(→秘密教团) |
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{{N|社团|Society}}是拥有共同兴趣的角色所组成的组织。每个社团都拥有独有能力、任务和成员之间的互动。大多数的社团都仅在{{icon|mnm}}[[修道士与密契者]]拓展包开启时可用。 | {{N|社团|Society}}是拥有共同兴趣的角色所组成的组织。每个社团都拥有独有能力、任务和成员之间的互动。大多数的社团都仅在{{icon|mnm}}[[修道士与密契者]]拓展包开启时可用。 | ||
==概述== | |||
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![[可下载内容#扩展包|DLC]]!!社团!!秘密性!!属性!!要求!!描述 | ![[可下载内容#扩展包|DLC]]!!社团!!秘密性!!属性!!要求!!描述 | ||
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<blockquote style="text-align: center; font-style: italic;">"赫耳墨斯学会相信这个世界上有无穷无尽的值得去探索的真理,作为赫耳墨斯学会的成员,你将通过不断的试验,破解古文,研读神秘的符号去寻找蕴藏在星空和大地之中的真理。"</blockquote> | <blockquote style="text-align: center; font-style: italic;">"赫耳墨斯学会相信这个世界上有无穷无尽的值得去探索的真理,作为赫耳墨斯学会的成员,你将通过不断的试验,破解古文,研读神秘的符号去寻找蕴藏在星空和大地之中的真理。"</blockquote> | ||
[[File:Hermetic Society.png|25px]] | [[File:Hermetic Society.png|25px]] 虽然成为赫尔墨斯学会成员遭受{{red|-10}} 宗教封臣好感惩罚,但好处也有很多。赫尔墨斯学会适用于所有基督教,犹太教,伊斯兰教和马兹达教宗教组,以及道教,尊日神教,希腊多神教,和有占星术教义的宗教。 | ||
只要角色成年,有10学识,并且信仰上述宗教之一,就可以立即加入赫尔墨斯学会。 | |||
如果你是[[部落制]]或[[游牧制]]政体则不能加入。 | |||
加入后,你的角色将从最低的等级开始。除了{{Green|+1}}学识和{{red|-10}} 宗教封臣好感外,该等级没有任何特殊能力。 | |||
[[ 荣誉头衔]] 学徒可用,持有者{{Green|+15}}好感。你的学徒将帮助你完成任务,并向你推荐一些任务。做你的助手几年后,他将能够自己成为赫尔墨斯学会成员,给予你300深奥学识。 | |||
=== | === 任务=== | ||
加入后,你可以接受多种任务。任务由你的(女)贤士或社团成员同伴提出。任务有四类: | |||
''' ''潜入实验室'' ''' | |||
一位赫耳墨斯学会的成员会让你帮他渗透到其竞争对手的实验室里。如果你接受,你将在几周后收到事件链。然后,你将在安全渗透和冒险渗透之间做出选择,冒险可能会有更多回报。 | |||
在破坏和偷窃之间做出选择后,任务的结果就会揭晓。如果你成功了,你将获得200-300点深奥知识,具体取决于风险。受害者将不得不支付赔偿,并失去100点深奥知识。 | |||
如果你失败了,要么逃跑,要么(更有可能)被监禁。事件链将继续,捕获者将提供给你几项选择:被监禁的角色要么交出他的部分知识(并失去300点深奥知识),然后被释放;要么拒绝并开始与绑架者斗争到底,从而阻碍任何逃脱或交赎金的机会。然后,被监禁的角色很可能会在监狱里结束自己的生命,如果他是一个独立的统治者,这可能是灾难性的。 | |||
''' ''建造实验室''''' | |||
一旦社团成员晋升到第二阶,他将获得建造实验室的机会。然后,一个特殊的决议将变得可用,从而触发事件链。然后成员将不得不为建造材料提供资金(如果他全部支付,总成本约为150财富) ,并决定是否将安全优先于效率。 | |||
在事件链的末尾,角色将得到一个永久的修正:每个月可以获得{{green|+1}}或{{green|+2}}的学识和少量的威望(大约0.10)。任务完成后,这个角色将获得200-300点深奥知识(具体取决于他的新实验室是多么令人印象深刻)。这项任务只能完成一次,除非你的实验室被渗透并摧毁,在这种情况下,这项决议将再次可用。 | |||
''' ''寻找一份赫耳墨斯文献''''' | |||
* | 这项决议可以在任何级别上进行且没有次数限制,社团成员可以被邀请去寻找丢失的文献。接受任务后,任务给予者将向成员提出前往地点的选择: | ||
* 去“……”的废墟中寻找。风险因冒险者的学识而异,但通常成功的几率在60% 左右。完成的奖励是300点深奥知识。 | |||
*去“ ...... ”的古董店里找一本书。该选项有很大的成功机会(约80%)并且更具成本效益,因为一旦成功,冒险者将获得200点深奥知识。 | |||
*去当地的图书馆寻找一张羊皮纸。这种选择要便宜得多,因为它只需花费100财富左右,而且几乎肯定会成功。然而,一个人在完成时只能获得100点深奥知识。 | |||
''注释:第一个选项的关键成功可能会给你的宝库增加一个遗失的石碑。例如,可以找到翡翠石碑,授予{{green|+2}}学识,{{green|+5.0%}}的科技传播率,{{green|+1.00}}每月威望。如果这样的事情发生了,你也将获得1000点深奥知识。翡翠石碑只能在亚历山大港找到。学识更高的角色更有可能赢得石碑,失败则可能使你和你的任务给予者成为仇敌。'' | |||
''' ''观星''''' | |||
最后一种任务类型是研究星辰。接受后,开始[[ 事件|事件链]] ,获得一个修正“心在云间<!-- astronomical_insights_1,待审核 -->”,{{green|+0.05}}每月[[威望]]。有七类事件可能发生,并且可能获得星象知识以升级该修正(“夜猫子”、“星星眼”、“星象仪”),任务结束后,此修正移除。 | |||
''' ' | 第一类,赫尔墨斯学会成员在内阁会议上心不在焉,被内阁成员威胁询问是否同意。需要有至少两位内阁成员。学会成员选择: | ||
*'' 「当然,当然……?」'' :增加星象知识。这位内阁成员被开除,获得好感修正“从宫廷开除<!-- opinion_fired_from_council,审核-->”,{{red|-15}}好感,持续5年。 | |||
*'' 「非常抱歉,你能给我再解释一下这件事吗?」'' :这位内阁成员获得好感修正“生气<!-- opinion_angry,待审核-->”,{{red|-15}}好感,持续5年。 | |||
第二类,赫尔墨斯学会成员获得另一个涉及配偶(未被囚禁)的决议。学会成员选择: | |||
*''我们不能简单地从这项任务中休息一下。'' 或 ''为什么我们要争论这些……?!'':增加星象知识。如果是情人,有几率不再是情人。配偶获得好感修正“冷落”,{{red|-35}}好感,持续10年。 | |||
*''当然,我会花更多的时间和你在一起,[target_spouse.GetFirstName]。'' 或 ''你是对的,[target_spouse.GetFirstName] ,我将改变我的优先级。'':配偶获得好感修正“解脱<!-- opinion_relieved,待审核 -->”,{{green|+10}}好感,持续10年。 | |||
* | 第三类,赫尔墨斯成员忽视自己的领地收税工作。学会成员选择: | ||
*''金钱怎么能和知识相提并论?'':增加星象知识,获得角色修正“被忽视的账务”,{{red|-1}}管理,持续5年,失去一半年收入,最少25财富,最多70财富。 | |||
*''有些责任不能被忽视。'':失去30%年收入,最少15财富,最多40财富。 | |||
* | 第四类,赫尔墨斯学会成员在一个夜晚进行研究,不失去任何东西,随机获得提升。 | ||
*''一切都已经很清楚了。'':{{green|+10}} 深奥学识。 | |||
*''我应该一直这样努力输出成果。'':拥有 {{iconify|slothful}} 时可触发,有30%几率移除此特质。 | |||
*''研究浩瀚天空给了我新的观点看法。'':拥有 {{iconify|depressed}} 时可触发,有30%几率移除此特质。 | |||
*''我给我的生活中找到了一个新的意义。'':拥有 {{iconify|envious}} 时可触发,有30%几率移除此特质。 | |||
* | 第五类,赫尔墨斯学会成员利用原料(至少拥有两种)增加修正。学会成员选择: | ||
*''我会燃烧[GetSelectedIngredient_1],让气味淹没我的感官。'':有30%几率增加星象知识。 | |||
*''我会做一锅[GetSelectedIngredient_2]……!'':有40%几率增加星象知识。 | |||
*''我会把一块[GetSelectedIngredient_2]放在枕头下面睡觉。'':有50%几率增加星象知识。 | |||
*''我会试试新东西……!'':有85%几率增加星象知识,15%几率残废。 | |||
* | 第六类,赫尔墨斯学会成员因为未赴约而使得朋友不高兴。学会成员选择: | ||
*''我……最近我有很多重要的事情要做。'':有几率不再是朋友,对方获得好感修正“遗忘活动”,{{red|-35}}好感,持续15年。学会成员增加星象知识。 | |||
*''我理解你为什么这么烦恼了,我非常抱歉,[target_friend.GetFirstName]。'':对方获得好感修正“遗忘活动”,{{red|-20}}好感,持续15年。 | |||
*分享原料制品,学会成员增加星象知识: | |||
**''我们谈谈这个,我酿造了些安神的东西。'',对方获得好感修正“受到安慰”:{{green|+15}}好感,持续5年。 | |||
**''我会补偿你的!让我们共享[GetSelectedIngredient_1]里的肉汤。'':对方获得好感修正“高兴起来”,{{green|+5}}好感,持续5年。 | |||
**''哦,朋友。你显然需要我的这个[GetSelectedIngredient_1]浸酿。'':对方获得好感修正“高兴起来”,{{green|+5}}好感,持续5年。 | |||
**''那么……你要试一下我做的[GetSelectedIngredient_1]浸酿吗?'':对方获得修正“令人作呕”,{{red|-0.5}}健康,持续1年。 | |||
* | 第七类,赫尔墨斯学会成员的孩子(4至13岁)可能睡不着。学会成员选择: | ||
*''走开!我没空。'':孩子获得好感修正“不良父母”,{{red|-15}}好感,持续25年。有几率获得 {{iconify|timid}}、{{iconify|indolent}}、{{iconify|fussy}}(此三种为启用御前会议DLC时),{{iconify|slothful}}、{{iconify|envious}}、{{iconify|arbitrary}}(此三种为没有启用御前会议DLC时)。学会成员增加星象知识。 | |||
*''你已经长大了,不应再害怕黑暗了。[target_child.GetFirstName]。'':孩子获得好感修正“不良父母”,{{red|-15}}好感,持续25年。 | |||
*给予原料制品,学会成员增加星象知识: | |||
**''冷静点,孩子。我会用一点[GetSelectedIngredient_1]来酿造些喝的。'':对方获得好感修正“受到安慰”,{{green|+15}}好感,持续5年。 | |||
**''别发愁,孩子。我会给你从[GetSelectedIngredient_1]里弄点肉汤来。'':对方获得好感修正“高兴起来”,{{green|+5}}好感,持续2年. | |||
**''嘘,孩子,服下这药水会有帮助。'':对方获得好感修正“高兴起来”,对方获得修正“令人作呕”,{{red|-0.5}}健康,持续1年。 | |||
**''嘘,孩子。我给你做点什么,呃……用这个[GetSelectedIngredient_1]。'':对方获得修正“令人作呕”,{{red|-0.5}}健康,持续1年。 | |||
* | 在完成各类事件的决议后,学会成员将选择继续或者结束研究。但当此事件的修正达到“星象仪”(等级4,{{green|+0.20}}每月[[威望]]),只能选择结束研究。接下来是最后一个事件。一个好的结果的几率取决于你从之前事件中得到什么等级修正。等级4是最好的,等级2是增加最小的好结果几率(等级1如同0)。好的结果有: | ||
* 这个角色得出新的行星路径预测。有30%几率获得 {{iconify|patient}},任务成功,获得200深奥学识。 | |||
* | * 这个角色观察自己星座的星星。获得星座特质,任务成功,获得200深奥学识。 | ||
*这个角色将会发现一颗新的星星,并且必须在以自己、孩子、配偶或朋友的名字命名之间做出选择。被选之人将获得“追星族”的永久修正,{{green|+1}}外交。如果选择了朋友或孩子,被选之人将获得对学会成员的好感修正“上天的礼物”,{{green|+15}}好感,持续20年。如果选择了配偶,如果被选之人对学会成员好感大于等于20,成为情人,否则获得对学会成员的好感修正“上天的礼物”,{{green|+15}}好感,持续20年。如果选择自己,获得 {{iconify|proud}}。任务成功,获得200深奥学识。 | |||
* | * 这个角色可能计算出一次流星的日期。可以选择召集大家观看或者保持沉默。如果选择组织观察,要么预测成功,获得 {{iconify|proud}},100威望,200深奥学识,任务成功;要么失败,获得角色修正“预测失败”,{{red|-1}} 外交,任务失败。自己观察,如果预测成功,任务成功,获得200深奥学识,否则任务失败。 | ||
===密谋菜单决议=== | |||
赫尔墨斯学会成员将有一些决议让其获得深奥学识。 | |||
*'''''获得原料 。'''''选择此决议后,玩家选择采集药草,猎取动物内脏还是在市场寻找原料。此角色和他的学徒去收集原料,根据找到的数量获得100-300深奥学识。原料/深奥学识的量取决于搜寻有多成功。成功找到原料的几率取决于角色和同伴的管理,军事或外交能力,也取决于角色是否拥有 {{iconify|Gardener}},{{iconify|Hunter}} 或 {{iconify|Gregarious}} 特质(相关属性和特质取决于寻找方式)。如果角色是 {{iconify|Drunkard}},失败几率增加。如果角色收集药草失败,有几率中毒或生病。如果角色猎取动物内脏失败,将失去25威望,获得“令人失望的狩猎”修正。无论搜寻原料的结果如何,角色将失去财富,但成功地搜寻将花费更多。 | |||
*''' '' | *''''' 撰写论文 。''''' 角色开始研究一种理论。可以决定做出一般的努力,或者异常努力,失去财富和威望,也有几率获得 {{iconify|Stressed}} 特质。角色的文章需要有一定质量,才能被认可。是否认可取决于评价者对你的好感以及论文的质量。如果外交范围内的赫尔墨斯学会成员很少,论文不能通过(需要3位成员认可)。如果论文通过,角色将获得一个修正“已发表论文”,{{green|+2}} 学识,持续5年,此外角色获得75威望,100深奥学识。如果有高密谋(15)能力,你有机会抄袭另一人的工作成果,如果被发现,获得巨大的好感惩罚,论文无法通过,但可能增加论文质量。有高外交(15)能力,你可以寻求帮助,论文质量获得加成,没有惩罚。 | ||
*''' '' | *''''' 举办大辩 论 。''''' 贤士等级可以采用此选项。开始一个[[事件]]链,为每一位辩论参与者创建一个隐藏的辩论分数。辩论分数初始和每一位参与者的学识能力想等。一位角色的分数可以增加,通过特质 {{iconify|Gregarious}},{{iconify|Socializer}} 和 {{iconify|Attractive}},但他们的分数会减少,如果有 {{iconify|Shy}},{{iconify|Stutter}},{{iconify|Lisp}},特别是 {{iconify|Incapable}}。事件链中的事件可以进一步增加或减少你的辩论分数,可以让成员间获得好感加成和减成,也可能获得 {{iconify|Patient}},{{iconify|Poet}},{{iconify|Gregarious}},{{iconify|Shy}} 和 {{iconify|Stressed}} 。辩论最后,角色根据辩论分数和随机几率的组合来获得奖励或惩罚。辩论最后的奖励包括升级角色的教育特质到下一级,获得威望,获得角色修正“辩论者”({{green|+2}}外交,{{green|+2}}学识),持续3年,或者获得额外1学识。辩论最后的惩罚包括失去威望,或者失去1学识。高辩论分数将会降低角色获得惩罚的随机几率,但不能保证获得任何奖励。低辩论分数将会降低获得奖励的随机几率,但不一定就会获得惩罚。此外,胜者将获得300深奥学识,100财富和100威望。最后,所有参与者获得对辩论主持人的好感加成。每10年可举办一次。 | ||
===外交决议=== | |||
作为赫尔墨斯学会成员,角色根据其等级可以有多种能力。 | |||
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! | ! 能力!! 等级!! 深奥学识花费!! 对象!! 效果 | ||
