
第715行: 第715行:

==  造血脉 ==
==  造血脉 ==
 这些是可以通过[[Ambition#obj_forge_bloodline|Forge Bloodline ambition]]而得到的血脉,该野心对于公爵及以上等级的并且有很高威望的统治者可用。
 这些是可以通过[[Ambition#obj_forge_bloodline|Forge Bloodline ambition]]而得到的血脉,该野心对于公爵及以上等级的并且有很高威望的统治者可用。

第916行: 第916行:
==== 事件链血脉 ====
==== 事件链血脉 ====

 如果你在一段时间内仍未满足其他任何血脉的获取要求,将会触发一个事件链以允许你在不满足任何野心中的要求时 造一条血脉。最终获取的血脉的类型取决于你在事件链中做出的选择。
 如果你在一段时间内仍未满足其他任何血脉的获取要求,将会触发一个事件链以允许你在不满足任何野心中的要求时 造一条血脉。最终获取的血脉的类型取决于你在事件链中做出的选择。

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2019年3月18日 (一) 14:34的版本

Bloodlines血脉(英文:Bloodline)是从一个特定的角色(血脉创建者)一代代传递下来的修正效果(即血脉本身),这个机制略微类似于王朝/家族,但是有一些额外的规则与限制。血脉本身象征着一个特定角色可能拥有的宏伟名声和围绕着他的故事的伟大功绩(也就是说和实际上的「血缘」关系无关,只要孩子挂着家族的纹章,哪怕不是实际上的亲生孩子也可以继承血脉)。取决于创建者的不同,你身上的血脉会给你带来不同的奖励,游戏中有很多不同的血脉可以被找到(或者创建)。血脉系统只有在 Holy Fury.png 神圣之怒DLC激活时才可用。









从上述规则我们能得到一个自然推论,每个孩子只能拥有一种血脉,因为他们只能被传递父母之一的血脉。然而,通过使用血脉的 转换(覆盖) 机制,一个人可能可以继承更多的血脉。

这里描述了婚姻是 入赘婚姻(或者不清楚父亲是谁)的情形,在这种情况下,来自双方的血脉都将暂时的被视为通用血脉。这也意味着对于这种入赘婚姻来说,所有的孩子都将得到父母双方的所有血统。




关系 男性 女性 结果
Patrilineal (父系) 婚姻, Concubinage 纳妾 拥有血脉的男性角色 女性角色 后代将得到父系的血脉,不会得到母系的血脉。
Patrilineal (父系) 婚姻, Concubinage 纳妾 男性角色 拥有血脉的女性角色 后代将不会得到父系的血脉,会得到母系的血脉。
Dynasty bastard.png 被发现的私生子 已知的拥有血脉的男性角色 女性角色 后代是否能得到父系的血脉要根据该血脉是否允许被私生子继承,且不会得到母系的血脉。
已知的男性角色 拥有血脉的女性角色 后代将得到母系的血脉。
未被发现的私生子 未知的男性角色 拥有血脉的女性角色 血脉将被视为通用的。后代将同时得到父系和母系的血脉(但只有母亲的)。
Matrilineal 入赘婚姻 拥有血脉的男性角色 女性角色 血脉将被视为通用的。只要该血脉允许的话(几乎所有血脉都允许),后代将同时得到母亲的父系和母系的血脉。
男性角色 拥有血脉的女性角色 血脉将被视为通用的。只要该血脉允许的话(几乎所有血脉都允许),后代将同时得到母亲的父系和母系的血脉。




  • 朗纳尔·洛德布罗克将在780至795年间得到他的绰号和血脉(穿着毛裤的郎纳尔)。
  • 如果阿帕德成功的带领他的马扎尔人打败了保加利亚并征服了匈牙利,他也会创建他的血脉。
  • 如果威廉成功的征服了英格兰成功,他也会创建他的血脉。
  • 苏布克特勤,塞尔柱和帖木儿和他们的血脉将在相应的Turkic Conqueror 事件发生时被创建。
  • 当蒙古入侵开始时,铁木真将得到或者创建他的血脉。
  • 铁木真孛儿只斤历史地完成“成为成吉思汗”决议时也会给角色成吉思汗的血脉。

