
第372行: 第372行:
| rowspan="5" |occitangfx
| rowspan="5" |occitangfx
| 可以启 用[[继承#性别法|男女平等 继承法]]性别法。
| 允许使 用[[继承#性别法|男女平等]]性别法。
第431行: 第431行:
| rowspan="5" |westerngfx
| rowspan="5" |westerngfx
| rowspan="5" |celticgfx
| rowspan="5" |celticgfx
| rowspan="5" | 可以启 用[[Tanistry|凯尔特选任法]]继承法。<br />
| rowspan="5" | 允许使 用[[Tanistry|凯尔特选任法]]继承法。<br />

2019年11月13日 (三) 02:37的版本








文化决定家族姓氏和 (连同宗教)名字的产生。一些文化的国家以家族命名。如果一个家族控制多个国家,仅家族领袖将这样做,其他的领地退回到头衔名称。

图像文化代表一个角色的种族和血统。它随机遗传自一位亲生父母并影响肖像。图像文化一般不直接影响游戏性,但可以帮助你确定谁是一个 "隐藏的鸠占鹊巢的私生子"。如果你有密谋生活重心并且希望剥夺一个头衔,这将变得有用。




对于部落, 文化不协调也减少直辖领收入征召兵。作为补偿,部落制统治者可以指派财政大臣 "定居部落", 更容易改变省份文化的方法之一。如果封建和共和制统治者持有相同文化省份内的部落,不受惩罚。

一个没有地产的省份(例 一个游牧省份)拥有它的持有者的文化。



宣称战争和入侵设有一个隐藏的征服文化,作用于一个被征服的伯爵或更高级别的头衔。例如,诺曼征服可能产生英国针对诺曼的征服文化,减少本地封臣对诺曼领主(-30 外国征服者)的好感。通过用和你相同文化的新封臣替代旧封臣或者转变到本地文化(或其他文化),可以移除此惩罚。


Combat and the 3 Culture Bonuses

The cultural bonuses for (1) retinues can stack with the bonuses for (2) cultural buildings, and can be further augmented by the (3) commander specific tactics, also driven by culture.

There are unit types, and there are 2 types of cultural bonuses that can apply to unit types:

(1) Cultural retinue bonus that applies to specific retinue armies when raised, which is based on ruler's culture at the time the retinue are raised.

(2) Cultural building bonus that applies to all units of that type in that realm holding, which is based on *current* province culture. If a cultural building is built in the realm capital, retinue army units can also receive this bonus.

If both of the above bonuses are applicable to the same type of unit, the 2 different bonuses can stack on retinues in the realm capital -- even if the cultures triggering the bonuses are different.

(3) Finally, there's a third type of culture impact that can improve combat performance: there are specific tactics that can be triggered based on the composition of the flank AND the culture of flank commander. This commander could be a third culture.






Diligent.pngGregarious.png 30个月
Diligent.pngGregarious.png 60个月
Diligent.pngShy.png 120个月
Slothful.pngShy.png 240个月
Slothful.pngShy.png 480个月



如果 DLC icon Conclave.png 御前会议DLC激活,传统儿童生活中心可以转变一名儿童的文化(和宗教)到监护人的文化(和宗教)。



Rajas of India.png印度罗阇DLC激活时, 统治者会有一个转变为他们的首都文化的决议 。需花费500威望。如果封臣和他们领主的文化相同,他们将禁用这个决议。




当一位角色的直辖领拥有一个不属于自身文化的伯爵领,它邻接至少一个属于该角色文化并且被相同文化角色(可能是同一角色)拥有的省份,最常见的事件能够触发。Thus, it is near impossible to spread any culture to islands with this event, as they cannot possibly border a county of your culture unless it was present at game start.