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|'''''调制幸福药水'''''||2||150|| | |'''''调制幸福药水'''''||2||150|| 自己,廷臣,直属封臣|| 移除 {{iconify|Stressed}} ,{{iconify|Depressed}} [[ 特质]] ,'''冷淡'''[[ 修正]] 。这些特质可以随机同''' 冷淡'''[[ 修正]]一起重新获得。不健康的[[宝物#原料|原料]] 更可能导致“冷淡”,而健康的[[ 宝物#原料|原料]] 使得可能性降低。 | ||
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|'''''水晶球占卜'''''||2||150|| | |'''''水晶球占卜'''''||2||150|| 自己|| 角色试图预测未来。根据占卜的类型和结果,为角色添加一个正面或负面的修正。另一个修正将在角色断定这是一次正确或者错误的占卜之后被添加。 | ||
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|'''''进行星占'''''||3||150|| | |'''''进行星占'''''||3||150|| 孩子|| 为特定能力添加一个{{green| +1}} 的修正,对其反面加{{red| -1}} 。如果教育兴趣与宿命相匹配,修正将转换为+2 ,儿童在该方面的能力水平可能很高。 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|'''''选择一个赫耳墨斯学会技艺'''''||4||200|| | |'''''选择一个赫耳墨斯学会技艺'''''||4||200|| 自己|| 获得三个特质{{iconify|Mystic}} 、{{iconify|Theologian}} 、{{iconify|Scholar}} 其中任意一个,并且如果角色已经拥有另外两个特质的话则去除之。并且如果选择学者和第二个选项,有机会获得永久{{green|+1}} 学识[[File:Icon learning.png]] , {{iconify|Shrewd}} 或者{{iconify|Erudite}} 。如果选择第一个选项,获得{{iconify|Diligent}} 和一个十年的{{green|+2}} 学识 [[File:Icon learning.png]]( 如果角色没有天文台,则需花费金钱) 。 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|'''''编写一部巨著'''''||4||150 | |'''''编写一部巨著'''''||4||150 ,之后500|| 自己|| 这个人物在一个特定的主题上写了一部伟大的学术著作。在一个事件链的末端,该人物的宝库获得了一部所选主题的[[ 宝物| 巨著]] 。统治者一生只能创作一部巨著。无论谁继承了这部作品,只要他们也是赫尔墨斯学会的一员,或者拥有足够高的学习属性,都会得到它的加成。在任何特定时间内只能拥有一部关于某一主题的巨著。 | ||
|} | |} | ||
'' | 注意:可以对关系、战争和管理进行占卜。占卜的结果是坏是好并不决定未来。如果上述领域中的某些事情发生在你身上,比如你获得了头衔,开始或结束了一段关系,或者在一场战斗中受伤,那么它将证实占卜的结果是正确还是错误。角色将获得一个修正值,给予所有能力 ''{{green|+1}}'' ,以及一些每月声望。重复占卜会提升修正,前提是占卜结果与现实保持一致。如果占卜结果并没有与现实中的任何事情相对应,角色也会被赋予一个较小的修正。 | ||
赫尔墨斯学会成员也会解锁对另一位学会成员的外交行动: | |||
''' '' | ''''' 邀请去观星。''''' 如果处于和平时期,每过三年,一位赫尔墨斯学会成员就可以邀请另一位学会成员进入他的宫殿,引发一连串的事件,给予关系奖励或惩罚,并可能给予科技点数(给每个科技30点或者某个特定的科技100点),同时还有可能获得 {{iconify|Humble}} ,使两个角色之间产生友谊或成为对手。有一个天文台(通过学术焦点解锁建造)会使成功观察的几率增加三倍(无论你是否邀请客人到天文台)。如果没有一个天文台,但拥有特性(在“选择一个赫尔墨斯学会技艺”决议中选择成为学者),成功的几率是双倍。从11月初到2月底,恶劣天气的观测失败风险增加一倍;重要的是实际观察的日期,而不是邀请的日期。 | ||
在开始观星之前,你和你的客人将有一个特殊的活动,给予两位参与者(通常)2年{{green|+5}} 的好感奖励。但它也可以给予两年{{red|-15}} 好感的惩罚。此活动可以是: | |||
*Possessing an observatory will give access to a special option to invite the guest to your observatory, pleasing {{iconify|scholar}}, {{iconify|mystic}}, {{iconify|theologian}} or {{iconify|ambitious}} guests, but displeasing {{iconify|envious}} or {{iconify|arbitrary}} guests. This activity also greatly increases the satisfaction of the guest (regardless of the temporary opinion buff/penalty), which leads to formation of friendship. | *Possessing an observatory will give access to a special option to invite the guest to your observatory, pleasing {{iconify|scholar}}, {{iconify|mystic}}, {{iconify|theologian}} or {{iconify|ambitious}} guests, but displeasing {{iconify|envious}} or {{iconify|arbitrary}} guests. This activity also greatly increases the satisfaction of the guest (regardless of the temporary opinion buff/penalty), which leads to formation of friendship. | ||
第281行: | 第308行: | ||
*Study together, pleasing {{iconify|erudite}}, {{iconify|content}}, {{iconify|scholar}} or {{iconify|patient}} guest, but displeasing {{iconify|slothful}}, {{iconify|wroth}} or {{iconify|gregarious}} guest. | *Study together, pleasing {{iconify|erudite}}, {{iconify|content}}, {{iconify|scholar}} or {{iconify|patient}} guest, but displeasing {{iconify|slothful}}, {{iconify|wroth}} or {{iconify|gregarious}} guest. | ||
=== | === 事件=== | ||
A set of events can also trigger for a Hermetist, most of all for a Magus, distinct from fending off saboteurs, approving others' articles and getting involved in debates. | A set of events can also trigger for a Hermetist, most of all for a Magus, distinct from fending off saboteurs, approving others' articles and getting involved in debates. | ||
第295行: | 第322行: | ||
[[File:The Assassins.png|30px]] '''The Assassins''', also known as the '''Hashashin''', are a secret society that defend the interests of Shia [[Islam]] through intimidation and murder. To join, one must follow a Muslim faith or Muslim heresy. If not Shiite or secretly Shiite, the player gets the option to become either Shiite or secretly Shiite to join. Players can also join if they are not {{iconify|Zealous}} and are within 300 [[distance]] of a playable-tier ruler who is publicly Shiite. Other members will potentially join your murder plots if they are within range, allowing you much greater plot power than non-members can achieve. | [[File:The Assassins.png|30px]] '''The Assassins''', also known as the '''Hashashin''', are a secret society that defend the interests of Shia [[Islam]] through intimidation and murder. To join, one must follow a Muslim faith or Muslim heresy. If not Shiite or secretly Shiite, the player gets the option to become either Shiite or secretly Shiite to join. Players can also join if they are not {{iconify|Zealous}} and are within 300 [[distance]] of a playable-tier ruler who is publicly Shiite. Other members will potentially join your murder plots if they are within range, allowing you much greater plot power than non-members can achieve. | ||
=== | 刺客,也被称为Hashashin,是一个通过恐吓和谋杀来维护什叶派伊斯兰利益的秘密团体。要加入,你必须信奉穆斯林信仰或穆斯林异端。如果不是什叶派或秘密什叶派,玩家可以选择成为什叶派或秘密什叶派。玩家也可以加入,如果他们不是狂热分子,并且在300范围内的可玩统治者是公开的什叶派。如果其他成员在范围内,他们可能会加入你的谋杀阴谋,这让你比非成员拥有更大的阴谋力量。 | ||
=== 任务=== | |||
*''' '' Kill an infidel'' '''. | *''' '' Kill an infidel'' '''. | ||
第309行: | 第338行: | ||
{| class="wikitable" | {| class="wikitable" | ||
|- | |- | ||
! | ! 等级!! 能力!! 效果 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|1||'''''向阿萨辛借钱'''''||Get 50 coins from the society, or 250/500 coins in exchange of Divine Power. You cannot borrow money as the Grandmaster. You have to pay back in 1000 to 2000 days or on succession. You can pay for a castle/a child if the holy order is active. If you refuse, other Assassins can get mission to get money from you (threaten you, someone dear to you, or a bad modifier to demesne). | |1||'''''向阿萨辛借钱'''''||Get 50 coins from the society, or 250/500 coins in exchange of Divine Power. You cannot borrow money as the Grandmaster. You have to pay back in 1000 to 2000 days or on succession. You can pay for a castle/a child if the holy order is active. If you refuse, other Assassins can get mission to get money from you (threaten you, someone dear to you, or a bad modifier to demesne). | ||
第327行: | 第356行: | ||
|4||'''''死亡标记'''''||Mark someone for assassination to encourage other members to go after your mark. | |4||'''''死亡标记'''''||Mark someone for assassination to encourage other members to go after your mark. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|4||''' ''(服从)'' '''|| | |4||''' ''(服从)'' '''|| 被动: 位阶较低的成员很可能同意你的 [[Diplomatic actions|diplomatic requests]]. | ||
|} | |} | ||
第340行: | 第369行: | ||
==恶魔崇拜者== | ==恶魔崇拜者== | ||
恶魔崇拜者无疑是最大的秘密组织。它的成员有许多杀死或残害他们的敌人的工具或途径。 | |||
想要参加该社团,角色需要至少拥有七宗罪之一: {{iconify|Lustful}}, {{iconify|Gluttonous}}, {{iconify|Greedy}}, {{iconify|Slothful}}, {{iconify|Wroth}}, {{iconify|Envious}}, {{iconify|Proud}}, 或者以下特质之一: {{iconify|Cannibal}}, {{iconify|Cynical}}, {{iconify|Drunkard}}, {{iconify|Hedonist}}, {{iconify|Impaler}}, {{iconify|Lunatic}}, or {{iconify|Possessed}} 。之后恶魔崇拜者就可能会联系角色,或者角色主动在社团界面选择对展露对该社团的兴趣。(前者是随机触发的,后者是固定在选择后的几个月内有恶魔崇拜者主动联系)。 | |||
AI | AI 角色如果有[[Traits#Bad_priests|bad priest]] [[File:bad_priest_christian.png|Wicked Priest|link=Traits#Bad_priests]] 特质,也可以加入并被招募。 | ||
当你选择加入该社团后,一连串的[[Events|事件]] 就会触发。角色会在经历事件中得到 {{iconify|Wounded}} , 并认识一位迷人的异性高手,教角色学会“社交”。 | |||
''' | ''' 注意:''' 当你是恶魔崇拜者的一员时,你会受到持续的影响,周期性地使你产生一些不良的个性特质,比如 {{iconify|Arbitrary}} 或者 {{iconify|Cruel}} 。有时甚至是负面的遗传特质,比如{{iconify|Lisp}} , {{iconify|Hunchback}} 或者 {{iconify|Clubfooted}} ,除此之外还有一些没有被列在这里的负面特质。每当你使用恶魔崇拜者的技能时,你都会被额外的叠加获得负面特质的概率,并且当你在一定的时间范围内使用过多的技能或参与过多的恶魔事件时,负面结果的总概率会增加。 | ||
