无编辑摘要 |
无编辑摘要 |
第456行: | 第456行: | ||
|{{DI|E}} | |{{DI|E}} | ||
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|{{Achievement| | |{{Achievement| 当皇帝更好|从伯爵开始用一个角色一路向上直到成为皇帝。|image=Achievement-12.png|en=It's Better to be the Emperor}} | ||
|{{icon|yes}} 主头衔是 [[File:County.png]] [[county|伯爵]] | |{{icon|yes}} 主头衔是 [[File:County.png]] [[county|伯爵]] | ||
|{{icon|yes}} 主头衔变为 [[File:Empire.png]] [[Empire|皇帝]] | |{{icon|yes}} 主头衔变为 [[File:Empire.png]] [[Empire|皇帝]] | ||
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|{{DI|E}} | |{{DI|E}} | ||
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|{{Achievement| | |{{Achievement| 当国王真好|从伯爵开始用一个角色一路向上直到成为国王。|image=Achievement-11.png|en=It's Good to be the King}} | ||
|{{icon|yes}} 主头衔是 [[File:County.png]] [[county|伯爵]] | |{{icon|yes}} 主头衔是 [[File:County.png]] [[county|伯爵]] | ||
|{{icon|yes}} 主头衔变为 [[File:Kingdom.png]] [[Kingdom|国王]] | |{{icon|yes}} 主头衔变为 [[File:Kingdom.png]] [[Kingdom|国王]] |
2019年6月22日 (六) 20:55的版本
这篇文章正在翻译中。 如果您感兴趣可以对照官方百科的词条来编辑它。 |
在编辑下表前,请务必先阅读如何编辑Achievement模板 |
一列给出了在没有启用相关DLC的情况下无法达成的成就(目前在161个中有111个);如果出现多个DLC图标则表示需要其中任意一个。当某个成就需要另类开局才能达成时,会在这一列标出 随机世界或 破碎世界图标(目前在161个中有5个);其他成就则不允许在另类开局下达成。
“难度”一列为维基编辑者评估的成就难度。极易(VE, Very Easy)意味着该成就只需通过常规游玩或数分钟的操作即可达成;简单(E, Easy)意味着该成就很容易达成,但需要耗费一些时间;中等(M, Medium)意味着尽管某些方面较难达到,但大多数玩家都可以达成该成就;困难(H, Hard)意味着该成就需要一次完整的游戏或某些较难触发的事件才能达成;极难(VH, Very Hard)意味着该成就难度之高以至于常常需要一些魔幻的操作;疯狂(I, Insane)意味着该成就几乎不可能完成,除非玩家做了大量工作来达到苛刻的条件。可能还有一些成就的难度尚未分类(UC, Uncategorized)。
成就 | 起始条件 | 成就要求 | 宗教 | 备注 | 版本 | 难度 | |
Yes 存在两人拥有对 教宗的 宣称 | 可以在1066剧本以非神罗的独立国家开局,等有AI角色设立对立教宗,然后设立你的。 | 2.0 | VE | ||||
No 不存在封臣拥有对 教宗的 宣称 | Yes 使一个对 教宗的 宣称的拥有者成为你的封臣 | 攒够500威望并拥有一个对你的好感度高于教宗的主教,进入“宗教”界面并选择设立对立教宗。需要自由授职法。 | 2.0 | VE | |||
Yes 启用 御前会议DLC | Yes 该儿童的特质因为青春期相关事件而改变 | 教育一个可以引导儿童特质以适合自己特质的孩子。 例如,如果你 野心勃勃,那就去教育一个 傲慢的孩子。 | 2.5 | VE | |||
Yes 生育五个孩子 | 较早结婚的角色更有可能达成。穆斯林和其他允许纳妾的宗教/政体的角色可以更快达成。这些孩子需要是由你生育的;开局时历史文件已有的孩子不计入在内。 | 2.0 | VE | ||||
Yes 启用 死神索命DLC | Yes 建造一个1级的 医院 | 医院同贸易站和堡垒都在省份扩展界面建造。不要使用游牧领主,使用封建制或伊克塔制领主并向犹太人借贷(需启用 亚伯拉罕之裔DLC)以获得资金。 | 2.6 | VE | |||
Yes 生育一个孩子,且具有 近亲缺陷特质 | 1066剧本,莱昂王国的萨莫拉女伯爵乌拉卡(Countess Urraca of Zamora)可以立即嫁给他的表亲,纳瓦拉国王安佐四世(Antso IV)。或者扮演祆教角色。 | 2.0 | VE | ||||
Yes 启用 御前会议DLC | Yes 有AI角色雇用了该佣兵团 | 派你的廷臣建立佣兵团,并等待有人来雇佣他们。需花费50 金钱。 | 2.5 | VE | |||
Yes 赢得一次贵人选举 | 在贵人选举中为自己注资,直到没有其他选举人比自己更有实力为止。之后就是等待前总督死亡,或者将其刺杀。 | 2.0 | VE | ||||
Yes 启用 死神索命DLC | Yes 执行决议 关上宫门 | 不要以部落或游牧政体开局。不断重开游戏直到自己的角色有多疑特质。另一个方法是待疾病在自己的领地中肆虐后执行决议。 | 2.6 | VE | |||
Yes 启用 御前会议DLC | Yes Council is not content | 通过与内阁成员的投票对着干来使他们不满,或者等待角色死亡后刚刚继承的时期。 | 2.5 | VE | |||
Yes 选择 成为美德典范野心后积累2000虔诚。 | 选择1081剧本合适的天主教领主,选好野心后赢得十字军。 | 2.0 | VE | ||||
Yes 启用 御前会议DLC | Yes Owns Mercenaries Yes enforce demands during a war. |
在战争中雇用了佣兵团并赢得这场战争。 | 2.5 | VE | |||
Yes 完成决议 去朝圣 | 在“阴谋”界面选择决议。如果启用了 生活之道DLC则需要 神学重心。 | 2.0 | VE | ||||
No 分数不足10000 | Yes 分数达到10000 | 2.0 | VE | ||||
Yes 选择与中国皇帝互动选项“赠送宦官” | 非常容易达成。你并不一定需要选择有 阉割特质的廷臣;这一特殊程序会在中国完成。 | 2.8 | VE | ||||
No 没有 结婚 | Yes 有 结婚 | 在人物界面点击你头像旁边的戒指按钮,然后选择你的 配偶。 | 2.0 | VE | |||
Yes 完成决议 去麦加朝圣 | 在满足先决条件后,在“阴谋”界面选择决议。 | 2.0 | VE | ||||
Yes 是 天主教徒 | Yes 一名牧师满足: | 2.0 | VE | ||||
Yes 启用 死神索命DLC | Yes 具有3个症状 | 2.6 | VE | ||||
Yes 杀死当前角色的配偶 | 和低密谋属性的外国人结婚,选择密谋生活重心并先把他们抓起来会更快一些。 | 2.0 | VE | ||||
Yes 通过 商业重心相关事件建立一条贸易路线。 | 需要 商业生活重心。如果事件组到末尾时对方的好感较高,则更有可能成功。 | 2.3 | VE | ||||
Yes 启用 御前会议DLC | Yes 存在角色欠玩家一个 人情 | 直接用 金钱购买人情就行了,廷臣的人情最便宜。 | 2.5 | VE | |||
Yes 拥有品质为4或5的 宝物 | Yes 通过与中国皇帝互动选项“赠送宝物”将该宝物送出 | 1066剧本拜占庭皇帝可以将宝物荆棘之冠送出。 | 2.8 | E | |||
Yes 主头衔是 伯爵 | Yes 主头衔变为 公爵 | 769剧本(需启用查理曼DLC),选择布列塔尼的count of Tregor,向犹太人借贷(需启用 亚伯拉罕之裔DLC)以创建头衔。
另外还可以选择任意领主为独立公爵的伯爵,发动派系后宣战以夺取公爵头衔。 |
2.0 | E | |||
Yes 启用 死神索命DLC | Yes 在具有 黑死病特质时死亡 | 黑死病来的时候不要关上宫门,这样就能得黑死病了。黑死病会给角色健康-7,极具致命性。如果你启用了生活之道DLC,不要选择增加能健康的生活重心以增大死亡的可能性。 | 2.6 | E | |||
Yes 执行the HF Baptism events且角色满足: | 867剧本(需开启 逝往神灵DLC)波洛茨克大酋长开局, 选择“成为鲁塞尼亚国王”野心,使用“征服”宣战借口。赢得战争后攒钱建立鲁塞尼亚王国,将部落改革至中级,向拜占庭皇帝请求大规模改信。 | 3.0 | E | ||||
Yes 启用 印度罗阇DLC | 1337剧本中图格鲁克可汗国(Tughluq Khaganate)的统治者已经符合条件,还有几个其他剧本的统治者也是如此。这个成就的判定不取决于区域:这个头衔必须是罗阇萨傥那、德干帝国、旁加罗帝国、印度帝国或其法理王国。 | 2.1 | E | ||||