血脉名称 创立者 创建时间 继承类型 好感修正 其他修正 描述文本
Blood of Caradog Caradog Catuvellauni 21 Patrilineal +5 Welsh +5% 士气防御
+0.20 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
帕提亚血脉 Erdewan Karen-Pahlav 70 Patrilineal +5 Iranian +0.20 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
定期吸引伟大战士为你效命 (if Zoroastrian.png )
Blood of Sasan Sasan Sassanid 130 Patrilineal +5 Persian
+5 Zoroastrian.png
+0.20 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
帕提亚血脉? Mirian Khosroviani 265 Patrilineal +5 Iranian +0.20 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
定期吸引伟大战士为你效命 (if Miaphysite.png )
Blood of Bagrat Bagrat Bagrationi 280 Patrilineal +5 Armenian
+5 Georgian
+0.10 每月威望 巴格拉特开创了世界上最古老的基督教王朝之一。他的子子孙孙使格鲁吉亚兴旺发达数个世纪。
伏提庚血脉 Gwrtheyrn Gwerthrynion 350 Patrilineal +5 Anglo-Saxon
+5 Cruel
+0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Niall 'of the Nine Hostages' Niall Ua Neill Noigiallaich 400 Patrilineal +0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
+5.0% Light Infantry Morale
Enables Tanistry Succession
A legendary high king of Ireland and founder of the Ui Neill dynasty. During his rule he won several battles against the Saxons, Scots, Gauls, and even the Romans.
Merovingian Blood Mérovech de Merohingi 410 Patrilineal +5 Frankish
+5 French
+0.10 每月威望
定期吸引伟大战士为你效命 (if Old Germanic.png )
The legendary founder of the Merovingian dynasty. He joined his tribal forces with Rome to drive the Huns out of Gaul, ending Atilla's ambitions in the area.
帕提亚血脉?? Bahram Mihran 553 Patrilineal +5 Iranian +0.20 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
定期吸引伟大战士为你效命 (if Zoroastrian.png )
Ashina Blood Muhan Ashina 560 Patrilineal +5 Tengri.png/Reformed Tengri
+5 Altaic
+0.20 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Attila Kubrat Dulo 600 Patrilineal +5 Bolghar
+5 Bulgarian
+0.10 每月威望
+8 个人实战能力
+10% Horse Archers Morale
Solomonic Blood Mikael Solomonid 620 Patrilineal +5 East African
+5 Israelite
+5 Miaphysite.png
+0.10 每月威望 所罗门王朝宣称其直系祖先可追溯到圣经中所罗门王,那位以传奇的智慧和财富著称的以色列国王。
Blood of Songtsen Gampo Songtsen Gampo 622 Patrilineal +5 Bödpa +0.10 每月威望
Increased Culture Conversion speed to Bödpa from Zhangzhung and Sumpa
Carolingian Blood Charles Martel 1 November, 732 Patrilineal +5 Catholic.png +0.20 每月威望
+8 个人实战能力
定期吸引伟大战士为你效命 (if Catholic.png )
A brilliant warrior as well as a great statesman, he established the Franks as undisputed masters of Gaul and led the army that defeated the Muslims in the battle of Tours.
Blood of Gopala Gopala Pala 734 Patrilineal +5 Indo-Aryan +0.10 每月威望 波罗王朝的创始人,据说是神话中的苏利耶房奢(日种)家族的后裔。他统治了一个涵盖整个旁伽罗的庞大王国。
Blood of Ragnarr 'Lodbrok' Ragnarr af Munso 818 Patrilineal +5 Norse
+5 Viking.png
+5 Pirate
+5 Ravager.png
+5 Sea king.png opinion
+5 Sea queen.png
+8 个人实战能力
Raiding can give the Viking Traits
Blood of Rurik Rurik Rurikid 830 Patrilineal +5 East Slavic +0.10 每月威望 留里克是一位统治罗斯的瓦兰吉酋长,也是留里克王朝的创始人,建造了包括著名的诺夫哥罗德在内的众多聚落。
Blood of Basil Basileios I Makedon 836, May 25 Patrilineal +5 Greek
+5 Orthodox.png
+0.10 每月威望 One of the greatest of the East Roman emperors, his rule brought about an era of glory, prosperity, art, and imperial might.
Blood of Dyre 'the Stranger' Dyre Oskyldr 845 Patrilineal +5 Slavic.png/Reformed Slavic +0.10 每月威望
+8 个人实战能力
Blood of Bayajidda and Magajiva Magajiva Daura 867 Matrilineal +5 Hausa +5 个人实战能力
Enable Enatic-Cognatic Succession
The Daura claim descent from Bayajidda and Magajiva – the first of whom slew a great serpent, and the second of whom instituted the matriarchal system of the Hausa people.
Blood of Haraldr 'Fairhair' Haraldr Yngling 867 Patrilineal +5 Norwegian
+5 Norse
+5 Attractive
+5 个人实战能力 一位传奇的统治者,通过个人能力和军事实力统一了挪威王国和挪威人民。
Blood of Árpád Árpád Árpád 868 Patrilineal +5 Hungarian
+5 Ambitious.png
+0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Boleslav 'the Cruel' Boleslav Premyslid 915 Patrilineal +5 Bohemian +0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Brian Brian Ua Briain 941 Patrilineal +5 Irish +0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Enables Tanistry Succession
Blood of Sabuktigin Sabuktigin Ghaznavid 942 Patrilineal +5 Turkish
+5 Afghan
+0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Seljuk Seljuk Seljuk 960 Patrilineal +5 Turkish
+5 Persian
+5 Strategist.png
+0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Boleslaw 'the Brave' Boleslaw Piast 967 Patrilineal +5 Polish
+5 Brave.png
+0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Dmitar-Zvonimir Dmitar-Zvonimir Trpimirovic 1030 Patrilineal +5 Croatian +0.10 每月威望 一位和平的统治者,他通过熟练的外交技巧登上了王位。他的统治见证了发生在克罗地亚的重大经济文化进步。
Blood of Irâcêntira 'the Great' Irâcêntira Chola 1040 Patrilineal +5 Hindu +0.10 每月威望
