
第1行: 第1行:
| header= Legacy of Rome
| header= 罗马遗产
| icon= Dlc icon legacy of rome.png
| icon= Dlc icon legacy of rome.png
| logo= Legacy of Rome banner.jpg
| logo= Legacy of Rome banner.jpg
第8行: 第7行:
| patch= 1.07
| patch= 1.07
| date= 2012-10-16
| date= 2012-10-16
| pdx= crusader-kings-ii-legacy-of-rome/CKCK02ESK0000004.html
| storeb = {{Store|pdx|crusader-kings-ii-legacy-of-rome/CKCK02ESK0000004.html}} / {{Store|steam|app/210895}}
| steam= 210895
| storec = {{Store|pdx|crusader-kings-ii-byzantine-unit-pack/CKCK02DSK0000005.html}} / {{Store|steam|app/210896}}
| pdxc= crusader-kings-ii-byzantine-unit-pack/CKCK02DSK0000005.html
| storem = {{Store|pdx|crusader-kings-ii-songs-of-byzantium/CKCK02SSK0000003.html}} / {{Store|steam|app/210901}}
| steamc= 210896
| pdxm= crusader-kings-ii-songs-of-byzantium/CKCK02SSK0000003.html
| steamm= 210901
[[File:Orthodox councillors.jpg|right|400px|thumb|东正教内阁模型图片]]

[[File:Orthodox councillors.jpg|right|400px|thumb|Orthodox councillors render picture]]
{{icon|lor}}{{N| 罗马遗产|Legacy of Rome|X=,缩写:'''LoR'''}}是[[王国风云2]]的第二个大型[[可下载内容|扩展包]],在2012年10月16日发售,与[[1.07]] 版本补丁共同发布。

{{icon|lor}}'''Legacy of Rome''' (LoR) is the second [[major DLC]] for [[Crusader Kings II]], released in October 16, 2012, alongside [[patch 1.07]].
It focuses on the Byzantine Empire (the Greek continuation of the Roman Empire) and the Orthodox Church.


If you don't own the DLC, the AI will not use the things it adds. In multiplayer, the host will decide what DLC are used, and is the only one who has to own the DLC. Minor DLC like gfx and music are decided by each individual player.
* 全新的东正教[[ 内阁]] 模型。
* Orthodox [[councillors]] models
* 拜占庭的重生: 为拜占庭帝国设计了一套独特的[[ 决议]] [[ 事件]], 例如你可以致盲和阉割你的囚犯。
* Byzantium Comes Alive: New sets of [[decisions]] and [[events]] specifically designed with the Byzantine Empire in mind, like being able to blind and castrate your prisoners.
* 通过[[ 决议]] 可以复兴[[ 罗马帝国]] 和弥合东西教会大分裂。
* Ability to restore the [[Roman Empire]] and/or mend the great schism via [[decisions]].

=== 近卫军 ===
=== 近卫军 ===

{{main| 近卫军}}

Retinues are your household guard; your elite core of professional soldiers. At the start of the game, most rulers are not able to employ Retinues, but it becomes possible as their total manpower (based on all the [[levies]] in their realm) and average Military Organization (a new [[technology]]) level increase. Over time, the Retinues turn into proper standing armies. The downside is that, as your Retinue capacity increases, your normal levies decrease in size. However, even at max tech, levies will still account for the majority of your armies.
近卫军是听命于你个人的职业军队。一开始大部分领主并不能建立近卫军,只有随着领地内[[ 征召兵]] 总人数的增多和[[ 科技#军事科技|军事组织]] 科技的上升才能开始建立近卫军。随着时间的推移他们会变成正规的常备军。但另一方面,[[近卫军]]在补员时会使你的收入减少。然而即使你的科技到达了顶级,[[征召兵]]依然会是你军队的主体。

