
RemixMe讨论 | 贡献2019年3月1日 (五) 22:18的版本 →‎政体
角色面板 (v. 3.0)

角色 角色Base icon CK2.png 《王国风云II》最重要的特征,是它与其他大战略游戏最显著的不同。不像Paradox Paradox 其他的游戏,《王国风云II》不是一个关于国家的游戏,而是一个由数千个角色驱动的战略游戏。就像角色扮演一样,这个游戏有属性、优劣特质欲望等。这些特征使得游戏着眼于人物、人物的家庭及他们之间的关系;数以千计的拥有各自目标与性格的角色之前的互动,是这个游戏的主要推动力。

Base icon CK2.png 《王国风云II》中的角色可以被简单地分为两类,第一类是玩家角色,即是玩家在单人游戏或多人游戏中使用的角色。有的动作与事件仅限于玩家角色。


大多数角色都是一个家庭(或称家族)的成员。玩家在开始游戏时,会选择一个史实家族的角色。玩家在 Base icon CK2.png 《王国风云II》中的核心目标是通过养育后代和积累领地与头衔确保他们所选择的家族变得强大有力。




Attributes 角色的属性或技能是决定角色行动成功与否的主要因素:

属性 个人 国家
  • 提高本国角色对该角色的好感
  • 如果角色不是游牧制且至少达到公爵级,则结合学识 学识 属性确定文化科技点的月增长。
  • 如果角色是其领主内阁中的外交总管,该属性用于确定其能力。
  • 影响角色作为指挥官的能力
  • 用于确定角色直辖领的征召兵数额
  • 用于确定直辖领征召兵的增援速度
  • 如果角色不是游牧制且至少达到公爵级,则结合学识 学识 属性确定军事科技点的月增长。
  • 如果角色是其领主内阁中的军事总管,该属性用于确定其能力。
  • 用于确定角色军队的士气恢复速度
  • 结合 Stewardship 角色配偶管理属性确定角色的最大直辖领
  • 如果角色不是游牧制且至少达到公爵级,则结合学识 学识 属性确定经济科技点的月增长。
  • 提高省份转化到角色的文化的速率
  • 如果角色是其领主内阁中的财政总管,该属性用于确定其能力。
  • 提高直辖领收入(每点+2%
  • 如果角色是其领主内阁中的间谍总管,该属性用于确定其能力。
  • 提升阴谋力量(并针对该角色的阴谋力量)
  • 使角色的阴谋更不容易被发现
  • 提高逮捕成功率(并使角色更难被逮捕)
  • 结合 Diplomacy 外交、Martial军事和Stewardship管理 属性确定每月获得的科技
  • 如果角色是其领主内阁中的宫廷司祭,该属性用于确定其能力。
  • 增加角色的虔诚(或等价物)(每点+0.02/月



特质 特质主要影响属性,尽管它们也会给予好感修正、威望虔诚等。 特质对非玩家角色影响重大,因为它们用于确定AI做的大部分选择。以下是几类特质:

特质组 例子 描述
教育 幕后操控人天才战略家难以捉摸的影子神学的大师 角色在年满16岁时获得。其取决于角色的成长经历,一般来说这是角色最大的属性加成之一。
童年 亲切粗暴好奇狂信者 需要启用 DLC icon Conclave.png 御前会议DLC,儿童会在教育过程中获得。最终会转变成几个成人特质之一。
健康 无能精神错乱恶魔附身受伤 影响角色的健康,通常也会降低其他的属性并提升死亡几率。
疾病 身患疾病麻风肺炎露营热 影响角色的健康,通常因流行病患得。
症状 咳嗽感染不适呕吐 需要启用DLC icon Reaper's Due.png 死神索命 DLC,症状最终能被宫廷医师确诊为实际的疾病



政体 政体是一个角色生活或统治的政府形式。其决定了可用的继承法和角色可持有的地产类型。每种政体都有其独有的机制。部落制游牧制可以将其政体改变成其他更「安定」的类型:

