Patch 2.3 was released on 2014-12-16[1] alongside the Way of Life expansion.
The checksum for this version is BTOF.
- Fixed false positive OOS
- Fixed auto-selection of characters in multiplayer problem when loading saves
- Vassals called to war now respond in the message ticker, not a pop-up event
- The Call Allies alert no longer lists all vassals you can call, and takes you to the military view if you click the "All of our Vassals" entry
- AI: Fixed bug with trying to raise ships in provinces with no ships (0 size fleets appeared and disappeared)
- No longer possible to nominate heirs for secondary Elective Gavelkind kingdoms and empires (it has no effect anyway - only the first Gavelkind type title has an effect)
- Reduced the amount of money the pope gets from bishops ( from 40% of tax to 10% of tax for Popes, 20% to 5% for Anti-Popes )
- Added a whole event system for husbands to find out if their wife/concubine has been unfaithful (after "Doubt besets me...")
- Multithreaded startup of the game
- Fixed crash caused by destroyed settlements by Viking looters
- Fixed probable OOS
- Fixed crash when missing certain Unit Pack DLC's
- Fixed memory leak when calculating subunits monthly cost.
- Fixed crash when resigning characters from various appointments ( councillors, army leaders etc. )
- Fixed so laws are copied when you change primary title
- Fixed so history laws are enforced, france in 1066 should no longer be gavelkind
- Support to show the combat rating of a character together with combat modifiers
- Fixed broken culture effect, now you can convert to local culture of a province again
- Fixed problem with trait generation for random characters was done with not fully constructed characters, fixes the problem with females getting male traits.
- Fixed not being able to raise ships from demesne
- Added "Toggle Special Interest", "Reverse Relations" and "Go to Location" buttons to the Diplomacy view.
- Improved positioning of the Diplomacy View.
- Fixed bug where autoselected interactions in the Diplomacy View were not properly selected.
- The Diplomacy View no longer closes automatically in some cases when opened along with a character view.
- Pressing the middle mouse button no longer closes the Diplomacy View.
- Fixed bug where portraits in Claimants view and Opposed to Law view were not clickable.
- Fixed bug where the Diplomacy View ended up outside of the screen.
- Character selection view left and right click behaviour is now consistent.
- Fixed bug where landless characters gaining tribal provinces with holy sites through revolts became theocracies instead of becoming tribal.
- Added console commands set_flag, set_prov_flag, set_char_flag, clr_flag, clr_prov_flag, clr_char_flag and clear_focus.
- Fixed a number of minor text issues.
- The capital of Duchy of Ugra is now Ugra.
- Powys, Man and Kola now have their de jure capitals set correctly.
- Jews no longer want boar meat for their feasts.
- No longer possible for non-Muslims to have the 'Decadent' trait.
- Fixed a broken option trigger for declining some pagan feast invitations.
- Fixed a new bug where the portrait of the sender would not be shown in letter and diplomacy response events
- Fixed a serious bug where Prepared Invasions would always be disable on reload
- Fixed a problem with event 3026, where the children of an unmarried female courtier would get an unknown father
- Fixed some issues with event 3520 (incorrect use of impregnate_cuckoo, and added fertility checks)
- All modifiers can now be set and used correctly in Ambitions (not just Fertility)
- Better shield for the Emichid dynasty
- Added GetHighGodName and GetHighGodNameCap to religions and texts
- Fixed an issue with heretical count tier bishops and above being called "counts", etc
- Character View: Removed a double colon (:
- Fixed a new bug with scope switching to specific character IDs
- Fixed a bug with the 'is_married' trigger when not taking a bool
- Fixed bug where the same character portrait found in both the immediate effect and an event option would be shown twice
- Christians with Elective Gavelkind can no longer vote for bishops and mayors
- Cut an inappropriate event option in old event 4115
- Character View: Fixed an old bug with being able to cancel an Ambition when you should not
- Character View: Added better tooltip saying _when_ you can cancel the current Ambition
- Character View: Added better tooltip about cancelling plots
- Intrigue View: Fixed cancel current plot button issues
- Removed decimals from attribute modifier descriptions
- Removed decimals from attribute change effects
- Dynasty View: Fixed a bug with succession marriage status not being shown correctly anymore for dead characters
- Fixed a bug with the 'repeat_event' effect and namespaces
- Fixed event 55000 and 55001 so that they now properly changes culture on the province and doesn't try to change the culture of the holder to the holder's culture.
