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Religion in 1066

Every character in the game follows a religion. A character's religion has a major impact on their gameplay mechanics. Cosmetically, the player character's religion determines the interface and icons used for the various alerts.

Interaction between religious groups is mostly limited to warfare. Characters may convert to another religion in some cases.


Six religious groups are represented in Crusader Kings II. Within each group there are variants, heresies, or both.

Religion group DLC required1 Marriage2 Key mechanics and variants Common goals
Christian none (all Christian faiths part of core game) Monogamy

Variants of Christianity are uniquely peaceful toward each other, disallowing the use of religious revocation except against heretics.

Relations with religious head are important, as they can perform excommunication, enabling free imprisonment and a depose-ruler CB.


Notable Heresies:

  • Fraticelli (Catholic): can establish a papacy with a pope just like Catholicism, Fraticelli pope can then declare Crusades as well
  • Cathar (Catholic): full equality (allows female temple holders, councillors, and commanders; no opinion penalty for female ruler or heir, enables Absolute Cognatic succession law)
  • Messalian (Nestorian): full equality like Cathar; close-relative marriage like Zoroastrians
  • Catholic, 769 start: hold Italy (or Italia) as one of the requirements to Create the Holy Roman Empire
  • Catholic, later: hold Germany to Restore the Holy Roman Empire
  • Catholic, any start: reconquer and then defend the Catholic holy sites and heartlands, especially via Crusades
  • Orthodox: Control the five Pentarchy sites to Mend the Great Schism
  • Byzantine Empire: Completely control key duchies in order to restore the Roman Empire
  • Miaphysite and Nestorian: reclaim the holy sites of your faith of which the majority are occupied by strong Muslim realms
Sons of Abraham Monogamy

If the High Priesthood is restored, Jewish Great Holy Wars can be declared immediately. However, a unique requirement for instating the religious head is to convert the county of Jerusalem to Judaism.


  • Samaritan/Karaite: two heresies without special mechanics
  • Completely control the Kingdom of Jerusalem and convert the county of Jerusalem to Judaism in order to create the Kingdom of Israel and restore the High Priesthood.
Dlc icon sword of islam.png Sword of Islam Polygamy

Powerful Muslim CBs allow fast expansion, but large realms often fail due to dynastic decadence. All faiths of Islam (but not all heresies) can have a Caliph, a secular (and thus playable) religious head who can declare Jihads.

Iqta government replaces both Feudal and Theocracy governments, allowing rulers to hold both castles and mosques without penalty. Iqta rulers can freely revoke duchies, and use Open succession to effectively designate heirs.


  • Sunni: Caliph and Jihads. Dlc icon sons of abraham.pngschools of thought
  • Shia: Caliph and Jihads. DLC icon Monks and Mystics.pngAssassins society
  • Ibadi: Caliph and Jihads

Notable Heresies:

  • Usurp the Caliphate by claiming the existing caliph's primary title.
  • Or, create a new caliphate by conquering key locations and converting to a variant with no current Caliph.
Pagan Dlc icon the old gods.png Jade Dragon.png Holy Fury.png The Old Gods (all Pagan faiths playable, Hellenic with limited features), Jade Dragon (only Bön playable), Holy Fury (all Pagan faiths playable, Hellenic with all features) Concubinage

Many unique mechanics make Pagans strong early on but weaker as time passes. Powerful Pagan CBs allow fast expansion, but unreformed Pagans have extreme stability problems. Can raid regardless of culture or government. No religious head until reformation.


  • Germanic: offensive faith. runestones, coastal conquests, prepared invasions, river movement, Viking.png trait, secular religious head
  • Tengri: offensive faith. horse warfare bonuses make them uniquely suitable for nomadism. Often associated with cultures that support the powerful Tribal Invasion CB. Ignores pagan attrition.
  • Aztec: offensive faith. prisoner sacrifice
  • Slavic/Romuva/Suomenusko/African: four defensive faiths which share many similarities but also have some unique features.
  • Zunist: Can't raid, but don't suffer the stability penalty that other pagan religions have. Attrition, levy and heavy infantry bonus. Can intermarry with the Dharmic religions.
  • Bön: defensive faith. synergy with Tibeto-Burman culture group. Can intermarry with Eastern religions.
  • Hellenic: offensive faith. imperial reconquest
  • Control holy sites in order to boost moral authority and reform the religion.
  • Hellenic: Conquer and recreate a Hellenic Roman Empire

Reformed religions combine the best features of paganism and existing organized religions. They consider those following the old ways to be heretics.