Yes 是女性
Yes 至少16岁 |
Yes 拥有3位 配偶满足:
2.0 | E | ||||
Yes 拥有 王国 或 帝国头衔
Yes 任何直辖省份具有修正"Africa_rain_dance_successful" |
Occasionally an event pops up when playing as an African ruler that you can perform a rain dance. You will get a success pop up if this works, and if you are or become a King while the success is active the achievement will activate. | 3.0 | E | ||||
Yes 通过 神学重心相关事件获得 神学家特质。 | 需要长时间保持 神学重心,最好在角色年轻的时候就开始这么做。 | 2.3 | E | ||||
No 威望不足15000 | Yes 威望超过15000 | 可以通过任何大帝国达成。创建耶路撒冷王国头衔可以得到5000威望。 | 2.0 | E | |||
Yes 成功选择与中国皇帝互动选项“请求与皇室联姻” | 1066剧本拜占庭皇帝君士坦丁十世开局,立即将宝物荆棘之冠赠送给中国皇帝,即可选择联姻选项。因为角色已婚,所以需要选择宫廷中其他人。同时可以完成成就“好奇的饰品”。 | 2.8 | E | ||||
Yes 赢得一次 十字军 | 1081剧本,一次对希腊的十字军很快会被号召起来。 | 2.0 | E | ||||
No分数不足50000 | Yes分数达到50000 | 2.0 | E | ||||
No 没有满级的家族宅邸 | Yes 有满级的家族宅邸:
1241剧本的热那亚总督和威尼斯总督都只需要一次升级即可达成该成就。 | 2.0 | E | |||
Yes 有7个具有 侏儒特质的廷臣 | 在游戏内等待50–100年后会出现不少廷臣。在角色查找器输入关键词侏儒(dwarf)来进行搜索。可以通过婚姻、教导、贿赂、邀请,或者直接监禁符合要求的角色来达成该成就。 | 2.0 | E | ||||
Yes 在选择 成为高贵之人野心后积累5000 威望 | 1066剧本,选择神罗皇帝并选定该野心。创建头衔可以获得200-400威望,而你有大批未创建的公国和王国头衔可以使用,只需要在积累足够的资金后把它们创建出来并随便封出去。如果你杀了你的妻子然后再娶一个还能得到300威望。这些操作可以使你在10年内达成该成就。 | 2.0 | E | ||||
Yes 拥有圣人 血脉且其创建者为你扮演过的角色。 | 3.0 | E | |||||
Yes 赢得7次 决斗 | 加入战士公会时最容易达成。 The important modifier for dueling is the personal combat skill. | 2.3 | E | ||||
Yes 是 破碎世界 | Yes 拥有 帝国头衔 | 可以选择游牧领主开局。 | 3.0 | E | |||
Yes 执行决议 举行猎虎大会并在事件链中发现并杀死一只老虎 | Has about a 25% chance of triggering each time you use the Tiger Hunt decision as an Indian. | 2.1 | E | ||||
Yes 离婚且对象满足: | 如果 查理曼DLC未启用,这个成就最好能和成就“铁王冠”一起完成,因为在1066年伦巴第文化已经接近消亡。否则可以在769剧本选择查理曼,在第1天迎娶伦巴第国王的女儿之一并在攒够50虔诚后离婚;或者直接按照查理曼的专属事件链达成。角色并不真的需要是基督徒。 | 2.2 | E | ||||
Yes 主头衔是 伯爵 | Yes 主头衔变为 皇帝 | 769剧本(需启用 查理曼DLC),吉巴勒的马赫迪(Al-Mahdi of Jibal)是哈里发曼苏尔(Al-Mansur)的儿子,一般都能继承帝国。 | 2.0 | E | |||
Yes 主头衔是 伯爵 | Yes 主头衔变为 国王 | 1066剧本选择纳瓦拉王国的纳赫拉伯爵,企图(并且失败)监禁封臣后投降。你将退位并扮演纳瓦拉国王。 | 2.0 | E | |||
Yes 在HF Coronation Events中自己加冕 | Need to be 16+, an emperor and either a lunatic, possessed or ambitious with imperial administration or a member of the satanists. | 3.0 | E | ||||
Yes Get the Love is a battlefield Character Flag in the duel events. | 3.0 | E | |||||
No 金钱不足20000 | Yes 金钱超过20000 | 穆斯林皇帝或者商人可能是最容易达成的;1337剧本的威尼斯总督就可以在20年内达成。Also easy as Norse; with enough troops (particularly retinues) and enough vassal fleets, just go raiding until you fill your coffers. Can easily also give the Viking Raider achievement. 如果启用了 马上诸王或 碧玉之龙DLC,持有丝绸之路贸易站也能让你的金库被迅速填满。 | 2.0 | E | |||
Yes 是 破碎世界 | Yes 在一场防御或进攻战争中击败一名伟大征服者 | Start in 769, set holding types to nomadic & tribal, max ruler age 16 (so the target doesn't die), max great conquerors, disable consolidation CB, shatter into counties. Choose a nomad and blob until you have at least 75% of the troops of the nearest great conqueror (find them under bloodlines in the ledger or search "sword" in the character finder). Use your Subjugation CB. | 3.0 | E | |||
Yes 有至少10名 囚犯 | Yes 在“阴谋”界面选择 一次性处决按钮 | 需开启修道士与密契者DLC,否则没有这一囚犯管理特性。 | 2.7 | E | |||
Yes 是诺曼底公爵威廉 |
Yes 威廉拥有 王国 英格兰 | 演练:征服者威廉入侵英格兰 | 2.0 | E | |||
Yes 是 部落制 | Yes 赢得一场宣称权决斗 | 3.0 | E | ||||
Yes 拥有3个有3级 贸易站的直辖省份 | 需要三个贸易站都在你的直辖领内,但并不需要你亲自完成建造和升级过程。The revamp in patch 2.8 only requires you to have level 3 Major Silk Road City in the 3 trade posts; 1337剧本中的图格鲁克可汗国(Tughluq Khaganate)拥有不少符合条件的伯爵领。 | 2.4 | E | ||||
开局时间是867.1.1(维京时代) | 当前时间是1452.12.30 | 不能和成就“七个世纪”一起完成。 | 2.0 | E | |||
Yes 是 破碎世界
Yes Alternate Start is on Yes alternate start settings: 地产类型为 部落制或 游牧制 |
Yes 执行决议 封建化或 成立商人共和国 | 选择威尼斯开局,这样你就无需通过扩张来创建公爵头衔(对成立商共来说是必需的)。能够在第一个世纪内达成,只需要向犹太人借贷(需启用 亚伯拉罕之裔DLC)并扩展贸易路线。不要忘记修改所需的法律。 | 3.0 | E | |||
Yes 是罗斯文化 |
2.0 | E | ||||
No虔诚不足10000 | Yes 虔诚超过10000 | 若启用 亚伯拉罕之裔和 共和国DLC,可以选择后期剧本的共和国总督并向宗教领袖捐款以增加虔诚。 | 2.0 | E | |||
开局时间是769.1.1(中世纪早期) | 当前时间是1452.12.30 | The game tends to run slower the more holdings there are in your realm (and the more large realms there are generally), so when combining this achievement (or Persistent Survivor) with grand conquest, it may be best to grant independence to many vassals in the late game.