- Fixed a serious bug with targetted decisions that target yourself showing up for others
- The "Doubt besets me" event chain now correctly reveals the real father of the unborn child
- Fixed various text issues with certain targetted decisions
- Added a few missing event window borders
- AI: Fixed a bug that limited the amount of potential target characters for ai target filters 'realm' and 'sub_realm' too much
- Added trait loss notification events for Stressed and Depressed
- Fixed a minor typo in birth event 457
- Bastards born to lovers through the code now get a known father if the woman is unmarried
- Moved the "RIGHT-CLICK TO INTERACT" tooltip on portraits to the instant part and made it all capital letters
- Cut the "Special interest" button from the character view
- Improved the tooltips for the three special buttons in the new Diplo Menu
- Fixed bug where retinues were calculated into the fleet levies in dynastic view.
- Reverse relations now looks at the character's religion, culture and realm instead of the player's.
- Executing interactions in diplomacy view will now update the yes/no icons indicating if characters will join your plot or accept being invited to your court.
- Opening reverse relations now closes the diplomacy view.
- Fixed bug where the spouse finder did not properly select bethrothal for minors.
- Clicking on special interest entries in the outliner now works the same as clicking on portraits.
- Added alert for high-prio targetted decisions.
- Character tooltips for buttons who opens diplomacy view with pre-selected interactions now say "Right-click to select" instead of "Right-click to interact".
- Targetted decisions no longer shows the target character name (except in the targetted decision alert).
- Fixed bug where historical nicknames were not removed properly when moving backwards through history.
- Troops number in dynastic view now takes event troops into consideration.
- The Diplomacy View is now properly positioned.
- Fixed death effect in zunist torture event chain
- Founding the HRE is now no longer possible if the Byzantines have restored the Roman Empire.
- English culture can no longer spawn unintentionally through a minor Muslim random event.
- Event triggering notification of someone coming out of hiding should now work correctly.
- Adjusted the 'culture' text field in the character view
- Raising runestones now also gives Piety
- Reverted to previous version of v1_092.csv to correct a lot of broken special letters
- Added 'is_foe' trigger and 'crime' flag to opinion modifiers
- Converting Tribal Holdings no longer depletes the levy
- Winning and losing wars now tends to give more nicknames
- Decadence Revolts: Boosted troop strengths
- Decadence Revolts: Vassals more likely to go independent
- Decadence Revolts: the revolt winner no longer gets any claims on vassals that go independent
- Expanded on the Lunatic gained event (6020). Now more common, and with different texts depending on your situation
- Fixed an issue with gavelkind where, if your primary kingdom or empire was titular, it could cause strangeness
- Fixed a bug with the 'holy_war' acquisition method not showing up in title history
- Added some missing acquisition types to the CBs
- Fixed a bug with elective gavelkind in empires with secondary kingdoms where your de facto capital and kingdom did not go to your primary heir
- Winning claim wars on the liege (or when a liege folds to a claimant demand) will no longer incorrectly try to even out the de jure kingdom borders
- Optimized and fixed many bugs in the health events
- Fixed broken dynasty 8601 "de Cantabria"
- Fixed a bug in Charlemagne event CM.1076 preventing Charlemagne from getting a claim on whoever shelters Carloman's wife and children
- Fixed a bug in event 63100 causing issues when vassals change liege on succession due to being over the vassal limit
- Fixed a rare bug where landless title courts could contain random characters with no culture or religion
- Corrected some event border colors
- Tooltips on dead characters now list their primary tier titles
- Spouses now always only have personal opinions of each other
- All non-Muslims can now legitimize bastards
- All religions can now divorce their spouse if there is currently no religious head
- Added divorce reasons to character opinions and to the divorce interactions
- Tweaked the main bastard conception and lover gained events (450 and 456)
- Optimized the lookup of database files
- History province files will now only be loaded if they have correct name. The name need to be put in to the map definition file.