+5% War Elephants Morale
Increased Religion Conversion speed to Hindu
Blood of El Cid Rodrigo de Vivar 1043 Patrilineal +5 Iberian +5% 士气防御
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Matilde de Canossa Matilde de Canossa (Available to earn as Matilde de Canossa from January 1st, 1046 - July 24th, 1115.) Matrilineal
Bastard.png can't inherit
+5 Religious Head Opinion +0.05 每月虔诚
Characters of this bloodline more readily take vows
(See Action/Activity Bloodlines below for more details on specifics of creating this bloodline)
Blood of Arwa Arwa Sulayhid 1048, Apr 4 Matrilineal +5 Bedouin +0.10 每月虔诚 作为一位强大的女性,阿尔瓦女王以她过人的智慧与无所不闻的见识闻名于世。她同时也参与建设了许多也门王国的重要建筑工程。
Blood of William 'The Conqueror' William de Normandie 1066 Patrilineal +5 Norman
+5 English
+5 Bastard.png
+5 Legit bastard.png
Legitimizing Bastards is Free Born an illegitimate bastard, he more than proved himself after successfully claiming the throne of England - becoming known as 'the Conqueror'.
Blood of Yusuf Yusuf Almoravid 1071 Patrilineal +5 Andalusian +0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Alexios Alexios Komnenos 1081 Patrilineal +5 Greek +0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Bohemond Bohemond de Hauteville 1098, June 3 Patrilineal +0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Higher chance to create Crusader States
Blood of Aliénor Aliénor de Poitou 1122 Patrilineal
+5 General Opinion +5 个人实战能力 西欧最有权势的女性之一。她是文学的赞助人、军事将领,同时也是第二次十字军东征的一位领袖。
Blood of Alfonso Alfonso d'Ivrea 1126 Patrilineal +5 Castilian +0.20 每月威望 Lord over half of Iberia, Alfonso claimed the title "Emperor of all Spain" and sought to unify the peninsula under his rule. He was also known as a patron of arts.
Blood of Roger Roger de Hauteville 1130, Dec 25 Patrilineal +5 Latin +0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Gartzia 'the Restorer' Gartzia de Navarra 1134, Sept 27 Patrilineal +5 Basque +0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Afonso 'the Conqueror' Afonso de Bourgogne 1139 Patrilineal +5 Portuguese +0.10 每月威望 Vanquisher of both Moors and Leonese in his campaigns for Portuguese independence, Afonso cunningly battled many enemies to establish the roots of his own realm.
Blood of Friedrich Friedrich von Hohenstaufen 1152 Patrilineal +5 German +0.20 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Abu Ya'qub Abu Ya'qub Almohad 1184 Patrilineal +5 Berber +5 个人实战能力
+0.10 每月威望
Leader of the Almohad dynasty, the reign of Abu made both science and trade prosper, with his administrative and military skills being successful in halting the Reconquista.
Blood of Richard 'the Lionheart' Richard Plantagenet 1187 Patrilineal +5 Catholic +0.10 每月虔诚
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Saladin Saladin Ayyubid 1187, October 2 Patrilineal +5 Muslim +5% 士气防御
+0.10 每月威望
Blood of Philippe 'the Great' Philippe Capet 1190 Patrilineal +5% Damage Against Religious Enemies
+5 个人实战能力
+0.10 每月虔诚
Blood of Enrico Enrico Dandolo 1202, Oct 1 Patrilineal +10 City Vassal
-5 Byzantine
Blood of Baudouin Baudouin Van Vlaanderen 1204 Patrilineal +5 Latin
-5 Byzantine
+0.10 每月威望
Can Castrate others
Can Blind others
Blood of Temüjin Temüjin Borjigin 1206 Patrilineal +8 Mongol
+5 Hunter.png
+0.20 每月威望
+8 个人实战能力
Can also be formed by the Become Genghis Khan decision.
The founder of the Mongol Empire, proclaimed 'Genghis Khan' (Universal Ruler) by the many subjugated peoples of the steppes. An extremely brutal and efficient leader.
Blood of Alexandr Alexandr Rurikid 1220, May 30 Patrilineal +5 Russian
+5 Orthodox
+5 个人实战能力 一位传奇的军事领袖,在对抗日耳曼人和瑞典人入侵的过程中,赢得了数场军事胜利。他后来被封为圣人。
Blood of Jaume 'the Conqueror' Jaume de Barcelona 1243 Patrilineal +5 Catalan
+5 Occitan
+0.10 每月威望
+8 个人实战能力
Blood of Baibars Baibars Bunduqdarid 1260, Oct 24 Patrilineal +5 Egyptian +0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Muhammad Muhammad Nasrid 1266 Patrilineal +5 Andalusian
+5 Castilian
+0.10 每月威望 Known as a champion of the faithful, diplomat and friend to Christians, Muhammad managed to keep alive the light of Al-Andalus despite the Castilian invasion.
Blood of William William Wallace 1271 Patrilineal +5 Scottish +5% 士气防御
+8 个人实战能力
Blood of Osman Osman Ottoman 1281 Patrilineal +10 Turkish +0.20 每月威望
+8 个人实战能力
Blood of Musa 'the Lion' Musa Keita 1312 Patrilineal +5 Mandé -10% Build Time
+0.20 每月威望
Blood of Thugluq Thugluq Tughluq 1320, Oct 1 Patrilineal +3 Dravidian
+3 Indo-Aryan
+0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Blood of Timur Timurid Timur Timurid 1350 Patrilineal +5 Mongol
+5 Clubfooted.png
+5% Morale Offence
+0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力



