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(重定向自Customization Pack

Graphical DLCs are all the DLCs that revolve around graphical enhancement or addition, from characters faces to coats-of-arms.

Paradox Interactive has released numerous graphical DLC.

Dynasty Shields

Name Release date Render picture Description
Dynasty Shields I Feb 14, 2012 Dynasty Shields I.jpg This pack contains 51 unique dynastic shields for the 51 most famous families of Medieval Europe. Here is a complete list (with some errors).

Including the historical insignia for: von Habsburg, af Bjälbo, Komnenos, Rurikovich, Plantangenet, von Wittelsbach, Ylving. Contains (listed in the order they are in the graphics file): Template:Spoiler

Dynasty Shield II Oct 16, 2012 Dynasty Shield II.jpg Enhance your Crusader Kings II experience with these historically accurate shields.

The Dynasty Shields Pack contains the insignias of 50 famous families from Medieval Europe. Some of the families included are de Genève, Batatzes, Orsini, Kotromanić, Argyros, Basarab and more. Contains (listed in the order they are in the graphics file): Template:Spoiler

Dynasty Shields III June 25, 2013 Dynasty Shields III.jpg This pack contains historically accurate Coat of Arms for 51 famous families of Medieval Europe. Here is a complete list.

The Dynasty Shields III DLC pays special attention to the pagan families of The Old Gods, including Stenkil, Munsö, Crovan, Karen, Ylfing and many more. Contains (listed in the order they are in the graphics file): Template:Spoiler

Dynasty Shields Charlemagne October 14, 2014 Dynasty Shields Charlemagne.jpg Contains (listed in the order they are in the graphics file):



Map in 1066 showing areas covered by each portrait DLC

Portraits for some ethnicities are part of the base game and some major expansions:

  • Base game includes Western European (westerngfx and occitangfx) and Arabic (muslimgfx) portraits.
  • Dlc icon sunset invasion.png Sunset Invasion includes Aztec (mesoamericangfx) portraits.
  • Rajas of India.pngRajas of India expansion includes North Indian (indiangfx) portraits.
  • Dlc icon the republic.pngThe Republic expansion includes republican clothes.
  • DLC icon Monks and Mystics.png Monks and Mystics expansion comes with English (englishgfx, normangfx) and German (germangfx) portraits.
  • Jade Dragon.png Jade Dragon expansion comes with Tibetan (bodpagfx) and Chinese (chinesegfx) portraits.
  • Holy Fury.png Holy Fury expansion comes with French (frankishgfx), Slavic (croatsouthslavicgfx serbsouthslavicgfx westernslavicgfx), Arab (arabicgfx, berbergfx) and Italian (italiangfx) portraits.

Other portraits part of graphical DLCs are listed below:

Name Release date Render image Description Ethnicity
Mongol Faces Feb 14, 2012 Mongol Faces .jpg The Mongols DLC contains thousands of unique face combinations for male and female characters of the Mongol cultures.

It also contains 7 new unit sprites for: Archers, Horse Archers, Heavy Infantry, Pikemen, Light Infantry, Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry.

African Portraits Oct 16, 2012 African Portraits.jpg Enhance your Crusader Kings II Experience with the African Portraits pack.

African Portraits adds thousands of unique face combinations to both male and female characters in the African states south of the Sahara. This includes Nubia, Abyssinia, Mali, Songhay and Ghana.

Russian Portraits Dec 13, 2012 Russian Portraits.jpg Enhance your Crusader Kings II Experience with the Russian Portraits pack.

Russian Portraits adds new clothing and thousands of unique face combinations for both male and female characters while playing Russian, Ilmenian, Severian, Volhynian and Alan characters.

Mediterranean Portraits Jan 15, 2013 Mediterranean Portraits.jpg Enhance your Crusader Kings II Experience with the Mediterranean Portraits pack.

Mediterranean Portraits adds new clothing and thousands of unique face combinations for both male and female characters while playing as Mediterranean Nations.

