这篇文章正在翻译中。 如果您感兴趣可以对照官方百科的词条来编辑它。 |
宗教组 | DLC 需求1 | 婚姻制度2 | 主要机制和分歧宗教(包括异端) | 共同目标 | |
基督教 | 无(整个基督教信仰是核心游戏的一部分) | 一夫一妻制 |
基督教之内的分歧是独特的彼此和平对待的存在,不允许用宗教控制的名义剥夺头衔除非是对待异端。 与宗教领袖的关系至关重要,因为他们可以绝罚某角色以对其随意逮捕或获得对其「废黜统治者」的宣战理由。 信仰:
| |
犹太教 (以色列宗教) |
亚伯拉罕之裔 | 一夫一妻制 |
如果大祭司教座被恢复,可以立即发动犹太教大圣战。然而,任命宗教领袖的一项独特要求是将耶路撒冷省份转变为犹太教。 异端:
| |
伊斯兰教 (穆斯林) |
伊斯兰之剑 | 一夫多妻制 |
强力的穆斯林宣战理由允许快速扩张,但庞大领域常常因为家族腐化而衰亡。所有的伊斯兰信仰(但不是全部异端)可以拥有一位哈里发,一位可以发动吉哈德的世俗(因此可玩)宗教领袖。 伊克塔政体替代封建政体和神权政体,允许统治者无惩罚地同时拥有城堡和清真寺。伊克塔统治者可以自由地剥夺公爵头衔,并采用土耳其继承法来有效指定继承人。 信仰: 知名异端: |
| |
原始宗教 | 逝往神灵 (全部原始宗教可玩,希腊多神教拥有有限的功能),碧玉之龙 (仅苯教可玩),神圣之怒 (全部原始宗教可玩,希腊多神教拥有全部的功能) | 侍妾制度 |
许多独特机制使得原始宗教早期强势但随时间变得乏力。强力的原始宗教宣战理由允许快速扩张,但未改革原始宗教有极端的稳定问题。可以无视文化或政体劫掠。改革前无宗教领袖。 信仰:
改革宗教结合原始宗教和存在的有组织的宗教的最好特性。他们视遵循旧信仰的人为异端。 部落统治者必须改革(或皈依)从而采用封建制或建立商业共和国。 拥有 , 原始宗教改革增加选择特性,教义和领导权的能力,这些特性允许自定义宗教从而获得其他宗教的能力收益。 | |
马兹达教 (祆教) |
逝往神灵 (全部的祆教/异端可玩), 碧玉之龙 (仅胡天派可玩) | 侍妾制度 |
主要信仰,祆教,允许甚至鼓励近亲通婚。 如果祭司教座被恢复,可以立即发动祆教大圣战。 异端: 如果超自然事件启用,所有异端都有资格转世。
| |
东方宗教 | 印度罗阇 (全部东方宗教可玩), 碧玉之龙 (仅道教可玩) | 侍妾制度 |
拥有子类印度宗教(印度教, 佛教, 耆那教)。角色可以转变为另一个印度宗教,如果他们控制任何属于新宗教的省份。省份转换很慢,但没有叛乱风险。没有宗教领袖。 信仰:
名字 | 标准 | 好感 | 举例 |
宗教差异 | 同宗教组的不同宗教 | -10 | 天主教 vs 东正教 |
异端 | 正统宗教 vs 其异端 | -25 | 天主教 vs 天主教异端 |
异教徒 | 不同宗教组 | -20 | 天主教 vs 逊尼派 |
狂热 | 任何宗教不同的角色 | -25 | 叠加于标准惩罚之上 |
- 主条目:宣战理由#宗教CB
Religion also provides various Casus Belli, most notably holy war and Crusades, though this varies from religion to religion - both are unavailable to unreformed pagans for example. Sword of Islam also introduced two new Casus Belli specifically for Muslims.
- 主条目:宗教领袖
Religion also affects what powers the religious head has; unreformed Pagan religions for example have no Religious Head, while a Christian Religious head can excommunicate characters, which is impossible for Muslims and Pagans.
