Patch 3.3.X are all patches beginning with 3.3.
Patch 3.3
Patch 3.3 was released on 2019-10-19.
- 基础游戏现在可以免费玩了!
- 所有非Linux玩家都可以进行“王道征途”。这是一个功能,它将每两周呈现新人物来挑战一个历史剧本,为即将到来的CK3游戏赢得美化奖励。
- CK2现在运行在64位架构上,因此不再支持32位系统。
- 埃及人的肖像。
- 针对奇迹建筑图书馆和大学相关的升级功能,调整了一些科技传播率的数值。
- 修正了重命名奇迹或文物时可能打开多个重命名窗口的问题。
- 使在血脉界面中滚动血脉描述成为可能,以防文本太长而无法容纳。
User modding
- Added is_local_human_observer trigger.
- Added support for hide_scrollbar in instanttextbox definitions.
- Added support for scrollbar_offset in instanttextbox definitions.
- Disallowed safe ReligionEffect from changing the religion of a Holy Order leader.
Bug Fixes
- 找不到社团时隐藏社团菜单上的图例文本。
- 阻止骑士团成员作出过多皈依宗教的决定。
- 自加入以来,不合格(改变信仰)的骑士团领袖会定期被清除。
- Fixed the issue where one got a game over by converting to a religion that requires a disabled DLC by blocking some convertion decisions
- 你将不再把自己推向死亡。
- 现在,当你的朝臣拥有情人时,他们会关注自己的性取向。
- You can no longer seclude yourself for meditation when you're already meditating.
- Century old wonders will no longer be talked about as if newly constructed.
- Courtiers will no longer leave their children behind when asked to leave court.
- Dead people looking for books will no longer behave as if alive.
- It's no longer a religious experience to be an Aquarius.
- The Local Traditions decision now includes an active Embrace.
- You will no longer be gifted artifacts from imprisoned characters.
- Artifact flags are no longer looked for in a character scope when you throw it to the ground to save yourself in battle.
- Women can now hunt boars themselves, and also send their daughters to do so.
- You will no longer be able to be both a strong and a weak leader at the same time.
- After siege looting rampages are now far less common.
Patch 3.3.1
Patch 3.3.1 已发布于2020-01-30 [1],用于校验和IIVC。
Bug Fixes
A fix to the CK2 to EU4 converter: Makes sure that the converted EU4 savegame end ends in a proper path due to some tweaks made to the launcher.
Patch 3.3.2
Patch 3.3.2 was released on 2020-02-07[2] with the checksum IIVC.
Bug Fixes
- 修正了一个与mods加载LUA库方式相关的潜在安全问题.