
第1行: 第1行:

[[File:Alert casus belli.png]] '''Casus belli''', 简称 '''CB''', 一个表示“战争借口”的拉丁词语。它代表了其他统治者和宗教领袖认为战争是合法的。
[[File:Alert casus belli.png]] '''Casus belli''', 简称 '''CB''', 一个表示“战争借口”的拉丁词语。它代表了其他统治者和宗教领袖认为战争是合法的。
第7行: 第7行:

== 宣战理由和扩张 ==

* 使用一个个人的[[宣称]]篡夺头衔。
** 使用其他人的宣称,并使其成为你的附庸(如果其头衔等级更低),或者:宣称这是你法理上的附庸,或是你的家族成员,或已经是你的有地封臣。<!-- 此处可翻译不准确,原文为:Pressing another's claim makes them your vassal if they are lower rank, and: they are your de jure vassal, or of your dynasty, or already your landed vassal. -->
* 对伯爵领的法理战争,以及征服类的战争,将会“强迫附庸或是篡夺”目标头衔。战胜之后,首先将会尝试将该头衔现有的统治者变为进攻方的封臣,但是如果由于进攻方头衔等级过低(如伯爵级)或者防御方拥有其他地产从而无法附庸的话,那么进攻方将会篡夺该头衔。
**使用其他人的宣称,并使其成为你的附庸(如果其头衔等级更低),或者:宣称这是你法理上的附庸,或是你的家族成员,或已经是你的有地封臣。<!-- 此处可翻译不准确,原文为:Pressing another's claim makes them your vassal if they are lower rank, and: they are your de jure vassal, or of your dynasty, or already your landed vassal. -->
* 入侵类型的战争“篡夺占领的领土”除了战争目标领地之外,所有被攻占的地产头衔均会一并被篡夺。
* 圣战会篡夺所有异教徒的地产。


== 宣称战争 ==

: {{main|宣称}}

第29行: 第31行:

===[[File:CB claim.png]] 宣称 ===
===[[File:CB claim.png]] 宣称===

第35行: 第37行:
===[[File:CB claim all.png]] 索取所有宣称===
===[[File:CB claim all.png]] 索取所有宣称===

 拥有多个 个人 宣称(对同一个 领域)的 统治者可以同时公开它们,这使得 攻击 者可以在一场战争中获得所有宣称的头衔,而无需等待10年的停战协定(如果分别宣称的话)。
 拥有多个 宣称(对同一个统治者)的时候 可以同时公开 宣称 它们,这使得 宣称 者可以在一场战争中获得所有宣称的头衔,而无需等待10年的停战协定(如果分别宣称的话)。

===[[File:CB claim for other.png]] 为他人宣称===
===[[File:CB claim for other.png]] 为他人宣称===
第49行: 第51行:

 当[[File:Dlc_icon_sons_of_abraham.png]] [[Sons of Abraham| 亚伯拉罕之裔]] DLC激活时法理战争借口不能对同一宗教的骑士团使用,除非他们已经被[[决议#骑士团类|驱逐]]。
 当 {{icon|soa}} [[亚伯拉罕之裔]]DLC激活时法理战争借口不能对同一宗教的骑士团使用,除非他们已经被[[决议#骑士团类|驱逐]]。

===[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] 伯爵领法理宣称===
===[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] 伯爵领法理宣称===
第62行: 第64行:

===[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] 附属地产法理宣称===
===[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] 附属地产法理宣称===
 有时,你或你的封臣的省份中可能会有不受你控制的归属于其他势力或是独立的次级地产(城堡、城市或神殿)。在这种情况下,你将可以公开一个省份中所有被该防御方占有的次级地产宣称。但在这种战争中,威望的失去或获取将为宣称完整省份的一半,如果为无条件和平则威望损失仅仅只是正常宣称战争的四分之一。同时,所宣称的地产将会被直接 撺掇 而不是被附庸。
 有时,你或你的封臣的省份中可能会有不受你控制的归属于其他势力或是独立的次级地产(城堡、城市或神殿)。在这种情况下,你将可以公开一个省份中所有被该防御方占有的次级地产宣称。但在这种战争中,威望的失去或获取将为宣称完整省份的一半,如果为无条件和平则威望损失仅仅只是正常宣称战争的四分之一。同时,所宣称的地产将会被直接 篡夺 而不是被附庸。

* <s>不再打星际</s>
* 放大并寻找额外的地产纹章
* 点击一个省份并检查是否每个地产右上角的纹章是你的
* 使用“独立国家”列表([[统计表]]的第十页),并按领地大小排序
* 使用“外交关系”[[Keyboard_shortcuts#Map_modes|地图模式]]({{key press|e}})并寻找与众不同的浅色或暗色省份
*使用“外交关系”[[Keyboard_shortcuts#Map_modes|地图模式]]({{key press|e}})并寻找与众不同的浅色或暗色省份


These CBs require the {{icon|jd}}''[[Jade Dragon]]'' DLC and [[Game rules#New Casus Bellis|can be disabled by a game rule]]. In general, they are expensive to declare and relatively powerful.
这些宣战理由需要{{icon|jd}}[[ 碧玉之龙]] DLC ,并且[[ 游戏规则# 新宣战理由| 可以在游戏规则中禁用]] 。通常来说,这些宣战理由代价高昂但同样拥有强力的效果。

Go to war for all counties within a duchy title. You must personally hold the duchy title or be its de jure liege king or emperor. To declare the war, you must spend tier-scaled prestige (250 for dukes, 500 for kings, 1000 for emperors).

Can only be used within the same religious group. Muslims cannot use this CB against other sects of Muslims.

Make a lower-tier neighbor become your vassal.

You must be independent<!-- (due to shares_realm_border_with??) --> and non-nomadic. You must either have a vassalization claim from [[Antagonize]], or enough prestige:
* 使伯爵臣服需要250威望
* No cost to vassalize a baron <!-- WAD according to https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/2-8-0-jd-force-vassalization-cb-should-not-be-usable-on-barons.1056723/ -->
* 使公爵臣服需要1000威望
* Costs 250 prestige to vassalize a count
* 使国王臣服需要2500威望
* Costs 1000 prestige to vassalize a duke
* Costs 2500 prestige to vassalize a king

The target realm must be independent, have a realm size less than 31, share a border, and share either your exact religion or culture group. Holy orders and religious heads can never be targeted, regardless of religion.

<!-- great_realm_conflict -->A large realm can challenge another large realm for a de jure kingdom. Both realms must be independent, have 200 [[realm size]], be non-nomadic, and be at least king tier. The targeted kingdom must be bordering or within two sea zones.

The attacker must spend 3000 prestige and 1500 piety to start the war. The defender must be at least 95% as strong as the attacker (not including allies).

On success, the kingdom title and all land within it are usurped. The penalties for losing are much greater than for most CBs.

<!--ducal_county_conquest-->Can be used to conquer a county in a duchy where you already hold a county or barony, as long as the duchy title does not exist. Vassalizes the target if possible, and usurps the title otherwise.

The attacker must spend 1 year income to declare this war. Additionally, counts must spend 100 piety and dukes must spend 250 piety. Higher tier characters cannot use this CB.

Muslims, pagans, and nomads cannot use this CB as they have alternative ways to expand.


<!--liberate_religion-->Liberates a kingdom that has provinces of your religion. The new ruler will be of your religion and will be a Tributary State under your protection.

Can only be used after getting a special "opportunity". An opportunity is likely the first time you start the [[Ambition#obj_strengthen_religion|Strengthen Religion ambition]], especially if zealous and using the theology focus. It is also possible to get an opportunity at random<!-- (from on_yearly_pulse)-->.
角色在一些特殊的情况下可以获得此宣战理由。例如,当你第一次选择[[Ambition#obj_strengthen_religion| 强化信仰]] 的野心,特别是拥有 {{iconify|zealous}} 和 {{icon|wol}} [[神学]][[生活重心]],可获得此宣战理由。该宣战理由也会随机触发,即使你没有[[Ambition#obj_strengthen_religion|强化信仰]]的野心。

Also available with {{icon|HF}}[[Holy Fury]] to characters with certain [[bloodline]]s, even if JD is not active. Bloodlines with "Can call Religious Liberation wars" allow declaring an unlimited number of Religious Liberation wars.
即使你没有启用{{icon|jd}}[[碧玉之龙]],当你启用{{icon|HF}}[[ 神圣之怒]] ,并拥有「能发起宗教解放战争」特质的[[ 血脉]] 时,你可以无限次的发动宗教解放战争。


<!--unjust_conquest-->An unjust conquest of a neighboring county. On success, vassalizes the county if possible and usurps it otherwise.
发起这种战争还会得到敌方宗教组对你的[[好感]]修正:''发动非正义战争 -15''。

When used within a realm, the county must be personally owned by the defender. When used against an independent ruler, the county can be owned by a vassal or below.
===[[File:CB independence.png]] 独立===

Pagans can use the CB for 100 prestige. Others can use the CB for wealth and piety, with the cost increasing based on your tier and the similarity of the defender's religion.

Declaring this war decreases the opinion of certain rulers toward you. The opinion hits are most damaging when declaring war on a coreligionist: in this case, most of your vassals and your religious head will be upset.

Pacifist religions cannot use this CB. Nomads and Muslims cannot use this CB as they have alternatives. Likewise, Pagans cannot use this CB except on coreligionists. The shattered-world [[#Consolidation|Consolidation]] CB takes precedence if and when it is available.

The availability of this CB is controlled by [[Game_rules#Border_Dispute_Wars|a separate game rule]] from the other Jade Dragon CBs.

==  封臣专用 ==
===[[File:CB independence.png]] 推翻领主===

===[[File:CB independence.png]] 独立 ===
会在[[逮捕]]失败或者[[ 剥夺头衔]] 时遭到拒绝后触发。

As long as you're someone's vassal, you can try to achieve independence through war. If you win, you'll be free of your current liege, and if the liege you're rebelling against is a king or emperor, crown authority will be lowered one step. If you stalemate, you'll lose 100 prestige, and if you lose, you'll be imprisoned and lose 200 prestige.
一旦胜利,领主会强制退位。在没有启动{{icon|con}}[[Conclave|御前会议]]DLC时,[[crown authority|王权法]]会降低两级。

Like with changing laws, you cannot use this CB more than one step up the chain. If your previous liege was themselves the vassal of another liege (for example, if you're a count breaking free from a duke who is in turn under a king), you will become a direct vassal of the higher liege rather than becoming independent.

Unlike a faction war for independence, a directly declared war for independence allows the attacker to call in allies. (The defender can call in allies in both cases.) On the other hand, a faction war lets you conspire with fellow vassals (making them temporarily ''your'' vassals for the duration of the war, making the war effort more coordinated) and can be started while your levies are already raised and gathered. Vassals of vassals cannot use independence factions but can directly declare independence wars (in order to serve a higher liege directly).

===[[File:CB independence.png]] 推翻领主 ===

Triggered by failed [[arrest]] or refused [[title revocation]].
*反叛的封臣会得到一个临时头衔,其他封臣有可能会加入叛变(前提是统治者持有公爵或公爵以上头衔)<!-- 编者的注释,懒得翻译了,自己看。which vassals join? it does not seem to be limited to faction members or allies, but seems to involve an instantaneous call-to-arms, suggesting relative opinion is relevant, as in versions of the game before temporary titles were added -->
*当御前会议启动时,反叛成功会使领地法中的[[realm laws|允许剥夺头衔]] 降低至“不允许”

Upon victory, the liege will be forced to abdicate. Without the {{icon|con}}[[Conclave]] DLC, [[crown authority]] is lowered two steps.

For justified arrest:
* War name is "Revolt against the rule of &lt;ruler&gt;"
* The rebelling vassal does not get a temporary title and must fight alone

For unjustified arrest or any revocation:
* War name is "War against the tyranny of &lt;ruler&gt;"
* The rebelling vassal gets a temporary title and other vassals may join in the rebellion (assuming the ruler is duke+ tier) <!-- which vassals join? it does not seem to be limited to faction members or allies, but seems to involve an instantaneous call-to-arms, suggesting relative opinion is relevant, as in versions of the game before temporary titles were added -->
* With Conclave, also seeks to set [[realm laws|title revocation law]] to "disallowed"

=== 派系 宣战理由 ===
 派系 领导者会获得与防守方相同等级的临时头衔(因此会临时变为独立状态),同时派系成员会变成他/她的临时封臣。临时封臣为派系领导者提供的最小征召兵数将为100%。
: {{Main|Factions}}

A vassal who feels their faction is powerful enough can issue an ultimatum. If their liege does not capitulate, a war begins with the faction leader as the attacker. Each faction goal has a corresponding CB.

The faction leader gains a temporary title of the defender's rank (thus temporarily becoming independent) with the fellow faction members as temporary vassals. They provide a minimum liege levy equal to their own army size.

==  宗教宣 理由 ==
====[[File:CB holy war.png]] ====

=== 通用 ===

====[[File:CB holy war.png]] 圣战 ====
你必须控制一个与目标公国相邻的省份(或者处于该公国的法理内)。当进攻方或防守方是穆斯林,或者进攻方是[[Christian|基督教徒]] 且十字军已解锁时,则可以相隔2块海域。

If your religion views an independent ruler as "infidel" or "heretic", you can declare a religious war against that ruler for a duchy. [[Muslim]]s can also attack non-heretic Muslims of a different denomination (e.g. Sunni vs Shi'a) who are not busy fighting infidels. Dharmans can also attack Taoists.

You must control a province bordering the targeted duchy (or inside it). It can also be used across 2 sea zones if the attacker or defender is Muslim, or if the attacker is [[Christian]] and Crusades have been unlocked.

This CB cannot be used within a realm, for instance by a Sunni vassal against a Shi'a vassal of the same liege, or by a heretic vassal against their non-heretic liege. Vassals who do not share their liege's religion are restricted from using the CB even for external wars, unless the vassal and liege are both non-heretics of the same religion group.

Upon victory, you'll gain 50 prestige and all holdings (as long as they're occupied by you or your allies, or unoccupied) in the targeted duchy. If someone of your own religion owns one of the holdings, they'll become your vassal. If you are Muslim and attacking a non-Muslim, all vassals will be preserved if possible. Higher or equal tiers rulers' holdings will be usurped as usual, but lower tier vassals will become yours instead. This CB cannot vassalize any [[religious head]] such as the Pope even you target the only duchy he has. Muslim victors will also lose decadence (based on [[war contribution]]; maximum 10%).
当你''' 无条件和平'''时,你将失去50点虔诚和100点威望。

If you stalemate (white peace), you'll lose 50 piety and 100 prestige, and if you lose you'll lose 150 piety, 200 prestige, and be forced to pay concessions. The winner's religion gains 3% [[moral authority]] for 20 years and the loser's loses 3%. Muslim attackers gain decadence upon losing a holy war, unless they have a liege of the same dynasty.
当你''' 投降'''时你将失去150点虔诚和200点威望,同时支付赔款。胜利的一方可以增加3% [[ 宗教权威]] ,持续20年;失败一方则降低3% 。如果穆斯林作为进攻方输掉了一场圣战则会增加腐败度,除非有家族成员是其领主。

This CB is available to rulers of most religions, but there are exceptions:

* Unreformed Pagans do not have holy wars.
* 未改革原始宗教没有圣战。
* Reformed pagans have a more powerful version of this CB that can always be used across two sea zones, can be used against other pagans, can be used by nomads, and only incurs a 5-year truce. However, this modified CB costs 100 piety to use.
* 改革原始宗教(和未改革阿兹特克多神教)有一个更强力的圣战版本,允许对2块海域间隔内目标发动圣战,允许对其他原始宗教圣战,允许游牧制政体发动圣战,圣战结束后停战协议只有5年。但是这种宣战理由需要花费100虔诚。
* Jains do not have any type of religious war.
* 耆那教没有任何形式的宗教战争。
* Buddhists must spend 250 piety to use this CB.
* 佛教必须花费250虔诚才能使用此宣战理由。
* Taoists cannot use this CB.
* 道教不能使用此宣战理由。
* Rulers cannot use this CB while participating in a reconquista war or while leading a reconquista campaign(?).
* 统治者不能在参与一场收复失地运动时使用此宣战理由。

As with other religious wars, attackers should keep in mind that:

* Rulers of the defender's faith may volunteer to join in defense. Attacking is safest when nearby rulers of the target's faith are engaged in other wars. AI rulers consider joining in defense if they are neighbors or their ''capital-to-capital'' [[distance]] is below 200<!--MAX_DISTANCE_HOLY_WAR_JOIN-->.
* 与防守方相同信仰的统治者有可能会志愿加入防守。进攻方要确保目标附近相同信仰的统治者正在忙于自己的战争,才不会腹背受敌。AI统治者倾向于加入邻国的防守战争,或者两国首都的[[ 距离]] 小于200。
* Defenders may [[Decisions#Convert to Attacker Religion|convert to their attacker's religion by decision]]. This invalidates the CB, ending the war inconclusively. AI rulers will consider doing so monthly once warscore reaches 50%, so try to reach 100% warscore quickly. They are more likely to convert when their own faith's moral authority is low.
* 防御方有可能会[[Decisions#Convert to Attacker Religion| 皈依入侵者的宗教]] 。这会使宣战理由失效,胜负未分地结束战争(你从中捞不到任何好处)。在你的战争分数达到50% 时,AI统治者会每月考虑一次是否执行这个决议,所以尽快将你的战争分数提高到100% 。当防守方的宗教权威十分低时他们更加可能会皈依你的信仰。
* Defenders with enough piety are likely to hire [[holy orders]] (especially Catholics who have more than 1 order). You can use Title Search to see whether the religion's holy orders exist and whether they are busy.
* 防守方拥有足够虔诚时有可能会雇佣[[骑士团]](尤其是天主教,因为他们不止只有1个骑士团)。你可以使用[[ 角色查找器]] 搜索头衔来查看骑士团是否已成立,以及是否已被其他人雇佣。

The Holy War CB can also be used against known [[Societies#Demon Worshippers|demon worshippers]] of the same religious group, as long as the attacker is not also a known demon worshipper. Losing a Holy War against a satanist does not lower moral authority.
圣战同样可以用来对抗同宗教组下已知的[[ 社团# 恶魔崇拜者| 恶魔崇拜者]] 成员,前提是进攻方不是已知的恶魔崇拜者。输掉一场对抗撒旦教徒的圣战不会降低宗教权威。

====[[File:CB holy war.png]] 十字军====
====[[File:CB holy war.png]] 十字军====

: {{Main|十字军、吉哈德和大圣战}}

This is a special CB only available to religious heads with at least 5% [[moral authority]]. It targets all territories in a de jure kingdom held by heathens or heretics. Any ruler of the same religion can join, even vassals. Upon success, the land will be given out in one of three manners:
这是一个特殊的宣战理由,只能由宗教领袖在该宗教至少有5%[[ 宗教权威]] 时使用。它把一个由异教徒或异端控制的[[ 王国]] 的所有法理领土作为目标。相同宗教的所有统治者都可以加入战争,无论独立与否。一旦获得胜利,土地将由以下方式瓜分:
* If the kingdom title is already held by a ruler of the same religion, that ruler gets the territory.
* If the kingdom title is already held by a ruler who is not of the same religion (for example, a Sunni Jihad for the Kingdom of Anatolia which is held by the Orthodox Byzantine Emperor in Constantinople), the land is given to a same-religion claimant on the title (strong claims get priority over weak ones). If no same-religion claimant exists, the land is given to the war participant with the highest [[war contribution]] score. The title can be peacefully [[usurp]]ed afterwards by the de facto controller.
* If the kingdom title does not exist, it is created and both kingdom and land are given to the participant with the highest [[war contribution]] score.