Tribal rulers must reform (or convert) in order to adopt feudalism or found a merchant republic.

With Holy Fury.png, pagan reformation adds the ability to reform with a selection of natures, doctrines, and leadership, which allows the religion to be customized to gain the benefits of other religion's abilities.

Dlc icon the old gods.png Jade Dragon.png The Old Gods (all Zoroastrian faiths/heresies playable), Jade Dragon (only Khurmazta playable) Concubinage

The main religion, Zoroastrianism, allows and even encourages marriages between close relatives.

If the Priesthood is restored, Zoroastrian Great Holy Wars can be declared immediately.

Heresies: All heresies are eligible for reincarnations if supernatural events are enabled.

  • Khurmazta: Has the Patron Deity mechanic (similar to Hindus). May not benefit from Divine Marriage or restore the Priesthood, but can become Saoshyant.
  • Mazdaki: No concubines nor Divine Marriage mechanics and have access to Summer Fair decision. No opinion penalties for female rulers and women may hold temples; women can also be appointed as commanders or Moabad (i.e. Court Chaplain), but NOT to other council positions. Enables Absolute Cognatic succession law.
  • Manichaeism: Is almost a separate religion and is very different from orthodox Zoroastrianism. No concubines and may not benefit from Jews (borrowing money) or Divine Marriage. Have their own religious feast and religious head. May also form a holy order if certain criteria are met and have different holy sites from other Mazdans.
  • Completely control the Empire of Persia in order to become Saoshyant and restore the priesthood.
Eastern Rajas of India.png Jade Dragon.png Rajas of India (all Eastern faiths playable), Jade Dragon (only Taoist faith playable) Concubinage

Has subgroup Indian religions (Hindu, Buddhist, Jain). Characters can convert to another Indian religion if they control any province with the new religion. Provinces convert very slowly, but there is no revolt risk. No religious heads.


  • Hindu: Can raid and has +30% army morale. They are hindered by strict adherence to the caste system, and by lack of heir designation.
  • Buddhist: ambition to reject negative trait, +4 Learning, synergy with Tibeto-Burman culture group.
  • Jain: stability bonuses include a large demesne, vassal opinion boost, and pacifist AI that further reduces factionalism.
  • Taoist: +2 Stewardship. Can intermarry with some Pagan, Zoroastrian, Eastern and Christian faiths/heresies. Schools of thought give strong boni, but also mali. Much easier to adopt Chinese Imperialism.
  • Taoist faith: Become an Empire and adopt Chinese Imperialism

1Religion DLC is not required to play as a nomad; Horse Lords.pngHorse Lords unlocks nomadic rulers of all religions. However, players must convert to a playable religion before they can settle down to a non-nomadic government type.

2All religions support concubinage when tribal or nomadic. For Muslims, this replaces polygamy for rulers.


If characters are of different religions, they'll get a large opinion penalty towards one another:

Name Criteria Opinion Example
Religious Differences Different religions of the same religious groups -10 Catholic.png vs Orthodox.png
Heretic Parent religion vs its heresies, and vice versa -25 Catholic.png vs a Catholic Heresy.png
Infidel Different religion group -20 Catholic.png vs Sunni.png
Zealous.png Anyone of different religion -25 Stacks with standard penalty

This penalty, apart from Zealous, is reduced by the Tolerance technology in the capital of each character, -6.25% per technology level. Additionally, a character who is sympathetic towards another religious group has no Infidel penalty towards or from characters following a religion of that group.


Religion affects how Crown laws are applied. This is particularly important in regions which see frequent religious conflict (Iberia, Eastern Europe and the Near East), or are simply religiously diverse (India). Independent dukes and counts are considered to have the No Crown Authority Law, if the king of the de jure kingdom which they belong to is of another religion.