统治者管理能力 转换省份为相邻文化的MTTH
0-1 506.25 年
2 337.5 年
3 225 年
4 150 年
5-8 100 年
9-10 75 年
11-12 56.25 年
13-14 42.1875 年
15+ 31.67 年

拥有 DLC icon Reaper's Due.png死神索命,省份人口减少也减少其MTTH。属于“被传播”文化的邻接省份也需要不是人口减少来允许这个事件触发。

人口减少等级等级 MTTH 最快MTTH
1 75 年 23.7525 年
2 50 年 15.835 年
3 25 年 7.9175 年

正如你所见,只要一个角色拥有高管理属性,他可以相当快地转换省份为他的文化。尽管控制人口减少有一点棘手,因为相当于管理流行病传播,但它给予了一个同样强力的回报。 The conquest culture flag, which is conferred upon invading a province with the right CB as seen higher, finally provides a 0.75 modifier, putting the final optimal MTTH to 5.9381 years.


Some types of wars set a "conquest culture", allowing conversion to that culture even if there are no adjacent provinces of that culture. Like the event above, its MTTH is decreased with high stewardship, province depopulation, and steward mission to administer the realm.

CBs that use vassalize_or_take_under_title usurp and set conquest culture on counties that cannot be vassalized, such as counties owned by rulers who also control land elsewhere:

  • Holy War (which helpfully refuses to vassalize infidels unless the attacker is Muslim)
  • Most CBs that target all land within a de jure title

CBs that use gain_all_occupied_titles usurp and set conquest culture on occupied counties:

  • Sanctioned Invasion
  • Tribal Invasion
  • Prepared Invasion
  • Nomad Invasion
  • Major revolts (Heretic Revolt, Religious Revolt, Liberation Revolt, Rise of the Shia Caliphate, Decadence Invasion)

The following CBs explicitly set conquest culture on the disputed title, allowing conversion of only the holder's demesne provinces:

  • All claim wars set it on the claimed title(s), using the attacker's culture
  • Crusades, using the winner's culture (often the most participating attacker)
  • Sanctioned Invasion
  • Decadence Invasion

Other CBs might not set conquest culture. For example, Border Dispute wars and Pagan County Conquest do not set it. Conquest culture can be seen in-game only with debug tooltips (charinfo console command). It can however be inferred from the "-20: Foreign Conqueror" opinion from native vassals toward any liege of the conquest culture.


Tribal rulers can send their steward to Settle Tribe in demesne provinces for cultural conversion, the base MTTH for the conversion is 50 years. (Tripled if the ruler is a count) AI rulers do not send their stewards on this mission.

The speed of the conversion primarily depends on the steward's stewardship skill, and the mean time to happen is as follows:

Steward stewardship MTTH to convert province
0-1 122.07 years
2 97.66 years
3 78.13 years
4 62.5 years
5-8 50 years
9 37.5 years
10 28.13 years
11 21.09 years
12 15.82 years
13+ 11.87 years

With DLC icon Monks and Mystics.png Monks and Mystics DLC, rulers can send their steward to Administer Realm to increase the speed of cultural conversion of Spread from adjacent province or Conversion to conquest culture in demesne provinces.

The effect of the steward's mission to Administer Realm is as follow:

Steward stewardship MTTH multiplier
0-9 0.95
10+ 0.75

DLC icon Reaper's Due.png 繁荣事件

A province that has prosperity level 2 may get an event allowing the ruler to fix its culture for 100% of yearly income. Doing so also converts the province's religion and removes the nomad agitation modifier, if relevant.

The province must be the ruler's crown focus province. The event is more frequent with high stewardship skill and high learning skill.

The base mean time to happen for the event is 40 years. (Doubled if the ruler is not independent) The optimal MTTH of the event is 13.9471 years. (Independent ruler with 18+ stewardship, 18+ learning, Smart , Diligent.png, Architect.png or Administrator.png or Scholar.png or Gardener.png, and at least a level 3 education trait on stewardship, diplomacy, or learning)


There are special events allowing some cultures to give rise to new ones, and allowing these new cultures to spread quickly within the old ones.