In addition, the Moral Authority of the attacker's religion increases by 20% for 20 years, and 500 piety and 1000 prestige are divided among all participants by their [[war contribution|percentage contribution]], while the loser loses 100 piety and his religion 20% moral authority. As with holy wars, defending pagans and Zoroastrians can convert to the attacker's religion by decision, ending the crusade inconclusively.
*如果该王国的头衔被不同宗教的统治者持有(例如,在一场逊尼派目标安纳托利亚的吉哈德中,安纳托利亚的控制者是东正教的拜占庭皇帝),所有土地将授给相同宗教中该头衔的宣称者(强宣称优先于弱宣称)。如果没有相同宗教的宣称者存在,则由[[ 战争贡献]]最高者获得所有土地。该王国头衔可以事后由实际控制者和平地[[头衔行为#篡夺| 篡夺]]。
*如果该王国的头衔不存在,则会立即创建且授予给[[战争贡献]] 最高者。

On a white peace, the attacker loses 5% authority and 100 piety while the defender gets 2.5% authority, 200 prestige and 100 piety. On a loss, the attacker loses 10% authority, 200 piety, the principal defender gets 10% authority and 100 piety, and a further 300 prestige and 150 piety is divided up among all defenders.
同时,进攻方宗教的宗教权威会增加20% ,持续20年,参战者将按照[[战争贡献|战争贡献比]]分摊500虔诚和1000威望,而失败的一方失去100虔诚且宗教权威降低20% 。和圣战一样, 防御方如果是原始宗教或祆教则可以通过决议转变为进攻方的宗教,使十字军无疾而终。

Catholic crusades and Muslim jihads [[Crusades, jihads and great holy wars#Unlocking the Crusades|become available]] in the 11th-12th centuries, or earlier if certain holy sites fall to infidels. Reformed Pagans get Great Holy Wars once either crusades or jihads have been unlocked. Jewish and Zoroastrian Great Holy Wars are unlocked as soon as the head of the respective religion is reinstated. Fraticelli Crusades and Ibadi, Yazidi, Hurufi, and Kharijite Jihads are unlocked once their religious heads are formed, and when the Crusades or Jihads are respectively unlocked. The Eastern religions and Eastern Christians (Orthodox, Miaphysite and Nestorian) are the only religions without a Great Holy War of any kind.
当无条件和平时,进攻方失去5# 宗教权威和100虔诚,防御方获得2.5%宗教权威,200威望和100虔诚。当十字军失败时,进攻方失去10%宗教权威和200虔诚,防御方获得10%宗教权威,防御方领导者获得100虔诚,同时所有参战者分摊300威望和150虔诚。

If the principal defender dies or is overthrown the war ends inconclusively.
天主教十字军和穆斯林吉哈德将在11-12世纪[[Crusades, jihads and great holy wars#Unlocking the Crusades|解锁]],如果圣地被异教徒占领则会更早。原始宗教改革后会在十字军或吉哈德中任意一个解锁后解锁大圣战。 犹太教和祆教的大圣战会在各自的宗教领袖恢复后立即解锁。小兄弟会十字军和伊巴德派、雅兹迪派、胡儒非派和哈瓦利吉派吉哈德会在宗教领袖成立后,分别在十字军或吉哈德解锁后解锁。东方宗教和东派教会(东正教、基督合性派和聂斯脱里派)没有任何形式的大圣战。

==== [[File:CB invasion.png]] 特许入侵 ====

Christian, Jewish, and Zoroastrian rulers can ask their [[religious head]] to condone an invasion on another realm targeting a de jure kingdom that follows the same religion and head. You must have a claim on the target's primary title or a [[Realm#Realm size|smaller realm]] than the target. It costs 500 piety (250 with Papal Investiture) and will only be granted if the religious head likes you much more than the target.
====[[File:CB invasion.png]] 准许入侵====

Upon victory, you'll get the kingdom title in question, 400 prestige, and every occupied holding as well as all holdings in counties where you occupy the capital,<!-- occupy_minors_of_occupied_settlements followed by gain_all_occupied_titles - seen with tribal invasion which uses the same commands --> and also earn the [[nickname]] of "The Conqueror". As such, you should occupy every county before enforcing demands, as then you can install your own nobles. If you stalemate you'll lose 100 prestige. If you lose, you'll lose 200 prestige, and have to pay concessions, and you'll lose your claim on the kingdom.
天主教,犹太教和祆教的统治者可以向他们的[[ 宗教领袖]] 请求宽恕一场对同一信仰、宗教领袖下的另一个法理王国的入侵。你必须拥有对目标主头衔的宣称或者[[领地#领地规模|领土规模]]小于目标。这需要花费500虔诚(当拥有[[王权法#教宗神职叙任权|教宗神职叙任权]],仅需要250虔诚)同时只有宗教领袖对你的好感高于目标时才有可能授予你这个宣战理由。

This CB is most useful for Catholics. Most Orthodox kings have [[autocephaly|autocephalous patriarchs]], while Jews and Zoroastrians must first restore their respective religious head.
获得胜利时,你会得到请求入侵的王国头衔,400威望和每一个被你占领的地产,省份首府被占领的伯爵领内地产同样也会归你所有<!-- occupy_minors_of_occupied_settlements followed by gain_all_occupied_titles - seen with tribal invasion which uses the same commands -->,同时获得“征服者”[[ 称号]]。因此,在[[外交#议和| 强迫对方从命]] 之前你最好把每一个伯爵领都占领了,这样你就可以安插自己的贵族。如果你无条件和平了,你将失去100威望。而当你投降时,你会失去200威望,并支付赔款,同时你也会失去对该王国的宣称。

If the target dies, the invasion claim disappears.

=== 基督教 ===

====[[File:CB excommunicated.png]] 被绝罚的统治者 ====
====[[File:CB excommunicated.png]] 被绝罚的统治者====

If someone has the same head of religion as you, and has been [[excommunication|excommunicated]], you can declare war upon them. Victory will give you 10 to 70 piety and 50 to 400 prestige depending on the excommunicated ruler's rank, and the target will have his excommunication lifted and be forced to abdicate. A white peace will lose you 50 piety and 100 prestige. Losing will lose you 100 piety, 200 prestige, and you'll be forced to pay concessions.
<!-- By default only Christians have excommunication, and only if their particular denomination currently possesses a religious head. However if the [[Muslims#Yazidi|Yazidi Sheikhdom]] has been created, the Sheikh can excommunicate fellow Yazidis. --> <!-- 原文已删除 -->

By default only Christians have excommunication, and only if their particular denomination currently possesses a religious head. However if the [[Muslims#Yazidi|Yazidi Sheikhdom]] has been created, the Sheikh can excommunicate fellow Yazidis.

====[[File:CB depose antipope.png]] 废黜对立教宗 ====
====[[File:CB depose antipope.png]] 废黜对立教宗====

Catholics who accept the authority of the 'true' Pope may attack rulers who have established an antipope. On success, the antipope is deposed (meaning he loses his claim on the papacy; he keeps his bishopric) and the winner gets 500 prestige, 250 piety and a massive opinion boost from the Pope. The loser takes a heavy prestige and piety hit. On failure, the attacker loses prestige and must pay heavy reparations.
<!-- ====[[File:CB excommunicated.png]] 扶植独立教宗====

====[[File:CB excommunicated.png]] 扶植独立教宗====
Vassals of a king or emperor who controls an [[antipope]] may start a faction to depose both and install a rival claimant. The faction members can call the real pope into the resulting war. --> <!-- 原文已删除 -->
Vassals of a king or emperor who controls an [[antipope]] may start a faction to depose both and install a rival claimant. The faction members can call the real pope into the resulting war.

====[[File:CB holy war.png]] 收复失地运动====
====[[File:CB holy war.png]] 收复失地运动====

Iberian Christian rulers may use the "Prepare Reconquest War" decision to unlock special CBs targeting pairs of duchies. [[Adventurers]] can also use these CBs.
伊比利亚文化组的统治者一生可以使用一次“准备收复失地战争”决议来解锁特定公国的特殊宣战理由。[[ 冒险家]] 也可以使用这类宣战理由。

The duchy pairs are visible in the Regions interface and listed below:

{| class="wikitable"
! 宣战理由 !!   目标公国 !! 获得所有目标公国后可获得王国
| Reconquest of Leon || León and Asturias || Kingdom of León or Asturias (whichever is non-titular)
| 莱昂的收复失地战争|| 莱昂,阿斯图里亚斯|| 莱昂或者阿斯图里亚斯(都是非名誉头衔)
| Reconquest of Castille || Castille and Toledo || Kingdom of Castille
| 卡斯蒂利亚的收复失地战争|| 卡斯蒂利亚,托雷多|| 卡斯蒂利亚
| Reconquest of Aragon || Aragon and Barcelona || Kingdom of Aragon
| 阿拉贡的收复失地战争|| 阿拉贡,巴塞罗那|| 阿拉贡
| Reconquest of Galicia || Galicia and Portucale || Kingdom of Galicia (if not titular)
| 加利西亚的收复失地战争|| 加利西亚,波图斯卡莱|| 加利西亚(如果不是名誉头衔)
| Reconquest of Western Coast || Beja and Algarve || none
| 西海岸的收复失地战争|| 贝雅,阿尔加维,里斯本||
| Reconquest of Southern Iberia || Granada and Seville || none
| 南伊比利亚的收复失地战争|| 格拉纳达,塞维利亚||
| Reconquest of Central Iberia || Cordoba and Badajoz || none
| 中伊比利亚的收复失地战争|| 科尔多瓦,巴达霍斯(又名埃斯特雷马杜拉)||
| Reconquest of the Eastern Coast || Valencia and Murcia || none
| 东海岸的收复失地战争|| 瓦伦西亚,穆尔西亚||
| Reconquest of Navarra || Navarra || Kingdom of Navarra
| 纳瓦拉的收复失地战争|| 纳瓦尔|| 纳瓦尔
| Reconquest of the Balearic Islands || Mallorca || none
| 巴利阿里群岛的收复失地战争|| 马略卡||

On success, the attacker (or their chosen beneficiary) gains land held by the defender within the target duchies. The target duchies are created or taken (unless they are held by a non-target). If all named duchies are gained, the associated kingdom is gained as well.

Reconquista wars are mutually exclusive with each other and with Holy Wars.
胜利时,进攻方(或者他们选定的受益人)会获得目标公国内防守方控制的土地。目标公国将会创建或者篡夺(除非头衔被非目标持有)。如果获得了所有提及到的公国,对应的王国头衔也会被创建。失败的一方将会获得该王国的强宣称,且可继承(似乎不会获得公国宣称?)。可能获得 [[File:Bloodlines_button.png|24px|alt=|link=]][[血脉#Reconquista|收复失地血脉]]。

====[[File:CB holy war.png]] 北方十字军====
====[[File:CB holy war.png]] 北方十字军====

To be included.
加入北方十字军的统治者会得到150虔诚并根据[[战争贡献]]得到追加奖励:达到1%时可以获得150虔诚;达到20%时可以获得金钱;达到40%时可以获得[[宝物]]。如果一位统治者在三场战争中战争贡献最高,他/她将建立一条[[血脉#Northern_Crusade_Bloodline<!-- 请勿翻译 -->|北方十字军血脉]],这将允许他/她或后代附庸条顿骑士团或条顿骑士团国。


A duchy-level war on behalf of the Pope. Requires Holy Fury DLC.

Used by independent kings and emperors to restore the Pope to Papal lands (duchy of Latium, Spoleto, Ancona, Ferrara, or Benevento). The target may be a valid holy war target (infidel or heretic), an excommunicated ruler, or a non-theocratic ruler of the same religion who is excommunicated or severely disliked by the Pope ({{red|-50}}).
獨立的國王或是皇帝幫助教宗收服教宗屬地 ( 拉丁姆、斯波莱托、安科那、费拉拉或贝内文托公国)。目標必須是有效的聖戰目標(異教徒或異端),被開除教籍的統治者,或同一宗教且與教宗關係低於{{red|-50}} 的非神權統治者。

The Pope may request such a war as a condition for [[coronation]]. It can also be a good way to increase Papal opinion or gain an artifact from the Pope as a gift.
教皇可能要求進行這種戰爭作為[[ 加冕]] 的條件。 這也是增加教皇好感的好方法或者可以从教皇那里获得一件工艺品作为礼物。

==={{icon|soi}} 伊斯兰教 ===
==={{icon|soi}} 伊斯兰教===

====[[File:CB invasion.png]] 入侵(伊斯兰教)====
====[[File:CB invasion.png]] 入侵(伊斯兰教)====

For 1000 piety, Muslims may seek to conquer all territory in a de jure kingdom belonging to a ruler of a different religion who controls at least 6 counties within it (note that like Muslim Holy Wars, "different religion" includes Muslims of other denominations, such as Sunni versus Shia). Winning grants all holdings held by rulers also owning land outside the kingdom, and also transfers vassalage of all subsidiary lords in the kingdom. The new vassals get a temporary +75 relations modifier with you, making it very easy to demand their conversion. Since patch 1.091, this CB is only usable on kingdoms that you border or own land in. According to CB files, nomads cannot use muslim invasion, they use nomad invasion instead.
如果一个异教领主在某个法理王国内控制了至少6块伯爵领,穆斯林就可以花费1000虔诚对其发起入侵,以夺取对手在该法理王国内的所有领地。和穆斯林圣战一样,“异教” 也包括其他教派的穆斯林,例如逊尼派对于什叶派。攻击者必须与目标法理王国接壤或者拥有该王国内的土地。游牧民不能使用穆斯林入侵;他们以游牧民族入侵代替。

Unlike other invasions, you only gain the target holdings; the loser gets to keep any holdings you occupy outside the wargoal.
一旦入侵成功,对于在目标法理王国之外还拥有土地的领主,你会被授予他们在该王国内的土地;对于其余的领主,公国头衔会被摧毁,他们会成为你伯爵或男爵级别的封臣。入侵不会直接篡夺公国及王国头衔,你需要在这之后自行篡夺或创建它们。新的附庸将与您获得+75的暂时性关系修正{{red|?}},使请求其转教变得非常容易。不同于其他的入侵,你只能获得战争目标的地产; 战争的失败者还能保留战争目标以外的地产。

As with holy wars, defending pagan and Zoroastrian rulers can convert to the attacker's religion by decision, ending the war inconclusively.

====[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] 伯爵领征服(伊斯兰教)====
====[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] 伯爵领征服(伊斯兰教)====

Muslims may attack any county bordering their own lands. The CB costs 50 Piety to use, but is usable on any target except your liege. Victory gains you the county, or (if the county is ruled by a single-province count and you're duke rank or higher) transfers vassalage of the count to you, and gives 100 Prestige. White Peace costs 100 Prestige. Losing costs 100 Prestige and forces you to pay concessions. The truce lasts only 5 years.
====[[File:CB subjugation.png]] 哈里发征服====
每隔10年, 伊斯蘭領主[[Religious head#Caliphates|哈里发]] 可以征服相同教派的穆斯林王國。 成功後,被征服的目標王國下屬附庸將成為攻擊者的附庸。 如果有人擁有該目標王國以外的領土,他們並不會被附庸 ,但他們在目標王國內的頭銜將會被篡奪。
休戰條約僅維持一年。 尽管这条宣战理由不能篡夺所有占领的头衔进攻方可能不会接受提前投降, 这可能是个bug。
根據CB文件,游牧政體不能使用哈里發征服。 他們改用游牧入侵。

==== [[File:CB subjugation.png]] 哈里发征服 ====
==== 腐化夺权====

Once every 10 years, Muslim [[Religious head#Caliphates|caliphs]] may attempt to subjugate a Muslim de jure kingdom of the same denomination. On success, the target's vassals in that kingdom (or target) become the attacker's vassals. If someone holds territory outside the target kingdom, they cannot be vassalized; their titles within the target kingdom are usurped instead.
伊斯蘭領主可以使用此CB篡奪具有{{iconify | decadent}}特性的近親頭銜。

The truce lasts only 1 year. Despite this CB not usurping all occupied titles, the attacker will not accept early surrender. This may be a bug.
==={{icon|tog}}{{icon|hf}} 原始宗教宣战理由===

According to CB files, nomads cannot use Caliphal Subjugation; they use nomad invasion instead.
取决于具体情况[[原始宗教]]不论你是否已改革 (需要有 {{icon|hf}}),  这些不同的CB适用于不同的统治者.

====  腐化夺权 ====
====[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] 伯爵领征服(原始宗教)====

Muslims can use this CB to usurp titles from kin with the {{iconify|decadent}} trait.
類似於穆斯林的CB,但僅可用於不同宗教的目標,且無需花費任何虔誠。 所有原始宗教領主可以征服接壤的伯爵領,且當800年發生“維京時代的開始”事件後,諾斯教徒也可以征服任意沿海的伯爵領。勝利後,除了獲得50虔誠和威望還會給予1%的宗教權威持續20年。

==={{icon|tog}} 原始宗教 理由===
  游牧制无论信仰如何,都可以使用征服伯爵领。但是非 原始 信仰的游牧民只能对其他 宗教 的游牧民或部落民使用此CB。
注意,与您的目標同一宗教的統治者可以加入对您的战争,就像公爵圣 及更高版本一样。工具提示中没有此信息,因此请小心。

Depending on the specific [[Pagan]] religion and whether or not you are reformed (and how you reformed, with the {{icon|hf}} expansion), the availability of these various CB to individual rulers will vary.
====[[File:CB subjugation.png]] 入侵====

====[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] 伯爵 征服 原始宗教 ====
  这个强大的宣战借口可以将战争目标设定为整个法理王国,由于这是一次'''入侵''',在入侵胜利之后,所有占 领( 或被占领 的土地'''均不会退还给被入侵的一方'''。

Similar to the Muslim CB, but only usable on targets of different religion and does not cost piety to use. All pagans may target neighboring counties, and Germanic pagans may also target any coastal county once the "Start of the Viking Age" event occurs in the year 800. On success, rewards 50 Piety and Prestige in addition to the county, and gives the religion 1% moral authority for 20 years. Like the Muslim CB, the truce lasts only 5 years.
拥有以下宗教和以下文化,如果同时也拥有 [[部落制]] 或是 [[选举均分继承法]] 可获得这个宣战借口

Nomads have access to County Conquest regardless of their faith. However, non-pagan nomads can only use this CB on other nomads or tribals.
* 没有 {{icon|hl}}马上诸王 DLC: 原始宗教的入侵型文化(阿尔泰或马扎尔文化),或是非基督教的游牧文化(蒙古或纳瓦文化)。注意,只有游牧文化可以把原始宗教作为此宣战借口的目标。
* 有 {{icon|hl}}马上诸王 DLC: 只借口只能被原始宗教使用(阿尔泰、马扎尔或纳瓦文化), 并且原始宗教不可以作为此宣战借口的目标。

====[[File:CB subjugation.png]] 部落入侵 ====

This powerful CB targets a de jure kingdom but does not usurp the kingdom title. As it is an ''invasion'', it also usurps all occupied holdings (and holdings in occupied counties), even outside the wargoal.
* [[血脉|亚历山大 或 阿育王 血脉 (一生一次,战争无效也无法退款)]]

Is is available for rulers who have [[tribalism|tribal government]] or [[elective gavelkind]] succession, if they also have appropriate religion and culture:
宣布入侵需要花费 500 声望,但攻击者在成功后获得 400 声望(100% [[ 战争贡献]] )。
* Without the "Horse Lords" expansion: it can be used by Pagans with Invasion culture (Altaic or Magyar) and non-Christians with Horde culture (Mongol or Nahua). Pagans cannot be targeted except by Horde culture attackers.
* With the "Horse Lords" expansion: it can only be used by Pagans; requires Altaic, Magyar, or Nahua culture; and can never be used against Pagans.

It is also available for:
游牧不能使用此 CB。相反,当他们的人口达到其最大值的 75% 且至少 30000 时,他们可以使用游牧入侵。
* Special [[hordes]]
* Landless [[mercenaries]] who were [[Economy#Debt|not paid]]
* Child of destiny
* "Immortal Blood of Alexander" [[bloodline]] (once per lifetime, NOT refunded if the war becomes invalid)

Declaring a Tribal Invasion costs 500 prestige, but the attacker receives 400 prestige upon success (with 100% [[war contribution]]).
====[[File:CB subjugation.png]] 原始宗教征服====

Nomads cannot use this CB. Instead, they can use [[#Nomad invasion|Nomad invasion]] when their population is 75% of its maximum and at least 30000.
拥有 [[部落制]] 或是 [[选举均分继承法]] 的[[原始宗教]](除了[[ 希腊多神教]]) , 可以针对其它原始宗教发起王国级征服。

====[[File:CB subjugation.png]] 原始宗教征服 ====

Pagans (except Hellenics) with either a tribal government or elective gavelkind succession, may target all land in a de jure kingdom held by another pagan. On success, all holdings are vassalized or seized, and top-level non-titular titles are seized if they are of equal or higher rank than the invader's top title. The conqueror gets an opinion bonus from the vassals he subjugates. Reformed Pagans lose this CB, and are also protected from it, except from attacks from the unreformed version of their own religion. The truce lasts only 1 year.

A character may only use this CB once in their lifespan, except with the "Become King" ambition, which allows unlimited usage within the capital's de jure kingdom. If a character is already being targeted in a subjugation war it invalidates that character as a target for another subjugation war.

====[[File:CB subjugation.png]] 准备入侵====
====[[File:CB subjugation.png]] 准备入侵====
第346行: 第386行:

Prepared Invasions are available for:
Prepared Invasions are available for:
* [[File:Reformed_Norse_Heresy.png|32px|alt=|link=]] Unreformed [[Pagans#Germanic|Germanic]] Pagans, after the "Viking Age" event in the year 800
* [[File:Norse.png|32px|alt=|link=]] Reformed Germanic pagans (without Holy Fury)
*[[File:Reformed_Norse_Heresy.png|32px|alt=|link=]] Unreformed [[Pagans#Germanic|Germanic]] Pagans, after the "Viking Age" event in the year 800
* [[File:Reformation.png|32px|alt=|link=]] Reformed pagans with the Daring [[Pagans#Doctrine|doctrine]] (with HF)
* [[File:Norse.png|32px|alt=|link=]] Reformed Germanic pagans (without {{icon|hf}}Holy Fury)
* [[File:Reformation.png|32px|alt=|link=]] Reformed pagans with the ''Daring'' or ''Sons of Ragnarok'' [[Pagans#Doctrine|doctrines]] (with Holy Fury)

The target realm must have between 9 and 50 holdings within the target de jure kingdom. The attacker must have 1000 prestige and fewer than 50 holdings. During the two years after the invasion is announced, the preparing ruler has a chance to receive [[event troops|free troops and ships]]. The recruited army scales with the size of the ruler's existing army, and also tends to be larger with:
The target realm must have between 9 and 50 holdings within the target de jure kingdom. The attacker must have 1000 prestige and fewer than 50 holdings. During the two years after the invasion is announced, the preparing ruler has a chance to receive [[event troops|free troops and ships]]. The recruited army scales with the size of the ruler's existing army, and also tends to be larger with:

* 7, 10, 15, and 20 martial skill <!-- misc_old_gods_events.txt, event 62320 and friends -->
*7, 10, 15, and 20 martial skill<!-- misc_old_gods_events.txt, event 62320 and friends -->
* 7, 10, 15, and 20 diplomacy skill
*7, 10, 15, and 20 diplomacy skill
* 100 and 1000 prestige
*100 and 1000 prestige
* Higher rank than count
*Higher rank than count

Recruits show up slowly if the target realm has twice as many troops as the attacker and very slowly if the target realm has three times as many troops. Recruits do not show up at all if the target has four times as many troops as the attacker.
Recruits show up slowly if the attacker has twice as many troops as the target realm and very slowly if the attacker has three times as many troops. Recruits do not show up at all if the attacker has four times as many troops as the target realm.

