Patch 2.6.1 (Patch 2.6 was never released) is a patch that accompanied the release of the DLC The Reaper's Due[1].
Expansion features
Revised Black Death & Epidemic mechanics:
- The Black Death is now a major world event with devastating consequences!
- There are many different Black Death outbreak scenarios, both fictional and historical (controlled via the Game Rules feature).
- Widespread plague might trigger an Epidemic Blame Game!
- Your peasantry demands blood! Will you blame the Witches, Jews or Cats - or simply ignore the peasant rabble?
- The aftermath of a major plague might result in your peasants claiming this is the End of Days!
- After the initial outbreak, the Black Death might become endemic and sporadically return.
- A plague banner will appear if the world is suffering from the Black Plague or if a minor Epidemic is in your realm, clicking it will bring you to the Epidemic Map Mode.
- Hover the banner to see the epidemics currently ravaging the world!
- The new mapmode shows the coverage and spread of Epidemics across the map!
- Minor Epidemics (I.e. Slow Fever or Consumption) are more frequent and spread in a more logical manner.
- Minor Epidemics might have Minor, Normal or Major outbreaks.
- Provinces infected by epidemics, especially the Black Death, might become Depopulated.
- Depopulated provinces carry many penalties, such as tax, levy and supply limit, but are easier to convert!
- Disease and Depopulation will have accompanying aesthetics:
- Plague graphics; ravens and rats, peasants stacking or burning corpses, and even a grim reaper if things are really dire!
- Plague audio; from occasional coughing to hordes of wailing peasants!
- Chronicle entries for plague outbreaks and regions being depopulated.
Seclusion Decision:
- Characters may go into Seclusion when an epidemic threatens, shutting their capital holding off from the world. In seclusion characters are safe from the disease outside, as long as no one inside is already infected...
- Secluded characters will be marked by a portcullis icon on their portrait.
- When in Seclusion, contact with the outside world is limited.
- Special Seclusion events will trigger for secluded courts, i.e. starvation.
- A ruler can at any time open the gates and go out of seclusion, doing this too early might have consequences...
- Hospitals are a new type of holding that can be accessed and built in the Extended Province View.
- Hospitals protect against Epidemics, and help alleviate the effects of Depopulation.
- There are several types of buildings that can be constructed in the Hospital holding, i.e. Leper Colonies, providing various benefits.
- An icon in the Province view will show the current 'Hospital Level' of a province, and the benefits of having them.
- You may ask the leader of a holy order of your faith to build a hospital in your capital in exchange for permission to build a castle there too.
- Provinces who are not Depopulated will eventually start to Prosper!
- Prosperity can increase in three levels, providing more benefit for each level.
- Prosperity ticks up over time, but is decreased by disease, bad governance and war.
- Random events may increase prosperity of specific provinces.
- Bringing back loot as a raider will increase prosperity.
- A new ambition has been added that allows a peaceful ruler to increase the prosperity of their realm.
- Prosperity increases the tax and levy regain rate of a province, while also reducing the revolt risk.
- Prospering provinces are more likely to attract Epidemics.
- Each independent realm of the rank Duke or above, as well as larger vassals, may set a province as their Crown Focus!
- The Crown Focus province will prosper quicker!
- If the Crown Focus province has the highest level of prosperity special events may trigger giving permanent rewards, i.e. province modifiers giving bonuses and extra holding slots!
- Your Crown Focus is marked with a 3D crown icon on the map for easy reference!
Revised maimed traits:
- Characters no longer just get 'Maimed', there is now an entire category of maimed traits!
- When you're maimed you now either become One-Eyed, One-Handed, One-Legged, Disfigured or Mangled.
- One-Eyed and Disfigured characters will have new on-portrait graphics! Sport eyepatches, broken eyes, silver masks and other ornate facial coverings.
- When Maimed you gain a temporary trait, 'Severely Wounded', which will heal over time.
- Severe Wounds can develop into full-blown infections.
- Trait-specific flavor events, host a masquerade ball, become ambidextrous, or many others!
New character disease system:
- Gone are the days of simply becoming 'Ill', diseases now come in many flavors!
- Before manifesting a disease you will now gain up to three Symptoms, symptoms can also be harmless products of paranoia.
- Headaches, Fevers, Chest Pains, Diarrhea and many more!
- Diseases are more varied and, in general, more deadly!
- New diseases include the Flu, Gout, Dysentery, Rabies, Cancer and Food Poisoning.
- Characters with Leprosy will become disfigured over time.
- Spend enough time at sea and you might contract Scurvy!
- Diseases have a chance to be mild, severe, or bedridden/incapacitating. Strong and Brawny characters are more likely to get mild illnesses, while weak, frail, or old characters are more likely to get severe or incapacitating illnesses.
- Injured or bedridden characters can get an offer to receive care from a spouse, lover or child. Accepting will lead to a good or bad outcome. The caretaker can choose to take advantage of the situation and botch the patient’s treatment.
- In order to protect yourself from Disease, you can now employ a Court Physician!
- Court Physicians will attempt to diagnose any symptoms you have in order to treat your disease more effectively.
- Court Physicians provide various types of treatment for diseases, ranging from cautious to experimental and even mystical!
- Court Physicians will, in addition to treating you, treat anyone in your court.
- Choose to reward a Physician for a job well done, or punish them for failing in treating your friends and relatives.
- A new decision allows you to scour the realm to find a Court Physician, though beware of quacks...
- Plenty of new flavor events tied to the Court Physician.
Prisoner interactions:
- Depraved rulers can now choose to Torture or Mutilate their prisoners.
- You can choose to Publicly Humiliate your foes to sap their prestige.
- When executing a prisoner you will no longer just 'execute' them, instead a culturally appropriate execution method will be chosen! A few new methods include:
- Burning heretics and witches at the stake.
- Carving your enemies into Blood Eagles.
- Impaling your victims.
- Crushing prisoners with Elephants in India!
- And many, many more!
Life & death events:
- In addition to feature-specific flavor events, there is also a host of new Life & Death events!
- Go on a quest to find Eternal Life! Who knows, you might even get what you wish for...
- Reaction events for firstborn children and firstborn sons.
- Events for mourning the loss of friends, rivals and lovers.
- Gain a plethora of new pets to keep you company, i.e. cats!
- Added targeted decisions and associated events to ask vassals to end their wars against each other.
Free features
Game rules have been added to the game - Whenever you start a new game, you can change the rules to customize your experience:
- Major Epidemic (requires 'The Reaper's Due'): Dynamic/Delayed Dynamic/Historical/Deadly
- Gender Equality: Default/Historical/All
- Mongol Invasion: Historical/Random/off
- Aztec Invasion (requires 'Sunset Invasion'): 14th Century/Random/Off
- Shattered Retreat: On/Off
- Defensive Pacts: On/Off
- Dynamic De Jure Drift: Default/Restricted/Off
- De Jure Assimilation Duration: Very Short/Short/Default/Long
- Supernatural Events: On/Off
- Culture Conversion: Default/Restricted/Faster Melting Pots/Slower Conversion/Combination
- Religious Conversion Speed: Default/Slower
- Raiding: Historical/Unrestricted/Off
- Adventurers: Normal/Rare/None
- Interfaith Marriages: Restricted/Open
- Matrilineal Marriages: On/Off
- Custom Realms (requires 'Charlemagne'): On/Off
- Story Events (requires 'Charlemagne'): On/Off
- Vassal Republics: Restricted/Unrestricted
- Vassal Theocracies: Restricted/Unrestricted
- Invitation to Court: Default/Open
- Diplomatic Range: On/Restricted/Off
- Regencies: On/Off
- Provincial Revolts: Normal/Rare/None
- Defensive Attrition: On/Tribal Only/Off
- Pagan Reformation: Allowed/Disallowed/Players Only
- Assassination: Plots Only/Direct Action
- AI Seduction (requires 'Way of Life'): On/Off
- AI Intrigue (requires 'Way of Life'): On/Off
- Provincial Revolt: Normal/Rare/None
The old succession screen has been replaced with one that is much more elaborate!
- The graphics and layout of the screen has been improved.