AI rulers will also never accept diplomatic vassalization if they follow a different religion from the potential liege's.


Religion also provides various Casus Belli, most notably holy war and Crusades, though this varies from religion to religion - both are unavailable to unreformed pagans for example. Dlc icon sword of islam.pngSword of Islam also introduced two new Casus Belli specifically for Muslims.



Religion also affects what powers the religious head has; unreformed Pagan religions for example have no Religious Head, while a Christian Religious head can excommunicate characters, which is impossible for Muslims and Pagans.

Pagan religions may gain a religious head and a Great Holy War (Crusade CB) if they reform. They then become the "Reformed" version. The version without a religious head and Great Holy War becomes a heresy and is called the "Old" version of the religion.



Each religion has a moral authority, determined by the actions of its followers. It defines the power of the religion, and impacts the chances of heresies.



宗教 领袖 圣地 圣地地图 机制 特殊宣战理由 Religion modifier.png 修正
Catholic.png Catholic Christian K papal state.pngThe Papacy


Hscatholic.png Excommunication, College of Cardinals, Investiture, Antipope, Pilgrimage Holy war, Crusades, Sanctioned Invasion
Orthodox.png Orthodox Christian K orthodox.png The Ecumenical Patriarchate


Hsorthodox.png Autocephaly, Excommunication, Mending the Great Schism, Pilgrimage Holy war, Sanctioned Invasion
Miaphysite.png Miaphysite Christian D miaphysite.png The Coptic Papacy


Hsmiaphysite.png Autocephaly, Excommunication, Pilgrimage Holy war, Sanctioned Invasion
Nestorian.png Nestorian Christian D nestorian.png The Patriarchate in the East


Hsnestorian.png Excommunication, Pilgrimage Holy war, Sanctioned Invasion
Sunni.png Sunni Muslim D sunni.png The Sunni Caliphate


Hssunni.png Decadence, Polygamy, Hajj Holy war (also vs non-Sunni, non-heretic Muslims), Muslim Invasion, County Conquest, Jihads, Caliphal Subjugation
Shiite.png Shia Muslim D shiite.png The Shia Caliphate

Al Nadjaf

Hsshiite.png Decadence, Polygamy, Hajj Holy war (also vs non-Shia, non-heretic Muslims), Muslim Invasion, County Conquest, Jihads, Caliphal Subjugation
Ibadi.png Ibadi Muslim D ibadi.png The Ibadi Caliphate


Hsibadi.png Decadence, Polygamy, Hajj Holy war (also vs non-Ibadi, non-heretic Muslims), Muslim Invasion, County Conquest, Jihads, Caliphal Subjugation
Judaism.png Judaism Israelite None (D jewish.png Kohen Gadol once the Kingdom of Israel is restored)


Hsjuif.png Holy war, Great holy wars, Sanctioned Invasion
Zoroastrian.png Zoroastrian Mazdan None (D zoroastrian.png Zoroastrian Church once the Persian Empire is retaken)

Jabal Qufs

Hszoroastrian.png Divine marriage, Concubinage Holy war, Great holy wars, Sanctioned Invasion
Hindu.png Hinduism Eastern None


Hshindu.png Raiding, Caste System, Patron Gods, Concubinage, Sects Holy war, Indian Subjugation Morale +30%
Buddhist.png Buddhism Eastern None


Hsbuddhist.png Sects, Concubinage, can designate heir, no penalty for female rulers/heirs, no short reign penalty Holy war for 250 piety, Minor Holy War (vassalizes a single county), Indian Subjugation Learning +4
Jain.png Jainism Eastern None


Hsjain.png Sects, vassal opinion bonus, can designate heir, Concubinage, no short reign penalty Indian Subjugation Demesne limit +3

Peace purity gain +1/month

Taoist.png Taoist Eastern None


Hstaoist.png Sects, can designate heir, Concubinage, no short reign penalty None Stewardship +2
Germanic.png Germanic Pagan None



Raiding, river movement, Concubinage, Reformation, female temple holders, defensive attrition, 250% short reign penalty, prestige loss while at peace, no penalty from raised vassal levies County Conquest, Subjugation, Prepared Invasion Levy size +30%

