion bonus with specified culture, E.G., norse_opinion
    • <culture_group>_opinion: Gives opinion bonus with specified group, E.G., north_germanic_opinion
  • Religions:
    • <religion>_opinion: Gives opinion bonus with specified religion, E.G., catholic_opinion
    • <religion_group>_opinion: Gives opinion bonus with specified group, E.G., muslim_opinion
  • Traits:
    • <trait>_opinion: Gives opinion bonus with persons who have specified trait, E.G., genius_opinion
    • opinion_of_<trait>: Makes the character like characters who have the specified trait, E.G., opinion_of_lustful
  • Offmap currency: The name of this token is defined in the offmap itself. Gives monthly offmap currency

If not matching any convention, custom modifiers with show_value = no can still be used to display a localized text in the tooltip of an element that accepts a modifier ( bloodlines, traits, ...). This allows to describe features that are managed externally via scripting (events, ...).

Custom modifiers are localized via the following keys:

  • <modifier>: the description of the modifier
  • <modifier>_EXPLANATION: shows an explanation in places that sum up different modifiers (opinion breakdowns, ...)

Static modifiers

Static modifiers are global modifiers (character, province, or unit), and defined in /common/static_modifiers.txt

Some of these modifiers are referenced from the code.

Culture modifiers

Culture modifiers can be used to differentiate between different cultures.

Vanilla CK2 uses a single modifier, default_culture_modifier, which does nothing and appears to simply be a placeholder. Modders can use these culture modifiers to, for example, enhance a specific culture's heavy infantry statistics, reduce or increase specific troop type numbers per holding, increase tax income, or any number of other effects.

For example, the following is a culture modifier used in the Elder Scrolls Modification to differentiate unit statistics of the Nibenean from other cultures in the modification.

 nibenean_culture_modifier = {
 	pikemen_offensive = 0.1
 	pikemen_defensive = 0.1
 	light_cavalry_offensive = 0.25
 	light_cavalry_defensive = 0.25
 	knights_offensive = 0.15
 	knights_defensive = 0.15
 	heavy_infantry_offensive = -0.2
 	heavy_infantry_defensive = -0.2
 	light_infantry_offensive = -0.2
 	light_infantry_defensive = -0.2
 	archers_offensive = -0.1
 	archers_defensive = -0.1
 	land_organisation = 0.1

Event modifiers

Event modifiers are either:

  • character modifiers
  • province modifiers
  • holding modifiers (since patch 2.4)

They are stored under common/event_modifiers/ and grouped and referenced by a name.

In addition to their modifier properties, they also have:

  • an optional is_visible condition block, to decides if the viewer can see this trait on holder (default is yes). ROOT is the viewer, FROM is the holder.
  • the optional major = yes property
  • a mandatory icon, see vanilla icons below:

List of vanilla icons (positive index / negative index):