- A flavorful text will tell your more of the deceased character and what they will be remembered by.
- A picture representing the characters death has been added.
- You will now hear your own death sound when dying.
- Added events through which one can get female councillors, the women can either be talented relatives, vassals or strangers
- Added a 'Release Tributary' decision
- Added a decision to Recruit prisoners
- Added a decision to ask characters to leave your court (at the cost of prestige)
- Added decisions for Hindu Merchant Republics to claim the Vaishya caste
- Added a confirmation event whenever you expel a holy order to avoid expelling them by mistake
- Added a Continue button to the launcher, which boots the game into your latest save
- Added loads of new nicknames
- Added more autosave intervals: every 10, 25, 50, and 100 years
- Changed and optimized compression to improve Ironman saving (and saving in general) times. Unfortunately this means save files are also bigger. For reference, saving my test case file went from 29s to less than 6s.
- There is now an event informing the world when a Crusade/Jihad etc ends inconclusively
- Skilled or ambitious female vassals may now demand a seat on the council
- Added an event to rename "Middle Francia" to "Austrasia" if no longer held by a Karling
Way of Life
- Added a bunch of new events for the War Focus (Way of Life) where you can get leader traits and teach them to your commanders
- Added a bunch of events for the Theology focus where you retreat into solitude to pray and reflect upon your life
- The Family Focus can now also remove rivalries between close family members
The Old Gods
- Added some stronger versions of the Viking trait, Ravager and Sea King, which can be gain from further raiding.
- Added targeted decision 'Appoint Shieldmaiden' for Norse pagan rulers, which grants eligible female character the trait 'Shieldmaiden' as well as access to the Commander minor title
- Shieldmaiden training events
- Combat events where a Shieldmaiden can save her liege on the battlefield
- Event chain for befriending a Shieldmaiden
- Added two decisions for defensive pagans - one to worship the ancestors, where a sacrifice can lead to different outcomes in a chosen area, and one to summon a band of devout warriors when getting invaded by religious enemies.
Alliances and Call to arms:
- Restored manual call to arms
- Call to arms from allies can be declined again
- Added defines to enable/disable auto call to arms and possibility to decline them
- Added major opinion penalties to alliance breakers
- Added temporary alliance-breaker modifier (gives -5 diplomacy)
- Made alliance-breaker and truce-breaker temporary modifiers duration scriptable
- AI will consider dissolving alliances with alliance breakers
- AI is unlikely to accept alliances from alliance-breakers
- Fixed a bug that prevented vassals from joining wars against tyrants. Expect revocation wars to be more risky! (can be disabled through the define VASSALS_UNITE_AGAINST_TYRANNY).
- Can no longer call ally to war if ally has NAP with defender
- Alliance breaks with attacker if you accept call to arms from defender
- AI no longer calls all allies into war, but only tries to get more than 1.25 times the opponent's strength
- Flanders is now properly part of France
- Brabant now part of Lotharingia
- Norse, Pictish, Visigothic, and Saxon cultures no longer split if controlled by a powerful ruler, or if their head of religion is of their culture
- Head injury in battle now has a chance to cause disfigured rather than incapable if your have Reapers
- many "active" minor titles, such as designated regent, cannot be held by incapable characters
- Alania is now Tribal from the Old Gods start point onwards
- k_hungary no longer requires a Magyar province to form
- Increased the troop count of the Shia uprising to make it succeed slightly more often
- AI holders of k_france will no longer create k_aquitaine unless they are close to forming Francia
- Gave Berber culture 'allow_looting = yes' and 'seafarer = yes'
- Added requirement for lvl 4 hillfort/market city when upgrading Tribal holdings as a non-tribal
- The AI now makes use of Tribal Armies
- Increased the impact and deadliness of most Epidemic traits
- Updated the 'Funeral Procession' event with better rewards in the options
- Extort Subjects now available when at war
- Donate to Liege now available when liege is at war
- The 'Groom an Heir' ambition no longer requires you to be married
- Updated final 'Ambitious positive' event to be slightly more interesting
- When declining the papal request to switch to Papal Investiture, the Pope may now excommunicate you
- Rank 2 and 3 education outcomes are now more common
- Become King ambition now only lets chancellors fabricate one kingdom claim
- Changed age to set childhood focus to 6 so you can also choose an educator at the same time
- It's now possible to demand religious conversion of landless courtiers even while at war
- Boosted the opinion effects of giving gifts and of the "Improve Relations" councillor job
- Even with the law that allows revocation and retraction from religious enemies, their religious brethren among your vassals will now still be upset
- You no longer get Pagan homeland attrition if you're allies
- Made Agnatic the normal default gender succession law again, except in Christian realms or when you have equality laws, or the new game rule
- Blocked barons from having Agnatic-Cognatic succession (it's an inheritance mess)
- Rulers of all religions are now allowed to convert to the attacker's religion during holy wars, if their Moral Authority is much lower
- Exiled characters should no longer join courts of characters in seclusion, or court of the banisher's vassal
- Characters can no longer escape from House Arrest
- Monthly prestige/piety province modifiers are now added to the character
- Most of the minor titles can now be made available for female characters as well, provided the correct laws or game rules are in place
- Frail now has a small health penalty
- When a Tyranny war is lost while the Conclave DLC is enabled, the title revocation law will be revoked
- Changed the Eunuch Councilor events so that they are slightly better and show up in the event option so you can click them and check their stats before deciding
- Raised chance of reincarnation events for Indian religion group
- Changed the Jewish Councilor events so that they are slightly better and show up in the event option so you can click them and check their stats
- Lowered the war contribution that all theocracies and holy orders get as attackers in Great Holy Wars
- Powerful vassals will now only be angry that they haven't been given a position on the council if they're eligible for such a position, or they've recently been fired from the council
- Tanistry is now available without Late Feudal Administration, both for Feudal and Tribal Celtics
- Fixed firing Advisors applying the "Revoked Honorary Title" opinion modifier on top of the "Fired from Council" opinion modifiers
- Merchant republics can now always move their capital to a city if their current capital is a castle
- Reintroduced the Bankruptcy character modifier, which reduces army morale by 25% when a ruler has negative wealth
- Councilors who have promised council support to someone will now vote their conscience if the person they're supporting is abstaining
- Commanders can now only be relieved via the Relieve Commander interaction and the Minor Titles screen, which unlike the Revoke Honorary Title interaction, do not incur an opinion penalty
- Retreating enemy armies are no longer considered hostile for the purpose of disbanding units
- Adjusted the 'opinion_unfaithful_husband' opinion modifier
- Adjusted the 'acknowledged_bastard' opinion modifier
- Doubled the positive opinion modifiers from granting landed titles to someone
- Vassals are now grateful when you build buildings in their Holdings
