發布日期/ 修補程式
死神索命 (TRD)是王國風雲2的第10個主要擴展包。其於2016年7月21日公布[1],並與修補程式2.6一同於2016年8月25日發布[2]。
- 流行病改進:隨着疾病通過貿易和海上航線從一個省蔓延到另一個省,它們會降低你的人力資源,消耗你的財富。
- 醫院和宮廷醫師:防止疾病在你的王國爆發,並確保你的廷臣能夠接觸到最新的中世紀的醫學科學。
- 繁榮與統治重心:和平時王國中管理良好的省份將以黃金和稅收產生巨額效益。
- 隔離:保護自己免受疾病的侵襲,儘管這意味着忽視你人民的困境。
- 新事件鏈:新的流行病是末日嗎?這些恐怖事件有人要被怪罪嗎?世界上的問題有沒有超自然的起源或解決辦法?
- 特質:角色不再會通過事件變得生病,取而代之的會獲得一系列特質(咳嗽、發燒、腹瀉、嘔吐、頭痛、胸痛、皮疹、抽筋、腹痛、疲乏、不適)隨着時間的推移,它要麼會演變成一個充分發展的疾病,或者乾脆就過去了。[3]
- 宮廷醫師:宮廷醫師是一個新的榮譽頭銜,你可以把它授予一個博學的人,使他們負責診斷和治療你宮廷中的疾病。
- 流行病目前可以沿着絲綢之路傳播,更有可能傳播到富裕的沿海省份,而不太可能蔓延到較貧窮的內陸地區。它們將導致各省人口減少,甚至在其消失之後,減少稅收收入、徵稅/駐軍規模和補給限制。[5]
- 黑死病更大也更致命,黑死病有機會在每局遊戲開始200年後爆發流行,在一次大爆發發生後,該病成為地方流行,並可能再次爆發,但規模可能較小。
- 繁榮系統[7]:與人口減少相反,長期沒有被圍困、劫掠或疾病蹂躪的省份將開始繁榮起來,並獲得一定的獎勵——例如額外的稅收收入和更快的稅收補充。獨立公爵或更高級別統治者可以將他們的一個屬地省份設置為他們的「統治重心」,以獲得額外的年度增長和事件。
- 新的敘事事件,如悲觀預言者的崛起,普遍認為死者已返回地球遊走並攻擊活着的人,或基於日食的恐慌,或對永生的追求。[8]
- 新的殘疾特徵(獨手、獨腿、獨眼、毀容或血肉模糊)取代了通用的殘廢,以及一些相關的肖像畫框。[9]這些特徵中的大部分健康懲罰被一個身受重傷特質所取代,但過了一段時間後就會消失。
- 使用新的方式懲罰囚犯:羞辱、折磨、致殘、糟糕的詩歌和吞食(如果是食人族)。 [10]
- 50種新稱號:'獨眼'、 '青蛙'、'食人者'、'the Hideous'、'the Resilient'等等。
- 召喚參戰:在修補程式2.5中引入的自動召喚盟友加入戰爭,將會被回滾。現在拒絕接受召喚將會有非常嚴重的後果[12]:
- 同盟和互不侵犯條約被打破。
- 你失去了現在聲望的一半,再加上200(與打破停戰協議相同)。
- 添加一個持續15年的「破壞同盟」角色修正,使所有封臣的好感降低10,所有外國統治者的好感降低25。
- 與呼叫你參戰的統治者及其近親(包括當初允許結盟的其配偶)的好感降低50。
- 修改了繼承畫面,附有逝去人物的墓志銘和新人物的簡短介紹。[14]
- New decisions for defensive pagans[15]:
- Devout warriors to defend against an enemy of a different religion,
- Ancestor worship to ask your ancestors for help or advise with some part of your life
- For Germanic pagans:
- Improved versions of the trait: and
- Valhalla-bound trait, equivalent of for great holy wars.
- , warrior women bodyguards who can also be assigned as commanders or marshal.
- More female advisor options: close relatives of a ruler with high stats, and talented woman arriving in court.
- Flanders is now part of the kingdom of France, and the AI king of France will no longer create the Kingdom of Aquitaine unless needed for Francia Empire creation requirements.[16]
- Tweaks for nomads of Horse Lords expansion:
- Pillage becomes a toggle rather than an action, to make it easier.
