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  • 你必须处于和平才可以要求有地封臣皈依。
  • 未改革原始宗教和Horse Lords.png游牧制不能被转教。
  • 以下角色不能被转换宗教:
    • 宗教领袖,神圣教团,或雇佣兵,如瓦兰吉卫队
    • 临时头衔持有者(起义领袖)
    • 未成年人
    • Incapable.png无能角色


  • 有“真信者”flag的廷臣永远不会接受皈依的要求(角色作为犹太顾问或DLC icon Reaper's Due.png宫廷医师,以及作为秘密教团的一份子“公开接受信仰”过)。
  • 你的囚犯会接受以得到释放。
  • 36以上好感的封臣会接受要求改信 (Bon.png苯教和Romuva.png未改革洛姆瓦教要求更高好感, Holy Fury.png已改革的原始宗教有以下教义亦同:不屈 、 教条 、 季耶瓦斯卫士 、 乌戈的遗族)
  • 26以上好感的廷臣会接受要求改信 (Bon.png苯教和Romuva.png未改革洛姆瓦教要求更高好感, Holy Fury.png已改革的原始宗教有以下教义亦同:不屈 、 教条 、 季耶瓦斯卫士 、 乌戈的遗族)

然而,如果秘密改信规则启用,这个角色可能会选择 继续秘密信仰他们的旧宗教,这会制造麻烦。

当一名统治者接受皈依时,他的所有宫廷成员都会自动皈依,除开那些拥有Zealous.png 或与领主之前的信仰不同的廷臣。 这也包括儿童,即使他们在其他人的宫廷接受教育。




  • 他们的领主,如果在同一宗教组
  • 他们的基督徒、穆斯林、犹太教徒、祆教徒正妻或侍妾,如果是原始宗教信徒
  • 主流正统宗教,如果信仰异端并且是独立的
  • 改革原始宗教,如果信仰未改革旧原始宗教
  • 国家首都省份的信仰(需要DLCRajas of India.png印度罗阇)
  • 处于宗教战争(圣战),进攻者的信仰的宗教权威远高于防御者,尤其是有组织宗教进攻未改革原始宗教的时候
  • 同在一个汗王帐下的另一个可汗,如果是游牧制

这里的绝大多数情况都不适用于Zealous.png狂热 角色,还有持有宗教领袖头衔的角色比如哈里发、教宗、英雄王,某些角色有附加条件。








  • 角色因素:
    • 异教徒同情者 Sympathy Christendom.pngSympathy Islam.pngSympathy Zoroastrianism.pngSympathy Judaism.pngSympathy indian.png
    • Cynical.png愤世嫉俗
    • Arbitrary.png专断
    • 信仰该宗教的配偶/妾/情人/孩子拥有50以上的好感度
  • 领地稳定因素:
    • 任一领地省份信仰传教士的宗教信仰
    • 所有领地省份都信仰传教士的宗教信仰
    • 我的封臣都很喜爱我(好感 25+),这正是转化的好时机
  • 战争因素:
    • 主要防御方在任何一场十字军、吉哈德或大圣战中
    • 强悍的邻国也信仰此宗教 (比我至少强两倍)
  • 实际状况因素:
    • 已经文明开化:政体不是游牧制或部落制
    • 强大的统治者想要新的宗教信仰:一个控制12个地产的国王
    • 需要它来改革政体:满足部落组织度并且首都地产要求采用封建制或者商业共和国制


  • Zealous.png狂热
  • 一场圣战或维京入侵的主要进攻者
  • Romuva.png洛姆瓦教
  • Bön.png苯教
  • 历史上的顽固文化/组: 撒克逊, 波罗的,芬兰-乌戈尔
  • 尚酒民族:西斯拉夫或北日耳曼,尤其是穆斯林传教士前来传教
  • 强势的宗教: 65%宗教权威,或者40%宗教权威但控制三个圣地
  • 强有力的本土消耗战防御:不是长生天或阿兹特克多神教;没有相邻其他国家信仰有组织宗教且有一个省份有 军事组织 4 的军事科技


一个没有宫廷医师的部落制或游牧制统治者可能会得到一个事件 事件RIP.4100。该事件发生30-60天后,统治者有机会改信。


当廷臣和(非神权制)统治者生活在一个异端省份时,他们可以改信异端。事件平均发生时间 在50个月和7200个月之间变化,这取决于主流正统的宗教权威多少和此角色的特质。当事件触发时,玩家(AI不行)可以选择拒绝改信。