Since the recruited army scales with the size of your existing army, you should increase your strength by all possible means during the period before the invasion. At the very least, your capital should have the "train troops" and "fleet returned with loot" bonuses to levy size. Consider raising tribal prestige troops, hiring mercenaries, or even leading a faction rebellion.
Since the recruited army scales with the size of your existing army, you should increase your strength by all possible means during the period before the invasion. At the very least, your capital should have the "train troops" and "fleet returned with loot" bonuses to levy size. Consider raising tribal prestige troops, hiring mercenaries, or even leading a faction rebellion.

Most of these event troops are earmarked for the invasion and will disband if the invasion is cancelled or if the invasion war ends. However, some of the event troops (those that arrive with a hero commander) are not earmarked and can be retained. If the war becomes invalid due to the attacker no longer controlling any titles in the target kingdom, all event troops will be retained.
Most of these event troops are earmarked for the invasion and will disband if the invasion is canceled or if the invasion war ends. However, some of the event troops (those that arrive with a hero commander) are not earmarked and can be retained. If the war becomes invalid due to the attacker no longer controlling any titles in the target kingdom, all event troops will be retained.

As with Holy Wars, neighbors of the target who share their religion can (and very likely will) join in defense. Not declaring war within two years cancels the invasion and has a heavy Prestige cost. On success in the war, occupied holdings and holdings in occupied counties are usurped, and any remaining titles in the named target kingdom are vassalized.<!-- occupy_minors_of_occupied_settlements followed by gain_all_occupied_titles - seen with tribal invasion which uses the same commands --> Conquered holdings do not get the "recently conquered" penalty and have their levies refilled immediately. Only usable once per ruler's lifetime. The truce lasts only 1 year.
As with Holy Wars, neighbors of the target who share their religion can (and very likely will) join in defense. Not declaring war within two years cancels the invasion and has a heavy Prestige cost. On success in the war, occupied holdings and holdings in occupied counties are usurped, and any remaining titles in the named target kingdom are vassalized.<!-- occupy_minors_of_occupied_settlements followed by gain_all_occupied_titles - seen with a tribal invasion which uses the same commands --> Conquered holdings do not get the "recently conquered" penalty and have their levies refilled immediately. Only usable once per ruler's lifetime. The truce lasts only 1 year.

If you start as one of the British Sons of Ragnar in 867 (Halfdan Whiteshirt of Jorvik or Ivar the Boneless of Suðreyar), you will begin immediately following their declaration of a prepared invasion and this CB will not be available to your starting character afterward.
If you start as one of the British Sons of Ragnar in 867 (Halfdan Whiteshirt of Jorvik or Ivar the Boneless of Suðreyar), you will begin immediately following their declaration of a prepared invasion and this CB will not be available to your starting character afterward.

Prepared Invasion will be cancelled if:
Prepared Invasion will be canceled if:
* You die
* You have any troops in target realm before declaring war
*You die
* You have raided target and target is still hostile towards you. After a raid hostile timer is 180 days.
*You have any troops in target realm before declaring war
*You have raided target and target is still hostile towards you. After a raid hostile timer is 180 days.


Used by Aztecs or any reformed pagan religion with the [[Pagans#Reformation_in_Holy_Fury|"Bloodthirsty Gods" doctrine]]. The attacker must have the [[Traits#Bloodthirsty_Gods|3rd tier trait, Haemoarch]]. Requires Holy Fury DLC.
Used by Aztecs or any reformed pagan religion with the [[Pagans#Reformation_in_Holy_Fury|"Bloodthirsty Gods" doctrine]]. The attacker must have the [[Traits#Bloodthirsty_Gods|3rd tier trait, Haemoarch]]. Requires {{icon|hf}}Holy Fury DLC.

On success, some non-ruler members of the ruler's court are sacrificed. Provinces of the defender's demesne, as well as those of their direct vassals, get a modifier for 10 years severely reducing levy size. The attacker's religion gets +3% moral authority for 30 years.
On success, some non-ruler members of the ruler's court are sacrificed. Provinces of the defender's demesne, as well as those of their direct vassals, get a modifier for 10 years severely reducing levy size. The attacker's religion gets +3% moral authority for 30 years.
第386行: 第428行:

Although this CB does not always expand the territory of the attacker's religion, it counts as a holy war for moral authority and the "strengthen religion" ambition.
Although this CB does not always expand the territory of the attacker's religion, it counts as a holy war for moral authority and the "strengthen religion" ambition.
This CB requires that the ruler declaring the war has a king-tier title or higher.

Opposite gender version of above, for pagan religions with combination of the "Warmongering" nature and the "Agnatic Clans" doctrine.
Opposite gender version of above, for pagan religions with combination of the "Warmongering" nature and the "Agnatic Clans" doctrine.

==={{icon|roi}} 印度宗教 ===
==={{icon|roi}} 印度宗教===

====[[File:CB subjugation.png]] 印度征服 ====
====[[File:CB subjugation.png]] 印度征服====

Rulers of the [[Indian religions]] (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism) may subjugate de jure kingdoms held by other Indian rulers. Costs 500 piety, and is only usable on targets of the same [[culture]] group. The truce lasts only 1 year.
Rulers of the [[Indian religions]] (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism) may subjugate de jure kingdoms held by other Indian rulers. Costs 500 piety, and is only usable on targets of the same [[culture]] group. The truce lasts only 1 year.

A character may only use this CB once every 100 years, except with the "Become King" ambition, which allows unlimited usage within the capital's de jure kingdom.
A character may only use this CB once every 100 years, except with the "Become King" ambition, which allows unlimited usage within the capital's de jure kingdom.

第407行: 第455行:

You can also use this CB to gain control of infidel claimants. A second war, using the claim-for-other CB, can then net you an entire kingdom. With Muslim neighbors, there is even the possibility of gaining control of the ruler's sons or grandsons, letting you game their [[open]] succession by granting a kingdom.
You can also use this CB to gain control of infidel claimants. A second war, using the claim-for-other CB, can then net you an entire kingdom. With Muslim neighbors, there is even the possibility of gaining control of the ruler's sons or grandsons, letting you game their [[open]] succession by granting a kingdom.

A tributary-suzerain relationship is an asymmetric pact giving the suzerain power over the tributary. There are four types of tributaries, each with different tax rates and rules about who must join whose wars.
朝贡- 宗主关系是一种不对称的契约关系,它会赋予宗主国对朝贡国的一系列权力。朝贡关系有三种形式,每一种都有不同的税率和召唤加入战争的规则。

A suzerain cannot declare war on their tributaries. However, a suzerain may choose to [[Diplomatic actions#Release tributary|release a tributary]] in order to attack them again, as long as both realms are at peace. The truce from the initial "Make tributary" war only lasts a year, and releasing a tributary does not create a new truce. Tributaries cannot join in defensive pacts against their suzerain.

In a war to establish a tributary relationship, defenders often offer to surrender early. This can happen in two ways:
* At the beginning of the war, as [[JD_CB_events#Tributary_CB_Surrender_Events|an option in an event]]. {{Iconify|Proud}}, {{iconify|stubborn}}, {{iconify|lunatic}}, and {{iconify|possessed}} rulers will never choose to surrender this way. {{Iconify|Craven}} or {{iconify|content}} rulers are more likely to choose surrender, while rulers with sufficient power to defend (including allies) are less likely to surrender.
* At any time during the war, when evaluating warscore and <code>defender_ai_defeat_worth</code>. Distant targets, proud/{{iconify|brave}}/{{iconify|greedy}} characters, and kings are less inclined to fold.

===逼迫纳 ===
*在朝 战争开始时,防御方生成的[[JD CB events#Tributary CB Surrender Events|事件中有一个选项]]可以选择投降。拥有 骄傲{{Iconify|Proud}},固执{{iconify|stubborn}}, 精神错乱{{iconify|lunatic}}, 和恶魔附身{{iconify|possessed}} 的统治者绝不会选择就此投降。而 怯懦{{Iconify|Craven}} 或 安于现状{{iconify|content}} 的统治者则更有可能选择投降。并且如果统治者拥有足够实力(包括盟友)进行防御的话也不太可能选择投降。
On success, the defender becomes a (normal) '''Tributary''' of the attacker at a tax rate of 40%. This type of tributary can be called to war and cannot unite with other tributaries, but always breaks free on suzerain death.
* 在朝贡战争中的任何时点,防御方通过权衡战争分数情况以及<code>defender_ai_defeat_worth</code>来选择是否投降。如果朝贡国目标在地理上过于遥远、 防御方统治者拥有 骄傲{{iconify|proud}}/勇敢{{iconify|brave}}/贪婪{{iconify|greedy}} 特质、防御方是国王,这些因素会使防御方更不倾向于投降。

Requires the {{icon|hl}}''[[Horse Lords]]'' DLC. Requires a border or being at most 2 sea zones away (similar to holy wars). The attacker must not be a tributary (except {{icon|jd}}imperial) and must be independent. The defender must be an independent count or above, cannot be the representative of an off-map power, and cannot be already participating in another tributary war.
===强迫朝贡(Extort tribute)===
成功后,防御方会变成一个(常规) ''' 朝贡国'''(Tributary) 向进攻方进贡40%的税收. 这种类型的朝贡国会被叫入战争以及不能联合其他的朝贡国, 但是当上面领主死亡时打破。

Nomadic and tribal rulers get special opinion bonuses with their vassals after winning this kind of war. Primarily used by nomads against the richer government types, but occasionally used by rulers of other government types when other CBs are unavailable. Since the tributary relationship ends upon suzerain death, re-using this CB is a great way to gain prestige upon succession.
要求 {{icon|hl}}'''[[Horse Lords|马上诸王]]''' DLC. 要求在边界或者存在最多有2个海域(类似于圣战). 攻击者一定不能是一个朝贡国(除了 {{icon|jd}}帝国) 以及必须是独立的. 防御方必须是个独立国,或者是一个地图外的权利代表,不能存在已经在朝贡战争中。

===建立 朝贡关系===
在赢得这个类型的战争之后,游牧和部落统治者会得到特殊的好感奖励与他们的附庸。主要被用于游牧对付比较富裕的政府类型,但偶尔被用于对付其他统治类型,当其他的CB类型是不可激活时,会有 朝贡关系 直到领主死亡, 立刻继承人继位再次使用这个CB是得到威望是一个好方法。
<!--tributary_nomad_cb-->On success, the defender becomes a '''Nomad Tributary''', a type of tributary that pays 50% tax and grants the suzerain +0.3 monthly prestige. This type of tributary can be called to war, and only breaks free on negative prestige.

Requires the {{icon|hl}}''[[Horse Lords]]'' DLC. Has similar requirements as Extort tribute, with the additional requirements that the attacker must be nomadic and that this CB cannot be used to steal tributaries from your own vassals. Can be used against realms that border a tributary of the same type, even if they are not otherwise in range.
===建立朝贡关系(Establish tributary)===
<!--tributary_nomad_cb-->成功后, 防御方会变成一个 ''' 游牧朝贡国''' (Nomad Tributary), 该类型的朝贡国会支付50%税和给予宗主国 +0.3 每月威望。这个类型的朝贡国会被叫入战争,只有宗主国有负威望的情况下才会有自由

要求 {{icon|hl}}'''[[Horse Lords|马上诸王]]''' DLC。有类似要求就像敲诈朝贡, 有额外的要求,攻击者一定是游牧以及这个CB不能被用于从他的附庸里窃取朝贡. 可以被用于要求边界的同类型的朝贡国领土, 即使他们不在其他范围内。
<!--tributary_permanent_cb-->On success, the defender becomes a '''Tributary State''', a type of tributary that pays 20% tax and transfers 15% reinforcement rate. This type of tributary cannot be called to war, but can call their suzerain to war. This type of tributary has many ways to break free: if the suzerain has negative prestige, ceases to be independent, has a smaller realm size, or declines a defensive call to arms from the tributary state.

Requires the {{icon|jd}}''[[Jade Dragon]]'' DLC. Can only be used by non-nomadic rulers. The attacker must have 200 prestige and cannot have a smaller realm. Requires Majesty 4 in Europe ([[region]]) and Majesty 2 elsewhere. Can be used against realms that border a tributary of the same type, even if they are not otherwise in range.
===建立朝贡国(Establish Tributary State)===
<!--tributary_permanent_cb-->成功后, 防御方会变成 ''' 朝贡国家'''(Tributary State),这个类型的朝贡国家会支付20%税收和转移15%加强比率。这个类型的朝贡不能被叫入战争,但可以叫他们的宗主国进入战争。这种类型的朝贡有很多方式去打破自由:如果他们的领主是负威望, 会变成独立国, 有一个更小的领土尺寸, 或者 拒绝作为同盟参与朝贡国(tributary state)的防御战争。

The tributary will also break free if the current ruler is overthrown (e.g. from a decadence revolt). This will not happen with regular inheritance.
要求 {{icon|jd}}''[[Jade Dragon]]'' DLC. 只可以被用于非游牧统治者.攻击方必须有 200 威望以及领土没有比他更小. 要求 科技 4 在欧洲 ([[region|宗教]]) 和 科技 2 在别处. 可以用于反对相同朝贡类型的领土, 即使在范围内他们没有其他方式。
朝贡也会被打破恢复自由,如果统治者在最近被打到 (例如. 腐化叛乱). 这通常不会再常规继承中发生.

Tributaries can use this CB to attempt to free themselves from tributary status. Tributaries cannot declare any other type of war against their suzerain. As wars for independence, these wars have ticking [[warscore]] in favor of the attacker as long as the attacker controls all their holdings.
朝贡国可以使用这个CB试图获得他们的自由来自朝贡关系(tributary status . 朝贡国不能宣称任何其他类型的战争去反对他的领主. 由于战争是独立的,these wars have ticking [[warscore|战争分数]] 支持攻击者一样攻击者控制所有的地产。

Permanent tributaries can unite in an attempt to free themselves, as in an independence faction war. Normal tributaries can only fight alone and risk other tributaries joining their suzerain.
永久朝贡国可以团结起来试图解放他们自己,作为一个独立的行动战争. 常规朝贡国可以只通过战斗独立和冒着风险加入其他朝贡国去反对宗主

In the rare case that a tributary becomes a vassal of another realm, their liege can also use this CB on behalf of their vassal.
在罕见的情况,朝贡国更换了另一个领域, 他们的领主也可以使用这个CB在代表他们的封臣。

=={{icon|jd}} 中国==
=={{icon|jd}} 中国==
<!--offmap_submission-->Used by China or by a rebel Chinese general to invade another realm. Usurps counties up to the attacker's demesne limit and forcibly vassalizes the defender.
<!--submission_cb--> 该宣战理由可由中国或中国叛军将领使用,以征服另一个王国。侵占伯爵领直到达到分数要求,从而强迫附庸防御者。

If the defender is not an emperor, they become a vassal and their kingdoms are usurped. If the defender is an emperor, their vassals become the attacker's vassals, the defender's empire titles are destroyed, and the defender becomes a vassal.

<!--tributary_offmap_cb-->On success, the defender becomes an '''Imperial Tributary''' of China's Western Protectorate. This type of tributary pays 50% tax and transfers 30% of reinforcements. The tributary loses monthly prestige scaled by tier, but receives +2 monthly [[grace]] and [[decisions#Unit|can summon Chinese regiments]]. Imperial Tributaries can [[decisions#Tributary|break away by decision]] if China is embroiled in civil war or experiencing an invasion.
<!--tributary_offmap_cb--> 该宣战理由仅西域都护府可用。一旦西域都护府胜利,被宣战者将成为西域都护府的一个朝贡国。这类朝贡国需要缴纳50% 的税收和30% 的兵力。被建立朝贡国者每月将失去按头衔等级计算的声望,但每月获得+2 的皇恩,可以雇佣中国援军。如果中国卷入内战或女真/蒙古南侵,可以通过决议脱离朝贡关系。

<!--dismantle_pretender_china_cb-->Used by China to destroy a pretender China (a realm created by a rebel Chinese general using the Submission CB).
<!--dismantle_pretender_china_cb--> 中国用来消灭伪朝的CB。(伪朝:由中国叛军将领使用服从CB创建的王国。)

<!--force_open_china_cb-->Used against the Western Protectorate to force China to end an Isolationist policy and resume trade through the [[silk road]].
<!--force_open_china_cb--> 用来对付西域都护府,迫使中国结束闭关锁国政策,通过丝绸之路恢复贸易。

Since this is a war against China, warscore can be decided entirely by battles and cannot be decided entirely by occupying the Western Protectorate. White peace is impossible.

On success, get a lot of grace and wealth, and China is forced to change its policy to Open.

<!--destabilization_china_cb-->Used by China when a player uses the "request invasion" boon. Sometimes used by China when a player attempts to intimidate China into opening the silk road.
<!--destabilization_china_cb--> 当玩家使用“请求入侵”天朝互动时,由中原王朝对被宣战的国家使用。有时被中国玩家用来恐吓中原王朝开放丝绸之路。
<!--invasion_of_china_cb-->Used by players to place a relative on the dragon throne. <!--Since this is a war against China, warscore can be decided entirely by battles and cannot be decided entirely by occupying the Western Protectorate. Even capturing the defender does not guarantee victory. White peace is impossible.-->
<!--invasion_of_china_cb--> 可以用于将您的亲属推上天朝皇帝的宝座。

== 特殊 ==
  值得注意的是,输掉这场战争将导致攻击者的王国被'''粉碎'''。<!--Since this is a war against China, warscore can be decided entirely by battles and cannot be decided entirely by occupying the Western Protectorate. Even capturing the defender does not guarantee victory. White peace is impossible.-->

===[[File:CB imperial reconquest.png]] 帝国再征服 ===
== 特殊==

A super-powered CB available only to the restored Roman Empire. The attacker must be Christian or [[Hellenic]], and the defender must not be Muslim. On success, subjugates all holdings in the target duchy like in Muslim invasions. May only be used within de jure kingdoms once part of the historical Roman Empire.
===[[File:CB imperial reconquest.png]] 帝国再征服===

The territories that may be targeted with this CB do not necessarily correspond to the lands required to gain the Roman Province events, or land that is required to reclaim the old Imperial borders.
一种仅适用于已恢复的罗马帝国的清理宣战 ,其目标是历史罗马帝国的一个公国。攻击者必须信仰基督教组或文化为希腊,防御者不得是穆斯林。

Ordered by 1066 de jure empire, the CB can be used within the borders of each of these de jure kingdoms:

* Byzantine Empire - Kingdoms of Anatolia, Armenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Serbia, Trebizond, Thrace, Epirus, Cyprus, Amalfi (missing Georgia)
* Empire of Arabia - Kingdoms of Africa, Egypt, Jerusalem, Mauretania, Syria (missing Arabia, Yemen)
* Empire of Britannia - Kingdoms of England, Wales (missing Ireland, Scotland)
* Empire of Francia - Kingdoms of Aquitaine, Brittany, Burgundy, France
* Holy Roman Empire - Kingdoms of Bavaria, Frisia, Lotharingia, Carinthia (missing Germany, Bohemia)
* Empire of Hispania - Kingdoms of Andalusia, Asturias, Aragon, Castille, Galicia, León, Navarra, Portugal, Badajoz, Valencia
* Empire of Italia - Kingdoms of Italy, Sicily, Sardinia & Corsica, Venice, Pisa, Genoa, Romagna
* No initial de jure empire:
** The Papacy
** The Papal State
** Kingdom of Antioch
** Kingdom of Switzerland

Each of the above kingdoms can be targeted, regardless of what de jure empire it is part of. Note that if the de jure territory of any of the above kingdoms change, then so do the duchies that can be targeted using the CB.

===[[File:CB subjugation.png]] 昭昭天命入侵 ===
===[[File:CB subjugation.png]] 昭昭天命入侵===

This CB can only be used by Timurids and pre-1200 Seljuks. It targets a kingdom within the de jure empires of Persia, Byzantium, or Arabia. The target realm must control 3 provinces within the target kingdom.

