Attributes measure the abilities of a character. Unlike traits, they are numerical rather than binary.
Each character has base attributes which are then impacted by their traits. The total is displayed on the character screen, while the base is visible on mouseover. Base attributes are mostly acquired during childhood through education, but can also be altered by events.
Some events and event chains will only have certain choices open to the player if the qualifying level of an attribute is active. For example, if a vassal demands a title, but their liege rejects it, there will normally result in a lengthy opinion malus; although, if the liege's diplomacy is high enough, they can reject the request politely and avoid upsetting the vassal.
For many applications of attributes, the relevant factor is the state attribute, instead of the character's attribute.
国家能力 = 统治者属性 + (0.5 x 配偶属性) + 内阁成员属性
- 在 伊克塔或者 部落 政体下, 只有正妻的属性会影响国家能力。你的侍妾以及平妻并不会产生影响。
- 如果处于摄政状态中,由摄政者的属性加上内阁成员属性来代替上述公式。
- 如果摄政者或配偶同时也是一位内阁成员,则对他们的属性只进行一次计算。因此请尽量不要让你的摄政者及配偶成为内阁成员。(平妻和侍妾由于不进行属性计算,可以排除在外)
- 如果 御前会议 DLC处于激活状态,你可以将摄政者/配偶交换至无属性需求的“顾问”职位来避免属性计算上的损失。
- 一位廷臣的国家能力(如国家外交能力提供的每月威望加成)只会计算他们个人的能力。
- 国家能力显示在角色界面属性栏的括号里。
外交技巧反映了一名角色进行谈判和取悦他人的能力. 这是衡量一位外交总管是否胜任内阁工作的属性。
- 增加领地内廷臣对角色的好感(包括内阁成员及配偶)
- 与配偶的外交一起决定封臣上限。(封臣上限奖励:30%统治者的外交+30%配偶的外交)。
- 如果角色不是游牧且至少为公爵级,外交将与 学习属性一起决定每月获得的文化科技点数。
- 如果角色在其领主的内阁里担任外交总管 ,那么这项属性将决定其能力。
军事是战争与战斗技能的指标, 这是衡量一位军事总管是否胜任内阁工作的属性。
- 影响角色作为一名指挥官领导战斗的能力。
- 用于决定角色的直辖领地征召兵数量及直辖领地征召兵补充速度。
- 如果角色不是游牧且至少为公爵级,军事将与 学习属性一起决定每月获得的军事科技点数。
- 如果角色在其领主的内阁里担任军事总管 ,那么这项属性将决定其能力。
- 提高士气恢复速度。
- 角色与其配偶的 管理将决定角色的最大直辖领地。(直辖上限奖励 = 15%*(统治者的管理+ 1/2配偶的管理)).游牧没有直辖上限。
- 如果角色不是游牧且至少为公爵级,管理将与 学习属性一起决定每月获得的经济科技点数。
- 提高省份文化转换至角色文化的速率。
- 如果角色在其领主的内阁里担任财政总管 ,那么这项属性将决定其能力。
- 增加直辖领地收入 (每点+2%)。
学识是对角色拥有的知识的衡量。这是衡量一位宫廷司祭是否胜任内阁工作的属性。如果 死神索命DLC开启,宫廷医师的治疗成功率也受此属性影响。
- 给与角色虔诚 (或其等价物如善业) (每点+0.02/month).
Improving attributes
Characters can strive to improve their base attributes in several ways:
- Education: A skilled guardian will pass on his skills ( Conclave DLC inactive)
- Breeding: A child grown up by high skilled progenitors (or guardian) has a better chance of ending up with higher base attributes (with Conclave Expansion).
- If Way of Life DLC is inactive, the player may attempt to fulfil an ambition goal in order to increase base attributes up to level 8 in a specified skill. The character can choose one ambition at each time
- If Way of Life Expansion is active, focuses incorporate events to improving base attributes as well as adding many other modifiers
- Child education may result in effects on guardians (without the Conclave Expansion)
- Friendship can sometimes result in an attribute boost
- If Monks and Mystics DLC is active, societies can trigger events which grant the character attribute points
- Some religions have passive attribute bonuses and exclusive traits connected to them, e.g., (+2 martial), (+5 learning), (+4 martial), (+1 learning)
- Many artifacts provide attribute bonuses.
Hidden attributes
Two hidden attributes measure the character's physical well-being: health and fertility. A character's base health and fertility are not normally visible, but trait effects are listed in tooltips.
The "charinfo" console command uncovers these attributes in the tooltip for all characters. The player may also adjust those attributes at game start by using the Ruler Designer.
- 主条目:Health
Healthy characters are less likely to fall prey to, and more likely to fully recover from, disease. They are also less likely to die from old age per month than ill characters. High health is key to a long life.
Fertility determines how likely an individual character is to conceive children. it should be noted that both parents' fertility is taken into account. In addition, it appears that having spouses who are also lovers will make it 3 times more likely for pregnancy to occur.
Various traits affect fertility, such as:
- (+20%)
- (+20%)
- (+20%)
- (+15%)
- (+10%)
- (+10%)
- (+10%)
- (+5%)
- (-5%)
- (-5%)
- (-15%)
- (-15%)
- (-25%)
- (-30%)
- (-30%)
- (-50%)
- (-1000%)
- (-5000%)
- Most diseases decrease fertility (and symptoms, if The Reaper's Due DLC is active). For example, (-10%), (-95%), (-30%).
A character who is either a or a has a drastically lowered fertility score (-5000%).