===Missions=== | ===Missions=== | ||
An adept, once he enters, will have to complete a number of missions in order to progress hierarchically. It is especially important to complete all of them, as opportunities to gain Dark Power are rare. | An adept, once he enters, will have to complete a number of missions in order to progress hierarchically. It is especially important to complete all of them, as opportunities to gain Dark Power are rare. | ||
*''' '' | *''' '' 献祭圣职者。''''' In order to succeed at this mission, the demon worshipper will have to sacrifice to his evil god (Iblis, Tchernobog, Satan...) any person that is an [[Traits#Ascetic_traits|ascetic]] or a priest. In order to do so, they must be in you prison so you will have to kidnap, arrest or capture the target before sacrificing them. | ||
*''' '' | *''' '' 献祭领主。'''''Same thing as sacrificing a holy person, except that this time the victim must be a [[Feudal]], [[Tribal]] or [[Nomadic]] ruler. | ||
*''' ''Corrupt a priest'''''. This time, the evil worshipper will have to find a priest that has any Sin [[traits]], and then attempt via a diplomatic action to corrupt him. Success depends on the option one chooses: in order to corrupt a priest that is {{iconify|Lustful}}, you will need to choose the sex orgy option. On success, the priest gains a {{green|+50}} opinion bonus towards you, ''freed my depravation''. You will also earn 300 Dark Power. | *''' ''Corrupt a priest'''''. This time, the evil worshipper will have to find a priest that has any Sin [[traits]], and then attempt via a diplomatic action to corrupt him. Success depends on the option one chooses: in order to corrupt a priest that is {{iconify|Lustful}}, you will need to choose the sex orgy option. On success, the priest gains a {{green|+50}} opinion bonus towards you, ''freed my depravation''. You will also earn 300 Dark Power. | ||
*''' '' | *''' ''Desecrate a temple'''''. Once this mission is accepted, one will receive a series of [[Events]] after selecting the temple he wishes to desecrate, and upon success gain 200-300 Dark Power. The temple will gain the ''Desecrated temple'' modifier, and the religion's moral authority is reduced by 1%. | ||
*''' ''Sacrifice a child'''''. This time, the mission's goal is to sacrifice a child, who has to be kidnapped or captured. It is usually highly rewarded, with 300 Dark Power at the least, as massacring such a young and innocent soul pleases the Dark Gods. | *''' ''Sacrifice a child'''''. This time, the mission's goal is to sacrifice a child, who has to be kidnapped or captured. It is usually highly rewarded, with 300 Dark Power at the least, as massacring such a young and innocent soul pleases the Dark Gods. | ||
第369行: | 第398行: | ||
{| class="wikitable" | {| class="wikitable" | ||
|- | |- | ||
! | ! 等级!! 能力!! 效果 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|1||'''''献祭给撒旦'''''|| | |1||'''''献祭给撒旦'''''|| 将囚犯献祭给撒旦。年龄,宗教正义与级别影响得到的奉献值。 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|1||'''''尝试绑架'''''|| | |1||'''''尝试绑架'''''|| 尝试绑架一个角色,花费取决于角色的级别。不能绑架公爵以上的角色(除非他们没有土地),贵族,同一宫廷中的子女或配偶。 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|2||'''''召唤使魔'''''|| | |2||'''''召唤使魔'''''|| 可以选择猫,狼,鸥或者乌鸦以获得不同的状态奖励 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|2||'''''感染之触'''''|| | |2||'''''感染之触'''''|| 一个身体上的诅咒,给予被施与者一个随机的疾病,疾病来自瘟疫或流行病。 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|2||'''''恶魔附体'''''||Let demon possess your Vassals, Courtiers, and Rivals. Increase their relationship toward you by {{green|+50}} with the ''Loyal Servant'' modifier, but also grant them the {{iconify|Possessed}} trait. | |2||'''''恶魔附体'''''||Let demon possess your Vassals, Courtiers, and Rivals. Increase their relationship toward you by {{green|+50}} with the ''Loyal Servant'' modifier, but also grant them the {{iconify|Possessed}} trait. | ||
第391行: | 第420行: | ||
|4||'''''邪恶妊娠'''''||Impregnates a female member of your society with a bastard child. | |4||'''''邪恶妊娠'''''||Impregnates a female member of your society with a bastard child. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|4||''' ''(顺从)'' '''|| | |4||''' ''(顺从)'' '''|| 被动: 位阶较低的成员很可能同意你的 [[Diplomatic actions|diplomatic requests]]. | ||
|} | |} | ||
==== | ==== 注意==== | ||
* | * 不像其它的宠物[[ 修正]] ,召唤的使魔不会被其它角色所见。可选的使魔包括: | ||
** | ** 猫(+3 密谋) | ||
** | ** 狼 (+1 密谋, +2 军事) | ||
** | ** 猫头鹰 (+1 密谋, +2 学识) | ||
** | ** 乌鸦 (+1 密谋, +2 管理) | ||
* | * 被恶魔附体的内阁成员, 在[[ 内阁投票]] 中会按照其领主的意愿投票,效果类似于效忠者内阁成员,但是其立场“徽章”不会变化为效忠者。 | ||
=== | === 事件=== | ||
A number of events will take place with or around a demon worshipper. Each of them can be repeatable. | A number of events will take place with or around a demon worshipper. Each of them can be repeatable. | ||
第419行: | 第447行: | ||
At the end of the night, the two worshippers will end up in a bar, and drink a lot. Often, one of them will attempt to drug the other, which can result in the {{iconify|Frail}}, {{iconify|Possessed}}, {{iconify|Dull}} or {{iconify|Robust}} traits for instance. | At the end of the night, the two worshippers will end up in a bar, and drink a lot. Often, one of them will attempt to drug the other, which can result in the {{iconify|Frail}}, {{iconify|Possessed}}, {{iconify|Dull}} or {{iconify|Robust}} traits for instance. | ||
''' '' A Grand Summoning '' ''' | |||
The demon worshipper can find an ancient clay tablet with the missing incantation, and try to invoke a certain demon to get power. | |||
If succeed, one can get power from one of the demons below: | |||
*Baalberith, the demon prince of murder and chief secretary of Hell, blessed one with overflowing coffers.(+0.2 global tax modifier) | |||
*Azazel, the Fallen Angel of War, blessed one with martial prowess. (+3 Martial) | |||
*Avnas, the great demon, blessed one with secret knowledge. (+3 Learning) | |||
*Belial, the Demon Prince of Trickery, blessed one with charm and a glib tongue. (+3 Diplomacy) | |||
*Mammon, Prince of Hell, blessed one with business acumen. (+3 Stewardship) | |||
*Vetis, the Tempter of the Holy, blessed one with a devious mind. (+3 Intrigue) | |||
In a special impromptu orgy, one can also get power from Satyrs or Lilith (+25% Fertility,+10 Sex appeal opinion), depending on one's gender. | |||
However, if something wrong happened when inkvoking demon, one may get Bad traits. | |||
''' '' A Dark Dream '' ''' | ''' '' A Dark Dream '' ''' | ||
第450行: | 第494行: | ||
The ''Obedience'' of the worshippers will be total, which allows him to vassalise Demon Worshipping Kings for instance, if he is an emperor, and even independent rulers that aren't even close to his borders. His high skills will undoubtedly lead to the creation of a devil worshipping Empire up until his death, and even afterwards. | The ''Obedience'' of the worshippers will be total, which allows him to vassalise Demon Worshipping Kings for instance, if he is an emperor, and even independent rulers that aren't even close to his borders. His high skills will undoubtedly lead to the creation of a devil worshipping Empire up until his death, and even afterwards. | ||
=== | === 名称=== | ||
This society has received various names depending on the religion of its followers. Originally, "Lucifer's Own" was intended to be called "The Satanists", while "The Fellowship of Hel" was originally named "The Trollcrafters". | This society has received various names depending on the religion of its followers. Originally, "Lucifer's Own" was intended to be called "The Satanists", while "The Fellowship of Hel" was originally named "The Trollcrafters". | ||
第513行: | 第557行: | ||
*Have Tribal or {{icon|hl}}Nomadic Government | *Have Tribal or {{icon|hl}}Nomadic Government | ||