这些血脉是在一个角色在死后被封为圣人或一个改革后的(在选择了祖先崇拜教义时) 原始宗教的等同物时创建的。[1]

和战士工会血脉一样, the ancestor's bloodline is selected from amidst those eligible when the canonization (or the pagan ancestor worship event equivalent) occurs (Event HF.40020 / HF.40101 repectively).

基督教圣人在经过封圣后将给一个他的领地的省份(priority to the capital, then capital neighbouring provinces, and finally to demesne provinces more generally) the Tomb of the Saint modifier. They can then be used as a site of pilgrimage and on being looted can provide saintly artifacts.

该类型的几乎所有血脉将被称为Blood of [Character Name]



血脉名称 Inheritance Requirements Opinions 其他修正
Saintly Defender of the Faith Bloodline Patrilineal
Is Zealous.png or Holy warrior.png

Active Condition: Must believe the same religion as founder
+30% Damage Against Religious Enemies
+0.30 每月虔诚
Zealots may arrive at your capital to run amok
If Catholic, when at religious war units may spawn in your capital
Saintly Monastic Saintly Bloodline Patrilineal DLC icon Monks and Mystics.png Monks and Mystics DLC
  • Is Celibate.png or Monk.png or Nun.png
  • Is Christian or Reformed Hellenic Pagan

Active Condition: Must believe the same religion as founder

+5 Christian Church Opinion
+0.10 每月虔诚
Gain more Devotion in Monastic Societies
Monks will help your capital occasionally
Saintly Cultural Saintly Bloodline Patrilineal

Active Condition: Must have the same culture as founder
+0.30 每月虔诚
Convert Counties to your Culture faster (from adjacent province only)
Saintly Inquisitional Bloodline Patrilineal Is Zealous.png or Holy warrior.png

Active Condition: Must believe the same religion as founder
+5 Christian Church Opinion +10% Damage Against Religious Enemies
Convert Counties to your Religion faster
Saintly Jewish Bloodline Patrilineal Has Sympathy for Judaism

Active Condition: Must be Christian
+15 Jewish Opinion +0.20 每月虔诚
Loans from Jews have 0% interest
Cannot expel Jews
Saintly Theologians Bloodline Patrilineal Always

Active Condition: Must believe the same religion as founder
+0.20 每月虔诚
Theologians will occasionally join your court



血脉名称 Inheritance Requirements Opinions 其他修正
Generic Ancestor Veneration Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Always +0.20 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
定期吸引伟大战士为你效命(If founder religion)
Duelist Ancestor Veneration Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Is Duelist.png +0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Light Foot Troops +20%
Enables Dueling
Raiding Ancestor Veneration Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Has any of the viking raider traits +5 Brave Opinion +20% Light Foot Troops
+5 个人实战能力
Organizing Raids is faster and more fruitful
Bastard Ancestor Veneration Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Is Bastard.png or Is Legitimized bastard.png +5 Bastard Opinion
+5 Legitimized Bastard Opinion
+0.10 每月威望
Legitimizing Bastards is free
Sky Burial Ancestor Veneration Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Is Nomadic and Tengri/Bon +0.20 每月威望
+3 个人实战能力
Mercenary Ancestor Veneration Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Is Nomadic +5 Brave Opinion
+5 Strategist Opinion
+5 个人实战能力
Tanistry Ancestor Veneration Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Has Tanistry succession +5 Dynasty Opinion +5 个人实战能力
Allows Tanistry succession



血脉名称 Inheritance Requirements Opinions 其他修正
妖邪圣人血脉 父系 总是

-5基督教好感 +1 每月威望
-0.10 每月虔诚





这些是可以通过Forge Bloodline ambition而得到的血脉,该野心对于公爵及以上等级的并且有很高威望的统治者可用。

By picking this ambition you will be provided with several paths to create your own custom Bloodline, tailoring it to whichever kind of ruler you wish to be remembered as. Each path will lead you to unlock a different bloodline, each coming in different variants. Additionally, if you pursue more than a single path at the same time, you have a chance of unlocking a hybridized Bloodline, with its own unique perks. The tasks provided by the ambition are as follows.

  • 谋杀或处决30个人。
  • 赢得15场对外战争。
  • 保持领土和平30年。
  • 修建10座城市。
  • 修建10座城堡。
  • 修建10座教堂。

如果你花费了太长的时间去完成上述的初始步骤/路径, and were at least king tier when starting the ambition, you will eventually get an opportunity to invest resources and select from an additional pool of potential bloodlines.

Whether a created bloodline will be patrilineal or matrilineal depends on whether the founder is male or female. Warning: if you earn any created bloodline after starting this ambition, you will not be able to forge a new bloodline.


There are five possible bloodlines from pure murder. Forging one will grant an appropriate nick name like "the Dragon" or "the Little Nightmare" based on which bloodline is acquired, assuming you don't have one. Also, forging the Dragon King bloodline adds Cannibal.png, forging the Silent Killer bloodline adds Paranoid.png and forging any of the others adds Cruel.png.

血脉名称 Founding Method Opinions 其他修正 Event ID
Happy Child /
Vile Blood of...
Finish before age 16, or start before age 12 and finish before age 35
Murder 30 People
-4 Vassal Opinion +15.0% Plot Power Increase
Wards are more Dangerous (Chance for children of this bloodline to get event to murder guardians for +1 Intrigue)
Murderous AI
Macabre Banquet /
Vile Blood of...
Murder 30 People -6 Vassal Opinion +10.0% Plot Power Defence
Can add executed prisoners to the Macabre Banquet.
Murderous AI
Silent Killer /
Sly Blood of...
Murder 30 People +10.0% Arrest Chance
Can restore reputation through Obfuscation (remove Kinslayer traits or Known Murderer modifier)
Murderous AI
The Butcher /
Vile Blood of...
Murder 30 People
Must NOT be unattractive, Celibate.png or Eunuch.png
-4 Vassal Opinion +10.0% Plot Power Increase
Can personally pursue murder plots
Murderous AI
The Dragon King /
Blood of the Dragon-King
Murder 30 People
Must be Cruel.png
Must be Lunatic.png, Possessed.png or Cannibal.png
-4 Vassal Opinion +10.0% Imprisonement Chance
Can burn prisoners
Murderous AI