There are many types of Retinues available for hire - including several unique cultural variants - though they always come in 500-man regiments with a commander of your own culture. Retinues reinforce in the field, like mercenaries, and when you first hire them, they start with 1 man. Unlike armies in other games, for example Europa Universalis, Retinues only cost [[maintenance]] while they reinforce. You are of course allowed to declare war even if you have Retinues.
不同文化的领主可以创建不同的[[ 近卫军#文化特色禁卫军|文化特色近卫军]] ,<s>无论是何种文化的近卫军,每支近卫军的编制都是500人一队,外带一位与领主文化相同的指挥官</s>。近卫军在战场上就像雇佣兵一样精锐,近卫军被创建时每队仅有一人,并会慢慢补充到满员。与欧陆风云中不同的是,近卫军仅在补员的时候需要消耗[[维护费]]。当你拥有近卫军的时候依然可以进行宣战而不需要解散他们。

==Patch 1.07==
== 版本特性==

{{main|Patch  1.07}}
{{main|Patch  1.07}}

Everything below comes with the free patch:
* Improve your ruler: You can now actively strive to improve your [[skills]] or traits through the new Self-Improvement [[Objectives|Ambitions]]
* 让你的统治者更加优秀:你现在可以通过[[野心]]来提高角色的[[ 属性]] 或获得新的[[ 特质]]
* Appoint Orthodox Patriarchs: Orthodox [[kingdoms]] and [[empires]] can now control their own heads of [[religion]] and their powers, instead of being dependent on the patriarch of Constantinople
* 任命东正教牧首:东正教信仰下,[[ 王国]] [[ 帝国]] 的最高领主有权任命自己的[[ 自主教会|宗教领袖]] ,而不败受制于君士坦丁堡普世牧首。
* Have both a Plot and an Ambition at the same time
* 现在角色可以同时进行[[阴谋]]和[[野心]]。
* Leader Focus on [[Combat]]: Appoint your generals wisely, their [[traits]] and skills are now of vital importance on the field of battle. More commander traits are now added to increase the importance of your choice of military leaders
* 聚焦[[ 战斗]] 指挥官:明智地任命你的指挥官,现在他们的[[ 特质]] 和属性会对战场产生至关重要的影响。现在增加了更多的指挥官特质,用来提升指挥官的重要性。
* More Cultural [[Buildings]]
* 更多的[[ 文化建筑]]
* More unit-specific buildings
* 更多特殊建筑
* Improved AI
* 改进AI
* Bug fixes
* 修复BUG

=== 派系 ===
=== 派系 ===

{{main| 派系}}

New [[faction]] system: Join a royal faction and use your [[allies]] in the party to enhance your strength and tear down rivals. Experience Factional [[Revolts]]: No more easily defeated rebellions. Disgruntled [[vassals]] will now band together in revolt against your rule through their faction. Replaces many existing plots and normal revolt mechanics with factions.
添加[[ 派系]] 系统:加入一个强大的派系,拉拢派系内的[[ 同盟]] 来增强你的力量并以此消灭对手;亲身体验派系[[ 叛乱]] :现在叛乱更难被镇压了。现在对你不满的[[ 封臣]] 将会使用派系联合起来反抗你的统治。派系系统将会取代许多现存的[[阴谋]]和叛乱机制。

Factions are, essentially, a kind of [[plot]]; a Faction has a leader, a number of members, and a clear goal (for example, to Lower [[Crown Authority]] in the [[Kingdom]] of England). However, there are some key differences: Factions always target the liege, and they are always known to the liege as well as the other vassals. A vassal can lead up to two Factions, but be a member in any number of other factions, unless their goals are contradictory. If a faction leader dies, the most powerful remaining faction member automatically takes over as leader. When the leader thinks the Faction is powerful enough, he can issue an ultimatum to his liege. The liege can then either give in to the demands peacefully or refuse, which triggers a Civil War where all faction members revolt together in an alliance.
派系可以理解为[[ 阴谋]] 的一种;派系成员众多、目标明确(例如在英格兰[[ 王国]] 要求降低[[ 王权法|中央集权]] ),每个派系都有自己的派系领袖。但是派系和阴谋有本质上的区别:派系只会以领主为目标,而且他们总会被领主和其它封臣知道其所在派系。每个封臣可以同时领导两个派系,若派系间的目标互相冲突,则你不能加入这个派系。如果派系领袖死去,派系中势力最强大的封臣将会自动变成派系领袖。当领袖认为派系力量足够强大后,他可以对领主发出最后通牒。该领主要么和平的接受派系要求,要么拒绝从而引发内战。在派系引起的内战中,所有派系成员将会结盟对抗他们的领主。