Humiliate and imprison a rival ruler. This targets the person rather than his or her title(s): on victory, the targeted rival is imprisoned by the victor, but no territory changes hands.  While of little direct utility other than gains in prestige and wealth, this can have side benefits such as forcing a [[regency]], allowing weak claims to be pressed against the rival's title(s).  It is also extremely useful in a republic for boosting prestige, which factors prominently in succession—suppressing a rival house every time the truce expires can increase prestige enough to edge out the election against a non-rival house in an otherwise close campaign.

Players can use this CB to free landless characters they care about from [[imprisonment]] or forced [[concubinage]]. Characters who can be freed this way are the attacker's spouses, concubines, friends, close relatives, and dynasts. Unlike other wars, this CB can be used despite the existence of prisoners who would normally be considered hostages.
玩家可以为处于强制性纳妾或逮捕中的无地角色使用该战争借口。被宣战者可以通过这种方式被迫释放攻击者的亲戚、朋友、配偶等。 不像其他战争, 这种战争借口也可以消除被拘禁角色的人质性质。

The defender may choose to offer immediate release, execute one or all captives (including concubines), or simply accept the war. Executing the captives does ''not'' end the war. <!-- Also low defender_ai_defeat_worth, but not the same as tributary_cb -->
防御方可以选择立即释放, 处决一个或所有俘虏 ( 包括妾), 亦或者只简单的接受战争。请注意,即使俘虏被处决,也不会结束战争! <!-- Also low defender_ai_defeat_worth, but not the same as tributary_cb -->

On success, seizes 3 years' income from the defender and frees the captives. Forced concubinage ends and marriages are annulled (with characters in the same realm). Prisoners are released. Freed characters will move to your court unless they are (still) the concubine or spouse of a landed character. Additionally, all freed characters will have a positive opinion modifier toward you as their saviour.
在胜利的情况下, 战败者将赔付相当于三年收入的战争赔款,并释放俘虏。强制性纳妾将终止并且婚姻破裂 ( 和角色在同领地) 。囚犯也将被释放。被解救的角色将加入你的宫廷除非她们还是有地角色的妾或妻子。所有被解救者还将对他们的恩人有额外的好感加成。

第511行: 第572行:

====[[File:CB seize trade post.png]] 夺取贸易站====
====[[File:CB seize trade post.png]] 夺取贸易站====
For patricians and merchant republics targeting each other. Cannot be used against patricians in the same realm if you have 2 or more trade posts more than they do. On success, you gain the target trade post; on failure, you pay reparations. The truce lasts only 5 years.
贵族和商业共和国互相攻击或对抗外国的CB。不能用来对抗同一等级且少于你2个或更多贸易站的贵族。成功后,您将获得目标贸易站。 失败时,您需要赔偿。休战仅持续5年。你必须有一条开放的贸易站线路以要求目标贸易站。有时,当战争结束时,贸易站被摧毁,在这种情况下,你需要自己建立贸易站。也可以用来对付封建王国,如果他们在丝绸之路或跨撒哈拉贸易上保持贸易站。不能用来夺取位于敌方王国首都且在丝绸之路上的贸易站。
Can also be used against feudal realms if they maintain trade posts in the silk road.

====[[File:CB claim.png]] 城市征服====
====[[File:CB claim.png]] 城市征服====
A republic-only CB added in patch 1.09.  Can be used by patricians as well as doges. Usable if you or your vassal patrician control a trade post in the province. Targets a single city within the province. If used in a county with a vassal's trade post, they get the city instead of you. The city conquest CB cannot be used against characters in the same realm as you.
1.09 添加的一个仅限共和国使用的CB。贵族和总督都可以使用。如果你或你的封臣贵族控制了一个省份的贸易站,则可以使用。目标是省内的一个城市。如果在封臣的贸易站所在伯爵领使用,由封臣而不是你得到该城市。城市征服CB不能用于对抗和你在同一等级的角色。

====[[File:CB claim.png]] 伯爵领征服(共和国) ====
====[[File:CB claim.png]] 伯爵领征服(共和国)====

Republic-only single county conquest, only usable if you (or your vassal patrician) already control a city in the province. You must either control a neighboring county or one at most two sea zones away. Patricians who don't already own a county can't use this CB.
仅限共和国的单一伯爵领征服,仅当您(或您的封臣)已控制该省份的一个城市时才可用。 你必须要么控制一个相邻的伯爵领,要么控制至多两个海区之外的一个伯爵领。尚未拥有伯爵领的贵族不能使用此CB。

====[[File:CB embargo.png]] 禁运 ====
====[[File:CB embargo.png]] 禁运====

Usable against merchant republics (or their lieges) who control trade posts in your realm. On success, all trade posts are destroyed and you earn significant money for each one conquered in this way. Unlike other CBs, the Embargo option only appears when at peace.
此借口可以用于对抗在您领地内有贸易站的商业共和国和他们的领主( 如果有的话) 。如果您赢了, 每个在您领地内的战败者的贸易站皆被摧毁并给你一笔可观的收入。不像其他战争借口, 您只能在和平的时候使用它。

==={{icon|hl}} 游牧制宣战理由===
==={{icon|hl}} 游牧制宣战理由===

[[Nomad]]s have access to [[#Establish tributary|Establish Tributary]], and the following exclusive CBs. While they also can use the [[#County conquest (pagan)| pagan county conquest CB]] regardless of religion, non-pagan nomads can only use this CB on other nomads and tribals.
[[Nomad|游牧]] 可以通过 [[#Establish tributary| 建立朝贡]] (Establish Tributary), 允许使用一些专门的CB. 当他们也可以使用 [[#County conquest (pagan)| 异教郡征服CB]] 不分宗教, 原始宗教游牧可以仅使用这个CB 对其他的游牧和部落。

This CB allows [[Nomadism|Nomads]] to subjugate non-Nomadic realms. Empires can only be targeted by emperor-level nomads (khagans).
这个CB允许[[Nomadism| 游牧]] 去征服非游牧领土. 帝国只能成为帝国等级( 可汗) 的游牧目标。

When subjugating [[Nomadism#Vassal breakaway on succession|a realm that broke away during Nomadic Succession]], the CB is completely free. This is controlled by the opinion modifier "-50 Declared Independence", given to the new khagan toward the breakaway ruler and their dynastic direct courtiers and vassals.
当征服[[Nomadism#Vassal breakaway on succession| 右拇指]] 一个游牧期间继承期间分裂出来的王国, 这个CB是完全自由的. This is controlled by the opinion modifier "-50 Declared Independence", given to the new khagan toward the breakaway ruler and their dynastic direct courtiers and vassals.

Otherwise, it costs 500 prestige and can only be used once every 100 years. If the war becomes invalid, the launched_subjugation timer is refunded, but the prestige is not.
Otherwise, it costs 500 prestige and can only be used once every 100 years. If the war becomes invalid, the launched_subjugation timer is refunded, but the prestige is not.
第543行: 第603行:
According to CB files, Nomad invasion works like a crusade. It targets a de jure kingdom; all land occupied by your vassal/allies/tributaries will be usurped by yourself (even if outside the targeted kingdom). Titles in the target kingdom held by the defender which are unoccupied will be vassalized instead.
According to CB files, Nomad invasion works like a crusade. It targets a de jure kingdom; all land occupied by your vassal/allies/tributaries will be usurped by yourself (even if outside the targeted kingdom). Titles in the target kingdom held by the defender which are unoccupied will be vassalized instead.

====[[File:CB subjugation.png]] 臣服 ====
====[[File:CB subjugation.png]] 臣服====
Also known as "Nomad Expansion", this CB allows any Nomad to vassalize non-nomad or usurp nomad holdings of an independent ruler within a single de jure duchy. It costs 300 prestige. The defender can call (and can be joined by) rulers of the same faith just like in a Holy War. It has a 10 years truce, contrary to a 5 years truce for county conquest or reformed Tengri holy war.
Also known as "Nomad Expansion", this CB allows any Nomad to vassalize non-nomad or usurp nomad holdings of an independent ruler within a single de jure duchy. It costs 300 prestige. The defender can call (and can be joined by) rulers of the same faith just like in a Holy War. It has a 10 years truce, contrary to a 5 years truce for county conquest or reformed Tengri holy war.

Feuding clans can declare wars against each other to seize a single county. A Khagan cannot use this CB against a vassal clan.
Feuding clans can declare wars against each other to seize a single county. A Khagan cannot use this CB against a vassal clan. Cannot be used against a Nomad's capital or a county that contains a temple/castle/city.

If a khagan has the “clans want more land alert and less than maximum number of clans, a rebel clan will emerge from one of the khagan's demesne. If the rebel clan is sucessful, they will become a vassal khan, their capital being the county they emerged from, and they also gain any counties they occupied.
  如果可汗有 “氏族想要更多的领土 警告和少于最大数量的氏族, 会出现一个来自可汗的直辖的叛乱氏族,如果叛乱氏族成功,他们会变成一个封臣汗, 他们的首都会存在那个他们出现的城市, 他们也能得到他们占领的城市。

A khan can use this CB to replace his liege as khagan. It is triggered either by refusing a tyrannical action, or by delivering an ultimatum as the leader of an "overthrow khagan" faction. On success, the war leader usurps empire-tier titles and executes the previous khagan.

Used against another nomad to steal 300 prestige and 25% of their population. This CB is useful for acquiring enough population to reach the 75% mark for the Invasion CB.
此战争借口被用于对抗其他游牧领主,以窃取他们300威望和25% 的人口。此借口对于想达到75% 人口以使用入侵战争借口的玩家非常有用。

第565行: 第625行:
AI rulers are more likely to use this CB when the duchy contains castles or cities, since they'd rather not have to deal with unproductive provinces and [[nomad agitation]].
AI rulers are more likely to use this CB when the duchy contains castles or cities, since they'd rather not have to deal with unproductive provinces and [[nomad agitation]].

== 破碎世界宣战理由 ==

=== 兼并 ===

Wage war for a single county that is adjacent or accessible over a single sea zone. A game rule controls whether this CB is available for 25 years, 100 years, the entire campaign, or not at all.
Wage war for a single county that is adjacent or accessible over a single sea zone. A game rule controls whether this CB is available for 25 years, 100 years, the entire campaign, or not at all.

=== 伟大征服者入侵 ===
A kingdom-level invasion CB usable only by the Great Conquerors generated at the beginning of a Shattered World game. A game rule controls how many Great Conquerors are generated across the map.
A kingdom-level invasion CB usable only by the Great Conquerors generated at the beginning of a Shattered World game. A game rule controls how many Great Conquerors are generated across the map.

== 触发型战争 ==

These CBs cannot be used by the player, but are triggered by events. In each case, a large army appears under the command of a landless leader. On success, the ruler takes all occupied territory, and possibly higher-level titles as well. 
These CBs cannot be used by the player, but are triggered by events. In each case, a large army appears under the command of a landless leader. On success, the ruler takes all occupied territory, and possibly higher-level titles as well. 

=== 叛乱 ===

: {{main|叛乱}}

Without {{icon|tog}}[[The Old Gods]] DLC, revolts take the form of a leaderless army that's hostile to everyone, but not at war with anyone; sometimes they will capture a province, but just as often they will disperse. With the DLC, though, they actually have leaders with titular rebel titles and they declare war on you with a special CB. There are three types:
Without {{icon|tog}}[[The Old Gods]] DLC, revolts take the form of a leaderless army that's hostile to everyone, but not at war with anyone; sometimes they will capture a province, but just as often they will disperse. With the DLC, though, they actually have leaders with titular rebel titles and they declare war on you with a special CB. There are three types:

*[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] '''Nationalist rebels''' (e.g. "Persian Liberation Revolt") appear in foreign-cultured provinces that were once part of a kingdom or duchy of the province's culture. They are usually quite large. On success, the leader becomes an independent ruler of the culture. with the kingdom or duchy title and the nickname "The Liberator."
*[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] '''Nationalist rebels''' (e.g. "Persian Liberation Revolt") appear in foreign-cultured provinces that were once part of a kingdom or duchy of the province's culture. They are usually quite large and the leader has the Inspiring Leader trait. On success, the leader becomes an independent ruler of the culture. with the kingdom or duchy title and the nickname "The Liberator."
*[[File:CB heretic revolt.png]] '''Religious rebels''' (e.g. "Persian Zoroastrian Uprising") and '''heretic rebels''' ("Persian Manichean Uprising") are two different types, but similar. They appear in provinces of heretic or infidel religions. In the case of a heretic revolt, the leader has the Heresiarch trait. They are medium-sized. On success, the leader becomes a duke-level independent ruler. 
*[[File:CB heretic revolt.png]] '''Religious rebels''' (e.g. "Persian Zoroastrian Uprising") and '''heretic rebels''' ("Persian Manichean Uprising") are two different types, but similar. They appear in provinces of heretic or infidel religions. In the case of a heretic revolt, the leader has the Heresiarch trait. They are medium-sized. On success, the leader becomes a duke-level independent ruler.
*[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] '''Peasant rebels''' (e.g. "Shirazian Peasant Revolt") appear in rebellious provinces not meeting either of the above criteria. They are relatively small and the leader has the Peasant Leader trait. On success, he becomes a count-level independent ruler.
*[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] '''Peasant rebels''' (e.g. "Shirazian Peasant Revolt") appear in rebellious provinces not meeting either of the above criteria. They are relatively small and the leader has the Peasant Leader trait. On success, he becomes a count-level independent ruler.

In all three cases, the truce from the war lasts only 1 year. Except for peasant revolts, they usurp all occupied counties and their minor holdings, like a tribal invasion.
In all three cases, the truce from the war lasts only 1 year. Except for peasant revolts, they usurp all occupied counties and their minor holdings, like a tribal invasion.

===[[File:CB holy war.png]] 冒险家 ===
===[[File:CB holy war.png]] 冒险家===

: {{main|冒险家}}

Landless claimants to a title may declare their intention to press their claim and recruit an army. Norse, Frankish and Norman nobles without any claims may also attempt to conquer a coastal duchy. In both cases, assassinating the leader before the war starts stops the invasion. When the war starts, the adventurer gains a duchy-level titular title named after him (e.g. "Arnulf's Host"; if he's pressing a claim, the war is called e.g. "Arnulf's Host Claim on Sicily War", otherwise "Arnulf's Conquest of Sicily" which is a special CB). Adventurers have fairly large armies (typically about as big as the total levies of the targeted realm) and are quite dangerous. They automatically receive a treasury of 500 gold.
Landless claimants to a title may declare their intention to press their claim and recruit an army. Norse, Frankish and Norman nobles without any claims may also attempt to conquer a coastal duchy. In both cases, assassinating the leader before the war starts stops the invasion. When the war starts, the adventurer gains a duchy-level titular title named after him (e.g. "Arnulf's Host"; if he's pressing a claim, the war is called e.g. "Arnulf's Host Claim on Sicily War", otherwise "Arnulf's Conquest of Sicily" which is a special CB). Adventurers have fairly large armies (typically about as big as the total levies of the targeted realm) and are quite dangerous. They automatically receive a treasury of 500 gold.

===[[File:CB muslim heretic.png]] 腐化入侵 ===
===[[File:CB muslim heretic.png]] 腐化入侵===

Muslim dynasties with at least 75% [[decadence]] that rule a duchy or higher may draw the ire of a desert tribe determined to end their corrupt rule. The invasion begins in a random realm province with a very large army appearing.
Muslim dynasties with at least 75% [[decadence]] that rule a duchy or higher may draw the ire of a desert tribe determined to end their corrupt rule. The invasion begins in a random realm province with a very large army appearing.
第602行: 第662行:
Upon success, the invader gets all occupied holdings and counties (like a tribal invasion). Top-level titles are destroyed and any other duke+ titles held by the defender are usurped. The invader also gets the [[nickname]] of "the Conqueror". The [[Crown Authority]] of all king+ titles is lowered to Autonomous Vassals.
Upon success, the invader gets all occupied holdings and counties (like a tribal invasion). Top-level titles are destroyed and any other duke+ titles held by the defender are usurped. The invader also gets the [[nickname]] of "the Conqueror". The [[Crown Authority]] of all king+ titles is lowered to Autonomous Vassals.

===[[File:CB subjugation.png]] 什叶派哈里发的崛起 ===
===[[File:CB subjugation.png]] 什叶派哈里发的崛起===

A special targeted invasion that may appear in any Sunni kingdom or empire with at least 10% decadence if no Shia [[Religious head#Caliphates|caliph]] exists. A Shia child leader with the {{iconify|Quick}}, {{iconify|Attractive}} and {{iconify|Sayyid}} traits appears holding the duchy-tier titular title "Pretender Shia Caliphate"; the CB is "Shia Caliphate Rising in [kingdom]" e.g. "Shia Caliphate Rising in Egypt". Human-controlled Sunni realms are much less likely ([[MTTH]] 10x greater) to be targeted.
A special targeted invasion that may appear in any Sunni kingdom or empire with at least 10% decadence if no Shia [[Religious head#Caliphates|caliph]] exists. A Shia child leader with the {{iconify|Quick}}, {{iconify|Attractive}} and {{iconify|Sayyid}} traits appears holding the duchy-tier titular title "Pretender Shia Caliphate"; the CB is "Shia Caliphate Rising in [kingdom]" e.g. "Shia Caliphate Rising in Egypt". Human-controlled Sunni realms are much less likely ([[MTTH]] 10x greater) to be targeted.
第608行: 第668行:
His invasion begins in a random province and invades its de jure kingdom (as long as he has at least 6 counties in it and the liege title isn't held by someone else). If he wins, he takes the kingdom title and becomes the Shia caliph, in addition to the usual "tribal invasion" type result of vassalising its de jure vassals and usurping any occupied holdings and counties. The truce lasts only 1 year, so the caliph may well attack his original target again very shortly.
His invasion begins in a random province and invades its de jure kingdom (as long as he has at least 6 counties in it and the liege title isn't held by someone else). If he wins, he takes the kingdom title and becomes the Shia caliph, in addition to the usual "tribal invasion" type result of vassalising its de jure vassals and usurping any occupied holdings and counties. The truce lasts only 1 year, so the caliph may well attack his original target again very shortly.

== 获得宣战理由 ==
: ''This section is Christian-centric, and most of it could be merged into [[Expanding your realm]].''
:''This section is Christian-centric, and most of it could be merged into [[Expanding your realm]].''

While some of these CBs you'll have merely due to your position, like the independence CB and the law change CBs, many of these can be gained on purpose.
While some of these CBs you'll have merely due to your position, like the independence CB and the law change CBs, many of these can be gained on purpose.
第615行: 第676行:
First, the easiest type of CB to gain are claims. There are four primary ways to gain [[claims]]:
First, the easiest type of CB to gain are claims. There are four primary ways to gain [[claims]]:

# Have your [[chancellor]] forge claims. This doesn't work for anything above the ducal level (skill of 15 needed to forge a ducal claim)
# Have your [[chancellor]] forge claims. This doesn't work for anything above the ducal level (skill of 15 needed to forge a ducal claim), unless you have the Become King of [Kingdom] ambition.
# [[Marry]] someone who has an inheritable claim. Your children will have the claim and you can then push it
#[[Marry]] someone who has an inheritable claim. Your children will have the claim and you can then push it.
# Marry someone in your dynasty to someone who has an inheritable claim. Their children will have the claim, and you'll be able to push it
#Marry someone in your dynasty to someone who has an inheritable claim. Their children will have the claim, and you'll be able to push it.
# [[Diplomatic actions#Invite to court|Invite]] someone with a claim to your court. You'll then be able to push it
#[[Diplomatic actions#Invite to court|Invite]] someone with a claim to your court. You'll then be able to push it.

Expanding your realm outside your de jure borders using claims can be tricky: unless they're of your dynasty, a landless claimant to such a title will become independent when you win their war. If you want them to be your vassal instead, you will want to land them first. Since you get a +100 "Pressed my Claim" opinion bonus, you ''might'' be able to offer vassalization afterwards, but only if they're the same religion and culture as you - otherwise the "False Religion" and/or "Foreigner" penalties, along with "Not my de jure liege", mean they're unlikely to accept.
Expanding your realm outside your de jure borders using claims can be tricky: unless they're of your dynasty, a landless claimant to such a title will become independent when you win their war. If you want them to be your vassal instead, you will want to land them first. Since you get a +100 "Pressed my Claim" opinion bonus, you ''might'' be able to offer vassalization afterwards, but only if they're the same religion and culture as you - otherwise the "False Religion" and/or "Foreigner" penalties, along with "Not my de jure liege", mean they're unlikely to accept.
第630行: 第691行:
Fifth, the pope will award strong, uninheritable claims to counties and duchies held by Catholic rulers, in exchange for some prestige and an opinion penalty. If the pope is your vassal (an emperor tier ruler who claims the papacy in the name of his antipope will receive the new pope as vassal), he will never refuse a request, regardless of opinion modifiers. This allows you to obtain one county or ducal claim per 100 piety (or 50 piety with papal investiture). You can use "Request Claim" to obtain any number of claims and then utilize "Claim all" CB. This strategy allows you to conquer vast amounts of land, even entire kingdoms with enough piety, in a single war, and allows you to appoint new count and duke level vassals on the newly conquered territory.
Fifth, the pope will award strong, uninheritable claims to counties and duchies held by Catholic rulers, in exchange for some prestige and an opinion penalty. If the pope is your vassal (an emperor tier ruler who claims the papacy in the name of his antipope will receive the new pope as vassal), he will never refuse a request, regardless of opinion modifiers. This allows you to obtain one county or ducal claim per 100 piety (or 50 piety with papal investiture). You can use "Request Claim" to obtain any number of claims and then utilize "Claim all" CB. This strategy allows you to conquer vast amounts of land, even entire kingdoms with enough piety, in a single war, and allows you to appoint new count and duke level vassals on the newly conquered territory.

