
(重定向自Demon child

The event chain for demon child is one of the more rare events that can show up in Crusader Kings II.

Demon Child start events


Event triggers for a player

Trigger conditions
  • Have DLC Sons of Abraham or Monks and Mystics
  • Is a player (Will never trigger for AI)
  • Supernatural events are turned on in-game rules
  • Player is one of these religion groups: Christian, Muslim, Zoroastrian, Jewish
  • Any child has not reached the age of 3
  • Child is not ill
  • Child is not inbred
  • Does not have global flag = demon_child_born
Mean time to happen

500 years

  • Modified by a factor of 0.5 with trait possessed
  • Modified by a factor of 0.75 with trait lunatic
  • Modified by a factor of 0.75 with trait cruel
  • Modified by a factor of 0.75 with trait impaler
  • Modified by a factor of 0.25 for society member of the Satanists

Immediate effects

A random child of the player character who is not ill, inbred, or reached the age of 3 will receive SoA.3001


Event triggers for the child

Trigger conditions
  • SoA.3000
  • birth_events.txt Event 335
Is triggered only by


Immediate effects
  • Set character flag = demon_child_non_pagan
  • Set global flag = demon_child_born
  • Add hidden character modifier = demon_child_non_pagan for -1 days
  • Removes Sickly trait
  • Player character will receive SoA.3002 in 90 days.


[From.Mother.GetFirstName]'s Baby

My little [GetFromRelation] [From.GetFirstName] is not like other children. [From.GetSubjectPronounCap] does not scream or cry or even get upset, but [From.GetSubjectPronoun] observes the world with keen interest. This morning, [From.GetSubjectPronoun] burst into bubbling laughter when a cook cut his hand badly and there was blood everywhere. Animals do not like [From.GetObjectPronoun] and [From.GetSubjectPronoun] makes a strange buzzing sound when near other children. Courtiers whisper 'demon spawn' and the servants have started to avert their eyes and make covert signs to ward off evil.

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Option conditions

Event trigger.png Enabled if: is_female = no

Event button.png
'I must fast and pray to [Root.Religion.GetRandomGodName]...'
  • 50% chance to add character modifier : suspected_demon_spawn

Event trigger.png Enabled if: is_female = yes

Event button.png
'My [From.GetFirstName] is no devil child!'
  • 50% chance to add character modifier : suspected_demon_spawn
  • 50% chance to add character modifier : suspected_witch

Event trigger.png Enabled if: {job_spiritual = {religion = ROOT}

Event button.png
'Consult my [Root.GetLordSpiritualName]'
  • I'll seek the advice of [This.GetTitledFirstName]
  • Court Chaplain receives character event SoA.3003


Court Chaplain Consulted triggers for the child

My [GetFromRelation], [From.GetTitledFirstName] has sought me out regarding the worrisome behaviour of [From.GetPossPronoun] little child, [FromFrom.GetFirstName]. The entire court seems to believe that the child is possessed by dark forces...

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'What nonsense! Tell [From.GetObjectPronoun] not to worry!'
  • sends SoA.3004
Event button.png
'The child is clearly an abomination!'
  • Get [From.GetFirstName] to confess! Has she lain with demons and practised witchcraft?
  • sends SoA.3005
Event button.png
'The child is clearly an abomination!'
  • Accuse the mother of witchcraft and of lying with demons!
  • sends SoA.3006

Do not worry - bounce the event to get the name of the child

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by



Accuse of witchcraft - bounce the event to get the name of the child

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by



Accuse the mother of witchcraft - bounce the event to get the name of the child

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by



I should not worry about the child

My wise [Root.GetLordSpiritualName] [FromFrom.GetFirstName] has examined the child and assures me that little [From.GetFirstName] is normal and that all the talk of devil spawn is utter nonsense. [Root.Religion.GetScriptureName] is clear on this.

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'What a relief!'
  • gains 100 piety

I am accused of witchcraft!

My [Root.GetLordSpiritualName] [FromFrom.GetFirstName] believes that little [From.GetFirstName] is the spawn of [Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName]! Even worse, [FromFrom.GetSubjectPronoun] is trying to get me to confess to witchcraft and to frolicking with demons!