血脉名称 Founding Method Opinions 其他修正 Event ID
征服者 赢得15场对外战争 +5% Leading in Center
+5% Levy Reinforcement Rate
+5 个人实战能力
Increased Artifact Looting chance
战斗哲学家 Win 15 foreign wars
Be older than 35, min 8 learning, not Template:Dumb
+15% Movement Speed
+5% Retreat
+3 个人实战能力
Can Drill Troops (costs 300 prestige, giving 10% attrition resistance, 40 days supply or improved movement speed)
The Li'l Warrior Philosopher Win 15 foreign wars
Finish before age 16, or start before age 12 and finish before age 35
+6 个人实战能力
+5% 士气防御
+5% 士气打击
The Perfect Knight Win 15 foreign wars
Be male Christian (unless Christianity has Gender Equality, then either Male or Female), need to have at least one "good" trait (just, kind, charitable, patient, affectionate) and may not have any "bad" trait (cruel, arbitrary, impaler), Scions of this bloodline need to be Christian for it to be active
+4 个人实战能力
+0,05 每月虔诚
+10% Cavalry Command
Attracts Knights, Bards and Damsels


血脉名称 建立方式 关系修正 其他修正 Event ID
Protector Bloodline Remain 30 years at peace +4 Vassal Opinion -2% National Revolt Risk
+0.1 每月虔诚
Vassals less likely to join a faction
Benefactor Bloodline Remain 30 years at peace +4 Vassal Opinion -2% National Revolt Risk
+5% National Tax Modifier
Rulers can Endear Neighbors and Subjects (spend 300 prestige to improve the opinions of neighbouring rulers or spend 200 prestige for -15% National Revolt Risk)
Blessed Child Bloodline
Remain 30 years at peace
Finish before age 16, or start before age 12 and finish before age 35
(seems impossible)
+4 Vassal Opinion +0.25 每月虔诚
-2% global revolt risk
Vassals are half as likely to create and join factions


血脉名称 Founding Method Opinions 其他修正 Event ID
建筑师血脉 修建10座城市。 +6 城市封臣好感 +5% Burgher Vassal Tax
Has access to special City buildings: Cities#Infrastructure
The Castellan Bloodline Build 10 castles +4 封建封臣好感 +5% Noble Vassal Tax
Has access to special Castle buildings: Castles#Special_Fortifications
The Carpenter Bloodline Build 10 temples +4 宗教封臣好感 +5% Temple Vassal Tax
Has access to special Temple buildings: Temples#Monumental_Shrines


血脉名称 Founding Method Opinions 其他修正 Event ID
vile bloodline 3 谋杀20人,赢得10场对外战争 +2% Levy Reinforcement Rate
+5% Plot Power Increase
+3 个人实战能力
Can Fabricate Claims faster (x0.75)
Can Sow Discontent Faster (x0.75)
The Builder Bloodline Build 24 holdings without building 10 of any single type -20% Build Cost
-20% Build Time
+2% National Tax Modifier
Murder/Peace Bloodline Rule at peace for 15 years, murder 20 people +5% imprisonment chance
-1% global revolt risk
can spend prestige to disband factions
Murder/Builder Bloodline Murder 20 people, build 15 holdings +1% global tax modifiier
-1% global revolt risk
Has access to special Castle buildings: Castles#Oppressive_Fortifications
Peace Architect Bloodline Rule at peace for 15 years, build 5 cities +5 城市封臣好感 +0.05 每月虔诚
+3% City Tax
Has access to special City buildings: Cities#Infrastructure
+50% more likely to increase prosperity
Peace Castellan Bloodline Rule at peace for 15 years, build 5 castles +5 Feudal Vassal Opinion +0.05 每月虔诚
+3% Castle Tax
Has access to special Castle buildings: Castles#Special_Fortifications
+50% more likely to increase prosperity
Peace Monumental Bloodline Rule at peace for 15 years, build 5 temples +5 宗教封臣好感 +0.05 每月虔诚
+3% Temple Tax
Has access to special Temple buildings: Temples#Monumental_Shrines
+50% more likely to increase prosperity



血脉名称 Opinions 其他修正 Event ID
哲人血脉([This.GetTitledFirstName]的血脉) +10 Poet.png -15% Build Time
+15% Tech Spread
Cultural Tech research boost
Attracts artists
家族血脉([This.GetTitledFirstName]之世族) +5 Dynasty +0.20 每月威望
Can harass your relatives into fitting your image of a proper dynast
仁爱血脉([This.GetTitledFirstName]的蒙眷之血) +25 Just.png
+10 Kind.png
+0.2 每月威望
+0.05 每月虔诚
冷酷血脉([This.GetTitledFirstName]的卑劣血脉) -10 Vassal +15% imprisonment chance
+2% global revolt risk
Can plot to revoke any title that was not recently granted
神学血脉* +4 Church +0.10 每月虔诚
+5% tech spread
x0.5 MTTH for your court chaplain to find a philosopher while researching cultural techs
Only active if you follow the founder's religion
狂热血脉* +8 Church +0.15 每月虔诚
-3% tech spread
x0.75 MTTH for your court chaplain to convert a province
Unlimited use of the Religious Liberation CB (even if you have Jade Dragon CBs disabled)




  • Holy Fury.png 神圣之怒 DLC
  • 是成年人
  • 在战士工会中达到了Rank 4
  • (该战士工会)一百年来未曾完成过传奇
  • 有至少500点名望