  • 以下是事件发生率的计算:
  • Cynical.png愤世嫉俗 并且 宗教权威 在0到20%之间 - 事件平均发生时间 = 50.625 月 (即4.21875 年)
  • Cynical.png并且 宗教权威 在20%到40%之间 - 事件平均发生时间 = 67.5 月 (即5.625 年)
  • Cynical.png并且 宗教权威 在40%到60%之间 - 事件平均发生时间 = 90 月 (即7.5 年)
  • Cynical.png并且 宗教权威 在60%到80%之间 - 事件平均发生时间 = 180 月 (即15 年)
  • Cynical.png并且 宗教权威 在80%到100%之间 - 事件平均发生时间 = 360 月 (即30 年)
  • 宗教权威 在0到20%之间 - 事件平均发生时间 = 202.5 月 (即16.875 年)
  • 宗教权威 在20%到40%之间 - 事件平均发生时间 = 270 月 (即22.5 年)
  • 宗教权威 在40%到60%之间 - 事件平均发生时间 = 360 月 (即30 年)
  • 宗教权威 在60%到80%之间 - 事件平均发生时间 = 720 月 (即60 年)
  • 宗教权威 在80%到100%之间 - 事件平均发生时间 = 1440 月 (即120 年)
  • Zealous.png狂热 并且 宗教权威 在0到20%之间 - 事件平均发生时间 = 1012.5 月 (即84.375 年)
  • Zealous.png并且 宗教权威 在20%到40%之间 - 事件平均发生时间 = 1350 月 (即112.5 年)
  • Zealous.png并且 宗教权威 在40%到60%之间 - 事件平均发生时间 = 1800 月 (即150 年)
  • Zealous.png并且 宗教权威 在60%到80%之间 - 事件平均发生时间 = 3600 月 (即300 年)
  • Zealous.png并且 宗教权威 在80%到100%之间 - 事件平均发生时间 = 7200 月 (即600 年)

Dlc icon sons of abraham.png省份

在启用亚伯拉罕之裔 DLC, 角色可以皈依省份信仰,如果该信仰在之前信仰的同一宗教组中但与最高领主的信仰不同。异教徒和原始宗教信徒不适用。当地宗教信仰的宗教权威必须至少和之前信仰的宗教权威相同或更高。适用于在此信仰省份附近的角色,所以指挥官(包括统治者)可以通过这种方式改信外国宗教。

From a courtier (heresy)

A heretic courtier may attempt to convert other courtiers, as long as the liege does not share the heresy. The heretic must be 16+, free, and capable. A random target with the parent religion will be chosen among other courtiers who are 16+, free, have the parent religion, and have an opinion of 25+ of the heretic.

Four traits(that the heretic may have) affect the chance of this happening, as well as the moral authority of the main religion. When this event triggers it will select a random character that fulfills all the earlier criteria, and fire an event for him/her asking him/her to convert to the heresy.

  • Base MTTH of 120 months
  • Cynical.png multiplies it by 10
  • Zealous.png divides it by 4
  • Diligent.png divides it by 2
  • Slothful.png multiplies it by 3
  • MA between 0 and 20% multiplies it by 0.5625
  • MA between 20 and 40% multiplies it by 0.75
  • MA between 60 and 80% multiplies it by 2
  • MA between 80 and 100% multiplies it by 4

As such, we get a range from 8.4375 months (zealous, diligent, and MA below 20%) to 14400 months (cynical, slothful, and MA over 80%).

Now, this will not automatically make the target heretic. Instead, the target will have several choices; embracing the heresy, demanding the heretic converts back (can only be done if (s)he is the heretic's liege, and has a Diplomacy stat of 6+), imprisoning the heretic (has to be the heretic's liege, not a close relative, and have the zealous, wroth, or lunatic trait), or simply saying no.

Without any modifiers, all of these choices are equally likely, but two factors modify the chance of embracing the heresy; being independent halves it, and being a king or emperor quarters it. As such, the ruler of an independent realm is unlikely to convert to a heresy, but it can happen. Do note that while infidel religions cannot spread to your courtiers this way, they can be spread by infidel vassals using their court chaplains. As such, you should avoid having infidel vassals (and with medium crown authority you can revoke their titles for free anyway).

From a courtier (SoA)

With the Sons of Abraham DLC, a courtier in the same religious group (but not the same religion) as their liege may attempt to convert someone. A target will be picked at random among courtiers with the same religion as the liege, or the liege.

All targets can simply accept or refuse, with AI behavior influenced by their opinion of the source and whether they are zealous. Lieges can also imprison. Lieges with 7+ learning can debate for reconversion. Finally, courtiers with 7+ intrigue can refuse and blab to the liege. (The liege can then request reconversion, although without 7+ learning this is more likely to anger the courtier than successfully convert them.)