* | * 不为狂热 {{iconify|Zealous}} | ||
*Have a vassal, liege, or neighboring pagan ruler of the religion associated with the society you want to join (this tends to exclude Irish tribes, for example) | *Have a vassal, liege, or neighboring pagan ruler of the religion associated with the society you want to join (this tends to exclude Irish tribes, for example) | ||
*The warrior lodge has at least 10 members | *The warrior lodge has at least 10 members | ||
第568行: | 第612行: | ||
!Level!!Power!!Lodge!!Effect | !Level!!Power!!Lodge!!Effect | ||
|- | |- | ||
|1||'''''强悍'''''||{{iconify|Bön}} <br /><br /> | |1||'''''强悍'''''||{{iconify|Bön}} <br /><br /> 光明哨兵||Spend renown to remove physical injuries | ||
|- | |- | ||
|1||'''''变成狂战士'''''||{{iconify|Germanic}} <br /><br /> | |1||'''''变成狂战士'''''||{{iconify|Germanic}} <br /><br /> 狂狼战士||Go berserk, losing patient, wroth, and defensive leader traits, gaining aggressive leader and potentially the berserker traits (or potentially harming others). Can be used to try to escape out of prison. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|2||'''''大草原的呼唤'''''||{{iconify|Tengri}} <br /><br /> | |2||'''''大草原的呼唤'''''||{{iconify|Tengri}} <br /><br /> 鹰武士||If Nomadic, gives 1000 Population and 500 manpower. <br /> <br /> If Non-Nomadic, get a bonus to levy reinforcement rate. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|2||'''''同舟共济'''''||{{iconify|Slavic}} <br /> | |2||'''''同舟共济'''''||{{iconify|Slavic}} <br /> 佩伦勇者 | ||
|Summons a landless Slavic lodge member to lead a band of warriors in an ongoing war. | |||
|- | |- | ||
|2||'''''进入战斗专注状态'''''||{{iconify|Zunist}} <br /><br /> | |2||'''''进入战斗专注状态'''''||{{iconify|Zunist}} <br /><br /> 烈焰守护||Reduce fertility and health for a bonus to Center flank command, Personal Combat Skill, or Morale Defence and Offence. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|3||'''''召集乌戈战士'''''||{{iconify|Suomenusko}} <br /><br /> | |3||'''''召集乌戈战士'''''||{{iconify|Suomenusko}} <br /><br /> 奥措追随者||Calls for warriors to assist in an ongoing war. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|3||'''''波罗的要塞群'''''||{{iconify|Romuva}} <br /><br /> | |3||'''''波罗的要塞群'''''||{{iconify|Romuva}} <br /><br /> 梅代娜大队||Instantly builds fortifications in settlements for renown cost. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|4||'''''创制物神'''''||{{iconify|African}} <br /><br /> | |4||'''''创制物神'''''||{{iconify|African}} <br /><br /> 风暴之子||Gain a powerful Fetish [[artifact]]. | ||
|} | |} | ||
第598行: | 第643行: | ||
{| class="wikitable" | {| class="wikitable" | ||
|- | |- | ||
! | ! 等级!! 能力!! 目标!! 描述!! 要求!! 代价!!Visibility effect | ||
|- | |- | ||
|1||'''''招募'''''|| | |1||'''''招募'''''|| 成人||Invite a character who shares your secret religion to become a fellow cult member||10y cooldown|| 无||+5 (+2 if grandmaster) | ||
|- | |- | ||
|1||'''''引导儿童信仰'''''|| | |1||'''''引导儿童信仰'''''|| 儿童||Try to secretly convert your son, daughter, or ward.||Child is at least 8 years old. Must be parent or educator.<br>6y cooldown|| 无||+5 (+2 if grandmaster) | ||
|- | |- | ||
|1||'''''唤起同情'''''|| | |1||'''''唤起同情'''''|| 成人||Try to give the character [[Traits#Sympathy for other religious groups|sympathy for your true religious group]].||Target follows another religion group (and does not secretly follow your exact religion).<br>10y cooldown||50 (free if quest target)||+2 (+0 if grandmaster) | ||
|- | |- | ||
|2||'''''引导成人'''''|| | |2||'''''引导成人'''''|| 成人||Try to secretly convert any adult in the realm.<br><br>If successful, you may also invite them to join the cult without further visibility cost.||If the target follows a religion in another group, they must have sympathy for your true group.<br>10y cooldown||150 (50 if target is not a ruler)||+5 (+2 if grandmaster) | ||
|- | |- | ||
|3||'''''做好准备'''''|| | |3||'''''做好准备'''''|| 伯爵领||Try to create a secret religious community in a province.<br><br>More likely to succeed in demesne counties and with high diplomacy skill. If successful, the province will be ready to flip instantly when you openly convert.||Control the province (or at least control a barony and be in the same top realm as the count?)||300 (free for AI)||+5 (+2 if grandmaster) | ||
|- | |- | ||
|4||'''''公开承认秘密信仰'''''||None||All members of the cult switch their public religion. Non-members with the same secret religion get an option to do the same, as do characters with sympathy for the religion group. Rulers immediately convert demesne provinces that had successfully prepared grounds. <br><br>Note: any follower of a secret religion may decide to make it their public religion, but only this expensive ability causes other cultists to automatically do the same.||Must be at peace.||500 (free for AI)||No longer a cultist! | |4||'''''公开承认秘密信仰'''''||None||All members of the cult switch their public religion. Non-members with the same secret religion get an option to do the same, as do characters with sympathy for the religion group. Rulers immediately convert demesne provinces that had successfully prepared grounds. <br><br>Note: any follower of a secret religion may decide to make it their public religion, but only this expensive ability causes other cultists to automatically do the same.||Must be at peace.||500 (free for AI)||No longer a cultist! | ||
第661行: | 第706行: | ||
|胡儒非派虔信者||Hurufi||''胡儒非派教徒遵循古兰经的教导,那是穆罕默德对安拉转述。他们宣称穆罕默德是被安拉选中的先知和最初的伊玛目。他们传播他们的信念,即安拉通过穆罕默德选择阿里作为他的继承人,并因此成为伊斯兰教的第一个哈里发。他们坚持这是安拉的意志。'' | |胡儒非派虔信者||Hurufi||''胡儒非派教徒遵循古兰经的教导,那是穆罕默德对安拉转述。他们宣称穆罕默德是被安拉选中的先知和最初的伊玛目。他们传播他们的信念,即安拉通过穆罕默德选择阿里作为他的继承人,并因此成为伊斯兰教的第一个哈里发。他们坚持这是安拉的意志。'' | ||
|- | |- | ||
|待定||Qarmatian||''待定'' | |待定||Qarmatian||''待定'' '''Note: the Qarmatian secret society is fully functional despite lacking flavor text.''' | ||
|- | |- | ||
|伊巴德派虔信者|| |[[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]]||''伊巴德派的信仰据说早于伊斯兰教逊尼派和什叶派。这些后来的分支和正统的伊巴德派之间有一些教义上的分歧,如,伊巴德派不相信所有的穆斯林集体都需要一个领袖。但无论如何,他们对安拉的狂热信仰是一样的。'' | |伊巴德派虔信者|| |[[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]]||''伊巴德派的信仰据说早于伊斯兰教逊尼派和什叶派。这些后来的分支和正统的伊巴德派之间有一些教义上的分歧,如,伊巴德派不相信所有的穆斯林集体都需要一个领袖。但无论如何,他们对安拉的狂热信仰是一样的。'' | ||
第730行: | 第775行: | ||
|} | |} | ||
=== Short guide === | ===Short guide=== | ||
All these events are random for AI characters, but they are weighted by various things, and | All these events are random for AI characters, but they are weighted by various things, and | ||
==== Evoke sympathy ==== | ====Evoke sympathy==== | ||
Base chances: | Base chances: | ||
{| class="wikitable" | {| class="wikitable" | ||
|- | |- | ||