== 使用你的宣战理由 ==

Pushing your own claims and similar is rather straight forward. When pushing someone else's claim however you have to be careful, or they'll end up as an independent realm. They'll only be your vassal if they are already your vassal, they're in your dynasty, or the claim you pushed was for an area that is de jure part of your title(s). If the title they took is at the same level as yours or above, they'll be independent even if any of the above conditions apply, unless you have a liege above you where the conditions still apply.

The easiest way to ensure that they'll be part of your realm after pushing their claim is granting them a county or barony in your realm first. Then, the only way they can become independent as a result of the claim pushed is if the title they gain is at the same tier as yours or higher. It should be noted that Hindu characters cannot be granted a holding which their caste cannot hold.
== 战争无结果终止 ==
Sometimes a war ends not with one side winning, or a white peace, but inconclusively. This happens when the war can no longer be pursued for some reason - usually because the casus belli is no longer valid. This does not, however, mean that a CB that could no longer be ''used'' leads to a war using it becoming invalid; the invalidation and usability conditions are separate, though usually related.
Sometimes a war ends not with one side winning, or a white peace, but inconclusively. This happens when the war can no longer be pursued for some reason - usually because the casus belli is no longer valid. This does not, however, mean that a CB that could no longer be ''used'' leads to a war using it becoming invalid; the invalidation and usability conditions are separate, though usually related.

第642行: 第702行:

;[War name] ended inconclusively (Casus Belli no longer valid)
;[War name] ended inconclusively (Casus Belli no longer valid)
:This means that the war has become completely unjustifiable. For claim wars, this may mean the claimant died or the defender lost the wargoal for some other reason. For holy wars and crusades, it may mean the defender changed religion to one that can no longer be the target of such a war, usually by the special decision for converting to the attacker's religion. Note that a successful claim war won't invalidate other claim wars on the same title - the war simply continues against the new holder.
:This means that the war has become completely unjustifiable. For claim wars, this may mean the claimant died or the defender lost the wargoal for some other reason. For holy wars and crusades, it may mean the defender changed religion to one that can no longer be the target of such a war, usually by the special decision for converting to the attacker's religion. Force Vassalization can be invalidated if the target forms or acquires a title too high for the attacker to vassalize. Note that a successful claim war won't invalidate other claim wars on the same title - the war simply continues against the new holder.
;[War name] ended inconclusively (Liege Change for [Defender])
;[War name] ended inconclusively (Liege Change for [Defender])
:You can only attack someone if either their ''direct'' liege is one of your lieges, or they are independent. When they become a vassal of someone who isn't your liege, the defender isn't a valid target any more, so rather than transferring the war to the new liege, the war simply ends. This frequently happens when attacking rebelling vassals when their rebellion ends. Again, note this doesn't invalidate other claim wars on the same title, which instead transfer to the new holder - ''even if he is a vassal''.
:You can only attack someone if either their ''direct'' liege is one of your lieges, or they are independent. When they become a vassal of someone who isn't your liege, the defender isn't a valid target any more, so rather than transferring the war to the new liege, the war simply ends. This frequently happens when attacking rebelling vassals when their rebellion ends. Again, note this doesn't invalidate other claim wars on the same title, which instead transfer to the new holder - ''even if he is a vassal''.
第651行: 第711行:
;[War Name] ended inconclusively (Realm Peace is enforced in the realm)
;[War Name] ended inconclusively (Realm Peace is enforced in the realm)
:{{icon|con}}''[[Conclave]]'' only. The combatants' liege's council enforced [[realm peace]] mid-war, forcing all in-progress wars inside the realm to abort.
:{{icon|con}}''[[Conclave]]'' only. The combatants' liege's council enforced [[realm peace]] mid-war, forcing all in-progress wars inside the realm to abort.
;[War name] ended inconclusively ([Character] has died)
:The ''casus belli'' for the war was tied to a particular character, and they died, invalidating the war. This can happen with wars to revoke a vassal, or rivalry wars.
;[War name] ended inconclusively
;[War name] ended inconclusively
:Without further explanation, this probably means the war was a faction or plot war and the leader died. With the leader gone, there is no one left to enforce demands, surrender, or sign a white peace, and so the war ends.
:Without further explanation, this probably means the war was a faction or plot war and the leader died. With the leader gone, there is no one left to enforce demands, surrender, or sign a white peace, and so the war ends.
:This may also happen in the event of a Tributary war or Free Captives war if the defender surrenders by decision.
:This may also happen in the event of a Tributary war or Free Captives war if the defender surrenders by decision.

== 战争命名 ==
You can identify what Casus Belli was used to declare a war by its name. In addition to the examples below, there may be an ordinal prefix indicating that this is the Nth war of that name to have been declared (several may be ongoing at once, e.g. "Byzantine Holy War for Syria" and "2nd Byzantine Holy War for Syria" might be declared at the same time, both targeting the de jure Emirate of Syria, but the parts of it in two different realms).
You can identify what Casus Belli was used to declare a war by its name. In addition to the examples below, there may be an ordinal prefix indicating that this is the Nth war of that name to have been declared (several may be ongoing at once, e.g. "Byzantine Holy War for Syria" and "2nd Byzantine Holy War for Syria" might be declared at the same time, both targeting the de jure Emirate of Syria, but the parts of it in two different realms).

第661行: 第723行:

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Name template
!Name template
! Name example
!Name example
! Casus Belli used
!Casus Belli used
! Attacker
! Defender
! Goal (what happens on victory)
!Goal (what happens on victory)
| [Attacker adj](-[Defender adj]) War for ([Claimant]'s claim on) [Target]
|[Attacker adj](-[Defender adj]) War for ([Claimant]'s claim on) [Target]
| English-Cornish War for David's claim on Devon
|English-Cornish War for David's claim on Devon
| [[File:CB claim.png]] Claim (on nearly any title)
|[[File:CB claim.png]] Claim (on nearly any title)
| The claimant or his liege (e.g. Kingdom of England). If attacker and claimant are the same, the "claimant" part is omitted ("English-Cornish War for Devon" on behalf of the King of England).
|The claimant or his liege (e.g. Kingdom of England). If attacker and claimant are the same, the "claimant" part is omitted ("English-Cornish War for Devon" on behalf of the King of England).
| The attackable realm (e.g. Duchy of Cornwall) that holds the target title (e.g. County of Devon). If defender and target are the same, the defender isn't mentioned ("English War for David's claim on Devon" attacking the Earl of Devon).
|The attackable realm (e.g. Duchy of Cornwall) that holds the target title (e.g. County of Devon). If defender and target are the same, the defender isn't mentioned ("English War for David's claim on Devon" attacking the Earl of Devon).
| The claimant (e.g. David) gains the target title
|The claimant (e.g. David) gains the target title
| [Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] De Jure War over [Target]
|[Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] De Jure War over [Target]
| Welsh-English De Jure War over Devon
|Welsh-English De Jure War over Devon
| [[File:CB de jure claim.png]] De Jure claim
|[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] De Jure claim
| The claimant (e.g. Duchy of Cornwall) or his liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales), whose de jure but not de facto realm includes the target (e.g. Devon)
|The claimant (e.g. Duchy of Cornwall) or his liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales), whose de jure but not de facto realm includes the target (e.g. Devon)
| The attackable realm that holds the target (e.g. Kingdom of England)
|The attackable realm that holds the target (e.g. Kingdom of England)
| The claimant gains or vassalises the target (e.g. County of Devon)
|The claimant gains or vassalises the target (e.g. County of Devon)
| [Attacker adj](-[Defender adj]) Ducal War for ([Claimant]'s claim on) [Target]
|[Attacker adj](-[Defender adj]) Ducal War for ([Claimant]'s claim on) [Target]
| Welsh-Somerset Ducal War for Duke David's claim on Devon
|Welsh-Somerset Ducal War for Duke David's claim on Devon
| [[File:CB claim on liege.png]] De Jure Claim (for a county on behalf of a vassal holding its duchy)
|[[File:CB claim on liege.png]] De Jure Claim (for a county on behalf of a vassal holding its duchy)
| The claimant (e.g. Duke David of Cornwall) or his liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales). If attacker and claimant are the same, the "claimant" part is omitted ("Cornish-Somerset Ducal War for Devon").
|The claimant (e.g. Duke David of Cornwall) or his liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales). If attacker and claimant are the same, the "claimant" part is omitted ("Cornish-Somerset Ducal War for Devon").
| The attackable realm (e.g. Duchy of Somerset) that holds the target title (e.g. County of Devon). If defender and target are the same, the defender isn't mentioned ("Welsh Ducal War for Duke David's claim on Devon").
|The attackable realm (e.g. Duchy of Somerset) that holds the target title (e.g. County of Devon). If defender and target are the same, the defender isn't mentioned ("Welsh Ducal War for Duke David's claim on Devon").
| The claimant gains or vassalises the target.
|The claimant gains or vassalises the target.
| [Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] De Jure Holding War over [Target]
|[Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] De Jure Holding War over [Target]
| Welsh-English De Jure Holding War over Axminster
|Welsh-English De Jure Holding War over Axminster
| [[File:CB de jure claim.png]] [County] Holdings
|[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] [County] Holdings
| The holder of the county (e.g. Devon) that contains the target minor holding (e.g. Axminster), or his liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
|The holder of the county (e.g. Devon) that contains the target minor holding (e.g. Axminster), or his liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
| The attackable realm (e.g. Kingdom of England) that holds the target
|The attackable realm (e.g. Kingdom of England) that holds the target
| The holder of the county containing the target (e.g. Earl of Devon) gains or vassalises the target
|The holder of the county containing the target (e.g. Earl of Devon) gains or vassalises the target
| War of [Attacker adj] Independence
|War of [Attacker adj] Independence
| War of Cornish Independence
|War of Cornish Independence
| [[File:CB independence.png]] Independence (non-faction)
|[[File:CB independence.png]] Independence (non-faction)
| A ruler who is not independent (e.g. County or Duchy of Cornwall)
|A ruler who is not independent (e.g. County or Duchy of Cornwall)
| The attacker's nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
|The attacker's nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
| The attacker becomes independent of his nominal liege (as a vassal of his nominal liege's liege, if any, e.g. Empire of Britannia)
|The attacker becomes independent of his nominal liege (as a vassal of his nominal liege's liege, if any, e.g. Empire of Britannia)
| [Leader adj] League Independence War
|[Leader adj] League Independence War
| Cornish League Independence War
|Cornish League Independence War
| [[File:CB independence.png]] Independence (faction)
|[[File:CB independence.png]] Independence (faction)
| All members of the "Independence" faction within the leader's (e.g. the Earl or Duke of Cornwall's) nominal liege's realm (e.g. Kingdom of Wales), led by the leader (e.g. County or Duchy of Cornwall), having had their ultimatum refused
|All members of the "Independence" faction within the leader's (e.g. the Earl or Duke of Cornwall's) nominal liege's realm (e.g. Kingdom of Wales), led by the leader (e.g. County or Duchy of Cornwall), having had their ultimatum refused
| The attackers' nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
|The attackers' nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
| All attackers become independent of their nominal liege (as a vassal of their nominal liege's liege, if any, e.g. Empire of Britannia)
|All attackers become independent of their nominal liege (as a vassal of their nominal liege's liege, if any, e.g. Empire of Britannia)
| War against the Tyranny of [Defending ruler]
|War against the Tyranny of [Defending ruler]
| War against the Tyranny of King Hywel I of Wales
|War against the Tyranny of King Hywel I of Wales
| [[File:CB independence.png]] Overthrow Ruler
|[[File:CB independence.png]] Overthrow Ruler
| A vassal who escaped an arrest that was tyrannical or refused any revocation (tyrannical or justified)
|A vassal who escaped an arrest that was tyrannical or refused any revocation (tyrannical or justified)
| The attacker's nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
|The attacker's nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
| Defender abdicates in favour of his/her heir
|Defender abdicates in favour of his/her heir
| Revolt against the Rule of [Defending ruler]
|Revolt against the Rule of [Defending ruler]
| Revolt against the Rule of King Hywel I of Wales
|Revolt against the Rule of King Hywel I of Wales
| [[File:CB independence.png]] Overthrow Ruler
|[[File:CB independence.png]] Overthrow Ruler
| A vassal who escaped an arrest that was justified
|A vassal who escaped an arrest that was justified
| The attacker's nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
|The attacker's nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
| Defender abdicates in favour of his/her heir
|Defender abdicates in favour of his/her heir
| [Leader adj] War for [Claimant]'s claim on [Target]
|[Leader adj] War for [Claimant]'s claim on [Target]
| Cornish War for Prince Hywel's claim on Wales
|Cornish War for Prince Hywel's claim on Wales
| [[File:CB claim on liege.png]] Claim on Liege faction
|[[File:CB claim on liege.png]] Claim on Liege faction
| All members of the claim faction (e.g. "Prince Hywel for Wales") in their realm (e.g. Kingdom of Wales), led by the leader (e.g. County or Duchy of Cornwall), having had their ultimatum refused
|All members of the claim faction (e.g. "Prince Hywel for Wales") in their realm (e.g. Kingdom of Wales), led by the leader (e.g. County or Duchy of Cornwall), having had their ultimatum refused
| The faction members' nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
|The faction members' nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
| Claimant (e.g. Prince Hywel) usurps the target title (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
|Claimant (e.g. Prince Hywel) usurps the target title (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
| [Defender adj] Civil War for [Succession law]
|[Defender adj] Civil War for [Succession law]
| Welsh Civil War for Seniority
|Welsh Civil War for Seniority
| [[File:CB change law.png]] Succession law faction
|[[File:CB change law.png]] Succession law faction
| The leader and all members of the succession law faction (e.g. "Seniority Succession in Wales") in their realm (e.g. Kingdom of Wales), having had their ultimatum refused
|The leader and all members of the succession law faction (e.g. "Seniority Succession in Wales") in their realm (e.g. Kingdom of Wales), having had their ultimatum refused
| The faction members' nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
|The faction members' nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
| Defender enacts specified succession type in the target realm (e.g. Seniority succession in Kingdom of Wales)
|Defender enacts specified succession type in the target realm (e.g. Seniority succession in Kingdom of Wales)
| [Defender adj] Civil war to Lower Crown Authority
|[Defender adj] Civil war to Lower Crown Authority
| Welsh Civil War to Lower Crown Authority
|Welsh Civil War to Lower Crown Authority
| [[File:CB change law.png]] Lower Crown Authority faction
|[[File:CB change law.png]] Lower Crown Authority faction
| All members of the "Lower Crown Authority" faction in their realm (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
|All members of the "Lower Crown Authority" faction in their realm (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
| The faction members' nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
|The faction members' nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
| Defender enacts the next lower level of crown authority law in the target kingdom or empire (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
|Defender enacts the next lower level of crown authority law in the target kingdom or empire (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
| [Attacker adj] Invasion of [Defender]
|[Attacker adj] Invasion of [Defender]
| Cornish Invasion of Wales
|Cornish Invasion of Wales
| [[File:CB invasion.png]] Invasion (Christian)
|[[File:CB invasion.png]] Invasion (Christian)
| A Christian, Jewish, or Zoroastrian ruler (e.g. County or Duchy/Petty Kingdom of Cornwall), whose relevant religious head (e.g. pope or ecumenical patriarch) has granted them permission to invade the target
|A Christian, Jewish, or Zoroastrian ruler (e.g. County or Duchy/Petty Kingdom of Cornwall), whose relevant religious head (e.g. pope or ecumenical patriarch) has granted them permission to invade the target
| A ruler of the same religion (e.g. both Catholic) as the attacker (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
|A ruler of the same religion (e.g. both Catholic) as the attacker (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
| Attacker gains all occupied holdings and the target title (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
|Attacker gains all occupied holdings and the target title (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
| [Attacker adj] Invasion of [Target]
|[Attacker adj] Invasion of [Target]
| Abbasid Invasion of Jerusalem
|Abbasid Invasion of Jerusalem
| [[File:CB invasion.png]] Invasion (Muslim)
|[[File:CB invasion.png]] Invasion (Muslim)
| A Muslim ruler (e.g. Abbasid Emirate / Sultanate / Empire)
|A Muslim ruler (e.g. Abbasid Emirate / Sultanate / Empire)
| Someone of a different religion who holds land in the target de jure kingdom (e.g. Jerusalem) bordering the attacker's realm, e.g. the Shia Caliph
|Someone of a different religion who holds land in the target de jure kingdom (e.g. Jerusalem) bordering the attacker's realm, e.g. the Shia Caliph
| Attacker gains all titles held by the defender within the target ''de jure'' kingdom (e.g. Jerusalem) and vassalises all the defender's subsidiary lords wholly within the target ''de jure'' kingdom. (Fate of lands in the target kingdom held by defender's subsidiaries who also hold land outside the target kingdom unknown.)
|Attacker gains all titles held by the defender within the target ''de jure'' kingdom (e.g. Jerusalem) and vassalises all the defender's subsidiary lords wholly within the target ''de jure'' kingdom. (Fate of lands in the target kingdom held by defender's subsidiaries who also hold land outside the target kingdom unknown.)
| [Religion adj] Crusade/Jihad/Great Holy War for [Target]
|[Religion adj] Crusade/Jihad/Great Holy War for [Target]
| Catholic Crusade for Jerusalem
|Catholic Crusade for Jerusalem
| [[File:CB holy war.png]] Crusade
|[[File:CB holy war.png]] Crusade
| Head of the religion (e.g. the pope), joined by other rulers of that religion
|Head of the religion (e.g. the pope), joined by other rulers of that religion
| A realm (e.g. the Sunni Caliphate) ruled by someone of a different religion holding land in the de jure target kingdom (e.g. Jerusalem)
|A realm (e.g. the Sunni Caliphate) ruled by someone of a different religion holding land in the de jure target kingdom (e.g. Jerusalem)
| The participant with the highest contribution, or the existing holder of the target kingdom if the same religion, gains the target kingdom and all titles held by the target in the de jure target kingdom
|The participant with the highest contribution, or the existing holder of the target kingdom if the same religion, gains the target kingdom and all titles held by the target in the de jure target kingdom
| [Attacker] Holy War for [Target]
|[Attacker] Holy War for [Target]
| Welsh Holy War for Cornwall
|Welsh Holy War for Cornwall
| [[File:CB holy war.png]] Holy War
|[[File:CB holy war.png]] Holy War
| A ruler of any religion other than Jain, Taoist, or unreformed pagan (e.g. Catholic King of Wales)
|A ruler of any religion other than Jain, Taoist, or unreformed pagan (e.g. Catholic King of Wales)
| A realm (e.g. Kingdom of England) ruled by someone of a different religion from the attacker (e.g. Germanic), holding land in the target de jure duchy (e.g. Cornwall)
|A realm (e.g. Kingdom of England) ruled by someone of a different religion from the attacker (e.g. Germanic), holding land in the target de jure duchy (e.g. Cornwall)
| The attacker vassalises all rulers of his religion who were vassals of the defender (except ones that have land outside the target, whose titles are usurped instead) and gains all other titles held by the defender within the target de jure duchy
|The attacker vassalises all rulers of his religion who were vassals of the defender (except ones that have land outside the target, whose titles are usurped instead) and gains all other titles held by the defender within the target de jure duchy
| [Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] Excommunication War
|[Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] Excommunication War
| Gwyneddian-Cornish Excommunication War
|Gwyneddian-Cornish Excommunication War
| [[File:CB excommunicated.png]] Excommunicated ruler
|[[File:CB excommunicated.png]] Excommunicated ruler
| A ruler of an religion which ''currently'' has a religious head and permits excommunication (e.g. County or Duchy of Gwynedd)
|A ruler of an religion which ''currently'' has a religious head and permits excommunication (e.g. County or Duchy of Gwynedd)
| A realm whose ruler has the same religion and religious head as the attacker and is excommunicated (e.g. County/Duchy/Petty Kingdom of Cornwall)
|A realm whose ruler has the same religion and religious head as the attacker and is excommunicated (e.g. County/Duchy/Petty Kingdom of Cornwall)
| The defender abdicates in favour of his heir
|The defender abdicates in favour of his heir
| [Attacker adj] Conquest of [Target]
|[Attacker adj] Conquest of [Target]
| Abbasid Conquest of Damascus
|Abbasid Conquest of Damascus
| [[File:CB de jure claim.png]] Muslim county conquest
|[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] Muslim county conquest
| A realm ruled by a Muslim (e.g. Abbasid Emirate / Sultanate / Empire)
|A realm ruled by a Muslim (e.g. Abbasid Emirate / Sultanate / Empire)
| The realm controlling the target county (e.g. Damascus)
|The realm controlling the target county (e.g. Damascus)
| The attacker gains or vassalises the target county
|The attacker gains or vassalises the target county
| [Attacker adj] Subjugation of [Target]
|[Attacker adj] Subjugation of [Target]
| Abbasid Subjugation of Mesopotamia
|Abbasid Subjugation of Mesopotamia
| [[File:CB subjugation.png]] Caliphal Subjugation
|[[File:CB subjugation.png]] Caliphal Subjugation
| A Muslim Caliphate (or the caliph's liege?)
|A Muslim Caliphate (or the caliph's liege?)
| A realm ruled by someone of the same religion as the attacker holding land in the target de jure kingdom (e.g. Mesopotamia)
|A realm ruled by someone of the same religion as the attacker holding land in the target de jure kingdom (e.g. Mesopotamia)
| The attacker takes or vassalises all titles held by the defender in the target de jure kingdom
|The attacker takes or vassalises all titles held by the defender in the target de jure kingdom
| Imperial Reconquest of [Target]
|Imperial Reconquest of [Target]
| Imperial Reconquest of Cornwall
|Imperial Reconquest of Cornwall
| [[File:CB imperial reconquest.png]] Imperial Reconquest
|[[File:CB imperial reconquest.png]] Imperial Reconquest
| (Restored) Roman Empire
|(Restored) Roman Empire
| A realm including land within the target de jure duchy (e.g. Cornwall)
|A realm including land within the target de jure duchy (e.g. Cornwall)
| The Roman Emperor gains or vassalises all titles held by the defender within the target de jure duchy
|The Roman Emperor gains or vassalises all titles held by the defender within the target de jure duchy
| [Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] Trade War over [Target]
|[Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] Trade War over [Target]
| Veglian-Splitian Trade War over Zeta
|Veglian-Splitian Trade War over Zeta
| [[File:CB seize trade post.png]] Seize Trade Post
|[[File:CB seize trade post.png]] Seize Trade Post
| A patrician or merchant republic (e.g. Veglia)
|A patrician or merchant republic (e.g. Veglia)
| Another patrician or merchant republic (e.g. Spalato (Split))
|Another patrician or merchant republic (e.g. Spalato (Split))
| The attacker gains the target trade post (e.g. Zeta Trade Post)
|The attacker gains the target trade post (e.g. Zeta Trade Post)
| [Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] War for the City of [Target]
|[Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] War for the City of [Target]
| Venetian-Apulian War for the City of Brindisi
|Venetian-Apulian War for the City of Brindisi
| [[File:CB claim.png]] Republic city conquest
|[[File:CB claim.png]] Republic city conquest
| A merchant republic (e.g. Serene Republic of Venice)
|A merchant republic (e.g. Serene Republic of Venice)
| The liege (e.g. Duchy of Apulia) of the target city (e.g. Brindisi), in a county where the attacker controls a trade post
|The liege (e.g. Duchy of Apulia) of the target city (e.g. Brindisi), in a county where the attacker controls a trade post
| The holder of the trade post gains the target city
|The holder of the trade post gains the target city
| [Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] War for the Coast of [Target]
|[Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] War for the Coast of [Target]
| Venetian-Croatian War for the Coast of Senj
|Venetian-Croatian War for the Coast of Senj
| [[File:CB claim.png]] Republic county conquest
|[[File:CB claim.png]] Republic county conquest
| A patrician or merchant republic, on behalf of himself or his vassal, the mayor of a city (e.g. Brinje) in a county (e.g. Senj) that it doesn't control
|A patrician or merchant republic, on behalf of himself or his vassal, the mayor of a city (e.g. Brinje) in a county (e.g. Senj) that it doesn't control
| The realm that controls the county containing the city (e.g. Duchy/Kingdom of Croatia)
|The realm that controls the county containing the city (e.g. Duchy/Kingdom of Croatia)
| The patrician who holds a city in the target county (e.g. Senj) gains the target county, and his city becomes its capital
|The patrician who holds a city in the target county (e.g. Senj) gains the target county, and his city becomes its capital
| [Attacker adj] Conquest of [Target]
|[Attacker adj] Conquest of [Target]
| Scottish Conquest of Northumberland
|Scottish Conquest of Northumberland
| [[File:CB de jure claim.png]] Pagan county conquest
|[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] Pagan county conquest
| A pagan realm (e.g. Kingdom of Scotland/Skotland)
|A pagan realm (e.g. Kingdom of Scotland/Skotland)
| The realm containing the target county (e.g. Northumberland)
|The realm containing the target county (e.g. Northumberland)
| The attacker gains or vassalises the target county
|The attacker gains or vassalises the target county
| [Attacker adj] Invasion of [Target]
|[Attacker adj] Invasion of [Target]
| Magyar Invasion of Hungary
|Magyar Invasion of Hungary
| [[File:CB subjugation.png]] Tribal invasion
|[[File:CB subjugation.png]] Tribal invasion
| A Tengri, Aztec or non-Christian Altaic realm (e.g. Kingdom of Magyars)
|A Tengri, Aztec or non-Christian Altaic realm (e.g. Kingdom of Magyars)
| A realm ruled by someone of a different religion containing land in the target de jure kingdom (e.g. Hungary)
|A realm ruled by someone of a different religion containing land in the target de jure kingdom (e.g. Hungary)
| The attacker gains all occupied territory and vassalises territory held by the defender in the target de jure kingdom
|The attacker gains all occupied territory and vassalises territory held by the defender in the target de jure kingdom
| [Attacker adj] Subjugation of [Target]
|[Attacker adj] Subjugation of [Target]
| Magyar Subjugation of Hungary
|Magyar Subjugation of Hungary
| [[File:CB subjugation.png]] Pagan subjugation
|[[File:CB subjugation.png]] Pagan subjugation
| A pagan realm (e.g. Kingdom of Magyars)
|A pagan realm (e.g. Kingdom of Magyars)
| A realm of the same religion containing land in the target de jure kingdom (e.g. Hungary)
|A realm of the same religion containing land in the target de jure kingdom (e.g. Hungary)
| The attacker gains all occupied territory (whether in the target kingdom or not) and takes or vassalises all titles in the target de jure kingdom controlled by the defender
|The attacker gains all occupied territory (whether in the target kingdom or not) and takes or vassalises all titles in the target de jure kingdom controlled by the defender
| [County] Peasant Revolt
|[County] Peasant Revolt
| Devonian Peasant Revolt
|Devonian Peasant Revolt
| [[File:CB de jure claim.png]] Peasant revolt
|[[File:CB de jure claim.png]] Peasant revolt
| [County] Peasant Revolt (a duchy-level titular title held by a peasant leader) (e.g. Devonian Peasant Revolt)
|[County] Peasant Revolt (a duchy-level titular title held by a peasant leader) (e.g. Devonian Peasant Revolt)
| The current top liege of the Earl of Devon
|The current top liege of the Earl of Devon
| Devon becomes independent, ruled by the peasant leader
|Devon becomes independent, ruled by the peasant leader
| [Realm] [Heresy] Uprising
|[Realm] [Heresy] Uprising
| Welsh Lollard Uprising
|Welsh Lollard Uprising
| [[File:CB excommunicated.png]] Heretic revolt
|[[File:CB excommunicated.png]] Heretic revolt
| [Realm] [Heresy] Uprising (a duchy-level titular title held by a heresiarch, who appears with troops in a county of his religion) (e.g. Welsh Lollard Uprising)
|[Realm] [Heresy] Uprising (a duchy-level titular title held by a heresiarch, who appears with troops in a county of his religion) (e.g. Welsh Lollard Uprising)
| The current top liege of the heresiarch's home county
|The current top liege of the heresiarch's home county
| Devon becomes independent, ruled by the heresiarch
|Devon becomes independent, ruled by the heresiarch
| [Leader]'s Conquest of [Target]
|[Leader]'s Conquest of [Target]
| Sigurðr's Conquest of Cornwall
|Sigurðr's Conquest of Cornwall
| [[File:CB holy war.png]] Adventurer conquest
|[[File:CB holy war.png]] Adventurer conquest
| [Leader]'s Host (a duchy-level titular title) (e.g. Sigurðr's Host)
|[Leader]'s Host (a duchy-level titular title) (e.g. Sigurðr's Host)
| A realm containing land within the target de jure duchy (e.g. Cornwall)
|A realm containing land within the target de jure duchy (e.g. Cornwall)
| The attacker gains all the land held by the defender in the target de jure duchy (and the title itself, if it exists within that realm)
|The attacker gains all the land held by the defender in the target de jure duchy (and the title itself, if it exists within that realm)
| [Attacker adj] Invasion of [Target]
|[Attacker adj] Invasion of [Target]
| Umayyad Decadence Revolt Invasion of Hispania
|Umayyad Decadence Revolt Invasion of Hispania
| [[File:CB muslim heretic.png]] Decadence invasion
|[[File:CB muslim heretic.png]] Decadence invasion
| [Leader] of [Attacker adj] Decadence Revolt (a duchy-level titular title) (e.g. Utman of Umayyad Decadence Revolt)
|[Leader] of [Attacker adj] Decadence Revolt (a duchy-level titular title) (e.g. Utman of Umayyad Decadence Revolt)
| A realm with high decadence that triggered a decadence invasion
|A realm with high decadence that triggered a decadence invasion
| The attacker gains all occupied territory and vassalises territory held by the defender in the target de jure kingdom, but duke tier or above vassals gain an event giving them the possibility of revolt
|The attacker gains all occupied territory and vassalises territory held by the defender in the target de jure kingdom, but duke tier or above vassals gain an event giving them the possibility of revolt
| Shia Caliphate Rising in [Target]
|Shia Caliphate Rising in [Target]
| Shia Caliphate Rising in Egypt
|Shia Caliphate Rising in Egypt
| [[File:CB subjugation.png]] Rise of the Shia Caliphate
|[[File:CB subjugation.png]] Rise of the Shia Caliphate
| Pretender Shi'a Caliphate (a duchy-level titular title held by a Quick Sayyid boy)
|Pretender Shi'a Caliphate (a duchy-level titular title held by a Quick Sayyid boy)
| A Sunni realm
|A Sunni realm
| The attacker gains the target kingdom and becomes Shia Caliph
|The attacker gains the target kingdom and becomes Shia Caliph