Retinue size +50%

Reformed Germanic.png Reformed Germanic Pagan D norse pagan reformed.png The Fylkirate Raiding, river movement, Concubinage, female temple holders, 150% short reign penalty Holy war (costs 100 piety with 5 year truce), County Conquest, Prepared invasion, Great holy wars Levy size +30%
Slavic.png Slavic Pagan None



Raiding, Concubinage, Reformation, female temple holders, defensive attrition, 200% short reign penalty County Conquest, Subjugation Levy size +10%

Garrison size +30%

Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%

Reformed Slavic.png Reformed Slavic Pagan D slavic pagan reformed.pngThe Slavic Church Raiding, Concubinage, Great holy wars, female temple holders Holy war (costs 100 piety with 5 year truce), County Conquest, Great holy wars Levy size +20%

Garrison size +20%

Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%

Tengri.png Tengri Pagan None

Syr Darya


Raiding, Concubinage, Reformation, 150% short reign penalty, prestige loss while at peace, no penalty from raised vassal levies, ignores defensive attrition County Conquest, Subjugation, Tribal Invasion Levy size +30%

Light Cav Offensive +30%
Light Cav Defensive +30%

Reformed Tengri.png Reformed Tengri Pagan D tengri pagan reformed.png The Sky-Temple Raiding, Concubinage, Great holy wars Holy war (costs 100 piety with 5 year truce), County Conquest, Tribal Invasion, Great holy wars
Romuva.png Romuva Pagan None



Raiding, Concubinage, Reformation, female temple holders, defensive attrition, 200% short reign penalty County Conquest, Subjugation Levy size +10%

Garrison size +30%

Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%

Reformed Romuva.png Reformed Romuva Pagan D baltic pagan reformed.png The Romuvan Congregation Raiding, Concubinage, female temple holders Holy war (costs 100 piety with 5 year truce), County Conquest, Great holy wars Levy size +20%

Garrison size +20%

Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%

Suomenusko.png Suomenusko Pagan None



Raiding, Concubinage, Reformation, female temple holders, defensive attrition, 200% short reign penalty County Conquest, Subjugation Garrison size +40%

Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%

Reformed Suomenusko.png Reformed Suomenusko Pagan D finnish pagan reformed.png The Sacred Woods Raiding, Concubinage, female temple holders Holy war (costs 100 piety with 5 year truce), County Conquest, Great holy wars Levy size +10%

Garrison size +30%

Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%

West African.png African Pagan None



Raiding, Concubinage, Reformation, female temple holders, defensive attrition, reincarnation County Conquest, Subjugation Garrison size +40%

Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%

Reformed West African.png Reformed African Pagan D west african pagan reformed.png The African Congregation Raiding, Concubinage, Great holy wars, female temple holders Holy war (costs 100 piety with 5 year truce), County Conquest, Great holy wars
Aztec.png Aztec Pagan None



Concubinage, prestige loss while at peace, no penalty from raised vassal levies County Conquest, Tribal Invasion Levy size +30%
Reformed Aztec.png Reformed Aztec Pagan D aztec reformed.png The Aztec Hierocracy Concubinage Holy war (costs 100 piety with 5 year truce), County Conquest, Tribal Invasion, Great holy wars
Zunist.png Zunist Pagan None



Concubinage, Reformation, defensive attrition County Conquest, Subjugation

Levy size +30%
Heavy infantry offensive: +20%
Heavy infantry defensive: +20%

Reformed Zunist.png Reformed Zunist Pagan D zun pagan reformed.png The Church of Zun Concubinage Holy war (costs 100 piety with 5 year truce), County Conquest, Great holy wars
Bon.png Bön Pagan None



Raiding, Patron Gods, Concubinage, female temple holders, defensive attrition, reincarnation County Conquest, Subjugation

Garrison size +40%

Home territory:
All Units Defensive +80%
Garrison size +40%

Reformed Bön.png Reformed Bön Pagan D bon reformed.png The Sacred Bön Hierarchy
Hellenic.png Hellenic Pagan None

Rome (Latium)