Factions can be suppressed by imprisoning or killing the members, or simply making them like you, or by sending your spymaster to the faction leader in an attempt to make him end the faction. Being a member of a faction is risky as your liege will not like it. You also have no control over when a potential revolt starts, so you might find yourself at war with your liege at an inopportune time.


* Succession by Primogeniture in [Title] (used to be a Plot)
* 要求领主的主头衔的[[继承法]]修改为长子继承法(过去该行动是密谋)。
* Succession by Seniority in [Title] (used to be a Plot)
* 要求领主的主头衔的[[ 继承法]] 修改为长者继承法(过去该行动是密谋)。
* Succession by Gavelkind in [Title] (used to be a Plot)
* 要求领主的主头衔的[[继承法]] 修改为均分继承法(过去该行动是密谋)。
* Elective Monarchy in [Title] (used to be a Plot)
* 要求领主的主头衔的[[ 继承法]]修改为选举继承法(过去该行动是密谋)。
* Lower Crown Authority in [Title] (used to be a Plot)
* 要求领主的主头衔法理领地下[[ 王权法|中央集权]] 降低(过去该行动是密谋)。
* Independence
* 要求独立。
* Install [Claimant] in [Title]
* 为某[[地产]] 的宣称者索取目标头衔。

===  领主 征召兵===
=== 征召兵===

In patch v1.07, you raise fewer, larger [[levies]] from your direct vassals. These levies are now handled separately from actual [[holding]] levies; you only get regular holding levies from your own [[demesne]]. The [[opinions]] of vassals of vassals are thus now mostly irrelevant; you only need to worry about the opinions of your direct vassals. Another benefit is that you don't get tiny little armies all over the place when you mobilize your realm. Liege levies also fix a fundamental balancing flaw in that you can no longer just keep raising little levies from all vassals as a war drags on (due to the portion of holding levies that was reserved for the liege). The new Liege Levies do not reinforce at home while raised.
在版本[[1.07]] 更新后,你自己的征召兵数量由你的[[ 地产]] 决定;你现在只能定期从你的[[ 直辖领]] 中得到征召兵的补充;你可以从每个直属封臣领地征募一支人数更庞大的军队(在此之前的版本中征募军队会每个男爵领分开计算),这样带来的好处是你的领地上不会再生成大量的零散军队。由于封臣的驻军总有一部分为领主所保留,因此领主无法不断从封臣处征集部队。你现在只需要关心你直属封臣对你的好感度,非直接封臣的[[ 好感]] 对征召兵的数量没有影响;在动员征召兵后,征召兵将不会再进行补充,除非你解散征召兵重新动员。

===  领袖 特质 ===
===  指挥官 特质 ===

 新增了更多关于军队领袖的[[特质]],就像在[[1.06]]中的那样 :

* Flat terrain leader[[File:Flat_terrain_leader.png]]
* [[File:Flat_terrain_leader.png]] 平坦地形专家
* Rough terrain leader[[File:Rough_terrain_leader.png]]
* [[File:Rough_terrain_leader.png]] 崎岖地形专家
* Mountain terrain leader[[File:Mountain_terrain_leader.png]]
* [[File:Mountain_terrain_leader.png]] 山地地形专家
* Desert terrain leader[[File:Desert_terrain_leader.png]]
* [[File:Desert_terrain_leader.png]] 沙漠地形专家
* Holy warrior[[File:Holy_warrior.png]]
* [[File:Holy_warrior.png]] 圣战士
* Unyielding leader[[File:Unyielding_leader.png]]
* [[File:Unyielding_leader.png]] 不屈