Pagan religions may gain a religious head and a Great Holy War (Crusade CB) if they reform. They then become the "Reformed" version. The version without a religious head and Great Holy War becomes a heresy and is called the "Old" version of the religion.
- 主条目:宗教权威
Each religion has a moral authority, determined by the actions of its followers. It defines the power of the religion, and impacts the chances of heresies.
宗教 | 组 | 领袖头衔 | 圣地 | 圣地地图 | 机制 | 特殊宣战理由 | 修正 | |
天主教 | 基督教 | 教廷 |
罗马 |
绝罚, 枢机团, 神职叙任权, 对立教宗, 朝圣 | 圣战, 十字军, 特许入侵 | |||
东正教 | 基督教 | 普世牧首教座 |
君士坦丁堡 |
自主教会, 绝罚, 弥合东西方教会大分裂, 朝圣 | 圣战, 特许入侵 | |||
基督合性派 | 基督教 | 基督合性派教座 |
亚历山大 |
自主教会, 绝罚, 朝圣 | 圣战, 特许入侵 | |||
聂斯脱里派 | 基督教 | 东方牧首教座 |
埃德萨 |
绝罚, 朝圣 | 圣战, 特许入侵 | |||
逊尼派 | 伊斯兰教 | 逊尼派哈里发国 |
麦加 |
腐化, 一夫多妻制, 去麦加朝圣 | 圣战 (也针对非逊尼派,非异端穆斯林), 伊斯兰教入侵, 伯爵领征服, 吉哈德, 哈里发征服 | |||
什叶派 | 伊斯兰教 | 什叶派哈里发国 |
麦加 |
腐化, 一夫多妻制, 去麦加朝圣 | 圣战 (也针对非什叶派,非异端穆斯林), 伊斯兰教入侵, 伯爵领征服, 吉哈德, 哈里发征服 | |||
伊巴德派 | 伊斯兰教 | 伊巴德派哈里发国 |
麦加 |
腐化, 一夫多妻制, 去麦加朝圣 | 圣战 (也针对非伊巴德派,非异端穆斯林), 伊斯兰教入侵, 伯爵领征服, 吉哈德, 哈里发征服 | |||
犹太教 | 犹太教 | 无( 如果以色列王国光复则为首席大祭司教座) |
耶路撒冷 |
圣战, 大圣战, 特许入侵 | ||||
祆教 | 祆教 | 无 ( 如果波斯帝国光复则为祆教教会) |
古夫斯山 |
血亲圣婚, 纳妾制 | 圣战, 大圣战, 特许入侵 | |||
印度教 | 东方宗教 | 无 |
邬阇衍那 |
劫掠, 种姓制度, 守护神, 纳妾制, 教派 | 圣战, 印度征服 | 士气 +30% | ||
佛教 | 东方宗教 | 无 |
梵衍那 |
教派, 纳妾制, 可指定继承人, 女性统治者/继承人无惩罚, 无短暂统治惩罚 | 圣战消耗250虔诚, 小型圣战 (附庸一个伯爵领), 印度征服 | 学识 +4 | ||
耆那教 | 东方宗教 | 无 |
菩弥伽 |
教派, 封臣好感增益, 可指定继承人, 纳妾制, 无短暂统治惩罚 | 印度征服 | 直辖地限制 +3 Peace purity gain +1/month | ||
道教 | 东方宗教 | 无 |
于阗 |
教派, 可指定继承人, 纳妾制, 无短暂统治惩罚 | 无 | 管理 +2 | ||
日耳曼多神教 | 原始宗教 | 无 |
泽兰 |
劫掠, 进入河流, 纳妾制, 改革, 女性持有神殿, 防御损耗, 250% 短暂统治惩罚, 和平时威望损失,调集封臣征召兵无惩罚 | 伯爵领征服, 原始宗教征服, 准备入侵 | 征召兵规模 +30% 近卫军规模 +50% | ||
改革日耳曼多神教 | 原始宗教 | 英雄王国 | 劫掠, 进入河流, 纳妾制, 女性持有神殿, 150% 短暂统治惩罚 | 圣战 (花费100虔诚和5年停战), 伯爵领征服, 准备入侵, 大圣战 | 征召兵规模 +30% | |||
斯拉夫多神教 | 原始宗教 | 无 |
诺夫哥罗德 |