  • Norse splits into several cultures starting in 950.
    • Province flipping stops if the top liege is Norse and holds either an empire or multiple kingdoms (it doesn't matter which ones) or if the province owner's head of religion is of Norse culture.
    • Ruler flipping stops if the top liege is Norse and controls Uppland (Sweden), Akershus (Norway), and Sjaelland (Denmark).
    • Provinces can flip back to Norse after 1150.
    • Norse does not suffer 'foreigner' penalties with its child cultures.
  • Norman is formed if a Norse ruler owns a French, Occitan or Breton province.
  • English is formed if a Norman ruler owns an Anglo-Saxon province after 1100.
  • Lombard (flips to Italian): Lombard rulers and provinces exist until well after the 1066 start date. They are MUCH more common in 769, however. MTTH reduced to 30% of original time if province owner is Latin culture group.
  • Dutch culture is formed by event from Frankish, Frisian, or Saxon provinces in the duchies of Holland, Gelre, Brabent, and Flanders. MTTH halved for all 3 cultures if province owner is Dutch.
  • Many cultures only appearing in the 769 DLC icon Charlemagne.png Charlemagne and/or 867 Dlc icon the old gods.png Old Gods start dates:
    • DLC icon Charlemagne.png Dlc icon the old gods.png Visigothic splits up into Castillian, Catalan, Occitan, or Andalusian unless controlled by a powerful Visigoth ruler (emperor or multi-king) or if province owner's head of religion is Visigothic (the province himself owner need not be Visigothic, only his religious head). There is a province-based event to flip in 850. Will become Castillian, Catalan or Occitan if province is non-Muslim, specific culture is selected by region. A province owner of the new culture for that region halves MTTH. Will become Andulasian if province is Muslim, and in region custom_andulasia. A province owner of the Arabic culture group halves MTTH.
    • DLC icon Charlemagne.png Dlc icon the old gods.png Suebi flips to Portuguese, if non-Muslim. Portuguese province owner halves MTTH.
    • DLC icon Charlemagne.png Saxon flips to German (or Dutch) once Widukind rebellion has happened, unless controlled by a powerful Saxon ruler or if both province owner and his head of religion are Saxon (flips to Dutch if in the duchies of Holland, Gelre, Brabent, and Flanders). MTTH halved if province owner is German.
    • DLC icon Charlemagne.png Frankish flips to French, or Dutch if in the duchies of Holland, Gelre, Brabent, and Flanders. To flip to French, the province owner must have either Frankish culture or any culture from the Latin group. A province owner with Latin culture group halves MTTH.
    • DLC icon Charlemagne.png Pictish flips to Scottish unless controlled by a powerful Pictish ruler (emperor or multi-king) or if province owner is Pictish
    • DLC icon Charlemagne.png Frisian (flips to Dutch if in the duchies of Holland, Gelre, Brabent, and Flanders). MTTH halved if province owner is Dutch.
    • DLC icon Charlemagne.png Ilmenian, Severian, Volhynian merge into Russian when ruler is either:
      • not an unreformed pagan OR
      • not of East Slavic or Finno-Ugric culture OR
      • already Russian


Members of the Stoic Intelligentsia (the monastic order for Hellenics) may convert a county's culture by spending devotion.


(Without Conclave) If you want to change your child's culture, assign a guardian of that culture with the diligent and/or the gregarious trait. The guardian must be a ruler or in a court with the same culture. You can find appropriate guardians by right-clicking any character of the culture, selecting "show character relations", selecting "my culture", and typing "diligent" or "gregarious". With Conclave, use the Heritage childhood focus.

Assign high-stewardship characters of your culture as counts on the edge of your culture. They'll rapidly change the culture to their own, getting rid of the revolt risk.

Try to have a single county per character. As the culture change event fires on a character level, a single character owning more than one county makes it less likely to happen on a per-county level. This also ensures that your vassals are weakened, and unlikely to challenge your rule.

