
第13行: 第13行:
** {{icon|con}}[[御前会议]]DLC为伊克塔政体国家增加了可以解锁[[选举君主制]]和其他妇女地位的法律。
** {{icon|con}}[[御前会议]]DLC为伊克塔政体国家增加了可以解锁[[选举君主制]]和其他妇女地位的法律。
* '''[[一夫多妻制]]'''允许穆斯林男性最多可娶四位妻子。
* '''[[一夫多妻制]]'''允许穆斯林男性最多可娶四位妻子。
* '''[[腐化]]'''将会削弱伊克塔政体和部落制政体下的强大家族,允许领主剥夺头衔(通过伊斯兰教法裁判),甚至可以使帝国分崩离析。
* '''[[腐化]]'''将会削弱伊克塔政体和部落制政体下的强大家族,允许领主剥夺 腐化者的 头衔(通过伊斯兰教法裁判),甚至可以使帝国分崩离析。
* {{iconify|Sayyid}} 赛义德特质通过穆罕默德的男性家族后裔传递。具有赛义德特质的母亲则可使她的儿子获得{{iconify|Mirza}}米尔扎特质。两个特质都能提高穆斯林对自己的好感,而且能更容易的[[Religious head#Creating a caliphate|创建哈里发头衔]].
* {{iconify|Sayyid}} 赛义德特质通过穆罕默德的男性家族后裔传递。具有赛义德特质的母亲则可使她的儿子获得{{iconify|Mirza}}米尔扎特质。两个特质都能提高穆斯林对自己的好感,而且能更容易的[[Religious head#Creating a caliphate|创建哈里发头衔]].

2019年4月4日 (四) 09:19的版本

穆斯林(英文Muslims)意为伊斯兰教(英文Islam)的信徒,《王国风云2》中六大宗教组之一。在Dlc icon sword of islam.png 伊斯兰之剑 DLC激活后,玩家可以扮演非游牧政体的穆斯林统治者。 伊斯兰教拥有许多其他宗教没有的机制,需要特殊的策略。一般来说,扮演穆斯林角色会牺牲领土的稳定性以换取对个人特质和基因池的更好控制。当二者都能被妥善管理时,角色的领地通常会比大多数基督教徒要强大。然而,事情也很容易转向另一个极端,让你的领地在一眨眼的功夫就土崩瓦解。




  • 伊克塔政体是一种特殊的封建制度,能够使角色无惩罚地持有神殿地产(因此,穆斯林国家不存在神职人员)。伊克塔也允许暴政——可随意剥夺公爵头衔以及随意剥夺封臣。另外,在DLC icon Conclave.png御前会议DLC未激活时,法律可由领主花费虔诚自行改变而不需要由封臣投票决定。
    • 虽然下属的神殿持有者依然会为领主提供虔诚,但并不会像其他宗教一样在宗教界面列出。
    • 影响宗教好感的增/减益对穆斯林国家无效,包括来自七美德或七宗罪的好感修正、来自神学生活重心的+20宗教好感、加入赫尔墨斯学会的-10宗教好感、以及向犹太人借款的-10宗教好感。
  • 伊克塔和部落制的穆斯林统治者被限定使用男性开放(又名土耳其式、突厥式)继承法,将所有头衔给予最强大的儿子(或者孙子)。由此,通过继承分割或者联合头衔都非常罕见。
  • 一夫多妻制允许穆斯林男性最多可娶四位妻子。
  • 腐化将会削弱伊克塔政体和部落制政体下的强大家族,允许领主剥夺腐化者的头衔(通过伊斯兰教法裁判),甚至可以使帝国分崩离析。
  • 兄弟和同父异母兄弟间的敌意:兄弟间互相拥有-20好感,同父异母兄弟则是-40好感。
  • Sayyid.png 赛义德特质通过穆罕默德的男性家族后裔传递。具有赛义德特质的母亲则可使她的儿子获得Mirza.png米尔扎特质。两个特质都能提高穆斯林对自己的好感,而且能更容易的创建哈里发头衔.
  • 与相同教派国家交战期间,角色每月会损失一些虔诚
  • 更多的宣战理由:
    • 省份征服:花费50虔诚,穆斯林统治者可以试图夺取任一相邻的省份。如果攻击方是公爵或以上的等级并获胜,则该省份会被附庸,否则将会被胜利方夺取。
    • 入侵: 花费1000虔诚,穆斯林统治者可以试图征服某个相邻的异教统治者控制下的位于一个法理王国境内的所有土地。如果取胜,该王国法理下的所有封臣将会转移给胜利者, 而被法理外领主控制的省份将会被夺取。
    • 特殊的圣战宣战理由:
      • 穆斯林不仅能够对同教派的异端和异教徒,还能对其他教派的非异端穆斯林使用圣战宣战理由。
      • 十字军、吉哈德和大圣战解锁之前,穆斯林即可对两个海区以内的国家发动圣战,也能被两个海区以内的国家作为圣战目标。
      • 穆斯林在对非穆斯林圣战胜利后会附庸夺得的头衔而不是篡夺头衔。
      • 穆斯林在圣战胜利后会减少腐化值,但在输掉圣战后会增加更多的腐化值。
  • 特殊决议:
    • 去麦加朝圣,一个与其他宗教的朝觐事件链相似的事件链。与其他宗教需要选择Theology focus.png神学生活重心不同的是,该事件链随时可用。
    • 庆祝斋月,所有健康的穆斯林都要在这个月的白天禁食。该节日事件链每五年可执行一次,提供虔诚奖励和腐化值降低,还能增加特质。
    • 给予施济以赎罪(自愿慈善):捐出年收入的25%用于慈善工作,可增加虔诚并提高与哈里发(如果存在)的好感(哈里发自身不能使用该决议)。

