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名譽頭銜是一種沒有法理上附屬領地的頭銜。遊戲使用名譽頭銜來代表那些在身份地位上高於伯爵,但是並沒有統治與地位相應的法理領地的角色。例如,在Dlc icon the old gods.png867年,大部分斯拉夫和波羅的海的原始宗教部落是名譽公國,而大摩拉維亞是一個名譽王國。


Generally, to create a titular kingdom or empire, you must control its de jure capital (since there is no de jure territory to control 51% or 80% of). You can determine the capital by searching for the title and hovering the "Create" button, or by checking the list of kingdoms or empires.

Certain titular kingdoms (and one titular empire, the Latin Empire) may be formed by a character who holds the required territories and/or meets certain, often religious, requirements. Other titular kingdoms exist in historical starts but cannot be created during the game.

Creating a titular title can be one way of advancing one's title tier, in order to unlock mechanics and allow higher-tier vassals. However, as titular titles have no de jure vassals, the amount of levies provided by vassals will be limited.

Related concepts

Tribal titles are similar to titular titles. The two differences are that they cannot assimilate any de jure titles, and they are destroyed when another title of the same rank is gained. Until the introduction of tribal government in patch 2.2, many Slavic, Finnish, and Baltic characters started out with duchy-tier tribal titles.

Landless titles can exist without the holder having any land, and are often titular. They include holy orders, mercenary companies, most religious head titles, and horde empires that arrive from off-map. The only way these titles can be destroyed is due to lack of heirs, which never happens for those that use Open Elective succession (like the Ecumenical Patriarchate). Without land, they are listed as "residing" in a county, e.g. a landless Pope is usually "Residing in Rome".

Temporary titles are always titular. There are several types of temporary titles:

  • Rebellion titles are given to leaders of faction rebellions, so they can temporarily control other members. The title is destroyed when the rebellion ends.
  • Landless temporary titles are given to generated revolt leaders and to ToG adventurers. The title is destroyed when the war ends.
  • Adventurer titles are given to raiding adventurers and dynamic mercenaries. These titles can persist without land or war, but are not playable.

List of createable titular titles

Title Rank Requirements
拉丁帝國 Empire Be Catholic or a Catholic heresy. Control Kaliopolis and Thrake. Byzantine Empire and Roman Empire do not exist. Exists May 5, 1204 – July 24, 1261.
大蒙古國 Empire Can only be created by decision when Ruler is nomadic Mongol and has 30 Counties under his rule. Always exists once activated. Exists if you start between year 1206 and 1227. Almost certainly arrives in Mongolia between 1210 and 1218, if it doesn't already exist.
Genoa Kingdom Be a republic. Control Genoa. Is not titular. Exists 1066-July 26, 1318 and from 1334.
比薩 Kingdom Be a republic. Control Pisa. Is not titular. Exists 1066-1284.
Naples Kingdom Control Napoli. Only if it has previously existed (i.e. after 30 August 1282). De jure Italian Empire.
塞浦路斯 Kingdom Is not titular. De jure Byzantine Empire. Exists from May 3, 1192
馬扎爾 Kingdom Control Pest. Is player. Exists from start dates 769 to 867.
阿馬爾菲 Duchy Be a republic. Control Amalfi. Exists until 1060. Titular from 1052.
Pechina Duchy Be a republic. Control Almeria.
Gotland/Visby Duchy Control Gotland. Is not titular. [is titular in some start dates and de jure in others]
Durham Duchy Control Durham. Has Theocracy government. Must be Catholic. [tooltip says that title can be held only by catholics but that is not true. + tooltip does not say you need to be catholic to create it.] Uses short name.
法蘭克尼亞 Kingdom Impossible to create if Thankmar's rebellion has failed (936 start only); can currently be created outside of that start.
施瓦本 Kingdom Control Schwaben. Impossible to create if Thankmar's rebellion has failed (936 start only); can currently be created outside of that start.
Thuringia Kingdom Impossible to create if Thankmar's rebellion has failed (936 start only); can currently be created outside of that start.
Religious heads
Fylkirate Duchy Given to the reformer of the Norse Pagan religion. Can be recreated if destroyed: requires 3 holy sites, 750 piety.
The Romuvan Church Duchy Given to a vassal of the reformer of the Romuva religion.
The Slavic Church Duchy Given to a vassal of the reformer of the Slavic religion.
The Tengri Church Duchy Given to a vassal of the reformer of the Tengri religion.
The Suomenusko Church Duchy Given to a vassal of the reformer of the Suomenusko religion.
The West African Church Duchy Given to a vassal of the reformer of the West African religion.
The Aztec Church Duchy Given to a vassal of the reformer of the Aztec religion.
Church of Zun Duchy Given to a vassal of the reformer of the Zunist religion.
The Zoroastrian Church Duchy Given to a vassal of the Zoroastrian restorer of the Persian Empire. Control Persian Empire, 300 piety.
The Sunni Caliphate Duchy
  • Be Sunni.
  • One of:
    • Have Sayyid trait and 1000 piety
    • Have Sayyid trait or Mirza trait or 1000 piety, AND one of
      • Control Mecca and Medina
      • Control Jerusalem, Damascus and Baghdad
The Shia Caliphate Duchy
  • Be Shia.
  • One of:
    • Have Sayyid trait and 1000 piety
    • Have Sayyid trait or Mirza trait or 1000 piety, AND one of
      • Control Mecca and Medina
      • Control Jerusalem, Damascus and Baghdad
Fraticelli Papacy Duchy Fraticelli, County of Rome
The Hurufi Skeikhdom [sic] Duchy
  • Be Hurufi.
  • One of:
    • Have Sayyid trait and 1000 piety
    • Have Sayyid trait or Mirza trait or 1000 piety, AND one of
      • Control Mecca and Medina
      • Control Jerusalem, Damascus and Baghdad
The Ibadi Caliphate Duchy
  • Be Ibadi
  • One of:
    • Have Sayyid trait and 1000 piety
    • Have Sayyid trait or Mirza trait or 1000 piety, AND one of
      • Control Mecca and Medina
      • Control Jerusalem, Damascus and Baghdad
Yazidi Sheikhdom Duchy Be Yazidi. Control Mosul. Have 1000 piety.
The Kharijite Caliphate Duchy
  • Have 1000 piety and one of
    • Control Mecca and Medina
    • Control Jerusalem, Damascus and Baghdad