Try to have your vassals belong to your culture, as you'll get lower revolt risk and avoid the foreigner opinion penalty. Vassals with foreign cultures and located far away from your capital are much more likely to start independence factions.

Prioritize conquering same-culture provinces over provinces of a different culture. Prioritize same culture-group over different culture groups. You'll get less severe penalties that way.


  • Under Horse Lords.png nomadic succession, having a different culture from the present head of the clan will disqualify a dynast from succession.
  • Non-Celtics will no longer be able to use Tanistry succession once they inherit,unless they have a Holy Fury.pngbloodline that allows tanistry.
  • A culture from the Tibeto-Burman culture group is required for Rajas of India.pngDlc icon the old gods.pngJade Dragon.png Monastic Feudalism.
  • Jade Dragon.pngChinese Imperialism requires Khitan, Tangut, or Jurchen culture or Chinese culture group. Upon inheritance, the successor will be given the chance to convert if their culture is not "correct".



文化 文化组 基础组种族 基础种族 特点 代码
诺斯 北日耳曼 westerngfx norsegfx
  • 诺斯文化会因事件在950年至1150年分裂为其余三种文化。避免被转文化的方法有:最上级领主持有帝国头衔且为诺斯文化;最上级领主持有多个王国头衔且为诺斯文化;宗教领袖为诺斯文化。
  • 即使不信仰日耳曼多神教,也可以制作符石
  • 独立的公爵领被称为小型王国
  • 即使宗教和政体不允许,诺斯文化的统治者也可以开启掠夺。
瑞典 swedish
挪威 norwegian
丹麦 danish
日耳曼 中日耳曼 westerngfx germangfx german
伦巴第 Converts to Italian if in de jure Italy, Sicily, or Sardinia and Corsica lombard
法兰克 Converts to French (except in Frisia) old_frankish
苏维汇 Converts to Portuguese if in de jure Galicia or Portugal and owner is non-Muslim suebi
英格兰 西日耳曼 westerngfx englishgfx 在1100年后如果诺曼人统治盎格鲁-撒克逊地区,可通过事件创建。 english
盎格鲁-撒克逊 saxongfx 独立的公爵领被称为小型王国 saxon [sic]
撒克逊 Converts to German once Widukind rebellion has happened (which won't happen if Saxony remains independent of the Franks). old_saxon
弗里斯兰 Converts to Dutch if in de jure Frisia frisian
荷兰 germangfx Frankish, Saxon or Frisian provinces in de jure Frisia flip to Dutch dutch
法兰西 拉丁 westerngfx frankishgfx frankish [sic]
诺曼 normangfx Created by event if Norse ruler controls French, Occitan or Breton province norman
意大利 italiangfx Greater likelihood of being elected to College of Cardinals. italian
奥克 trueoccitangfx occitan
罗马 romangfx Can be restored by decision. Blind characters cannot inherit. roman
达尔马提亚 dalmatiangfx Blind characters cannot inherit. dalmatian
海外 outremergfx 可通过决议创建. outremer
撒丁 italiangfx sardinian
巴斯克 伊比利亚 occitangfx italiangfx 允许使用男女平等性别法。 basque
卡斯蒂利亚 southerngfx castillan [sic]
加泰罗尼亚 catalan
葡萄牙 portuguese
西哥特 Converts to Castillian, Catalan, Occitan or Andalusian depending on de jure kingdom and owner religion visigothic
阿尔贝里亚 拜占庭 easterngfx byzantinegfx 可以阉割或者致盲囚犯。Blinded.png盲人没有继承权。 arberian
亚美尼亚 byzantinegfx armenian
希腊 byzantinegfx greek
阿兰 easternslavicgfx alan
格鲁吉亚 byzantinegfx georgian
亚述 persiangfx assyrian
科普特 byzantinegfx coptic
哥特 crimeangfx crimean_gothic
爱尔兰 凯尔特 westerngfx celticgfx 允许使用凯尔特选任法继承法。