== 总结摘要 ==

Casus belli and claims are easy to gain as long as you know what you're doing. Following these tips you should be able to expand easily.
宣战理由和 claims are easy to gain as long as you know what you're doing. Following these tips you should be able to expand easily.

*Most wars incur a truce which lasts either 10 years or until the death of one of the war leaders.
*Most wars incur a truce which lasts either 10 years or until the death of one of the war leaders.
第893行: 第955行:

Additionally, different CBs have different values to you as a ruler.  If you have more than one CB, consider pressing them in this order:
Additionally, different CBs have different values to you as a ruler.  If you have more than one CB, consider pressing them in this order:
*Invasion/Crusade - you gain all land you occupy under the Kingdom title (requires a special decision with the new Crusades)
*Invasion/Crusade - you gain all land you occupy under the Kingdom title (requires a special decision with the new Crusades)
*Holy War - you gain all heretic/infidel held land in the targeted duchy
*Holy War - you gain all heretic/infidel held land in the targeted duchy
第905行: 第968行:

*[[Casus Belli modding]]
*[[Casus Belli modding]]

[[Category: 战争]]
[[Category: 列表]]

2024年1月18日 (四) 20:05的最新版本

Alert casus belli.png Casus belli, 简称 CB, 一个表示“战争借口”的拉丁词语。它代表了其他统治者和宗教领袖认为战争是合法的。





  • 使用一个个人的宣称篡夺头衔。
    • 使用其他人的宣称,并使其成为你的附庸(如果其头衔等级更低),或者:宣称这是你法理上的附庸,或是你的家族成员,或已经是你的有地封臣。
  • 对伯爵领的法理战争,以及征服类的战争,将会“强迫附庸或是篡夺”目标头衔。战胜之后,首先将会尝试将该头衔现有的统治者变为进攻方的封臣,但是如果由于进攻方头衔等级过低(如伯爵级)或者防御方拥有其他地产从而无法附庸的话,那么进攻方将会篡夺该头衔。
  • 入侵类型的战争“篡夺占领的领土”除了战争目标领地之外,所有被攻占的地产头衔均会一并被篡夺。
  • 圣战会篡夺所有异教徒的地产。





  • 一旦赢得一场宣称战争,你将获得目标头衔并获得100威望
  • 如果以无条件和平结束,你将失去100威望。
  • 如果以失败而告终,该宣称将会失去并且同时失去200威望。


CB claim.png 宣称


CB claim all.png 索取所有宣称


CB claim for other.png 为他人宣称






Dlc icon sons of abraham.png 亚伯拉罕之裔DLC激活时法理战争借口不能对同一宗教的骑士团使用,除非他们已经被驱逐

CB de jure claim.png 伯爵领法理宣称





CB de jure claim.png 附属地产法理宣称



  • 不再打星际
  • 放大并寻找额外的地产纹章
  • 点击一个省份并检查是否每个地产右上角的纹章是你的
  • 使用“独立国家”列表(统计表的第十页),并按领地大小排序
  • 使用“外交关系”地图模式e)并寻找与众不同的浅色或暗色省份


这些宣战理由需要Jade Dragon.png碧玉之龙 DLC,并且可以在游戏规则中禁用。通常来说,这些宣战理由代价高昂但同样拥有强力的效果。





使一个低等级的领主成为你的封臣。 你必须是独立的,并且不能是游牧制政体。你必须拥有对敌方领土的宣称,或者足够的威望:

  • 使伯爵臣服需要250威望
  • 使公爵臣服需要1000威望
  • 使国王臣服需要2500威望














角色在一些特殊的情况下可以获得此宣战理由。例如,当你第一次选择强化信仰的野心,特别是拥有 Zealous.pngDLC icon Way of Life.png 神学生活重心,可获得此宣战理由。该宣战理由也会随机触发,即使你没有强化信仰的野心。

即使你没有启用Jade Dragon.png碧玉之龙,当你启用Holy Fury.png神圣之怒,并拥有「能发起宗教解放战争」特质的血脉时,你可以无限次的发动宗教解放战争。




发起这种战争还会得到敌方宗教组对你的好感修正:发动非正义战争 -15




CB independence.png 独立


  • 如果你赢得战争,你将从你当前领主那里独立,并且如果你对抗的领主是国王或皇帝,那么他的王权法将会降低一级。
  • 如果你们达成无条件和平,你将失去100威望。
  • 如果你失败,你将被囚禁并失去200威望。



CB independence.png 推翻领主


一旦胜利,领主会强制退位。在没有启动DLC icon Conclave.png御前会议DLC时,王权法会降低两级。


  • 战争名称为:“反抗<统治者>叛乱”
  • 反叛的封臣不会得到临时头衔且其他角色无法加入反叛者这一方


  • 战争名称为:“推翻暴君<统治者>之战”
  • 反叛的封臣会得到一个临时头衔,其他封臣有可能会加入叛变(前提是统治者持有公爵或公爵以上头衔)
  • 当御前会议启动时,反叛成功会使领地法中的允许剥夺头衔降低至“不允许”







CB holy war.png 圣战









  • 未改革原始宗教没有圣战。
  • 改革原始宗教(和未改革阿兹特克多神教)有一个更强力的圣战版本,允许对2块海域间隔内目标发动圣战,允许对其他原始宗教圣战,允许游牧制政体发动圣战,圣战结束后停战协议只有5年。但是这种宣战理由需要花费100虔诚。
  • 耆那教没有任何形式的宗教战争。
  • 佛教必须花费250虔诚才能使用此宣战理由。
  • 道教不能使用此宣战理由。
  • 统治者不能在参与一场收复失地运动时使用此宣战理由。


  • 与防守方相同信仰的统治者有可能会志愿加入防守。进攻方要确保目标附近相同信仰的统治者正在忙于自己的战争,才不会腹背受敌。AI统治者倾向于加入邻国的防守战争,或者两国首都的距离小于200。
  • 防御方有可能会皈依入侵者的宗教。这会使宣战理由失效,胜负未分地结束战争(你从中捞不到任何好处)。在你的战争分数达到50%时,AI统治者会每月考虑一次是否执行这个决议,所以尽快将你的战争分数提高到100%。当防守方的宗教权威十分低时他们更加可能会皈依你的信仰。
  • 防守方拥有足够虔诚时有可能会雇佣骑士团(尤其是天主教,因为他们不止只有1个骑士团)。你可以使用角色查找器搜索头衔来查看骑士团是否已成立,以及是否已被其他人雇佣。


CB holy war.png 十字军


  • 如果该王国的头衔已经被一个相同宗教的统治者持有,则该统治者获得所有的领土。
  • 如果该王国的头衔被不同宗教的统治者持有(例如,在一场逊尼派目标安纳托利亚的吉哈德中,安纳托利亚的控制者是东正教的拜占庭皇帝),所有土地将授给相同宗教中该头衔的宣称者(强宣称优先于弱宣称)。如果没有相同宗教的宣称者存在,则由战争贡献最高者获得所有土地。该王国头衔可以事后由实际控制者和平地篡夺
  • 如果该王国的头衔不存在,则会立即创建且授予给战争贡献最高者。



天主教十字军和穆斯林吉哈德将在11-12世纪解锁,如果圣地被异教徒占领则会更早。原始宗教改革后会在十字军或吉哈德中任意一个解锁后解锁大圣战。 犹太教和祆教的大圣战会在各自的宗教领袖恢复后立即解锁。小兄弟会十字军和伊巴德派、雅兹迪派、胡儒非派和哈瓦利吉派吉哈德会在宗教领袖成立后,分别在十字军或吉哈德解锁后解锁。东方宗教和东派教会(东正教、基督合性派和聂斯脱里派)没有任何形式的大圣战。


CB invasion.png 准许入侵





CB excommunicated.png 被绝罚的统治者



CB depose antipope.png 废黜对立教宗


CB holy war.png 收复失地运动

伊比利亚文化组的统治者一生可以使用一次“准备收复失地战争”决议来解锁特定公国的特殊宣战理由。冒险家也可以使用这类宣战理由。 这个决议需要花费500威望,250虔诚和200金钱。 开始决议后会在首都生成一队450至600人的事件部队,免维护费且无法增员。


宣战理由 目标公国 获得所有目标公国后可获得王国
莱昂的收复失地战争 莱昂,阿斯图里亚斯 莱昂或者阿斯图里亚斯(都是非名誉头衔)
卡斯蒂利亚的收复失地战争 卡斯蒂利亚,托雷多 卡斯蒂利亚
阿拉贡的收复失地战争 阿拉贡,巴塞罗那 阿拉贡
加利西亚的收复失地战争 加利西亚,波图斯卡莱 加利西亚(如果不是名誉头衔)
西海岸的收复失地战争 贝雅,阿尔加维,里斯本
南伊比利亚的收复失地战争 格拉纳达,塞维利亚
中伊比利亚的收复失地战争 科尔多瓦,巴达霍斯(又名埃斯特雷马杜拉)
东海岸的收复失地战争 瓦伦西亚,穆尔西亚
纳瓦拉的收复失地战争 纳瓦尔 纳瓦尔
巴利阿里群岛的收复失地战争 马略卡


胜利时,进攻方(或者他们选定的受益人)会获得目标公国内防守方控制的土地。目标公国将会创建或者篡夺(除非头衔被非目标持有)。如果获得了所有提及到的公国,对应的王国头衔也会被创建。失败的一方将会获得该王国的强宣称,且可继承(似乎不会获得公国宣称?)。可能获得 收复失地血脉


CB holy war.png 北方十字军

条顿骑士团可能会宣布与北方的非基督教徒开战。这场战役将围绕某一个法理王国内的一系列公国头衔战争组成。需要启动Holy Fury.png神圣之怒DLC并且只会在1150年后发生。





为了教皇的公国级战争(需要Holy Fury.png神圣之怒DLC)

獨立的國王或是皇帝幫助教宗收服教宗屬地 (拉丁姆、斯波莱托、安科那、费拉拉或贝内文托公国)。目標必須是有效的聖戰目標(異教徒或異端),被開除教籍的統治者,或同一宗教且與教宗關係低於-50的非神權統治者。

教皇可能要求進行這種戰爭作為加冕的條件。 這也是增加教皇好感的好方法或者可以从教皇那里获得一件工艺品作为礼物。

Dlc icon sword of islam.png 伊斯兰教

CB invasion.png 入侵(伊斯兰教)

如果一个异教领主在某个法理王国内控制了至少6块伯爵领,穆斯林就可以花费1000虔诚对其发起入侵,以夺取对手在该法理王国内的所有领地。和穆斯林圣战一样,“异教” 也包括其他教派的穆斯林,例如逊尼派对于什叶派。攻击者必须与目标法理王国接壤或者拥有该王国内的土地。游牧民不能使用穆斯林入侵;他们以游牧民族入侵代替。

一旦入侵成功,对于在目标法理王国之外还拥有土地的领主,你会被授予他们在该王国内的土地;对于其余的领主,公国头衔会被摧毁,他们会成为你伯爵或男爵级别的封臣。入侵不会直接篡夺公国及王国头衔,你需要在这之后自行篡夺或创建它们。新的附庸将与您获得+75的暂时性关系修正,使请求其转教变得非常容易。不同于其他的入侵,你只能获得战争目标的地产; 战争的失败者还能保留战争目标以外的地产。


CB de jure claim.png 伯爵领征服(伊斯兰教)

伊斯蘭領主可以奪取與自己領土接壤的任何伯爵領。CB需要花費50虔誠,但可以用於任何目標公爵領。 勝利後可以奪取該伯爵領,或(如果該領主屬於一地伯爵,並且您是公爵或更高級別頭銜)該伯爵將成為你的附庸,並獲得100威望。無條件和平將失去100威望。投降將失去100威望並支付賠償。 休戰條約僅維持5年。

CB subjugation.png 哈里发征服

每隔10年, 伊斯蘭領主哈里发 可以征服相同教派的穆斯林王國。 成功後,被征服的目標王國下屬附庸將成為攻擊者的附庸。 如果有人擁有該目標王國以外的領土,他們並不會被附庸 ,但他們在目標王國內的頭銜將會被篡奪。

休戰條約僅維持一年。 尽管这条宣战理由不能篡夺所有占领的头衔, 进攻方可能不会接受提前投降, 这可能是个bug。

根據CB文件,游牧政體不能使用哈里發征服。 他們改用游牧入侵。



Dlc icon the old gods.pngHoly Fury.png 原始宗教宣战理由

取决于具体情况原始宗教不论你是否已改革 (需要有 Holy Fury.png), 这些不同的CB适用于不同的统治者.

