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[[File:Zoroastrian.png]] '''Zoroastrianism,''' also called Mazdaism and Magianism, is an ancient Iranian [[religion]] and philosophy. It was once the state religion of the {{w|Achaemenid Empire}} and the {{w|Sasanian Empire}}, but by the era covered by Crusader Kings II, it had been mostly supplanted by [[Islam]]. Non-nomadic rulers of this religion require {{icon|tog}} ''[[The Old Gods]]'' DLC to be playable; {{icon|jd}}''[[Jade Dragon]]'' DLC only makes Khurmazta rulers playable.
[[File:Zoroastrian.png]] {{N| 祆教|Zoroastrianism}} ,又称拜马兹达教和拜火教,一种古伊朗[[宗教]]和哲学。它曾是阿契美尼德帝国和萨珊帝国的国教,但在王国风云II的时代,它几乎被[[ 伊斯兰教]] 取代了。该宗教的非游牧制统治者需要 {{icon|tog}} '''[[ 逝往神灵]]'''DLC 才可玩;{{icon|jd}} '''[[ 碧玉之龙]]'''DLC 仅使得胡天派统治者可玩。

== Religious Mechanics ==
== 宗教机制 ==
[[File:Hszoroastrian.png|thumb|right|Zoroastrian holy sites.]]
[[File:Hszoroastrian.png|thumb|right| 祆教圣地]]
* Zoroastrianism is an Organized Religion in a Religion Group (Mazdan) of its own.
*'''祆教'''是马兹达宗教组的一个有组织(+20% [[宗教权威]])的宗教
* Has five Holy Sites, all located in the de jure Persian [[Empire]]: 
* 它有五个圣地,其领土全部位于波斯[[帝国]][[ 法理]]
** '''Dashtestan''': Location of The Great Fire of  Ādur Farnbāg (Glory-given). Revered by the priestly estate and the first among the three great fires.
** ''' 达什特斯坦''' Ādur Farnbāg (Glory-given) 圣火的所在地。受祭司阶层崇拜,处于三圣火中的第一位。
** '''Kurdistan''': Location of The Great Fire of  Ādur Gushnasp (Stallion). Revered by the warrior estate, to which the kings themselves belonged.
** ''' 库尔德斯坦''' Ādur Gushnasp (Stallion) 圣火的所在地。受战士阶层崇拜,国王自己也属于此阶层。
** '''Nishapur''': Location of The Great Fire of  Ādur Burzēn-Mihr (Exalted is Mihr). Revered by the farmers and the last among the three great fires.
** ''' 内沙布尔''' Ādur Burzēn-Mihr (Exalted is Mihr) 圣火的所在地。受农民崇拜,处于三圣火的最末位。
** '''Jabal Qufs''': Location of Lake H āmūn, which is said to be the keeper of Zoroaster's seed. In Zoroastrian eschatology, when the final renovation of the world is near, maidens will enter the lake and then give birth to the Saoshyants.
** ''' 古夫斯山''' :H āmūn 湖所在地,此湖被成为琐罗亚斯德保留火种的地方。在祆教的末世论中,当世界末日来临之前,少女将进入湖中,然后生下萨奥希扬特。
** '''Balkh''': Zoroaster, after converting Shah Vishtasp of Bactria, settled permanently in Balkh and made it the centre of his religion.
** ''' 缚喝''' :琐罗亚斯德,在使Shah Vishtasp of Bactria 皈依后,长久地定居在缚喝,并且使得此地成为其宗教的中心。
* Rulers have access to the Holy War [[Casus Belli]].
* 祆教统治者可以使用圣战[[ 宣战理由]].
* Starts the game without a [[Religious Head]], but if one is [[Decisions#Religious|instated]], that Head can Grant [[Casus Belli#Invasion .28Christian.29|Invasions]] and declare Crusades (called Great Holy Wars), and rulers can Request Divorces from him.
* 在任何开局时间它没有[[ 宗教领袖]], 除非使用特殊决议, 宗教领袖可以给予[[Casus Belli#Invasion.28Christian.29| 准许入侵]] 并进行大圣战。统治者也可以向他寻求离婚。
* Missionaries: Like other Organized Religions, Zoroastrians can send out missionaries to [[Pagan]] realms.
* 传教:和其他有组织宗教一样,祆教可以向[[ 原始宗教]] 的领地派遣传教士。
* Bishop-type vassals grant their liege Piety over time, similar to Pagan religions.
* 神权政体封臣可以给予他们的领主[[ 虔诚]]
* [[Concubines]]: Like Pagans, Zoroastrian rulers can be married to only one individual, but males can take up to three [[Concubines]].
* 纳妾:就像[[ 原始宗教]] 徒,祆教统治者只能娶一个正妻,但可以有三个妾。
* With {{icon|soa}}[[Sons of Abraham]], Zoroastrians are able to receive [[Judaism#Jewish courtiers and merchants|Jewish courtiers]] and borrow money from Jewish merchants like Christians/Muslims.
* {{icon|soa}} [[Sons of Abraham|亚伯拉罕之子]] , 祆教徒可以接受[[Judaism#Jewish courtiers and merchants| 犹太教廷臣]] 和从犹太人处借钱。
* Sky Burial: Mazdans may perform Sky Burial to dead relatives (requires {{icon|hl}}[[Horse Lords]] DLC)
* 天葬: 祆教徒可以天葬去世的亲戚。( 需要 {{icon|hl}} [[Horse Lords|马上领主]] DLC)
* Intermarry: Mazdans may intermarry with following religions: Bön, Buddhist, Nestorian, Tengri & Zunist. Manicheans may also marry with Taoists.
* 通婚:祆教徒可以与以下宗教的信徒通婚: 苯教, 佛教, 聂斯脱里派, 长生天, 卡尔马特派,尊日神教和道教。
* [[Divine marriage]]: Rulers can marry close relatives, which gives the ruler an opinion bonus (+5) with Zoroastrian vassals.
* 血亲圣婚:祆教徒可以近亲结婚,并且给予一个对所有祆教附庸的好感加成(+5)
* Restore Persian Empire: A Zoroastrian ruler who becomes emperor of Persia has access to two unique decisions: Restore the High Priesthood and become the {{iconify|Saoshyant}} (requires '''complete''' control of the Persian Empire).
* 重建波斯帝国:成为波斯皇帝的祆教统治者可以使用以下两个特殊决议:重建最高祭司和成为 {{iconify|Saoshyant}} ( 需要''' 完全''' 控制波斯帝国)

With {{icon|mnm}}''[[Monks and Mystics]]'', Mazdan rulers are permitted to join the [[Societies#Hermetic Society|Hermetic Society]].
拥有{{icon|mnm}} '''[[Monks and Mystics|修道士与密契者密修士]]''', 马兹达宗教组的统治者可以加入[[Societies#Hermetic Society| 赫耳墨斯学会]]

=== Restoring the High Priesthood ===
=== 恢复大祭司 ===

A Zoroastrian ruler of the Persian Empire with 300 [[Piety]] can re-establish the Zoroastrian priesthood, granting the faith a Religious Head: the Moabadan-Moabad, who resides in Esfahan. The Moabadan-Moabad, like other Religious Heads, can grant [[Casus Belli#Invasion .28Christian.29|Invasions]] and call [[Crusade|Great Holy Wars]], and rulers can Request Divorces from him. Unlike most other religions, Zoroastrians do not need to wait until the 1100s to call Great Holy Wars; they may be declared as soon as the priesthood is reestablished. Restoring the Moabadan-Moabad also makes the Zoroastrian [[holy orders|holy order]], the Immortals, available. The targets for the Great Holy Wars will be [[Kingdoms#|Syria]], [[Kingdoms#|Armenia]] at first, followed by [[Kingdoms#|Ifriqiya]], [[Kingdoms#|Georgia]] or [[Kingdoms#|Egypt]] in order to restore the approximate borders of the Sassanid Empire and invade the long-coveted territory of the [[Empires#Roman Empire|Roman Empire]]. As such, Great Holy Wars in [[Kingdoms#|Arabia]] or beyond [[Kingdoms#|Transoxania]] or [[Kingdoms#|Sistan]] are unlikely.
波斯帝国的祆教统治者可以花费300[[ 虔诚]] 恢复大祭司, 该信仰获得一位宗教领袖:住在伊斯法罕的穆贝旦-穆贝德。穆贝旦-穆贝德,就像其他宗教领袖一样可以准许[[Casus Belli#Invasion .28Christian.29| 入侵]] 和发动[[Crusade| 大圣战]] ,统治者还可以向他请求离婚。
跟大部分宗教不同,祆教教徒不需等到1100年才能发动大圣战,他们可以在重建最高祭司后立即发动大圣战。恢复穆贝旦-穆贝德也会建立祆教的[[ 骑士团]] ,长生军。大圣战的目标将先是[[Kingdoms#| 叙利亚]] [[Kingdoms#| 亚美尼亚]] ,接着是[[Kingdoms#| 易弗里基叶<!-- Ifriqiya -->]] [[Kingdoms#| 格鲁吉亚]] [[Kingdoms#| 埃及]] ,这是为了恢复萨珊帝国的大致疆域,并且入侵觊觎已久的[[Empires#Roman Empire| 罗马帝国]] 的领地。因此,不可能在[[Kingdoms#| 阿拉伯]] [[Kingdoms#| 河中]] [[Kingdoms#| 昔思丹]] 发动圣战。

