帝国选侯制(英文:Princely elective)是神圣罗马帝国的继承法。
- 只适用于神圣罗马帝国或其在随机世界对应的帝国。
- 只有在皇帝有中央集权,而且废除内阁权力(有 御前会议)或有绝对王权(无 御前会议)时,才可以改变继承法。
- 皇帝的近亲(有或没有领地),所有此头衔的宣称者,以及所有高级别法理封臣可以成为候选人。
- 选举人由皇帝和七位法理封臣组成,某些头衔优先。
- 如果候选人不虔诚或信仰错误宗教,候选人将不会被支持。
- 皇帝仅能影响投票者,如果他们已经 加冕。
- 皇帝
- 七位选帝侯,优先考虑下表中的头衔。使用何种设置取决于以下标准:
- 如果帝国在查理曼开局时间(769)第一次建立,角色首都所在地区决定游戏之后时间内的优先头衔设置。
- 如果角色首都位于以下所列地区之外,游戏将默认采用日耳曼尼亚设置。
- 在之后开局时间,即使帝国是重建的,同样将使用日耳曼尼亚设置。
首都地区 | 优先选帝侯头衔 | ||||||
伯爵头衔 | 公爵头衔 | ||||||
日耳曼尼亚(默认) | 科隆 | 美因茨 | 特里尔 | 波希米亚 | 法兰克尼亚 | 萨克森 | 勃兰登堡 |
法兰克 | 亚眠 | 兰斯 | 安茹 | 阿基坦 | 勃艮第 | 诺曼底 | 香槟 |
意大利 | 罗马 | 拉文纳 | 热那亚 | 拉丁姆 | 米兰 | 托斯卡纳 | 比萨 |
伊比利亚 | 圣地亚哥 | 科尔多瓦 | 莱昂 | 巴塞罗那 | 卡斯蒂利亚 | 波图斯卡莱 | 塞维利亚 |
不列颠尼亚 | 肯特 | 伍斯特 | 达勒姆 | 麦西亚 | 米斯 | 奥尔巴尼 | 圭内思 |
Valid candidates are:
- The emperor's close family.
- De jure dukes and kings (based on their primary title).
- Title claimants.
- See also: Feudal elective#Strategies
Virtue and piety
- Aim for traits which pleases Christians and/or improve church opinion: These traits improve opinion of the electors, and are generally beneficial as well (especially the Seven Virtues).
- Childhood education: Humility and Duty tend to produce virtuous children.
- Your intended heir can gain piety by serving as court chaplain, or by ruling an area with upgraded church and hospital buildings
- Join a monastic society
- Try to have dynasts control elector titles. While dynasts may not vote exactly like you, they are likely to vote for another dynast at the very least. Consider converting the theocratic elector titles to feudal.
- Help your dynasty members achieve beatification: this boosts the piety of all living members of the dynasty.
Strategies as emperor
- Use Free Investiture, especially if you prefer to be impious: Papal Investiture gives clergy electors greater voting power, and with , Papal Investiture means that the Pope can potentially hold you hostage with demands during every succession.
- Keep the electors weak, so that you may more easily compel them to vote your way.
- Avoid being an uncrowned emperor, as you cannot influence other electors until you are crowned.
- Nominate an adult
- Your intended heir can be crowned while serving as a vassal king
- Don't start a major war from your deathbed
Strategies as a vassal
- Aim to hold a priority title. Becoming an elector will let you vote, let you see how other electors view you as a candidate, and let you influence other electors with favors.
- Befriend the emperor: If you are nominated by the current ruler, other voters who like the emperor are likely to vote for you as well.