Alternatively, you can play as a nomad with HL (Khazaria would be the fastest) and burn the world, so there are less and less courts (so less and less characters to slow the game down). With this method you will likely spend a busy 200-300 first years and then you can just set the game at max speed and wait for the end. If you have The Reaper's Due, setting both the Black Death and Minor Epidemics to "Deadly" and "More" respectively will make severe cuts in the number of characters alive, improving performance. |
2.2 | E | |||
Yes 执行决议 建造天文台并完成相关 事件链 | 需要 学术生活重心。在“阴谋”界面选择决议。 | 2.3 | E | ||||
开局时间是1066.9.15(中世纪盛期) | 当前时间是1452.12.30 | 必须从该剧本开局。 | 2.0 | E | |||
Yes Is playing the dynasty of Ashina | Yes 改革 长生天信仰 | The Ashina clan is landed in 769 as Khagan Bagatur of Khazaria, and in 867 as Khan Zachariah, also of Khazaria; note that Zachariah is Jewish. During the Tengri reformation, you must choose the Temporal leadership style. | 3.0 | E | |||
Yes 赢得一次十字军
第四次十字军事件组只会在第一次十字军发生之后被触发,需要拜占庭皇帝拥有12岁以上且不是继承人的家族成员。在十字军准备阶段有机会使目标变为色雷斯王国。A good time to start is just before the real-world Fourth Crusade (1202) - the Angelos have a few possible candidates. | 3.0 | E | ||||
Yes 是 随机世界 | Yes 已经游玩了200年 | 3.0 | E | ||||
Yes 是 随机世界
No is not age 1 No is not higher tier than a Count Yes has Alternate Start setting:
Yes 拥有 王国或 帝国头衔
No total years played is not 16 |
Try creating the Kingdom of the Lanka or the Sápmi since these kingdoms only have 5 counties in them. Simply start as a child count who already controls all of the land in a small kingdom or most of it. To increase your odds of getting a good start to generate, set the number of duchies, kingdoms, and empires to zero. Also set the number of holding per character to its maximum value. As a child it is not possible to select the become king ambition, so the kingdom creation cost discount is not available. So to keep the cost of conquering or usurping manageable, start the game at the latest starting date so all your holdings are highly developed so they generate more money and piety. | 3.0 | E | |||
Yes Founded a duelist bloodline | Random chance each time you gain duel experience, if you have the lifestyle and sufficient duel experience. Requires 50 duel experience, 20 ruthless duel experience, and one of: 10 sneaky duel experience or 80 duel experience. You must not already have a duelist bloodline (from an ancestor). The chance is increased if you do not have any bloodlines. NOTE: this achievement is unlockable even in spite of the bug that prevents the bloodline itself from activating. | 3.0 | M | ||||
Yes Found a Legendary Bloodline via the HF Warrior Lodge legends events or by dying | 最好是用年轻且个人战斗评分高的角色,加入战士公会(如狂狼战士等),不断升级成为英雄,然后创造一个传奇,完成传说并建立一个新的血脉。 | 3.0 | M | ||||
Yes 启用 死神索命DLC | Yes 在隔离期间通过隔离相关事件将某位廷臣赶走且被赶走的人没有 黑死病 | 被踢出的人可以是病人,只要不是黑死病患者就行。 | 2.6 | M | |||
Yes 是社团路西法仆从的成员
Yes Has Character Flag demon_child_non_pagan or demon_child |
Yes 是社团的领导人 | As a demon child, be Grandmaster of Lucifer's Own. A special event "Demon Child" from SoA can happen once in one gametime (MTTH = 500 years), which will turn one of your child under age 3 into a demon child. When the demon child turns 16, he will automatically become Grandmaster of Lucifer's Own and have unbelievable attributes. One method to unlock this achievement is to make sure the demon child is your heir, then retire your current character before the child turns 16. Inheriting as a character who has already done this will *not* unlock the achievement. Though it is possible to leave the society, rejoin, and become Grandmaster again. | 2.7 | M | |||
Yes Worship a reformed religion with Bloodthirsty Gods | 3.0 | M | |||||
Yes 通过以下事件或隔离相关事件 吃一个 苯教徒: | 在安全的位置用苯教统治者开局,比如867剧本(需开启 逝往神灵DLC)的吐蕃,尽快隔离(需启用 死神索命DLC),最终耗尽食物后会出现吃廷臣的选项。(bon appétit源自法语,意为好食欲) | 2.8 | M | ||||
Yes 勾引10名角色 | 需要 勾引生活重心。Succeeding to an heir who has done this will unlock it instantly. | 2.3 | M | ||||
Yes 启用 死神索命DLC | Yes 在隔离期间通过隔离相关事件将某位廷臣赶走且被赶走的人具有 黑死病 | 只能是黑死病患者,别的患者不算。 | 2.6 | M | |||
开局时间是1066.9.15(中世纪盛期) | Yes 拥有 王国 耶路撒冷 | 基督徒才能创建耶路撒冷王国,但本成就没有宗教要求,非基督徒可以通过继承或篡夺获得,用神罗或者拜拜最简单,法蒂玛开局,把继承人教育成基督徒也可。 | 2.0 | M | |||
Yes 是社团恶魔崇拜者的成员 | Yes 是社团的领导人 | 成为恶神哥利教派、瘟疫使者、冷血巫师、赫尔团契或路西法仆从的领导人。通过继承改变角色来成为社团领导人不会达成该成就。 | 2.7 | M | |||
Yes Enforce a demand defending in a 腐化入侵 | 不得是商人共和制或游牧制。1066剧本的法蒂玛具有很高的腐化度;积攒足够的资金以雇佣佣兵团,这样你就可以击败敌人。 | 2.0 | M | ||||
Yes 使用 Eustache de Boulogne of Boulogne | Yes 改为扮演十字军受益人 | 3.0 | M | ||||
No 分数不足100000 | Yes 分数达到100000 | 从诺斯地区开局相当容易,如果你经常征服或劫掠。 | 2.0 | M | |||
Yes 有6个 近亲是 朋友 | Requires six close relatives as friends. Use the Carousing focus and party without aiming for gamer or flings. If a character has an outlined blood drop in their portrait, he is a close relative (other characters might count as well). You can only carouse with people in the same realm, so avoid marrying close relatives in ways that have them leave the realm. | 2.3 | M | ||||
Concubines count as well as spouses. | Yes Any consort or spouse is a parent of the current character Yes Any consort or spouse is a sibling of the current character |
3.0 | M | ||||
Yes 启用 印度罗阇DLC | Only requires the provinces of de jure Rajastan outside your realm to be Muslim. The easiest way to fulfill this is simply to completely control Rajastan, so this achievement may be easily combined with Samrat Chakravartin, or Saint Thomas's Dream. You must hold Rajastan and be Muslim yourself. The quickest way is Tughluq in 1337: just four counties to claim with de jure CBs. If you become Samrat Chakravartin, and Rajastan no longer exists, the achievement is still possible: but the scope is the Empire of India instead. | 2.1 | M | ||||
Yes 是挪威国王哈拉尔德“无情者” |
Yes 哈拉尔德“无情者”拥有 王国 英格兰 | Norway walkthrough | 2.0 | M | |||