=== Becoming the Saoshyant ===
=== 成为萨奥希扬特 ===

A Zoroastrian ruler of the Persian Empire with 1500 [[Piety]] and control of all holdings in the de jure [[Empires#|Persian Empire]], regardless of eventual [[de jure#de jure shifts|de jure shifts]], can become the Saoshyant. The Saoshyant is a messiah figure recognized by Zoroastrians. The ruler will be granted the unique trait '''{{iconify|Saoshyant}}''', which gives +10 Vassal Opinion and +5 Personal Combat Skill. Descendants of the Saoshyant will receive the trait '''{{iconify|Saoshyant descendant}}''', which gives +5 Vassal Opinion. Unlike the {{iconify|Sayyid}} trait recognized by Muslims, the Saoshyant descendant trait is not limited to agnatic descent.
波斯帝国的祆教统治者如果有1500[[ 虔诚]] 并且控制[[Empires#| 波斯帝国]] 内所有法理地产,无视最终的[[de jure#de jure shifts| 法理转移]] ,可以成为萨奥希扬特。萨奥希扬特是一位被祆教徒认为是救世主的人物。统治者将获得独有的特质 '''{{iconify|Saoshyant}}''' ,给予+10 封臣好感和+5 个人实战能力。萨奥希扬特的后裔将获得特质 '''{{iconify|Saoshyant descendant}}''' ,给予+5 封臣好感。不像穆斯林的 {{iconify|Sayyid}} 特质,萨奥希扬特后裔特质不限于男性世系。

=== Jashan-e Sadah ===
=== 迦辛撒答节 ===

Sadah festival is a religious festival for Zoroastrians (and Khurmazta heresy) which is quite similiar to Pagan festivals but with a a variable decisions for various bonus/penalties depending on rulers traits. It can be held every five years.
迦辛撒答节是祆教(和胡天派)的宗教节日,和原始宗教节日很相似,但是根据统治者的特质,会有可变化的带来多种加成/ 惩罚的决议。

=== Sky Burial ===
=== 天葬 ===

Sky Burial is available (with Horse Lords DLC) for all Mazdan rulers along with {{icon|hl}}Nomadic Dharmic or Tengri rulers. Decision to perform Sky Burial can become available if a close relative of yours dies. You can then take the body to a mountain to be devoured by vultures. The event chain which follows is quite similar to Pilgrimage event chain.

=== Heresies [[file:Zoroastrian Heresy.png]] ===
=== 异端 [[file:Zoroastrian Heresy.png]] ===
[[File:Hsmanichean.png|thumb|right|Manichean holy sites.]]
[[File:Hsmanichean.png|thumb|right| 摩尼教圣地]]
The Mazdan religious group has three heresies - Khurmazta, Manichaean and Mazdaki. They differ from the parent faith in the following ways:
*Other than Khurmazta, other Zoroastrian heresies do not allow the character to become the Saoshyant.
*'''胡天派''':此宗教有守护神机制,类似于[[印度教]] 。他们无法收益于血亲圣婚或恢复大祭司,但可以成为萨奥希扬特。他们的守护神有:
*'''Khurmazta''': This religion has the Patron Deity mechanic, similar to [[Hindu]]s. They may not benefit from Divine Marriage or restore the Priesthood but can become Saoshyant.
**'''戴西'''(+2 管理,-5% 建造花费,-1 军事)
*'''{{w|Mazdak|Mazdaki}}''': Mazdaki lack concubines and Divine Marriage mechanics and have access to Summer Fair decision. They do not suffer penalties from female rulers and women may hold temples. They can also be appointed as commanders or Moabad.
**'''纳奈雅'''(+2 外交,-25% 生育能力,-1 密谋)
*'''{{w|Manichaeism}}''': Manichaeism is almost a separate religion and is very different from orthodox Zoroastrianism. They lack concubines and may not benefit from Jews or Divine Marriage. They have their religious feast, as well as their own [[Religious head|religious head]]: the Yamag (who, like Christian religious heads, always exists). They may also form a holy order if certain criteria are met and have different holy sites from other Mazdans. Manichean holy sites are in:
**'''班'''(+2 密谋,+0.5 每月威望,-1 管理)
** '''Khozistan''': Where the Prophet Mani has his first revelation and also where he was later martyred by Shah Bahram I.
**'''维施帕卡'''(+1 健康,-1 外交)
** '''Baghdad''': Mani's designated successors, the Patriarch at the head of Manichaeism, was originally seated in Ctesiphon.
**'''韦勒斯拉纳'''(+3 军事, -1 学识)
** '''Samarkand''': Due to persecution under the Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad, most Manicheans fled to Samarkand which became their new Patriarchate.
**''' 祖尔万''' (+3 学识,-1 密谋)
** '''Jerusalem''': Mani declared himself to be the "apostle of Jesus Christ".
*'''{{w|Mazdak| 马兹达克派}}''' :马兹达克派没有妾和血亲圣婚机制,有夏季集市决议。他们不能恢复大祭司,但可以成为萨奥希扬特。他们不会因女性统治者及女性持有神殿而受到惩罚。她们也可以被任命为指挥官或穆贝德。
** '''Udabhanda''': Site of Mani's first learning trip, where he studied Hinduism.
*'''{{w|Manichaeism|摩尼教}}''' :摩尼教几乎是一个独立的宗教,和正统祆教非常不同。他们没有妾也不会受益于犹太人或血亲圣婚。他们有自己的宗教节日,也有自己的[[ 宗教领袖]] :阎默(类似于基督教的宗教领袖,总是存在)。他们也可以建立一个骑士团,如果某些标准满足。摩尼教的圣地和其他马兹达宗教组内的宗教不同。摩尼教的圣地有:
***Unusually, almost all Manichean holy sites are important {{icon|hl}}{{icon|jd}}[[Silk Road]] counties; even Khozistan is next to Basra, another important Silk Road county.
** ''' 胡齐斯坦''' :先知摩尼获得第一个启示之地,也是他被巴赫拉姆一世杀害之地。
** ''' 巴格达''' :摩尼指定的继承人,摩尼教的领袖,最初在{{Ruby|泰西封|Ctesiphon}}。
** ''' 撒马尔罕''' :因为巴格达的阿拔斯哈里发的迫害,大部分摩尼教徒逃至撒马尔罕,此地成为他们新的宗主教区。
** ''' 耶路撒冷''' :摩尼宣称他自己是“耶稣基督的使徒”。
** ''' 乌铎迦汉荼''' :摩尼第一次学习旅行的地点,他在那里学习印度教。
*** 不同寻常的是,几乎所有的摩尼教圣地都是重要的 {{icon|hl}} {{icon|jd}} [[ 丝绸之路]] 省份:甚至连胡齐斯坦也邻接巴士拉——另一个重要的丝绸之路省份。

Manichean rulers are available for play in every bookmark while other Mazdans are only present in {{icon|cm}}769/{{icon|tog}}867 starts.
任何开局都有摩尼教统治者可玩,而其他马兹达教仅在 {{icon|cm}} 769 {{icon|tog}} 867 开局出现。