Note: portraits were redone in patch 2.3 and no longer cover southerngfx or andalusiangfx ethnicities.

Norse Portraits May 28, 2013 Norse Portraits.jpg Enhance your Crusader Kings II experience with the Norse Portraits Pack.

Norse Portraits pack adds thousands of unique face combinations for North Germanic cultures, including Norse, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish characters.

Celtic Portraits June 25, 2013 Celtic Portraits.jpg Enhance your Crusader Kings II Experience with the Celtic Portraits pack.

Celtic Portraits adds thousands of unique face combinations for male and female characters of the Celtic cultures, including Irish, Scottish, Pictish, Welsh and Breton characters.

Turkish Portraits Mar 25, 2014 Turkish Portraits.jpg Crusader Kings II: Turkish Portraits contains thousands of unique face combinations for male and female characters of the Turkish cultures, including Khazar, Pecheneg and Bolghar characters. turkishgfx
Persian Portraits May 19, 2014 Persian Portraits.jpg Crusader Kings II: Persian Portraits contains thousands of unique face combinations for male and female characters of the Iranian cultures, including Persian, Kurdish, Afghan, Baloch, Sogdian and Tocharian characters. persiangfx
Early Western Clothing Pack Oct 14, 2014 Early Western Clothing Pack.jpg Crusader Kings II: Early Western Clothing Pack contains new, historically appropriate, clothing options for Anglo-Saxon and Frankish rulers in the 8th to 10th centuries. saxongfx


Early Eastern Clothing Pack Oct 14, 2014 Early Eastern Clothing Pack.jpg Crusader Kings II: Early Eastern Clothing Pack contains new, historically appropriate, clothing options for Muslim and Byzantine rulers in the 8th to 10th centuries. byzantinegfx


Iberian Portrait Pack Dec 16, 2014 Iberian Portrait Pack.jpg Crusader Kings II: Iberian Portraits contains thousands of unique face combinations for male and female characters of the Castillan, Catalan, Portuguese, Visigoth and Italian cultures. southerngfx


Cuman Portraits Packs
(included in Horse Lords Content Pack)
July 14, 2015 Cuman Portrait Pack.jpg Crusader Kings II: Cuman Portraits contains thousands of unique face combinations for male and female characters of the Cuman, Kirghiz, Karluk and Uyghur cultures. cumangfx
Finno-Ugric Portraits Pack
(included in Conclave Content Pack)
February 2, 2016 Finno-Ugric Portraits Pack.jpg Crusader Kings II: Finno-Ugric Portraits contains thousands of unique face combinations for male and female characters of the Finnish, Sami, Estonian, Komi, Khanty, Nenets, Mordvin, Lithuanian, Prussian and Lettigallian cultures. ugricgfx
South Indian Portraits February 2, 2016 South Indian Portraits.jpg Crusader Kings II: South Indian Portraits contains thousands of unique face combinations for male and female characters of the Tamil, Telugu and Kannada cultures.

This is a free DLC.[1]