(Kharijites don't care about Sayyid and Mirza traits.)

The Iconoclast Patriarchate Duchy By decision. Requires Dlc icon sons of abraham.pngSons of Abraham, 1000 piety and someone in the realm must own Constantinople. Granted to a randomly generated Iconoclast priest.
Jewish High Priesthood Duchy Jewish, County of Jerusalem

List of uncreateable titular titles

Title Rank Notes
Religious heads
The Ecumenical Patriarchate Kingdom 東正教領袖。總是存在。
The Miaphysite Papacy Duchy Holder is called Coptic Pope. Always exists
The Monophysite Papacy Duchy Always exists
The Monothelite Patriarchate Duchy Always exists
The Patriarchate in the East Duchy Nestorian. Always exists
教廷 Kingdom 天主教領袖。總是存在。
The Paulician Patriarchate Duchy Paulician. Always exists
Titular empires
阿茲特克帝國 Empire If the Dlc icon sunset invasion.pngSunset Invasion DLC is active, it will show up somewhere on the Atlantic Coast sometime around 1250.
察合台汗國 Empire 從1227年開始作為一個蒙古汗國存在。
科爾多瓦哈里發國 Empire 存在於936劇本的伊比利亞半島。 (倭馬亞/伍麥葉哈里發國).
伊兒汗國 Empire 從1227年開始作為一個蒙古汗國存在。
金帳汗國 Empire 從1227年開始作為一個蒙古汗國存在。
塞爾柱帝國 Empire Now obsolete, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Esfahan, Turkish culture, tribal.
帖木兒帝國 Empire Can arrive in Khiva between 1360 and 1405.
Titular kingdoms
阿爾摩西德(穆瓦希德) Kingdom Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Al-Murabitids Kingdom Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Avaria Kingdom Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Esztergom, Avar culture.
Aydin Kingdom Exists from 1308 in Anatolia.
Beni Helal Kingdom Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Bosnia Kingdom Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Serbian culture.
Candar Kingdom Exists from 1307 in Anatolia.
Eretnid Kingdom Exists from 1335 in Anatolia.
Fatimids Kingdom Now obsolete, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Cairo, Egyptian culture.
Germiyan Kingdom Exists from 1300 in Anatolia.
Hammadid Kingdom Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
漢薩同盟 Kingdom Merchant republic. Created by event in late 1100s if HRE exists. Exists historically from 1227.
Kafsid Kingdom Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Karaman Kingdom Exists from 1256 in Anatolia.
倫巴第 Kingdom Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Pavia, Lombard culture.
Marinid Kingdom Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Mentese Kingdom Exists from 1280 in Anatolia
奧斯曼(奧托曼) Kingdom Exists from 1299 in Anatolia.
佩切涅格 Kingdom Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Oleshye, Pecheneg culture, tribal.
羅姆 Kingdom Never takes on the name of its ruling dynasty. Exists 1077-1306 in Anatolia.
Saruhan Kingdom Exists from 1308 in Anatolia.
Tekke Kingdom Exists from 1300 in Anatolia.
Trinacria Kingdom Exists from March 20, 1282, held by Aragon. Independent most dates after November 11, 1285.
Zenata Kingdom Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Zirid Kingdom Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Ziyanids Kingdom Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Titular duchies
阿巴斯/阿拔斯 Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Arabia Felix Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Arabs Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Culture set to Bedouin.
阿薩辛 Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Balearic Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Belgrade Duchy Exists from 1248 to 1272. Held by Hungary.
Bergen Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Bordeaux Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Braganza Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Butrinto Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Campania Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Catalonia Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Chaldea Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Cumberland Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Curonians (Curonian) Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Kurzeme, Lettigallian culture, tribal.
Denmark (Danes) Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Sjaelland, Danish culture, tribal.
Don Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Dorostotum Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Dregovichi Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Pinsk, Russian culture, tribal.
El Rif Duchy Leftover from an earlier version. Can still be created with console command.
El-Arish Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Erzerum Duchy Exists from 1071 in Armenia. Held by the Seljuks, Rum (1077), the Ilkhanate (1243) and the Eretnids (1335).
Estonians (Estonia) Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Kalevan (Reval), Estonian culture, tribal.
Galatia Duchy Not fully implemented. Was supposed to be held by Nikephoros Phokas in 1066, but does not appear in game.
Gauthiod (Geats) Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Västergötland, Norse culture, tribal.
Georgia Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Gilan Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Glomacze Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Meissen, Pomeranian culture, tribal.
