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Plot succ feudal elective.png选举君主制(英文:Feudal elective)是由领地法理封臣选举出候选人的继承法。



  • 没有科技要求的几个继承法之一。特别是对于 Rajas of India.png 印度宗教,选举君主制是均分继承法外唯一无科技要求的可用继承法。符合条件的未改革原始宗教也是这样,除了可以使用 Holy Fury.png 长老选举制的宗教。
  • 仅适用于伊斯兰教,印度宗教和大部分未改革原始宗教,如果“完全内阁权力”内阁法通过。需要确认(要求 DLC icon Conclave.png 御前会议DLC)
    • 注意,“内阁权力”仅封建王国和帝国可用。而且,如果通过,只要保持“完全内阁权力”,继承类型就锁定为选举君主制。
  • 当选举按照你的意愿进行时,继承就会顺利得多。
  • 你可以提名有最好属性特质的继承人。
  • 你不用受限于自己的子女,因为你可以选择支持任何宣称者或家族成员。
    • 封臣好感在为你家族和/或你提名的人筹集选票时是至关重要的。
    • 如果出现票数相等,你的投票就是决定性的。
  • 封臣由+20的好感加成(+10,如果 DLC icon Conclave.png 御前会议DLC激活),使得领地更稳定。
  • 宣称者派系可以为任何符合资格的候选人创建,即使他们没有宣称
  • 如果你家族以外的人当选,多余的头衔(公爵及以下)将给你的孩子。
  • 法理转移将导致选举人数量增减。
  • 因为头衔在家族分支间频繁地传递,合并和传递 Holy Fury.png 血脉可能变得更困难。



角色 好感修正 原因
长子 -30 他们更喜欢长子继承法
其他有机会继承的子女 -10 他们更喜欢均分继承法
其他所有家族成员 -5 家族外的角色可能继承。
所有封臣 +20 所有人都有机会


候选继承人 +50 显然他们喜欢你的选择





如果选举者还是 Ambitious.png,这将激活野心勃勃的好感修正,导致额外的“-25:野心勃勃”。




  • Valid electors are all holders of de jure vassal titles one tier lower than the elected title (and of the current title holder's religion?). This includes non de facto vassals of your realm, in the event you don't control all de jure territories.
  • In titular realms, all vassal rulers of the appropriate rank may vote.
  • Empires are an exception: both dukes and kings may vote.
  • Each elector gets a single vote, regardless of how many electoral titles they hold.
  • The current ruler always gets a vote, and also breaks ties.


Potential candidates are:

  • Claimants
  • The ruler's children, grandchildren, siblings, nephews, nieces, and spouse. They must be either the same dynasty as the ruler, or landed within the realm (a county is sufficient).
  • Rulers with sufficient rank to be electors, who are either:
    • Direct vassals (even when they are not electors themselves)
    • Electors who are not under your control

However, the following characters are always ineligible:

  • Rulers or heirs of republics, merchant republics, or theocracies
  • Characters who cannot inherit, such as Bastards Bastard.png
  • Characters with eligible fathers (e.g. can't skip a living son to nominate a grandson, or skip a living brother to nominate a nephew or niece)
  • Characters with a different religion, if the ruler is a Caliph or Fylkir
  • Women, if gender law is strictly Agnatic


The voting screen shows who each voter supports. For details on how AI voters evaluate candidates, see Succession voting.


Help your candidate

  • Avoid nominating young children. A brother might be easier to elect than a 2-year-old child.
  • Help young children look good. Opinion of non-ruler children is based on their educator's personal diplomacy skill. Hence, a high-diplomacy guardian is often a good choice when trying to elect a minor.
  • Give an elector-rank title to the best dynastic candidate: If you have a genius kinsman who is very distantly related to you, giving him a ducal title will make him a valid nominee.
  • Give a voting title to your candidate: They will likely vote for themselves. (Warning: as an AI ruler, he will have many chances to get himself into trouble. For example, he may seduce the wives of other vassals and gain rivals.)
  • Voters from your dynasty: By giving voting titles exclusively to characters from your dynasty, you can ensure that the heir will always be a member of your dynasty. However, your own children will be future claimants, so it is often safer to land distant relatives. Also, members of your own dynasty do not like feudal elective succession, as a non-dynasty member could (theoretically) inherit. You will suffer a -5 opinion penalty with them, effectively cancelling out the +5 bonus for being of the same dynasty, in contrast to the +20 opinion bonus from vassals of other dynasties.
  • Honorary titles can significantly boost their prestige.
    • Cupbearer has no age restrictions; ensure that the cupbearer is loyal or you might be poisoned.
    • Designed Regent for adult heirs
    • Commander for men, if you can keep them out of danger
  • Make electors like you: Electors' opinion of you will influence their votes.
    • Collect traits which improve vassal opinion, and avoid those which reduce vassal opinion. Christian rulers can combine this strategy with the goal of attaining Holy Fury.pngsainthood.

Damage other candidates

  • Check who is getting votes in the Inheritance tab of the Laws screen (F4).
  • Assassination may be possible, even against likeable candidates, due to the number of potential conspirators in a large realm.
  • Spying with the DLC icon Way of Life.pngIntrigue focus gives you many methods of imprisoning them without tyranny. You can then throw them in the oubliette for -20 diplomacy and -2 health. If this isn't enough, for minor tyranny penalties, you can banish them (forcing them to abdicate to their heir) or even execute them.
  • Revoke titles to invalidate candidates. Imperial administration with duchy viceroys is excellent for this; an elector who votes the wrong way, or is himself a candidate, can be stripped of his viceroy title and electoral rights with no tyranny. Catholics can use a vassal pope or antipope to claim vassal titles.
  • Have zero or one vassal electors. By leaving duchies unfounded or destroying them, you can control an election completely, even in a medium-size kingdom. You might also give all duchies to a single "super-duke", but gavelkind makes this situation precarious.

Avoid realm splits

  • Avoid holding multiple top tier titles (kingdoms or empires): Electors may not choose the same candidate for both, causing grief similar to gavelkind.
  • Use kingdom viceroyalties: if you have kingdoms outside your de jure empire, consider making them viceroyalties. This overrides the succession law in the kingdom and prevents separate elections there.
  • Spread your culture: You have a better chance of the same candidate winning multiple elections if each set of electors shares your culture.


  • Have a large dynasty: Gives more potential suitable candidates within your dynasty.
  • Grant dynasty Elector titles: this makes it more likely that your heir will be a member of your dynasty. If possible, grant all elector titles to members of your own dynasty, as this makes it certain that a member of your dynasty will inherit.