政体 廷臣级肖像 男爵级肖像 伯爵级肖像 公爵级肖像 国王级肖像 皇帝级肖像 游玩所需的DLC
Feudal 封建制 Feudal Courtier Feudal Baron Feudal Count Feudal Duke Feudal King Feudal Emperor 非基督教角色需要 Dlc icon the old gods.pngDlc icon sons of abraham.pngRajas of India.png
Theocracy 神权制 Theocratic Courtier Theocratic Baron Theocratic Count Theocratic Duke Theocratic King Theocratic Emperor 仅限非玩家角色。
Tribal 部落制 Tribal link= Tribal Baron Tribal Count Tribal Duke Tribal King Tribal Emperor 非基督教角色需要 Dlc icon sword of islam.pngDlc icon the old gods.pngDlc icon sons of abraham.pngRajas of India.png
Iqta 伊克塔 Iqta Courtier Iqta Baron Ipta Count Iqta Duke Iqta King Iqta Emperor 伊斯兰教统治者需要 Dlc icon sword of islam.png
Merchant Republic 商业共和制 Merchant Republican Courtier Merchant Republican Baron Merchant Republican Count Merchant Republican Duke Merchant Republican King Merchant Republican Emperor 共和国统治者需要 Dlc icon the republic.png
Republic 共和制 Republican Courtier Republican Baron Republican Count Republican Duke Republican King Republican Emperor 仅限非玩家角色。
Nomadic 游牧制 Nomad Courtier Nomad Baron Nomad Count Nomad Duke Nomad King Nomad Emperor 游牧制统治者需要 Horse Lords.png
Chinese Imperial 中华帝国制 Chinese Imperial Courtier Chinese Imperial Baron Chinese Imperial Count Chinese Imperial Duke Chinese Imperial King Chinese Imperial Emperor 需要 Jade Dragon.png文化属于汉、女真、契丹或党项。
Confucian Bureaucracy 儒家官僚制 Confucian Bureaucratic Courtier Confucian Bureaucratic Baron Confucian Bureaucratic Count Confucian Bureaucratic Duke Confucian Bureaucratic King Confucian Bureaucratic Emperor 仅限非玩家角色。
Monastic Feudal 僧侣封建制 Monastic Feudal Courtier Monastic Feudal Baron Monastic Feudal Count Monastic Feudal Duke Monastic Feudal King Monastic Feudal Emperor 僧侣封建制统治者需要 Dlc icon the old gods.pngRajas of India.pngJade Dragon.png
Holy Order 骑士团制 Holy Order Courtier Holy Order Baron Holy Order Count Holy Order Duke Holy Order King Holy Order Emperor 仅限非玩家角色。
Imperial 帝国制 Imperial Courtier Imperial Baron Imperial Count Imperial Duke Imperial King Imperial Emperor



宗教 游戏中的每个角色都遵循一种宗教。宗教对于包括婚姻政体好感特质宣战理由在内的游戏机制有重大影响。

宗教组 宗教种类(异端种类)
基督教 天主教东正教基督合性派聂斯脱里派 ( 清洁派, 小兄弟会, 罗拉德派, 瓦勒度派波格米勒派, 圣像破坏派, 基督一志派, 保禄派基督一性派祷告派 )
犹太教 犹太教 ( 圣经派, 撒玛利亚派 )
伊斯兰教 逊尼派什叶派伊巴德派 ( 雅兹迪派, 诵经派德鲁兹派, 胡儒非派哈瓦利吉派 )
原始宗教 日耳曼多神教改革日耳曼多神教斯拉夫多神教改革斯拉夫多神教长生天改革长生天洛姆瓦教改革洛姆瓦教索米多神教改革索米多神教非洲泛灵教改革非洲泛灵教阿兹特克多神教改革阿兹特克多神教尊日神教改革尊日神教希腊多神教改革希腊多神教苯教改革苯教原始宗教