== Playable Zoroastrians ==
== 可玩的祆教徒 ==

The Crusader Kings [[start date|timeline]] starts after [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_conquest_of_Persia the Muslim conquest of Persia]. Therefore, the number of playable Zoroastrians is quite small. To make things even more difficult, most of these rulers are relatively weak and vassals to stronger powers.
王国风云[[ 开局时间| 时间线]] 开始于[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_conquest_of_Persia 穆斯林征服波斯] 之后。因此,可玩的祆教角色很少。让事情变得更加困难的是,这些统治者中的大多数都是相对弱小的,是强国的附庸。

=== {{icon|cm}}[[Charlemagne]] (769) Start Date ===
=== {{icon|cm}} [[ 查理曼]] (769)开局===

It has been slightly over a century since Muslims conquered Persia and Zoroastrianism is still followed by a majority of the people living there, meaning that province revolts shouldn't be an issue, provided the player is lucky and acts quickly enough. However, most of Persia and Baluchistan is under the control of the Abbasid Caliphate while two independent tributary Muslim dynasies, the Bajanids & Taids, control Khiva & Khorasan. Only Afghanistan has staved off the Muslim invaders and is still held by Buddhist & [[Pagan#Zunist pagans|Zunist]] rulers. A large number of Zoroastrians still hold land under the Abbasids & Bajanids, however, in the hands of the AI, they are often quickly converted and/or have their titles revoked.
穆斯林征服波斯一个世纪后,祆教仍是那里的大部分居民的信仰,意味着省份叛乱不会成为问题,前提是玩家足够幸运并且动作迅速。但是,波斯和昔思丹大部分地区处于阿拔斯哈里发的控制下,而两个独立的穆斯林朝贡国,巴詹和塔伊德,控制着河中和呼罗珊。只有迦布罗免于穆斯林入侵,仍然被佛教和[[ 原始宗教# 尊日神教| 尊日神教]] 统治者持有。大量祆教徒在阿拔斯和巴詹统治下仍然持有领地,但是,在AI手中时,他们经常很快就会皈依并且/ 或者被剥夺头衔。

The strongest of these Zoroastrian vassals and the only duke-level Zoroastrian in 769 is Satrap [[Interesting characters guide#Zoroastrian|Sorkhab Bavandid]], who also controls Tabaristan and parts of Dihistan, under the Abbasid Caliph. In total Sorkhab controls eight provinces and has three vassal marzobans (counts), though one of these is his son & heir Shervin. Sorkhab is an old man and usually dies within a few years, which may be a good or bad thing, as his and Shervin's traits are both random. It is quite possible to enable creation of kingdom of Daylam with Shorkab if you use Piety focus to get enough Piety as you can create duchy of Gilan and press your claims (unless Caliph gives your de-jure vassals automatically).
这些祆教封臣中最强大的一人,也是769开局中唯一的公爵头衔的祆教徒是总督[[ 有趣角色指南# 祆教| 索克哈比 巴文德]] ,他控制着陀拔斯单和部分大益斯坦,处于阿拔斯哈里发治下。索克哈比总共控制着8个省份,有三位附庸的马尔佐班(伯爵),尽管其中一位是他的儿子及继承人谢尔文。索克哈比年事已高,通常在几年内就会去世,可能是好事也可能是坏事,因为他和谢尔文的特质都是随机的。如果你使用虔诚重心来积累足够的虔诚使得你能够创建吉兰公国以及索取你的宣称(除非哈里发自动授予你法理封臣),很有可能创建德莱木王国。

The second strongest Zoroastrian is Vandad Hormozd, who holds three provinces as a vassal of Sorkhab. Historically, he urged Shervin Bavandid to start a rebellion against the Abbasid Caliphate. At some point Caliph will likely hand duchy of Dihistan to Vandad so if you play as Shervin, it's best to create it yourself so you can still form kingdom of Daylam.
第二强大的祆教徒是凡达得 霍尔木兹德,他作为索克哈比的封臣持有3个省份。历史上,他怂恿谢尔文 巴文德发动了对阿拔斯哈里发的叛乱。某种情况下,哈里发可能会将大益斯坦公国授予凡达得,所以如果你扮演谢文,最好是你自己创造它,这样你仍然可以创建德莱木王国。

Every other Zoroastrian/Mazdaki marzoban in Persia/Baluchistan rules single provinces either as direct vassals of the Caliph or under Muslim Emirs. Suffice to say, they are all extremely challenging starts. The "strongest" of these outside Sorkhab might be [[Interesting characters guide#Mazdaki|Anushirvan]], the Mazdaki marzoban of Esfahan, due to the fact that he occupies one of the richest provinces in Persia.
波斯/ 昔思丹内的其他每一位祆教/ 马兹达教的马尔佐班都统治着一个省份,是哈里发或者穆斯林埃米尔的直属封臣。无需多说,他们都是极具挑战性的开局。这些除了索克哈比的角色中“最强”的一位可能是[[ 有趣角色指南# 马兹达克派| 阿努什尔万]] ,伊斯法罕的马兹达克派马尔佐班,因为他占据了波斯最富裕的省份之一。

The situation is much easier in the lands of the Bajanid dynasty where there are four playable Mazdans. The Bajanid ruler is weak and outnumbered by his vassals who mostly hate him due to having a different culture and/or religion. It is also easy to eat up the Bajanids from within by fabricating claims while staying safe from surrounding Muslims. However, bear in mind that the Bajanids are initially a tributary of the Abbasids and can call on their assistance in war.
在巴詹家族控制的土地上,情况要简单的多,这里有四位可玩的马兹达教角色。巴詹的统治者弱小而且由于拥有不同的文化和/ 或宗教,他的封臣大多都厌恶他。在不受周围穆斯林威胁的情况下,容易在内部通过伪造宣称吞掉巴詹。但是要记住,巴詹最初是阿拔斯的一个朝贡国,可以请求阿拔斯在战争中提供帮助。

The only independent Mazdans in this start are steppe [[Nomadism|nomads]]. The eastern steppes are held by the powerful Uyghur Empire, whose ruler Tengri Bogu follows Manichaeanism along with most of his vassal Khans. West of the Uyghurs are the Kicphacks, a weaker Manichaean realm. Ruler of Alans has three sons and youngest of these follows Zoroastrianism while Khagan of Burtas has a Manichean vassal. Finally, a single feudal Sogdian can be found as vassal of Karluks in Chach.
此开局唯一的独立马兹达教角色是草原[[ 游牧制| 游牧角色]] 。东大草原被强大的回鹘帝国持有,其统治者{{Ruby|登里牟羽|Tengri Bögü}}可汗和他的大部分附庸汗王都信仰摩尼教。回鹘的西边是钦察,一个弱小的摩尼教国家。阿兰尼亚可汗的小儿子信仰祆教,而布尔塔斯可汗有一位附庸汗王信仰摩尼教。匈牙利的马尔毛罗什酋长信仰摩尼教。最后,葛逻禄的封臣赭石伯爵是信仰胡天派的粟特人。

In total, there are over twenty initially playable Zoroastrians/Mazdans in this start, although in general, their small size, the presence/suzerainty of powerful Muslims, and lack of event troops make 769 a much harder start date for Mazdans than 867. The Uyghur Empire is a major exception here, of course.
总的来说,在这一开局有超过20个祆教/ 马兹达教角色可玩,尽管总体来说,他们的小领地,强大的穆斯林的存在/ 宗主地位,以及缺乏事件部队,使得769开局比867更难。当然,回鹘帝国是一个主要的例外。

==={{icon|tog}}[[The Old Gods]] (867) Start Date ===
==={{icon|tog}} [[ 逝往神灵]] (867)开局===
The Zoroastrian faith is still followed by a large percentage of the populace in Khiva and northern Persia. There is again, only one duke-level ruler: Vandad Karen, Satrap of Dihistan, although unlike Sorkhab Bavandid in 769, he is independent. Vandad starts the game with no wife, allies or children. He does have a sister, Farrah, in her 30s who can be married off or used for the divine marriage bonus. Vandad starts with a few thousand [[event troops]] and five provinces. He also has two vassals, both which control two provinces. Chief Darius of Usturt interestingly controls two tribal realms.
河中和波斯北部的大部分平民仍然信仰祆教。再一次,只有一位公爵级别的统治者:万达德 凯伦,大益斯坦的总督,尽管不像769年的索克哈比 巴文德,他是独立的。万达德开局没有妻子,同盟或子女。 他有一位妹妹,法拉赫,在她30多岁的时候,她可以嫁出去,也可以用于血亲婚姻的加成。万达德开局有几千[[ 事件部队]] 和5个省份。他也有两位封臣,都控制两个省份。有趣的是,乌斯秋尔特的酋长大流士控制着两个部落领地。