- Viceroyalty succession now overrides all succession law opinion modifiers for that title, since succession law has no effect
- If succession law affects both the youngest and oldest child, and someone is both, they now always get the best opinion modifier
- Fixed heirs not getting positive opinion modifiers from succession laws (E.G., oldest_child_opinion in primogeniture)
- Visigothic culture will no longer split when in a powerful Visigoth realm
- Ladies can now gain the viking trait(s)
- Switching religious branch as an Indian religion will now also switch that of your close kin (if non-zealous)
- Dynamic mercenaries are no longer prevented from marrying
- Even Malcontent voters will now vote for additional council power laws, as it means they'll have more to say 'no' about
- Prisoners from major revolts can now be executed and released
- Significantly increased the chance of vassals joining Grand Tournaments/Furusiyyas
- Reduced the number of unnecessary courtiers generated; should somewhat improve performance
- Redid the Varangian Guard events from MTTH events to yearly pulse events
- Added AI weights to event HL.10531, where a mercenary leader would accept or decline an invitation to a feast, to make it less random
- Moved event SoA.5219 to yearly pulse from MTTH
- Increased the prestige gain from 'Groomed to Perfection'
- Moved the SoA 'wicked priest' events to the bi-yearly pulse from MTTH
- Retreating from battles and sieges now starts the day after you right-click, so that you can cancel it on the same day if you misclick
- Tribals who are Tengri/Altaic will now raise more Light Cavalry and less Heavy Infantry in their summoned Tribal Armies
- William now starts with slightly more Heavy Infantry in "The Stamford Bridge" bookmark, to give him a higher chance of gaining England
- Rulers can now change crown laws every 50 years, rather than once per lifetime (cooldown still removed on death)
- Opinion of predecessor is now also inherited in elective government types if the successor is a close relative of, or in the same dynasty as, the old ruler
- Crusades on titles without a crusade weight are now less likely if said title is not adjacent to territory of the crusader's religion
- Now possible to ask one's liege to press one's claim even if the liege council isn't allowed to vote on war declaration
- Courtiers who have minor titles, friends, lovers, consorts or rivals are now excluded from the court pruning system
- Immortal characters are now immune to pruning
- If subjugation wars are invalidated, the 'once per lifetime' subjugation is now refunded
- If a Muslim Invasion is invalidated, the piety will be refunded
- Loyalists councillors now vote against law proposals started by someone other than their liege
Horse Lords
- When conquering Nomad land (empty provinces) as a non-Nomadic character, the following will happen:
- A basic Tribal holding will be constructed
- The Nomad culture and religion will be preserved in the province
- A 'Nomad Agitation' province modifier will be added, slightly increasing provincial revolt risk
- On succession, if a character holds provinces with Nomad Agitation they will automatically secede from the realm unless one of the following is true:
- A Castle or City holding has been constructed in the province
- (Only if Tribal) At least 2 buildings have been constructed in the province's Tribal Holding
- Provinces that secede because of Nomad Agitation will spawn a new Nomad ruler as per the culture/s of the released province/s
- If a newly seceded Nomad Ruler borders a Nomad of the same culture, they will join them as a Clan Chief
- If a Nomad conquers a province with Nomad Agitation, the modifier will be removed
- Raiding Adventurers can now properly invade & claim land from Nomads
- If they are the same culture as the target, they will become a Nomadic Clan Chief
- If they aren't the same culture they will become a Tribal Vassal
- Now when you choose to 'Settle as Tribal' as a Nomadic realm your Clan Chiefs will settle along with you
- The 'Pillage Holding' decision has been remade, it will now pillage the selected holding progressively (once every 6 months) until it's destroyed
- When a holding is destroyed from pillaging you get an event containing some flavor
- You can now pillage several holdings in the same province at once
- You can at any time choose to 'Stop Pillaging' a holding by using a targeted decision
- The Revolt Risk associated with pillaging is now capped at 30%
- Claiming a pillaged province as a non-nomad now clears the revolt risk (other penalties still apply)
- The revolts that spawn from pillaged provinces are now significant (no more 60-man whack-a-mole uprisings)
- You can no longer choose to pillage enemy holdings manually, instead it's triggered by event (gain gold or prestige)
- When choosing to settle as a Nomad the provinces that flip to your culture will now try to border each other
- The AI logic for when Nomads want to settle has been changed slightly, certain Nomad personalities will take longer to settle
- If a settling Nomad has only one vassal of king-tier, they will now usurp that character's kingdom rather than create a custom empire
- AI Nomads will now Tribalize if they push too far outside the steppe IF they don't hold much territory in the steppe region + not many castles/cities
- When Nomads Tribalise they now culture/religion convert new provinces based on population/manpower
- When a Nomad Tribalizes a custom kingdom will be created if they would end up as duke rank or lower
- Nomads who Tribalize now get a small amount of event troops
- The Magyars have a significantly larger army in the 867 invasion of Hungary, they will now win more often than not
- Hungarians led by the Árpád dynasty will always want to settle in Hungary if they have the chance
- When the historical Magyars settle in Hungary, more provinces will convert to Hungarian
- The Silk Road has received the following changes:
- The Silk Road has been extended by adding a new branch from Lut - passing through Rayy and Tabriz - to Trebizond
- The southern part of the Silk Road has been updated to also pass through Dhofar, Socotra, Busaso and Taizz on the way to Alexandria
- Increased the base wealth of the Silk Road to 122 from 100, to account for added provinces
- Nomad succession now includes wider range of close relatives
- Unlocked the 'Perform Sky Burial' decision for non-Nomadic rulers of the Mazdan religious group
- Pagan nomads no longer suffer from pagan defensive attrition (made it a define called NOMAD_SUFFER_PAGAN_ATTRITION)
- AI Nomads can now acquire warhorses
- Increased the Steal Population effect on the Humiliate CB from 10% to 25%
Way of Life
- Intrigue Focus: Spy On: Nerfed the chances of abduction and murder unless you are a Master Schemer
- Added 1 Health to the Theology Focus
- Carousing Focus: You can now invite people to a new party 90 days after the last one (down from 500 days)
- Moved the Theology and Hunting focus events to 'on_focus_pulse'
- Seduction Focus: The rebuff opinion modifier no longer lasts forever
AI improvements
- Army AI: Fixed some prio issues where armies would hunt irrelevant armies (vassals of the enemy)
- Army AI: Fixed a province prio issue during revolts against a liege
- Army AI: Fixed some ping-ponging (indecision) issues
- Army AI: Improved priorities vs rebels and landless invaders
- Army AI: Should no longer attempt to pursue shattered armies
- Army AI: Restored focus on occupying provinces
- Tweaked the AI behavior scripts in the seduction events
- Vassal heads of religion will now wait to declare Crusades/Jihads/GHWs until their liege can join (no longer has a truce with the target)
- Added another anti-spam measure for AI vs players regarding marriage and betrothal proposals
- Fixed some problems with marriage proposals
- Tweaked education events to avoid AI rulers getting Stressed or making rivals of their wards
- AI will no longer accept marriage/betrothals to people with contagious diseases, and will think twice before marrying people with non-contagious diseases.
