
Pokewiz讨论 | 贡献2020年5月24日 (日) 02:44的版本

Feudal System在封建制度下,统治者授予他们的部分直辖领封臣 换取他们一部分的税收征召兵。封臣的上层统治者则被称作领主(liege)。在王国风云2中,任何封臣都只会有唯一一个领主。

封建制度是一种分权化的制度,借由下放部分权力以换取封臣协助统治地方。 封臣可以把自己封得的领地再分封给更下一层的封臣,这被称作次级分封。 作为对臣民忠诚的回报,领主则提供了免受外部势力威胁的保护。




Tiers of Titles 头衔有五个等级。一名领主只能成为一名更高级别领主的附庸。从最低至最高等级头衔各自的肖像与纹章边框如下图所示:

人物头衔 领地等级 描述
Baron Feudal.png 男爵 Barony.png 男爵领 男爵(夫人)拥有地产 (也被称作男爵领),是游戏中最小的土地单位。地产可以是城堡城市神殿部落或是游牧制首都



Count Feudal.png 伯爵 County.png 伯爵领 伯爵(夫人)管理省份 (也被称作伯爵领),是游戏中地图上可见的最小土地单位。



Duke Feudal.png 公爵 Duchy.png 公国 公爵(夫人)管理公国。公爵级别以上开始能够产生科技点数。封臣必须至少达到公爵级别,他们的首都省份才能获得+15%的征召兵加成。当一个公爵拥有超过一个公国时则被称作大公,并给予他们+1直辖领上限


King Feudal.png 国王 Kingdom.png 王国 国王/女王统治王国。国王级别以上才能制定领地法。创建一个法理的王国头衔需要至少两个公国头衔。


Emperor Feudal.png 皇帝 Empire.png 帝国 皇帝/女皇统治帝国且可能拥有几个国王级别封臣。由於需要微觀管理,對一個大帝國進行適當的管理往往會成為一項複雜的任務。



Vassal Limit每一位拥有公爵及以上头衔的角色都会意识到他们无法拥有过多直属的封臣(只有伯爵及以上才会被计算在内;男爵级是不算的)。拥有过多的直属封臣会承受各种各样的惩罚(主要是税收和人力),一些封臣还可能在继承时独立。




  • 直属封臣上限受到以下指数影响:
    • 基数(1) x 统治者头衔等级修正 (启用 DLC icon Conclave.png 御前会议扩展):(括号内为不启用 DLC icon Conclave.png 御前会议 扩展时的数据)
    • 公爵 = 基数 x 8.0 (10)
    • 国王 = 基数 x 15.0 (20)
    • 皇帝 = 基数 x 20.0 (30)
  • +3作为一个大公(拥有不只一个公爵头衔,但不是国王)
  • +统治者外交能力修正 = 30% Diplomacy\link=统治者外交属性 + 15% 统治者配偶的外交属性
  • 法律:
    • +2每选择一个内阁法(除了第一个法律)由内阁授权(需要DLC icon Conclave.png御前会议DLC); (封建制的领主最大可达+14,其他政体的领主则是+12)。
    • 每阶的中央集权法律减少5封臣上限(从+10-10),换取+0+4直辖领上限Horse Lords.png游牧制领主没有这项法律;
    • +25对于启用「帝国行政体制」。然而启用帝国行政体制也会自动启用王国和公国总督制并减少-10封臣上限,所以实际上是+15
    • -5对于每一阶总督制法律(需要DLC icon Charlemagne.png查理曼DLC)
  • +10对于Jade Dragon.png中华帝国制
  • -10对于部落制游牧制
  • +20对于使用帝国选侯制继承法(神罗特有)




  1. 他们自己从自己的地产获得的税收(这些可以通过建造建筑来提升)
  2. 他们领主的税收法律决定了封臣必须支付的税收百分比。 可以为贵族,神职人员和市长设定不同的法律。

如果 DLC icon Conclave.png 御前会议DLC已启用,统治者可以切换封臣义务的偏重 (透过领地法)将部分征兵换成更多征税。因改变税收法律而导致的封臣好感减少(或增加)是暂时性的。

除此之外,如果 DLC icon Conclave.png 御前会议DLC未启用,统治者也可以设置税法(透过直辖领法律),作为代价是永久性的减少封臣好感。 意思是你收的税越多,封臣对你的好感越差。因此,必须在两者之间取得平衡。

Horse Lords.png 游牧制不需上缴税收给领主。同样的,部落制封臣也不会上缴税收给部落制领主,除非他们的部落制领主是另一个非部落制领主的附庸。




如果DLC icon Conclave.png御前会议已启用,封臣必须提供的征召兵数值由领地法决定。所以统治者必须切换 封臣义务的偏重,降低税金以提高征兵(贵族、神职人员、市民是分开设置的)