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by

{{{triggered only}}}

Option conditions
Event button.png
'I have not lain with [Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName]!'
  • Add character modifier suspected_witch for duration -1
  • Towards Court Chaplain add character modifier suspected_demon_spawn for duration -1
  • Lose 500 piety
  • Sends SoA.3010
Event button.png
'Could it be? I've have had horrible nightmares...'
  • Sends SoA.3011
  • Tell [This.GetFirstName] about my vivid and impure dreams

Event trigger.png Enabled if: Intrigue = 10

Event button.png
'[FromFrom.GetSubjectPronounCap] must not live to spread these lies...'
  • Lose 50 gold
  • Character murders Court Chaplain


The mother is accused of witchcraft!

My [Root.GetLordSpiritualName] [FromFrom.GetFirstName] believes that little [From.GetFirstName] is the spawn of [Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName]! Even worse, [FromFrom.GetSubjectPronoun] believes that [From.GetPossPronoun] mother, [From.Mother.GetTitledFirstName], is a witch who has had congress with demons!

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Option conditions
Event button.png
'Ridiculous! I know this is not true.'
  • Character gains character modifier suspected_demon_spawn for duration -1, towards Court Chaplain
  • Mother gains character modifier suspected_witch for duration -1
  • Lose 200 piety
  • sends SoA.3015
Event button.png
'[Root.Religion.GetRandomGodNameCap] avert! Seize both witch and child!'
  • Add trait bastard to child
  • Mother of child is divorced from character
  • Mother imprisoned

Event trigger.png Enabled if: intrigue = 10

Event button.png
'[FromFrom.GetSubjectPronounCap] must not live to spread these lies...'
  • Lose 50 gold
  • Court Chaplain is murdered by character


Ruler assures Court Chaplain of innocence

[From.GetTitledFirstName] assures me of her innocence, and I doubt she is lying...

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'I will keep a close watch on them both'
  • None

Ruler confesses to the Court Chaplain

[From.GetTitledFirstName] has tearfully confessed to having lurid dreams at night, sometimes featuring a minotaur and other fantastic creatures!

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'A witch!'
  • Gives ruler opinion modifier opinion_witch towards Court Chaplain
  • Sends SoA.3012 to ruler
Event button.png
'Well, who doesn't have lurid dreams?'
  • Sends SoA.3013 to ruler

Accused! - bounce

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by



My dreams are normal

My wise [Root.GetLordSpiritualName] [FromFrom.GetFirstName] assures me that everyone suffers from wicked dreams from time to time, and though little [From.GetFirstName] is an odd child, there is likely nothing to worry about.

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'What a relief!'
  • add 100 piety

Accused publicly!

My traitorous [Root.GetLordSpiritualName] [FromFrom.GetFirstName] has publicly accused me of being a witch and claims that my little [GetFromRelation] [From.GetFirstName] is the spawn of [Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName]! A growing number of notables are demanding my abdication and that [From.GetFirstName] be declared illegitimate.

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Immediate effects
  • Child gains suspected_demon_spawn for duration -1

Event button.png
  • Child gains trait bastard
  • Ruler gains character modifier for suspected_witch for duration -1
  • Ruler abdicates throne and is divorced
  • Gains trait nun if Christian
Event button.png
'Never! Guards, arrest [FromFrom.GetFirstName]!'
  • Court Chaplain is fired and imprisoned
  • Ruler gains character modifier known_witch for duration -1
  • 25% chance to gain trait depressed
  • 25% chance to gain trait stressed

Male ruler assures Court Chaplain of the mother's innocence

[From.GetTitledFirstName] has assured me of [FromFrom.Mother.GetFirstName]'s innocence, and I doubt either of them are lying...

Trigger conditions Is triggered only by


Event button.png
I will keep a close eye on the child, [FromFrom.GetFirstName].