劫掠, 纳妾制, 改革, 女性持有神殿, 防御损耗, 200% 短暂统治惩罚 | 伯爵领征服, 原始宗教征服 | 征召兵规模 +10% 守备部队规模 +30% | ||
改革斯拉夫多神教 | 原始宗教 | 斯拉夫多神教会 | 劫掠, 纳妾制, 大圣战, 女性持有神殿 | 圣战 (花费100虔诚和5年停战), 伯爵领征服, 大圣战 | 征召兵规模 +20% 守备部队规模 +20% | |||
长生天 | 原始宗教 | 无 |
阿得 |
劫掠, 纳妾制, 改革, 150% 短暂统治惩罚, 和平时威望损失, 调集封臣征召兵无惩罚, 忽视防御损耗 | 伯爵领征服, 原始宗教征服, 部落入侵 | 征召兵规模 +30% 轻骑兵攻击 +30% | ||
改革长生天 | 原始宗教 | 通天殿 | 劫掠, 纳妾制, 大圣战 | 圣战 (花费100威望和5年停战), 伯爵领征服, 部落入侵, 大圣战 | ||||
洛姆瓦教 | 原始宗教 | 无 |
吕根 |
劫掠, 纳妾制, 改革, 女性持有神殿, 防御损耗, 200% 短暂统治惩罚 | 伯爵领征服, 原始宗教征服 | 征召兵规模 +10% 守备部队规模 +30% | ||
改革洛姆瓦教 | 原始宗教 | 洛姆瓦教团 | 劫掠, 纳妾制, 女性持有神殿 | 圣战 (花费100虔诚和5年停战), 伯爵领征服, 大圣战 | 征召兵规模 +20% 近卫军规模 +20% | |||
索米多神教 | 原始宗教 | 无 |
彼尔姆 |
劫掠, 纳妾制, 改革, 女性持有神殿, 防御损耗, 200% 短暂统治惩罚 | 伯爵领征服, 原始宗教征服 | 近卫军规模 +40%
| ||
改革索米多神教 | 原始宗教 | 神木林 | 劫掠, 纳妾制, 女性持有神殿 | 圣战 (花费100虔诚和5年停战), 伯爵领征服, 大圣战 | 征召兵规模 +10% 近卫军规模 +30% | |||
非洲泛灵教 | 原始宗教 | 无 |
瓦加杜 |
劫掠, 纳妾制, 改革, 女性持有神殿, 防御损耗, 转世 | 伯爵领征服, 原始宗教征服 | 近卫军规模 +40%
| ||
改革非洲泛灵教 | 原始宗教 | 非洲泛灵教团 | 劫掠, 纳妾制, 大圣战, 女性持有神殿 | 圣战 (花费100虔诚和5年停战), 伯爵领征服, 大圣战 | ||||
阿兹特克多神教 | 原始宗教 | 无 |
罗马 |
纳妾制, 和平时威望损失, 调集封臣征召兵无惩罚 | 伯爵领征服, 部落入侵 | 征召兵规模 +30% | ||
改革阿兹特克多神教 | 原始宗教 | 阿兹特克教士团 | 纳妾制 | 圣战 (花费100虔诚和5年停战), 伯爵领征服, 部落入侵, 大圣战 | ||||
尊日神教 | 原始宗教 | 无 |
内沙布尔 |
纳妾制, 改革, 防御损耗 | 伯爵领征服, 原始宗教征服 |
征召兵规模 +30% | ||
改革尊日神教 | 原始宗教 | 尊日教团 | 纳妾制 | 圣战 (花费100虔诚和5年停战), 伯爵领征服, 大圣战 | ||||
苯教 | 原始宗教 | 无 |
缚喝 |
劫掠, 守护神, 纳妾制, 女性持有神殿, 防御损耗, 转世 | 伯爵领征服, 原始宗教征服 |
近卫军规模 +40% | ||
改革苯教 | 原始宗教 | 苯教圣阶 | ||||||
希腊多神教 | 原始宗教 | 无 |
阿卑多斯 |
无限制继承法, 占星术, 内脏占卜, 女性持有神殿 | 伯爵领征服, 原始宗教征服 | |||
改革希腊多神教 | 原始宗教 | 最高祭司团 | ||||||
原始宗教 | 原始宗教 | 无 |
罗马 |
纳妾制, 防御损耗 | 伯爵领征服, 原始宗教征服 |
- Since 2.4.1, when a temple that is designated a holy site is destroyed, the province becomes the holy site instead, but the value of the province for moral authority is reduced by half. This was to prevent the game from crashing when nomads/tribals raze a holy site.