大多数教派和异端都拥有一个被称为 哈里发或谢赫的宗教领袖,他们比基督教的教宗或者牧首拥有更多的世俗权利。哈里发或谢赫能够使用特殊的宣战理由——哈里发的征服——来对一个同宗教统治者发动王国征服。他们也能够发动吉哈德来从异教徒手中征服王国。与基督教、犹太教马兹达教宗教领袖不同的是,玩家可以扮演穆斯林宗教领袖。(这一点与Dlc icon the old gods.png逝往神灵DLC中的改革的日耳曼多神教英雄王或者Holy Fury.png其他选择世俗领导方式的改革多神教宗教领袖相似。)


  • 麦加:先知穆罕默德的出生地,也是他第一次接受古兰经天启的地方。每一位有经济和有体力的穆斯林一生中都必须前往麦加进行一次麦加朝觐(英文hajj),此为伊斯兰教“五功”之一。
  • 麦地那:历史上是伊斯兰教的世俗首都,穆罕默德及其追随者曾逃亡此处躲避迫害。
  • 耶路撒冷:亚伯拉罕宗教的圣地。根据伊斯兰教教义,神明在穆罕默德接受古兰经天启时曾与他夜访耶路撒冷。


Map of Sunni holy sites.

Much like the Great Schism in Christianity, the Sunni-Shi'a split is a defining schismatic moment in Islam's history, though its roots are mainly political rather than theological: a disagreement over the succession of the caliphate immediately following the Prophet Muhammad's death in 632 A.D. This led to an extended period of civil war resulting in the violent deaths of three of the first four caliphs.

Sunni Islam, which won the initial sectarian conflict, holds that the Prophet Muhammad's rightful successor and therefore first Caliph of Islam was his father-in-law Abu Bakr. It has historically been the majority denomination. Sunnis' unique holy sites are Baghdad (shared with Nestorian Christians) and Cordoba (shared with Aztecs).

With the Dlc icon sons of abraham.pngSons of Abraham DLC, Sunnis can select between the Mutazilite.png and Ashari.png traits, representing belief in a particular flavor of Sunni Islam. Mutazilite adds +5 learning and provides technology boosts, while Ashari prevents personal decadence and provides piety boosts. Each trait has +15 same opinion and -25 opposite opinion.

Sunnis gain a holy order, the Bektashi Order, if jihads are unlocked and either the year is 1228, or either Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, Jerusalem or Mecca are not controlled by a Muslim character.

