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领主税 = 封臣收入 x 税收比率 x 惩罚修正
- 封臣收入 是封臣的全部穩定收入.它包括了封臣的直轄收入, 領主稅來自他們的自己的封臣和貿易收入.
- 稅收比率 領主法律設置之一. 分別應用於的封臣所擁有的不同 政府 類型。
- 懲罰修正 可能會被應用於:
- 負面觀點:-20好感-20%稅收, 諸如此類
- 超過封臣限制: 取決於超過封臣上限的數量比例.
- 貴人: -50% 封臣貴族 (包括附庸商業共和國)
- 超過直轄領限制:超過 -20% 每縣/地產 , 最多超過5個 -100% .
封臣支付收入在領主的封臣頁面中展示, 以及所有的每個封臣的政府類型也同樣被展示在領主的直轄介面.
游牧 部族不會支付稅收給可汗.
稅收法律是領地中 地產法律 (未啟用御前會議) or 領土法律 (啟用御前會議).
Without Conclave, there is a tradeoff between taxes and vassal opinion.
Beware of the side effects of increasing taxes: while maximizing income is pretty simple, it can have a drastic effect on other areas of your realm. Increasing taxes on nobles (without Conclave DLC) make them like you less, and thus make them more likely to rebel and give you less levies. Too high taxes can thus make your realm considerably weaker, and massively increase internal turmoil. You can thus easily end up spending more time and money on placating your vassals and putting down rebellions than you earn in increased income. This is especially important to consider when it comes to the Catholic clergy. So while you might end up earning more money, if you're not careful you'll never actually get to use that extra money for anything useful, instead using it up in unit upkeep and bribes.
It is relatively safe to raise taxes on mayors, as they can't rebel and barely provide troops anyway.
If your realm is stable, you may consider taxing nobles as well. Your successor will not need to be popular in order to eliminate these taxes after you die.
(非穆斯林) |
城市稅 | Minimal
(非穆斯林) |
(穆斯林) |
Now that we know how tax works and what affects it, we can now work out how to maximize it. First we've got simple construction, which will directly increase the income of a holding, which will trickle down as tax. Constructing buildings in your vassals' holdings gives less of a return on your investment than building in your own demesne. As such, when seeking to maximize income, you should build as many income buildings in your demesne as possible. However, funding construction for your vassals will increase their opinion of you for some time; weigh your options and plan accordingly.
Next, you can increase the tax law to make your vassals pay more. However, if their opinion is already low enough, this will not pay off, with a full list here:
- 10% -> 20% gives more as long as opinion is originally above -80 (0.1 * 0.2 = 0.2 * 0.1)
- 15% -> 25% gives more as long as opinion is originally above -75 (0.15 * 0.25 = 0.25 * 0.15)
- 20% -> 30% gives more as long as opinion is originally above -70 (0.2 * 0.3 = 0.3 * 0.2)
- 25% -> 35% gives more as long as opinion is originally above -65 (0.25 * 0.35 = 0.35 * 0.25)
- 30% -> 40% gives more as long as opinion is originally above -60 (0.3 * 0.4 = 0.4 * 0.3)
- 35% -> 45% gives more as long as opinion is originally above -55 (0.35 * 0.45 = 0.45 * 0.35)
- 45% -> 55% gives more as long as opinion is originally above -45 (0.45 * 0.55 = 0.55 * 0.45)
As such, higher tax will almost always equal more income, but this does not take into account the hit to levies, nor the chance of rebellion. For Catholic clergy, it's best to leave clergy tax rates at 35%; any increase might anger them to the point whereby they pay taxes to the Pope and withhold levies from you.
啟用 御前會議
御前會議DLC處於激活狀態, 稅收法律取代了義務法律, 允許統治者去 移動 強制提供的領地內的封臣義務, 更多的稅收或者更多的徵召兵. 這也意味著法律修改稅收將不會增長或者減少附庸的好感。
大多數的統治者會市民義務移動向更多的稅收而貴族義務會移動向更多的人力. 然而, 內閣中的附庸更喜歡相對平衡的觀點他們會花費 人情 去強制法律投票.
使附庸高興會讓他們給你交充足的稅,通常給你更多的人力, 更少的叛亂, 和 (未啟用御前會議DLC) 會允許你提升他們的稅率.
給予他們頭銜, 騎士比武大會, 是他們非常希望的事,讓他們進入內閣, 提升你的外交能力, 研發科技, 諸如此類.
如果你有大量的軍隊, 考慮 轉化 一些封臣城市變成巨大城市:
- 領地的市長會支付基於城市法律稅收的賦稅。
- 授予一個公爵頭銜給一個沿海的市長,他會讓他變成一個新的 共和國總督。在幾年後,會建設貿易站,共和國關聯所有城市會開始產生財富
- 市長和共和國總督可以持有額外的城市. 在他們贏了聖戰以後, 考慮授予城市給你的城市附庸而不是把省份頭銜一起贈送. 他們會抱怨新任命的市長而不是你,因為他們缺乏對當地城市的控制。
封臣稅收會被他的全國 管理能力影響, 幫助你的封臣提高他們的管理能力會給你帶來更多的收入.
- 授予封臣頭銜時給予高管理技能的封臣
- 安排你的市長與高管理技能的女性結婚
- (Bug: 你可以通過存檔和讀檔尋找新的市場)
- 監護和教育市長的兒子, 或者選擇通過入贅的方式與市長女兒結婚來誕生新市長
- 主條目:對立教宗
天主教牧師如果比起教宗他們更喜歡你,他們會支付稅收給你。 由於他們通常對教宗的好感通常在+40到+60,使得他們喜歡你比喜歡教宗變得非常困難。一個特別有效的方法是設立對立教宗,你會得到所有的他們支付給對立教宗的教堂稅收,然後每個主教他們會從喜歡你和喜歡對立教宗之間選一個,但都會超過喜歡真實教宗,他們最終會支付給你教堂稅。 除此之外, 每個主教都會支付稅收給你,如果他們喜歡對立教宗超過他們喜歡真實教宗或者他們的領主。如果你統治了大量的領土.教堂稅會因此最終成為你領土裡的巨大收入資源。
一個好的對立教宗可以徵收大量的教堂稅從你的王國中,這很容易讓你從你的直轄和直接附庸那裡收稅變得相形見拙。 一個 好的對立教宗 甚至可以徵收教堂稅來自其他人手中的天主教教堂,(其很難徵收宗教稅從其他領土上的一個原因是,官方的宗教教宗有一個+30好感增長修正)