- Because a majority of Tengri land belong to nomads, they have no temples in most of their holy sites, forcing the player to build them.
- The Pagan religion appears for characters in the history files, representing pre-Christian Irish and pre-Islamic Arabs, among others. The rare "Spawn of Satan" event can lead to the creation of 3 generic pagan witches, and the "Immortal Rival" event can lead to the creation of an immortal generic pagan, but otherwise they cannot normally appear in-game without the console.
- Catholicism and all Catholic heresies become Orthodox heresies if the Great Schism is mended. This does not affect the Miaphysite or Nestorian denominations.
All religions with a parent religion are heresies. With Sons of Abraham, if a heresy becomes more prevalent than the parent religion (5 provinces more), it will become the new orthodoxy, and the parent religion will become a heresy. All holy orders of the parent religion switch over to the former heresy when this happens. Note that the Eastern religions do not have heresies.
Religion | Parent | Group | Head | Special Mechanics | Special CBs | |
Cathar | Catholicism | Christianity | None | Absolute Cognatic succession; female temple holders, councillors and commanders, no penalty for female rulers/heirs | Holy war | |
Fraticelli | Catholicism | Christianity | The Fraticelli Pope (once established) | Excommunication, College of Cardinals, Investiture, Antipope, Crusades | As Catholic | |
Waldensian | Catholicism | Christianity | None | None | Holy war | |
Lollard | Catholicism | Christianity | None | None | Holy war | |
Monophysite | Miaphysite | Christianity | The Monophysite Papacy | Autocephaly, Excommunication | As Orthodox | |
Messalian | Nestorian | Christianity | None | Absolute Cognatic succession; female temple holders, councillors and commanders, no penalty for female rulers/heirs, Divine marriage | Holy war | |
Bogomilist | Orthodoxy | Christianity | None | Female temple holders, no penalty for female rulers/heirs | Holy war | |
Monothelite | Orthodoxy | Christianity | The Monothelite Partriarchate | Autocephaly, Excommunication, Mending the Great Schism | As Orthodox | |
Iconoclast | Orthodoxy | Christianity | The Iconoclast Patriachate (once established) | Autocephaly, Excommunication, Mending the Great Schism | As Orthodox | |
Paulician | Orthodoxy | Christianity | The Paulician Patriarchate | Autocephaly, Excommunication, Mending the Great Schism | As Orthodox | |
Zikri | Sunni | Islam | None | Decadence, Polygamy | Holy war (also vs non-Zikri, non-heretic Muslims), Muslim Invasion, County Conquest | |
Yazidi | Sunni | Islam | The Yazidi Sheikhdom (once established) | Decadence, Polygamy, Excommunication, Jihads
Yazidi has its own holy sites. They are Nishapur, Fars, Mosul, Mecca, and Jerusalem. |
Holy war (also vs non-Yazidi, non-heretic Muslims), Muslim Invasion, County Conquest | |
Kharijite | Ibadi | Islam | The Kharijite Caliphate (once established) | Decadence, Polygamy, Jihads | As Ibadi | |
Druze | Shia | Islam | None | Decadence, Polygamy, reincarnations | Holy war (also vs non-Druze, non-heretic Muslims), Muslim Invasion, County Conquest | |
Hurufi | Shia | Islam | The Hurufi Skeikhdom [sic] (once established) | Decadence, Polygamy, Jihads | Holy war (also vs non-Hurufi, non-heretic Muslims), Muslim Invasion, County Conquest | |