== Dev diaries ==
== 开发日志 ==
{{main|Developer diaries}}
{{main|Developer diaries}}
{{#lsth:Developer diaries|Legacy of Rome}}
{{#lsth:Developer diaries|Legacy of Rome}}
== 参考资料==

第96行: 第90行:
[[Category: 补丁]]

2020年3月5日 (四) 10:46的最新版本

Dlc icon legacy of rome.png 罗马遗产
Legacy of Rome banner.jpg
发布日期/ 补丁
2012-10-16 / 1.07


Dlc icon legacy of rome.png罗马遗产(英文:Legacy of Rome,缩写:LoR)是王国风云2的第二个大型扩展包,在2012年10月16日发售,与1.07版本补丁共同发布。




  • 全新的东正教内阁模型。
  • 拜占庭的重生: 为拜占庭帝国设计了一套独特的决议事件,例如你可以致盲和阉割你的囚犯。
  • 通过决议可以复兴罗马帝国和弥合东西教会大分裂。






主条目:Patch 1.07


  • 让你的统治者更加优秀:你现在可以通过野心来提高角色的属性或获得新的特质
  • 任命东正教牧首:东正教信仰下,王国帝国的最高领主有权任命自己的宗教领袖,而不败受制于君士坦丁堡普世牧首。
  • 现在角色可以同时进行阴谋野心
  • 聚焦战斗指挥官:明智地任命你的指挥官,现在他们的特质和属性会对战场产生至关重要的影响。现在增加了更多的指挥官特质,用来提升指挥官的重要性。
  • 更多的文化建筑
  • 更多特殊建筑
  • 改进AI
  • 修复BUG







  • 要求领主的主头衔的继承法修改为长子继承法(过去该行动是密谋)。
  • 要求领主的主头衔的继承法修改为长者继承法(过去该行动是密谋)。
  • 要求领主的主头衔的继承法修改为均分继承法(过去该行动是密谋)。
  • 要求领主的主头衔的继承法修改为选举继承法(过去该行动是密谋)。
  • 要求领主的主头衔法理领地下中央集权降低(过去该行动是密谋)。
  • 要求独立。
  • 为某地产的宣称者索取目标头衔。





  • Flat terrain leader.png 平坦地形专家
  • Rough terrain leader.png 崎岖地形专家
  • Mountain terrain leader.png 山地地形专家
  • Desert terrain leader.png 沙漠地形专家
  • Holy warrior.png 圣战士
  • Unyielding leader.png 不屈


主条目:Developer diaries

All developer diaries about the Legacy of Rome expansion and patch 1.07.

No. Title and Link Description Date
1 Clearing the Fog of War Upcoming changes in Legacy of Rome DLC and patch 1.07. 2012-09-05
2 Factions Covers the new faction mechanics. 2012-09-12
3 Liege Levies and Retinues Discusses the changes to levies and the introduction of retinues. 2012-09-19
4 Combat Rebalance Discusses changes to combat and the introduction of leadership traits. 2012-09-26
5 Patriarchs & Pentarchs Discusses the Orthodox mechanics including autocephaly and the pentarchy. 2012-10-03
6 Events and Decisions Covers the new events introduced for the the Byzantine Empire. 2012-10-10


扩展包 伊斯兰之剑罗马遗产日落入侵共和国逝往神灵亚伯拉罕之裔印度罗阇查理曼生活之道马上诸王御前会议死神索命修道士与密契者碧玉之龙神圣之怒
1.02b - 1.05g 1.02b1.03b1.041.04c1.051.05b1.05c1.05d1.05e1.05f1.05g
1.06 - 1.111 1.061.06b 1.071.07b1.081.091.0911.0921.101.1011.1021.103b1.111.111
2.1 & 2.2
2.5 & 2.6