Yes Own 5 Historical Bloodlines | In order to inherit a bloodline from outside the family, for a majority of them, the marriage must be matrilineal. Marry a daughter matrilineally into a bloodline. Their child will inherit the father's blood while being part of your dynasty. Then, have their daughter marry matrilineally to your heir if he is male. Their child will have the outside bloodline while still being part of your dynasty. To reduce inbreeding, start with a historic bloodline. Marry a first set of two different bloodlines matrilineally then do it with another set of two bloodlines. Then, marry the two sets together matrilineally. Then, marry a female dynasty member to the resulting son matrilineally. Then marry their daughter to your heir. |
3.0 | M | ||||
Yes 启用 御前会议DLC
No 不是独立领主 |
Yes 领主欠玩家 人情 |
2.5 | M | ||||
Yes Have 100 characters in the kill list | Play a pagan in a warrior lodge and fight a lot of battles. When you capture prisoners you can automatically execute them. | 3.0 | M | ||||
Yes 是伦巴第 | Yes 是伦巴第 | 769剧本(需启用 查理曼DLC)的伦巴第国王就已经是伦巴第文化,你只需要度过接下来的531个春秋。当卡洛曼一世的妻子想逃到你的王国时,不要接纳她,否则会给卡尔一世(查理曼)带来一个伦巴第的强宣称。
如果你不想等太久,那么你能选择的最晚的伦巴第角色是1092到1097年的卡普阿公爵,但在强令环伺的处境下要使其成为国王并不容易;如果启用 神圣之怒DLC的话则会容易得多。1092年开局后选择神学生活重心并积累足够多的虔诚,待圣殿骑士团和医院骑士团成立即雇佣它们。(不必担心在等待十字军的时候陷入负债,因为这种情况下骑士团也不会像佣兵团那样离开你)不管之后的十字军目标在哪,立刻派兵前往并攻占省份以增加战争分数和战争贡献。这样在十字军胜利后你(或你的受益人)就成功得到王国头衔,接下来就是保持你的有利地位直到1300年。 |
2.2 | M | |||
开局时间是769.1.1(中世纪早期) | Yes 完全控制以下 伯爵领:
作为查理曼等待撒克逊入侵事件发生是最简单的达成方法。任何非撒克逊的文化都可以达成该成就:如果你想同时达成成就“全世界撒克逊,联合起来!”的话,盎格鲁-撒克逊文化的角色绝对适合你。 | 2.2 | M | |||
Yes 是社团阿萨辛派的成员 | Yes 是社团的领导人 | This achievement is pretty self explanatory. Can also be done when secretly muslim. | 2.7 | M | |||
Yes 执行决议 建立斯拉夫联盟 | 3.0 | M | |||||
Yes win a war against a sibling with a Rivalry Casus Belli | When your sibling is your rival, and an independent ruler, declare war using this CB, and win. Also possible to achieve as a defender. Fastest as Charlemagne or Carloman in 769. If playing as Charlemagne, don't send your mother to him or you'll have to win before he dies. | 2.4 | M | ||||
Yes 通过 狂欢生活重心相关事件获得 享乐主义者特质 | Requires . After your third party, choose the option that mentions carousing. | 2.3 | M | ||||
Yes 刺杀20名角色 | Requires Intrigue focus . Spy on the lowest intrigue characters in your realm with the aid of the character finder, for a greater chance of success. Any kind of event which spreads rumors, uncovers plots, or uncovers dirt in some way will count. Use the option to stop spying on characters who haven't given any results for a while. | 2.3 | M | ||||
Yes 改革一个原始宗教 | 867剧本(需开启 逝往神灵DLC)的Sviþjod小型国王、Ostlandet或者1220剧本的成吉思汗可能是最容易达成的。 | 2.0 | M | ||||
Yes 执行决议 封建化 | 见词条封建化。1337剧本位于瑞典北部的翁厄曼兰(Ångermanland)酋长开局,向犹太人借贷(需启用 亚伯拉罕之裔DLC),将地产中的山墙升至最后一级,然后执行决议。你无需让时间走动即可完成操作。 | 2.2 | M | ||||
Yes 是 原始宗教 | 北方十字军不算。
1260年伊尔汗国可汗旭烈兀开局,立即篡夺亚美尼亚王国并以宣称埃德萨埃米尔国的理由向埃及宣战,而此时你有事件提供的9万部队。在针对耶路撒冷的十字军开始前结束战争,如果此时十字军还处于准备阶段那么你应该会成为新的目标。Your levies + China tributary troops + event troops + allied Hordes should allow you to win without too much problem. Don't underestimate the amount of troops the crusaders can send though. |
3.0 | M | ||||
Yes 执行决议 成立商人共和国 | 见词条Founding a Merchant Republic。选择High Chief of Mann (coastal and ducal)开局并将市集升至满级。 | 2.2 | M | ||||
No does not have character modifier Wolf Blood or Wolf Child | Yes have character modifier Wolf Blood or Wolf Child from Wolf events | Have a culture from the Altaic group other than Khitan, and wait for wolf-related events to occur. Eldest children of players have a 5% chance of being born with Wolf's Blood (you find out within a year), and a further chance of gaining it between ages 5 and 10. Childless rulers have a passive chance of adopting one. So you have to keep your heirs childless until they inherit. When you have one, just make sure the wolf-like child inherits. Wait until you can adopt a wolf child via event. Do not marry and wait for your adopted son to inherit. | 2.4 | M | |||
Yes 启用 死神索命DLC | Yes 具有下列特质: | 作为长生天,斯拉夫多神教,索米多神教,非洲泛灵教或洛姆瓦教角色在“阴谋”界面执行决议 敬拜祖先,并选择牺牲你身体的一部分,可选项有手,腿和眼睛。执行三次后达成成就。由于这会造成严重伤害,因此建议选择年轻,健康的角色(例如1066剧本的普鲁士大酋长),并选择 狩猎生活重心来增加健康值(包括基础+1、来自猎犬+1)。 | 2.6 | M | |||
Requires settling a mercenary, not just any adventurer. Does not actually require him to have over 20 martial. To settle a mercenary they must be your friend. There is an event chain for a hired mercenary to become your friend. It fires for you, not the mercenary leader, so hiring multiple mercenaries does not make it fire faster. It won't fire unless the ruler who sent the mercenary away (generally his father) is still alive, and the mercenary is residing in your capital, which happens when he is removed from leading troops. Once he is your friend, dismiss him and then use the "Settle Adventurer" diplo-action on him. In the 769 start as Charlemagne/Karl, wait for Roland to join your court and wait until the event fires for you to become friends. Once you are friends, have him assemble a mercenary company (50 gold) by right-clicking his portrait, and then you can settle him straight away by right-clicking his portrait and awarding him one of your counties (not through "Grant Landed Title", you need to choose the "Settle Mercenary" option). |
2.4 | M | |||||
Yes 拥有 王国 弗里西亚
Yes 完全控制莱昂到斯卡恩的所有沿海省份:
2.2 | M | ||||
Yes 启用 御前会议DLC | Yes 当主头衔是 | The "Greatest of Khans" has a huge boost to loyalism in his council. So play the historical Temujin after 1206, or else take the decision as another nomad ruler. Hire and fire non-loyalist councilors until you get the whole set. Look for characters with high opinion of you, who are content, and/or are close relatives, with low relative size and strength (or simply courtiers). Trusting characters and same-dynasty characters have a smaller boost. Your council must be empowered and full (i.e. 5 members as a count/duke, 6 as a king, 7 as an emperor). | 2.5 | M | |||
No 没有80个贸易站 | Yes 有80个贸易站 | 开局时已有80个贸易站是不能达成该成就的,比如1337剧本的威尼斯。1274年5月的热那亚有79个贸易站,因此只要在阿布哈兹(位于格鲁吉亚)花250 金钱再建一个贸易站即可达成该成就;钱可以从犹太人那里借贷(需启用 亚伯拉罕之裔DLC)。 | 2.0 | M | |||
Yes 拥有 王国: |
2.0 | M | ||||