苏格兰 scottish
皮克特 pictish
威尔士 welsh
布列塔尼 breton
芬兰 芬兰-乌戈尔 easterngfx ugricgfx finnish
萨米 lappish
爱沙尼亚 ugricbaltic
科米 komi
汉特 khanty
涅涅茨 samoyed
莫尔多瓦 mordvin
梅晓拉 meshchera
拉特加莱 波罗的 easterngfx ugricgfx lettigallish
立陶宛 lithuanian
普鲁士 prussian
突厥 阿尔泰 turkishgfx turkishgfx

All Altaic cultures can raid. All Altaic cultures can use Tribal Invasion CB if Pagan, and either Tribal government or Elective Gavelkind succession.

Mongol, Khitan and Jurchen (Horde cultures) are restricted to Agnatic succession. Without Horse Lords, Horde cultures can use Tribal Invasion if non-Christian.

Mongols can use Ultimogeniture even without following an organized religion. They can also use the "Become Genghis Khan" decision.

Khazars: Radhanite Quarter available for Silk Road Trade Posts

Turkish, Karluk and Khitan use dynasty name as realm title.

Khitan and Jurchen can use the "Adopt Chinese Imperialism" decision

佩切涅格 pecheneg
库曼 cumangfx cuman
可萨 turkishgfx khazar
保加尔 bolghar
阿瓦尔 avar
葛逻禄 cumangfx karluk
黠戛斯 kirghiz
回鹘 uyghur
蒙古 mongolgfx mongol
契丹 chinesegfx khitan
女真 jurchen
贝都因 阿拉伯 muslimgfx arabicgfx Uses dynasty name as realm title. bedouin_arabic
柏柏尔 berbergfx Uses dynasty name as realm title. Can always raid for loot. maghreb_arabic
黎凡特 levantinegfx Uses dynasty name as realm title. levantine_arabic
埃及 levantinegfx egyptian_arabic
安达卢西亚 berbergfx andalusian_arabic
罗斯 东斯拉夫 easterngfx easternslavicgfx russian
伊尔门 Converts to Russian if owner is not an unreformed pagan, not East Slavic or Finno Ugric, or is already Russian ilmenian
西维利亚 severian
沃里尼亚 volhynian
波美拉尼亚 西斯拉夫 easterngfx westernslavicgfx pommeranian [sic]
波西米亚 bohemian
波兰 polish
斯诺伐克 slovieni [sic]
克罗地亚 南斯拉夫 easterngfx croatsouthslavicgfx croatian
塞尔维亚 serbsouthslavicgfx serbian
瓦拉几亚 serbsouthslavicgfx romanian
保加利亚 serbsouthslavicgfx bulgarian
波斯尼亚 croatsouthslavicgfx bosnian
卡拉塔尼亚 serbsouthslavicgfx carantanian
匈牙利 马扎尔 easterngfx magyargfx
  • Can use Tribal Invasion if Pagan, and either Tribal government or Elective Gavelkind succession.
  • Can always raid for loot.
  • Dynasty name first.
波斯 伊朗 muslimgfx persiangfx Uses dynasty name as realm title. persian
粟特 Independent dukes are called petty kings. sogdian
吐火罗 tocharian
库尔德 Uses dynasty name as realm title. kurdish
阿富汗 afghan
俾路支 baloch
塞种 Independent dukes are called petty kings. saka
埃塞俄比亚 东非 muslimgfx africangfx Independent dukes are called petty kings. ethiopian
索马里 somali
努比亚 nubian
达朱 Independent dukes are called petty kings. Can always raid for loot. daju
卡努里 中非 muslimgfx westafricangfx kanuri
豪萨 hausa
扎加瓦 zaghawa
曼德 西非 muslimgfx westafricangfx manden [sic]
索宁凯 soninke
桑海 songhay
纳瓦 中美洲 mesoamericangfx mesoamericangfx Horde culture: can use Tribal Invasion if not Christian (or if Pagan, and either Tribal government or Elective Gavelkind succession, with Horse Lords installed) restricted to Agnatic gender law. Can always raid for loot. nahuatl
阿什肯纳兹 以色列 easterngfx byzantinegfx No provinces have these cultures, but courtiers with them appear by event.