CB de jure claim.png 伯爵领征服(原始宗教)

類似於穆斯林的CB,但僅可用於不同宗教的目標,且無需花費任何虔誠。 所有原始宗教領主可以征服接壤的伯爵領,且當800年發生“維京時代的開始”事件後,諾斯教徒也可以征服任意沿海的伯爵領。勝利後,除了獲得50虔誠和威望還會給予1%的宗教權威持續20年。 就像穆斯林的CB一樣,休戰條約僅維持5年。

游牧制无论信仰如何,都可以使用征服伯爵领。但是非原始信仰的游牧民只能对其他宗教的游牧民或部落民使用此CB。 注意,与您的目標同一宗教的統治者可以加入对您的战争,就像公爵圣战及更高版本一样。工具提示中没有此信息,因此请小心。

CB subjugation.png 入侵


拥有以下宗教和以下文化,如果同时也拥有 部落制 或是 选举均分继承法 可获得这个宣战借口

  • 没有 Horse Lords.png马上诸王 DLC: 原始宗教的入侵型文化(阿尔泰或马扎尔文化),或是非基督教的游牧文化(蒙古或纳瓦文化)。注意,只有游牧文化可以把原始宗教作为此宣战借口的目标。
  • Horse Lords.png马上诸王 DLC: 只借口只能被原始宗教使用(阿尔泰、马扎尔或纳瓦文化),并且原始宗教不可以作为此宣战借口的目标。


宣布入侵需要花费 500 声望,但攻击者在成功后获得 400 声望(100% 战争贡献)。

游牧不能使用此 CB。相反,当他们的人口达到其最大值的 75% 且至少 30000 时,他们可以使用游牧入侵。

CB subjugation.png 原始宗教征服

拥有 部落制 或是 选举均分继承法原始宗教(除了希腊多神教) , 可以针对其它原始宗教发起王国级征服。






CB subjugation.png 准备入侵

Certain Pagan rulers can declare their intent to attack a realm, and recruit followers from all over Scandinavia during a special preparation phase.

Prepared Invasions are available for:

  • Unreformed Germanic Pagans, after the "Viking Age" event in the year 800
  • Reformed Germanic pagans (without Holy Fury.pngHoly Fury)
  • Reformed pagans with the Daring or Sons of Ragnarok doctrines (with Holy Fury)

The target realm must have between 9 and 50 holdings within the target de jure kingdom. The attacker must have 1000 prestige and fewer than 50 holdings. During the two years after the invasion is announced, the preparing ruler has a chance to receive free troops and ships. The recruited army scales with the size of the ruler's existing army, and also tends to be larger with:

  • 7, 10, 15, and 20 martial skill
  • 7, 10, 15, and 20 diplomacy skill
  • 100 and 1000 prestige
  • Higher rank than count

Recruits show up slowly if the attacker has twice as many troops as the target realm and very slowly if the attacker has three times as many troops. Recruits do not show up at all if the attacker has four times as many troops as the target realm.

Since the recruited army scales with the size of your existing army, you should increase your strength by all possible means during the period before the invasion. At the very least, your capital should have the "train troops" and "fleet returned with loot" bonuses to levy size. Consider raising tribal prestige troops, hiring mercenaries, or even leading a faction rebellion.

Most of these event troops are earmarked for the invasion and will disband if the invasion is canceled or if the invasion war ends. However, some of the event troops (those that arrive with a hero commander) are not earmarked and can be retained. If the war becomes invalid due to the attacker no longer controlling any titles in the target kingdom, all event troops will be retained.

As with Holy Wars, neighbors of the target who share their religion can (and very likely will) join in defense. Not declaring war within two years cancels the invasion and has a heavy Prestige cost. On success in the war, occupied holdings and holdings in occupied counties are usurped, and any remaining titles in the named target kingdom are vassalized. Conquered holdings do not get the "recently conquered" penalty and have their levies refilled immediately. Only usable once per ruler's lifetime. The truce lasts only 1 year.

If you start as one of the British Sons of Ragnar in 867 (Halfdan Whiteshirt of Jorvik or Ivar the Boneless of Suðreyar), you will begin immediately following their declaration of a prepared invasion and this CB will not be available to your starting character afterward.

Prepared Invasion will be canceled if:

  • You die
  • You have any troops in target realm before declaring war
  • You have raided target and target is still hostile towards you. After a raid hostile timer is 180 days.


Used by Aztecs or any reformed pagan religion with the "Bloodthirsty Gods" doctrine. The attacker must have the 3rd tier trait, Haemoarch. Requires Holy Fury.pngHoly Fury DLC.

On success, some non-ruler members of the ruler's court are sacrificed. Provinces of the defender's demesne, as well as those of their direct vassals, get a modifier for 10 years severely reducing levy size. The attacker's religion gets +3% moral authority for 30 years.


A reformed pagan whose religion has the combination of the "Warmongering" nature and the "Enatic Clans" doctrine may declare war to depose a neighboring male ruler.

On success, a woman from the defender's dynasty will be chosen to rule the title. Women are excluded if they are incapable or follow a religion with the opposing dogma "Agnatic Clans". If there are multiple candidates, it strongly prefers women of the attacker's religion and prefers close relatives of the defender. If there are no valid dynastic candidates, a vassal will be chosen, or a new female character will be generated.

The realm will also be forced onto enatic succession and full status of women (unless the new ruler's religion uses the semi-opposing equality dogma). Finally, the realm will become the attacker's tributary (if not already a tributary and with appropriate DLC) or non-aggression pact partner.

Although this CB does not always expand the territory of the attacker's religion, it counts as a holy war for moral authority and the "strengthen religion" ambition.

This CB requires that the ruler declaring the war has a king-tier title or higher.


Opposite gender version of above, for pagan religions with combination of the "Warmongering" nature and the "Agnatic Clans" doctrine.

Rajas of India.png 印度宗教

CB subjugation.png 印度征服

Rulers of the Indian religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism) may subjugate de jure kingdoms held by other Indian rulers. Costs 500 piety, and is only usable on targets of the same culture group. The truce lasts only 1 year.


A character may only use this CB once every 100 years, except with the "Become King" ambition, which allows unlimited usage within the capital's de jure kingdom.



Buddhists can attempt to vassalize a single county from another religion group or from Taoist. The targeted county must be bordering, or be within two sea zones. The truce only lasts 5 years.

While called a "minor holy war" in game, this is deceptive as it does not affect moral authority and does not allow the defender's coreligionists to join.

While smaller than the duchy-level holy war freely available to Hindus, this CB has advantages if the targeted county is held by a count who holds no other county titles. You can revoke the title from the holder (using religious control law) and have a county that is immediately productive, rather than having a severe conquest penalty to levies.

You can also use this CB to gain control of infidel claimants. A second war, using the claim-for-other CB, can then net you an entire kingdom. With Muslim neighbors, there is even the possibility of gaining control of the ruler's sons or grandsons, letting you game their open succession by granting a kingdom.









  • 在朝贡战争开始时,防御方生成的事件中有一个选项可以选择投降。拥有 骄傲Proud.png,固执Stubborn.png,精神错乱Lunatic.png, 和恶魔附身Possessed.png 的统治者绝不会选择就此投降。而 怯懦Craven.png 或 安于现状Content.png 的统治者则更有可能选择投降。并且如果统治者拥有足够实力(包括盟友)进行防御的话也不太可能选择投降。
  • 在朝贡战争中的任何时点,防御方通过权衡战争分数情况以及defender_ai_defeat_worth来选择是否投降。如果朝贡国目标在地理上过于遥远、 防御方统治者拥有 骄傲Proud.png/勇敢Brave.png/贪婪Greedy.png 特质、防御方是国王,这些因素会使防御方更不倾向于投降。

强迫朝贡(Extort tribute)

成功后,防御方会变成一个(常规) 朝贡国(Tributary) 向进攻方进贡40%的税收. 这种类型的朝贡国会被叫入战争以及不能联合其他的朝贡国,但是当上面领主死亡时打破。

要求 Horse Lords.png马上诸王 DLC. 要求在边界或者存在最多有2个海域(类似于圣战). 攻击者一定不能是一个朝贡国(除了 Jade Dragon.png帝国) 以及必须是独立的. 防御方必须是个独立国,或者是一个地图外的权利代表,不能存在已经在朝贡战争中。

在赢得这个类型的战争之后,游牧和部落统治者会得到特殊的好感奖励与他们的附庸。主要被用于游牧对付比较富裕的政府类型,但偶尔被用于对付其他统治类型,当其他的CB类型是不可激活时,会有朝贡关系直到领主死亡, 立刻继承人继位再次使用这个CB是得到威望是一个好方法。

建立朝贡关系(Establish tributary)

成功后, 防御方会变成一个 游牧朝贡国(Nomad Tributary),该类型的朝贡国会支付50%税和给予宗主国 +0.3 每月威望。这个类型的朝贡国会被叫入战争,只有宗主国有负威望的情况下才会有自由

要求 Horse Lords.png马上诸王 DLC。有类似要求就像敲诈朝贡,有额外的要求,攻击者一定是游牧以及这个CB不能被用于从他的附庸里窃取朝贡.可以被用于要求边界的同类型的朝贡国领土, 即使他们不在其他范围内。

建立朝贡国(Establish Tributary State)

成功后, 防御方会变成 朝贡国家(Tributary State),这个类型的朝贡国家会支付20%税收和转移15%加强比率。这个类型的朝贡不能被叫入战争,但可以叫他们的宗主国进入战争。这种类型的朝贡有很多方式去打破自由:如果他们的领主是负威望, 会变成独立国, 有一个更小的领土尺寸, 或者 拒绝作为同盟参与朝贡国(tributary state)的防御战争。

要求 Jade Dragon.pngJade Dragon DLC. 只可以被用于非游牧统治者.攻击方必须有 200 威望以及领土没有比他更小. 要求 科技 4 在欧洲 (宗教) 和 科技 2 在别处.可以用于反对相同朝贡类型的领土, 即使在范围内他们没有其他方式。

朝贡也会被打破恢复自由,如果统治者在最近被打到 (例如.腐化叛乱). 这通常不会再常规继承中发生.


朝贡国可以使用这个CB试图获得他们的自由来自朝贡关系(tributary status).朝贡国不能宣称任何其他类型的战争去反对他的领主.由于战争是独立的,these wars have ticking 战争分数 支持攻击者一样攻击者控制所有的地产。



Jade Dragon.png 中国


















CB imperial reconquest.png 帝国再征服

一种仅适用于已恢复的罗马帝国的清理宣战 ,其目标是历史罗马帝国的一个公国。攻击者必须信仰基督教组或文化为希腊,防御者不得是穆斯林。



  • 拜占庭帝国-安那托利亚,亚美尼亚,保加利亚,克罗地亚,希腊,塞尔维亚,特雷比松,色雷斯,伊庇鲁斯,塞浦路斯,阿马尔菲(缺少格鲁吉亚)王国
  • 阿拉伯帝国-非洲,埃及,耶路撒冷,毛里塔尼亚,叙利亚(不包括阿拉伯,也门)
  • 大不列颠帝国-英格兰王国,威尔士(不包括爱尔兰,苏格兰)
  • 法兰克帝国-法国阿基坦,布列塔尼,勃艮第,法国
  • 神圣罗马帝国-巴伐利亚,弗里西亚,洛萨林吉亚,卡林西亚(不包括德国,波西米亚)
  • 西班牙帝国-安达卢西亚,阿斯图里亚斯,阿拉贡,卡斯蒂利亚,加利西亚,莱昂,纳瓦拉,葡萄牙,巴达霍斯,巴伦西亚王国
  • 意大利帝国-意大利,西西里,撒丁岛和科西嘉,威尼斯,比萨,热那亚,罗马涅王国,教廷属邦
  • 没有最初的法律帝国:
    • 教廷
    • 安条克王国
    • 瑞士王国


CB subjugation.png 昭昭天命入侵






玩家可以为处于强制性纳妾或逮捕中的无地角色使用该战争借口。被宣战者可以通过这种方式被迫释放攻击者的亲戚、朋友、配偶等。 不像其他战争, 这种战争借口也可以消除被拘禁角色的人质性质。

防御方可以选择立即释放, 处决一个或所有俘虏 (包括妾), 亦或者只简单的接受战争。请注意,即使俘虏被处决,也不会结束战争!

在胜利的情况下, 战败者将赔付相当于三年收入的战争赔款,并释放俘虏。强制性纳妾将终止并且婚姻破裂 (和角色在同领地)。囚犯也将被释放。被解救的角色将加入你的宫廷除非她们还是有地角色的妾或妻子。所有被解救者还将对他们的恩人有额外的好感加成。


Dlc icon the republic.png 商业共和制宣战理由

CB seize trade post.png 夺取贸易站

贵族和商业共和国互相攻击或对抗外国的CB。不能用来对抗同一等级且少于你2个或更多贸易站的贵族。成功后,您将获得目标贸易站。 失败时,您需要赔偿。休战仅持续5年。你必须有一条开放的贸易站线路以要求目标贸易站。有时,当战争结束时,贸易站被摧毁,在这种情况下,你需要自己建立贸易站。也可以用来对付封建王国,如果他们在丝绸之路或跨撒哈拉贸易上保持贸易站。不能用来夺取位于敌方王国首都且在丝绸之路上的贸易站。

CB claim.png 城市征服


CB claim.png 伯爵领征服(共和国)

仅限共和国的单一伯爵领征服,仅当您(或您的封臣)已控制该省份的一个城市时才可用。 你必须要么控制一个相邻的伯爵领,要么控制至多两个海区之外的一个伯爵领。尚未拥有伯爵领的贵族不能使用此CB。

CB embargo.png 禁运

此借口可以用于对抗在您领地内有贸易站的商业共和国和他们的领主(如果有的话)。如果您赢了, 每个在您领地内的战败者的贸易站皆被摧毁并给你一笔可观的收入。不像其他战争借口, 您只能在和平的时候使用它。

Horse Lords.png 游牧制宣战理由

游牧可以通过 建立朝贡(Establish Tributary),允许使用一些专门的CB.当他们也可以使用 异教郡征服CB 不分宗教, 原始宗教游牧可以仅使用这个CB 对其他的游牧和部落。


这个CB允许游牧去征服非游牧领土. 帝国只能成为帝国等级(可汗)的游牧目标。

当征服右拇指一个游牧期间继承期间分裂出来的王国, 这个CB是完全自由的. This is controlled by the opinion modifier "-50 Declared Independence", given to the new khagan toward the breakaway ruler and their dynastic direct courtiers and vassals.

Otherwise, it costs 500 prestige and can only be used once every 100 years. If the war becomes invalid, the launched_subjugation timer is refunded, but the prestige is not.

Although religious heads (such as the Pope) can be targeted by this CB, they won't become your vassal (in the recent version of, unlike in the past it was possible), all their demesne holdings will be usurped instead.


Can be launched by nomads whose Population.png is at least 30,000 and 75% of max. Consider granting some lands to fellow clans in order to reach the 75% needed for the invasion; the Humiliate CB can also steal population from another nomad. Costs 100 prestige.

According to CB files, Nomad invasion works like a crusade. It targets a de jure kingdom; all land occupied by your vassal/allies/tributaries will be usurped by yourself (even if outside the targeted kingdom). Titles in the target kingdom held by the defender which are unoccupied will be vassalized instead.

CB subjugation.png 臣服

Also known as "Nomad Expansion", this CB allows any Nomad to vassalize non-nomad or usurp nomad holdings of an independent ruler within a single de jure duchy. It costs 300 prestige. The defender can call (and can be joined by) rulers of the same faith just like in a Holy War. It has a 10 years truce, contrary to a 5 years truce for county conquest or reformed Tengri holy war.


Feuding clans can declare wars against each other to seize a single county. A Khagan cannot use this CB against a vassal clan. Cannot be used against a Nomad's capital or a county that contains a temple/castle/city.


如果可汗有 “氏族想要更多的领土” 警告和少于最大数量的氏族, 会出现一个来自可汗的直辖的叛乱氏族,如果叛乱氏族成功,他们会变成一个封臣汗, 他们的首都会存在那个他们出现的城市, 他们也能得到他们占领的城市。






Non-nomads can use this CB to take a duchy from a nomad realm. This requires a county in the target kingdom, a border, or being at most two sea zones away. The duchy must either be outside the Steppe region, or contain a non-temple settlement (castle, city, or tribe).

On victory, this vassalizes non-nomadic rulers and usurps other titles. Vassalized rulers will get a +40 "Subjugated" opinion buff towards their new liege.

AI rulers are more likely to use this CB when the duchy contains castles or cities, since they'd rather not have to deal with unproductive provinces and nomad agitation.



Wage war for a single county that is adjacent or accessible over a single sea zone. A game rule controls whether this CB is available for 25 years, 100 years, the entire campaign, or not at all.


A kingdom-level invasion CB usable only by the Great Conquerors generated at the beginning of a Shattered World game. A game rule controls how many Great Conquerors are generated across the map.


These CBs cannot be used by the player, but are triggered by events. In each case, a large army appears under the command of a landless leader. On success, the ruler takes all occupied territory, and possibly higher-level titles as well.



Without Dlc icon the old gods.pngThe Old Gods DLC, revolts take the form of a leaderless army that's hostile to everyone, but not at war with anyone; sometimes they will capture a province, but just as often they will disperse. With the DLC, though, they actually have leaders with titular rebel titles and they declare war on you with a special CB. There are three types:

  • CB de jure claim.png Nationalist rebels (e.g. "Persian Liberation Revolt") appear in foreign-cultured provinces that were once part of a kingdom or duchy of the province's culture. They are usually quite large and the leader has the Inspiring Leader trait. On success, the leader becomes an independent ruler of the culture. with the kingdom or duchy title and the nickname "The Liberator."
  • CB heretic revolt.png Religious rebels (e.g. "Persian Zoroastrian Uprising") and heretic rebels ("Persian Manichean Uprising") are two different types, but similar. They appear in provinces of heretic or infidel religions. In the case of a heretic revolt, the leader has the Heresiarch trait. They are medium-sized. On success, the leader becomes a duke-level independent ruler.
  • CB de jure claim.png Peasant rebels (e.g. "Shirazian Peasant Revolt") appear in rebellious provinces not meeting either of the above criteria. They are relatively small and the leader has the Peasant Leader trait. On success, he becomes a count-level independent ruler.

In all three cases, the truce from the war lasts only 1 year. Except for peasant revolts, they usurp all occupied counties and their minor holdings, like a tribal invasion.

CB holy war.png 冒险家


Landless claimants to a title may declare their intention to press their claim and recruit an army. Norse, Frankish and Norman nobles without any claims may also attempt to conquer a coastal duchy. In both cases, assassinating the leader before the war starts stops the invasion. When the war starts, the adventurer gains a duchy-level titular title named after him (e.g. "Arnulf's Host"; if he's pressing a claim, the war is called e.g. "Arnulf's Host Claim on Sicily War", otherwise "Arnulf's Conquest of Sicily" which is a special CB). Adventurers have fairly large armies (typically about as big as the total levies of the targeted realm) and are quite dangerous. They automatically receive a treasury of 500 gold.

CB muslim heretic.png 腐化入侵

Muslim dynasties with at least 75% decadence that rule a duchy or higher may draw the ire of a desert tribe determined to end their corrupt rule. The invasion begins in a random realm province with a very large army appearing.

Upon success, the invader gets all occupied holdings and counties (like a tribal invasion). Top-level titles are destroyed and any other duke+ titles held by the defender are usurped. The invader also gets the nickname of "the Conqueror". The Crown Authority of all king+ titles is lowered to Autonomous Vassals.