The other independent Zoroastrian within Persia is Wahsudan Justanid, a Kurdish Marzoban of Gilan who also starts with event troops, but his position, bordering the Abbasids, is even more precarious than Vandad's. (If playing as Vandad, Gilan can be allied or may join the defense in holy wars. Finally, two Mazdans in Pamir start as tributary states of the powerful Samanids.
另一位位于波斯的独立祆教角色是瓦苏丹 吉斯丹,库尔德文化的吉兰马尔佐班,开局也有事件部队,但他毗邻阿拔斯,比万达德更危险。(如果扮演万达德,吉兰可以成为盟友或者加入防守圣战。最后,播密的胡天派角色,开局是强大的萨曼王朝的朝贡国。邻近的吉尔吉特马尔佐班是独立的粟特文化祆教徒。

Between Dihistan and Gilan is the Alavid Emirate of Tabaristan, whose ruler just so happens to be the senior living descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. However, the Alavids are vulnerable - as Shia Muslims, they can be holy warred with impunity, as their Sunni neighbours will not help them, and may even declare holy war on the Alavids themselves. Yet more conveniently for Vandad and Wahsudan, the Alavids have two Zoroastrian vassals, one of them being [[Interesting characters guide#Zoroastrian|Rostam Bavandid]]. Rostam has no event troops but as a ruler he usually gets very good traits and high skill scores.
在大益斯坦和吉兰之间是陀拔斯单的阿拉维埃米尔国,其统治者正好是先知穆罕默德的后裔。但是,阿拉维很脆弱,因为是什叶派穆斯林,向他们发动圣战不会有危险,因为他们的逊尼派邻居不会帮助他们,甚至可能自己向阿拉维发动圣战。对于万达德和瓦苏丹来说更方便的是,阿拉维有两位祆教封臣,其中一位是[[ 有趣角色指南# 祆教| 罗斯塔姆 巴文德]] 。罗斯塔姆没有事件部队,但作为统治者他通常有很好的特质和高属性能力。

Even if you don't play as him, he will usually prove useful; provided he doesn't cave in to conversion demands from his liege, he will probably rise against him, providing either Vandad or Wahsudan with an opportunity to easily dispatch the distracted Emir. Additionally, if Rostam does become independent - and stays a Zoroastrian - he may agree to become Vandad's vassal instead.

In Khiva, the Samanid Shah has three historically Zoroastrian dynasties as his vassals - the Afshin, Afrighid, Khuda dynasties. Of these, only the Sogdian Khudas of Bukhara, still follow Zoroastrianism, while the other two have converted to Sunni Islam. The Khudas can quite easily expand within the Samanid realm and attempt to control Silk Road trade, though eventually converting back to Zoroastrianism as the Afshin is easier as you can easily take control of Samarkand via conquest casus belli.

Naturally, there are Mazdans outside Persia too. While Uyghur Empire has collapsed, its feudal successor states now hold bulk of the Tarim Basin, split between the states of Qocho & Kumul. Both are Manichaean and of the two, [[Interesting characters guide#Manichaean|Kutan of Qocho]] is more powerful and offers one of the more interesting starting locations in the game. In Alania, tribal chief Magkae of Kuma is Zoroastrian though his oldest son & heir is a christian. Itaz Ovseti, ruler of Alania also has two sons and younger of these follows of Mazdaki faith.

Among the nomads, Khagan of Burtas is Manichean while three Manichean Khans can be found as vassals of Karakhanids, Pechenegs & Kirghiz.

==='Stamford Bridge' (1066) Start Date and later===
===' 铁之世纪' (936)开局===
Zoroastrianism is still followed by some of the populace of Persia and Zoroastrian courtiers can be found in various courts there. There is also a Zoroastrian province on the western coast of India - Daman - along with several courtiers to simulate the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsi Parsi] diaspora but there are no playable Zoroastrians available in or beyond 1066. It is possible for rulers to switch their religion, and the player can use [[Ruler Designer]] to create a Zoroastrian character, or the populace of a Zoroastrian county can rebel against their liege. Assuming none of these things happen, though, the faith is, for all intents and purposes, doomed.

However, three historically Zoroastrian dynasties who have now converted to Islam - the Baduspanids, Bavandids and [[Interesting characters guide#Sunni|Ziyarids]] - still hold land in Tabaristan as vassals to the ever-changing rulers of Persia and it is relatively easy to switch religion, especially early on, as the provinces of Tabaristan remain bastions of Zoroastrianism in 1066. Some historical sources also say that Baduspanids might have actually been Crypto-Zoroastrians during this period and to account for this, they (and Ziyarid ruler) start with Sympathy for Zoroastrians trait.

The Ziyarids vanish after 1090 but the Baduspanids & Bavandids (who are both cadet branches of the Sassanid dynasty) are playable until the end of the game.

From 1187 onward, Tabaristan is no longer Zoroastrian and consequentially, resurrecting the faith becomes much harder for either dynasty. The best opportunity to do this is with Rakim Gaubara (Shia) of the Baduspanid dynasty in 1236. He is a Satrap of Tabriz and vassal of the Ilkhanate. He can quite easily secure one of the remaining Zoroastrian provinces and holy sites before converting to Zoroastrianism.
祆教仍然被波斯的部分平民所信仰,祆教廷臣可以在多个宫廷找到。在印度的西海岸也有一个信仰祆教的省份——陀曼那——有几位廷臣用于模拟[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsi 帕西人]的流离,但在1066年及以后那里没有可玩的祆教角色。统治者有可能转变他们的宗教,并且玩家可以使用[[角色设计器]]来创建祆教角色,或者一个祆教省份的平民可能发生叛乱。假如这些事都没有发生,无论从哪方面来看,这种信仰都是注定要失败的。

By 1337, only three provinces in Persia will still be Zoroastrian, so if you plan on retaking the Sassanid Empire this late, you'll have to move pretty quickly. However, you may still receive a Mazdan court physician if you are using {{icon|trd}}[[The Reaper's Due]], so even if all provinces are converted it does not necessarily mean resurrecting the faith becomes impossible.
但是,三个历史上的祆教家族现在皈依了伊斯兰教——帕杜斯潘,巴文德和[[ 有趣角色指南#逊尼派|齐雅尔]] ——仍然作为不断变换的波斯统治者的封臣,在陀拔斯单持有领地,并且相对容易转变宗教,尤其在早期,因为陀拔斯单省份在1066年仍然是祆教堡垒。某些历史资料也提到帕杜斯潘可能实际上在这一时期是秘密的祆教徒,为了解释这一点,他们(和齐雅尔统治者)开局有马兹达教同情者的特质。

Likewise, Manichaeanism is still around; north of Samarkand, surrounded by hostile Muslims, Chuy remains as an independent realm. From 1109 onward, the chief is a Nestorian Christian. The Mongols destroy the realm after the 1220 bookmark but interestingly enough, the last Nestorian ruler has a Manichaean son.

North of Chuy, is the Khaganate of Kirghiz whose ruler is also Manichaean. Unlike Chuy, he survives the Mongol onslaught and becomes their vassal, being a playable Mazdan throughout the game period, though by 1337 the Kirghiz are reduced to tribal chiefs.
从1187年开始,陀拔斯单不再信仰祆教,因此,信仰的复兴对任何一个家族来说都变得更加困难。实现复兴的最好机会是1236年帕杜斯潘家族的拉希姆 加乌巴拉(什叶派)。他是大不里士总督,是伊儿汗国的封臣。他可以在皈依祆教前轻易获得仅剩的祆教省份和圣地之一。

== Tips and Tricks ==
到1337年,波斯只有三个省仍然信仰祆教,所以如果你打算这么晚来重新夺回萨珊王朝,你必须尽快行动。但是,如果启用 {{icon|trd}} [[死神索命]],你可能获得一位马兹达教宫廷医生,所以即使所有省份都已转变宗教,恢复信仰也不是不可能。

* If you are independent, stay on the offensive! Almost anyone can declare holy war on you, but you can also do the same. Building up your power-base quickly will ensure that rulers think twice about taking your land.
* Use the terrain to your advantage. Invasions from enemies twice your size can be survived by letting attrition weaken your foes in deserts and then engaging them on river crossings or mountains with more equal numbers. Using excellent commanders also has a great influence over combat performance.
* You need money. Do not hesitate to borrow money from Jews or expel them if your survival is at stake.
* With {{icon|roi}}''Rajas of India'', you can switch back to Zoroastrianism if you have to convert due to holy war. You can "hide" from stronger Muslim powers this way and use the opportunity to expand at the expense of smaller realms.
* In the Old Gods start when playing as Vandad, you can expand into Tarim Basin and replace Buddhist rulers there with Zoroastrians so you have other rulers to ally with or gain assistance from in holy wars.
* With patch 2.7, you can secretly remain Zoroastrian while trying to garner support for your secret cult, before openly adopting the faith and leading a large-scale rebellion against your liege.