Notable Sunni realms in Crusader Kings II's timeframe include:

  • The Umayyad Sultanate of Andalusia in DLC icon Charlemagne.png769, which usually expands to encompass all of the Empire of Hispania unless the player character intervenes. At the Stamford Bridge start, the empire has shattered into a dozen smaller realms, and Catholic Castille has taken most of Spain by the Rise of the Hansa start.
  • The Abbasid Empire controls most of the Middle East from Egypt to Pakistan in 769. The empire still exists in Dlc icon the old gods.png867, but is weakened.
  • The Seljuk Sultanate is a significant powerbase in all bookmarks it is present in.
  • In the Hundred Years' War start, the Mongol Golden Horde is Sunni.

Sunni heresies Sunni Heresy.png

Sunni Islam has two playable heresies, Yazidism and Zikrism.

Map of Yazidi holy sites.
Yazidism is a monotheistic faith native to what is now central Iraq, believing God to have placed the Earth in the care of seven angels. Historically the Yazidis were persecuted well into the 21st century AD as purported polytheists and/or devil worshippers, as the Peacock Angel Melek Taus is equated by some to Iblis. In Crusader Kings II, the faith is implemented as a Sunni heresy with additional unique mechanics.
Yazidism has its own unique set of holy sites, Nishapur, Dashtestan, Mosul, Mecca, and Jerusalem (the latter two shared with other Islamic denominations). No Yazidi rulers exist in the game by default, though the counties of Mosul and Kurdistan are majority Yazidi beginning in the Latin Empire bookmark.
A Yazidi ruler who controls Mosul can declare themselves the Yazidi Sheikh, a caliph-equivalent religious head, by decision for 1000 Piety. In addition to the common powers of caliphs and sheikhs, the Yazidi Sheikh has the power to excommunicate characters. Being Sayyid.png or Mirza.png has no effect on the decision.
Zikrism, also called Mahdavia, is a sect founded in India in the late 15th century (making its inclusion in Crusader Kings II ahistorical). It follows the teachings of Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri, who declared himself the messianic figure Imam Mahdi before the Kaaba in Mecca.
Zikrism has no available religious head and thus cannot declare jihads. However, it is regarded as one of the better religions in Europa Universalis IV, so it may be useful to a player who plans to export their save to the next game.


Map of Shi'a holy sites.

Shi'ism, historically centered in Persia and later Iran, holds that Muhammad's rightful successor as caliph was his son-in-law Ali ibn Abi Talib (the 4th Caliph by the Sunni succession), rather than Abu Bakr. Shi'a's unique holy sites are Al Nadjaf and Damascus (Damascus is an important Horse Lords.pngJade Dragon.pngSilk Road county and shared with Judaism). If there is no Shi'a Caliph, a Sunni realm may experience a Rise of the Shia Caliphate event rebellion.

Shi'a rulers and provinces exist at every start date, though they are more powerful as time goes on. The most powerful Shi'a realm in Crusader Kings II is the Ilkhanate in the Hundred Years War bookmark, a relatively large empire spread from the Caspian Sea to Pakistan. The Fatimid dynasty in the 1066 start holds Egypt and Jerusalem, as well as the Shi'a Caliphate, and is the strongest Shi'a realm in the standard bookmarks, though the Catholic Crusades targeting Jerusalem from the 1090s and onwards tend to severely reduce their strength.

Shi'a gains a holy order, the Hashashin, if there are count+ Shi'a rulers in 1089 or later. Shi'ism also has a unique society in Monks and Mystics, the Assassins (who historically were the same group as the Hashashin).

Shi'a heresies Shia Heresy.png

Shi'ism has two playable heresies, Druze and Hurufi.

The Druze are a unitarian sect from Western Asia (most common in the Levant in modern times) that syncretizes Islamic philosophies such as Ismailism with, among others, classical Greek philosophy, Gnosticism, and Hinduism. They have frequently faced religious persecution and are not traditionally considered truly Muslim.
Druze has no available religious head and thus cannot declare jihads.
Hurufism is a Sufi movement founded in the late 14th century by the Iranian mystic Fazlallah Astarabadi.
A Hurufi Sheikh title may be created by decision under the same conditions as a normal caliphate.


Map of Ibadi holy sites.