Set real father correctly

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Immediate effects



The Demon child's true nature asserts itself

My true Father spoke to me in a dream, revealing His plans for me. The world shall bow to my strength and the people will accept the truth of [Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName] into their hearts... or DIE!

Trigger conditions

has character flag = demon_child_non_pagan

Is triggered only by


Immediate effects
  • Remove trait = chaste
  • Remove trait = kind
  • Remove trait = honest
  • Remove trait = content
  • Remove trait = charitable
  • Remove trait = just
  • Remove trait = humble
  • Remove trait = quick
  • Remove trait = slow
  • Remove trait = imbecile
  • Remove trait = weak
  • Remove trait = feeble
  • Remove trait = dull
  • Remove trait = shy
  • Remove trait = trusting
  • Add trait = lustful
  • Add trait = envious
  • Add trait = deceitful
  • Add trait = ambitious
  • Add trait = cruel
  • Add trait = genius
  • Add trait = possessed
  • Add trait = impaler
  • Add character modifier voice_of_satan for duration -1
  • Send mother, father, and sibling SoA.3021

Event button.png
'The POWER!'


My [GetFromRelation] [From.GetFirstName] has always been a strange one, worrying friends and relatives - as well as members of the clergy - with [From.GetPossPronoun] acts of wanton cruelty, not to mention the creepy buzzing noises [From.GetSubjectPronoun] makes, the birds falling dead from the sky and all the little accidents happening around [From.GetObjectPronoun]. Despite all the best efforts at education and firm tutoring, our hopes have been dashed. A child no more, [From.GetSubjectPronoun] has turned into a truly frightening young [From.GetManWoman]...

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png

Demon Child tries to murder sibling in bed

Trigger conditions
  • Child is not ruler
  • Player has DLC Sons of Abraham
  • Any sibling that is older than child or has trait born in the purple
  • Will not trigger if the target is a bastard or the target is female while the child is male
Mean time to happen

3 years

Immediate effects

target receives SoA.3031


Demon Child tries to murder sibling in bed

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Immediate effects
  • 50% chance to succeed, sends SoA.3032 to child
  • 25% chance to fail, sends SoA.3033 child
  • 25% chance to cause brain damage, sends SoA.3034 to child


Demon Child tries to murder sibling in bed - success

My sweet [GetFromRelation] [From.GetFirstName] looks so peaceful there in [From.GetPossPronoun] bed... Now [From.GetSubjectPronoun] must rest forever.

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'Ave Satana!'
  • Stab the long needle up the side of [This.GetPossPronoun] eye.
  • Sends SoA.3035 to target

Demon Child tries to murder sibling in - failure

My sweet [GetFromRelation] [From.GetFirstName] looks so peaceful there in [From.GetPossPronoun] bed... Now [From.GetSubjectPronoun] must rest forever.

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'Ave Satana!'
  • Stab the long needle up the side of [This.GetPossPronoun] eye.
  • Sends SoA.3036 to target

Demon Child tries to murder sibling in bed - Brain Damage

My sweet [GetFromRelation] [From.GetFirstName] looks so peaceful there in [From.GetPossPronoun] bed... Now [From.GetSubjectPronoun] must rest forever.

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'Ave Satana!'
  • Stab the long needle up the side of [This.GetPossPronoun] eye.
  • Sends SoA.3037 to target


Demon Child murders sibling in bed

Aaack! I wake to an excruciating PAIN in my eye! The devil child, [From.GetFirstName], is sitting on my chest, poking me in the ... blszzpt...

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'[Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodNameCap] shall not have my soul!'
  • Sibling is secretly killed by child
  • Mother, father, and/or player-controlled liege receive SoA.3039

Demon Child fails to murder sibling in bed

I wake up with a start. There is a pressure on my chest! As I scream for help, a small shape scampers off, hissing loudly, hurling a long needle at me!

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'The demon spawn, [From.GetFirstName], I know it!'
  • Mother, father, and/or player-controlled liege receive SoA.3040

Demon Child fails to murder sibling in bed, causes brain damage

Aaack! I wake to an excruciating PAIN in my eye! As I scream for help, a small shape scampers off, hissing loudly, hurling a long needle at me!