- Nomad agitation modifier when conquering an empty province from a horde, until a city or castle is built.
- Silk road has been updated and extended to add a new branch
- Character finder new icons to indicate whether characters will move to your court, and if they are outside of diplomatic range.
- Continue button on the launcher to load directly into your latest save game.
- A combination of game optimizations, resulting in a 30-50% speed improvement, and with far smaller annoying pauses:[17]
- Uncompressed saves are smaller, which reduces compression and write times
- Saves are saved more efficiently
- The processing of things is done across the year rather than at the end of each year, avoiding the noticeable pause
- The map rendering is faster
- Some unnecessary map or UI refresh triggered for non-outdated things are removed
- Several computations that were single-threaded are now multi-threaded
- Some performance-intensive computations are improved
- The number of randomly generated characters is reduced, and unnecessary characters are eliminated more aggressively
- Some modding suggestions.
- The inability to disable Paradox's data tracking, and an EULA updated to reflect that fact
- Expansion was originally named <Secret DLC> in Developer diaries, as it hadn't been announced yet.
- The namespace used for DLC events is "RIP" (Rest in peace).
- For death screams, leek and celery were used to recreate some 「sweet」 and intense bone cracking sound effects, while the pepper and salad were to create a 「slow crushing」 sound effect.[18]
- After The Reaper's Due, another two (or even three) expansions are planned before the development stops. "There are still some blanks in the Old World; rulers you cannot play and regions not yet covered..."[19]
- Crusader Kings: Chronicles gamebook will unlock "a song and two event chains".[20]
- Meneth worked on patch 2.6 optimization and modding features, as an intern in Crusader Kings 2 team.
- The Reaper's Due was the first DLC with David "Darkrenown" Ballantyne as Game Designer.
Dev diaries
All developer diaries about the The Reaper's Due expansion and patch 2.6.
Title and Link
1 |
The team |
Introduction of new development team that will work on upcoming expansion. |
2 |
Get sick and die |
New system for personal diseases, based on symptoms and treatment scheduled by Court Physician. |
3 |
The Bonsai Tree |
Problems of game designer that need to balance between role playing and grand strategy aspects of game. |
4 |
Don't call me Shirley |
Reverting call to arms mechanism to be manual again, but with high penalty for rejection. |
5 |
The Rules of the Game |
Startup screen that allows you to configure the games settings (like Defensive Pacts or Sunset Invasion). |
6 |
We don't talk about the dead |
Björn "Metal King" Iversen, the Paradox Development Studio Audio Director speaks of sound design |
7 |
Get sicker and die harder |
New epidemics system and map mode. Changes of The Black Death, that is now more deadly and occurs earlier. |
8 |
Life goes on |
New methods to defend yourself from the Grim Reaper explained: Seclusion and Hospital building. |
9 |
The secret to success |
Presentation of new succession window and new trait and event images. |
10 |
Live long [yet futilely] and prosper |
Prosperity and depopulation province modifiers and crown focus system. |
11 |
The End of Days |
New narrative events |
12 |
Maimed Trait |
The maimed trait has undergone some changes. |
13 |
Pagans, advisors, and warrior women |
Some new stuff for pagans, advisors and women in the upcoming patch 2.6. |
14 |
The Road Ahead |
The future of Crusader Kings II. |
15 |
Assorted cool things |
Assortment of patch 2.6 tidbits. |
16 |
Man's inhumanity to man |
New ways to interact with captives, and more events regarding the death of characters. |
17 |
Crusader Cats |
Of cats and... Cats. |
18 |
Optimization and modding |
Optimization to game speed and additions to modding capabilities. |
19 |
The End is Nigh |
Some assorted minor features coming in the patch as well as a few from the expansion |
20 |
Don't Fear the Reaper |
A short, final development diary before The Reaper's Due |
21 |
A Glimmer of Hope |
Changelog for the upcoming |
22 |
Quarantining the bugs |
General bugfixing, new pet events, and new game rules |
23 |
More rules, less lunatics |
2.6.2 information, new settings and a few tweaks |
24 |
The 2.6.2 patch |
Further work on patch 2.6.2 as it nears release |
25 |
Considerable Converter Capabilities |
With the upcoming EU4 patch, the converter will see an overhaul |
26 |
Continued Converter Capabilities |
Further information about EU4 converter |