
第249行: 第249行:

! !! 模式 !! 投票 !! 提示 !! Notes
! !! 模式 !! 投票 !! 提示 !! 注释
| [[File:Council-vote-selfish-for.png]] || Selfish || for || I would gain a title! ||
| [[File:Council-vote-selfish-for.png]] || 利己 || 赞成 || 我将获得一个头衔! ||
| [[File:Council-vote-selfish-for.png]] || Selfish || for || You are vastly over your Demesne Limit and are handing out a Barony or a County || Liege exceeds [[demesne limit]] by 4<br>Liege is not nomadic<br>Title rank is barony or county
| [[File:Council-vote-selfish-for.png]] || 利己 || 赞成 || 你严重超出了直辖上限,应该分出一个男爵领或伯爵领 || Liege exceeds [[demesne limit]] by 4<br>Liege is not nomadic<br>Title rank is barony or county
| [[File:Council-vote-selfish-against.png]] || Selfish || against || I am unlanded, I should get the title! || Voter is landless, recipient is already landed.<br>Voter is male or liege can generally grant titles to women<br>Liege does not exceed demesne limit by 2.<br>Liege is not nomadic<br>Note: applies even to duchy grants!
| [[File:Council-vote-selfish-against.png]] || 利己 || 反对 || 我没有土地,我应该得到这个头衔! || Voter is landless, recipient is already landed.<br>Voter is male or liege can generally grant titles to women<br>Liege does not exceed demesne limit by 2.<br>Liege is not nomadic<br>Note: applies even to duchy grants!
| [[File:Council-vote-selfish-against.png]] || Selfish || against || The title is part of my De Jure territory, it should be mine! || Direct de jure vassal title (?)
| [[File:Council-vote-selfish-against.png]] || 利己 || 反对 || 这个头衔是我的法理领土之一,这是我的! || Direct de jure vassal title (?)
| [[File:Council-vote-selfish-against.png]] || Selfish || against || I desire this title || De jure liege title or above (?)
| [[File:Council-vote-selfish-against.png]] || 利己 || 反对 || 我渴望得到这个头衔 || De jure liege title or above (?)
| [[File:Council-vote-family-for.png]] || Family || for || My family member would gain a title! || Close relative and NOT a rival
| [[File:Council-vote-family-for.png]] || 家族 || 赞成 || 我的家族成员会获得一个头衔! || Close relative and NOT a rival
| [[File:Loyalist.png]] || Loyalist || for || This voter is a Loyalist and will vote like the liege ||
| [[File:Loyalist.png]] || 效忠者 || 赞成 || 这个投票者是效忠者,他会支持领主 ||
| [[File:Pragmatist.png]] || Pragmatist || against || The targeted character's demesne is 4 or larger || 
| [[File:Pragmatist.png]] || 实用主义者 || 反对 || 目标角色直辖领为 4 或更多 || 
| [[File:Pragmatist.png]] || Pragmatist || against || I do not want you to grant land to your Dynasty! || Unless voter is also of your dynasty
| [[File:Pragmatist.png]] || 实用主义者 || 反对 || 我不想让你把土地授予给你的家族! || Unless voter is also of your dynasty
| [[File:Zealot.png]] || Zealot || for ||  || Same religion, 20 opinion
| [[File:Zealot.png]] || 狂热者 || 赞成 ||  || Same religion, 20 opinion
| [[File:Zealot.png]] || Zealot || against ||  || Different religion, below 25 opinion
| [[File:Zealot.png]] || 狂热者 || 反对 ||  || Different religion, below 25 opinion
| [[File:Zealot.png]] || Zealot || against ||  || Same religion, {{iconify|decadent}}
| [[File:Zealot.png]] || 狂热者 || 反对 ||  || Same religion, {{iconify|decadent}}
| [[File:Zealot.png]] || Zealot || against ||  || Same religion, {{iconify|excommunicated}}
| [[File:Zealot.png]] || 狂热者 || 反对 ||  || Same religion, {{iconify|excommunicated}}
| [[File:Malcontent.png]] || Malcontent || against || This voter is Malcontent and will oppose the liege ||
| [[File:Malcontent.png]] || 反对派|| 反对 || 这名投票者是反对派,他将会反对领 ||
| || Opinion || for || I like this character || 25 opinion
| || 好感|| 赞成 || 我喜欢这个角色 || 25 opinion
| || Opinion || for || I do not dislike this character and the character is unlanded || opinion is BELOW -9 ([https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/2-6-1-1-councilors-vote-incorrectly-for-grant-title-interaction.967125/#post-21791951 backwards!])
| || 好感 || 赞成(?) || 我讨厌这个角色而且他没有领地 || opinion is BELOW -9 ([https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/2-6-1-1-councilors-vote-incorrectly-for-grant-title-interaction.967125/#post-21791951 backwards!])