== Strategies ==
A career as a Zoroastrian ruler is usually quite challenging due to lack of potential allies and hostile neighbors. Careful use of mechanics and cynical political dealings such as temporarily converting to secure alliances can help you rise to the top. Do not be fooled by your initial event troops in Old Gods start as bigger realms can still survive your attacks as their levies replenish and you will soon find yourself outnumbered.

All this means that playing as a Zoroastrian is recommended for more experienced players. The following are some of the strategies on how to succeed as Zoroastrian.
== 提示和技巧 ==

=== Falsely confessing faith ===
* 如果你是独立的,保持进攻!几乎任何人都可以向你发动圣战,但你也可以这样做。迅速建立你的权力基础将确保统治者在夺取你的土地时三思而后行。
With [[Patch 2.7]], by far the easiest tactic to build a secure power base is to use ”Falsely confess faith decision to appear as Muslim and using Conquest CB to carve yourself a realm within a large Muslim realm. Another good reason to do this is to prevent partition of your [[demesne]] due to your [[Gavelkind]] succession thanks to the Iqtâ system. The general tactics are the same for the Muslim rulers. Keep your liege happy, stock up on piety and marry your heirs with Muslim vassals outside territories you want for yourself for alliances. You may also attempt to convert others to secretly become Zoroastrian as well. As most strong Zoroastrian rulers are available within de-jure Daylam, securing the kingdom title for yourself should be top priority as it cannot be freely revoked by Iqta government.
* 充分利用地形。对于军队数量两倍于你的入侵,可以通过在沙漠中损耗削弱你的敌人,然后与他们在河岸或者山地以更加相近的数量进行作战。使用优秀的指挥官对作战表现也有很大的影响。
* 你需要金钱。不要犹豫于向犹太人借钱或者驱逐他们,如果你危在旦夕。
* 启用 {{icon|roi}} '''印度罗阇''',你可以再转变回祆教,如果你因为圣战必须皈依。你可以通过这种方式“隐匿 于更强大的穆斯林势力,以较小的领地作为代价来利用扩张的机会。
* 在逝往神灵开局扮演万达德,你可以扩张到塔里木盆地,用祆教徒替代那里的佛教统治者,这样你可以获得其他统治者作为同盟或者在圣战中获得帮助。
* 在版本2.7中,在公开信仰并且领导大规模叛乱前,你可以秘密信仰祆教,同时为你的秘密教团争取支持。

The Assassin secret [[society]], available on all start dates, also allows you to take advantage of this strategy even without being a vassal or a target for a holy war, while preserving your Piety. Joining this society will make your ruler convert to the Shi'a faith without the usual 250 Piety cost for changing religion, either openly or in secret. Doing so in secret will prevent your children and relatives to do the same (thus keeping your lineage Zoroastrian), and adopting it openly afterwards will allow for an use of the Conquest [[Casus Belli]] without the -2.0 Monthly Piety for attacking another Sunni Muslim, slightly increasing your expansion speed.
== 策略 ==

Assassin mechanics will also allow you to:
* Get favours from your liege or neighbours, which could then be used to force a non-aggression pact with them through marriage, for instance.
* Get temporary but precious stat boons while consuming hashish, useful to boost your levy size or diplomatic skills at the beginning
* Levy armies and fleets (if Grandmaster), which may be a critical edge over your opponents in war
* Assassinate more easily your rivals and threatening neighbours, in order to weaken their realm by setting up a regency or incompetent rulers.  
* Get an opinion boost (+5/+10/+20/+30 with other members if you have the same-rank or below them/if you're 1 rank above/if you're 2 ranks above/if you're 3 ranks above), useful when other powerful neighbours or vassals joined the society
Be mindful however that Holy Wars and religious title revocation (if you're a vassal) may be used against you by all your immediate neighbours if you're Shi'a, so think carefully before your conversion.

Strongest rulers for this strategy are Sorkhab Bavandid (769), Vandad Karen (867) and Washudan Justanid (867). In all cases it is also very possible to get enough land for kingdom without ever falsely confessing faith at all. For example, Bavandids in 769 can acquire enough de-jure claims to form the kingdom right from the start. After Daylam, your next priorities should be to acquire a holy site or two if you plan to slow down Zoroastrian conversion to Islam, or to take advantage of your kingly rank (if you're still a vassal under the Abbasids) to slowly incorporate neighbouring vassals in your realm and to become the most powerful ruler in Persia and fear none once you'll become independent.
=== 假意改信 ===

=== Hiding under Samanids ===
This is a variant for those who want to stay Zoroastrian all the time. Start the game as Vandad Karen, attempt to invite heir to Bukhara to your court and then swear fealty to the Samanids. You can use your event troops to seize Tabaristan, Azerbaijan or Derbent before swearing fealty if you want as this gives you extra holdings to land claimants

Note that Samanid ruler might attack you before swearing fealty if you decide to attack other realms but with mercenaries and event troops you have good chance to win the war and force the Shah to pay you heavy reparations.
* 从你的领主或邻居那里获得人情,这样就可以通过婚姻来强迫他们签订互不侵犯条约。
* 吸食大麻时将获得暂时但宝贵的属性加成,起初可以加成征召兵规模或外交属性。
* 召集部队和舰队(如果是大长老),这可能是你在战争中战胜对手的关键优势
* 更容易刺杀你的对手和威胁你的邻居,以设立一个摄政或无能的统治者来削弱他们的领地。
* 获得好感加成(+5/+10/+20/+30与其他成员,如果你有相同的地位或低于他们/如果你高1级/如果你高2级/如果你高3级),在其他强大的邻居或封臣加入社团时有用。

After swearing fealty, give Bukhara claimant some land and press his claim on Bukhara and it becomes part of your realm. The goal now is to keep Samanid realm weak while building up your own realm, bribing council to stop passing laws which hinder you and fabricating claims. It will take a while for Samanid ruler to hand out titles but in couple of decades you should have some claimants for various provinces in the realm who you can get to join your court with favors. You can land these people and press their claim and get them as your vassal. After all this, they should only be happy to embrace Ahura Mazda upon your request.

After you have spent years as Samanid vassal, you can form a faction for independence or with some luck, fabricate a claim on Khiva and seize crown this way. Another (If using [[Conclave]]) alternative is to form "Overthrow ruler" faction which will cause realm, even if liege is Muslim, to switch to elective succession. This makes securing the throne much easier.  
  用于此策略的最强大的统治者是索克哈比 巴文德(769),万达德 凯伦(867)和瓦苏丹 吉斯丹(867)。在任何情况下,也很有可能获得足够多的土地来获得一个王国头衔,而不需要假意改信。例如,769开局巴文德开局就有足够多的法理宣称来建立王国。获得德莱木后,你的下一步首先应该是获得一个圣地,或者两个,如果你想要减缓祆教徒皈依伊斯兰教的速度,或者也可以利用你的王国等级头衔(如果你仍然是阿拔斯的封臣)来慢慢地吞并领地周边的封臣,成为波斯最强大的统治者,在独立后将无所畏惧。

In any case, with Khiva secure under your rule, you can focus on taking rest of Persia.
=== 藏身于萨曼王朝下 ===
对于那些想要一直保持祆教信仰的人来说,这是一种途径。作为万达德 凯伦开局,尝试邀请布哈拉的继承人来到宫廷,然后宣誓效忠于萨曼。你可以在宣誓效忠前使用你的事件部队夺取陀拔斯单,阿塞拜疆或杰尔宾特,如果你想有额外的地产来授予宣称者。

=== Khorasan Gambit ===
This is a starting tactic where you take advantage of the Saffarid war with the Tahirids.