血脉名称 Inheritance Requirements Opinions 其他修正
Legendary Eagle Hunter 取决于创建者的性别 Is Tengri / Reformed Tengri or Nomadic
Has Hunting Eagle and Friend of Eagles character modifier
Is a Falconer.png
+5 Falconer.png +15 个人实战能力
Characters tend to keep hunting birds
Legendary Leader 取决于创建者的性别 DLC icon Conclave.png Conclave DLC +5 Vassal +5 个人实战能力
Characters tend to have their councilors be Loyal
Legendary Battle Survivor 取决于创建者的性别 Always +5 个人实战能力
Resilient to battle injuries
Legendary Dog Hunter 取决于创建者的性别 DLC icon Way of Life.png Way of Life DLC +5 Hunter +15 个人实战能力
Characters tend to keep hunting dogs
Legendary Raider 取决于创建者的性别 Always +5 Greedy.png +0.10 每月威望
+10 个人实战能力
Increases the chance of looting Artifacts after sieging enemy holdings
Legendary Warrior 取决于创建者的性别 Always +0.10 每月威望
+15 个人实战能力
Characters may more easily join warrior lodges
Legendary Soldier 取决于创建者的性别 DLC icon Monks and Mystics.png Monks and Mystics DLC or Jade Dragon.png Jade Dragon DLC +0.10 每月威望
+10 个人实战能力
Smiths are less likely to betray you in the artifact crafting process
Legendary Battle Bard 取决于创建者的性别 Always +5 Poet.png +0.10 每月威望
+10 个人实战能力
Gain access to specific battlefield events
Legendary Commander 取决于创建者的性别 Always +5 Strategist.png +0.10 每月威望
+10 个人实战能力
Promote Commander decision gives better commanders
Legendary Captor 取决于创建者的性别 Always +5 Just.png +0.10 每月威望
+10 个人实战能力
Improved chance to capture enemy commanders in combat

All warrior lodge bloodlines are somewhat randomly selected by an event (HF.12300 or, if dead, HF.12301) among ones eligible once the legend is completed.




血脉名称 Inheritance Founding Method Opinions 其他修正 Event ID
Sea King/Queen Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Having sacked 200 holds,
  • Is a Sea king.png or Sea queen.png,
  • Doesn't own any historical Viking bloodline (i.e. Blood of Ragnarr 'Lodbrok', Blood of Rurik or Blood of Dyre 'the Stranger') or sea king/queen bloodline

Active Condition: Must believe the same religion as founder

+5 Sea king.png
+5 Sea queen.png
+3 个人实战能力
Organizing raids is faster and more fruitful
Bloodthirsty Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Believes Aztec, Reformed Aztec or a reformed pagan religion with Bloodthirsty Gods Doctrine,
  • Burned hearts points, which can be gained by sacrificing to Gods, is at least 200,
  • Doesn't already own bloodthirsty bloodline
+5 Haemophiliac
+5 Haemophant
+5 Haemoarch
+0.30 每月虔诚
Sacrificing prisoners yields an additional Prestige reward
Family Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Believes a reformed pagan religion with Stability, Children of Perun or Survivors of Ukko Doctrine,
  • Has Inspired Meliorism on close relatives 8 times (Should earn the bloodline next time Inspired Meliorism on anyone(?)),
  • Possesses a count tier or above title (when Inspiring Meliorism),
  • Doesn't own any created bloodline
+5 Dynasty +0.20 每月威望
Can influence younger close relatives
Benevolent Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Believes a reformed pagan religion with Stability, Children of Perun or Survivors of Ukko Doctrine,
  • Hasn't Inspired Meliorism on close relatives 8 times(?),
  • Has Inspired Meliorism on council members 8 times (Should earn the bloodline next time Inspired Meliorism on anyone other than close relatives (?)),
  • Possesses a count tier or above title (when Inspiring Meliorism),
  • Doesn't own any created bloodline

Note: Can also earn this bloodline through event chain when having Forge Bloodline ambition

+25 Just.png
+10 Kind.png
+0.20 每月威望
+0.05 每月虔诚
Teuta's Bloodline Matrilineal Requirements:
  • Is an independent South Slavic/Dalmatian female Pagan,
  • Isn't an empress, nor is realm size bigger or equal than 120,
  • Doesn't believe Hellenic or Reformed Hellenic,
  • Capital is located in the duchy of Dioclea or Rashka,
  • Win a war against Byzantium/Roman Empire as either attacker or defender,
  • Historical starts only,

Active Condition: Must be Pagan or tribal, must not be Byzantine, Roman nor believe Hellenic or Reformed Hellenic

+10 Sea queen.png
+10 South Slavic
-10 Greek
-10 Roman
Will attract ships during times of war HF.24011
Blood of Phalaris Patrilineal
Bastard.png can't inherit
DOES NOT allow matrilineal transfer
  • Primary title is the kingdom of Sicily and capital is located in the duchy of Sicily,
  • Is a capable male Greek,
  • Has Lunatic.png, Possessed.png, Impaler.png or Cruel.png trait,
  • Doesn't has Kind.png or Just.png trait,
  • Has Brazen Bull character modifier (can gain it in random event when has Impaler.png trait and meets some other condition (see event 3600 for detail)) or learning skill is no less than 15,
  • Chooses the special action (throw in the Brazen Bull or try something original) in Torture a prisoner random event

Active Condition: Must be Byzantine, Latin or believe Hellenic or Reformed Hellenic

-10 Christian
-10 Muslim
-10 Jewish
Can use the brazen bull to execute prisoners HF.24000
Duelist Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别
  • Has Duelist.png lifestyle trait,
  • Has at least 50 duel experience and 20 ruthless duel experience,
  • Has at least 10 sneaky duel experience or 80 duel experience,
  • Doesn't already own a duelist bloodline (this or the ancestor worship duelist bloodline)
Note: There is a 20 basic chance to earn the bloodline if other requirements satisfied, the chance increased to 50 if doesn't own any bloodline

