
(重定向自College of Cardinals


教宗选任法(英文:Papal succession)或枢机团(英文:College of Cardinals)是教廷的继承法,仅限于 Dlc icon sons of abraham.png 亚伯拉罕之裔DLC。



  • 九位枢机组成的枢机团进行内部选举。
  • 每有一位枢机去世,他将被教宗选择的最适合的主教接任。
  • 一位枢机被选作教宗后,他失去自己的教堂建筑,枢机团中一个枢机位置空缺。



头衔 数量 尊贵度(暂译) 好感修正 每月薪水 每月威望 要求
枢机 9 0.90 +20 +0.10 +0.50
  • Catholic.png
  • 宗教等级角色
  • 主教的领主没有控制天主教对立教宗
小兄弟会枢机 9 0.90 +20 +0.10 +0.50
  • Fraticelli.png
  • 宗教等级角色
  • 主教的领主没有控制小兄弟会对立教宗


  • 枢机团空缺位置由教宗根据枢机任命分数授予主教,这取决于候选人和他领主的因素。


  • 枢机选择下一任教宗,基于Papal suitability.png 教宗适任度分数,这取决于候选人的因素,统治者不能直接施加影响。来自特定统治者领地的枢机投票给教宗,教宗每获得一张票将有一个+100的大量好感修正。

枢机任命和 Papal suitability.png 共有的因素:

因素 分数 注释
好感 +3.5 × 教宗或枢机对候选人的好感
世俗权力 头衔力量总和 候选人持有的头衔等级和数量:
  • 主教:+10
  • 采邑主教:+60
  • 采邑大主教:+110
  • 王爵主教:+70
文化 = 意大利 +200 根据罗马省份的文化。如果罗马改变文化,将会改变;如果教宗迁都将不会改变
文化组 = 拉丁 +50 不和意大利文化加成叠加。根据罗马省份的文化。如果罗马改变文化,将会改变;如果教宗迁都将不会改变
美德个性特质 +(特质增加的教会好感值) 增加正面教会好感的特质:Temperate.png +5,Charitable.png +5,Zealous.png +5,Crusader.png +15
罪恶个性特质 -(特质减少的教会好感值) 增加负面教会好感的特质:Gluttonous.png -5,Cynical.png -5,Hedonist.png -5,邪恶神职人员 Bad priest christian.png -10,Excommunicated.png -15
学识 +2/学识点
虔诚 +0.1/虔诚
年龄 +2 × 年龄
声名显赫的家族 +1 / 40 家族威望
在罗马的候选人 +100 宫廷司祭,指挥军队,在领主宫廷


因素 分数 注释
对领主好感 (教宗对主教的领主的好感 + 教宗对主教的好感) / 2 × 3.5 无条件舍入
竞选经费 +1/投资金币



  • 你不会遭受宗教权威的不好影响。
  • 你的教宗控制所有的天主教徒,不仅是你的国家,所以你可以对外绝罚准许入侵
  • 你可以失去你的头衔,仍然有一系列支持你的教宗。
  • 你家族的教宗保护你所有的亲戚,不管他们在哪里。



Dynasty distant relative.png 选择亲戚很好。你家族的教宗将:

  • 成为强大的同盟
  • 贡献家族威望
  • 给你家族所有天主教统治者(伯爵及更高) +1 每月虔诚和 +2 每月威望。




特质 外交 学识 教会好感 枢机分数 每月虔诚 监护人*
Chaste.png +1 +10 +0.5
Temperate.png +10
Charitable.png +3 +10
Diligent.png +1 +1
Patient.png +1 +1
Kind.png +2
Humble.png +1

* 通常将改善监护人做出的决定。


你的未来枢机是意大利文化将很有用。如果这个孩子不是意大利文化,参见通过教育转变文化。考虑让你自己转变为意大利文化。You can always search for Italian characters by right-clicking any Italian character, selecting "go to character relations", and limiting the search to "my culture" [sic]. Alternatively, try to convert Rome to your culture, so it is your culture (rather than Italian) that gets the cardinal appointment score boost.

Just before the age of 16, switch the child to a Mastermind Theologian.png if their guardian is not one.


When he reaches the age of majority at 16, order him to take his vows. Becoming a Monk.png will remove him from any succession lists and give him a monthly piety boost (until he loses the trait upon becoming a bishop).

If he is the son of a ruler and has high martial skill, try to get him a bishopric quickly, or he may try to join a holy order (costing you piety if you refuse).

If a Crusade is called, have him lead an army in the target kingdom to get the Crusader.png trait.


The secular power of the bishop is a major factor in cardinal selection. Most candidates are mere baron-level bishops; yours can have an edge. Furthermore, higher-rank clergy have more chances to gain monthly piety from church buildings. Their increased demesne limit lets them hold more churches, and they can have more vassals with churches, both baron-level and count-level. 主教的世俗权力是选择红衣主教的主要因素。 大多数候选人只是男爵级别的主教; 你可以有优势。 此外,高级神职人员有更多的机会从教堂建筑获得每月的虔诚。 他们增加的私有限制让他们拥有更多的教会,并且他们可以拥有更多拥有教会的封臣,无论是男爵级还是郡级。

You can create county-level bishoprics out of Holy Warred lands, or by revoking a county and granting it to a local bishop. You can then grant a duchy to the prince-bishop, making him a prince-archbishop. The technique is largely the same as for creating vassal republics. Theocracies cannot be granted kingdoms or create kingdoms, but it is possible to set up a theocratic kingdom by pressing a bishop's claim on a kingdom. 你可以在神圣战争的土地上创建县级主教职位,或者撤销一个县并授予当地主教。 然后你可以授予王子主教一个公国,让他成为王子大主教。 技术基本上与创建附属国相同。 神权政治不能被授予王国或创建王国,但通过对一个王国施加主教的要求,建立一个神权政治王国是可能的。

Keep in mind that you cannot create more theocratic counties if more than 10% of your realm is controlled by theocracies. You must choose between having a large number of count-level direct vassals (preferably in safe, uncreated duchies) or a small number of higher-rank vassals.

If you have lots of money, construct piety-generating buildings in the temples belonging to your cardinals and their direct vassals. You can also build new temple holdings for them, even in counties controlled by feudal rulers—you are not obligated to transfer the temple holding to the local count.


If you have Papal Investiture, nominate the member for the priesthood by asking the Pope himself. If he consents to the nomination then your designated family member will succeed to the next available bishopric within your realm.

Assassinate bishops in your realm to speed up investiture.

Holy warred counties can be converted to theocracies and given to your chosen person at the same time, bypassing the need for investiture (once).


To acquire the "In Rome" modifier, appoint your potential Cardinal as your Court Chaplain and send him to Rome on a mission to improve religious relations.

If all else fails, contribute money to his campaign fund until he is the best candidate. You should contribute at least some money for the "Supported Cardinal Election" opinion boost, which gives +30 for 83 years.

If you're feeling particularly devious, you could assassinate a Cardinal (or Pope) to make room for a new cardinal.


As an alternative to creating cardinals in your own realm, it is possible to breed dynasty members in the Pope's court. The Pope is likely to make some of them bishops, and they will have an edge in cardinal/pope elections thanks to being in Rome and the correct culture.