如果DLC icon Conclave.png御前会议未启用,封臣提供的征召兵将依据:

  1. 征召兵的最小值由王权法决定。
  2. 领主的直辖领法律则决定征召兵的最大值。
  3. 封臣对领主的好感。

无论是王权法的最小值和直辖领法律的最大值再高, 封臣的好感都会影响征兵数。因为封臣好感同时决定征兵数和封臣叛乱的可能性,一个不受欢迎的领主将处于极大危险中。 他们会冒着领地叛乱,并且从其他封臣手上征不到足够兵员镇压的风险。

游牧制的封臣则不会向领主提供征召兵。但是他们可以在战争中以盟友身份参战。在某些情况下,部落制封臣也不会向领主提供征召兵(部落制领主如果没有中等部落组织度以上和DLC icon Conclave.png御前会议未启用,部落制封臣也可以在战争中以盟友身份参战。)独立的部落制统治者将总是 要求部落制封臣以盟友形式加入战争。



Rebellion 封臣不一定总是喜欢领主。从上面的章节可以知道封臣好感过低,会对领主的税收跟征兵产生损害,但是更糟的情况下,封臣可能会企图推翻他们的领主。

如果封臣离领主过于遥远,或是他们太过具有野心,他们将可能向领主发起叛乱并尝试使用武力夺取他们想要的。为此,封臣会加入派系以追求独立、降低王权、拥立其他宣称者或是改变继承法。当不满的封臣加入派系时,派系的力量 (依照他们的军队总数和领主的比例)将会增加。当派系积累足够实力时,派系的领导人将会向他们的领主发出最后通牒。如果领主不同意,战争就会爆发,所有的派系成员将加入战争对抗领主。


封臣是否会加入派系取决于一些因素,因此拥有相同文化宗教且在法理 领地下的封臣通常最为忠诚。


Estates of the Realm The estates of the realm depict the most important social classes of the Middle Ages - spanning from Christian Europe to the lands of India. During this timeframe, it was difficult for a person to move from a social class to another; this is also the case in Base icon CK2.png Crusader Kings II.

In the game, they are depicted as the three estates:

  • The clergy (First Estate), made up of religious heads, clerics, monks, nuns, priest(esses) and initiates.
  • The nobility (Second Estate), composed of landowners, their families, heirs and relatives - known as a dynasty
  • The commoners (Third Estate), made up of bandits, farmers, servants, craftsmen and merchants.

In India, characters are divided into three castes (or varnas) which correspond to the estates, as follows: Brahmins (the clergy), Kshatriyas (nobles) and Vaishyas (commoners). Castes are marked in-game by traits, and the Rajas of India.png Rajas of India DLC is required in order to play as a Dharmic character.

As for playable characters in CKII, up to the Jade Dragon.png Jade Dragon DLC, all noble rulers above baron rank (or equivalent) are playable. However, AI characters may hold all clergy and burgher titles above baronies. If a player eventually controls a baron ruler, or a cleric/burgher, it will result in instant game over.

The only exception (requiring Dlc icon the republic.png The Republic DLC) is a specific type of ruler: burghers of duke rank or above with a coastal capital, who are grand mayors of merchant republics with four other patrician families as their vassals. These five families are always contesting the title of grand mayor (or equivalent) of their merchant republic.

A character's gameplay is dependant on the religion they follow, their culture, and their government type. Therefore, actual titles of landed characters may adopt different names, according to a combination of those factors. Nevertheless, two titles which match the same rank grant similar privileges no matter the name. E.g., a duke and an emir are both acknowledged as duchy titles.

The definition of alternative names is set in the following priority order:

  1. Religion group
  2. Religion
  3. Government
  4. Culture group
  5. Culture.

If no specific factor type is found, then the default name (traced from the Christian Western Europe tradition) is used. Note that cultural and religious-based titles are based on the top liege's culture and religion, not the vassal's.



Nobles Nobles normally rule over castles. They are characters associated with land acquisition via conquest or shrewd court manipulation.