- The character screen no longer shows the score of the player.
- The character screen now shows how many troops that character can raise.
- It is now possible to cancel your own plot in your character screen.
- Demesne size and vassal limit is now visible in the character screen.
- The loading screen for the most recent dlc is now always shown first when loading the game.
- Tengri no longer get pagan homeland attrition penalty against other pagans.
- Reformed Zunists no longer have pagan defensive homeland attrition.
- Fixed CTD when resigning from games.
- Fixed broken options in events which used the religion = christian trigger.
- Fixed bug where the cost of vassal mercenaries were not calculated properly.
- Fixed bug where ironman saves became broken when creating a new save after loading an old one.
- AI will now prefer using CB's without piety and prestige costs.
- Fixed bug where elective gavelkind in some cases stole provinces from other realms on succession.
- Fixed crash when trying to host a save stored in a sub-directory.
- Viceroyalties can no longer be granted to characters outside your realm.
- Fixed crash when finishing constructions in settlements without a holder.
- Fixed issue where both tribal settlement conversion decisions were avaliable for republics.
- The decisions for forming the kingdom of Leon and Hungary is no longer allowed if the required kingdoms are viceroyalties.
- Fixed bug where the king-tier crown was used for all characters in the lobby regardless of their tier.
- Viceroys becoming unlanded will now hand back their viceroy title to their liege.
- Wars and truces are now visible in the character view.
- Fixed bug where the Assassin Resurface-event did not activate the title.
- Decadence tooltip now uses a consistent amount of decimals.
- Opening the chronicle now pauses the game if not in multiplayer.
- Fixed bug where Empires could be granted as viceroyalties (but did not do anything).
- Fixed bug where the family of Carloman sometimes fled to a revolt.
- Clarified the negative effects for tribal job troops if not used in the job action tooltip.
- Fixed bug where provinces where unselectable after resigning and starting a new game if that province was selected before resigning.
- Fixed issue where De Jure Region modifiers were clamped with Owner Martial Skill in the levy tooltip.
- Fixed history bug where character 30829 (Simone Drengot) had the wrong father.
- Fixed broken allow-trigger in landed_titles.
- Fixed bug where prepared invasion troops were not properly dismissed when the invader died before declaring war.
- Duchy of Thessalonika is no longer set to be a viceroyalty when held by Latin Empire.
- Tweaked the stats of some early Norse characters.
- Isle of Man is now its own de jure duchy.
- Tweaks to Manx title names.
- Taking the "Become Kshatriya Caste" decision now also gives the Kshatriya caste trait to to any unlanded spouses or children in the ruler's court.
- Muslim rulers now correctly get a negative opinion against Byzantine emperor who renounces iconoclasm.
- Saxon Wars event can no longer trigger for non-feudal rulers.
- Added target list for great holy wars for reformed Zunists.
- Tweaked triggers for unlocking crusades and jihads (France and North Africa).
- Tweaked the chances for some ruler nicknames.
- Fixed the names for Church of Zun and West African Church (was wrong format).
- Fixed a bug where a coincillor could sometimes complain to liege about herself.
- Fixed the localisation for the Seljuk Turks title.
- Melitene province in Armenia is now properly considered mountainous terrain.
- Fixed a crash when selecting a lowborn theocracy at startup.
- Fixed bug where the dismiss vassal levies button in military view dismissed all vassal levies and was not always enabled.
- Updated tutorial and learning scenario to work with the new diplomacy menu.
- Added pagan and republic diplomatic menu buttons.
- Fixed bug where republics with no vassals did not automatically generate patricians.
- The extra prestige and piety bonuses for creating Kingdom of Jerusalem are now only given once per game.
- added frames for business and war focus events.
- The empty holding modifier for tribal settlements now applies for non-tribals as well.
- Removed the wrong government type penalty for tribal settlements (they have the wrong culture/religion penalties instead).
- The diplomacy menu is now positioned correctly when not opened from portraits.
- Fixed bug where the drunkard trait were required for lowering decadence in some events where diligent and charitable was intended.