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'My eye! I... why can't I think straight?'
  • Target gains trait infirm
  • Mother, father, and/or player-controlled liege receive SoA.3041

Notification, murder succeeded

My beloved [GetFromRelation] [From.GetFirstName] is dead! [From.GetSubjectPronounCap] was found lifeless in [From.GetPossPronoun] bed, face frozen in a terrible grimace, with a trickle of blood running down [From.GetPossPronoun] cheek. The physicians can find nothing wrong with the body. It's as if [From.GetSubjectPronoun] had died of fright from a terrible nightmare. There are dark rumours about the so called 'demon child', my [GetFromFromRelation] [FromFrom.GetFirstName], again... As always when something terrible happens, [FromFrom.GetSubjectPronoun] does seem inordinately happy.

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'Could it really be murder?'

Notification, murder failed

My beloved [GetFromRelation] [From.GetFirstName] claims that some... thing tried to kill [From.GetObjectPronoun] last night. [From.GetSubjectPronounCap] woke up with a small shape pressing down on [From.GetPossPronoun] chest. It ran off hissing, but left a nasty long needle behind. I think it was just a nightmare - the maids leave needles lying around everywhere. However, there are dark rumours about the so called 'demon child', my [GetFromFromRelation] [FromFrom.GetFirstName], again...

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'I am surrounded by nonsense'

Notification, murder failed, but brain damaged

My dear [GetFromRelation] [From.GetFirstName] must have suffered a stroke in [From.GetPossPronoun] sleep last night. [From.GetSubjectPronounCap] was found drooling in bed, one eye bloodshot, mumbling about a small monster that stabbed [From.GetObjectPronoun] in the eye before it ran off. There are dark rumours about the so called 'demon child', my [GetFromFromRelation] [FromFrom.GetFirstName], again... As always when something terrible happens, [FromFrom.GetSubjectPronoun] does seem inordinately happy.

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'I can't believe it...'

Demon Child recovers from maiming

By the grace of [Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName], my limb has grown back!

Trigger conditions
  • Has trait maimed
  • Has trait possessed
  • Player has DLC Sons of Abraham
  • Either voice_of_satan' or demon_child_non_pagan
Mean time to happen

24 months modified by a factor of 10 if child does not have demon_child_non_pagan

Event button.png
'Ave Satana!'
  • Remove trait maimed

Demon Child recovers from blinding

My eyesight has been restored by the power of [Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName]!

Trigger conditions
  • Has trait blinded
  • Has trait possessed
  • Player has DLC Sons of Abraham
  • Either voice_of_satan' or demon_child_non_pagan
Mean time to happen

24 months modified by a factor of 10 if child does not have demon_child_non_pagan

Event button.png
'Sanguinem Bibimus!'
  • Remove trait blinded

Demon Child recovers from castration

The seed of [Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName] will not be denied. My manhood is restored!

Trigger conditions
  • Has trait eunuch
  • Has trait possessed
  • Player has DLC Sons of Abraham
  • Either voice_of_satan' or demon_child_non_pagan
Mean time to happen

24 months modified by a factor of 10 if child does not have demon_child_non_pagan

Event button.png
'Elevate corpus Satanae!'
  • Remove trait eunuch

Demon Child recovers from brain damage

The dark animus of [Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName] courses through my veins. My mind is clear once more!

Trigger conditions
  • Has trait infirm or incapable
  • Has trait possessed
  • Player has DLC Sons of Abraham
  • Either voice_of_satan' or demon_child_non_pagan
Mean time to happen

24 months modified by a factor of 10 if child does not have demon_child_non_pagan

Event button.png
'Corpus edimus!'
  • Remove trait infirm or incapable

Demon Child recovers from epidemic

[Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodNameCap] gifted me with this disease to strengthen my resolve... Now, my will is like a sharpened blade and I wish this blight gone from my body!

