WOL Hunting Events


These are events for the hunting focus from the DLC Way of Life.

ID Name
WoL.5000 The White Stag/Bear/Tiger/Lion
WoL.5001 Hear rumors of legendary animal
WoL.5002 Legendary animal has been sighted... decide whether to go on a hunt or not
WoL.5003 province_event
WoL.5004 character_event
WoL.5006 During normal hunt, gets glimpse of legendary animal
WoL.5007 Catches glimpse of legendary animal during hunt
WoL.5010 Hunt starts
WoL.5011 Hunt outcome
WoL.5030 Actually finds and kills animal
WoL.5035 Comes very close to animal and see its majestic beauty
WoL.5040 Meets other hunter obsessed with same animal, he joins your court, random character
WoL.5045 Gets lost in the wilderness, bad experience
WoL.5050 Gets lost in the wilderness, good experience
WoL.5055 Uneventful hunt, returns home emptyhanded
WoL.5060 Gets lost, finds cottage, meets strange old witch who promises to make you a better hunter
WoL.5061 Drank the potion
WoL.5062 Returns home after meeting witch or lover in woods
WoL.5065 Gets lost, finds cottage, meets person of opposite sex, can choose to get busy or not
WoL.5066 Getting busy, bring lover home or not?
WoL.5200 Select giver
WoL.5201 Giver of puppy
WoL.5202 Accept or decline
WoL.5203 Name puppy
WoL.5204 Puppy is growing and starts showing personality
WoL.5210 Dog makes you happier
WoL.5211 Dog makes you popular
WoL.5220 Dog makes you get out more - train dog
WoL.5221 Spending time outside training dog has its effects
WoL.5230 Bag dog kills other dog
WoL.5231 Bag dog kills or wounds courtier
WoL.5290 Dog dies! Decide on funeral
WoL.5291 flag and delayed event clearing