! Condition !! Success chance !! Failure chance | !Condition!!Success chance!!Failure chance | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Base chance || 60% || 40% | |Base chance||60%||40% | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target {{iconify|Kind}} || x3|| | |Target {{iconify|Kind}}||x3|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target {{iconify|Just}} || x2 || | |Target {{iconify|Just}}||x2|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target {{iconify|Trusting}} || x2 || | |Target {{iconify|Trusting}}||x2|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target {{iconify|Patient}} || x1.5 || | |Target {{iconify|Patient}}||x1.5|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target {{iconify|Charitable}} || x1.5 || | |Target {{iconify|Charitable}}||x1.5|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target is religious head || x0 || | |Target is religious head||x0|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 12+ || x1.4 || | |Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 12+||x1.4|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 14+ || x1.3 || | |Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 14+||x1.3|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 16+ || x1.2 || | |Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 16+||x1.2|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target {{iconify|Zealous}} || || x5 | |Target {{iconify|Zealous}}|| ||x5 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target {{iconify|Cruel}} || || x3 | |Target {{iconify|Cruel}}|| ||x3 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target {{iconify|Arbitrary}} || || x3 | |Target {{iconify|Arbitrary}}|| ||x3 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target is priest || || x2 | |Target is priest|| ||x2 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 7- || | |Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 7-|| ||x2 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target baron+ || || x1.2 | |Target baron+|| ||x1.2 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target duke+ || || x1.4 | |Target duke+|| ||x1.4 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target king+ || || x1.7 | |Target king+|| ||x1.7 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target emperor+ || || x2 | |Target emperor+|| ||x2 | ||
|} | |} | ||
第780行: | 第825行: | ||
{| class="wikitable" | {| class="wikitable" | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Option || Traits || Educations || Other | |Option||Traits||Educations||Other | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Talk about friends and family || {{iconify|Gregarious}} {{iconify|Socializer}} {{iconify|Kind}} || [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] || has friend, has lover, has child with 35+ opinion | |Talk about friends and family||{{iconify|Gregarious}} {{iconify|Socializer}} {{iconify|Kind}}||[[File:Icon diplomacy.png]]||has friend, has lover, has child with 35+ opinion | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Talk about trauma || {{iconify|Craven}} {{iconify|Kind}} {{iconify|Scarred}} || || injured, weak, disability, mental disorder, bad genes | |Talk about trauma||{{iconify|Craven}} {{iconify|Kind}} {{iconify|Scarred}}|| ||injured, weak, disability, mental disorder, bad genes | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Talk about profit || {{iconify|Greedy}} {{iconify|Ambitious}} {{iconify|Cynical}} {{iconify|Administrator}} {{iconify|Diligent}} || [[File:Icon stewardship.png]] || smart | |Talk about profit||{{iconify|Greedy}} {{iconify|Ambitious}} {{iconify|Cynical}} {{iconify|Administrator}} {{iconify|Diligent}}||[[File:Icon stewardship.png]]||smart | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Talk about personal interest || || || Target '''must''' have least 15+ opinion of you. 50+ is sufficient by itself. Otherwise must be friend, lover, liege (direct or not) or close relative, or you must have 15+ [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy. | |Talk about personal interest|| || ||Target '''must''' have least 15+ opinion of you. 50+ is sufficient by itself. Otherwise must be friend, lover, liege (direct or not) or close relative, or you must have 15+ [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy. | ||
|} | |} | ||
==== Induct adult ==== | ====Induct adult==== | ||
Base chances: | Base chances: | ||
{| class="wikitable" | {| class="wikitable" | ||
|- | |- | ||
! Condition !! Success chance !! Failure chance | !Condition!!Success chance!!Failure chance | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Base chance || 60% || 40% | |Base chance||60%||40% | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target {{iconify|Trusting}} || x2 || | |Target {{iconify|Trusting}}||x2|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target is religious head || x0 || | |Target is religious head||x0|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 12+ || x1.4 || | |Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 12+||x1.4|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 14+ || x1.4 || | |Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 14+||x1.4|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 16+ || x1.3 || | |Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 16+||x1.3|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 18+ || x1.3 || | |Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 18+||x1.3|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 20+ || x1.2 || | |Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 20+||x1.2|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 22+ || x1.2 || | |Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 22+||x1.2|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target is priest || || x4 | |Target is priest|| ||x4 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target {{iconify|Paranoid}} || || x10 | |Target {{iconify|Paranoid}}|| ||x10 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target {{iconify|Zealous}} || || x100 | |Target {{iconify|Zealous}}|| ||x100 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 7- || | |Cultist [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] Diplomacy 7-|| ||x2 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target baron+ || || x2 | |Target baron+|| ||x2 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target count+ || || x3 | |Target count+|| ||x3 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target duke+ || || x4 | |Target duke+|| ||x4 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target king+ || || x16 | |Target king+|| ||x16 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Target emperor+ || || x32 | |Target emperor+|| ||x32 | ||
|} | |} | ||
第837行: | 第882行: | ||
{| class="wikitable" | {| class="wikitable" | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Option || Traits || Education or lifestyle || Other | |Option||Traits||Education or lifestyle||Other | ||
|- | |- | ||
| War || {{iconify|Brave}} || [[File:Icon martial.png]] || Is marshal | |War||{{iconify|Brave}}||[[File:Icon martial.png]]||Is marshal | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Community || {{iconify|Gregarious}} || [[File:Icon diplomacy.png]] || Has friend, lover, or child with 35+ opinion | |Community||{{iconify|Gregarious}}||[[File:Icon diplomacy.png]]||Has friend, lover, or child with 35+ opinion | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Philosophy || {{iconify|Erudite}} || [[File:Icon learning.png]] || | |Philosophy||{{iconify|Erudite}}||[[File:Icon learning.png]]|| | ||
|- | |- | ||
| Ruler || {{iconify|Just}} {{iconify|Ambitious}} || [[File:icon stewardship.png]] || | |Ruler||{{iconify|Just}} {{iconify|Ambitious}}||[[File:icon stewardship.png]]|| | ||
|} | |} | ||
=== External guide === | ===External guide=== | ||
[https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/6b0exk/guide_for_converting_people_to_a_secret_cult/dhju0ua/ Guide for converting people to a secret cult] | [https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/6b0exk/guide_for_converting_people_to_a_secret_cult/dhju0ua/ Guide for converting people to a secret cult] |
2022年4月6日 (三) 21:56的最新版本
DLC | 社团 | 秘密性 | 属性 | 要求 | 描述 |
修会 | 公开 | 多样化 | 从事宗教活动,可能会导致独身 | ||
赫耳墨斯学会 | 公开 | 学识 | 10+ 学识 | 专注于科学实验,提升学识能力 | |
阿萨辛派 | 秘密 | 密谋 | 满足一下两个条件之一:1.公开或秘密信仰什叶派 2.附近有伯爵及以上等级的什叶派领主且自己没有狂热特质 | 通过恐吓和谋杀保卫什叶派伊斯兰教 | |
恶魔崇拜者 | 秘密 | 密谋 | 至少拥有愤世嫉俗 特质或者七原罪之一 | 强大的异能力,可能使灵魂沉沦 | |
战士公会 | 公开 | 军事 | 部落制或者原始宗教 | 在对抗敌人的战斗中取得优势 | |
无 | 秘密教团 | 秘密 | 外交 | 秘密宗教 | 宣传你的秘密宗教 |
修会(英文:Monastic Order)针对于角色学习和教导美德,消除邪恶的特质和转变领地内宗教。 例如,让这些修士会的导师通过给予社团4级角色一些可观的奖励,像是消除其原罪,获得属性奖励或是美德等等。
- 神学重心
- 慈善捐赠
- 帮助修建新的神殿
- 去朝圣
- 进行祷告或是冥想
- 给予精神指导
- 宣誓独身
- 解除独身誓言
- 邀请禁欲者到宫廷
- 通过事件给予被监护人永久状态加成