  • In the feudal system, rulers of count-tier or higher are members of the nobility; they share a dynasty of successive descendants
  • In the Islamic world (requires the Dlc icon sword of islam.png Sword of Islam DLC), Iqta nobles are allowed to rule over castles, as well as temples with no penalties
  • Tribal nobles can only rule over tribes and benefit from empty holding slots, apart from the capital. They are known for their raiders and may adopt feudalism or found a merchant republic. The Dlc icon the old gods.png Old Gods or Holy Fury.pngHoly Fury DLC is required to play as a Pagan tribal ruler
  • Nomads are nobles who settle a single nomadic capital holding, and keep all other holdings empty to strengthen their hordes. As they manage their clans and ride freely over the Eurasian steppes, nomads are feared for their constant pillages, and they're allowed to move their capital more frequently (and carry along all buildings within it). The Horse Lords.png Horse Lords DLC is required in order to play as a nomad ruler.
  • In India, Dharmic nobles are composed of Kshatriyas. The Rajas of India.png Rajas of India DLC is required in order to play as a Hindu character.
  • In the Tibetan plateau, Monastic Feudal nobles are allowed to rule over castles, as well as temples with no penalties. Playing as a Bön non-nomad requires either the Dlc icon the old gods.png Old Gods or Jade Dragon.png Jade Dragon DLC.
因素 Key 男爵领 伯爵领 公爵领 王国 帝国
默认 男爵 / 女男爵 伯爵 / 女伯爵 公爵 / 女公爵 国王 / 女王 皇帝 / 女皇
宗教组 原始宗教 头人 酋长 / 女酋长
宗教 (改革的)洛姆瓦教 大酋长 / 女大酋长
宗教 (改革的)日耳曼多神教 侍从
宗教 (改革的) 斯拉夫多神教 大酋长 / 女大酋长
宗教 (改革的) 索米多神教 大酋长 / 女大酋长
宗教 (改革的) 长生天 大酋长 / 女大酋长
政体 僧侣封建制 (缺失) 阿波 / 阿姆 图波 / 图姆 杰布 / 杰蒙 赞普 / 赞蒙
政体 部落制 酋长 酋长 / 女酋长
政体,文化 部落制,萨克森 大酋长 / 女大酋长
文化组 阿尔泰文化组 汗王 / 汗努 可汗 / 可敦
文化组 阿拉伯文化组 瓦利 / 瓦利亚 谢赫 / 谢哈 埃米尔 / 埃米拉 苏丹 / 苏丹娜 巴迪沙阿
文化组 凯尔特文化组 小型 国王 / 女王 (独立状态)
文化组 达罗毗荼文化组 / 印度-雅利安文化组 庄主 / 女庄主 他俱罗 / 他俱罗尼 罗阇 / 罗尼 摩诃罗阇 / 摩诃罗尼 圣王 / 圣后
文化组 东非文化组 小型 国王 / 女王 (独立状态)
文化组 伊朗文化组 堡主 / 瓦利亚 马尔佐班 / 谢哈 总督 / 埃米拉 沙阿 / 女沙阿 万王之王
文化组 北日耳曼文化组 小型 国王 / 女王 (独立状态)
文化组 西非文化组 瓦利 法林 / 法林娜 法尔巴斯 / 法尔巴 曼萨 / 苏丹娜
文化组 西日耳曼文化组 小型 国王 / 女王 (独立状态)
文化 英格兰 / 撒克逊 / 爱尔兰 / 皮克特 / 苏格兰 伯爵(Earl)
文化 日耳曼 凯撒 / 凯撒琳
文化 希腊 公爵(Doux) 专制公 巴西琉斯 / 巴塞丽莎
文化 蒙古语 太师 酋长 大酋长 / 女大酋长 汗王 / 汗努
文化 纳瓦特尔 特乌库特里 / 特乌库特里 卡丕师奇 / 卡丕师奇 大卡丕师奇 / 大卡丕师奇 特拉托阿尼 / 特拉托阿尼 大特拉托阿尼 / 大特拉托阿尼
文化 诺斯 侍从 雅尔
文化 罗马 司令官 / 女司令官 伯爵(Comes) 公爵(Doux) 国王(Rex) / 女王(Regina) 奥古斯都 / 奥古斯塔
文化 罗斯 大公 / 女大公 沙皇 / 女沙皇
文化 突厥 提玛利欧特 / 提玛利欧塔 贝伊 / 巴彦 贝伊勒贝伊 / 贝勒巴彦 苏丹 / 苏丹娜 帕迪沙阿
职位 总督制 城镇总督 / 女城镇总督 (不可能存在) 省总督 / 女省总督 (不可能存在) 公国总督 / 女公国总督 总督 / 女总督 大总督 / 女大总督 (不可能存在)
职位,文化 总督制,拜占庭文化组 将军 / 女将军 都督(Exarch) / 女都督(Exarchessa) 大都督(Grand Exarch) (不可能存在)
职位,文化 总督制,罗马 总督(Governor) / 女总督(Governess) 资深执政官 / 女资深执政官 元首 / 女元首(不可能存在)

Note: The primary spouse of a ruler gets a minor title of "ruler consort", allowing them to use the gender-appropriate form of their spouse's ruler title. E.g., the wife of a sultan is called a "sultana." Similarly, "queen mother" and variants are available to the wives of deceased kings and emperors.