- Added missing event localisation for revolt event in learning scenario.
- Vassal opinion modifiers from focuses are now properly calculated into vassal opinions.
- WOL - Lowered the duration on the trade route modifier from 50 to 30 years.
- WOL - Lowered the ai chance to refresh a trade route.
- Title variables are now correctly saved
- In order to show character names properly in the targetted decision alert, use the localisation [decision_name]_named.
- Added a new insult and compliment system based on strings scripted into the traits. Used in texts with [GetFromRootInsult], [GetRootFromFromCompliment], etc
- Added 'modifier' fields to effects 'random_list' and 'random'
- The 'is_married' trigger can now take a target as well as a bool (like 'is_lover' and 'is_consort')
- Added many new nicknames
- Added possibility to set a specific discoverer to the 'reveal_plot' effect (reveal_plot = ROOT, etc)
- Added trigger 'plot_is_known_by'
- Added event effect 'usurp_title_plus_barony_if_unlanded_and_vassals_n o_adj'
- Added trigger 'any_opinion_modifier_target'
- Added effects 'random_opinion_modifier_target' and 'any_opinion_modifier_target'
- Added combat rating modifier with triggers 'combat_rating' and 'combat_rating_diff'
- Added fromfromfromfrom scope targets
- Added optional 'as_if_liege' parameter to opinion triggers
- Added triggers 'personal_opinion', 'reverse_personal_opinion', 'personal_opinion_diff' and 'reverse_personal_opinion_diff'
(These do not take state diplomacy, laws or any other such state concerns into account)
- Added 'capital' console command
- Added event effect 'log'
- Added trigger 'has_polygamy'
- Added trigger 'has_concubinage'
- Character modifier descriptions now support text variables
- Added is_holy_site trigger
- Fixed a bug with effect scope any_allied_character
- Fixed a bug with effect scope random_allied_character
- All any-triggers now support the use of count = x
- Added variables to titles
- All variable trigger and effects now work with title variables
- Variables can be displayed with localization system
- Variable triggers and effects can compare variables between types of scopes (country/province)
- Fixed problems with the variable triggers check_variable and is_variable_equal
- Added cal_true_if trigger
- Added set_title_flag effect
- Added clr_title_flag effect
- Added has_title_flag trigger
- Added had_title_flag trigger
- Added save_event_target_as effect
- Added save_global_event_target_as effect
- Added clear_event_target effect
- Added clear_global_event_target effect
- Added clear_global_event_targets effect
- Added support for weighted cultural names
- Added support for weighted regnal names
- Added an on_startup on action
- Exported MAX_CROWN_LAW_CHANGES to defines
- Added support for localized nicknames
- Added effects convert_to_temple and convert_to_tribal
- Renamed effects convert_to_feudal and convert_to_republic to convert_to_castle and convert_to_city
- set_allow_free_duchy_revokation no longer only works for viceroyalties when Charlemagne is enabled
- Added a set_allow_free_vice_royalty_revokation effect
- Fixed bug where the any_independent_ruler and random_independent_ruler could target revolts.
- Added ignores_defensive_attrition effect for religions, used for religions that do not have defensive attrition but will still not get the penalty towards such religions.
- Tweaked release from prison and execution logic
- Added AI choice scripts to the bastard is born event (301)
- Made converter province mapping up to date with EU4 patch 1.8
- Fixed missing cultures for converter
- Buffed Jerusalem ideas
- Tweaked Aztec and Incan ideas
- Rebalanced hashashin, jerusalem, jewish, kinghts templar and roman ideas to accomodate new values in eu4
- Version compliance with eu4 1.8 patch in the generated mod file
- Gave cathar, fraticelli and waldensian new modifiers to their religion if you have SoA.
- Tech groups should now be up to date with EU4 patch 1.8
- Fixed crash bug when converting a game that has custom titles
- Fixed now so converter mod's no longer changes checksum
- Switched so Miaphysite is not dependent on SoA to become coptic
- Added Karling ideas
- ↑ Forum, Crusader Kings II - 2.3 PATCH RELEASED - Checksum BTOF, 2014-12-16