Start as Vandad Karen in the Old Gods start. Assign councilors, borrow money, etc. Start moving your event troops towards Dashowuz where Samanid event troops are. When your troops are in Khiva, declare war on Tahirids for Khorasan. Samanids will join them in defense, but as you have far more event troops, Samanid troops will be crushed. Keep running around Samanid lands to kill their troops and to tick up the warscore.

Meanwhile, your normal troops and mercenaries should split themselves around Khorasan to secure provinces as Saffarid troops will help with sieges and most of Tahirid troops will be handled by Saffarids too.

If everything goes according to the plan, you should end up with majority of Khorasan for yourself (enabling usurpation of duchy). After this you have one of the most valuable duchies of Persia under your control.

Afterwards you can swear fealty to Samanids and wreck them from within or you can grab one more duchy title for custom kingdom and then either swear fealty to Abbasids or stay as independent king of Khorasan.
=== 呼罗珊开局 ===

If you invited claimant to Bukhara to your court, you now also have plenty of land where to land him and push his claim. At some stage Samanids will go to war against Nomads or Kabulistan and that is a good time to hit them.
867年作为万达德 凯伦开局。指派内阁成员,借钱等等。让你的事件部队转移到萨曼的事件部队所在的达什霍武兹。当你的军队在河中时,向塔希尔发动呼罗珊圣战。萨曼将加入塔希尔一方,但是当你有更多的事件部队,萨曼的部队将被粉碎。继续在萨曼的土地上行军,杀死他们的军队,提高战争分数。

Alternative way to take advantage of this war is the fact that Saffarids invade for Persia and after the war, Tahirids are left with rump state in Khorasan, which is easily seized with a single holy war. It is best to wait for Samanids and/or Saffarids to be busy with other wars.

=== Return to the Old Ways ===
:"''With me is the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derafsh_Kaviani Derafsh Kaviani], through which I hope to rule the nations''." - {{w|Ya'qub ibn al-Layth al-Saffar}}, to Caliph al-Mutazz

For players with the {{icon|roi}}[[Rajas of India]] DLC, the easiest way to quickly build a large Zoroastrian kingdom in the Greater Persian area is to take advantage of an intrigue decision to convert to the same religion that your capital county has.

In {{icon|tog}}Old Gods, start as the Saffarids or Samanids. Your capital is in a Zoroastrian province (in case of Samanids) or you can move it to one (in case of Saffarids) and you need a large amount of prestige to activate the decision to convert to Zoroastrianism. Thankfully, as a Muslim, you get plenty of decisions that increase prestige/piety and your vassals likely love you after so many Ramadans and charity work, so demanding conversion from them should be simple.  Congratulations! You now control an enormous chunk of the Persian Empire along with free event troops you received at the start of the game.
=== 回归古道 ===
:"''With me is the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derafsh_Kaviani Derafsh Kaviani], through which I hope to rule the nations''." - {{w|Ya'qub ibn al-Layth al-Saffar}}, to Caliph al-Mutazz

You can also use this strategy in other start dates with any of the Bedouin/Turkish/Mongol ruler who controls areas in Persia. Naturally, you can also set your heir a heritage focus and let a Zoroastrian educate him, but you probably have harder time converting your vassals without the benefit of long reign bonuses and accumulated prestige.
对于拥有 {{icon|roi}} [[印度罗阇]]DLC的玩家来说,在大波斯地区快速建立一个大型祆教王国的最简单方法就是利用决议皈依你首都省份所信仰的宗教。

=== The Karakhanid Kindler ===
{{icon|tog}} 867年,作为萨法尔或萨曼开局。你可以迁都到一个祆教省份,而且你需要大量威望来激活皈依祆教的决议。辛亏,作为穆斯林,你有很多增加威望/虔诚的决议,并且你的封臣可能在如此多的斋月和救济后喜爱你,所以要求他们皈依更容易。恭喜!你现在控制了波斯帝国的一大片领地,还有你在游戏开始时获得的免费事件部队。

It is very much possible to become the Saoshyant starting as the Karakhanid Khagan in 1066. Rajas of India is highly recommended for this strategy as it allows the decision to convert to local religion (Zoroastrian), or you can convert through a secret religion or education - though you will want to remain Sunni for a long time. You will start with much of the Northern de jure territory (Transoxiana and part of Daylam) and, with the passage of some time, be in a prime position to take the rest. Focus on building up your strength through maximising your manpower, population and wealth (especially on buildings that increase max population) and spend the derived manpower entirely on light cavalry and heavy cavalry horde troops in order to build a powerful horde that can effectively utilise the invasion CB.  

=== The Karakhanid Kindler===
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It is very much possible to become the Saoshyant starting as the Karakhanid Khagan in 1066. Rajas of India is highly recommended for this strategy as it allows the decision to convert to local religion (Zoroastrian), or you can convert through a secret religion or education - though you will want to remain Sunni for a long time. You will start with much of the Northern de jure territory (Transoxiana and part of Daylam) and, with the passage of some time, be in a prime position to take the rest. Focus on building up your strength through maximising your manpower, population and wealth (especially on buildings that increase max population) and spend the derived manpower entirely on light cavalry and heavy cavalry horde troops in order to build a powerful horde that can effectively utilise the invasion CB.
Once the invasion CB is unlocked, it's time for action. It is better to invade the Ghaznavid Sultanate first as it is usually far weaker than the Seljuq Sultanate. You can directly hold the counties you take in the war, provided they have at least 2 buildings (as this means the county isn't a nomadic county and thus you can hold it freely without any negative clan penalties). This will further increase your gold, allowing for more heavy cavalry and levy troops. Once the Eastern flank of the Persian Empire is secure and your horde is even more powerful, it's time to invade the Seljuqs. Use the invasion CB to take as much de jure Persian land as possible. Once this is done, you should be nigh unstoppable.
Once the invasion CB is unlocked, it's time for action. It is better to invade the Ghaznavid Sultanate first as it is usually far weaker than the Seljuq Sultanate. You can directly hold the counties you take in the war, provided they have at least 2 buildings (as this means the county isn't a nomadic county and thus you can hold it freely without any negative clan penalties). This will further increase your gold, allowing for more heavy cavalry and levy troops. Once the Eastern flank of the Persian Empire is secure and your horde is even more powerful, it's time to invade the Seljuqs. Use the invasion CB to take as much de jure Persian land as possible. Once this is done, you should be nigh unstoppable.

第181行: 第193行:
Should you have trouble accruing piety then consider secretly converting, founding a religious cult and then openly adopting the faith. This will grant you a character modifier giving +2 diplomacy and +2 monthly piety at the expense of a mere 250 prestige and piety.
Should you have trouble accruing piety then consider secretly converting, founding a religious cult and then openly adopting the faith. This will grant you a character modifier giving +2 diplomacy and +2 monthly piety at the expense of a mere 250 prestige and piety.

=== The Fury of the Clans ===
=== 部族之怒 ===
With their powerful CBs and military potential, nomads can easily build up a power base while slowly conquering the Persian Empire. This is particularly so in {{icon|cm}}769; a Tengri nomad can easily seize land from pagan tribals. Just be sure to have a holy site in your demesne, and you can spend piety to adopt Zoroastrianism as a secret religion before open declaration. After the High Priesthood is restored, granting a temple to the High Priest will increase MA. The High Priest can then declare Great Holy Wars, allowing you to expand without triggering defensive pacts.
凭借强大的CB和军事潜力,游牧民可以轻易建立权力基础,同时慢慢征服波斯帝国。在 {{icon|cm}} 769 开局尤其如此;长生天游牧民可以轻易从原始部落那里夺取领地。只要确保在你直辖领里有一个圣地,你就可以花费虔诚,在公开信仰前秘密皈依祆教。恢复大祭司后,授予大祭司一个神殿将增加宗教权威。大祭司可以发动大圣战,允许你扩张且不触发防御协定。

====Manichaeism Triumphant====
==== 摩尼教的胜利====
As a Manichean nomad, if your realm thrives, Manichaeism can easily replace Zoroastrianism as the orthodox Mazdan religion.