  • Martial: Martial positive modifier.png 1 / 19
  • Learning: Learning positive modifier.png 2 / 20
  • Diplomacy: Diplomacy positive modifier.png 3 / 21
  • Stewardship: Stewardship positive modifier.png 4 / 22
  • Intrigue: Intrigue positive modifier.png 5 / 23
  • Money: Money positive modifier.png 6 / 24
  • Prestige: Prestige positive modifier.png 7 / 25
  • Piety: Piety positive modifier.png 8 / 26
  • Titles: Titles positive modifier.png 9 / 27
  • Council: Council positive modifier.png 10 / 28
  • Laws: Laws positive modifier.png 11 / 29
  • Technology: Technology positive modifier.png 12 / 30
  • Military: Military positive modifier.png 13 / 31
  • Plots: Plots positive modifier.png 14 / 32
  • Messages: Messages positive modifier.png 15 / 33
  • Diplomatic actions: Diplomatic actions positive modifier.png 16 / 34
  • Church: Church positive modifier.png 17 / 35
  • Characters: Characters positive modifier.png 18 / 36
  • Prison: Prison positive modifier.png 37 / 38
  • Love: Love positive modifier.png 39 / 40
  • Death: Death positive modifier.png 41 / 42
  • Indian religion: Indian religion positive modifier.png 43 / 44
  • Dog: Dog positive modifier.png 45 / 65
  • Cat: Cat positive modifier.png 46 / 66
  • Owl: Owl positive modifier.png 47 / 67
  • Pagan religion: Pagan religion positive modifier.png 48 / 49
  • Staff of Asclepius: Staff of Asclepius positive modifier.png 50 / 51
  • Mystic: Mystic positive modifier.png 52 / 53
  • Bonesaw: Bonesaw positive modifier.png 54 / 55
  • Horseshoe: Horseshoe positive modifier.png 56 / 57
  • Parrot: Parrot positive modifier.png 58 / 68
  • Ham: Ham positive modifier.png 59 / 60
  • Anchor: Anchor positive modifier.png 61 / 62
  • Jewish religion: Jewish religion positive modifier.png 63 / 64
  • Bed: Bed positive modifier.png 69 / 70
  • Wolf: Wolf positive modifier.png 71 / 72
  • Raven: Raven positive modifier.png 73 / 74
  • Demon horns: Demon horns positive modifier.png 75 / 76
  • Trident: Trident positive modifier.png 77 / 78
  • Stars: Stars positive modifier.png 79 / 80
  • Eye: Eye positive modifier.png 81 / 82
  • Test/tubes: Test tubes positive modifier.png 83 / 84
  • Science flask: Science flask positive modifier.png 85 / 86
  • Flower: Flower positive modifier.png 87 / 88
  • Rats: Rats positive modifier.png 89 / 90
  • Otter: Otter positive modifier.png 91 / 92
  • Hedgehog: Hedgehog positive modifier.png 93 / 94
  • Taoist: Taoist positive modifier.png 95 / 96
  • Paper: Paper positive modifier.png 97 / 98
  • Bamboo Book: Bamboo book positive modifier.png 99 / 100
  • Pagoda: Pagoda positive modifier.png 101 / 102
  • Firework: Firework positive modifier.png 103 / 104
  • Torch: Torch positive modifier.png 105 / 106
  • Panda: Panda positive modifier.png 107 / 108
  • Dragon: Dragon positive modifier.png 109 / 110
  • Eagle: Eagle positive modifier.png 111 /112
  • Pregnancy: Pregnancy positive modifier.png 113 / 114
  • Evil Sword: Evil sword positive modifier.png 115 / 116
  • Combat Skill: Combat skill old positive modifier.png 117 /118
  • Broken Bone: Broken bone positive modifier.png 119 / 120
  • Chicken: Chicken positive modifier.png 121 / 122
  • Combat Skill (New): Combat skill new positive modifier.png 123 / 124
  • Bear: Bear positive modifier.png 125 /126
  • Lion: Lion positive modifier.png 127 / 128
  • Rain Good: Rain good positive modifier.png 129 / 130
  • Rain Storm: Rain storm positive modifier.png 131 / 132
  • Sun: Sun positive modifier.png 133 / 134


sweet_temptation = {
  fertility = 0.2
  church_opinion = -20
  icon = 26

Event modifiers are attached by event to a character/province via add_character_modifier/add_province_modifier effects:

add_character_modifier = {
  modifier = sweet_temptation
  duration = -1

Triggered modifiers

Triggered modifiers are similar to character event modifiers, except that they do not need to be attached or detached by script: depending on conditions they will automatically be applied or removed.

For performance reasons, they only apply to playable characters (counts or above). As they are evaluated every day for every landed character in existence, these are very resource intensive.

They are stored in /common/triggered_modifiers/00_triggered_modifiers.txt


triggered_modifier_name = {
  potential = {
    #Conditions on characters to check
  trigger = {
    #Conditions for modifier to activate
  icon = 24 #Same icons as event modifier icons
  active = no #Completely de-activates the modifier

  # Character modifiers go here
  land_morale = -0.25

Religion modifiers

Religion modifiers impact the moral authority of a religion. They are stored under common/religion_modifiers/.

Flag Value Description Code
authority int Percentage of religion moral authority. authority = -10
years int Duration of the modifier in years. years = 20


won_holy_war = {
  authority = 3
  years = 20

Religion modifiers can be attached via event with the religion_authority command:

religion_authority = {
  modifier = ruler_bowed_to_pope
  years = 10

Society modifiers

The equivalent of religious moral authority for societies is influence.

They are stored under common/event_modifiers/.

Flag Value Description Code
society_influence int Percentage of society influence. society_influence = 1

They can also be capped via static modifier's static_modifier_cap = 10.