Mazdaki | Zoroastrian | Mazdan | None | Absolute Cognatic succession; female temple holders, commanders but NOT councillors (except the spiritual advisor), no penalty for female rulers/heirs, reincarnations. No concubines nor Divine Marriage mechanics. | Holy war | |
Manichaean | Zoroastrian | Mazdan | The Manichean Church (official title), Yamag (holding character's title). | Manichaean rulers can order courtiers to take monastic vows, like Christians, and have access to reincarnation events like Dharmics
Manichean is the only heresy with a separate Holy order. |
Holy war, Sanctioned Invasion | |
Khurmazta | Zoroastrian | Mazdan | None | Can choose a Patron Deity, reincarnations | Holy war | |
Samaritan | Judaism | Israelite | None | None | Holy war | |
Karaite | Judaism | Israelite | None | None | Holy war | |
Old Germanic | (Reformed) Germanic | Pagan | None | Same as Germanic | Same as Germanic | |
Old Slavic | (Reformed) Slavic | Pagan | None | Same as Slavic | Same as Slavic | |
Old Tengri | (Reformed) Tengri | Pagan | None | Same as Tengri | Same as Tengri | |
Old Romuva | (Reformed) Romuva | Pagan | None | Same as Romuva | Same as Romuva | |
Old Suomenusko | (Reformed) Suomenusko | Pagan | None | Same as Suomenusko | Same as Suomenusko | |
Old African | (Reformed) African | Pagan | None | Same as African | Same as African | |
Old Aztec | (Reformed) Aztec | Pagan | None | Same as Aztec | Same as Aztec | |
Old Zunist | (Reformed) Zunist | Pagan | None | Same as Zunist | Same as Zunist | |
Old Bön | (Reformed) Bön | Pagan | None | Same as Bön | Same as Bön | |
Old Hellenic | (Reformed) Hellenic | Pagan | None | Same as Hellenic | Same as Hellenic |
When a pagan religion is reformed, anyone following it gets an event to decide whether to accept the reformation. If they don't, they become the "Old" version, which is considered a heresy. The reformed version keeps the name of the pre-reformation religion.
Likewise, if an Orthodox ruler mends the Great Schism, Catholic rulers get an event to decide whether to convert to Orthodoxy (or the "heresy"). Either way, Catholicism is thereafter treated as an Orthodox heresy, and all the Catholic heresies become Orthodox heresies instead. Orthodox Heresies can also mend the Great Schism if they manage to replace Orthodoxy as the parent religion.
- christian: catholic; orthodox; miaphysite; nestorian;
- muslim: sunni; shiite; ibadi;
- jewish_group: jewish;
- zoroastrian_group: zoroastrian;
- indian_group: hindu; buddhist; jain; taoist
- pagan_group: norse_pagan; norse_pagan_reformed; slavic_pagan; slavic_pagan_reformed; tengri_pagan; tengri_pagan_reformed; baltic_pagan; baltic_pagan_reformed; finnish_pagan; finnish_pagan_reformed; west_african_pagan; west_african_pagan_reformed; aztec; aztec_reformed; pagan; zun_pagan; zun_pagan_reformed; bon; bon_reformed; hellenic_pagan; hellenic_pagan_reformed;
- catholic: cathar; fraticelli; waldensian; lollard;
- miaphysite: monophysite;
- nestorian: messalian;
- orthodox: bogomilist; monothelite; iconoclast; paulician
- sunni: zikri; yazidi;
- ibadi: kharijite
- shiite: druze; hurufi; bektashi?
- zoroastrian: mazdaki; manichean; khurmazta;
- jewish: samaritan; karaite;