2019年11月1日 (五) 17:12的版本

内阁投票(英文:council vote)根据内阁法(要求 DLC icon Conclave.png 御前会议DLC)在法律变更或重要互动时触发。



  • 特别支持你的投票人可能是 Loyalist.png
  • 大部分投票人将选择三个“中立”立场中的一个:Pragmatist.pngGlory Hound.pngZealot.png
  • 特别不支持你的投票人可能是 Malcontent.png


立场 游戏中的描述 +修正 -修正
Loyalist large.png 效忠者 效忠者内阁成员会是统治者的忠实仆从。他将全力支持统治者的决定,除非统治者侵犯了他的利益。 负面好感不可能是效忠者,即使是玩家
Pragmatist large.png 实用主义者 实用主义的内阁成员在增加国土以及攫取自身权力方面将永远选择阻力最小的路线。他们倾向于支持收复法理领地以及针对领主同文化国家的战争。他们也可能支持针对弱小对手的战争。这种内阁成员会反对在领地内创立其他强力的封臣,并且会支持撤销已有的强力封臣的头衔。
  • 30 基础值
  • +10 Cynical.png
  • +10 Craven.png
  • +10 Just.png
  • +10 Paranoid.png
  • (20a + 100s)
  • -10 Content.png
  • -10 Arbitrary.png
  • -10 Slothful.png
  • -10 Greedy.png
  • -50 Zealous.png
Glory Hound large.png 荣誉猎犬 荣誉猎犬式的内阁成员会一直努力要求国家向光辉荣耀的方向前进。他们会反对攻击弱小的邻国,但如果战争是针对强力的对手,他们不会在意宣战理由,只要这仗能增加国土就好。这种内阁成员也会更倾向于强大的中央集权。
  • 30 基础值
  • +10 Brave.png
  • +10 Honest.png
  • +10 Proud.png
  • (15a + 100p)
  • -50 Craven.png
  • -10 Shy.png
  • -10 Humble.png
  • -10 Content.png
Zealot large.png 狂热者 宗教狂热的内阁成员会努力把宗教事务摆在领内政治议程的优先项。如果存在宗教战争的目标,这位内阁成员将反对对其他目标开战。这位内阁成员也会更倾向于支持对异端和异教角色敌对的行为。
  • 20 基础值
  • +25 Zealous.png
  • +10 Humble.png
  • +20 政体是神权制
  • +20 领主可以参加十字军,但没有
  • +5 有至少5虔诚
  • +5 领主的虔诚不是0
  • +5 Crusader.pngMujahid.pngValhalla bound.png
  • (15a + 45s + 45p)
  • -5 领主有 Zealous.png
  • -10 领主有 Crusader.pngMujahid.pngValhalla bound.png
  • -10 领主有200虔诚
  • -10 Content.png
  • -50 Cynical.png
Malcontent large.png 反对派 反对派的内阁成员对国事现状会非常不满。他们是内阁中的麻烦,除非立即能够获得权力,否则他们会一直反对领主的意愿。
  • 15 基础值
  • +5 Ambitious.png
  • +10 Envious.png
  • +5 来自 Envious.png 的额外值,如果没有 Ambitious.pngContent.png
  • +20 仇敌
  • -1.6 × 负面好感(负数)
  • (25a + 50s + 50p)
  • -15 Content.png
  • -5 Trusting.png
  • -0.7 × 正面好感(正数)



  • a:封臣的领地规模除以50,再平方
  • s:封臣领地规模与领主相比(即领地规模相对领主的百分比)
  • p:封臣实力与领主相比(即可用部队相对领主的百分比)


  • 任何重要的封臣往往都不会是效忠者
  • 领地规模大于实力的封臣往往是实用主义者
  • 实力大于领地规模的封臣往往是荣誉猎犬
  • 大封臣(如 统治多个王国)往往是反对派,因为a中的平方



上文没有列出的是 Horse.png 总是效忠者,最伟大的汗王的附属汗王通常是效忠者。通常,那些有高好感,有 Content.png 特质和小次级领地的角色最可能是效忠者。