Society modifiers are attached via event with add_society_modifier command.

add_society_modifier = 	{
  modifier = successful_mission
  years = 10

Opinion modifiers

Opinion modifiers modify the relations between two characters. They are somehow similar to the opinion_xxx character modifiers, but apply to a single character, rather than a group of character (clergy, mayors, ...). In addition they can contain extra information, such as cause for imprisonment. They are stored under common/opinion_modifiers/.

In patch 2.1.5 some hardcoded opinion modifiers for relatives have been added for brother, half-brother, sister, half-sister, grandfather, grandmother, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew and niece.

Flag Value Description Code
opinion double opinion = -30
days int Duration in days days = 120
months int Duration in months months = 120
years int Duration in years years = 3
inherit bool Heirs inherit this opinion
opinion_supported_cardinal = {
  opinion = 15
  months = 1000
  inherit = yes
decay bool Linear decay over time
common_interests_opinion = {
  opinion = 20
  decay = yes
revoke_reason bool Gives righteous cause to revoke one title
declared_war = {
  opinion = -25
  months = 160
  revoke_reason = yes
prison_reason bool Gives righteous cause to imprison a character
opinion_dishonorable = {
  opinion = -10
  months = 60
  prison_reason = yes
execute_reason bool Gives righteous cause to execute a character
opinion_rebel_traitor = {
  opinion = -100
  months = 1200
  prison_reason = yes
  revoke_reason = yes
  execute_reason = yes
  inherit = yes
banish_reason bool Gives righteous cause to banish a character
attempted_murder_of_spouse = {
  opinion = -70
  crime = yes

  prison_reason = yes
  banish_reason = yes
  execute_reason = yes
preparing_adventure_against_me bool preparing_adventure_against_me = yes
preparing_to_invade_me bool Used by Prepared Invasion mechanic preparing_to_invade_me = yes
preparing_invasion bool Used by Prepared Invasion mechanic
preparing_to_invade = {
  opinion = -10
  months = 24
  preparing_invasion = yes
enemy bool Makes the characters enemies of each other (effectively at war)
opinion_looted = {
  opinion = -40
  months = 6
  enemy = yes
crime bool Character counts as a rival for the is_foe condition (committed a criminal act against me)
grievously_offended = {
  opinion = -30
  months = 60
  crime = yes
  disable_non_aggression_pacts = yes
disable_non_aggression_pacts bool Temporarily disables all non-aggression pacts between the two characters
broken_non_aggression_pact = {
  opinion = -10
  years = 3
  disable_non_aggression_pacts = yes
non_aggression_pact bool Gives a temporary non-aggression pact between the two characters
in_non_aggression_pact = {
  opinion = 10
  years = 3
  non_aggression_pact = yes
obedient bool The AI will accept all diplomatic interactions from the other character. Also makes the trigger obedient return true.
opinion_loyal_servant = {
  opinion = 50
  months = 1200	# For life
  obedient = yes
non_interference bool The AI will accept all diplomatic interactions from the other character. Non-interference is considered a subset of obedient, so any obedient character is automatically non-interfering as well. Also makes the trigger non_interference return true.


declared_war = {
  opinion = -25
  months = 160
  revoke_reason = yes

Opinion modifiers can be attached via event, via the opinion effect:

opinion = {
  modifier = opinion_shocked
  who = ROOT
  years = 2

Command modifiers

These modifiers apply only to the command_modifier clause of traits. They are multiplied by the number of martial points times COMMAND_MODIFIER_MARTIAL_MULTIPLIER = 0.05

Modifier Description Type
morale_offence Percentage
morale_defence Percentage
defence Percentage
speed Army movement speed Percentage
retreat Percentage
damage Percentage
siege Reduces siege time Percentage
random Percentage
flank Active when character leads a flank Percentage
center Active when character leads centre Percentage
cavalry Both knights and light_cavalry unit types. Percentage
religious_enemy Percentage
%phase% Percentage
%unit_type% light_infantry, heavy_infantry, etc. Percentage
terrain Gives TERRAIN_SPEC_BONUS = 0.2 bonus when fighting in that terrain. Percentage
narrow_flank Percentage
winter_combat Percentage

For instance:

command_modifier = {
	morale_defence = 0.1
	center = 0.1