East African Portrait Pack
(included in The Reaper's Due Content Pack)
August 25, 2016 East African Portrait Pack.jpg East and West Africa are vastly different cultures, one still clinging to their shamanistic roots, the other falling under Christian and Muslim influence. Now they can also look the part in the eastern lands near Africa’s horn. africangfx
Late Byzantine Clothing Pack
(included in The Reaper's Due Content Pack)
August 25, 2016 Late Byzantine Clothing Pack.jpg The bulwark between Europe and the near east, a crossroads of trade and a melting pot of cultures. Now dress the part as the remnant of the Roman Empire. byzantinegfx
English Portrait Pack
(included in Monks and Mystics)
March 7, 2017 English Portrait Pack.jpg Once William the Conqueror had asserted his claim on England the Norman culture took hold, a culture that would evolve with the Anglo-Saxons into the English culture. englishgfx, normangfx
German Portrait Pack
(included in Monks and Mystics)
March 7, 2017 German Portrait Pack.jpg The Germans, from princes, arch-bishops up to the kings and even kaisers will now don their own armor and appropriately show off their heraldry on the battlefields. germangfx
Tibetan Portrait Pack
(included in Jade Dragon)
November 16, 2017 Tibetan Portrait Pack.jpg bodpagfx
Chinese Portrait Pack
(included in Jade Dragon)
November 16, 2017 Chinese Portrait Pack.jpg chinesegfx
French Portrait Pack
(included in Holy Fury)
November 13, 2018 French Portraits.png frankishgfx
Slavic Portrait Pack
(included in Holy Fury)
November 13, 2018 Slavic Portraits.png croatsouthslavicgfx serbsouthslavicgfx westernslavicgfx
Arabic Portrait Pack
(included in Holy Fury)
November 13, 2018 New Arabic Portraits.png arabicgfx berbergfx
Italian Portrait Pack
(included in Holy Fury)
November 13, 2018 Italian Portraits.png italiangfx

Unit Packs

Some units are part of expansions, and not available as a separate graphical DLC:

Here is the list of unit packs available as separate graphical DLCs:

Name Release date Render picture[2] Description Ethnicity
Byzantine Unit Pack Oct 16, 2012 Byzantine unit pack.jpg The Byzantine Unit Pack adds unique unit graphics in the Byzantine Empire and other Greek, Armenian or Georgian states. byzantinegfx
African Unit Pack June 26, 2012 African unit pack.jpg Enhance your Crusader Kings II experience with these unique unit graphics for the African states south of the Sahara:

Nubia, Abyssinia, Mali, Songhay, Ghana.

Russian Unit Pack Dec 13, 2012. Russian unit pack.jpg The Russian Unit Pack adds unique unit graphics for the Russian, Alan and Bulgarian cultures. easternslavicgfx
Norse Unit Pack May 28, 2013 Norse unit pack.jpg The Norse Unit Pack adds unique graphics for countries in northern Europe including Sweden, Denmark and Norway. norsegfx
Celtic Unit Pack June 25, 2013 Celtic unit pack.jpg The Celtic Unit Pack adds unique graphics for the Irish, Scottish, Welsh and Breton armies. celticgfx
Military Orders Unit Pack Nov 18, 2013 Military orders unit pack.jpg These new unit models, exclusively for the Christian Holy Orders, will enhance the visual experience of Crusader Kings II.

This unit pack contains seven new unit models for any unit raised as a Christian Holy Order.



Warriors of Faith Unit Pack Nov 18, 2013 Warriors of faith unit pack 1.jpg Includes unique unit graphics for Holy Orders and Warriors of Faith for non-Christian religions such as the Muslims, Norse, Zoastrians and Aztecs.

A total of eleven new unit models enhances the visual experience of Crusader Kings II when raising holy orders of the non-Christian religions. This unit pack contains Aztec Eagle Warriors, Jomsvikings, Zoastrian Immortals, Bektashi and Hashashins and much more.