- AI characters will no longer waste favors asking for a vote that is guaranteed to fail due to council members having promised council support to their liege
- Decreased chance of incest marriage for AI with religion where divine blood is enabled
- AI: Non-nomads should be far less keen on taking empty provinces from Nomads
- AI: Fixed a problem where high ranking rulers might never marry
- Fixed an issue with landed AI councillors not marrying
- AI rulers will now allow voters to actually vote on law changes when you run the game without Conclave
- AI rulers will no longer usurp the titles of their liege, since they'll almost always get revoked or usurped back
- AI rulers will not torture, mutilate, blind, or castrate prisoners of their liege's dynasty or anyone when they have under 100 piety
- The AI now cancels its ambition less often
- The AI will now evaluate threats in a more logical way
- The marriage AI has been improved
- Offer NAP interaction now weights in political concerns
- Fixed the AI in some cases repeatedly requesting vassalization of other AIs that'll never accept
- Fixed the AI in some cases repeatedly requesting concubines from other AIs that'll never accept
- Fixed the AI breaking betrothals if the recipient is in revolt
- Fixed some cases of allies being inactive incorrectly
- AI no longer revokes and regrants titles to the same characters
- AI should no longer revoke nomad clan titles
- AI will no longer repeatedly make and break betrothals with the same characters
- Updated all Event Modifier Icons to account for color blindness (added '+' and '-' in addition to the red-green color coding)
- Switched the location of the 'Close' and 'Reset defaults' buttons in Message Settings to keep consistency with other windows
- Extended the minimap layout to accommodate for more minimap buttons
- Added VSync support on Linux
- Added VSync option to video settings
- Important minor titles are now shown in a list at the top in the court view
- Added a delayed tooltip to the "Create New Vassal" button
- The "Create New Vassal" button should now be disabled immediately when you use it
- Removed the "Character receives an event." default tooltip
- Military View: Now shows one decimal on the Retinue or Nomad manpower cap
- Added Moral Authority to the tooltip on religions
- Fixed various trigger and effect tooltips
- Shortened the text for the Muslim charity decision so it fits the decision text box
- Characters dying from traits marked as illness or epidemic will now have a green skull
- The Extended Province view has been updated to show the terrain of the province
- If the terrain has a combat bonus, a tooltip will show the details of the modifiers applied to defending units
- The province view now has a button to set up the crown focus
- Added a new icon for 'Ask Liege for Title'
- Fixed F9 not opening the Religion view
- Only rulers' first given name are considered for the purpose of regnal numbering. E.G., "Gustav I Adolf" can be followed by "Gustav II"
- Multiplayer button is now immediately greyed out when clicking "Load Game" rather than getting the "Game State is corrupted. Please restart the game." tooltip while the button is clickable
- Fixed it being possible for the same Autocephalous Patriarch to appear in the religion tab more than once
- Fixed some non-aggression pacts not showing for both participants
- Fixed the # of pacts shown in the character UI sometimes being incorrect until one clicked on the "pacts" tab
- Fixed many instances of triggers of the form "trigger = no" being localized as if they were "trigger = yes"
- Fixed a number of triggers not having a new-line after them in tooltips
- Fixed a trigger not properly stopping its coloration, thus bleeding over into other triggers
- Fixed warscore from battles and ticking warscore not being shown in the warscore tooltip when either side is fully occupied
- Fixed modifier sub-entries (E.G., cultural buildings' effect on cultural units) sometimes not being shown in tooltips
- Fixed the number of decimals used for battles being inconsistent with the rest of the war overview screen
- Fixed characters with no known father not getting their (half-)siblings via their mother listed on their character screen
- Fixed AI plot acceptance tooltip showing too many +/- signs for the character's opinion of the player
- Fixed it being possible for characters to show up in the "grant minor title" UI that don't have you as their liege
- Fixed the time control buttons being active (but unusable) in the Charlemagne start date
- Fixed characters that are currently considering another diplomatic offer from the player being included on the job selection view
- Fixed the days remaining before a diplomatic response often being wrong for non-rulers
- Fixed the days remaining before a diplomatic response being off by 1, showing 0 days left the day before it goes through
- The flag cache is now deleted when the coat of arms files are updated, recreating the flags at game start
- Find Character browser now shows an icon for characters that are out of player's diplomatic range
- Find Character browser now shows a thumbs up/down icon for characters that accept/reject being invited to player's court
- Find Character browser now includes a My Dynasty filter in Great House category to show only characters of player's dynasty
- Hitting Enter on the "save game" screen now saves the game
- Fixed the game not always alerting you of usurpable titles
- Updated the icon for the 'Features' button to blend better into the standard interface
- The Features info screen now uses the same style as the new Game Rules screen
- Fixed having the enemy war leader captured showing as 5% warscore rather than 100%
- Female tribal counts are now properly called chieftesses rather than countesses
- Tribal barons are now called chiefs/chieftesses
- Fixed the restriction that you can't fire a council member if a vote is underway not showing up on the council screen
- Fixed council titles not getting culture/tier/religion specific naming on the My Council screen
- The expiry date for timed opinion modifiers is now shown in the tooltip
- Consolidated all versions of the "Convert to Spouse Religion" decisions to a single targeted decision usable on spouses/concubines
- Fixed the Call Allies Into War alert sometimes showing even if the ally can't actually join the war
- Several buttons that were missing a click sound now have one - Examples being the buttons in the Era Picker, Focus window, Barber window and more!
- Now possible to change plot when one already has a plot without having to manually cancel the existing plot. Can only be done if it is possible to cancel the existing plot
- Fixed the days remaining before a diplomatic response still sometimes being wrong for non-rulers
- Fixed some tooltips being inconsistent between the Character Finder and the Character Selector
- Fixed the opinion bonuses from hospital buildings lacking a "+" sign on the opinion breakdown
- Cloud saves are now sorted newest to oldest, like local saves
- Empty council seats are now shown on the council vote breakdown
- Fixed offensive/defensive bonuses not being shown when they sum up to exactly +100%
- Fixed the advisor selection screen not showing the Powerful Vassal icon
- Fixed the alerts for tech progress in nomad capitals showing the numbers for the province rather than the nomad capital
- Fixed build_holding not localizing properly for forts, trade posts, and hospitals
- The Threat tooltip now states how many months it will take for it to reach 0 at its current decay rate
- The High Threat alert now states how much Threat you have
- The preferred war target for the purpose of council votes is now shown for characters in the same realm
- Doubled the precision of the AI reasoning tooltips. E.G., instead of 2 pluses in favor of joining a plot, 3 to 5 will be shown
- Added an icon to character portraits showing that they owe you a favor
- Fixed the Join/Create faction buttons saying you can't create/join due to being on the council, even when the council laws don't prevent councillors being in factions
- The game will no longer alert you that betrothed can marry if that isn't actually possible due to an ongoing war
- The vassal tax estimate now accounts for their ruler being over their demesne limit
- Fixed the sub-realm view (CTRL+Click) not resetting when switching to the Coalition map mode
- If laws aren't affecting the max liege levy (due to summing up to 0% penalty), the modifier will not be shown
- If you customize your coat of arms, it will no longer be reset upon loading a save after having changed religion
- If the flag of a title is changed during the course of the game, that will now persist upon loading a save (E.G., the flag of an early HRE will not be reset to the German flag)
- The zoom hotkeys (Page Up/Down) now actually work
- Fixed customized hair/beards in some cases being reset upon loading a save
- The "size" of religions on the Religion page in the ledger now includes empty nomad provinces
- Exiting the "religion" or "technology" screen will no longer change your map mode to the one you had open when you opened the screen if you're no longer in the Patriarch/Technology map mode
- The "Next Song" button now shows the full name of the song playing rather than its file name
- The Ruler Designer button is now properly disabled when loading a save
- The Enforce Peace alerts now show the number of days left rather than months if there's less than 100 days left
- Fixed pretenders and people you lost titles to having the wrong portrait ribbon on the Succession screen if they're not feudal
- Fixed the lost titles on the Succession screen often showing the wrong tier crown
- Fixed anti-popes and pentarchs having the wrong portrait ribbon on the Religion screen if they're not feudal
- Realigned Western Portraits so that beards no longer overlap noses
- The In Hiding character icon now takes precedence over all character icons except imprisonment
- The voting buttons for law changes have been moved around as to not be placed on top of the "List of Opponents" button
- Fixed the child of two king or above level rulers sometimes not getting the "Prince/Princess" title in front of their name
- The alert that you can advance technology will no longer show up when what you can "upgrade" is maxxed out technology
- Fixed dynamic titles named after a regular title not having a proper adjective (resulting in E.G., "Cumania War" rather than "Cuman War"). Such titles will now use the adjective of the title they're based on
- Reduced the extent to which ledger column buttons overlap
- The "powerful vassal" icon is now shown where appropriate on your realm tree
- The "pillage" decision is no longer included in the "special holding actions" alert; instead the holdings that can be pillaged are now listed under the "inefficient land management" alert
- The nomad population growth tooltip now accounts for manpower growth
- Fixed the titles of councilors being based on the gender of their liege rather than their own (E.G., women being called "Seer" if their liege is male, and men being called "Seeress" if their liege is female)
- The cooldown, if currently active, for Crusades/Great Holy Wars/etc. is now shown in the tooltip for each religion
- Build entry progress bar no longer progress if province is occupied
- The high threat alert now shows the # of months it'll take to reach 0 threat at your current threat decay rate
- DLC requirements for decisions, laws, etc. are now properly displayed (E.G., Conclave bypassing some of the requirements for Seniority succession)
- The College of Cardinals is now visible even if your religious liege is an anti-pope, though adding campaign funds is disabled
- Moved the alert for advisor titles being grantable to the "council not full" alert from the "special minor titles" alert. The alert now takes you to the Conclave council page if Conclave is enabled
- The Ask Liege to Press Claim interaction is now no longer shown on your liege, since this caused confusion; it only works when interacting with who you want them to declare war on
- It is now possible to change flank commanders during sieges
- The title/region searcher can now search for strings that aren't at the start of the name (E.G., "Roman" will now return "Holy Roman Empire" as well)
- Increased the max zoom level by 2/3, allowing you to see the whole map at once
- Removed several character interactions from the right-click menu when they couldn't apply
- The map mode buttons in the load interface are updated correctly
- When loading a save that has a map mode that is not available in the load interface, the load interface will show the realm map mode, but after loading the save game will restore the map mode the game was using at save time.