CB subjugation.png 什叶派哈里发的崛起

A special targeted invasion that may appear in any Sunni kingdom or empire with at least 10% decadence if no Shia caliph exists. A Shia child leader with the Quick.png, Attractive.png and Sayyid.png traits appears holding the duchy-tier titular title "Pretender Shia Caliphate"; the CB is "Shia Caliphate Rising in [kingdom]" e.g. "Shia Caliphate Rising in Egypt". Human-controlled Sunni realms are much less likely (MTTH 10x greater) to be targeted.

His invasion begins in a random province and invades its de jure kingdom (as long as he has at least 6 counties in it and the liege title isn't held by someone else). If he wins, he takes the kingdom title and becomes the Shia caliph, in addition to the usual "tribal invasion" type result of vassalising its de jure vassals and usurping any occupied holdings and counties. The truce lasts only 1 year, so the caliph may well attack his original target again very shortly.


This section is Christian-centric, and most of it could be merged into Expanding your realm.

While some of these CBs you'll have merely due to your position, like the independence CB and the law change CBs, many of these can be gained on purpose.

First, the easiest type of CB to gain are claims. There are four primary ways to gain claims:

  1. Have your chancellor forge claims. This doesn't work for anything above the ducal level (skill of 15 needed to forge a ducal claim), unless you have the Become King of [Kingdom] ambition.
  2. Marry someone who has an inheritable claim. Your children will have the claim and you can then push it.
  3. Marry someone in your dynasty to someone who has an inheritable claim. Their children will have the claim, and you'll be able to push it.
  4. Invite someone with a claim to your court. You'll then be able to push it.

Expanding your realm outside your de jure borders using claims can be tricky: unless they're of your dynasty, a landless claimant to such a title will become independent when you win their war. If you want them to be your vassal instead, you will want to land them first. Since you get a +100 "Pressed my Claim" opinion bonus, you might be able to offer vassalization afterwards, but only if they're the same religion and culture as you - otherwise the "False Religion" and/or "Foreigner" penalties, along with "Not my de jure liege", mean they're unlikely to accept.

Second, de jure claims are also relatively easy to gain. If you can create a duchy or kingdom that overlaps another realm's territory, this will gain you a de jure claim, and the same applies if you usurp it. (Unfortunately, both of these require having more than half of its de jure counties already, so you'll have to find some way to get hold of those.) In addition, after pushing a claim for a duchy, you'll often have de jure claims.

Third, excommunication CBs are easy to get as long as the religion head likes you, but these won't help you grow your realm. They're good for gaining some prestige, though.

Fourth, you can get religious war CBs on essentially the entire world if you convert to a heresy (a Catholic-derived heretic will have CBs on all rulers except Orthodox and Miaphysite ones or other Catholic-derived heretics, while a Muslim heretic will have CBs on absolutely everyone except other followers of the same heresy). As a Catholic, the easiest way to get heresy to appear so that you can convert is appointing an antipope, as this lowers the moral authority of the church. The lower the moral authority of the church, the more likely heresy is to spread. Then upon the first chance you get, you should change to whatever heresy arises. Another option is to have your court chaplain research cultural tech until a heretic find appears. So while the drawbacks of heresy are severe (-30 opinion with all non-heretics, and increased rebel risk), the advantages when it comes to expansion are huge. However, note that it's a two-way street - if you convert to a Catholic heresy then all Catholic rulers get a Holy War CB on you, and the Pope may even declare a Crusade against you.

Fifth, the pope will award strong, uninheritable claims to counties and duchies held by Catholic rulers, in exchange for some prestige and an opinion penalty. If the pope is your vassal (an emperor tier ruler who claims the papacy in the name of his antipope will receive the new pope as vassal), he will never refuse a request, regardless of opinion modifiers. This allows you to obtain one county or ducal claim per 100 piety (or 50 piety with papal investiture). You can use "Request Claim" to obtain any number of claims and then utilize "Claim all" CB. This strategy allows you to conquer vast amounts of land, even entire kingdoms with enough piety, in a single war, and allows you to appoint new count and duke level vassals on the newly conquered territory.


动自己的主张和类似的主张是相当直接的。然而,当你向别人提出要求时,你必须小心,否则他们最终会成为一个独立的领域。只有当他们已经是你的附庸,他们在你的王朝,或者你提出的要求是在法律上属于你所有权的一部分时,他们才会成为你的附庸。如果他们获得的头衔与你的或以上级别相同,即使上述任何条件适用,他们也将是独立的,除非你有一个军衔高于你,而这些条件仍然适用。 最简单的方法,以确保他们将成为你封臣后,推动他们的索赔是授予他们一个县或男爵在你的领域首先。那么,如果他们获得的头衔与你的或更高级别的头衔相同,那么他们就可以独立。应该指出的是,印度教人物不能被授予他们的种姓所不能拥有的地位。


Sometimes a war ends not with one side winning, or a white peace, but inconclusively. This happens when the war can no longer be pursued for some reason - usually because the casus belli is no longer valid. This does not, however, mean that a CB that could no longer be used leads to a war using it becoming invalid; the invalidation and usability conditions are separate, though usually related.

Some common messages are:

[War name] ended inconclusively (Casus Belli no longer valid)
This means that the war has become completely unjustifiable. For claim wars, this may mean the claimant died or the defender lost the wargoal for some other reason. For holy wars and crusades, it may mean the defender changed religion to one that can no longer be the target of such a war, usually by the special decision for converting to the attacker's religion. Force Vassalization can be invalidated if the target forms or acquires a title too high for the attacker to vassalize. Note that a successful claim war won't invalidate other claim wars on the same title - the war simply continues against the new holder.
[War name] ended inconclusively (Liege Change for [Defender])
You can only attack someone if either their direct liege is one of your lieges, or they are independent. When they become a vassal of someone who isn't your liege, the defender isn't a valid target any more, so rather than transferring the war to the new liege, the war simply ends. This frequently happens when attacking rebelling vassals when their rebellion ends. Again, note this doesn't invalidate other claim wars on the same title, which instead transfer to the new holder - even if he is a vassal.
[War name] ended inconclusively ([Defender] became unlanded)
This is pretty self-explanatory. The defender lost all his landed titles for some reason (perhaps in another war or due to his liege revoking all his titles), and is no longer a valid war target.
[War name] ended inconclusively ([Defender] joined [Attacker's Liege]'s war as attacker)
A vassal warred an independent realm allied to his liege, but the liege then called the independent ruler to war as an ally. This overrides the vassal's war.
[War Name] ended inconclusively (Realm Peace is enforced in the realm)
DLC icon Conclave.pngConclave only. The combatants' liege's council enforced realm peace mid-war, forcing all in-progress wars inside the realm to abort.
[War name] ended inconclusively ([Character] has died)
The casus belli for the war was tied to a particular character, and they died, invalidating the war. This can happen with wars to revoke a vassal, or rivalry wars.
[War name] ended inconclusively
Without further explanation, this probably means the war was a faction or plot war and the leader died. With the leader gone, there is no one left to enforce demands, surrender, or sign a white peace, and so the war ends.
This may also happen in the event of a Tributary war or Free Captives war if the defender surrenders by decision.


You can identify what Casus Belli was used to declare a war by its name. In addition to the examples below, there may be an ordinal prefix indicating that this is the Nth war of that name to have been declared (several may be ongoing at once, e.g. "Byzantine Holy War for Syria" and "2nd Byzantine Holy War for Syria" might be declared at the same time, both targeting the de jure Emirate of Syria, but the parts of it in two different realms).

For some wars, the result is that someone "gains or vassalises" one or more titles. This means that titles that can be vassalised are vassalised, and all the others are gained. Generally a title is gained if vassalising would end up also vassalising a title that wasn't being targeted. For example in the case of a holy war targeting a duchy in which one of the counts had land outside that de jure duchy, the attacker doesn't become their new liege, but just usurps the target titles.

Name template Name example Casus Belli used Attacker Defender Goal (what happens on victory)
[Attacker adj](-[Defender adj]) War for ([Claimant]'s claim on) [Target] English-Cornish War for David's claim on Devon CB claim.png Claim (on nearly any title) The claimant or his liege (e.g. Kingdom of England). If attacker and claimant are the same, the "claimant" part is omitted ("English-Cornish War for Devon" on behalf of the King of England). The attackable realm (e.g. Duchy of Cornwall) that holds the target title (e.g. County of Devon). If defender and target are the same, the defender isn't mentioned ("English War for David's claim on Devon" attacking the Earl of Devon). The claimant (e.g. David) gains the target title
[Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] De Jure War over [Target] Welsh-English De Jure War over Devon CB de jure claim.png De Jure claim The claimant (e.g. Duchy of Cornwall) or his liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales), whose de jure but not de facto realm includes the target (e.g. Devon) The attackable realm that holds the target (e.g. Kingdom of England) The claimant gains or vassalises the target (e.g. County of Devon)
[Attacker adj](-[Defender adj]) Ducal War for ([Claimant]'s claim on) [Target] Welsh-Somerset Ducal War for Duke David's claim on Devon CB claim on liege.png De Jure Claim (for a county on behalf of a vassal holding its duchy) The claimant (e.g. Duke David of Cornwall) or his liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales). If attacker and claimant are the same, the "claimant" part is omitted ("Cornish-Somerset Ducal War for Devon"). The attackable realm (e.g. Duchy of Somerset) that holds the target title (e.g. County of Devon). If defender and target are the same, the defender isn't mentioned ("Welsh Ducal War for Duke David's claim on Devon"). The claimant gains or vassalises the target.
[Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] De Jure Holding War over [Target] Welsh-English De Jure Holding War over Axminster CB de jure claim.png [County] Holdings The holder of the county (e.g. Devon) that contains the target minor holding (e.g. Axminster), or his liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales) The attackable realm (e.g. Kingdom of England) that holds the target The holder of the county containing the target (e.g. Earl of Devon) gains or vassalises the target
War of [Attacker adj] Independence War of Cornish Independence CB independence.png Independence (non-faction) A ruler who is not independent (e.g. County or Duchy of Cornwall) The attacker's nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales) The attacker becomes independent of his nominal liege (as a vassal of his nominal liege's liege, if any, e.g. Empire of Britannia)
[Leader adj] League Independence War Cornish League Independence War CB independence.png Independence (faction) All members of the "Independence" faction within the leader's (e.g. the Earl or Duke of Cornwall's) nominal liege's realm (e.g. Kingdom of Wales), led by the leader (e.g. County or Duchy of Cornwall), having had their ultimatum refused The attackers' nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales) All attackers become independent of their nominal liege (as a vassal of their nominal liege's liege, if any, e.g. Empire of Britannia)
War against the Tyranny of [Defending ruler] War against the Tyranny of King Hywel I of Wales CB independence.png Overthrow Ruler A vassal who escaped an arrest that was tyrannical or refused any revocation (tyrannical or justified) The attacker's nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales) Defender abdicates in favour of his/her heir
Revolt against the Rule of [Defending ruler] Revolt against the Rule of King Hywel I of Wales CB independence.png Overthrow Ruler A vassal who escaped an arrest that was justified The attacker's nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales) Defender abdicates in favour of his/her heir
[Leader adj] War for [Claimant]'s claim on [Target] Cornish War for Prince Hywel's claim on Wales CB claim on liege.png Claim on Liege faction All members of the claim faction (e.g. "Prince Hywel for Wales") in their realm (e.g. Kingdom of Wales), led by the leader (e.g. County or Duchy of Cornwall), having had their ultimatum refused The faction members' nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales) Claimant (e.g. Prince Hywel) usurps the target title (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
[Defender adj] Civil War for [Succession law] Welsh Civil War for Seniority CB change law.png Succession law faction The leader and all members of the succession law faction (e.g. "Seniority Succession in Wales") in their realm (e.g. Kingdom of Wales), having had their ultimatum refused The faction members' nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales) Defender enacts specified succession type in the target realm (e.g. Seniority succession in Kingdom of Wales)
[Defender adj] Civil war to Lower Crown Authority Welsh Civil War to Lower Crown Authority CB change law.png Lower Crown Authority faction All members of the "Lower Crown Authority" faction in their realm (e.g. Kingdom of Wales) The faction members' nominal liege (e.g. Kingdom of Wales) Defender enacts the next lower level of crown authority law in the target kingdom or empire (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
[Attacker adj] Invasion of [Defender] Cornish Invasion of Wales CB invasion.png Invasion (Christian) A Christian, Jewish, or Zoroastrian ruler (e.g. County or Duchy/Petty Kingdom of Cornwall), whose relevant religious head (e.g. pope or ecumenical patriarch) has granted them permission to invade the target A ruler of the same religion (e.g. both Catholic) as the attacker (e.g. Kingdom of Wales) Attacker gains all occupied holdings and the target title (e.g. Kingdom of Wales)
[Attacker adj] Invasion of [Target] Abbasid Invasion of Jerusalem CB invasion.png Invasion (Muslim) A Muslim ruler (e.g. Abbasid Emirate / Sultanate / Empire) Someone of a different religion who holds land in the target de jure kingdom (e.g. Jerusalem) bordering the attacker's realm, e.g. the Shia Caliph Attacker gains all titles held by the defender within the target de jure kingdom (e.g. Jerusalem) and vassalises all the defender's subsidiary lords wholly within the target de jure kingdom. (Fate of lands in the target kingdom held by defender's subsidiaries who also hold land outside the target kingdom unknown.)
[Religion adj] Crusade/Jihad/Great Holy War for [Target] Catholic Crusade for Jerusalem CB holy war.png Crusade Head of the religion (e.g. the pope), joined by other rulers of that religion A realm (e.g. the Sunni Caliphate) ruled by someone of a different religion holding land in the de jure target kingdom (e.g. Jerusalem) The participant with the highest contribution, or the existing holder of the target kingdom if the same religion, gains the target kingdom and all titles held by the target in the de jure target kingdom
[Attacker] Holy War for [Target] Welsh Holy War for Cornwall CB holy war.png Holy War A ruler of any religion other than Jain, Taoist, or unreformed pagan (e.g. Catholic King of Wales) A realm (e.g. Kingdom of England) ruled by someone of a different religion from the attacker (e.g. Germanic), holding land in the target de jure duchy (e.g. Cornwall) The attacker vassalises all rulers of his religion who were vassals of the defender (except ones that have land outside the target, whose titles are usurped instead) and gains all other titles held by the defender within the target de jure duchy
[Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] Excommunication War Gwyneddian-Cornish Excommunication War CB excommunicated.png Excommunicated ruler A ruler of an religion which currently has a religious head and permits excommunication (e.g. County or Duchy of Gwynedd) A realm whose ruler has the same religion and religious head as the attacker and is excommunicated (e.g. County/Duchy/Petty Kingdom of Cornwall) The defender abdicates in favour of his heir
[Attacker adj] Conquest of [Target] Abbasid Conquest of Damascus CB de jure claim.png Muslim county conquest A realm ruled by a Muslim (e.g. Abbasid Emirate / Sultanate / Empire) The realm controlling the target county (e.g. Damascus) The attacker gains or vassalises the target county
[Attacker adj] Subjugation of [Target] Abbasid Subjugation of Mesopotamia CB subjugation.png Caliphal Subjugation A Muslim Caliphate (or the caliph's liege?) A realm ruled by someone of the same religion as the attacker holding land in the target de jure kingdom (e.g. Mesopotamia) The attacker takes or vassalises all titles held by the defender in the target de jure kingdom
Imperial Reconquest of [Target] Imperial Reconquest of Cornwall CB imperial reconquest.png Imperial Reconquest (Restored) Roman Empire A realm including land within the target de jure duchy (e.g. Cornwall) The Roman Emperor gains or vassalises all titles held by the defender within the target de jure duchy
[Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] Trade War over [Target] Veglian-Splitian Trade War over Zeta CB seize trade post.png Seize Trade Post A patrician or merchant republic (e.g. Veglia) Another patrician or merchant republic (e.g. Spalato (Split)) The attacker gains the target trade post (e.g. Zeta Trade Post)
[Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] War for the City of [Target] Venetian-Apulian War for the City of Brindisi CB claim.png Republic city conquest A merchant republic (e.g. Serene Republic of Venice) The liege (e.g. Duchy of Apulia) of the target city (e.g. Brindisi), in a county where the attacker controls a trade post The holder of the trade post gains the target city
[Attacker adj]-[Defender adj] War for the Coast of [Target] Venetian-Croatian War for the Coast of Senj CB claim.png Republic county conquest A patrician or merchant republic, on behalf of himself or his vassal, the mayor of a city (e.g. Brinje) in a county (e.g. Senj) that it doesn't control The realm that controls the county containing the city (e.g. Duchy/Kingdom of Croatia) The patrician who holds a city in the target county (e.g. Senj) gains the target county, and his city becomes its capital
[Attacker adj] Conquest of [Target] Scottish Conquest of Northumberland CB de jure claim.png Pagan county conquest A pagan realm (e.g. Kingdom of Scotland/Skotland) The realm containing the target county (e.g. Northumberland) The attacker gains or vassalises the target county
[Attacker adj] Invasion of [Target] Magyar Invasion of Hungary CB subjugation.png Tribal invasion A Tengri, Aztec or non-Christian Altaic realm (e.g. Kingdom of Magyars) A realm ruled by someone of a different religion containing land in the target de jure kingdom (e.g. Hungary) The attacker gains all occupied territory and vassalises territory held by the defender in the target de jure kingdom
[Attacker adj] Subjugation of [Target] Magyar Subjugation of Hungary CB subjugation.png Pagan subjugation A pagan realm (e.g. Kingdom of Magyars) A realm of the same religion containing land in the target de jure kingdom (e.g. Hungary) The attacker gains all occupied territory (whether in the target kingdom or not) and takes or vassalises all titles in the target de jure kingdom controlled by the defender
[County] Peasant Revolt Devonian Peasant Revolt CB de jure claim.png Peasant revolt [County] Peasant Revolt (a duchy-level titular title held by a peasant leader) (e.g. Devonian Peasant Revolt) The current top liege of the Earl of Devon Devon becomes independent, ruled by the peasant leader
[Realm] [Heresy] Uprising Welsh Lollard Uprising CB excommunicated.png Heretic revolt [Realm] [Heresy] Uprising (a duchy-level titular title held by a heresiarch, who appears with troops in a county of his religion) (e.g. Welsh Lollard Uprising) The current top liege of the heresiarch's home county Devon becomes independent, ruled by the heresiarch
[Leader]'s Conquest of [Target] Sigurðr's Conquest of Cornwall CB holy war.png Adventurer conquest [Leader]'s Host (a duchy-level titular title) (e.g. Sigurðr's Host) A realm containing land within the target de jure duchy (e.g. Cornwall) The attacker gains all the land held by the defender in the target de jure duchy (and the title itself, if it exists within that realm)
[Attacker adj] Invasion of [Target] Umayyad Decadence Revolt Invasion of Hispania CB muslim heretic.png Decadence invasion [Leader] of [Attacker adj] Decadence Revolt (a duchy-level titular title) (e.g. Utman of Umayyad Decadence Revolt) A realm with high decadence that triggered a decadence invasion The attacker gains all occupied territory and vassalises territory held by the defender in the target de jure kingdom, but duke tier or above vassals gain an event giving them the possibility of revolt
Shia Caliphate Rising in [Target] Shia Caliphate Rising in Egypt CB subjugation.png Rise of the Shia Caliphate Pretender Shi'a Caliphate (a duchy-level titular title held by a Quick Sayyid boy) A Sunni realm The attacker gains the target kingdom and becomes Shia Caliph


宣战理由和 claims are easy to gain as long as you know what you're doing. Following these tips you should be able to expand easily.

  • Most wars incur a truce which lasts either 10 years or until the death of one of the war leaders.
  • Marry claimants with inheritable claims to gain more claims
  • Marry your dynasty members to characters with inheritable claims (marry male claimants matrilineally if possible)
  • Invite males with inheritable claims and grant them a county
  • Invite pretenders and grant them a county
  • Make the pope love you and you can farm prestige off of excommunication
  • Go heretic and you'll have CBs on everyone
  • Create or usurp duchies or kingdoms that overlap the territory of other realms

Additionally, different CBs have different values to you as a ruler. If you have more than one CB, consider pressing them in this order:

  • Invasion/Crusade - you gain all land you occupy under the Kingdom title (requires a special decision with the new Crusades)
  • Holy War - you gain all heretic/infidel held land in the targeted duchy
  • Personal Claim - you can fill up your demesne or select the new holder of the county yourself, can push more than one on a given ruler at a time. Note that you don't get the title's vassals although they become your vassals.
  • County Conquest - costs piety; can only be pressed one county at a time
  • Seize County - you've already got one barony in this county, but this gives you the other 2/3rds of it.
  • Dynastic Ducal/County Claim - install a member of your dynasty and add land to your realm.
  • Vassal Ducal/County Claim - expands your realm, but the new holder isn't of your dynasty and you're making one of your current vassals more powerful
  • Dynastic Kingdom Claim - unless you're an Emperor, this will install a dynastic ally into a Kingdom who can help you in future wars.
  • Seize Coastal City - you're only getting one barony-level title out of this.
  • Embargo/Excommunication - Great for bringing in money or prestige/piety, but won't expand your realm.
