
咯咯炀讨论 | 贡献2020年4月15日 (三) 20:41的版本




  • 头衔的未来整合:采用年长者继承法或任何选举继承法,你的继承人可能已经有头衔。如果你最年迈,你可能继承采用年长者继承法的头衔。如果你代表家族的年长一脉,你可能会继承衰落甚至绝嗣的年幼支脉。
    • 启用均分继承法,适当规划仍然可以确保继承时不会失去头衔。你自己没有子女,一位家族内继承人将继承你所有的头衔。
  • 更容易接受婚姻家族成员间结婚,你和AI都不需要关心婚姻是否入赘。
  • 更容易结盟:家族成员更愿意成立互不侵犯条约和同盟。
  • 不需要授予宣称者领地:为家族成员索取宣称后,他们总会成为你的封臣,所以你不需要放弃宝贵的直辖头衔。这使得你更有效地宣称女亲戚的头衔,只要头衔不是男性继承。
  • 保证选举君主制下的安全,在你使得这些王国成为你的帝国法理一部分后。
  • 家族威望,给予你的子女初始威望。它也直接有助于接受婚姻枢机选举
  • 更多控制教宗骑士团(启用 Dlc icon sons of abraham.png 亚伯拉罕之裔的机会。你的家族每控制一个将给予你(和其他同家族伯爵+统治者)+2每月威望和+1每月虔诚。雇佣骑士团将更便宜。
  • 内阁(启用 DLC icon Conclave.png 御前会议中的效忠者,在大多数议题上,即使没有人情也会投票支持你。
  • 更高好感(+5 同一家族,每有一本关于自己家族的书将有更多好感加成)


  • Dynastic Kinslayer.png 弑亲者:你将有更少的安全谋杀的选择,并且你的继承人更可能决定杀死同家族的某人
  • Inbred.png 近亲繁殖:你可能会小心避免近亲结婚,但AI统治者不会。
  • Decadent.png 腐化:如果家族成员是你的封臣,而且你的领地是家族之中最大的,那么庞大的穆斯林家族就有腐化的风险。更重要的是,家族发动的失败圣战将导致腐化激增。
  • 家族继承(选举均分继承法凯尔特选任法长老选举制年长者继承法)可能更难预测和控制。
  • 选举君主制下,家族内封臣相比家族外封臣对你的好感更低。家族内封臣也可以创建派系以要求采用均分继承法。








选择高生育能力的配偶:Hedonist.pngLustful.pngStrong.png 或高外交/管理教育特质。你也可以使用角色设计器来让你的第一位统治者有这些特质以及/或者额外的基础生育能力。

DLC icon Way of Life.png 勾引生活重心让你想要多少孩子就有多少孩子。在45岁之前,女性每年可以生育一个孩子,她们可以尝试隐瞒自己的风流韵事,也可以希望统治者/继承人承认孩子是自己的。男性可以养育多位私生子。



类型 效用
Grey eminence.png 外交


Brilliant strategist.png 军事


Midas touched.png 管理


Elusive shadow.png 密谋


Mastermind theologian.png 学识

启用 DLC icon Monks and Mystics.png 修道士与密契者,允许加入赫尔墨斯学会 (需满足其他条件)—>允许移除自己、配偶和宫廷内的子女的 Stressed.pngDepressed.png












  • 不在父母的宫廷内
  • 是均分继承法或选举均分继承法下低顺位的继承人。
  • 是继承人的继承人
  • 是统治者较小的孩子,如果你能杀了他们的哥哥
  • 可能赢得未来的选举,但目前不在前三位候选人之列






此策略的要点相当简单:找到有宣称以及/或者extreme daddy issues,邀请他们来到你的宫廷。一旦到来,他们就不能拒绝入赘婚姻,你还可以获得额外的好处,让他们出现在你宫廷内,这样你就可以保护他们,直到他们继承头衔。但是要注意,如果他们是极端的外国人或者不讨喜的人,你的宫廷里可能会有人随机决定杀死他们,实际上整个宫廷都会支持他们的谋杀,所以你必须保持警惕。


To be willing to come to your court, they either need to absolutely hate their father, which is not unusual given the AI's seeming preference for bad ruling traits, or already have a claim which means they were alive and a pretender when the previous monarch before their father died.

It is actually relatively easy to get these guys as the combination of having a title claim and how much the AI loves to give itself arbitrary/cruel/etc, there is probably more than a 50% chance that any given unlanded heir will like you better, assuming you are a likable ruler yourself.

With the DLC icon Conclave.pngConclave DLC, favors can be used to force an invite to your court, subject to some restrictions. This is the only way to invite claimants of other religions.


Whenever you marry off your children/eligible kin to someone with the intention of spreading your bloodline, mark their spouse as a Important character.png person of special interest (right click -> star on the left). This will notify you if they die so that you can retrieve your guided dynasty missile for reuse somewhere else. If they are male and the heir and/or regent then definitely just leave them there for now and check up on them when their child grows up, if they are female definitely do everything in your power to get them back as there is only a certain window where they can have children.


You don't have to worry about marrying courtiers, but sometimes a Matrilineal marriage is just an easy way to get rid of somebody with a low opinion of you without going to the trouble of a plot. Again, it's good for getting hold of claims or boosting borderline opinions or making non-aggression pacts, as arranging marriages that benefit the courtier (ie giving them land) will make them a bit happier.

Don't worry too much about betrothing the children of courtiers, as they can't leave your court until they're adults anyway, and you can deal with them then.

Female matrilineal courtiers are basically bargaining chips to get the right people to come to court, without having to use your own bloodline to do it.

Muslim Rulers

As Muslim Iqta rulers, you are largely limited to Open succession, and only until late game law changes will you be able to have matrilineal marriage. However the unique inheritance also benefits you in that you will not lose any titles as Open Succession means that the most powerful son inherits all the titles, this also gives you great flexibility in determining your heir. If you do not have any legitimate sons then your most powerful brothers will inherit. If none of your sons have titles then it defaults into agnatic primogeniture, which is fine for you.

After finding your ideal heir you need to look at how you can gain claims to titles that you so desire(and since women can't inherit until late game you will need to fight to seize these titles). Use the guide above to find female young fertile claimants with inheritable claims or look at titles in de jure page and find them. Marry them to your son. Invite as many as possible to your court and then land your son and heir. After that you can marry more female claimants to your son since he is Muslim and landed and thus get to have four wives(along with all their wonderful titles).

After which you would die and become your heir, then your oldest son/heir would inherit your titles and claims. Declare war when convenient and if done correctly, your son and heir would hold the duchy/kingdom and when you die, your realm will be sufficiently enlarged!


Don't despair if your carefully crafted bloodline replacement goes awry. A significant percentage of the time, some random bishop will methodically murder every one of the heirs that would have been of your dynasty and there is nothing you can do about it, really.

However, if it takes and you get past the first generation, then all of a sudden their interests are your interests, namely keeping your dynasty in power. Do what you can to help them out like putting down the inevitable rebellions and especially keep an eye out for usurpers. In addition, since the ruling dynasty is yours, if somehow the entire royal family dies out (mysteriously) then it will now look at your dynasty for possible inheritors.

Once you get to the 2nd generation, you are more or less free to worry about your other "colonies" as the bloodline is mostly established. Feel free to invite your own bloodline over to you like you did their grandfathers to make sure they get decent marriages and/or intermingle the royal families so that if they do lose the royal family, they will search others of your dynasty.

Hope this guide helps and feel free to post feedback on the discussion page.