- 转换省份宗教
- 任务成功时,成员可能会得到一个美德特质 ,,,,,,(也可能 , 或 ),或者移除一个七宗罪特质 ,,,,,,(也可能 ,, 或 )。这有利于满足圣人的条件。
修会名 | 宗教 | 属性 | 描述 | 备注 | |
本笃会 | 管理 | 本笃会是一个古老的修道院团体,以「Ora et Labora」作为他们的箴言,意为「祈祷与工作」,常常因为他们身着黑色僧衣而被认出。他们崇拜上帝,在祈祷和静默中寻找目的,同时也从事学术上的工作。 | 管理加成,不同于其他修会是学识加成。 | ||
道明会 | 学识 | 道明会能够倾听任何基督徒的忏悔——身穿着黑白相间的修士服,他们领导着宗教裁判所,肩负着辨别异端的使命。作为他们修会的在俗会员,你不该再去追求物质的财富,而是要努力成为真理的探索者。 | 学识加成。 | ||
圣巴西略修会 | 学识 | 圣巴西略的追随者过着苦行的生活,他们在祈祷与工作中寻找目的,通常以帮助他们的同胞的名义劳作。修会的在俗成员不需要过隐士的生活——相反,他们应该把注意力放在帮助社团的成员上。 | 大圣衣修士从宗教封臣处获得更多收入。 | ||
圣亚伯拉罕修会 | 学识 | 大圣亚伯拉罕修会遵循由卡什卡尔的亚伯拉罕所确立的修行制度。其成员发誓严格遵守并服从、传播三位聂斯脱里派圣师的话语,他们分别是聂斯脱里、塔尔索的狄奥多罗斯,还有摩普绥提亚的西奥多。只有识字且严格遵守独身主义的人才能够加入修会。学习和传教是教团的角柱,并且,作为其成员,你有责任向更遥远的东方继续传播聂斯脱里派信仰。 | 大圣衣修士从宗教封臣处获得更多收入。 | ||
圣安东尼修会 | 学识 | 圣安东尼修会遵循最古老的清规戒律,最初由埃及的圣安东尼,底比斯的圣保罗,圣马卡里乌斯和圣帕柯缪建立。埃及沙漠的伟大教父精神使我们重视朴素,顺从和谦卑。合性派修道士的使命是用工作去传播基督的圣言,立足于世界上最古老的基督教修道传统。 | 大圣衣修士从宗教封臣处获得更多收入。 | ||
不二论僧会 | 学识 | 印度教寺院中的僧侣的目标是成为社会的综合和支柱的力量。僧人可以通过冥想、经文研究或者通过慈善和参与当地经济来寻求灵性启蒙。这些寺院经常被印度统治者所尊崇。 | 阿阇梨获得生育能力和健康加成。 | ||
声闻僧伽(Savaka-Sangha) | 外交 | 佛教僧院的成员们应遵循一套严格的规则,目的是通过简朴冥想的生活来达到涅槃。比丘们誓言放弃除生存必须外的全部物质财产,只依靠他人的施舍生活。 | 注重外交而不是学识。阿罗汉可极大地降低叛乱风险。 | ||
声闻僧伽(Sravaka-Samgha) | 学识 | 耆那教僧侣立誓信守一些誓词、规章、基本职责和约束。他们弃绝所有的个人财产,寻求净化和自我觉悟。 | 阿阇梨和达摩宗教有高关系加成。 | ||
斯多葛学者 | 学识 | 源自希腊的斯多葛学派立足于对冲动与狂热的克制,以求得一种平衡、理性的生活方式,关注睿智、勇气、温和以及正直的美德。大多数门人相信学习哲学与合乎美德的生活能带来幸福。 | 必须通过决议创立 也允许罗马文化的基督徒、犹太教信徒、苯教和佛教徒加入。 |
每个特质给予你 +奉献值(社团贡献)和 +成员分数%。
能力 | 社团 | 等级 | 花费 | 对象 | 效果 |
搜捕叛教者 | 道明会 | 1 | 免费 | 被动 | 作为道明会成员的宫廷司祭在搜捕叛教者方面有显著加成。这是基于朝廷牧师自己的成员资格,而不是领主的。 |
达摩的智慧 | - 声闻僧伽(Sravaka-Samgha) - 声闻僧伽(Savaka-Sangha) |
1 | 免费 | 自身 | 能让你逐渐失去邪恶特质并获得正面特质 |
<Society Saint> 的智慧 | 全部,除了 - 声闻僧伽(Sravaka-Samgha) - 声闻僧伽(Savaka-Sangha) |
1 | 免费 | 被监护人 | 你的被监护人在教育中有机会增加属性点,在成人时,还有机会失去恶劣的特质并获得美德。 |
宣誓独身 | 全部 | 2 | 免费 | 决议 | 允许你使用密谋界面中的决议成为独身者。 |
放弃独身誓言 | 全部 | 2 | 免费 | 决议 | 允许你使用密谋界面中的决议停止独身。 |
给予精神指导 | 全部 | 2 | 300 | - 领地中有地角色 - 亲戚 - 社团成员伙伴 |
允许你右键点击领地中的有地角色或者你的亲戚、你的社团成员伙伴,来改掉他们的恶习。你只能移除你自己所不具备的恶习。 |
邀请苦行圣者 | 全部 | 3 | 300 | 决议 | 允许你邀请一位有学问的苦行者到你的宫廷。 |
传授美德 | 全部 | 3 | 500 | - 领地中有地角色 - 亲戚 - 社团成员伙伴 |
允许你右键点击你的领地中的有地角色、你的亲戚或者你的社团成员同伴来赋予他们一种新的美德。你只能赋予你自己所具备的美德。 |
本笃会的勤勉精神 | 本笃会 | 4 | 免费 | 自身 | 当你到达四阶的时候,本笃会的同伴将会接触你,来帮你变得更加勤勉。 |
对省份传教 | 全部,除了 - 斯多葛学者 |
4 | 1000 | 省份 | 允许右击一个伯爵领头衔的盾徽,使当地居民皈依你的宗教。 |
开化省份 | 斯多葛学者 | 4 | 1000 | 省份 | 允许右击一个伯爵领头衔的盾徽,使当地居民转变为你的文化。 |
社团 | 等级 | 效果 |
全部 | 1 | +0.05 每月虔诚 -15% 生育能力 |
全部 | 2 | +0.1 每月虔诚 +1 属性 -15% 生育能力 |
全部 | 3 | +0.2 每月虔诚 +2 属性 -15% 生育能力 -0.25 神殿建造花费修正 |
全部 | 4 | +0.5 每月虔诚 +3 属性 -15% 生育能力 -0.5 神殿建造花费修正 |
社团 | 等级 | 效果 |
道明会 | 4 | 通用效果 Lvl 4 显著增加宫廷司祭转化省份宗教的能力 |
圣巴西略修会 | 4 | 通用效果 Lvl 4 +10% 宗教封臣税收 |
圣亚伯拉罕修会 | 4 | 通用效果 Lvl 4 +10% 宗教封臣税收 |
圣安东尼修会 | 4 | 通用效果 Lvl 4 +10% 宗教封臣税收 |
不二论僧会 | 4 | 通用效果 Lvl 4,除了生育能力 +15% 生育能力 +1 健康 |
声闻僧伽(Savaka-Sangha) | 4 | 通用效果 Lvl 4 -8% 国家叛乱风险 |
声闻僧伽(Sravaka-Samgha) | 4 | 通用效果 Lvl 4 +30 同宗教好感 +15 印度教好感 +15 佛教好感 |
斯多葛学者 | 3 | 通用效果 Lvl 3,除了属性和神殿建造花费修正 +1 学识 +1 外交 -0.25 城市建造花费修正 |
斯多葛学者 | 4 | 通用效果 Lvl 4,除了属性和神殿建造花费修正 +2 学识 +1 外交 -0.50 城市建造花费修正 |
只要角色成年,有10学识,并且信仰上述宗教之一,就可以立即加入赫尔墨斯学会。 如果你是部落制或游牧制政体则不能加入。
一旦社团成员晋升到第二阶,他将获得建造实验室的机会。然后,一个特殊的决议将变得可用,从而触发事件链。然后成员将不得不为建造材料提供资金(如果他全部支付,总成本约为150财富) ,并决定是否将安全优先于效率。
- 去“……”的废墟中寻找。风险因冒险者的学识而异,但通常成功的几率在60% 左右。完成的奖励是300点深奥知识。
- 去“ ...... ”的古董店里找一本书。该选项有很大的成功机会(约80%)并且更具成本效益,因为一旦成功,冒险者将获得200点深奥知识。
- 去当地的图书馆寻找一张羊皮纸。这种选择要便宜得多,因为它只需花费100财富左右,而且几乎肯定会成功。然而,一个人在完成时只能获得100点深奥知识。
- 「当然,当然……?」:增加星象知识。这位内阁成员被开除,获得好感修正“从宫廷开除”,-15好感,持续5年。
- 「非常抱歉,你能给我再解释一下这件事吗?」:这位内阁成员获得好感修正“生气”,-15好感,持续5年。
- 我们不能简单地从这项任务中休息一下。 或 为什么我们要争论这些……?!:增加星象知识。如果是情人,有几率不再是情人。配偶获得好感修正“冷落”,-35好感,持续10年。
- 当然,我会花更多的时间和你在一起,[target_spouse.GetFirstName]。 或 你是对的,[target_spouse.GetFirstName],我将改变我的优先级。:配偶获得好感修正“解脱”,+10好感,持续10年。
- 金钱怎么能和知识相提并论?:增加星象知识,获得角色修正“被忽视的账务”,-1管理,持续5年,失去一半年收入,最少25财富,最多70财富。
- 有些责任不能被忽视。:失去30%年收入,最少15财富,最多40财富。
- 一切都已经很清楚了。:+10深奥学识。
- 我应该一直这样努力输出成果。:拥有 时可触发,有30%几率移除此特质。
- 研究浩瀚天空给了我新的观点看法。:拥有 时可触发,有30%几率移除此特质。
- 我给我的生活中找到了一个新的意义。:拥有 时可触发,有30%几率移除此特质。
- 我会燃烧[GetSelectedIngredient_1],让气味淹没我的感官。:有30%几率增加星象知识。
- 我会做一锅[GetSelectedIngredient_2]……!:有40%几率增加星象知识。
- 我会把一块[GetSelectedIngredient_2]放在枕头下面睡觉。:有50%几率增加星象知识。
- 我会试试新东西……!:有85%几率增加星象知识,15%几率残废。
- 我……最近我有很多重要的事情要做。:有几率不再是朋友,对方获得好感修正“遗忘活动”,-35好感,持续15年。学会成员增加星象知识。
- 我理解你为什么这么烦恼了,我非常抱歉,[target_friend.GetFirstName]。:对方获得好感修正“遗忘活动”,-20好感,持续15年。
- 分享原料制品,学会成员增加星象知识:
- 我们谈谈这个,我酿造了些安神的东西。,对方获得好感修正“受到安慰”:+15好感,持续5年。
- 我会补偿你的!让我们共享[GetSelectedIngredient_1]里的肉汤。:对方获得好感修正“高兴起来”,+5好感,持续5年。
- 哦,朋友。你显然需要我的这个[GetSelectedIngredient_1]浸酿。:对方获得好感修正“高兴起来”,+5好感,持续5年。
- 那么……你要试一下我做的[GetSelectedIngredient_1]浸酿吗?:对方获得修正“令人作呕”,-0.5健康,持续1年。
- 走开!我没空。:孩子获得好感修正“不良父母”,-15好感,持续25年。有几率获得 、、(此三种为启用御前会议DLC时),、、(此三种为没有启用御前会议DLC时)。学会成员增加星象知识。
- 你已经长大了,不应再害怕黑暗了。[target_child.GetFirstName]。:孩子获得好感修正“不良父母”,-15好感,持续25年。
- 给予原料制品,学会成员增加星象知识:
- 冷静点,孩子。我会用一点[GetSelectedIngredient_1]来酿造些喝的。:对方获得好感修正“受到安慰”,+15好感,持续5年。
- 别发愁,孩子。我会给你从[GetSelectedIngredient_1]里弄点肉汤来。:对方获得好感修正“高兴起来”,+5好感,持续2年.
- 嘘,孩子,服下这药水会有帮助。:对方获得好感修正“高兴起来”,对方获得修正“令人作呕”,-0.5健康,持续1年。
- 嘘,孩子。我给你做点什么,呃……用这个[GetSelectedIngredient_1]。:对方获得修正“令人作呕”,-0.5健康,持续1年。
- 这个角色观察自己星座的星星。获得星座特质,任务成功,获得200深奥学识。
- 这个角色将会发现一颗新的星星,并且必须在以自己、孩子、配偶或朋友的名字命名之间做出选择。被选之人将获得“追星族”的永久修正,+1外交。如果选择了朋友或孩子,被选之人将获得对学会成员的好感修正“上天的礼物”,+15好感,持续20年。如果选择了配偶,如果被选之人对学会成员好感大于等于20,成为情人,否则获得对学会成员的好感修正“上天的礼物”,+15好感,持续20年。如果选择自己,获得 。任务成功,获得200深奥学识。
- 这个角色可能计算出一次流星的日期。可以选择召集大家观看或者保持沉默。如果选择组织观察,要么预测成功,获得 ,100威望,200深奥学识,任务成功;要么失败,获得角色修正“预测失败”,-1外交,任务失败。自己观察,如果预测成功,任务成功,获得200深奥学识,否则任务失败。
- 获得原料 。选择此决议后,玩家选择采集药草,猎取动物内脏还是在市场寻找原料。此角色和他的学徒去收集原料,根据找到的数量获得100-300深奥学识。原料/深奥学识的量取决于搜寻有多成功。成功找到原料的几率取决于角色和同伴的管理,军事或外交能力,也取决于角色是否拥有 , 或 特质(相关属性和特质取决于寻找方式)。如果角色是 ,失败几率增加。如果角色收集药草失败,有几率中毒或生病。如果角色猎取动物内脏失败,将失去25威望,获得“令人失望的狩猎”修正。无论搜寻原料的结果如何,角色将失去财富,但成功地搜寻将花费更多。
- 撰写论文 。角色开始研究一种理论。可以决定做出一般的努力,或者异常努力,失去财富和威望,也有几率获得 特质。角色的文章需要有一定质量,才能被认可。是否认可取决于评价者对你的好感以及论文的质量。如果外交范围内的赫尔墨斯学会成员很少,论文不能通过(需要3位成员认可)。如果论文通过,角色将获得一个修正“已发表论文”,+2学识,持续5年,此外角色获得75威望,100深奥学识。如果有高密谋(15)能力,你有机会抄袭另一人的工作成果,如果被发现,获得巨大的好感惩罚,论文无法通过,但可能增加论文质量。有高外交(15)能力,你可以寻求帮助,论文质量获得加成,没有惩罚。
- 举办大辩论。贤士等级可以采用此选项。开始一个事件链,为每一位辩论参与者创建一个隐藏的辩论分数。辩论分数初始和每一位参与者的学识能力想等。一位角色的分数可以增加,通过特质 , 和 ,但他们的分数会减少,如果有 ,,,特别是 。事件链中的事件可以进一步增加或减少你的辩论分数,可以让成员间获得好感加成和减成,也可能获得 ,,, 和 。辩论最后,角色根据辩论分数和随机几率的组合来获得奖励或惩罚。辩论最后的奖励包括升级角色的教育特质到下一级,获得威望,获得角色修正“辩论者”(+2外交,+2学识),持续3年,或者获得额外1学识。辩论最后的惩罚包括失去威望,或者失去1学识。高辩论分数将会降低角色获得惩罚的随机几率,但不能保证获得任何奖励。低辩论分数将会降低获得奖励的随机几率,但不一定就会获得惩罚。此外,胜者将获得300深奥学识,100财富和100威望。最后,所有参与者获得对辩论主持人的好感加成。每10年可举办一次。
能力 | 等级 | 深奥学识花费 | 对象 | 效果 |
调制幸福药水 | 2 | 150 | 自己,廷臣,直属封臣 | 移除 , 特质,冷淡修正。这些特质可以随机同冷淡修正一起重新获得。不健康的原料更可能导致“冷淡”,而健康的原料使得可能性降低。 |
水晶球占卜 | 2 | 150 | 自己 | 角色试图预测未来。根据占卜的类型和结果,为角色添加一个正面或负面的修正。另一个修正将在角色断定这是一次正确或者错误的占卜之后被添加。 |
进行星占 | 3 | 150 | 孩子 | 为特定能力添加一个 +1的修正,对其反面加 -1。如果教育兴趣与宿命相匹配,修正将转换为+2,儿童在该方面的能力水平可能很高。 |
选择一个赫耳墨斯学会技艺 | 4 | 200 | 自己 | 获得三个特质、、其中任意一个,并且如果角色已经拥有另外两个特质的话则去除之。并且如果选择学者和第二个选项,有机会获得永久+1学识, 或者。如果选择第一个选项,获得和一个十年的+2学识 (如果角色没有天文台,则需花费金钱)。 |
编写一部巨著 | 4 | 150,之后500 | 自己 | 这个人物在一个特定的主题上写了一部伟大的学术著作。在一个事件链的末端,该人物的宝库获得了一部所选主题的巨著。统治者一生只能创作一部巨著。无论谁继承了这部作品,只要他们也是赫尔墨斯学会的一员,或者拥有足够高的学习属性,都会得到它的加成。在任何特定时间内只能拥有一部关于某一主题的巨著。 |
注意:可以对关系、战争和管理进行占卜。占卜的结果是坏是好并不决定未来。如果上述领域中的某些事情发生在你身上,比如你获得了头衔,开始或结束了一段关系,或者在一场战斗中受伤,那么它将证实占卜的结果是正确还是错误。角色将获得一个修正值,给予所有能力 +1 ,以及一些每月声望。重复占卜会提升修正,前提是占卜结果与现实保持一致。如果占卜结果并没有与现实中的任何事情相对应,角色也会被赋予一个较小的修正。
邀请去观星。如果处于和平时期,每过三年,一位赫尔墨斯学会成员就可以邀请另一位学会成员进入他的宫殿,引发一连串的事件,给予关系奖励或惩罚,并可能给予科技点数(给每个科技30点或者某个特定的科技100点),同时还有可能获得 ,使两个角色之间产生友谊或成为对手。有一个天文台(通过学术焦点解锁建造)会使成功观察的几率增加三倍(无论你是否邀请客人到天文台)。如果没有一个天文台,但拥有特性(在“选择一个赫尔墨斯学会技艺”决议中选择成为学者),成功的几率是双倍。从11月初到2月底,恶劣天气的观测失败风险增加一倍;重要的是实际观察的日期,而不是邀请的日期。
- Possessing an observatory will give access to a special option to invite the guest to your observatory, pleasing , , or guests, but displeasing or guests. This activity also greatly increases the satisfaction of the guest (regardless of the temporary opinion buff/penalty), which leads to formation of friendship.