Trigger conditions
  • Has trait syphilitic, leper, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, typhus, bubonic plague, measles, small pox, aztec disease
  • Has trait possessed
  • Player has DLC Sons of Abraham
  • Either voice_of_satan' or demon_child_non_pagan
Mean time to happen

24 months modified by a factor of 10 if child does not have demon_child_non_pagan

Event button.png
'Ave Satana!'
  • Remove trait syphilitic, leper, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, typhus, bubonic plague, measles, small pox, aztec disease

Demon Child escapes from prison

No bars can hold [Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName]'s own! The senses of my gaolers were blinded long enough for me to escape.

Trigger conditions
  • Is in prison
  • Has trait possessed
  • Player has DLC Sons of Abraham
  • Either voice_of_satan' or demon_child_non_pagan
Mean time to happen

24 months modified by a factor of 10 if child does not have demon_child_non_pagan

Event button.png
'Hail [Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName]!'
  • Escape prison
  • Send SoA.3061 to captor

Demon Child escapes from prison

My prisoner, the depraved [From.GetTitledName], who is rumored to be the spawn of [From.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName], has somehow escaped my dungeons! The guards have no explanation - the cell was still locked, but empty.

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'These are dark tidings...'

Demon Child receives troop reinforcements

A well equipped army of cultists, followers of [Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName], has arrived in [Root.Location.GetName] led by three powerful witches. They stand ready to serve me and our dread master in this important war.

Trigger conditions
  • Is at war
  • Does not have flag demon_child_non_pagan_cultist
  • Is not at sea
Mean time to happen

24 months

Immediate effects
  • Creates 3 witch generals with troops

Event button.png
'Hail [Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName]!'

A witch nanny arrives at court

Trigger conditions
  • Child is at most 15
  • Is not a prisoner
  • Has flag demon_child_non_pagan
Mean time to happen

3 months

Immediate effects
  • Set flag demon_child_non_pagan_got_nanny
  • Send event SoA.3071 to ruler
  • Send event SoA.3072 to child


A witch nanny arrives at court

My [GetFromRelation], little [From.GetFirstName], has really taken to [From.GetPossPronoun] nanny - a remarkably talented young woman, learned as any [Root.Religion.GetPriestTitle]. It is strange though... I have no idea when this girl showed up or where she came from, exactly.

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'She really is most impressive'
  • Create witch nanny character

A witch nanny arrives at court

My new nanny is a gift from [Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName] - literally. She is remarkably talented, more learned than any [Root.Religion.GetPriestTitle].

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'I will put her to good use'
  • Create witch nanny character

Witch nanny moves with her charge

Trigger conditions

Child moves to another court

Is triggered only by


Immediate effects

Nanny goes to child's court


A witch nanny moves with her charge

My talented courtier, the nanny [From.GetFirstName], has left court to follow her young charge.

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'That's dedication!'

Witch nanny commits suicide for the demon child

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by

{{{triggered only}}}

Immediate effects

courtier receives SoA.3076


Witch nanny commits suicide for the demon child

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Immediate effects
  • Nanny commits suicide
  • send SoA.3078 and SoA.3077


Witch nanny commits suicide for the demon child

During a nice family outing by the river, everyone suddenly noticed the talented nanny [From.GetFirstName] standing on top of the old tower. Smiling and looking straight at my little [GetFromFromRelation], she cried out 'I love you [FromFrom.GetFirstName]!' and calmly took a step forward into empty air, falling to the ground with black clothes flapping like the wings of some huge crow. [FromFrom.GetFirstName] laughed delightedly at the loud thump, clapping [FromFrom.GetPossPronoun] hands as everyone else stared in utter shock and disbelief.

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png

Witch nanny commits suicide for the demon child

During a nice outing by the river, everyone suddenly noticed my talented nanny [From.GetFirstName] standing on top of the old tower. Smiling and looking straight at me, she cried out 'I love you [FromFrom.GetFirstName]!' and calmly took a step forward into empty air, falling to the ground with black clothes flapping like the wings of a demon. Everyone else stared in utter shock and disbelief, but I could only laugh and clap my hands in approval. [Root.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodNameCap] be praised!

Trigger conditions


Is triggered only by


Event button.png
'A worthy sacrifice!'