The MTTH modifiers are similar to the heresy event above, except that this event's MTTH depends on the moral authorities of both religions. Non-heretics are 6x less likely to receive this event, to balance out the relative number of non-heretics.

From a friend

A pair of events makes it possible to convert if at least one character is Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or Zoroastrian.

In event 100180, you notice that your friend is an infidel or heretic. You must be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or Zoroastrian, and not a heretic. For some reason it requires scaled_wealth=0.5 (this might be a bug). If Cynical.png, it gives an option to convert to your friend's religion.

In event 100181, your friend hit the previous event and chose "try to convert my friend". You have the option to convert to your friend's religion.

You may be able to arrange this with strategic use of DLC icon Way of Life.pngfocuses:

  • Use the Scholarship focus or Theology focus to become cynical
  • Use the Carousing focus to make a friend with an infidel in your realm
    • No infidels in your realm? Find someone unmarried in a wrong-religion court, common in contested areas.
    • Give them some money if you want them to trigger the first event.
  • Use the Business focus and wait for the "Trade Route" event chain. It always picks a ruler with another religion group, unless none are within diplomatic range. If the other ruler's opinion of you is high, you have a decent chance of becoming friends near the end of the event chain.

From a fellow Clan

It is possible to switch religion of a fellow clan in the same nomadic realm for 50 piety every 10 years. It works for both khans and khagans. Zealous.png doesn't prevent taking this decision. It doesn't change Moral authority of the religions involved.

Children's education

Every character will be born with the religion of the father in a patrilineal marriage, the mother in a matrilineal marriage or bastardy, or the religion of the captor if born in prison. Educators may get a chance to convert the child, with the rules depending on whether the DLC icon Conclave.pngConclave DLC is enabled.

Without Conclave

The guardian and guardian's employer must have the same religion in order for the guardian to convert the child's religion (and same for culture). The mean times to happen are as follows:

Guardian traits Not priest Priest
Diligent.png and Zealous.png 30 months 6 months
Diligent.png or Zealous.png 60 months 12 months
Diligent.png and Cynical.png 120 months 24 months
Slothful.png and Zealous.png
Slothful.png or Cynical.png 240 months 48 months
Slothful.png and Cynical.png 480 months 96 months

As you can see, a religion change happens about 50% of the time if the guardian has no traits modifying the chance, as a child generally has a guardian for 10 years. If the guardian is Diligent.png, Zealous.png, and/or a priest it becomes far more likely, while on the other hand if the guardian is Cynical.png and/or Slothful.png it becomes quite unlikely.

So if you want to change the religion of a courtier or prisoner, you should assign a guardian who is a priest with the Diligent.png and/or Zealous.png trait.

With Conclave

With the Conclave DLC, the educator's ability to convert the child is controlled only by whether the child has been given the Faith focus.png or Heritage focus.png.

For details, see Education (Conclave)#Culture and religion.

From secret religion

One way to secretly convert is to own a holy site of another religion. For example, the owner of Jerusalem may secretly convert to any Abrahamic religion by right-clicking the county shield.

You may personally make your secret religion public at any time by right-clicking your portrait. If you have achieved the highest rank in the cult corresponding to your secret religion, you can arrange for all members in your top realm to announce their true faith in unison.

Your character may have a secret religion due to:

Secret conversion decisions

You may spend 250 piety to secretly convert to the religion of:

  • A friend, spouse, or concubine
  • A demesne county's population
  • A demesne county's holy site
    • Most holy sites are temples, but this decision requires holding the county.
    • You cannot secretly convert to a heresy via holy sites.

As a vassal, you can falsely adopt your liege's or top liege's faith by decision. This costs 100 piety and you continue practicing your old religion in secret. If you already have a secret religion, it only costs 50 piety. Each of your courtiers will decide whether to join; those who do will share both your public religion and your secret religion.

Characters with the Incapable.png trait and religious heads cannot secretly convert by decision.

Options in events

You get an option to secretly convert:

  • When a cultist tries to secretly induct you into their religion.
  • When your lord spiritual converts to a heresy due to the "research cultural tech" job action. The other options are to imprison them or convert publicly. If you choose to convert secretly, your spiritual gets a choice to make his heresy secret as well.
  • When your demesne province converts to a heresy. You must have Dlc icon sons of abraham.pngSons of Abraham enabled and currently follow the parent religion. If you choose to secretly convert, you lose 250 piety, though you are allowed to go negative since this is an event rather than a decision. This also secretly converts your spouses and children, except for players and characters who already had a secret religion.
  • In several SoA event chains, if your liege "demands reconversion" or "debates for reconversion", you have the option to only pretend to accept your liege's religion.