Yes Is North Germanic Culture Group
Yes Is Germanic or Reformed Germanic |
Yes Have 1000 loot | You must have Norse (Germanic) religion and North Germanic culture group, but you do not need the trait. The loot must be returned all at once, so you'll need a fleet of at least 100 ships. Open the economy map view, identify green zones, send your raiders there. | 2.0 | M | |||
Yes Capital Province is: | Playing as a tribal Muslim, educate a heir with Norse culture. After the heir takes over, use the Steward action Settle Tribe to slowly convert any province you control to your culture. Alternatively, capture a Muslim woman as a raiding Norse Viking and convert to her religion before using your Court Imam to convert your capital province. | 2.2 | M | ||||
Yes Event Second Landing of the Aztecs has fired | Yes Character who owns the Aztec Empire:
Triggered when Aztecs lose all territory and all event armies. Make sure all Aztec armies are destroyed before imposing victory that removes their last territory. Does not actually need player involvement. | 2.0 | H | |||
Yes 一名牧师:
Yes 这名角色是 教宗 | 你必须先使目标堕落,再通过任何可行的手段使其成为教宗。你可以先腐化一位主教,立为对立教宗,然后将其扶正。 | 2.7 | H | |||
Yes Reformed the Hellenic Religion | Easiest as the Byzantine Empire in 769 start date. Fabricate claims on both Rome and Alexandria (You have the other three holy sites already). Once you control all five holy sites you just need to convert to Hellenism and press reform providing you have 750 piety. There are two easy ways to convert to Hellenism. There is one province in Greece that is still Hellenistic, simply change capital and convert via the decisions tab. Or you can set your focus to scholarship and a random event can happen that allows you to convert. | 3.0 | H | ||||
Yes Selected the Form an Empire of the Outremer Decision | To know what you need to hold, use "Find title or region" (bottom of minimap) and type "Near East". | 3.0 | H | ||||
No Game Rule for Gender Equality must not be set to all | Yes Is Female
Yes owns an Empire |
You, your mother, and your maternal grandmother must all be empresses (alive or dead). It is okay if you play other characters in between, or even if one of the ancestors was a member of another dynasty ruling a different empire. The game rule for Gender Equality must not be set to "All".
Use absolute cognatic elective succession and ensure your daughter is your heir. As a Muslim realm, you'll be able to give land to daughters after getting absolute cognatic succession. Easy to achieve as Byzantines, since Roma Imperial government considers all offsprings of the Emperor to be valid candidates without taking gender into account. |
2.0 | H | |||
Yes has the The Reaper's Due DLC enabled | Yes An Immortal character is murdered by player | Must become immortal first. Then there are four different ways. You can imprison vassals until they revolt, and surrender, thus abdicating to your heir. Plot to kill your immortal predecessor. The second way is to kill the mystic by whom you achieved immortality (the mystic will also gain the immortal trait if you are successful in the immortality event chain). Thirdly, one can develop the lunatic trait (easy through scholarship focus and following the Necronomicon event chain when building an observatory). When a lunatic you have the chance of obtaining Glitterhoof, and then an event appear where you have the option of sharing your blood with your horse. This makes Glitterhoof immortal, whom you can then imprison and execute without lessening public opinion. The fourth, most unlikely option is to wait for the immortal rival event chain to randomly occur, then kill your rival. | 2.6 | H | |||
Yes Own the County of Gotland | YesCreated the Empire of Scandinavia | From 1097-1161 and from 1285-1337 the holder of Gotland is also the king of Sweden. In 1337, he is also king of Norway, needing only 7 more counties to create the empire, and having CBs on 4 right away. | 2.7 | H | |||
Yes Trigger the Actually finds and kills animal event | Requires . Investigate the rumors of the legendary animal, and set out on the hunt (NOT the Grand Hunt event found on the Intrigue menu). Has about a 1% chance of succeeding. Cannot be killed if your character already has a lifestyle trait from another way of life. Note: Lower chance to kill the white stag when having trait. Succeeding to an heir who has done this will unlock it instantly. | 2.3 | H | ||||
Yes is playing Erik the Heathen af Munsö of Uppland | Yes Has reformed the Religion | 3.0 | H | ||||
Start date is 769.1.1 Early Middle Ages (769) | Yes Selected the Form the Holy Roman Empire Decision | As Karl, wait for an event to marry a Lombard princess. When the events occur, divorce her, and send your mother to Carloman. When Carloman dies, you will gain a strong claim on the realm where the princess will flee towards a short time after the divorce. This realm will likely be Lombardy, but not always. (If all this hasn't happened by 772, the events have probably been derailed by someone's death.) The war for Lombardy ought to be easy. After doing this, you should have fulfilled all prerequisites, save perhaps the +25 opinion of the Pope. (If necessary, just grant him some land.) The Empire must be formed via the decision. | 2.2 | H | |||
Yes As a Germanic: | Yes As a Germanic:
Starting as the Byzantine Emperor in 867, educate your heir with a Varangian Germanic pagan (but not in your court). Arrest the Ecumenical Patriarch and sacrifice him after succession. Alternatively, as a minor Norse power, swear fealty to the Pope and use Intrigue focus to imprison him. | 2.0 | H | |||
Yes have the The Reaper's Due DLC enabled | Yes Recovered from the Plague with waiting or with the Court Physician | Trivial as someone who has the Immortal trait: Immortal characters still get diseases, but they can't die from them - just beware your Court Physician, because he doesn't know this.