Ibadism is a primarily South Arabian and North African denomination said to predate the Sunni and Shi'a denominations, much as Coptic Christianity predates Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Ibadi beliefs are a blend of the other two major denominations. E.g. Ibadis agree with Sunnis that Abu Bakr was the rightful first caliph, but agree with Shiites that God will not show Himself to Muslims on the Day of Judgement.

Ibadis' unique holy sites are the Atlas Mountains and Suhar. Ibadi and heretical Kharijite provinces are available in North Africa and southeastern Arabia (modern-day Oman) at all dates, but no Ibadi rulers exist after The Old Gods bookmark.

An Ibadi Caliphate can be established under the same rules as a Sunni or Shi'a Caliphate. Ibadis gain a holy order, the Haruriyyah, if jihads are unlocked and one of the following counties is not under Muslim control: Hajar, Damascus, Cairo, Jerusalem or Mecca.


Kharijites are a sect related to the Ibadis and deemed heretical by much of mainstream Islam. They reject doctrines of caliphal infallibility (agreeing with Sunnis, disagreeing with Shi'ites) and the Umayyad Caliphate's assertion of divine right, as well as the notion that imams and caliphs must be of the Quraysh tribe (favoring instead the quasi-democratic belief that any pious Muslim nominated by other Muslims may be caliph), and believe that any Muslim has the duty to overthrow a sinful or heretical ruler. They arose during the First Fitna, the succession crisis between Ali (who would become the 4th Sunni and 1st Shi'a Caliph) and Governor Muawiyah of Syria to succeed Caliph Uthman. Disagreeing with Ali for agreeing to arbitration to settle the dispute following his near-victory at the Battle of Siffin in 657, they rebelled against Ali and assassinated him in 661.

A Kharijite Caliphate can be established for 1000 Piety by a ruler who controls either Mecca and Medina, or Jerusalem, Damascus, and Baghdad. The Sayyid and Mirza traits have no effect. Kharijites otherwise play identically to Ibadis.



Managing decadence


Decadence: "deterioration, esp of morality or culture; decay; degeneration"

Represents how indulgent and opulent a lifestyle you and your dynasty members lead. Islam is traditionally a religion of modesty, and so should your decadence get out of hand, your vassals will not think highly of you. If your decadence remains at 100% for too long, you risk either: A) Assassination by the Hashashin, or B) an invasion of your realm by a randomly generated tribe from the desert. The invasion will come in the form of an army with very large troop numbers. Any level of Decadence above 25% is detrimental in general, whereas if below 25%, it offers bonuses. The higher the decadence, the lower your demesne income, and the lower the morale of your troops. (Neutral point is 25%.)

Muslim patricians do not have decadence. In return, they cannot hold mosques in their demesne without penalty.

Decadence can be increased or decreased through various methods.

The following will increase decadence:

  • Game events/decisions
  • Males of your dynasty with the Decadent.png trait. The chance to get this is increased by having sinful traits and decreased by being landed and having virtuous traits.
  • Losing holy wars

The following are ways to manage decadence:

  • Game events/decisions
  • "Straightening up" decadent members of your Dynasty via a special button in the Religion tab. They may or may not accept, resulting in more actions (being able to imprison him or persuading him further)
  • Giving titles to members of your dynasty
  • Going on Hajj
  • Observing Ramadan (various events will give you the option to lower decadence. However, if your character has negative traits, events may occur which forces your decadence to go up instead.)
  • Invasion by a desert tribe (when a tribe invades you for having too much decadence, you instantly lose 50% decadence)
  • Winning sieges and battles decreases Decadence
  • Winning holy wars and contributions during jihads.
  • If all else fails, killing the decadent member will remove both them and their Decadent.png trait. Banishing them will stop their contribution to the dynasty's decadence score if your realm is the largest one controlled by your dynasty.

As can be seen above, the larger your dynasty, the more difficult it becomes to manage decadence. This game mechanic is a curse for the large caliphates but a blessing for the smaller ones, and since dynasties with lower decadence will have a combat bonus, this gives smaller independent Muslim states a fighting chance. Furthermore, as Muslim rulers have more wives, this produces larger dynasties which then makes decadence management more difficult. One strategy for managing decadence is to marry wives who are past child-bearing age, but still have one or two to bear the required heir(s).