[[Category: 宗教]]

2021年3月21日 (日) 09:16的最新版本

Zoroastrian.png 祆教(英文:Zoroastrianism),又称拜马兹达教和拜火教,一种古伊朗宗教和哲学。它曾是阿契美尼德帝国和萨珊帝国的国教,但在王国风云II的时代,它几乎被伊斯兰教取代了。该宗教的非游牧制统治者需要 Dlc icon the old gods.png 逝往神灵DLC才可玩;Jade Dragon.png 碧玉之龙DLC仅使得胡天派统治者可玩。


  • 祆教是马兹达宗教组的一个有组织(+20% 宗教权威)的宗教
  • 它有五个圣地,其领土全部位于波斯帝国法理内:
    • 达什特斯坦:Ādur Farnbāg (Glory-given)圣火的所在地。受祭司阶层崇拜,处于三圣火中的第一位。
    • 库尔德斯坦:Ādur Gushnasp (Stallion)圣火的所在地。受战士阶层崇拜,国王自己也属于此阶层。
    • 内沙布尔:Ādur Burzēn-Mihr (Exalted is Mihr)圣火的所在地。受农民崇拜,处于三圣火的最末位。
    • 古夫斯山:Hāmūn湖所在地,此湖被成为琐罗亚斯德保留火种的地方。在祆教的末世论中,当世界末日来临之前,少女将进入湖中,然后生下萨奥希扬特。
    • 缚喝:琐罗亚斯德,在使Shah Vishtasp of Bactria皈依后,长久地定居在缚喝,并且使得此地成为其宗教的中心。
  • 祆教统治者可以使用圣战宣战理由.
  • 在任何开局时间它没有宗教领袖, 除非使用特殊决议, 宗教领袖可以给予准许入侵并进行大圣战。统治者也可以向他寻求离婚。
  • 传教:和其他有组织宗教一样,祆教可以向原始宗教的领地派遣传教士。
  • 神权政体封臣可以给予他们的领主虔诚
  • 纳妾:就像原始宗教徒,祆教统治者只能娶一个正妻,但可以有三个妾。
  • Dlc icon sons of abraham.png 亚伯拉罕之子时, 祆教徒可以接受犹太教廷臣和从犹太人处借钱。
  • 天葬: 祆教徒可以天葬去世的亲戚。(需要 Horse Lords.png 马上领主 DLC)
  • 通婚:祆教徒可以与以下宗教的信徒通婚: 苯教, 佛教, 聂斯脱里派, 长生天, 卡尔马特派,尊日神教和道教。
  • 血亲圣婚:祆教徒可以近亲结婚,并且给予一个对所有祆教附庸的好感加成(+5)。
  • 重建波斯帝国:成为波斯皇帝的祆教统治者可以使用以下两个特殊决议:重建最高祭司和成为 Saoshyant.png (需要完全控制波斯帝国)。

拥有DLC icon Monks and Mystics.png 修道士与密契者密修士, 马兹达宗教组的统治者可以加入赫耳墨斯学会


波斯帝国的祆教统治者可以花费300虔诚恢复大祭司, 该信仰获得一位宗教领袖:住在伊斯法罕的穆贝旦-穆贝德。穆贝旦-穆贝德,就像其他宗教领袖一样可以准许入侵和发动大圣战,统治者还可以向他请求离婚。 跟大部分宗教不同,祆教教徒不需等到1100年才能发动大圣战,他们可以在重建最高祭司后立即发动大圣战。恢复穆贝旦-穆贝德也会建立祆教的骑士团,长生军。大圣战的目标将先是叙利亚亚美尼亚,接着是易弗里基叶格鲁吉亚埃及,这是为了恢复萨珊帝国的大致疆域,并且入侵觊觎已久的罗马帝国的领地。因此,不可能在阿拉伯河中昔思丹发动圣战。


波斯帝国的祆教统治者如果有1500虔诚并且控制波斯帝国内所有法理地产,无视最终的法理转移,可以成为萨奥希扬特。萨奥希扬特是一位被祆教徒认为是救世主的人物。统治者将获得独有的特质 Saoshyant.png,给予+10封臣好感和+5个人实战能力。萨奥希扬特的后裔将获得特质 Saoshyant descendant.png,给予+5封臣好感。不像穆斯林的 Sayyid.png 特质,萨奥希扬特后裔特质不限于男性世系。





异端 Zoroastrian Heresy.png



  • 胡天派:此宗教有守护神机制,类似于印度教。他们无法收益于血亲圣婚或恢复大祭司,但可以成为萨奥希扬特。他们的守护神有:
    • 戴西(+2 管理,-5% 建造花费,-1 军事)
    • 纳奈雅(+2 外交,-25% 生育能力,-1 密谋)
    • (+2 密谋,+0.5 每月威望,-1 管理)
    • 维施帕卡(+1 健康,-1 外交)
    • 韦勒斯拉纳(+3 军事, -1 学识)
    • 祖尔万(+3 学识,-1 密谋)
  • 马兹达克派:马兹达克派没有妾和血亲圣婚机制,有夏季集市决议。他们不能恢复大祭司,但可以成为萨奥希扬特。他们不会因女性统治者及女性持有神殿而受到惩罚。她们也可以被任命为指挥官或穆贝德。
  • 摩尼教:摩尼教几乎是一个独立的宗教,和正统祆教非常不同。他们没有妾也不会受益于犹太人或血亲圣婚。他们有自己的宗教节日,也有自己的宗教领袖:阎默(类似于基督教的宗教领袖,总是存在)。他们也可以建立一个骑士团,如果某些标准满足。摩尼教的圣地和其他马兹达宗教组内的宗教不同。摩尼教的圣地有:
    • 胡齐斯坦:先知摩尼获得第一个启示之地,也是他被巴赫拉姆一世杀害之地。
    • 巴格达:摩尼指定的继承人,摩尼教的领袖,最初在泰西封Ctesiphon
    • 撒马尔罕:因为巴格达的阿拔斯哈里发的迫害,大部分摩尼教徒逃至撒马尔罕,此地成为他们新的宗主教区。
    • 耶路撒冷:摩尼宣称他自己是“耶稣基督的使徒”。
    • 乌铎迦汉荼:摩尼第一次学习旅行的地点,他在那里学习印度教。
      • 不同寻常的是,几乎所有的摩尼教圣地都是重要的 Horse Lords.png Jade Dragon.png 丝绸之路省份:甚至连胡齐斯坦也邻接巴士拉——另一个重要的丝绸之路省份。

任何开局都有摩尼教统治者可玩,而其他马兹达教仅在 DLC icon Charlemagne.png 769和 Dlc icon the old gods.png 867开局出现。



DLC icon Charlemagne.png 查理曼(769)开局


这些祆教封臣中最强大的一人,也是769开局中唯一的公爵头衔的祆教徒是总督索克哈比 巴文德,他控制着陀拔斯单和部分大益斯坦,处于阿拔斯哈里发治下。索克哈比总共控制着8个省份,有三位附庸的马尔佐班(伯爵),尽管其中一位是他的儿子及继承人谢尔文。索克哈比年事已高,通常在几年内就会去世,可能是好事也可能是坏事,因为他和谢尔文的特质都是随机的。如果你使用虔诚重心来积累足够的虔诚使得你能够创建吉兰公国以及索取你的宣称(除非哈里发自动授予你法理封臣),很有可能创建德莱木王国。

第二强大的祆教徒是凡达得 霍尔木兹德,他作为索克哈比的封臣持有3个省份。历史上,他怂恿谢尔文 巴文德发动了对阿拔斯哈里发的叛乱。某种情况下,哈里发可能会将大益斯坦公国授予凡达得,所以如果你扮演谢文,最好是你自己创造它,这样你仍然可以创建德莱木王国。



此开局唯一的独立马兹达教角色是草原游牧角色。东大草原被强大的回鹘帝国持有,其统治者登里牟羽Tengri Bögü可汗和他的大部分附庸汗王都信仰摩尼教。回鹘的西边是钦察,一个弱小的摩尼教国家。阿兰尼亚可汗的小儿子信仰祆教,而布尔塔斯可汗有一位附庸汗王信仰摩尼教。匈牙利的马尔毛罗什酋长信仰摩尼教。最后,葛逻禄的封臣赭石伯爵是信仰胡天派的粟特人。


Dlc icon the old gods.png 逝往神灵(867)开局

河中和波斯北部的大部分平民仍然信仰祆教。再一次,只有一位公爵级别的统治者:万达德 凯伦,大益斯坦的总督,尽管不像769年的索克哈比 巴文德,他是独立的。万达德开局没有妻子,同盟或子女。 他有一位妹妹,法拉赫,在她30多岁的时候,她可以嫁出去,也可以用于血亲婚姻的加成。万达德开局有几千事件部队和5个省份。他也有两位封臣,都控制两个省份。有趣的是,乌斯秋尔特的酋长大流士控制着两个部落领地。

