Released November 15, 2012.
- Added Nahua culture and Aztec religion.
- Retinues no longer get free leaders
- Liege levies raised via the province view are now raised in the selected province.
- You can now forbid your council from leading armies.
- Optimized succession calculation, which could cause massive slowdowns in big dynasties with many landed members.
- Intrigue plots vs barons or their courtiers can now include their liege's courtiers and other vassals.
- Fixed Scottish Schiltron building giving 10x defensive bonus to pikes.
- Fixed Dutch cultural retinue lacking pikes.
- Fixed an issue with AI strength calculations the first month after loading a game.
- A bit more randomness in the size of the rebel reinforcements in civil wars.
- The Pope now receives even less war contribution score in Crusades.
- Fixed a crash with a null war list in Province View and Diplomacy View.
- Mercenary regiments and Holy Orders will now automatically get a new leader when the old one dies.
- Less likely that the captain of a merc regiment gets reassigned to lead something else.
- Kingdoms no longer assimilate out of de jure empires that have no holder
- Fixed a bug with not being able to move capital back to your title's preferred capital.
- The Imperial Reconquest CB now only works for the restored Roman Empire.
- The Imperial Reconquest CB no longer clears out all rulers under the title.
- Disbanding multiple selected units will never disband retinues if there are non-retinues in any selected unit.
- Liege levies will now disband if their owner is at war with the owner of the unit.
- Retinues no longer reinforce if their owner has no money.
- Diplo AI: Imprisoned vassals or below will always accept a demand for religious conversion, and go free from prison.
- AI: Much better at assigning flank commanders for important armies.
- AI: Less likely to go overboard with Crown Authority.
- AI: Not interested in Lower CA plots in irrelevant kingdoms/empires.
- AI: Fixed a bug with it not dismissing liege levies when done with them.
- Army AI: Fixed a bug with invasions not happening when they should.
- Ledger page with independent rulers now shows troops including retinues.
- Shift or Ctrl clicking buttons in Ruler Designer coat of arms designer now multiplies the frame change by 5 or 10.
- Fixed bug where Byzantine unit pack was replacing all eastern Europeans.
- Raising troops via raise all or raise on province will now merge units.
- Now allowed to ask to join tribal invasion wars.
- Fixed bugged altaic culture building modifier.
- Fixed the history of c_sodermanland.
- Fixed consistency issue with German characters name Philipp.
- Fixed faulty employment date for Robrecht van Gent.
- Fixed broken Ua Conchobair dynasty.
- Province of Bira no longer stays Orthodox for the entire game.
- Fixed bug where imprisoned underage rulers could kill their regents.
- Gave The Two Saltuks from Erzurum their correct names.
- Corrections to Phillip IV of France and many related characters.
- Sigrid Ylving no longer has the wrong mother.
- Fixed the deathdate of King Charles IV of France.
- Added missing Ecumenical Patriarchs.
- Fixed a bug where courtiers of landless characters would be listed in a weird location.
- Fixes and additions to various Frankish and Occitan dynasties.
- Fixes and additions to the Hunfirding dynasty.
- Missing marriages, mothers, children of Valdemar II and Erik V of Denmark added.
- Fixed a rare crash in 'on_siege_over'.
- AI: The independence faction does not present an ultimatum until it has at least 33% of the liege's strength.
- AI: De jure vassals of your culture and religion, except kings, will not start or join independence factions.
- Reduced the chance of massive rebel reinforcements for the Independence faction.
- Diplo AI: Mongols and Aztecs will no longer revoke titles off human players just for having the wrong religion or culture.
- Armenian, Georgian and Alan cultures updated with new names, name linkings and patronymics.
- Fixes to the County of Melgueil.
- Ingeborg Magnusdotter now has the correct gender.
- Sartag Khan now converts to Nestorianism instead of Orthodoxy.
- Corrections to the religion of several Zirid characters.
- A few Catalan name fixes.
- Changes and additions to the Godwin dynasty.
- Fixed a bug with Primogeniture when tracing back through the current holder's mother.
- Fixed a very rare crash with Holdings with no holder.
- Fixed an issue with inheritance by landless characters when there was no de jure vassal title they could take off the previous holder.
- Diplo AI: Much more careful about imprisonments.
- Imprisoning characters no longer affects their position in the line of succession.
- Fixed a bug with the event pictures on Mac and Linux.
- Added blinded trait to historically blind characters in the database.
- Added missing space to Armenian dynasty prefix and Irish male patronym.
- Byzantine, Armenian and Georgian character fixes and additions.
- Fixed wrong liege for Duchy of Champagne and County of Gevaudan at certain dates.
- Welsh/Hiberno-Norse Dublin character fixes and additions.
- New dynasty for the Kurdish Shaddadids, extended Mirdasid pedigree.
- On player agreement, the game now sends information to the Paradox backend when you start a game, containing the names of the DLCs and Mods you run (can be toggled with "dont_track_data = [yes/no]" in settings.txt).
- AI: The leader of a claimant faction will no longer leave the faction in an elective realm where the claimant is currently the heir.
- AI: Fixed a slight bug where current heirs would not back claimant factions for themselves.
- Spymaster Scheme job has been overhauled and simplified.
- AI: Fixed an issue with the number of available galleys check.
- Fixed an issue with part of the de jure drift mechanic not being cleared on resign.
- The criterion for determining who can lead troops is now determined by the allow trigger for 'job_marshal' (so women can now be modded to lead armies).
- Added trigger 'is_adult'.
- Added trigger 'is_marriage_adult'.