Cannot be earned due to a bug

+20 个人实战能力
+1.5% 士气打击
+1.5% 士气防御
Enables dueling
马蒂尔德血脉 取决于创建者的性别
Bastard.png can't inherit

On winning a Antipapal / Excommunication war against the Holy Roman Emperor, must

  • Be a Feudal Catholic Adult
  • Be a King or lower title
  • Be either lower tier than king, a viceroyalty, crowned, or fighting an excommunication war as part of a coronation deal
  • Be either married or have no children.
  • Have 500 Piety
  • Have Realm Size less than 120
  • Have opinion 25 or greater with the pope
  • Doesn't have an antipope
  • Doesn't own any created bloodline
  • Doesn't have Incapable.png, Excommunicated.png, Lustful.png, Gluttonous.png, Greedy.png, Proud.png, Slothful.png, Envious.png, Wroth.png, Heresiarch.png, Crowned by myself.png.
  • Doesn't have character modifiers adulteress, incestous adulteress, witch, consorts with infidels, or consorts with mystics.
  • Doesn't have a Bastard.png or Legit bastard.png child.
  • Has at least 2 of Zealous.png, Chaste.png, Diligent.png, Humble.png, Charitable.png, Temperate.png, Kind.png, Patient.png, Celibate.png, Theologian.png, Nun.png or 1000 piety.

Active Condition: Must be Catholic
If the requirements for this are earned while playing as Matilde di Canossa (January 1st, 1046 - July 24th, 1115, Duchess of Toscana from July 1055 - July 23rd, 1115), one earns the similar, but different, True Matilde Bloodline.

+10 Religious Head +0.05 每月虔诚
Characters of this bloodline more readily take vows
True Matilde Bloodline Matrilineal
Bastard.png can't inherit
  • See above

Active Condition: Must be Catholic
If the requirements are earned while playing as Matilde di Canossa (January 1st, 1046 - July 24th, 1115, Duchess of Toscana from July 1055 - July 23rd, 1115), one earns this True Matilde Bloodline.

+5 Religious Head
+5 Italian
+0.05 每月虔诚
Characters of this bloodline more readily take vows
布狄卡血脉 Matrilineal Requirements:
  • ???

(Bloodline is unobtainable as of version 3.0.1. Comments in the code seem to indicate this is intended for female celtic rulers who gain the Empire of Britannia.)

+5 Celtic +5 个人实战能力
+5% Light Infantry Morale
+0.10 每月威望



血脉名称 Inheritance Founding Method Opinions 其他修正 Event ID
Slavic Union Emperor Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Forms the Slavic Union (see decisions for detail)
+5 West Slavic
+5 East Slavic
+0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Roman Emperor Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Restores the Roman Empire (see decisions for detail),
  • Doesn't own any famous historical Roman bloodline (i.e. Blood of Basil or Blood of Alexios) or Roman emperor bloodline

Active Condition: Must be Christian, Hellenic or Reformed Hellenic

+5 Christian
+5 Hellenic
+5 Reformed Hellenic
+0.25 每月威望
Convert counties to Roman culture faster
Restored Israel Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:

Active Condition: Must be Jewish

+10 Church +30% Damage Against Religious Enemies
Can borrow from the Banks of Israel
Samrat Chakravartin Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Becomes Samrat Chakravartin (see decisions for detail)

Active Condition: Must be Dharmic

+5 Hindu
+5 Jain
+5 Buddhist
+0.25 每月虔诚
-1% Global Revolt Risk
Saoshyant Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:

Active Condition: Must be Zoroastrian

+10 Church +1.00 每月虔诚
+30% Damage Against Religious Enemies
Chinese Imperial Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Adopts Chinese Imperialism (see decisions for detail)
  • Doesn't own any created bloodline
+10 Taoist +0.20 每月威望
+2% Tech Growth
Genghis Khan Bloodline Patrilineal Requirements:
  • Become Genghis Khan (see decisions for detail)
  • No Genghis Khan bloodline exists already

This bloodline exists already on the historical Genghis Khan (Temüjin Borjigin), from 1206 onwards.

+8 Mongol
+5 Hunter.png
+0.20 每月威望
+8 个人实战能力


血脉名称 Inheritance Founding Method Opinions 其他修正 Event ID
亚历山大的不朽之血 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements: Requires the successful completion of a rare event chain. The initial event trigger requires:
  • Player only
  • Possesses a real (not temporary) emperor tier title
  • Has 15000 Prestige
  • Is a capable non-prisoner adult
  • Doesn't have Content.png trait
  • Capital is located in one of the following regions:
    • Europe
    • Asia Minor
    • Jerusalem
    • Arabian Peninsula
  • Historical starts only
  • Can only be attempted once per character
  • Can only be obtained once per playthrough

Further events along this event chain will require payments of prestige and cash

+5 Hellenic
+5 Reformed Hellenic
+0.20 每月威望
+15% Levy Reinforcement Rate
+10 个人实战能力
Can use invasion once per lifetime
Child of Destiny Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Is the Child of Destiny (a quite rare event)
  • Possesses a real (not temporary) duke tier or above title
  • Doesn't own any ambition bloodline (i.e. Child of Destiny, Boudica, Alexander or Immortal bloodline), ambition bloodline will also prevent the child from becoming the Child of Destiny
+5 Vassal +10 个人实战能力
+10% Damage
Character tend to become ambitious
Immortality Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements: +5 Taoist +0.20 每月威望
+1 Health
Murderous AI
(Or other immortality events)
Ashoka Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements: Requires the successful completion of an rare event chain. The initial event trigger requires:
  • Player only
  • Possesses a real (not temporary) emperor tier title
  • Has 15000 Prestige
  • Is a capable non-prisoner adult
  • Believes Dharmic religion
  • Doesn't have Content.png trait
  • Capital is located in India
  • Historical starts only
  • Can only be attempted once per character,
  • Can only be obtained once per playthrough