( 旧日耳曼多神教旧斯拉夫多神教旧长生天旧洛姆瓦教旧索米多神教旧非洲泛灵教旧阿兹特克多神教旧尊日神教旧希腊多神教旧苯教 )

马兹达教 祆教 ( 胡天派, 摩尼教, 马兹达克派 )
东方宗教 印度教佛教耆那教道教



文化 文化是省份或角色的民族和传统的抽象表示。


文化组 文化
Altaic Avar, Bolghar, Cuman, Jurchen, Karluk, Khazar, Khitan, Kirghiz, Mongol, Pecheng, Turkish, Uyghur
Arabic Andalusian, Bedouin, Berber, Egyptian, Levantine
Baltic Lettigallian, Lithuanian, Prussian
Bear Bear
Byzantine Alan, Armenian, Assyrian, Georgian, Greek
Cat Cat
Celtic Breton, Irish, Pictish, Scottish, Welsh
Central Germanic Frankish, German, Lombard, Suebi
Chinese Han
Dravidian Kannada, Tamil, Telugu
East African Ethiopian, Nubian, Somali
East Slavic Illmenian, Russian, Severian, Volhynian
Finno-Ugric Estonian, Finnish, Khanty, Komi, Mordvin, Nenets, Sami
Horse Horse
Iberian Basque, Castillian, Catalan, Portuguese, Visigothic
Indo-Aryan Assamese, Bengali, Gujurati, Hindustani, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Panjabi, Rajput, Sindhi, Sinhala
Iranian Afghan, Baloch, Kurdish, Persian, Saka, Sogdian, Tocharian
Israelite Ashkenazi, Sephardi
Latin French, Italian, Norman, Occitan, Roman
Magyar Hungarian
Mesoamerican Nahua
North Germanic Danish, Norse, Norwegian, Swedish
South Slavic Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian, Vlach
Tibeto-Burman Bödpa, Sumpa, Tangut, Zhangzhung
West African Mandé
West Germanic Anglo-Saxon, Dutch, English, Frisian, Saxon
West Slavic Bohemian, Polish, Pomeranian



家族 游戏中的角色通常都属于某个家族。家族是 Base icon CK2.png CK II 中最重要的方面之一;如果玩家的家族最后一个至少伯爵级的角色去世,游戏就会结束



玩家角色 当前玩家控制的角色
继承人 继承人 玩家角色的主头衔当下的继承人
近亲 近亲 兄弟姐妹和继兄弟姐妹、父母、子女、(外)祖父母、(外)孙子(女)、叔伯和姑姨、侄子(外甥)和侄女(外甥女)。
远亲 其他家族成员 堂表兄弟姐妹和远方亲戚
Bastard 私生子 公认但没有合法化的子女



血脉 Similar to, but distinct from the dynasty, are bloodlines. Bloodlines are inheritable modifiers, inherited from a single individual, which can grant prestige, piety, opinion modifiers, or special abilities. At game start, some bloodlines begin with the head of a dynasty, but these will diverge as the game passes. Bloodlines cannot normally be removed from a character (although they will gain them after the fact if a progenitor earns one).

Within the game, bloodline lineages are inherited in a more complicated manner than dynasties. They can be either patrilineal (father-inherited) or matrilineal (mother-inherited) in nature, and may or may not be inheritable through bastard characters and matrilineal marriages. Bloodlines fall into three categories: Historical Bloodlines, tied to specific characters born before or during the timeframe of 《十字军之王 II》, Saintly Bloodlines, derived from your ancestors being recognized for their piety, tied to Christians or reformed pagans with the ancestor veneration doctrine, and Created Bloodlines, which are tied to ambitions, decisions, or actions of a character.