Clergy Clerics are members of the clergy and usually rule over temple holdings. Those characters are often associated with conversion, dealing with the Pope (if Catholic) or Patriarchs (if Orthodox), reforming religions (if Pagan), becoming one of the Caliphs, restoring priesthoods, fighting heresies, or managing the Hindu caste system.

  • Note that due to the melded status of church and state within the Muslim world, any Islamic character owning a mosque title while being of count rank or higher will simply be referred to as their noble counterpart. As such, while the titles mullah, ayatollah, grand ayatollah and grand mufti are defined in the files, they will not appear in the game. (accurate as of Monks and Mystics DLC). Also, note that since Dlc icon sword of islam.png Sword of Islam DLC, the caliph is no longer an emperor- or king-tier title, but a duke-tier title
  • Pagan female clerics are allowed to rule over temple holdings, except for Aztecs, Tengri and Zunists. It is possible to reform a Pagan faith, as long as enough holy sites are controlled. The Dlc icon the old gods.png Old Gods or Holy Fury.png Holy Fury DLC must be active to play as a Pagan non-nomadic ruler.
  • Characters who follow Judaism (requires Dlc icon sons of abraham.png Sons of Abraham DLC) or Zoroastrianism (requires Dlc icon the old gods.png The Old Gods DLC) are needed to control completely the Kingdom of Israel and the Persian Empire, respectively, to restore their priesthoods and reinstate their religious heads
  • In nomadic lands, it is common for a liege's vassals to follow different religions. Therefore, they cannot demand religious conversion or freely-revoke land from infidels. Nomads can also reform their religion, if they are Pagans. The Horse Lords.png Horse Lords DLC is required in order to play as nomads.
  • In India, Dharmic clerics are composed of Brahmins. The Rajas of India.png Rajas of India DLC is required in order to play as a Hindu character.
  • In the Tibetan plateau, characters tend to follow Buddhism, Bön or Taoism. Playing as a Buddhist non-nomad character requires the Rajas of India.png Rajas of India DLC; Bön characters require either the Dlc icon the old gods.png The Old Gods or Jade Dragon.png Jade Dragon DLC; Taoists require either Rajas of India.png Rajas of India or Jade Dragon.png Jade Dragon DLC.
Factor Key 男爵领 伯爵领 公爵领 王国 帝国
宗教组 基督教 主教 采邑主教 采邑大主教 王爵主教 帝皇主教
宗教组 犹太教 拉比 柯亨 拉班 纳西
宗教组 伊斯兰教 哈里发 (post-Sword of Islam) 哈里发 (pre-Sword of Islam)
宗教组 原始宗教 祭司 / 女祭司 大祭司 / 女大祭司 大祭司 / 女大祭司 巫王 / 巫后 巫帝 / 女巫帝
宗教 (Reformed) Aztec Shaman
宗教 (Reformed) Baltic Shaman Witch-King / Witch-Queen
宗教 Bön Lama / Priestess
宗教 Buddhist Bhikkhu / Bhikshuni Bhikkhu / Bhikshuni Bhikkhu / Bhikshuni Bhikkhu / Bhikshuni
宗教 (Reformed) Germanic Godi / Gydja Seidsman / Vala Fylkir (Reformed only, unique)
宗教 Hellenic Flamen / Vestal High Auger / High vestal Pontifex
宗教 Hindu Pujari Pujari Pujari Pujari
宗教 Jain Nirgrantha Nirgrantha Nirgrantha Nirgrantha
宗教 Manichean / Mazdaki Vahram
宗教 Orthodox Metropolitan Prince-Archbishop King-Bishop
宗教 Shia Mullah Ayatollah Grand Ayatollah
宗教 Slavic (unreformed only) Witch-King
宗教 (Reformed) Slavic Shaman
宗教 Sunni Mufti Sheikh Grand Mufti
宗教 (Reformed) Suomenusko Shaman Witch-King
宗教 (Reformed) Tengri Shaman
宗教 (Reformed) West African Priest / Priestess
宗教 Zoroastrian Herbad
宗教 (Reformed) Zunist Sun Guardian


Burghers Burghers represent the common people and normally rule over city holdings. Burghers are responsible for a large part of the world's economy, as they control the largest source of money in the game - cities. They push no claims, unlike nobles, and are relatively isolationist.