The Court Chaplain can convert provinces via the Proselytize mission. The speed depends on the Court Chaplain's skill (up to 22 learning) and other factors, including:

Criteria Factor
Same culture group x0.75
Same culture x0.75
Same religious group x0.5
Heresy x1.5

Current religion moral authority:

Moral Authority Factor
Between 0 and 20 x8
Between 20 and 40 x2
Between 60 and 80 x0.75
Between 80 and 100 x0.56

Every count+ vassal will have their own court chaplain, so to speed up conversion, it's better to have the more vassal levels and one demesne county per vassal.

Prosperity event

If a prospering province has the wrong culture and religion, it can be flipped through a crown focus event. See Culture#Prosperity event.

Spread of heresy

Religions from different religious groups will only spread via inquisitions. As such, if you want a province converted to the One True Faith, you and/or your vassals will need to use your Court Chaplains to actively convert the province. Heresy, on the other hand, can spread on its own. The rate of spread is primarily affected by the Moral Authority (MA) of the church. "MTTH" means "mean time to happen" on a per province basis. The lower the number, the more often it will happen.

Heresy appearing isolated:

  • MA between 0 and 20% - MTTH = 5400 months (450 years)
  • MA between 20 and 40% - MTTH = 7200 months (600 years)
  • MA between 40 and 60% - MTTH = 9600 months (800 years)
  • MA between 60 and 80% - MTTH = 19200 months (1600 years)
  • MA between 80 and 100% - MTTH = 38400 months (3200 years)

Thus, moral authority can make a huge difference. Heresy will appear out of nowhere at a rate slighly above 7 times higher at a moral authority of 0-20 than at 80-100. At a moral authority of 0 to 20%, almost half of your provinces will statistically go heretic over the course of a campaign as the length of the campaign (from 1066) is only slightly below the MTTH (387 years as compared to 450). However, heresy can also spread from province to province, and this happens at a much higher rate:

  • MA between 0 and 20% - MTTH = 675 months (56.25 years)
  • MA between 20 and 40% - MTTH = 900 months (75 years)
  • MA between 40 and 60% - MTTH = 1200 months (100 years)
  • MA between 60 and 80% - MTTH = 2400 months (200 years)
  • MA between 80 and 100% - MTTH = 4800 months (400 years)

Thus, even at its slowest, this spread is faster than heresy appearing out of nowhere at its fastest. Further, the MTTH is multiplied by 0.75 if the county borders two or more heretic counties, giving these numbers:

  • MA between 0 and 20% - MTTH = 506.25 months (42.1875 years)
  • MA between 20 and 40% - MTTH = 675 months (56.25 years)
  • MA between 40 and 60% - MTTH = 900 months (75 years)
  • MA between 60 and 80% - MTTH = 1800 months (150 years)
  • MA between 80 and 100% - MTTH = 3600 months (300 years)

Secret communities

Members of secret religious cults may use the "Prepare Grounds" ability in their provinces. When the cult performs a mass conversion (Openly Adopt Faith), these provinces will instantly convert along with the cult members. A player may opt instead to convert to their secret religion alone (Personally Adopt Faith), converting their demesne provinces with prepared grounds.

Monastic Order

Characters at the highest rank in their religion's monastic society may, for 1000 devotion, instantly convert any realm province to their religion. Monastic societies are available for all Christian denominations as well as all Indian religions.


Some ruler decisions/events also affect vassals and realm provinces.

Convert to Attacker Religion

When a ruler takes the convert to attacker religion decision, the rest of the realm is forced to convert as well. Courtiers, vassals, and the capital province all convert (if they had the ruler's old religion).

Mongol conversion

The first two Mongol hordes, the Golden Horde and the Ilkhanate, can convert to the Catholic, Orthodox, Nestorian, Sunni, or Shia religion by a special event.

The Khagan must be unreformed Tengri and not Zealous. The horde's realm must include a province of the new religion. Finally, the time since horde arrival must be between 40 and 80 years.

The MTTH is about 4 years (per target religion), decreased to 3 years if the capital already has the new religion. With a 40-year window, it is therefore likely to happen as long as the Khagan has not reformed the Tengri faith and is not Zealous.

All characters are informed when the event triggers. The Khagan and all "playable" Tengri characters in the realm convert to the new religion. Their capital provinces also convert.