Objectives There are several different objectives in the game, which are goals a character can attempt to achieve:

Category Description Internal Prefix
Ambition Ambition A character's specific personal desire obj_
Focus Focus A character's 5-year self improvement goal. Unlocks special events to enhance attributes or acquire lifestyle traits.
Requires the DLC icon Way of Life.png Way of Life DLC
Faction Faction An organized party of vassals united against their liege for a common purpose faction_
Plot Plot A conspiracy designed by a plotter and their backers to achieve a specific goal plot_



Realm An independent realm in Base icon CK2.png 《十字军之王 II》 is the highest political structure a character is part of. Every realm is ruled by a single independent ruler, also called top liege, and a group of vassals. The independent liege is typically the most powerful character within their realm.

If any character outside a realm has a Casus Belli (a "motive for war") upon any character within that realm, the claimant is forced to declare war upon the independent ruler. However, depending on the realm's law, a character within it can wage war upon independent rulers outside the attacker's realm, while other rulers of the claimant's realm will not interfere.

A sub-realm refers to all titles a character holds, and their vassals. For instance, the Duke of Essex who lives in the Kingdom of England, is the ruler (liege) of a sub-realm consisting of his duchy and all counts and barons below him.



Raise Personal Levies Demesne levies are levies mustered from a character's personal holdings. Their size depends mostly on the holding type, buildings, and the character's Martial martial skill. While they are raised, the character pays a monthly maintenance cost and they reinforce more slowly.

Raise Liege Levies Liege levies are mustered from a character's direct vassals. The amount a liege can raise depends mostly on demesne laws and the direct vassals' opinion of their liege.



Wealth The primary source of income for a character is usually all personal holdings within their demesne, though courtiers and rulers may also gain wealth through minor titles or by having a seat on their liege's council.

Stewardship Stewardship skill plays a large role in a character's demesne income. Personal and spouse Stewardship stewardship influence a ruler's demesne limit, while the skill of a character's steward improves income in a province if they are assigned there the job to Raise taxes. The total state stewardship gives a boost to all demesne income.

The following buildings increase the tax income of holdings:

If the character is a Patrician or has access to the Silk Road, the Trade Post holding becomes available to improve even further demesne income.



Prestige Prestige is a measure of a character's honour and respect. It contributes to score on character's death.

Prestige is increased in a variety of ways. Any given title will gradually increase the holder's prestige.

A high Diplomacy diplomacy skill will slowly increase prestige, as well as by having vassals.

Creating or usurping titles will also give a lump sum of prestige, and some traits give prestige bonus per month.

Winning battles and sieges earns significant prestige, divided primarily among the flank leaders, but also among the unit owners. Wars fought under most Casus Belli ("motives for war") give a significant prestige boost to the winner and major participants, whereas they decrease the loser's prestige.

Tribal rulers may gain prestige by assigning their steward the job to Build Legend.

Patricians get +1 prestige per month for every 2,000 wealth they possess (it caps out at 6,000 wealth).

Titles: Prestige Gain / Loss
Name Creation Destruction Usurp Hold Directly Vassal Holds
Barony 50 N/A N/A +0.025 /month +0.025 /month
County N/A N/A N/A +0.1 /mo. +0.1 /mo.
Duchy 200 -200 50 +0.2 /mo. +0.2 /mo.
Kingdom 400 -400 100 +0.8 /mo. +0.8 /mo.
Empire 800 -800 200 +1.6 /mo. N/A
Dynasty Prestige Values
Barony County Duchy Kingdom Empire
1 5 10 20 40



虔诚 虔诚衡量了角色对其宗教的笃信程度。其通过各种与宗教相关的机制增长。虔诚会在角色死亡后计入分数



个人属性 属性特质虔诚威望文化宗教家族称号好感
行为 外交决议教育婚姻/生育摄政人情
目标 派系野心阴谋生活重心
恶行 刺杀暴政驱逐处决逮捕剥夺头衔贿赂
其他 内阁廷臣疾病继承同盟