另一位位于波斯的独立祆教角色是瓦苏丹 吉斯丹,库尔德文化的吉兰马尔佐班,开局也有事件部队,但他毗邻阿拔斯,比万达德更危险。(如果扮演万达德,吉兰可以成为盟友或者加入防守圣战。最后,播密的胡天派角色,开局是强大的萨曼王朝的朝贡国。邻近的吉尔吉特马尔佐班是独立的粟特文化祆教徒。

在大益斯坦和吉兰之间是陀拔斯单的阿拉维埃米尔国,其统治者正好是先知穆罕默德的后裔。但是,阿拉维很脆弱,因为是什叶派穆斯林,向他们发动圣战不会有危险,因为他们的逊尼派邻居不会帮助他们,甚至可能自己向阿拉维发动圣战。对于万达德和瓦苏丹来说更方便的是,阿拉维有两位祆教封臣,其中一位是罗斯塔姆 巴文德。罗斯塔姆没有事件部队,但作为统治者他通常有很好的特质和高属性能力。












从1187年开始,陀拔斯单不再信仰祆教,因此,信仰的复兴对任何一个家族来说都变得更加困难。实现复兴的最好机会是1236年帕杜斯潘家族的拉希姆 加乌巴拉(什叶派)。他是大不里士总督,是伊儿汗国的封臣。他可以在皈依祆教前轻易获得仅剩的祆教省份和圣地之一。

到1337年,波斯只有三个省仍然信仰祆教,所以如果你打算这么晚来重新夺回萨珊王朝,你必须尽快行动。但是,如果启用 DLC icon Reaper's Due.png 死神索命,你可能获得一位马兹达教宫廷医生,所以即使所有省份都已转变宗教,恢复信仰也不是不可能。




  • 如果你是独立的,保持进攻!几乎任何人都可以向你发动圣战,但你也可以这样做。迅速建立你的权力基础将确保统治者在夺取你的土地时三思而后行。
  • 充分利用地形。对于军队数量两倍于你的入侵,可以通过在沙漠中损耗削弱你的敌人,然后与他们在河岸或者山地以更加相近的数量进行作战。使用优秀的指挥官对作战表现也有很大的影响。
  • 你需要金钱。不要犹豫于向犹太人借钱或者驱逐他们,如果你危在旦夕。
  • 启用 Rajas of India.png 印度罗阇,你可以再转变回祆教,如果你因为圣战必须皈依。你可以通过这种方式“隐匿”于更强大的穆斯林势力,以较小的领地作为代价来利用扩张的机会。
  • 在逝往神灵开局扮演万达德,你可以扩张到塔里木盆地,用祆教徒替代那里的佛教统治者,这样你可以获得其他统治者作为同盟或者在圣战中获得帮助。
  • 在版本2.7中,在公开信仰并且领导大规模叛乱前,你可以秘密信仰祆教,同时为你的秘密教团争取支持。








  • 从你的领主或邻居那里获得人情,这样就可以通过婚姻来强迫他们签订互不侵犯条约。
  • 吸食大麻时将获得暂时但宝贵的属性加成,起初可以加成征召兵规模或外交属性。
  • 召集部队和舰队(如果是大长老),这可能是你在战争中战胜对手的关键优势
  • 更容易刺杀你的对手和威胁你的邻居,以设立一个摄政或无能的统治者来削弱他们的领地。
  • 获得好感加成(+5/+10/+20/+30与其他成员,如果你有相同的地位或低于他们/如果你高1级/如果你高2级/如果你高3级),在其他强大的邻居或封臣加入社团时有用。


用于此策略的最强大的统治者是索克哈比 巴文德(769),万达德 凯伦(867)和瓦苏丹 吉斯丹(867)。在任何情况下,也很有可能获得足够多的土地来获得一个王国头衔,而不需要假意改信。例如,769开局巴文德开局就有足够多的法理宣称来建立王国。获得德莱木后,你的下一步首先应该是获得一个圣地,或者两个,如果你想要减缓祆教徒皈依伊斯兰教的速度,或者也可以利用你的王国等级头衔(如果你仍然是阿拔斯的封臣)来慢慢地吞并领地周边的封臣,成为波斯最强大的统治者,在独立后将无所畏惧。


对于那些想要一直保持祆教信仰的人来说,这是一种途径。作为万达德 凯伦开局,尝试邀请布哈拉的继承人来到宫廷,然后宣誓效忠于萨曼。你可以在宣誓效忠前使用你的事件部队夺取陀拔斯单,阿塞拜疆或杰尔宾特,如果你想有额外的地产来授予宣称者。







867年作为万达德 凯伦开局。指派内阁成员,借钱等等。让你的事件部队转移到萨曼的事件部队所在的达什霍武兹。当你的军队在河中时,向塔希尔发动呼罗珊圣战。萨曼将加入塔希尔一方,但是当你有更多的事件部队,萨曼的部队将被粉碎。继续在萨曼的土地上行军,杀死他们的军队,提高战争分数。







"With me is the Derafsh Kaviani, through which I hope to rule the nations." - Ya'qub ibn al-Layth al-Saffar, to Caliph al-Mutazz

对于拥有 Rajas of India.png 印度罗阇DLC的玩家来说,在大波斯地区快速建立一个大型祆教王国的最简单方法就是利用决议皈依你首都省份所信仰的宗教。

Dlc icon the old gods.png 867年,作为萨法尔或萨曼开局。你可以迁都到一个祆教省份,而且你需要大量威望来激活皈依祆教的决议。辛亏,作为穆斯林,你有很多增加威望/虔诚的决议,并且你的封臣可能在如此多的斋月和救济后喜爱你,所以要求他们皈依更容易。恭喜!你现在控制了波斯帝国的一大片领地,还有你在游戏开始时获得的免费事件部队。


The Karakhanid Kindler

It is very much possible to become the Saoshyant starting as the Karakhanid Khagan in 1066. Rajas of India is highly recommended for this strategy as it allows the decision to convert to local religion (Zoroastrian), or you can convert through a secret religion or education - though you will want to remain Sunni for a long time. You will start with much of the Northern de jure territory (Transoxiana and part of Daylam) and, with the passage of some time, be in a prime position to take the rest. Focus on building up your strength through maximising your manpower, population and wealth (especially on buildings that increase max population) and spend the derived manpower entirely on light cavalry and heavy cavalry horde troops in order to build a powerful horde that can effectively utilise the invasion CB. Once the invasion CB is unlocked, it's time for action. It is better to invade the Ghaznavid Sultanate first as it is usually far weaker than the Seljuq Sultanate. You can directly hold the counties you take in the war, provided they have at least 2 buildings (as this means the county isn't a nomadic county and thus you can hold it freely without any negative clan penalties). This will further increase your gold, allowing for more heavy cavalry and levy troops. Once the Eastern flank of the Persian Empire is secure and your horde is even more powerful, it's time to invade the Seljuqs. Use the invasion CB to take as much de jure Persian land as possible. Once this is done, you should be nigh unstoppable.

After this, convert to Zoroastrianism and, if desired, move your capital to somewhere within the de jure Kingdom of Persia (for RP purposes, Esfahan is the best option - it is also a major point on the silk road). Settle down as feudal and give out as many vassal titles as needed while keeping the most desirable provinces for yourself (promote commander is useful here as it will auto-generate high martial characters of your religion and culture). You should find yourself either in ownership of 80% of de jure Persian Empire land or in a position close to it and very able to take the remaining land. Take it, form the Persian Empire and once 1,500 piety has been acquired you can take the decision to become the Saoshyant.

Should you have trouble accruing piety then consider secretly converting, founding a religious cult and then openly adopting the faith. This will grant you a character modifier giving +2 diplomacy and +2 monthly piety at the expense of a mere 250 prestige and piety.


凭借强大的CB和军事潜力,游牧民可以轻易建立权力基础,同时慢慢征服波斯帝国。在 DLC icon Charlemagne.png 769开局尤其如此;长生天游牧民可以轻易从原始部落那里夺取领地。只要确保在你直辖领里有一个圣地,你就可以花费虔诚,在公开信仰前秘密皈依祆教。恢复大祭司后,授予大祭司一个神殿将增加宗教权威。大祭司可以发动大圣战,允许你扩张且不触发防御协定。