Unrestricted succession laws, astrology, haruspicy, female temple holders County Conquest, Subjugation
Reformed Hellenic.png Reformed Hellenic Pagan K hellenic pagan.png Collegium Pontificum
Pagan.png Pagan Pagan None


Hspagan.png Concubinage, defensive attrition County Conquest, Subjugation


  • Since 2.4.1, when a temple that is designated a holy site is destroyed, the province becomes the holy site instead, but the value of the province for moral authority is reduced by half. This was to prevent the game from crashing when nomads/tribals raze a holy site.
  • Because a majority of Tengri land belong to nomads, they have no temples in most of their holy sites, forcing the player to build them.
  • The Pagan religion appears for characters in the history files, representing pre-Christian Irish and pre-Islamic Arabs, among others. The rare "Spawn of Satan" event can lead to the creation of 3 generic pagan witches, and the "Immortal Rival" event can lead to the creation of an immortal generic pagan, but otherwise they cannot normally appear in-game without the console.
  • Catholicism and all Catholic heresies become Orthodox heresies if the Great Schism is mended. This does not affect the Miaphysite or Nestorian denominations.


All religions with a parent religion are heresies. With Dlc icon sons of abraham.pngSons of Abraham, if a heresy becomes more prevalent than the parent religion (5 provinces more), it will become the new orthodoxy, and the parent religion will become a heresy. All holy orders of the parent religion switch over to the former heresy when this happens. Note that the Eastern religions do not have heresies.

Religion Parent Group Head Special Mechanics Special CBs
Catholic Heresy.png Cathar Catholicism Christianity None Absolute Cognatic succession; female temple holders, councillors and commanders, no penalty for female rulers/heirs Holy war
Catholic Heresy.png Fraticelli Catholicism Christianity D fraticelli.png The Fraticelli Pope (once established) Excommunication, College of Cardinals, Investiture, Antipope, Crusades As Catholic
Catholic Heresy.png Waldensian Catholicism Christianity None None Holy war
Catholic Heresy.png Lollard Catholicism Christianity None None Holy war
Miaphysite Heresy.png Monophysite Miaphysite Christianity D monophysite.png The Monophysite Papacy Autocephaly, Excommunication As Orthodox
Nestorian Heresy.png Messalian Nestorian Christianity None Absolute Cognatic succession; female temple holders, councillors and commanders, no penalty for female rulers/heirs, Divine marriage Holy war
Orthodox Heresy.png Bogomilist Orthodoxy Christianity None Female temple holders, no penalty for female rulers/heirs Holy war
Orthodox Heresy.png Monothelite Orthodoxy Christianity D monothelite.png The Monothelite Partriarchate Autocephaly, Excommunication, Mending the Great Schism As Orthodox
Orthodox Heresy.png Iconoclast Orthodoxy Christianity D iconoclast.png The Iconoclast Patriachate (once established) Autocephaly, Excommunication, Mending the Great Schism As Orthodox
Orthodox Heresy.png Paulician Orthodoxy Christianity D paulician.png The Paulician Patriarchate Autocephaly, Excommunication, Mending the Great Schism As Orthodox
Sunni Heresy.png Zikri Sunni Islam None Decadence, Polygamy Holy war (also vs non-Zikri, non-heretic Muslims), Muslim Invasion, County Conquest
Sunni Heresy.png Yazidi Sunni Islam D yazidi.png The Yazidi Sheikhdom (once established) Decadence, Polygamy, Excommunication, Jihads

Yazidi has its own holy sites. They are Nishapur, Fars, Mosul, Mecca, and Jerusalem.