- The last used mapmode/speed is now saved in savegames
User modding
- Added possibility to have major province modifiers
- Causes of death can now be customized
- Execution method can be chosen via a priority system similar to government flavors
- added "health_penalty", "fertility_penalty", "martial_penalty", "intrigue_penalty", "diplomacy_penalty", "stewardship_penalty", "learning_penalty"
- a set of modifiers whose sum for a given stat can never be positive (allows your giving bonuses that only offset maluses instead of bonus that are positive no matter what)
- Added military_techpoints, economy_techpoints, culture_techpoints as generic modifiers (for province modifiers)
- Added "any_demesne_province" as an effect
- holdings/settlement modifiers can now be hidden
- Added "has_any_symptom" and "symptom=" triggers
- Added "num_of_symptoms" trigger
- Added "spawn_disease" effect which spawns a specific disease in a specific province
- Scope must be a province
- "spawn_disease=disease_name"
- Added "start_outbreak" which forces an outbreak, but follows the scenarios set up in the disease.txt file
- "start_outbreak=disease_name"
- Scope is not used
- Added "on_outbreak" OnAction which is called when a new outbreak starts
- scope is the province where the outbreak starts
- token_data is the disease name
- Added "scenarios" to diseases: they exclude certain regions and determine possible starting provinces
- Added various defines for modifiers to contagiousness of disease when determining the spread. They are only used with The Reaper's Due DLC
- Added yearly "on_province_major_modifier" on_action
- Added "regional_percentage" trigger:
regional_percentage = { region = andalusia percentage = 0.5 has_province_flag = aztec_explorers }
- Added hospital_level trigger that tests the hospital level in a province. Province scope
- Added disease_defence trigger that tests the disease defense in a province. Province scope
- Added "has_game_rule" trigger to test the value of a game rule:
has_game_rule = { name = gender value = all }
- Added triggers: any_hospital, num_of_hospitals, num_of_hospitals_diff, has_hospital, hospital_has_any_building, is_hospital_decision_allowed, is_hospital_decision_potential
- Added Event scope: hospital_owner
- Added supported_checksum = yes/no trigger. Added supported_checksums = { ABCD EFGH } field in .mod files. When supported_checksum trigger is used in game it tries to match the current checksum of the game with the entries in all active mods mod-files. The trigger returns true if it finds at least one match.
- Fixed an issue for mods trying to remove localisation from the base game's localisation.
- targeted_decisions, is_targeted_decision_allowed and is_targeted_decision_potential are now considered aliases for targetted_decisions, is_targetted_decision_allowed and is_targetted_decision_potential respectively and are evaluated in the same way.
- Fixed a CTD that could happen for mods that allowed you to play characters with only titular titles.
- scaled_wealth and transfer_scaled_wealth now supports an additional max field to cap the maximum amount of wealth gained/lost.
- Added enatic trait attribute equivalent of the agnatic attribute (which allowed certain traits, eg Sayyid, to always be inherited from the father).
- Added define MERCHANT_REPUBLIC_MAX_PATRICIANS which determines the amount of merchant republic families the game will allow to exist in a merchant republic.
- Added triggers monthly_prestige and monthly_piety.
- Added effects scaled_prestige and scaled_piety.
- It is now possible to script council voting for targeted_decisions.
- The council interface should now support voter minor titles with a grant limit higher than one (1).
- Added set_pentarch_title = <title/none> effect.
- The pentarchy entry in landed titles can now be assigned to a specific religion rather than all religions with autocephaly.
- Using title_prefix in a government definition should no longer default all non-prefix defined title names to the default versions.
- Ambitions are now valid for the ai aggression modifier "aggression".
- add_character_modifier and add_holding_modifier now supports the stacking = yes parameter.
- Added has_holding_modifier = x trigger that returns true of the holding has modifier x.
- Added has_instances_of_character_modifier, has_instances_of_province_modifier, has_instances_of_holding_modifier = { modifier = x amount = y } trigger where y is the amount of current applications of modifier x that the character needs to currently hold for the trigger to return true.
- Added remove_character_modifiers, remove_province_modifiers, remove_holding_modifiers = { modifier = x amount = y } effects that removes y amount of modifier x from the current scope.
- Added on_trade_post_construction_completed, on_fort_construction_completed on_action entries.
- Added on_trade_post_construction_start, on_fort_construction_start on action entries.
- Fixed some issues with on_settlement_construction_start on_action events.
- Added GetHusbandWifeCap, GetHusbandWifeCapOpp, GetMasterMistressCap, GetMasterMistressOpp, GetMasterMistressCapOpp character localisation functions.
- any_character trigger should no longer exclude the ROOT scope in it's evaluation.
- Fixed a possible issue with hidden effects inside scripted effects.
- Added trigger 'leader_traits' (number of)
- Reactivated the on_action 'on_focus_pulse'
- Disease effects are now customizable through script per disease
- Silk Road modifier icon can now be set in the text file
- Added define AUTOMATICALLY_ACCEPTS_COALITION_CALLS to determine if defensive pacts members automatically join at the start of wars
- Converted the Family Focus events to on_action events
- Fixed a bug where the 'end_war' effect would incorrectly invalidate wars
- The 'regent' event target is now properly invalidated if there is no regent
- Added trigger 'any_player'
- Added effect 'any_player'
- Added effect 'random_player'
- Fixed era bookmarks ignoring their defined text keys. WARNING: This means that your mod's era names are likely now unlocalised
- Fixed buttons F9 through F12 not working as shortcuts
- Fixed a number of triggers functioning identically when set to "= no" as when set to "= yes"
- has_terrain_specialization now takes "yes" and "no" as parameters as well, in addition to "any" and specific terrains
- Added missing localisation for a handful of triggers
- Era screen characters can now be restricted based on dlc by adding 'dlc = "dlc name"' to their entry
- Fixed the time control buttons being inactive in 867.1.1 in mods starting on or before that date
- Opinion modifiers can now be scripted to be stacking (default) or not
- Added a give_birth console command (requires existing pregnancy; use pollinate/cuckoo to impregnate)
- Added on_action 'on_holding_building_start'
- Added has_assigned_minor_title trigger. Usage: "has_assigned_minor_title = title_master_of_the_horse" or "has_assigned_minor_title = { title = title_commander count = 2 }"
- Added has_children and has_living_children triggers
- The "loot" trigger will no longer crash the game if applied to a land unit. It will always return false for land units, but it won't crash
- has_minor_title now also accepts "yes" and "no", to check whether the character holds any minor titles at all
- Can now add and destroying buildings in extra holdings (trade posts, forts & hospitals) with the following effects:
add_to_extra_holding = { type = hospital building = leper_colony_1 }
destroy_in_extra_holding = { type = hospital building = leper_colony_1 }
- The following effects have been added. They work the same as the equivalent for forts or trade posts: create_hospital, destroy_hospital, any_hospital
- Scripted effects in event options will now show the traits and characters they affect
- Added a war_participation trigger. Example: any_war = { war_participation = { who = ROOT score = 0.5 } }
- Added an is_landed_title_allowed trigger, which checks whether a character fulfills the "allow" section of a specific title. Example: is_landed_title_allowed = e_hre or is_landed_title_allowed = ROOT, where ROOT is a title
- Added a "force_host" effect that forcibly changes the host a character. Scope should be the character being moved, target should be the character's new host.
- Shouldn't be used lightly
- force_host = ROOT
- Added join_faction, leave_faction and start_faction effects.
- Added faction_exists trigger.
- Added export_to_variable effect.
- Added while effect.
- Title prefix defined in landed_titles.txt should now support localisation variations dependent on the holder of the title.
- Added sound_effect effect.
- It should now be possible to make baronies independent through history editing.