Can also be achieved via risky treatment, costing your character a limb or earning them a lunatic trait. Note, that getting cured by any source other than physician or disease timer running out does not give the achievement. |
2.6 | H | |||
Yes Selected the Hold Kali Puja Feast Decision after imprisoning a king or an emperor | Character must not have trait. Start as Muhammad Tughluq in 1337, move your capital to one of the Hindu provinces, wait for 1000 Prestige in order to convert to local religion (Hindu), then simply imprison one of your several vassal kings. Secret conversion to Hinduism and then openly worshipping the faith is also a solution. Alternatively, play a character under a king and use Intrigue focus to imprison the king. Release all other prisoners except the king. Select Kali as your patron deity via decision. Next select Hold Kali Puja Feast via decision, then choose "Let's do something extra this year..." during event chain. |
2.1 | H | ||||
Yes 执行 重建罗马帝国 决议 | 罗马遗产攻略。目标领地的征服可以使用游牧来完成,但游牧必须定居并且封建化才能获得成就。 | 2.0 | H | ||||
Yes Is playing Carloman of Middle Francia | Yes Is playing Carloman of Middle Francia | As Carloman, with enough vassal support and mercenaries, you can take your brother's lands in a single war, giving you enough land to found Francia. Alternatively, you can take the war focus and immediately duel your brother, who is railroaded into becoming your rival. However, note that Karl's personal combat skill may be better than you. | 2.2 | H | |||
Yes has the Rajas of India DLC enabled
Yes owns the Persian Empire
The Seljuks in 1066 have 15,000 men. Stockpile money for mercenaries and use the Invasion CB into Rajastan. Still possible after becoming Samrat Chakravartin: just hold both the Persian Empire and the Empire of India. | 2.1 | H | ||||
No is not Mongol Yes is at war against someone with Mongol culture |
You must be the primary aggressor or primary defender in both wars, not an ally. You cannot yourself be Mongol culture. One war must be against anyone of Nahua culture, and the other war must be against anyone of Mongol culture. | 2.2 | H | ||||
Yes Selected the Become Samrat Chakravartin Decision | Completely control all kingdoms in the Empire of Rajastan, Deccan Empire, and Bengal Empire. Select the decision "Become Samrat Chakravartin". Requires Indian religion, feudal government, and a primary title inside India. The conquests can be done as a nomad, but the nomad must settle down and become feudal in order to get the achievement. | 2.1 | H | ||||
Yes is Turkish Yes Has Government type Nomadic |
Must control the county of Constantinople while having Turkish culture and Nomadic government.
While it is not absolutely necessary to start as a Turkish character, note that having a different culture disqualifies a character from inheriting a nomadic clan. The Yabguids in 769 is a reasonable start. |
2.4 | H | ||||
Yes Has Government type Nomadic Yes Have a Population of 150,000 |
Population and Manpower Guide for Newly Nomadic Players | 2.4 | H | ||||
Yes is Orthodox
Easiest as Byzantium in 867. | 2.0 | H | ||||
Yes is Catholic
Yes any realm province is neighboring a province whose owner is:
Does not require starting as a Catholic. Expand until you're close enough to interact with the southernmost Miaphysite rulers (the simplest way is to win the First Crusade or start as the Kingdom of Jerusalem while it is held by a Catholic) then fabricate a claim.
The Tulunids in 867 start very close to Abyssinia. Become guardian to both your sons, then have them educated by a Catholic (but not in your court). In the meantime, holy war your way down to Abyssinia. If neither of your sons becomes Catholic by adulthood, restart. If only your younger (non-heir) son becomes Catholic, make him the heir by granting him more titles than the existing heir. Take rulership focus for an easy way to get the depressed trait, then commit suicide to abdicate to your Catholic son. Alternatively, start as a Miaphysite neighbor of Abyssinia, and convert to Catholicism by marrying a Catholic and converting secretly by spending 250 Piety. |
2.0 | H | ||||
Yes have the Conclave DLC enabled | Yes Has 5 children with one of each education traits: | Use Seduction focus to have lots of children, or start with Svend II of Denmark in 1066. Select different childhood focus for each child and then education focus according to child's childhood traits. It is preferable to choose an unmarried young ruler with fertility bonus, for example, Kamarupa 1066. Once married, groom a heir ambition increases fertility. Bastards do count for this achievement. | 2.5 | H | |||
Yes Owns the Provinces of:
Abbasids in 867 have claims on Mecca or may be able to vassalize its holder. Subjugate Tunisia to get in range to declare war for Rome. Alternatively, start as the HRE in 1066, create the Kingdom of Italy to have a de jure claim on Rome, earn Jerusalem in the First Crusade, then win a Holy War for Medina. This is also easily achievable when restoring the Roman Empire. The Abbasid Empire from the 769 start data controls Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem so fabricating a claim and going to war over Rome can get you this achievement as well. | 2.0 | H | ||||
Yes is Anglo-Saxon or Saxon | Yes owns the Kingdom of England and Saxony | Requires starting the game as Anglo-Saxon or Saxon, but does not require remaining such. Since the Kingdom of Saxony only exists in 769 and the Catholics surrounding Saxony are very strong, it may be easier to start this as an Anglo-Saxon and create the Kingdom of England and then work into Saxony. Note that creation of the Kingdom of Saxony title requires Saxon culture (not Anglo-Saxon). It is a good idea to turn off the Charlemagne events in the game rules so the Karl (or Carloman if Karl is dead) doesn't get a strong claim on Saxony. Alternatively, as Saxony, subjugate Denmark and convert to Norse culture for the ships. Once the Germanic coastal CB becomes available, conquering England is easy. | 2.2 | H | |||
Yes is Norse | Yes is English
Yes is Christian |
BEFORE you begin, set the Culture Conversion game rule to "Faster Melting Pots." First, rule French/Occitan/Breton provinces before 1150 to become Norman, then rule Anglo-Saxon provinces in the de jure Kingdom of England (NOT Wessex) after 1100 to become English. Note that you may not get an alert for the English culture event, so keep checking the eligible provinces when the time comes. Note also that the culture events can happen in any province in your entire kingdom, not just the ones you own.