Further events along the event chain will require payments of prestige and cash

+5 Hindu
+5 Jain
+10 Buddhist
+0.10 每月虔诚
-3% Global Revolt Risk
+5 个人实战能力
Can call religious liberation wars


血脉名称 Inheritance Founding Method Opinions 其他修正 Event ID
Lord of Outremer Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Forms an Empire of the Outremer (see decisions for detail)

Active Condition: Must believe the same religion as founder

+5 Christian +0.30 每月威望
+10 个人实战能力
+20% Damage Against Religious Enemies
Convert counties to religion faster
Destroyer of Byzantium Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Founds Latin Empire through the fourth Crusade
+5 Latin
+5 West Germanic
+5 Central Germanic
-5 Byzantine
+0.20 每月威望
Can castrate or blind others
Northern Crusade Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Wins more than two northern Crusade (i.e. Teutonic War) as the most participating crusader,
  • Hasn't already founded any Crusade bloodline,
  • Doesn't already own northern Crusade bloodline

Active Condition: Must be non-heretic Christian

+0.20 每月威望
+10% Damage Against Religious Enemies
Can vassalize the Teutonic Knights
Can hire a Teutonic Honor Guard
Children's Crusade Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements
  • Leads and wins a children's Crusade

Active Condition: Must believe the same religion as founder

+5 Christian +0.15 每月虔诚
+5 个人实战能力
Higher chance to create crusader states
Grand Crusader Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Wins more than one Crusade as the most participating crusader or
  • Wins a crusade as the most participating crusader and has Crusader King trait,
  • Hasn't already founded any Crusade bloodline

Active Condition: Must believe the same religion as founder

+5 Christian +0.20 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Get a larger share of Crusade war chest
Crusade Lord 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Is the recipient of the first Crusade (must win)

Active Condition: Must believe the same religion as founder

+5 Christian +0.10 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
Higher chance to create crusader states
Crusader Commander Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Has triggered positive battle events 20 times more than negative battle events in Crusades (?),
  • Hasn't already founded any Crusade bloodline,
  • Doesn't own any bloodline that has Resilient to Battle Injuries effect,
  • or leads and win a Shepherds' Crusade (can't be achieved by player)

Active Condition: Must believe the same religion as founder

+5 Christian +0.20 每月威望
+10 个人实战能力
Resilient to battle injuries
Reconquista Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别
Bastard.png can't inherit
  • Wins four Reconquista war as attacker,
  • Succeeds in less than two Reconquista war as defender,
  • Is Christian,
  • Hasn't already founded Reconquista or Reconquista Cid bloodline

Active Condition: Must be Christian Iberian

+5 Iberian +0.10 每月虔诚
+0.20 每月威望
Can prepare a Reconquest War cheaper
Reconquista Cid Bloodline 取决于创建者的性别 Requirements:
  • Wins two Reconquista war as attacker,
  • Wins two Reconquista war as defender,
  • Is Christian,
  • Hasn't already founded Reconquista or Reconquista Cid bloodline,
  • Can only found this bloodline after Wins a Reconquista war as defender

Active Condition: Must be Iberian or Andalusian

+5 Iberian
+5 Andalusian
+0.20 每月威望
+3.0% 士气打击
+3.0% 士气防御


就像历史时间线一样,当一个Alternate Start被生成的时候,一些角色也会在开始时获得血脉。在生成时,也有可能会令不同的角色拥有“相同”类型的血脉(拥有同样的加成),虽然这些血脉的名字会有所不同。

血脉名称 Inheritance Opinion 其他修正
伟大征服者的血脉 取决于创建者的性别 +5 封臣关系 +0.25 每月威望
+10 个人实战能力  
Spawns with a special sword and if a Horse, potentially a Unicorn Flair

Spawned onto a character in a Shattered Invasion Alternate Start
随机世界血脉 1 取决于创建者的性别 +5 封臣关系 +0.25 每月威望
+5 个人实战能力
随机世界血脉 2 取决于创建者的性别 +2 封臣关系 +0.25 每月威望
+15 个人实战能力
随机世界血脉 3 取决于创建者的性别 +2 封臣关系
+20 性吸引力
+0.25 每月威望
+25% Fertility
Legitimizing Bastards is Free



  • 如果要快速查看血脉效果,请将鼠标悬停在对应的词条上。
  • 如果要查看存活的后裔的列表,首先点击那个词条以查看血脉创建者,然后点击角色页面上的血脉图标,再点击血脉页面上的血滴图标。
个人属性 属性特质虔诚威望文化宗教家族称号好感
行为 外交决议教育婚姻/生育摄政人情
目标 派系野心阴谋生活重心
恶行 刺杀暴政驱逐处决逮捕剥夺头衔贿赂
其他 内阁廷臣疾病继承同盟
  1. 在游戏文件中描述了对于特殊爬杆信仰的圣人血脉变种,但在正常的游戏过程中似乎并不能被获得(Event HF.40000)。 See /Crusader Kings II/common/events/HF_sainthood_events.txt, /Crusader Kings II/common/events/HF_ancestor_worship_events.txt, and /Crusader Kings II/common/bloodlines/01_saintly_bloodlines.txt.