- Added a "character_stats" console command that prints a variety of statistics to the console, such as the # of rulers of each tier, gender breakdown, and total wealth. This also gets written to stats.log
- Added a "dynasty_stats" console command that prints a variety of statistics to the console, such as the # of dynasties, number of single-person dynasties, and number of dynasties with only dead characters. This also gets written to stats.log
- Added a COURT_PRUNE_SIZE define, which defines when the game will try to find unneeded courtiers to kill off. Lowered to 10 from the original 20
- Added a "de_facto_liege_title" trigger, which checks that the defacto liege title of a character or title is the right-hand side. Example: ROOT = { de_facto_liege_title = e_hre }. Both sides can take a character or a title. If a character is provided, their primary title will be used. A defacto_liege_title scope already existed, but this should make some operations easier
- Added an "immortal" trigger, which checks if the character in the current scope is immortal
- Added an "is_incapable" trigger, which checks if the character in the current scope has an incapacitating trait
- Added an "is_pilgrim" trigger, which checks if the character in the current scope has a pilgrim trait
- Added a "same_regnal_name" trigger, which checks if the character in the current scope has the same regnal name as another character, meaning that they'll be considered the same name for the purpose of regnal numbering. Regnal names are currently defined as having the same first first name (E.G., "Gustav" and "Gustav Adolf" are the same regnal name), or the same cultural first first name (E.G., "Alfr_Alf" and "Alf_Alf" are the same regnal name)
- "monthly_income" and "yearly_income" can now be used in a holding scope. Before it could only take a character. Example: "b_constantinople = { yearly_income = 15 }"
- Added a "has_inheritance_blocker" trigger, which checks if the character in the current scope has a trait that blocks inheritance (cannot_inherit = yes)
- Added a "dynastic_prestige" trigger, which checks if the dynasty of the character in the current scope has a prestige of at least the given value. Example: "dynastic_prestige = 100"
- Added a "set_preferred_capital" effect, which sets the preferred capital of the title in the current scope (used for a variety of things, such as the AI to determine where to put their capital). Only works for dynamic titles, as static titles base their capital off of the landed_titles folder
- Added a "lacks_dlc" event pre-trigger. If the DLC is enabled, the event will not be evaluated
- Added a "has_dlc" event pre-trigger. If the DLC is disabled, the event will not be evaluated
- Added a "war" event pre-trigger, which takes "yes" or "no", and checks that the character is/isn't at war
- Added a "is_married" event pre-trigger, which takes "yes" or "no", and checks that the character is/isn't married
- Added a "friends" event pre-trigger, which takes "yes" or "no", and checks that the character does/doesn't have friends
- Added a "rivals" event pre-trigger, which takes "yes" or "no", and checks that the character does/doesn't have rivals
- Added a "has_global_flag" event pre-trigger, which checks that the given global flag has been set
- Added support for an after = { } - effect field in events. It works as a counterpart to immediate and executes after any option is executed.
- Replaced the COALITION_PROVINCE_THREAT_RATIO define with COALITION_SCARY_TROOP_STRENGTH_THREAT_RATIO. It is now actually used by the game
- Decisions now take the pre-triggers "only_rulers", "only_landed", and "only_independent". It is recommended that they be used when possible so as to reduce the time spent by the AI evaluating the decision. Note that the pre-trigger currently only applies to the AI, not to the player
- The "is_occupied" trigger now works in province scope, not just title scope
- The "is_occupied" trigger now works for county-level titles, not just baron-level titles
- "plot_decisions" are now only checked by characters that lead a plot or faction. Previously there was no functional difference between plot decisions and regular decisions
- Added "has_flag" as a quick trigger for province events. It works exactly like the "has_character_flag" quicktrigger, except the scope is the province for the event
- Added on_war_ended_invalid and on_crusade_invalid on_actions, that provide the same scopes as the other on_war_ended and on_crusade on_actions
- Added a CROWN_LAW_CHANGE_TIMER define. If set to 0, rulers will be restricted to MAX_CROWN_LAW_CHANGES. If set to 1, they'll have a CROWN_LAW_CHANGE_MONTHS cooldown
- Traits can now be hidden. Adding "hidden = yes" will make it invisible in all parts of the UI (except event options, where they can be hidden using hidden_tooltip)
- Added define "FAR_CRUSADES_WITHOUT_WEIGHT_MODIFIER" as a weight modifier to starting crusades on titles that are not adjacent to territory of our religion and don't have a crusade weight modifier. Default value is 75%
- Traits can now be hidden from others. Adding "hidden_from_others = yes" will make it invisible in all parts of the UI, except for the person with the trait
- Traits can now be hidden from everyone except those who have the trait. Adding "same_trait_visibility = yes" will make it invisible in all parts of the UI, except for players with the same trait
- Added define "PRUNE_MINIMAL_AGE" to set the minimal age for courtiers to be considered for pruning
- Added define "MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL" which sets how far out it is possible to zoom
- Added [GetNoneE] to get the ending e for feminine version of adjective/nouns in french
- Added define "HEALTH_IMMUNITY_TO_PRUNING" to determine a health abive which courtiers are immuned to pruning
- Added [GetNoneEOpp] to invert the result from [GetNoneE]
- Added (back?) "GetHerHimCap", "GetObjectPronounCap", "GetHerHimOppCap", and "GetObjectPronounOppCap" to get the capitalized version
- Constantinople will now be called 'Kostantiniyye' when ruled by a character with Turkish culture
- Thrake will now be called 'Trakya' when ruled by a character with Turkish culture
- Fixed history of Ivaljo of Bulgaria
- Made the province of Alexandria richer, and changed the Holding set-up there
- Tweaked the Holding set-up in the province of Cairo
- Updated the CoA for d_lithuania and the Gediminaitis dynasty
- Gave the Mordvins in 1066 some fictitious dynasties in place of them being lowborn
- Corrected an issue where a few dukes in 1066 would show up as vassals of other dukes in the lobby
- Corrected a few erroneous dynasty assignments
- Improvements to Scotland
- Fixes for Theodore Branas
- Various fixes to English dynasties + Percy / Neville families
- Changes to Anglo-Saxon provinces
- Late game holders of Mathura
- Corrected positions in Iceland
- c_trier is now a vassal of k_lotharingia in Old Gods
- Fixed some setup issues in India in 1241
- Santiago now has temple buildings constructed in 867
- Borijin changes
- Change to Sancho of Navarra
- Fixed William Longswords's DOB
- Gave Alexios Komnenos gout later in life
- Added some Wikipedia entries
- Fixed a few database issues flagged by Validator in the Greek characters
- Added early title history for East Anglia
- Added early title history for Mercia
- Partially added early title history for Northumbria
- Added early title history for Essex
- Added early title history for Wessex
- Cleaned up title history for Kent
- Fixed a various bugs in saxon.txt
- Essex, East Anglia, and Kent are tributaries of Mercia in 769
- Fixed a bug with c_teviotdale holder in 769
- Fixed a bug in c_capua
- Altered traits of Sancho of Navarra
- Lots more Wikipedia links
- Added title history for Hwicce
- Set Hwicce as tributary of Mercia in 769
- Added kings of Lindsey as title holders of c_lincoln
- Added historical bishops of Lindsey in 769 and 867
- Added historical bishops of Lichfield in 769 and 867
- Added historical bishops of York in 769, 867, and 1066
- Added historical bishops of Sherborne in 769, 867
- Added historical bishop of Hereford in 867
- Added historical bishop of London in 769, 867
- Added historical bishop of Lindisfarne in 769
- Added historical bishop of Selsey in 769, 1066
- Added historical bishop of Rochester in 769, 867, and 1066
- Added Carolingian courtier Alcuin
- Added Alfred courtier Asser
- Fixed Dorset province holding assignments to better reflect reality
- Fixed a few false twins in saxon.txt
- Fixed a bad marriage & death date mismatch in irish.txt
- Changed the date of death of the last Merovingian so he's alive in 769
- Deleted duplicate descendants of Mael Cobo (6190 and 160190 are same person)
- added some more wiki links from betas
- Deactivated a bunch of uncreatable and obsolete landed titles so they won't show up in the title finder
- 1028 more Wikipedia links
- Fixed title history bugs in Knights Hospitaller
- Filled in Arsacid family tree
- Added Arsacid Persian emperors
- Added Arsacid Armenian kings
- Corrected wife for Rudolf I of Bavaria
- Corrected date of marriage of Adolf of Germany
- Fixed name of Rupert the Red
- Removed duplicate Elizabeth von Nassau
- Added descendants of Ingólfr Arnarson
- Added missing marriage between Humphrey de Bohun and Margaret of Hereford
- Added missing twin trait for Robert and Waleran de Beaumont
- Fixed date of death for Otto I of Carinthia
- Added Fibonacci, Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio
- Expanded d'Aquino family and included St. Thomas Aquinas
- Fixed date of birth of Joan de Geneville
- Adjusted dates of birth of children of Roger Mortimer, fixing a false twin issue
- Fixed date of birth of Margaret Fiennes
- Fixed father ID for Perronelle Marshal
- Removed bad twin trait for Margaret de Beaumont
- Corrected seemingly bad date of birth for character 40104
- Removed duplicate date entry in Marco Polo's history
- Fixed parentage of several Candiano characters
- Fixed parentage of Hmayeak Mamikonian
- Adjusted date of birth of a Siwnik character to align with father's date of death
- Changed bastard to legit bastard for Mauregato due to gameplay complications.