Saxon Unit Pack Feb 14, 2014 Saxon unit pack.jpg The Saxon Unit Pack adds seven new, unique unit models for Saxon and Anglo-Saxons rulers. saxongfx
Finno-Ugric Unit Pack Feb 14, 2014 Fino-Ugric unit pack.jpg The Finno-Ugric Unit Pack adds seven new, unique unit models for Finnish, Lappish, Komi, Nenets and Mordvin rulers. ugricgfx
Turkish Unit Pack Mar 25, 2014 Turkish unit pack.jpg The Turkish Unit Pack adds seven new, unique unit models for Turkish rulers. turkishgfx
Persian Unit Pack May 19, 2014 Persian unit pack.jpg The Persian Unit Pack adds seven new, unique unit models for Persian rulers. persiangfx
Iberian Unit Pack Dec 16, 2014 Iberian unit pack.jpg The Iberian Unit Pack adds seven new, unique unit models for Castillan, Catalan, Portuguese, Visigoth and Italian rulers. southerngfx
Early Frankish Unit Pack July 14, 2015 Early Frankish unit pack.jpg The Early Frankish Unit Pack adds unique unit models for early Frankish rulers. frankishgfx
Early Germanic Unit Pack July 14, 2015 Early Germanic unit pack.jpg The Early Germanic Unit Pack adds unique unit models for early Germanic rulers. germangfx
Italian Unit Pack July 14, 2015 Italian unit pack.jpg The Italian Unit Pack adds unique unit models for Italian, Roman and Lombard rulers. italiangfx
Mongol Unit Pack July 14, 2015 Mongol unit pack.jpg The Mongol Unit Pack adds seven new, unique unit models for Mongol rulers. mongolgfx
Western/Christian Female Councillors Model Pack
(included in Conclave Content Pack)
February 2, 2016 Western female councillors model pack.jpg The Western Female Concillors Model Pack adds unique female councillors models for Christian North Germanic, Central Germanic, West Germanic, Latin, Iberian, Celtic, East Slavic, West Slavic, Magyar, Finno-Ugric and Baltic rulers
Mongol/Steppe Councillors Male Model Pack
(included in Conclave Content Pack)
February 2, 2016 Mongol male councillors model pack.jpg The Mongol/Steppe Councillors Male Model Pack adds unique male councillors models for nomadics Turkish, Altaic, Pecheneg, Khazar, Bolghar, Cuman, Karluk, Kirghiz, Uyghur and Mongol rulers.
Mongol/Steppe Councillors Female Model Pack
(included in Conclave Content Pack)
February 2, 2016 Mongol female councillors model pack.jpg The Mongol/Steppe Councillors Female Model Pack adds unique female councillors models for nomadics Turkish, Altaic, Pecheneg, Khazar, Bolghar, Cuman, Karluk, Kirghiz, Uyghur and Mongol rulers.
Indian Boats Unit Pack
(included in Conclave Content Pack)
February 2, 2016 Indian Boats Unit Pack Renders.jpg The Indian Boats Unit Pack adds a new, unique ship unit model for Bengali, Indo-Aryan, Oriya, Assamese, Hindustani, Gujurati, Panjabi, Rajput, Sindhi, Marathi, Sinhala, Tamil, Dravidian, Telugu and Kannada rulers.
Arabic Boats Unit Pack
(included in Conclave Content Pack)
February 2, 2016 Arabic Boats Unit Pack Renders.jpeg The Arabic Boats Unit Pack adds a new, unique ship unit for Bedouin, Arabic, Berber, Levantine, Egyptian and Andalusian rulers.
Eastern Female Councillors
(included in The Reaper's Due Content Pack)
August 25, 2016 Eastern female councillors model pack.jpg Eastern Europe have a history of powerful women, like queen Olga of the Kievan Rus who crushed the Drevlians that murdered her husband. These councillors are now here to help guide your eastern kingdoms.
African Male Councillors
(included in The Reaper's Due Content Pack)
August 25, 2016 African male councillors model pack.jpg No longer will the advisors look like the denizens of far off lands. Male council members for the African kingdoms are here as well as their shamans to spread their faith.
African Female Councillors
(included in The Reaper's Due Content Pack)
August 25, 2016 African Female Councillors.jpg No longer will the advisors look like the denizens of far off lands. Female council members for the African kingdoms are here as well as their shamans to spread their faith.
English Unit Pack
(included in Monks and Mystics)
March 7, 2017 English Unit Pack.jpg The English, as descended from Anglo-Saxon and Norman culture will now have their own units with appropriate heraldry and gear. Will they be the ones to unify the British isles?
German Unit Pack
(included in Monks and Mystics)
March 7, 2017 German Unit Pack.jpg The Germans, from princes, arch-bishops up to the kings and even kaisers will now don their own armor and appropriately show off their heraldry on the battlefields.
Chinese Unit Pack
(included in Jade Dragon)
November 16, 2017

External links