  • They usually don't have much of an effect upon politics at large, except for duke-tier (or higher) burghers owning a coastal capital, because they become patricians - the rulers of merchant republics. There are usualy five patrician families campaigning for election victory in order to become the republican liege. Dlc icon the republic.png The Republic DLC is required in order to play as a patrician.
  • Patricians are allowed to rule over cities and castles
  • Muslim patricians (requires Dlc icon sword of islam.png Sword of Islam Expansion) cannot control temple holdings freely, but are unaffected by decadence, and are allowed to marry several wives
  • Nomad (requires the Horse Lords.png Horse Lords DLC) or tribal rulers may choose to found a merchant republic, as long as they follow an organized (or reformed) religion, and then settle down
  • In Dharmic societies, Hindu burghers are composed of Vaishyas. The Rajas of India.png Rajas of India DLC is required in order to play as a Hindu character.
Factor Key Barony County Duchy Kingdom Empire
Default Mayor or Patrician Lord Mayor Grand Mayor Prince Mayor Grand Prince
Religion group Muslim Wali Wali-Emir Wali-Malik
Culture group Byzantine or Latin Doge Serene Doge
Culture Roman Magister Praefect Tribune Consul Princeps

The alternative names for patrician lands in merchant republics are:

Factor Key Barony County Duchy Kingdom Empire
Default Palace City Republic Most Serene Republic Principality
Culture German Merchant League


It is possible to turn counties into tribes, republics or theocracies, government types that usually only rule barony-tier titles. The local ruler will have a -20 "Wrong government type" opinion penalty towards the feudal player character in many cases, but there can be benefits.

There are several ways to get non-feudal count+ vassals:

  • If the player character holds a county and have a vassal mayor or cleric there, they can grant the county to the burgher / cleric, causing the mayor's city (or cleric's temple) to become the new county seat and elevating them to lord mayor or prince-bishop
  • If the player character holds a county, as well as a city there, the player can right-click the city to set it as the new county seat. If the province title is granted to a courtier, they will create a republic government. The demoted castle can be given to the lord mayor (so they pay more taxes) or to another character (so the lord mayor has fewer troops to use against their liege)
  • By pressing a mayor's or bishop's claim.


Tribes 拥有部落制封臣时,最常见的方法是尽可能的快速转换他的部落城堡。使用此策略时,选择拥有与你相同文化宗教的封臣是重要的。因为不同文化和宗教会有好感减成,而且不同文化还会产生「错误的政府类型」导致更多的好感减成,使其更不愿意封建化


或者,部族制封臣可以用來規避封臣上限的限制(因为他们不会算进去),並保留一批合格的指揮官。使用此策略时,选择不同 宗教的封臣可能是有利的,因为他们不太可能封建化并且可以任意剥夺头衔。



Republics 共和制拥有较高的收入以及较高的税率(给领主),但是提供的征召兵非常少。


沿海的共和制封臣只要拥有公爵级别就会自动转成商业共和国并且可以建造贸易站来改善领主整个沿海的经济。 可以查看创建共和制封臣获得更多技巧。

商业共和国应该尽可能争取更多的共和制封臣,以获取更多税收,并可以拿来加强他们的Dlc icon legacy of rome.png近卫军


Theocracies Like republics, a theocracy provides more taxes than troops, and generally uses Open Elective succession.

A ruler of a powerful vassal theocracy can serve as the Lord Spiritual, potentially relieving some of the pressure to put incompetent feudal vassals in important council positions.

Catholics can use Free Investiture to ensure both loyalty and competence. Catholics can also use their major vassal theocracies to control the election of Popes, "secular power" being a major factor in selection of cardinals. However, Catholics should keep in mind that bishops pay taxes to the Pope and stop providing troops if they like the Pope more than their liege. Catholic kings and emperors might want to "invest" in a vassal theocracy for their (and their descendants') Holy Fury.pngcoronation, as the Pope's demands in return for coronation can be exorbitant.


Mercenaries The player may have an opportunity to vassalize a mercenary company or holy order. With vassalization, their company becomes available at 1/5 the normal cost and also prevents anyone else from hiring them. They are considered feudal for the purpose of comparing government types, and will not resent having a normal feudal liege.

With Dlc icon sons of abraham.png Sons of Abraham DLC and "Imperial Administration" law (or Iqta government), having a vassal holy order has an additional benefit: Free castles. A holy order grandmaster owning less than 10 realm size may spend 300 wealth to build a castle in any county belonging to a ruler of their religion. It is possible to use "Imperial Administration" law to retract these castles, allowing them to build new ones. However, to keep holy orders as vassals, the liege should ensure that grandmasters have at least -20 opinion of them.