- Replaced holders of c_mathura
- Split Northern Scandinavia off into a fictional kingdom (Sápmi), this should slightly delay the unification of the various Scandinavian kingdoms
- Added two new duchies, Finnmark and Sápmi
- Renamed the Duchy of Norrland to Hälsingland
- Recolored a bunch of counties in northern Scandinavia
- Only AI's of a Finno-Ugric culture will create Sápmi
- At the start of the 1066 bookmark, the Duchy of Finnmark will be in the De Jure of Norway rather than Sápmi
- replaced flags with event target in campaign friend events
- adjusted nomad subjugation effects
- SoA.4100 will no longer fire for provinces owned by Nomads
- characters married to a ruler should not become adventurers
- added an on_death event which clears designated regents if your heir has one already (thanks Richvh!)
- you should no longer be able to ask your liege to duel your rival when your rival is your liege
- event 38060 - buying titles from a indebted liege - now uses event target to ensure it is consistent
- fixed some spouse checks in gift to lover event
- added a different option for heretics in the crusade fails event
- changed some use of the old friend opinion to actual friend effects
- WoL.4112 can lead to pregnancy no matter which partner starts the event
- Epic hunt can no longer be started while character is busy
- In the SoA 'Son of a Ruler requests to join Holy Order' events, any piety changes now depend on whether the liege is of another religious group or not
- Fixed issue with missing triggers in old Spymaster 'Vicious Rumor' event
- Updated old feast events (seduction of vassals' daughter) to use event-targets and removed MTTH follow-up event to instead be triggered only
- In the councillor job events, removed the delay on most letter events to prevent receiving letters from dead councillors.
- Added missing localization for INSULT_OCCULTIST and INSULT_CORRUPT
- Removed duplicate compliments from Mystic trait
- Eunuchs no longer fall for Irresistible Wenches
- The 'Multilingual' event chain can no longer happen if you're already multilingual
- Concubines can now forgive you for kidnapping them
- Aztecs are now guaranteed to arrive as a feudal realm
- HL Mercenary events should now only happen for Nomadic Mercenaries
- Mercenaries should no longer be able to elope with prisoners
- Can no longer send imprisoned/incapable/hiding characters away as mercenaries
- Added another option to event 39400
- Manichean and Mazdaki temples no longer referred to as Baronies
- HL mercenaries can no longer heal Maimed by getting Wounded
- Restricted the 'teenage infatuation' events to teenagers
- Fixed so that older bastards don't block the 'Introduce Heir' decision
- Added missing 'female commander' tooltip to Status of Women 4
- Female Caliphs can now start the Jihad era
- Female Muslim rulers no longer get unsuitable events when celebrating Ramadan
- Female Muslim rulers can now go on Hajj
- Updated the 'Market Day' event with better rewards in the options
- The Shia Caliphate will no longer usurp titles from characters outside of the Shia Uprising war
- The Shia Uprising will now create a custom kingdom as fallback if it isn't able to usurp a kingdom title upon winning
- ZE.8010 now blocked for tributaries
- Fixed issue with wife suggesting new councillor not giving correct opinion when denied
- Fixed issue with 'wife giving advice' events not checking if she had the relevant council job
- Nickname 'the Monk' can no longer be given to women
- Adolescence event ZE.13615 now properly checks if your educator is your rival
- Childhood event ZE.12062 now properly applies an opinion modifier
- Tribal shipyards are now listed in the Technology view
- Added a missing duration to the bad_breath character modifier in event ZE.2078
- Fixed an issue with South Indian Portraits not showing graphics for scars, disease and blinded correctly
- Fixed an issue with Indian Portraits where females didn't show the graphics for blinded
- Fixed an issue in the description for the 'Break Up' decision to show the name of your lover correctly
- Cultures without a primary Catholic Holy Order can now always donate money to the Knights Templar and to the Knights Hospitaller
- Arctic, Farmlands, Forest and Hills terrain types now show the correct terrain pictures in the combat view
- Fixed header in Law interface to show longer text strings to avoid cutting it off in French and Spanish
- Moved stat icons, traits and modifiers in the character view to better match the background
- Fixed the Settings banner in Options to fit the interface
- Moved the name of new saves and compress checkbox slightly to be centered correctly when making a save game
- Nicknames 'the Monk' and 'the Nun' can now be gained by having the monk or nun trait respectively
- Corrected tooltip in Nomad tributary war victory effect
- Fixed issues with some achievements being inherited from ai characters
- The faction to Oust a ruler will be blocked against new rulers effectively making it dissolve on new holder
- Rulers will no longer be informed of killing their own commanders
- Favor events should no longer grant characters favors on themselves
- Change Councilor Position got some extra love to avoid endless loops
- Both homosexual characters properly get opinion modifiers when discovered during blot events
- Added missing tooltip text after concluding a feast or tournament
- Nickname 'the blind' will only be given to blinded or one-eyed characters
- Loads of slight performance and scoping script fixes to events
- Fixed so days_since_last_hostile_action trigger also includes attached units
- Declining a CtA now has correct prestige cost
- Characters that are not primary attackers/defenders can no longer call allies in wars with one enemy participant
- Fixed alliance proposals breaking betrothals
- Executing foreign prisoners no longer give you tyranny, but gives you an opinion malus with everyone in their country instead
- random_list effects should now have a better estimation for a uniform random when picking effects of the random_list entries.
- Solved an issue with the add_alliance effect that could make you become allied with yourself instead of the becoming allied with the intended target.
- Merchant Republics should now be able to build trade posts on coastal trade route provinces even without owning the province in question as long as it's in the same ocean as the Merchant Republic.
- Fixed an issue with add_claim and related triggers that made it impossible to use a scope for a title as the right hand side parameter.
- death_reason trigger should now be available for characters that are currently dying (eg during on_death on action events).
- Fixed a recent bug with the has_plot trigger.