- Show equipment (if not having an observatory, but equipment bought with "choosing a hermetic art"), having the same effect as an observatory.
- Show a location (if having neither observatory or equipment) is welcomed by , , or guest, but frowned upon by or guests.
- Have a feast, pleasing , , , , guests or a Muslim guest, but displeasing or guests, and non- Muslim guests.
- Study together, pleasing , , or guest, but displeasing , or guest.
A set of events can also trigger for a Hermetist, most of all for a Magus, distinct from fending off saboteurs, approving others' articles and getting involved in debates.
- Gather the most eminent Hermetists for an invention . Available to Hermetists of rank 2 and above who have built a laboratory. This event will trigger a decision with fellow members on whether to focus on Stewardship, Learning, Martial or Diplomatic inventions. The chance of success of the reunion depends on the Learning of the members and the Influence of the Society. The modifier Brilliant idea can randomly appear if the Learning of a character is high enough, considerably increasing the chances of success. If successful, either one of six inventions granting powerful bonuses in the chosen domain will be added to your vault, or a powerful province modifier will be added to your capital for 100 years. The possible modifiers are a Gigantic Crossbow (+25% local siege defense and +0.05 prestige/month), an Advanced Blast Furnace (+10% local tax, -20% local build cost, and -20% local build time), and an Advanced Wind Mill (+20% local tax).
- Getting a new friend . You may randomly become friend with a fellow Hermetist.
- Getting a new rival . You may randomly start rivaling a fellow Hermetist.
The Assassins, also known as the Hashashin, are a secret society that defend the interests of Shia Islam through intimidation and murder. To join, one must follow a Muslim faith or Muslim heresy. If not Shiite or secretly Shiite, the player gets the option to become either Shiite or secretly Shiite to join. Players can also join if they are not and are within 300 distance of a playable-tier ruler who is publicly Shiite. Other members will potentially join your murder plots if they are within range, allowing you much greater plot power than non-members can achieve.
- Kill an infidel .
- Convert a county to Shi'ism .
- Train an apprentice . A prospect apprentice can be one of your not inheriting son or a street ruffian. You can give deceitful, brave or diligent in one of three focus of training. The test will check martial and intrigue stat (3 to 10, each level improves 10% the chance of good outcome). , and greatly increases the risk of failure-death. The medium outcome will maim the apprentice. Both good and medium outcome will give Divine Power (good gives more).
- Occupy a holding .
Assassins abilities
等级 | 能力 | 效果 |
1 | 向阿萨辛借钱 | Get 50 coins from the society, or 250/500 coins in exchange of Divine Power. You cannot borrow money as the Grandmaster. You have to pay back in 1000 to 2000 days or on succession. You can pay for a castle/a child if the holy order is active. If you refuse, other Assassins can get mission to get money from you (threaten you, someone dear to you, or a bad modifier to demesne). |
1 | 向阿萨辛捐款 | Give 200 coins to the society and gains 100 Divine Power. |
1 | 尝试绑架 | Attempt to imprison a character, with cost depending on their tier. Cannot abduct duke+ characters (unless they are landless), patricians, or children/spouses of the same court. Uses the same mechanics of Devil Worshipers. |
1 | 从阿萨辛获取大麻 | Gives skills buff at the cost of 150 Divine Power. You may become addicted to hasish, with increased chances if it is taken too often or in large doses. Good outcomes include losing or curing any illness. In bad outcomes you can get . Having addiction increases the chances of bad outcomes, using high dosage doubles chances for both the best and worst outcomes, while using small dose halves them. |
2 | 通过威胁统治者获得一个人情 | Gain a favor with the target. Higher society level make it more successful. |
3 | 雇佣船只 | Raise 45 ships with no maintenance cost at the cost 300 Divine Power. You must be at war. |
4 | 召集阿萨辛大军 | Raise 2500 Light Infantry, 1500 Archers and 1000 Light Cavalry with 7'75 cost maintenance at the cost of 500 Divine Power. You must be at war. |
4 | 死亡标记 | Mark someone for assassination to encourage other members to go after your mark. |
4 | (服从) | 被动: 位阶较低的成员很可能同意你的 diplomatic requests. |
- Challenge another Assassin . Uses Intrigue or Personal Combat to determine victory. Good physical traits such as are also beneficial. Can lead to friendship/rivalry.
- Getting a new friend . You may randomly become friend with a fellow Assassin.
- Getting a new rival . You may randomly start rivaling a fellow Assassin.
想要参加该社团,角色需要至少拥有七宗罪之一: , , , , , , ,或者以下特质之一: , , , , , , or 。之后恶魔崇拜者就可能会联系角色,或者角色主动在社团界面选择对展露对该社团的兴趣。(前者是随机触发的,后者是固定在选择后的几个月内有恶魔崇拜者主动联系)。
AI角色如果有bad priest 特质,也可以加入并被招募。
当你选择加入该社团后,一连串的事件就会触发。角色会在经历事件中得到 , 并认识一位迷人的异性高手,教角色学会“社交”。
注意: 当你是恶魔崇拜者的一员时,你会受到持续的影响,周期性地使你产生一些不良的个性特质,比如 或者 。有时甚至是负面的遗传特质,比如, 或者 ,除此之外还有一些没有被列在这里的负面特质。每当你使用恶魔崇拜者的技能时,你都会被额外的叠加获得负面特质的概率,并且当你在一定的时间范围内使用过多的技能或参与过多的恶魔事件时,负面结果的总概率会增加。
An adept, once he enters, will have to complete a number of missions in order to progress hierarchically. It is especially important to complete all of them, as opportunities to gain Dark Power are rare.
- 献祭圣职者。 In order to succeed at this mission, the demon worshipper will have to sacrifice to his evil god (Iblis, Tchernobog, Satan...) any person that is an ascetic or a priest. In order to do so, they must be in you prison so you will have to kidnap, arrest or capture the target before sacrificing them.
- 献祭领主。Same thing as sacrificing a holy person, except that this time the victim must be a Feudal, Tribal or Nomadic ruler.
- Corrupt a priest. This time, the evil worshipper will have to find a priest that has any Sin traits, and then attempt via a diplomatic action to corrupt him. Success depends on the option one chooses: in order to corrupt a priest that is , you will need to choose the sex orgy option. On success, the priest gains a +50 opinion bonus towards you, freed my depravation. You will also earn 300 Dark Power.
- Desecrate a temple. Once this mission is accepted, one will receive a series of Events after selecting the temple he wishes to desecrate, and upon success gain 200-300 Dark Power. The temple will gain the Desecrated temple modifier, and the religion's moral authority is reduced by 1%.
- Sacrifice a child. This time, the mission's goal is to sacrifice a child, who has to be kidnapped or captured. It is usually highly rewarded, with 300 Dark Power at the least, as massacring such a young and innocent soul pleases the Dark Gods.
The Demon Worshippers have a number of powers, allowing them to carve the world as they wish.
等级 | 能力 | 效果 |
1 | 献祭给撒旦 | 将囚犯献祭给撒旦。年龄,宗教正义与级别影响得到的奉献值。 |
1 | 尝试绑架 | 尝试绑架一个角色,花费取决于角色的级别。不能绑架公爵以上的角色(除非他们没有土地),贵族,同一宫廷中的子女或配偶。 |
2 | 召唤使魔 | 可以选择猫,狼,鸥或者乌鸦以获得不同的状态奖励 |
2 | 感染之触 | 一个身体上的诅咒,给予被施与者一个随机的疾病,疾病来自瘟疫或流行病。 |
2 | 恶魔附体 | Let demon possess your Vassals, Courtiers, and Rivals. Increase their relationship toward you by +50 with the Loyal Servant modifier, but also grant them the trait. |
3 | 诅咒离婚 | Your spouse will be no more, and die in atrocious suffering. |
3 | 黑暗治疗术 | Heals any disease and can regenerate a missing limb on success. |
3 | 邀请撒旦追随者 | Invite member of this society to join you at your court. |
4 | 吸收生命力 | Kill your child and gain a health modifier for 10 years. |
4 | 邪恶妊娠 | Impregnates a female member of your society with a bastard child. |
4 | (顺从) | 被动: 位阶较低的成员很可能同意你的 diplomatic requests. |
- 不像其它的宠物修正,召唤的使魔不会被其它角色所见。可选的使魔包括:
- 猫(+3 密谋)
- 狼 (+1 密谋, +2 军事)
- 猫头鹰 (+1 密谋, +2 学识)
- 乌鸦 (+1 密谋, +2 管理)
- 被恶魔附体的内阁成员, 在内阁投票中会按照其领主的意愿投票,效果类似于效忠者内阁成员,但是其立场“徽章”不会变化为效忠者。
A number of events will take place with or around a demon worshipper. Each of them can be repeatable.
Go on a venture
The demon worshipper will receive an invitation for a crazy onslaught from a Demon Worshipper courtier, usually the one that initiated him. Once accepted, the two will leave the castle for a wicked night.
Occasionally, they will encounter a house of peasants living in happy and harmonious ways. A choice will then be offered, where the worshippers under disguise will either dismiss them, or pay them a visit.
If they decide to visit the happy family, they will go for a terrible onslaught, and recover the bones and the blood of their victims or their dark rituals. One may get the or trait afterwards.
Sometimes, the demon worshippers will enter a temple, and steal the priest's clothes and riches. This will cause the apparition of a Peasant trouble modifier in a foreign county.
At the end of the night, the two worshippers will end up in a bar, and drink a lot. Often, one of them will attempt to drug the other, which can result in the , , or traits for instance.
A Grand Summoning
The demon worshipper can find an ancient clay tablet with the missing incantation, and try to invoke a certain demon to get power.
If succeed, one can get power from one of the demons below:
- Baalberith, the demon prince of murder and chief secretary of Hell, blessed one with overflowing coffers.(+0.2 global tax modifier)
- Azazel, the Fallen Angel of War, blessed one with martial prowess. (+3 Martial)
- Avnas, the great demon, blessed one with secret knowledge. (+3 Learning)
- Belial, the Demon Prince of Trickery, blessed one with charm and a glib tongue. (+3 Diplomacy)
- Mammon, Prince of Hell, blessed one with business acumen. (+3 Stewardship)
- Vetis, the Tempter of the Holy, blessed one with a devious mind. (+3 Intrigue)
In a special impromptu orgy, one can also get power from Satyrs or Lilith (+25% Fertility,+10 Sex appeal opinion), depending on one's gender.
However, if something wrong happened when inkvoking demon, one may get Bad traits.
A Dark Dream
One morning, one may wake up with the distinct memory of a dream, that warned him about another Demon Worshipper. He can then decide whether to dismiss it, or to act and prevent it from happening.
A ritual will then be organised, involving candelabres, bronze cows and boiling wax. Usually, the victim will die, and the author of this terrible act will earn 200-300 Dark Power.
However, sometimes, the victim manages to escape, and the torturer receives a box with the head of a child or a wife in it, with a letter from his victim. In such case, an intense rivalry starts between the two protagonists.
Soul corruption
After practising a number of dark rituals, the soul of someone will be corrupted. Bad traits, such as , or are very likely to appear randomly.
While being part of the Demon Worshippers while independent only incurs in most times Suspicions to belong to a Secret Society, a small modifier taking away -0.50 monthly Prestige, being a Satanist vassal is highly risky when the liege isn't one himself.