Mass conversion tooltip.jpeg

Any tribal leader, whose religion is pagan unreformed, neighbouring a realm whose leader's religion is organized - e.g. Christianity, Islam, Eastern religions, reformed pagan faith, etc. - can ask the leader of this realm to help convert the tribal leader's realm to the organized religion. Benefactor needs to be non-tribal, non-nomadic, non-theocracy (so you can't ask Pope for mass conversion) king or emperor level



Most players will want to spread their religion, and in particular, discourage the spread of heresies.

Appoint a good court chaplain: make sure your court chaplain has a skill of at least 13, or conversion will be slow. He should also have the same culture as the province being converted.

Use your court chaplain to spread your religion at all times, as then you'll end up with much fewer rebellions once you lose revolt risk from 'wrong religion'. Converting provinces also increases your religious head's opinion of you.

Avoid having infidel or heretic vassals. They might convert their provinces, their vassals or even your courtiers. If you have them, be on the lookout to convert them ASAP, especially if they are Zealous.png.

Concentrate on heretics before infidels. Heresies frequently spread from province to province. Vassals will never convert to an infidel religion, but can convert to a local heresy. The heresy opinion penalty (-25) is also larger than the infidel penalty (-20). Finally, if you are Catholic, the pope may become mad at you if you hold a heretic province in your demesne for too long.

Don't keep counties of another religion for yourself, give them to a vassal instead. They'll have a court chaplain of their own that can convert their counties, thus speeding up the spread of your religion. Creating and giving out duchies also has the benefit of creating yet another court chaplain. However, you should try to keep your vassal holdings as small as possible, to maximize the number of court chaplains in existence.

Keep moral authority high. High moral authority makes court chaplains more effective at proselytizing, and makes heresies pop up and spread less frequently.

  • Declare holy wars and win them.
  • Participate in Crusades, and win them.
  • If Catholic, avoid the temptation of appointing an antipope.
  • Ensure that the religion's holy sites are controlled by members of the faith.
    • Conquer a holy site and grant the temple to your religious head if he does not control a holy site temple.

If Jewish or Muslim, try to have Zealous.png vassals. Rulers of these religions will only assign their lord spiritual to proselytize if they have high ai_zeal. Muslim realms also benefit from Zealous rulers as they can never become Decadent.png, making it easier to lower decadence to the level which grant benefits.

Be careful of powerful vassals who have openly adopted their secret religion. Since you cannot demand their conversion, the best option is to have religious title revocation and revoke all their titles. Be prepared to fight a civil war. As an alternative, consider waiting: the vassals may use religious title revocation to revoke titles within their sub-realms, causing them to become unpopular with their vassals (who are of your religion). You can help along and plot their demise. Their heirs are unlikely to be "true believers" and you can then demand conversion.

Encouraging heresies

You may find it useful to encourage the spread of heresies, either within your own religion or another religion. If you can handle frequent revolts and your enemies can't, you have a huge advantage over your enemies. This will also make it easier to adopt a heresy yourself, if you want to. Encouraging heresies usually involve lowering the moral authority (MA) of the target religion.

If Catholic, appoint an antipope: This lowers the MA of the Catholic church by 30%, making heresies appear and spread more quickly, while making it difficult for rulers to convert their provinces back.

Help heretic rebels win by distracting your enemies. This also has a large effect on moral authority.

Seize the holy sites of a religion and give them to vassals of another religion: As one fully controlled holy site gives +10% to MA, seizing multiple holy sites can greatly damage MA. Note that seizing Catholic (Rome, Christian Cologne) or Islamic holy sites (Mecca, Jerusalem, Baghdad for Sunni, Damascus for Shia) might trigger early Crusades/Jihads.

Becoming a heretic

As a heretic, you will gain Holy War CBs on just about everyone, while maintaining the ability to invite and intermarry within your religious group.

You can get your heir educated by a heretic in a heretic court (if there isn't a heretic court, invite a heretic and give them land). But this is a risky strategy because you must deal with unhappy vassals and neighbors at the already-precarious time of succession.

There are several ways to become a heretic as an adult. If you can fill your court with Zealous.png heretics, perhaps through marriage, one of them might attempt to convert you. When your court chaplain has the "research cultural tech" mission, they can convert to a heresy and suggest that you convert as well. With Rajas of India.pngRajas of India, you can convert to a heresy by moving your capital to a heretic province and spending 500 piety.

Be aware that not all heresies are identical. Among Catholic heresies, for example, only Cathar has access to gender-equal succession and only Fraticelli can have its own Pope. Furthermore, in your game, some heresies will have higher moral authority and more land than others (both visible in the Religion page of the Ledger).

See also