Those who wish to skip pagan or tribal gameplay can start as the Duke of Holland in 867. Haesteinn of Nantes in 867 is another good start, as he can easily take all of Brittany and then prepare an invasion of Western Francia without too much difficulty. If conquering England early, be sure not to eradicate Anglo-Saxon culture before 1100. |
2.8 | H | |||
Yes has the The Reaper's Due DLC enabled | Yes gain the Immortal trait via the immortality events | The eternal life event chain has a MTTH of 250 years, but this is lowered by old age, disease, or poor health to a minimum of 50 years. The supernatural events game rule must be left on. | 2.6 | H | |||
YesPrimary Title is the Kingdom of Frisia
Yes the Duchies of Flanders and Brabant is De Jure part of the Kingdom of Frisia |
Try Charlemagne. Switch your kingdoms to elective, create Frisia, and destroy West Francia and Middle Francia. You must control the duchies for 100 years while having the kingdom of Frisia as primary title. | 2.7 | H | ||||
Yes 是丹麦国王斯温二世 |
Yes斯温二世拥有 王国 英格兰 | Denmark walkthrough | 2.0 | H | |||
Yes Is a member of the Assassins | Yes Has murdered someone who:
Must be a member of the Assassins. The target must be a king-tier Christian who either is located in the Middle East region, controls a title in the Middle East region, or is fighting in a crusade or jihad targeting a kingdom in the Middle East region. You can kill the target in any way that marks you as the killer, e.g., capturing and executing. Plotting to kill becomes easier after ranking up once, as you can invite other Assassins to your plot. If your capital is in Middle East, any prisoner will be considered as "in Middle East" on execution, which means that executing any imprisoned Christian King will give this achievement. | 2.7 | H | |||
Yes owns an Empire |
Can be cheesed as the Abbasids: conquer the Zunists and their holy sites, move your capital to Zunist territory, and convert. Stockpile enough piety to immediately reform the religion after converting. You will need to give away the Caliph title for the decision to convert to show up. | 2.2 | VH | ||||
Yes Has Government type Nomadic Yes Any Independent ruler: |
Vassalize holdings on the Baltic or the Black Sea to gain ships. The Nomadic Invasion CB has a very long range, use it to gain a foothold in the British Isles. The tributary ruler's primary title must be in the Britannia region. Your government must be nomadic, but it is not necessary to be based in the Steppes or have Mongol culture. | 2.4 | VH | ||||
Yes Selected the Create Israel Decision | Khazaria 867 start; be sure to settle feudal in Jerusalem to avoid using the slow conversion to Judaism (or simply pillage all holdings in Jerusalem). Any other horde in 867 can use Khazar missionaries or concubines to convert.
Start as the Tulunids, move your capital to Semien and use your holy war piety to convert to Judaism. Also works with the Abbasids in 769, though it is necessary to give away the Caliph title in order to convert. (Then grant the new caliph independence and holy war the land back.) |
2.0 | VH | ||||
Yes is Norse | Yes is Norse YesPrimary title is a Kingdom in India |
Requires both starting and finishing as Norse culture. Norse religion is not required. The primary title kingdom must be in the India region. If you acquire any empire titles, you will need to lose them to be able to set a kingdom as primary title. The main mechanism here, assuming you're not forming an intercontinental empire, is to use the coastal conquest CB available to Norse characters. | 2.7 | VH | |||
Yes is Norse |
Norse culture is required, not Norse religion. Does not require starting as Norse. If going from west to east, it is easier with Horse Lords disabled, as the steppes is then entirely tribal. Convert to Islam (or Reforme the Germanic faith) to get access to Holy Wars. The 867 Sudreyjar realm starts in Western Europe, and can cumulate this achievement with Never Start a Land War in Asia. | 2.4 | VH | ||||
Yes has the The Reaper's Due DLC enabled | Yes survived the end of days events. | The End of Days event chains can trigger when the Black Death is present in your realm. | 2.6 | VH | |||
Yes has the The Reaper's Due DLC enabled | Yes One of the following characters has been executed by elephants:
This execution method is available for anyone with a capital in the India, Persia, Middle East, or East Africa regions. Execution methods are random, but when the target is a religious head, elephants are especially likely. Valid targets are the Pope, the Fraticelli Pope, the Sunni Caliph, the Shia Caliph, the Ibadi Caliph, and the Kharijite Caliph. The Miaphysite Pope and Monophysite Pope do not count, nor do anti-popes. An extremely easy way to accomplish this is by selecting Seljuk in 1066 in the High Middle Ages bookmark, imprisoning the Sunni Caliph and executing. With Ghilman and initial available troops, rebellion is futile and guarantees easy imprisonment. | 2.6 | VH | |||
Yes has the Conclave DLC enabled | Yes Enforced Realm Peace for 6 vassals. | Require actually ending at least 6 ongoing vassal wars. They can be revolts, faction or otherwise, as long as the two primary participants are both your direct vassals (whether temporarily because of the war, or not). Encourage vassal wars by transferring non-de jure counts, granting other duchies to counts under their de-jure duke, landing people with claims, pressing claims, etc. | 2.5 | VH | |||
Yes has the Rajas of India DLC enabled
Yes Is Hindu, Buddhist, or Jain Yes Mecca must be within the realm and is the same Indian Religion as the player |
Can be done quickly by settling feudal in the county of Mecca as an Indian religion nomadic horde, if you have . As a nomad, completely destroying all holdings in Mecca will also change the county's religion. | 2.1 | VH | ||||
Yes has the Rajas of India DLC enabled
Yes owns either a Kingdom or an Empire that is within the region of India
Only requires the provinces of a held kingdom or empire outside your realm to be Christian. The kingdom or empire must be in the India region. The easiest way to fulfill this is to completely control any Indian kingdom as a Christian. (Use the "De jure Kingdoms" map mode to find small kingdoms.) As any large southern Indian realm, conquer Mahodayapuram, secretly convert to Nestorian, and personally adopt the faith. | 2.1 | VH | ||||
Yes Is playing Count Khon Sherab Tsultrim of Sakya | Yes Primary title is a Kingdom or an Empire
Yesis independent
Yes is
Try to marry/seduce your neighbor Tibet Queen (historical route by checking history in 1337). She won't accept a marriage at first though. | 2.8 | VH | |||
Yes has the Conclave DLC enabled | No is not independent Yes is a Councillor