The chances to gain the Decadent.png trait increase with sinful traits such as Craven.png, and Arbitrary.png. Landless characters are also more likely to become decadent.




Polygamy is simultaneously a blessing and a curse. The advantages are that you will almost always have a capable male heir. And, with Turkish succession, you can give one of your many sons with good congenital traits land, and he will become your heir. You also have up to four wives to pick from for traits without requiring a divorce, instead of just one with other religions. Muslims also establish non-aggression pacts and alliances through their secondary wives as well as the primary wife. The disadvantages are that, out of your FOUR maximum wives, only one can be your primary wife. This is a prestigious position, and secondary wives with good Intrigue will take desperate measures to ensure that she is the primary wife (like killing her). Wives will also kill the children of other wives, to ensure that their child is heir.

A good way to counter this is having good Intrigue yourself and a good Spymaster. By placing your Spymaster in your capital to Scheme, you can discover plots by your other wives against your primary wife or preferred heir. You can then ask them to stop or throw them in the dungeons and banish/execute them, depending on how tyrannical you feel.

Another possible solution is having your wife with the best Intrigue be your primary wife. Most rulers will pick the wife with the best traits overall anyway, but if you pick the wife with the best Intrigue and pick one of her children as your heir, then she will not plot against you or your children or sic drunken assassins at you. The problem with picking a child of your primary wife is that he may not necessarily be the best ruler, and there may be a better child sired by your secondary wives.

A good compromise is to have two young wives with good traits and two others who are 40 (the oldest age at which marriage can be arranged for rulers).


Tribal Muslims use the concubinage system; note that tribal rulers cannot ask for concubines from iqta rulers. You'll have to invite women from iqta realms to your court before making them your concubines.

Merchant republics

Polygamy is a major advantage for Muslim patricians over non-Muslims, as they are exempt from decadence and the family's trade post limit is increased by unlanded adult male dynasts in the patrician's court. It is far easier for polygamous Muslims to sire many legitimate sons (up to the cap of ten living legitimate offspring at a time).

Managing succession


Your father has gone to ride the white camels and eat raisins in paradise. You have the most or best titles or are otherwise heir. Since your father likely had many wives, you likely have many rivals. This is the best time to begin planning for future decadence. Upon succession, the game models Ottoman Turkish succession (first son back to the capital kills his brothers and rules).

Hopefully, your father planned for your succession by marrying 1 or 2 old women (45 and above; use the character finder as using the "rings" button sets the maximum age of the bride at 40) and educating your brothers for contentment and virtues. That will almost offset the full/half brother relations penalty.


主条目:Feudal elective

With the Conclave DLC, Muslim realms can gain access to feudal elective succession. This requires passage of the council law "Full council authority".

Other differences

Iqta vassal obligations

Feudal and clerical tax and levy laws are combined as iqta laws for Muslims. The default tax rate is higher than normal feudal taxes, so Muslim kings tend to be richer than Christian kings. The difference is more pronounced when compared to Catholic realms, due to the taxation issues surrounding Catholic bishops and the Pope.

Free revocation of duchies & retraction of vassals

Unlike Tribal and Feudal governments, rulers of Iqta governments can revoke duchies freely and retract vassals without incurring tyranny. Needless to say, this is extremely useful if one of your vassals gets too powerful — and if they rebel, that just means you might get a chance to take their sheikdoms as well!

Avunculate marriage is prohibited

All Muslim types (except Yazidi) do not allow marriages between uncle-niece and aunt-nephew.

Law changes

Unlike Christian realms, Muslim realms do not vote for law changes. A Muslim ruler can change it at will. However, it costs a small amount of Piety depending on the type of law being changed. (50 for Demesne and 100 for Crown). However, with DLC icon Conclave.pngConclave, after the council law "Empowered Council" is enacted, law changes will function the same way as under regular Feudal government.

Restricted use of DLC icon Way of Life.pngCarousing focus

Muslims cannot adopt this focus unless they are Decadent.png, Drunkard.png or Hedonist.png. Also, AI Muslim characters will never agree to join a party unless they have one of the above traits.