If the Court Chaplain is assigned to the Track down Apostates mission, he will discover about one satanist a year. If a vassal is discovered to belong to a Secret Society, he will get the Known Satanist modifier, which will deal a massive -30 general opinion and -20 liege and vassal opinion.
Such a modifier is very likely to trigger a rebellion, or to cause the liege to revoke his titles. Banishment is also likely to happen. If one is lucky, the liege will also be a Satanist, which will protect his society from being the aim of the Court Chaplain.
Other events can also lead to a terrible fate for the Demon Worshippers. For instance, after a prolonged period of epidemy in a ruler's capital, he can decide under the pressure of his peasants to track down Demon Worshippers.
Three or random people with the Suspicions to belong to a secret society modifier will be arrested, and are very likely to be executed afterwards. With a bit of luck, they will be spared, but they will be forced to leave the Demon Worshippers and won't be able to enter it again for 6 months, due to the Renewed Faith modifier.
Demon child events
Although preexisting the Monks and Mystics DLC, the demon child event chain is linked to the Secret Societies. Instead of waiting for the event to fire randomly, it is also possible to create a demon child though Unholy Impregnation power. Once he/she becomes adult, the demon child will automatically become the leader of the Demon Worshippers. From then, his influence within the society is limitless.
The Obedience of the worshippers will be total, which allows him to vassalise Demon Worshipping Kings for instance, if he is an emperor, and even independent rulers that aren't even close to his borders. His high skills will undoubtedly lead to the creation of a devil worshipping Empire up until his death, and even afterwards.
This society has received various names depending on the religion of its followers. Originally, "Lucifer's Own" was intended to be called "The Satanists", while "The Fellowship of Hel" was originally named "The Trollcrafters".
名称 | 描述 | 宗教 | |
路西法仆从 | 那些服侍魔鬼的人就躲在我们中间,把他们的堕落和背叛奉献给他们的主人撒旦。每一次罪过都是一首赞美诗,每一次谋杀都是对[Root.Religion.GetHighGodName]的蔑视咆哮。路西法奖励这些黑暗的仪式——巫师被赋予了非自然的长寿和各种恶魔般的能力。 | Orthodox, Nestorian , Miaphysite , Catholic , Fraticelli , and other Christian Heresies, Sunni , Shi'a , Ibadi , and their heresies, Zoroastrian , Zunist , Jewish | |
恶神哥利教派 | 恶神哥利教派崇拜哥利邪恶的一面,并拒绝传统信条的束缚,他们认为自私自利的行为是天经地义的。他们的精神主要以个人利益与欲望为中心,这让传统信徒指责他们。 | Hindus | |
冷血巫师 | 冷血巫师相信,某些特定的人天生就有巫觋之血,而他们能够寻求黑暗之神切尔诺伯格的帮助,来获得权力和财富。传统的信徒对他们的行为感到不耻,并称他们为受诅咒者,传闻他们经常通过献祭人类及做出其他令人发指的行为来达到自己的目的。 | Romuva , Suomenusko , Slavic | |
赫尔团契 | 赫尔团契是一个秘密社团,致力于研究黑暗巫术和敬奉海姆冥界的巨人统治者赫尔。成员相信毁灭的力量,并试图用黑暗魔法来满足他们的贪婪和对死亡的渴望。在诸神的黄昏中,他们希望加入赫尔和洛基的军队,与其他众神作战。 | Germanic | |
瘟疫使者 | 瘟疫使者崇拜传统信徒口中的邪灵,他们诅咒他们的敌人死于恶疾,并向死亡之神尔力克寻求帮助来达成他们的个人目的。而最令人不安的是有传言说他们会为了黑暗的恩惠而无所不用其极…… | Tengri | |
灵魂吞噬者 | 据说灵魂吞噬者都是些被女巫诅咒的人,他们永远游荡在荒漠中,通过吸取粗心旅行者的灵魂为生。他们拥有着超越常人理解的力量,偶尔潜伏到文明社会的阴暗角落,用普通人的外貌引诱他们的猎物上钩。 | African | |
巴克科斯秘仪 | 巴克科斯的秘密崇拜一直是古罗马文明社会的瘟疫。这个邪教的成员在晚上聚在一起进行淫秽的仪式,以满足他们最原始的本能,涉及巫术、食人和人兽。 | Hellenic Also available for characters in the Roman Empire (after the Roman Renaissance has started) or with Roman culture |
Warrior Lodges are societies specifically tailored for Pagans, Tribals and Nomads - focusing on the hardy warrior lives these people live. These societies revolve around waging war, being rowdy, proving your might through feats of strength, personal combat and camaraderie. Being part of such a society should feel as if you’re surrounded by friends, fellow soldiers and fierce rivals - unlike other societies, these statuses mean a lot and are interwoven with the various abilities and events that make up the society.
There exists one Warrior Lodge per Pagan Faith (Non-Reformed and Reformed share the same Lodge) with minor variations, primarily in text. The religion is the only pagan faith lacking access to a Warrior Lodge. The following religions have Warrior Lodges:
You do not necessarily have to follow a pagan religion to join a lodge, although pagans will always be able to join their own religion's associated society, regardless of government type. If not of the right religion, you are allowed to join a warrior lodge if you fulfill the following conditions:
- Have Tribal or Nomadic Government
- 不为狂热
- Have a vassal, liege, or neighboring pagan ruler of the religion associated with the society you want to join (this tends to exclude Irish tribes, for example)
- The warrior lodge has at least 10 members
This applies to both non-pagans and pagans trying to join another religion's warrior lodge.
Becoming Zealous while in a Warrior Lodge while not of the correct pagan faith will get you expelled from the society. If you change faith while in a Warrior Lodge, you are allowed to stay. Note that you will not be able to Holy War characters who are of the faith associated with the Warrior Lodge you’re in (though they can attack you). If you join a warrior lodge while not following a pagan faith, you'll gain the Sympathy for Pagans trait.
These societies tend to have more AI rulers in them than other societies.
Level | Power | Effect |
1 | 决斗 | The duel interaction becomes available. |
1 | 盾女 | Appoint sisters or daughters as Shieldmaidens, allowing them to be appointed as commander or marshal. |
1 | 幸存者 | More likely to survive injuries. |
1 | 战争生涯 | Gain access to more battlefield events while leading troops. |
1 | 招募孩子 | Your child must be at least 12 and not a member of a (non-secret) society. Unless you are recruiting for a quest, you must be tribal/nomadic and your child must be landless/tribal/nomadic. |
1 | 战场性别平等 | Women who are warrior lodge members can be appointed as commander (but not marshal) by a same-religion liege. |
2 | 掠夺者 | When leading armies and sieging holdings, you have a greater chance of capturing enemies and looting artifacts. |
2 | 战士训练 | Spend renown to give yourself a unique Commander trait. These vary by lodge, and do not replace any traits you already have. |
2 | 召唤战士公会指挥官 | Spend renown to summon a courtier with high martial and a unique Commander trait. |
3 | 激励战士 | Spend renown to refill the garrison and levy of your holding. |
3 | 战争祭祀 | Spend renown to gain a temporary buff to your troops. |
4 | 不屈 | You can no longer suffer lethal injuries on the battlefield. |
4 | 荣耀的呼唤 | Spend renown to gain a reinforcing stack of troops from your lodge, as well as access to special tactics. |
4 | 选择一个军事发展方向 | Spend renown to give yourself one of three military lifestyle traits: , , or . |
4 | 传奇集结 | Begin building a Legend in the hope of establishing a Warrior Lodge bloodine. |
In addition, some powers are tied to being the correct religion in that religion's warrior lodge
Lodge-Specific Powers
Level | Power | Lodge | Effect |
1 | 强悍 | 光明哨兵 |
Spend renown to remove physical injuries |
1 | 变成狂战士 | 狂狼战士 |
Go berserk, losing patient, wroth, and defensive leader traits, gaining aggressive leader and potentially the berserker traits (or potentially harming others). Can be used to try to escape out of prison. |
2 | 大草原的呼唤 | 鹰武士 |
If Nomadic, gives 1000 Population and 500 manpower. If Non-Nomadic, get a bonus to levy reinforcement rate. |
2 | 同舟共济 | 佩伦勇者 |
Summons a landless Slavic lodge member to lead a band of warriors in an ongoing war. |
2 | 进入战斗专注状态 | 烈焰守护 |
Reduce fertility and health for a bonus to Center flank command, Personal Combat Skill, or Morale Defence and Offence. |
3 | 召集乌戈战士 | 奥措追随者 |
Calls for warriors to assist in an ongoing war. |
3 | 波罗的要塞群 | 梅代娜大队 |
Instantly builds fortifications in settlements for renown cost. |
4 | 创制物神 | 风暴之子 |
Gain a powerful Fetish artifact. |
Some characters have a secret religion, meaning that they falsely profess faith in one religion while privately believing in another. Such characters have the option of creating or joining a corresponding "secret cult" and attempting to promote their true faith.
Members get missions and powers to induce Sympathy for their real religion in other characters in the realm as well as the population in the counties. At the highest rank, the ruler can organize a mass conversion of realm cultists. With careful groundwork, an extremely powerful religious revolt can be staged.
On the flip side, players can become members of a religious cult to undermine it from within, by keeping track of cultists with major titles within their realms.
Cultist abilities
等级 | 能力 | 目标 | 描述 | 要求 | 代价 | Visibility effect |
1 | 招募 | 成人 | Invite a character who shares your secret religion to become a fellow cult member | 10y cooldown | 无 | +5 (+2 if grandmaster) |
1 | 引导儿童信仰 | 儿童 | Try to secretly convert your son, daughter, or ward. | Child is at least 8 years old. Must be parent or educator. 6y cooldown |
无 | +5 (+2 if grandmaster) |
1 | 唤起同情 | 成人 | Try to give the character sympathy for your true religious group. | Target follows another religion group (and does not secretly follow your exact religion). 10y cooldown |
50 (free if quest target) | +2 (+0 if grandmaster) |
2 | 引导成人 | 成人 | Try to secretly convert any adult in the realm. If successful, you may also invite them to join the cult without further visibility cost. |
If the target follows a religion in another group, they must have sympathy for your true group. 10y cooldown |
150 (50 if target is not a ruler) | +5 (+2 if grandmaster) |
3 | 做好准备 | 伯爵领 | Try to create a secret religious community in a province. More likely to succeed in demesne counties and with high diplomacy skill. If successful, the province will be ready to flip instantly when you openly convert. |
Control the province (or at least control a barony and be in the same top realm as the count?) | 300 (free for AI) | +5 (+2 if grandmaster) |
4 | 公开承认秘密信仰 | None | All members of the cult switch their public religion. Non-members with the same secret religion get an option to do the same, as do characters with sympathy for the religion group. Rulers immediately convert demesne provinces that had successfully prepared grounds. Note: any follower of a secret religion may decide to make it their public religion, but only this expensive ability causes other cultists to automatically do the same. |
Must be at peace. | 500 (free for AI) | No longer a cultist! |
Generic names for secret cults use the "(secret religion) Faithful" format.
Short guide
All these events are random for AI characters, but they are weighted by various things, and
Evoke sympathy
Base chances:
The event will give you a choice about how you want to evoke the sympathy of the target. Picking a choice that affects the target will give you a x3 bonus.
Induct adult
Base chances:
The event will give you a choice about how you want to try to convert target. Picking a choice that affects the target will give you a x3 bonus.
Option | Traits | Education or lifestyle | Other |
War | Is marshal | ||
Community | Has friend, lover, or child with 35+ opinion | ||
Philosophy | |||
Ruler |
External guide
Guide for converting people to a secret cult