If a councilor will not let you buy a favor, try raising his opinion of you or perhaps changing your position. Your liege, the most expensive one, is more likely to accept when he is low on cash and at war. Buy favors from other powerful vassals and any heirs involved (which is cheapest), and try to get them on the council by killing or waiting out the intransigent ones. As a Companion (Level 2) member of the Assassins, the Intimidate Ruler option becomes available. Try a start with a relatively young ruler with a lot of land to tax, such as the Duke of Aquitaine in 1066. Or, start as an independent king and swear fealty to the HRE or ERE, but beware opinion maluses for different culture and religion. Requires Empowered Council law to enable Advisor minor title for Kingdom and Empire and they owe you favors as well as the five normal positions. | 2.5 | VH | |||
Yes 完全控制全部历史上罗马帝国的公爵领 | S.P.Q.R.攻略。你必须信仰基督教或者希腊多神教。目标领地的征服可以使用游牧来完成,但游牧必须定居并且封建化才能获得成就。这个成就只要求触发所有罗马疆域事件,这意味着无论是拜占庭帝国,还是罗马帝国均可完成。 | 2.0 | VH | ||||
Yes Has Government type Nomadic Yes Completely controls the Steppe Region |
Have Nomadic government and control the Steppes region. To check the territory, you actually need to press the Find Title or Region button in the lower right corner, under the map and type Steppe region. If you think you should have gotten the achievement check again carefully every single barony/county for independent ones (Religious Orders etc.). | 2.4 | VH | ||||
Yes A Theocratic vassal must have:
Yes the Theocratic vassal became Pope via succession. | You must contribute to the election fund, and the bishop must remain your vassal until he is made Pope. See Papal succession#Strategies or follow Elvaril's walkthrough. | 2.0 | VH | |||
Yes Has an Indian Religion. | Yes 信仰 印度教, 佛教,或者 耆那教 | 可以选择日耳曼多神教角色开局,使用准备入侵和征服伯爵领的宣战理由来得到不列颠尼亚帝国。然后派遣部队进攻印度,直到抓获一名女性印度宗教信徒,将其纳为侍妾并通过决议改信。你也可以在启用马上诸王DLC时扮演游牧部落并通过传教士或侍妾来改信。 | 2.1 | VH | |||
Yes 选择逊尼派哈里发卡伊姆·阿巴斯(Al-Qa'im Abbasid) |
Yes 是独立国家 | 如果法蒂玛苏丹国发生内乱就可以往埃及方向扩张。在哈里发的领主,塞尔柱苏丹阿尔普·阿尔斯兰去世后,塞尔柱苏丹国也有崩溃的倾向。 | 2.0 | VH | |||
Yes Selected the Become Saoshyant Decision | Zoroastrian strategy
Alternatively, if you have Rajas of India, you can do this even faster by starting as Seljuk in 1081, revoking a Zoroastrian county, and decision-converting (only if patch version is before the further expansion of the Persian Empire is introduced.) |
2.0 | VH | ||||
Yes Is playing Count Thakur Toramana of Mohadavaska | Yes Primary title is a Kingdom or an Empire | 2.8 | VH | ||||
Yes has the Horse Lords DLC enabled Yes Is a Patrician
Your capital must be in the Europe or Asia Minor regions. Before patch 2.8, there are five coastal Silk road provinces in India, visible on the trade routes map: Debul, Navasarika, Mahoyadapuram, Vijayawada, and Candradvipa. You don't need to have trade posts built on the provinces for the achievement to fire. The revamp in patch 2.8 adds more counties: Goa, Cholamandalam, Kataka, and Samatata (replaces Candradvipa). | 2.4 | VH | ||||
Yes Get the Legendary Wisdom modifier via the Rulership focus events. | Requires lifestyle and 12 stewardship, (has an yearly pulse). Pick up the lifestyle with success in . Alternatively, the Bey of Daylam in 1066 starts with the lifestyle trait, which may make it slightly easier to get the achievement. | 2.3 | VH | ||||
Yes 是汉文化 | Yes是汉文化 |
867剧本(需开启 逝往神灵DLC)的酒泉公爵是一个不错的选择:因为中国内战,他可以立即停止朝贡并向分裂的吐蕃帝国扩张。道教不能发动圣战,因此需要通过婚姻来改信逊尼派,之后还可以加入阿萨辛改信什叶派以更快扩张。所有可玩汉文化角色均为道教或佛教信仰,两者都需要印度罗阇DLC,因此碧玉之龙DLC不是必需的。 |
2.8 | I | |||
Yes Is playing Emir Mu’nis of Galilee | Yes Is playing Emir Mu’nis of Galilee
Yesis independent |
Mu'nis is a eunuch, so this must be done in his lifetime. Easiest as the Emperor of Abyssinia.
A quick strategy is to expand into East Africa since it is fragmented, try to first fabricate a claim on Trinkitat (in Blemmyia). Pick for more Piety. Seek opportunity to invade Egypt when you have enough gold (preferably more than 2500) for hiring mercenaries. Finally, get independent and create the title.
2.8 | I | |||
Start date is 1220.2.1 Age of the Mongols (1220)
Yes Is playing Khagan Temüjin of the Mongol Empire |
Yes owns the Mongol Empire | Requires that all the counties and baronies be within your realm, within the empires of Russia, Tartaria, Wendish Empire, Carpathia, HRE, Italia, Byzantium, Francia, and Hispania. If you believe you should get the achievement, but you haven't, check the ledger for the Independent States. If there are any realms there other than yours, check them to see if they picked up a random barony and you have a county claim casus belli on them. | 2.0 | I | |||
Yes Primary title is in Western Europe | Yes Completely controls the Eastern Steppe Region (Mongolia) | Requires starting as a character with primary title in the Western Europe region, and controlling the Eastern Steppes region.
You need to build at least 2 levels of structures in a county's holdings to lock your hold on Nomad counties. Tribal works best, as they can field a large army even in the empty steppe. Easier with Horse Lords disabled, as the steppe is then entirely tribal. Sudreyjar in 867 is a solid choice: tribal, access to the Coastal County conquest for a fast bridgehead in the Baltics, and part of the Great Heathen Army. Create Ship Builders in your holdings and use the downtime to become King of Scotland, as a Kingdom title will stave off the worst from Gavelkind. Should you lose your capital, make a beeline for the civilized areas near the Taklamakan Desert. |
2.4 | I | |||
YesIs Female YesIs Messalian, Bogomilist, or Cathar
Hold the counties of Rome, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Antioch, and Constantinople directly, and leave wrong-religion bishops in the temple holdings, until you have all five and meet the other conditions. Then, revoke the temples. Lower the moral authority of the three Christian religions to help heresies to appear, or adopt the Christian religion and ask your Court Chaplin to research technology. Easiest as part of a regular Byzantine game, as the Emperor's daughters are always valid candidates for succession. | 2.7 | I | ||||
Yes 主头衔是 王国或 帝国 | 可以使用统计表中的“你的家族”页面并按领域大小排序来进行查询。
769剧本(需启用查理曼DLC)的阿巴斯哈里发拥有大量家族成员并且可以创建一系列王国头衔。你可以通过改信基督教来创建耶路撒冷王国并让你的亲属独立。 |
2.8 | I | ||||
Yes has the Rajas of India DLC enabled
Yes Is Hindu, Buddhist, or Jain Yes Rome and Constantinople must be within the realm and is the same Indian Religion as the player |
With Horse Lords, conquer the county of Rome and the county of Constantinople as an Indian religion nomadic horde, releasing all other non-nomadic land, and then settling feudal in one of the provinces. As long as population is over 1000 times the number of baronies in the other province, it will convert to your culture and religion. As a nomad, completely destroying all holdings in the two counties will also change the counties' religion. | 2.1 | I |