Hellas Duchy Not fully implemented. Was supposed to be a Byzantine duchy later held by Aragon, but does not appear in game.
Ikonion Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Ilmenians Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Novgorod, Russian culture, tribal.
Ingrians (Ingers) Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Finnish culture, tribal.
Kappadokia Duchy Not fully implemented. Was supposed to be a vassal of Rum in Anatolia, but does not appear in game.
Karnten Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Käkisalmians (Kexholm) Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Finnish culture, tribal.
Khazars Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Sarkel, Khazar culture, tribal.
Kirkuk Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Krakow Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Kryvians Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Polotsk, Russian culture, tribal.
Kvens (Kajaneborg) Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Finnish culture, tribal.
Laodikeia Duchy Not fully implemented. Was supposed to be a Byzantine duchy in Anatolia, but does not appear in game.
Lendians Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Krakow, Polish culture, tribal.
Lettigallians (Lettigalians) Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Lettigallian culture, tribal.
Luristan Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Lut Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Lykia Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Mar Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Meryas Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Rostov, Mordvin culture, tribal.
Meshcheras Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Ryazan, Mordvin culture, tribal.
Milano Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
明斯克 Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Muromians Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Murom, Mordvin culture, tribal.
Nikomedeia Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Obotrites Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Mecklenburg, Pomeranian culture, tribal.
Oxford Duchy Obsolete, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Oxford.
Pechenegs Duchy Obsolete, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Olvia, Pecheneg culture, tribal.
Pressburg Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Pronsk Duchy Exists from 1177 as a Rurikid Grand Principality. From 1237 vassal of the Golden Horde.
Pruthenians Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Marienburg, Prussian culture, tribal.
Qom Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Radimichi Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Mstislavl, Russian culture, tribal.
Romagna Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Saamod (Sames) Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Samoyed culture, tribal.
Salamanca Duchy Exists from 1337 as a titular duchy of the king of Castille and León.
Sami Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Lappish culture, tribal.
Sandomiersk Duchy Exists from 1138 until 1306 as a vassal of Poland.
Satakuntans (Satakunta) Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Finnish culture, tribal.
Severians Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Novgorod Seversky, Russian culture, tribal.
Shiraz Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Sinope Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Slovakia Duchy Exists from 1066 as a vassal of Hungary. Held by the crown prince (heir to the King of Hungary).
Sorbs Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Luzycka, Pomeranian culture, tribal.
Swithjod (Sweden) Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Uppland, Norse culture, tribal.
Switzerland (Swiss) Duchy Exists from 1291 as a republic vassal of the HRE. Unplayable.
Tavastians (Tavasts) Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Finnish culture, tribal.
Ural Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Varna Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Veps Duchy Exists at 867 start as an independent Finnish high chiefdom. Mordvin culture, tribal.
Vlachs Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Volga Duchy Leftover from an earlier version. Can still be created with console command.
Votes Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Finnish culture, tribal.
Vyatichi Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command. Capital set at Tver, Russian culture, tribal.
Wielkopolska Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Zara Duchy Not implemented, but can be created with console command.
Zaragoza Duchy Exists from 769 until 1115 as a Muslim emirate in Hispania.
Zemigallians (Zemigalians) Duchy Exists from 1066 until 1199 as an independent Lettigallian high chiefdom. Lettigallian culture, tribal.
Hamadan Duchy [placeholder: exists in some starts but can't be recreated]
Kermanshah Duchy [placeholder: exists in some starts but can't be recreated]
Esfahan Duchy [placeholder: exists in some starts but can't be recreated]
Tigris Duchy [placeholder: exists in some starts but can't be recreated]