Radhanite Quarter available for Silk Road Trade Posts

塞法迪 sephardi
旁伽罗 印度雅利安 indiangfx indiangfx Uses dynasty name as realm title bengali
乌梨耶 oriya
阿娑摩 assamese
印度斯坦 hindustani
瞿折罗 gujurati
五河 panjabi
罗阇弗多 rajput
信度 sindhi
末罗祉 marathi
僧伽罗 sinhala
尼波罗 bodpagfx Independent dukes are called petty kings. Can always raid for loot. nepali
耽弥罗 达罗毗荼 southindiangfx southindiangfx 使用家族名作为头衔名称 tamil
泰卢固 telugu
迦那陀 kannada
吐蕃 藏缅 bodpagfx bodpagfx
  • 姓被放在前面
  • 总是可以劫掠
  • 独立的公爵领被称为小型王国
  • 如果宗教是苯教或佛教,可以采取僧侣封建制
  • 党项人可以使用决议“采用中华帝国制”
党项 tangut
  • 姓被放在前面
  • 总是可以劫掠
  • 独立的公爵领被称为小型王国
  • 如果宗教是苯教或佛教,可以采取僧侣封建制
  • 允许使用男女平等性别法。
孙波 sumpa
中华 chinesegfx chinesegfx
  • 姓被放在前面
  • 可以阉割囚犯
  • 入侵中国后,王朝更有可能继续掌权。
  • 可以使用决议“采用中华帝国制”
horsegfx horsegfx Can be created through the Conclave or The Reaper's Due version of the events where a Lunatic.png ruler appoints his horse the realm chancellor or Court Physician.
  • +10 Clan Sentiment
  • +20 Mongol Opinion
catgfx catgfx Can be created through the absurd "Mittens the Spymaster" event chain, for a Lunatic.png ruler who has a pet cat
  • +25% Fertility
  • -5 Vassal Opinion
  • +20% Murder Plot Power
beargfx beargfx bear
刺猬 刺猬 hedgehoggfx hedgehoggfx
  • Can always raid for loot
  • +25% Fertility
  • +20% Plot Power Defense
鸟类 duckgfx duckgfx
  • Can always raid for loot
  • +25% Fertility
  • +20% Siege Speed
犬科 doggfx doggfx
  • +25% Fertility
  • +5 General Opinion
长鼻目 elephantgfx elephantgfx
  • +2 Learning
  • -25% Fertility
  • +2 Health
  • -20% Plot Power Defense
  • +10 Personal Combat Skill
龙科 dragongfx dragongfx
  • Can always raid for loot.
  • +10% Demesne Income
  • -50% Fertility
  • +4 Health
  • -10 General Opinion
  • +30 Personal Combat Skill
  • Can burn prisoners
  • Can eat prisoners (graphical culture only) without incurring a "Crazy Cannibal" penalty modifier
小熊猫 熊猫科 redpandagfx redpandagfx
  • Vassal Opinion +5
  • +10% Army Morale
  • -15% Fertility


You might want to convert to one of these powerful cultures, especially if you have a sprawling empire and most of your vassals will consider you a foreigner no matter what you choose.

Retinues are listed here if they are better than the mix of defence and shock for dealing with mixed levies.