- Fixed a bug with title nominations not being reloaded correctly
- TOG.5005 no longer gives scarred if already scarred
- Added VSync support on Linux
- Fixed so days_since_last_hostile_action trigger also includes attached units
- Monthly prestige/piety province modifiers are now added to the character
- Declining a CtA now has correct prestige cost
- Characters that are not primary attackers/defenders can no longer call allies in wars with one enemy participant
- Can no longer call ally to war if ally has NAP with defender
- Possible fix to minor titles being duplicated upon inheriting vassals of your vassal
- Fixed a bug with gavelkind succession and temporary revolter titles (the first heir would get the revolter title instead of the proper primary title)
- Fixed a case where raiders looted a holding infinite amount of times
- Grandmasters of Holy Orders now always spawn with traits
- Fixed so that the 'Envoy demands tribute' event only triggers once per ruler, as intended
- wol_lovers_events trigger improvements
- Fixed tooltip issue for philosophical ponderings pilgrim event
- Replaced holders of c_mathura
- ZE.12080 version 2 option C sets correct flag
- When characters ask your permission to join a holy order the piety effect are only used if they are of the same religion as you
- Can no longer launch faction wars if your liege is in revolt
- added various seclusion checks in friends/rivals events and fixed some misc bugs in the file
- when your wife wants you to appoint a new lord spiritual she will select someone valid for the title
- made a separate decision for changing your own and your subject's children's education focus to heritage instead of sending a letter to ask yourself
- Unlegitimized Bastards are no longer able to inherit in Nomad Succession
- Updated the Proud versus Honest trait event (1008) to always be able to give out traits
- Event TOG.2003 (Province adopts Norman culture) now also triggers if the owner is Norman
- Holy orders now reinforce
- Fixed it being possible to gain independence by usurping a title on the same level as your liege
- Fixed converting to feudal/republic resulting in all your levies being wiped out on the following day
- castle_opinion and town_opinion is now applied properly
- Fixed ticking warscore not working in cases where the contested title is held by the attacker rather than defender (E.G., dejure claims)
- Fixed ticking warscore not working in cases where the contested title is a county or barony
- faction_claimant_ultimatum now checks for the liege liege liege enforcing peace
- Fixed case where unlanded characters gained wrong government type
- Fixed subjugation resulting in the attacker getting "granted a title" and "vassal transfer" opinion modifiers
- The longest sound effects are now loaded only when they are needed
- Fixed conquest sometimes resulting in the loser gaining "Independence" threat
- EVTOPTB72060 now uses an event target to use correct pronoun for Jester
- inaccessible vassals will no longer be invited to feasts or blots
- Holy Orders can no longer form Custom Kingdoms/Empires
- Fixed councilors sometimes abstaining as a result of owing favors to characters not on the council
- Fixed wards not always being sent back home when they should when their guardian ceases to be their guardian (E.G., due to death)
- increased crusade weight on c_roma
- Fixed so characters without minor titles that are leading troops are removed when they gain Incapable trait
- Top liege of owners of allied armies that fight in the same war as player now give vision during war
- Council can no longer vote on law changes of secondary titles when Conclave is enabled
- blind characters can no longer witness your affairs
- The "continue" button now ignores broken or otherwise unplayable saves, finding the newest working save (if any) instead
- when you are looking for a friend you trust over your spymaster, check the friend is not also your spymaster...
- The Zunist religious description no longer mentions being restricted to Gavelkind
- Dismissing concubines is now restricted by the "pregnant" trait rather than pregnancy itself, since that's possibly hidden
- plots to forge claims are now aborted when plotter is no longer playable
- joan of arc no longer triggers when female marshals are legal
- event CM.1122 now uses its title and not its desc as a title
- The acquisition date of capital holdings now corresponds with the acquisition date of the county, rather than sometimes being set to 1066 regardless of the current year
- The dejure lands of a title (if it is a dejure title) owned by the defender are now always used to calculate ticking warscore, rather than defacto land
- No longer possible to ask your religious head for claims on temporary titles
- No longer possible to demand the religious conversion of incapable characters
- Creating Mongol Empire no longer resets laws
- Fixed the date of the "last ruler change" being wrong when having gone backwards in time when having selected a start date
- Nomadic Population no longer turns to a negative value when it goes beyond 2M
- Fixed another instance of major revolter (in case you have two revolts, you surrender to one and your heir is leading the other ones)
- Fixed some temporary casus bellis (E.G., Invasion) being disappearing on saving and reloading
- Favors can now be used to force matrilineal marriages if the other party is providing the woman
- Fixed an instance of major revolt titles not being cleaned up correctly when inherited by the target of the revolt
- Invalid job actions are now canceled soon after they become invalid (E.G., Build Legend action after you're no longer tribal)
- Fixed an issue where effects on saved event targets didn't always display a proper tooltip.
- Fixed characters that become unable to command troops after being assigned as commander sometimes persisting in the role
- Province delayed events no longer get deleted if the character who started them died more than a year ago
- RoI.30120 now properly randomizes a religious branch for Jain characters
- Nomad Invasions will no longer be invalidated when a faction succeeds in installing a new ruler in the targeted realm
- Courtiers will no longer fire your councillors through event 30040
- No longer able to have two wars against the same opponent
- Fixed case where rebellions continued indefinitely when main attacker died
- The game should no longer stop up for a few seconds at the end of each year (excluding autosaves)
- Fixed case where heir would not inherit courtiers that are abroad
- No longer possible to have character siege more than one province at the same time
- Heirs in Open Elective realms can only be of the same religion
- Holy Orders and Mercenaries no longer get the 'Goom an Heir' ambition
- Fixed an issue in the "Change Council Position" event where a Marshal wasn't given the job of Steward correctly
- Fixed characters in some cases not getting their own court upon becoming landed
- characters with the do not disturb flag will not be invited to feasts
- WoL.7091 should now use the correct descriptions for indians/pagans
- Fixed a crash when downloading new mods from the launcher
- Attached hostile armies are now engaged
- Fixed a potential source of OOS errors
- Lovers/Spouses in WoL.1160 can no longer be incapable/prisoners
- The spouse in WoL.5200 can no longer be a prisoner/incapable
- The daughter in ZE.1100 can no longer be landed
- Inaccessible character will not be invited to pagan feasts
- Fixed the winner of a crusade/great holy war not always getting provinces occupied by other participants in the war
- Fixed assaults in some cases not progressing due to 3rd party combat in the province
- Courtiers of Nomads now move to another court when clan is absorbed
- Fixed holy orders sometimes disappearing into nothingness in battles and sieges. Now holy orders will fight their own religion if owned by the person raising them, or a vassal of them
- Adventurers can now be women (through certain laws, religions and game rules)
- Ensured that a character's family is always moved with them when they become landed (unless they've got a reason to stay, E.G., being landed themselves)
- Fixed taking a Nomad county sometimes resulting in the province being given to a seemingly random baron in the province
- Fixed case where incapable rulers could go against council
- You can no longer revoke Cardinal titles
- edited loc for event WOL_11002
- Fixed a number of OOS issues
- Opinion of predecessor is now applied properly
- Fixed it sometimes not being possible to call in council support due to the character owning council support to someone no longer on the council
- Fixed it not being possible to ask to join your ally's war if they're a different religion
- Characters whose claims are being pressed can no longer be invited to your court
- Tribal barons created via "Create New Vassal" now get a dynasty generated
- Defenders of an inherited holy war will leave the war if inheritor is of another religion
- Defenders of any inherited war will leave the war if they are in a defensive pact against the inheritor
- Fixed the intrigue view not having tooltips anymore
- Fixed a crash when loading various savegames in the loadscreen before settling on one and actually playing
- Children and other characters unfit to lead troop will no longer lead siege defense
- Added heaps of missing notification events
- Fixed a bug where Viceroyalties handed out to Theocracies could cause the whole Theocracy (such as the Ecumenical Patriarchy) to be inherited by secular rulers
- "Primary type" title holders (Holy Orders, the Pope, etc) can no longer use Claim CBs on higher tier titles
- "Primary type" title holders can no longer be elected to higher tier titles, or put forth through claimant factions
- No longer Game Over when Merchant Republic joins a faction led by another Merchant Republic
- No longer game over as Merchant Republic when liege dies and your relative is leading Mercenary band
- Destroying titles no longer transfer vassals to top liege if holder has another title of same tier or higher
- Optimized a whole bunch of events that were hard on the CPU
- Only the descendants of bastards can inherit their titles - otherwise they now go to the liege
- Reduced the priority of certain messages to reduce spam
- Fixed case where liege before war wasn't cleared properly
- Fixed so characters located in the court of host are moved away when the host loses title and become unlanded
- Fixed the other side's occupations being counted when one side had fully occupied the other side, making it impossible to hit 100% warscore without liberating every holding
- Adults will no longer remain Curious, and instead turn the trait into an adult trait
- Fixed localisation issues in event ZE.2083
- Fixed observing players in lobbies sometimes having their character changed when a player joins the lobby
- Fixed the enforce realm peace cooldown being wiped by saving and reloading
- Fixed there sometimes being a mismatch between the total warscore and its constituent parts when there's multiple attackers
- Fixed claimed titles being considered contested during "claim all" wars even when they're not in the targeted realm
- Fixed crash when reading broken saves that include duplicate characters or characters with ID 0