Holy war (also vs non-Yazidi, non-heretic Muslims), Muslim Invasion, County Conquest
Ibadi Heresy.png Kharijite Ibadi Islam D kharijite.png The Kharijite Caliphate (once established) Decadence, Polygamy, Jihads As Ibadi
Shiite Heresy.png Druze Shia Islam None Decadence, Polygamy, reincarnations Holy war (also vs non-Druze, non-heretic Muslims), Muslim Invasion, County Conquest
Shiite Heresy.png Hurufi Shia Islam D hurufi.png The Hurufi Skeikhdom [sic] (once established) Decadence, Polygamy, Jihads Holy war (also vs non-Hurufi, non-heretic Muslims), Muslim Invasion, County Conquest
Zoroastrian Heresy.png Mazdaki Zoroastrian Mazdan None Absolute Cognatic succession; female temple holders, commanders but NOT councillors (except the spiritual advisor), no penalty for female rulers/heirs, reincarnations. No concubines nor Divine Marriage mechanics. Holy war
Zoroastrian Heresy.png Manichaean Zoroastrian Mazdan D manichean.png The Manichean Church (official title), Yamag (holding character's title). Manichaean rulers can order courtiers to take monastic vows, like Christians, and have access to reincarnation events like Dharmics

Manichean is the only heresy with a separate Holy order.
Manichaean has its own holy sites. They are Khozistan, Samarkand, Baghdad, Jerusalem and Udabhanda.

Holy war, Sanctioned Invasion
Zoroastrian Heresy.png Khurmazta Zoroastrian Mazdan None Can choose a Patron Deity, reincarnations Holy war
Judaism Heresy.png Samaritan Judaism Israelite None None Holy war
Judaism Heresy.png Karaite Judaism Israelite None None Holy war
Reformed Germanic Heresy.png Old Germanic (Reformed) Germanic Pagan None Same as Germanic Same as Germanic
Reformed Slavic Heresy.png Old Slavic (Reformed) Slavic Pagan None Same as Slavic Same as Slavic
Reformed Tengri Heresy.png Old Tengri (Reformed) Tengri Pagan None Same as Tengri Same as Tengri
Reformed Romuva Heresy.png Old Romuva (Reformed) Romuva Pagan None Same as Romuva Same as Romuva
Reformed Suomenusko Heresy.png Old Suomenusko (Reformed) Suomenusko Pagan None Same as Suomenusko Same as Suomenusko
Reformed West African Heresy.png Old African (Reformed) African Pagan None Same as African Same as African
Reformed Aztec Heresy.png Old Aztec (Reformed) Aztec Pagan None Same as Aztec Same as Aztec
Reformed Zunist Heresy.png Old Zunist (Reformed) Zunist Pagan None Same as Zunist Same as Zunist
Reformed Bön Heresy.png Old Bön (Reformed) Bön Pagan None Same as Bön Same as Bön
Reformed Hellenic Heresy.png Old Hellenic (Reformed) Hellenic Pagan None Same as Hellenic Same as Hellenic

When a pagan religion is reformed, anyone following it gets an event to decide whether to accept the reformation. If they don't, they become the "Old" version, which is considered a heresy. The reformed version keeps the name of the pre-reformation religion.

Likewise, if an Orthodox ruler mends the Great Schism, Catholic rulers get an event to decide whether to convert to Orthodoxy (or the "heresy"). Either way, Catholicism is thereafter treated as an Orthodox heresy, and all the Catholic heresies become Orthodox heresies instead. Orthodox Heresies can also mend the Great Schism if they manage to replace Orthodoxy as the parent religion.



  • christian: catholic; orthodox; miaphysite; nestorian;
  • muslim: sunni; shiite; ibadi;
  • jewish_group: jewish;
  • zoroastrian_group: zoroastrian;
  • indian_group: hindu; buddhist; jain; taoist
  • pagan_group: norse_pagan; norse_pagan_reformed; slavic_pagan; slavic_pagan_reformed; tengri_pagan; tengri_pagan_reformed; baltic_pagan; baltic_pagan_reformed; finnish_pagan; finnish_pagan_reformed; west_african_pagan; west_african_pagan_reformed; aztec; aztec_reformed; pagan; zun_pagan; zun_pagan_reformed; bon; bon_reformed; hellenic_pagan; hellenic_pagan_reformed;


  • catholic: cathar; fraticelli; waldensian; lollard;
  • miaphysite: monophysite;
  • nestorian: messalian;
  • orthodox: bogomilist; monothelite; iconoclast; paulician
  • sunni: zikri; yazidi;
  • ibadi: kharijite
  • shiite: druze; hurufi; bektashi?
  • zoroastrian: mazdaki; manichean; khurmazta;
  • jewish: samaritan; karaite;