Culture Succession allowed Warfare advantages Other
Han (Chinese) Castration
(to disqualify)

Superior leadership traits Way of the Dragon.pngWay of the Dog.pngWay of the Tiger.pngWay of the Leopard.png

  • Can adopt Chinese Imperial government
  • +1 monthly grace (if same culture as Chinese emperor. Same religion gives additional +1)
  • After an Invasion of China, dynasty is more likely to remain in power
Byzantine (group) Castration or blinding
(to disqualify)
  • Cataphracts: Expensive but devastating Heavy Cavalry + Horse Archer retinue. (Except for Assyrians and Copts who get their own retinues, and Alans who have no cultural retinue)
  • Blind or castrate prisoners:
    • Blind prisoners to reduce their health and whomp them in duels.
    • Castrate prisoners to prevent them from inheriting titles or having children. This has many uses!
    • Either type of mutilation makes AI unwilling to support them as faction claimants.
  • Primary culture group of one of the largest de jure empires. Any character of Byzantine culture and Christian or Hellenic religion who wholly controls the de jure Kingdom of Thrace can Restore Byzantine Empire should it cease to exist.
  • Pikes combined with defense retinues (shieldwall requires 1% archers) are very strong against Mongol invasion
  • 1:1 Pike and shock retinues gives the best skirmish phase defenses
Scottish Tanistry
  • Heavy Infantry defense bonus from cultural building gives you the best feudal levies in the game.
  • Best Heavy Infantry retinues.
  • Ireland in 1066 is one of the easiest starts in the game.
  • At earlier dates, Ireland is tribal so you can choose to progress towards either feudalism or merchant republic.
East Slavic (group)
  • Volhynian, Severian, and Ilmenian can all flip to Russian, which is required to unlock the "Russkaya Pravda" achievement.
  • Ilmen and Kiev are well-positioned to reform the Slavic faith.
Baltic (group)
  • Heavy Infantry defense bonus from cultural building gives you the best feudal levies in the game.
Finno-Ugric (group)
Mongol Agnatic Only
  • Horde culture: can use Tribal Invasion if Pagan, and either Tribal government or Elective Gavelkind succession.
  • Can always raid for loot.
Altaic (group)
  • Invasion culture: can use Tribal Invasion if pagan, and either Tribal government or Elective Gavelkind succession.
  • Can always raid for loot.
Khazar (Altaic) Radhanite Quarter on silk road trade posts
Jurchen (Altaic)
  • Can adopt Chinese Imperial government
Khitan (Altaic)
  • Can always raid for loot.
  • Gets free shipyards by event in year 800.
  • In early starts, most Germanic pagans are Norse.
  • In early starts, most of Scandinavia is Norse.
  • Runestones (until 1150)
Arabic (group)
  • Very strong against Mongol invasion and nomads
  • Excels at assaulting holdings.
  • Berbers can always raid for loot
Pictish Tanistry
  • Light infantry with Feint tactic is strong against feudals
  • Supply limit prevents them from being effective in late game
Breton Tanistry
  • Heavy cavalry-heavy Knight retinue is expensive but can be devastating in melee with good tactics rolls. Strong against Aztec invasion.
  • Jousting Lists cultural building adds heavy cavalry to levies immediately, whereas Stables IV requires Castle Infrastructure IV.
  • Can flip to Norman
  • Can flip to English
Occitan Can flip to Norman
Tibetan Agnatic-cognatic (some)
  • Tibetan LI+LC retinue guarantees Raid tactic
  • Gompa Monastery boosts castle levy size
  • Can always raid for loot.


  • Culture <角色ID> <文化代码> (通过键入charinfo 以查询角色ID)
  • Event 55000 <省份ID> -它将改变省份文化至拥有者, 省份ID详见省份
  • Event 55001 <省份ID> - 改变至定居者文化
  • Event 925 改变你领导军队的地方的文化至你的文化(不领军时默认首都)


个人属性 属性特质虔诚威望文化宗教家族称号好感
行为 外交决议教育婚姻/生育摄政人情
目标 派系野心阴谋生活重心
恶行 刺杀暴政驱逐处决逮捕剥夺头衔贿赂
其他 内阁廷臣疾病继承同盟