  • 加强中央集权:大部分投票人在20好感时会赞成,其他无法确定
  • 削弱中央集权:大部分投票人赞成
  • 加强女性地位:女性赞成,男性反对
  • 加强剥夺头衔:通常如果好感低于60时会反对,其他无法确定,即使是高于60。但是:
    • 一位 Pragmatist.png 在20好感时会投票赞成第一级(“允许”),因为他们意识到需要在领地内分配权力
    • 一位 Zealot.png 在20好感时会投票赞成第二级(“宗教”),因为他们希望异教徒被剥夺头衔
  • 增加部落组织度:如果不是部落制和未改革原始宗教,将会赞成
  • 加强总督制:大部分投票人反对
  • 加强限制继承:大部分投票人反对
  • 加强政体类型:大部分投票人反对
  • 改变神职叙任权:无法确定所有投票人的选择(甚至是狂热者)


  • 封建制/伊克塔和部落统治者更喜欢缴税
  • 共和制封臣更喜欢提供征召兵
  • 神权制统治者更喜欢平衡的义务




投票模式将按以下顺序评估,直到其中一个匹配赞成或反对:特殊模式 Council-vote-special-for.png Council-vote-special-against.png,利己模式 Council-vote-selfish-for.png Council-vote-selfish-against.png,家族模式 Council-vote-family-for.pngCouncil-vote-family-against.png,立场模式 Loyalist.png Pragmatist.png Glory Hound.png Zealot.png Malcontent.png,以及好感模式。每个模式内,“赞成”原因比“反对”原因更重要。如果这些模式没有一个建议“赞成”或“反对”它们将被投票人关心的外交能力左右。



Pragmatist.pngGlory Hound.png 内阁成员有几乎相反的目标。实用主义者通常赞成进攻弱小的敌人,并且只进行一场进攻战争,而荣誉猎犬通常赞成进攻强大的敌人(除非目标是他们的首选目标),并且进行多场进攻战争。同盟包括在他们的实力计算中。但战争双方有相近的实力,他们会考虑其他因素。

一位 Zealot.png 将总是赞成进攻其他宗教的目标。如果战争有强烈的宗教动机并且没有进行中的[大圣战],他们也将支持宗教内部的战争。

模式 投票 提示 注释
Council-vote-special-for.png 特殊 赞成 我永远支持这种战争! 准备入侵 or 基督教十字军
Council-vote-selfish-for.png 利己 赞成 我将获得一个头衔!
Council-vote-selfish-against.png 利己 反对 我会失去一个头衔! Is heir to the title being contested(?)
Council-vote-family-for.png 家族 赞成 我的家族成员会获得一个头衔! "Gainer" (e.g. claimant?) is close relative
Council-vote-family-against.png 家族 反对 这场战争针对我的一个家族成员 Defender is close relative
Council-vote-family-against.png 家族 反对 我的家族成员会失去一个头衔! Contested title is held by a close relative
Loyalist.png 效忠者 赞成 这个投票者是效忠者,他会支持领主 Liege initiated the vote
Loyalist.png 效忠者 反对 - Liege did not initiate the vote (someone is trying to use a favor to force the liege to press their claim)
Pragmatist.png 实用主义者 反对 我们已经忙于另一场战争了 Primary participant
Pragmatist.png 实用主义者 赞成 敌人比我们弱很多 Attacker power ≥ 1.3
The CB is NOT claim for other (worried that such a war would make another vassal too powerful?)
Pragmatist.png 实用主义者 赞成 目标领地是我们法理领土的一部分或者是我们文化组的一部分 Attacker power ≥ 0.8
Any county (controlled by the defender within the contested title) is of our culture group or a de jure part of any of the attacker's titles
Pragmatist.png 实用主义者 反对 敌人过于强大,我们无法对付 Attacker power < 1.0
Glory Hound.png 荣誉猎犬 赞成 敌人比我强大,这场战场将会是光荣的! Defender power ≥ 0.9
Glory Hound.png 荣誉猎犬 赞成 这是我首选的战争目标!
Glory Hound.png 荣誉猎犬 赞成 赢得这场战争会使国家得到发展! Attacker power < 3.0
When pressing the claim of a courtier who would need land to remain your vassal, a Glory Hound expects you to give the courtier land before declaring war. As if you'd forget.
Glory Hound.png 荣誉猎犬 反对 战争中无法获得荣誉,敌人太弱了 Defender power < 0.3
Zealot.png 狂热者 反对 目标不是另一个宗教的对立教宗 Depose Antipope CB, councilor has a different religion(?)
Zealot.png 狂热者 反对 我想专注于正在进行的[大圣战] When declaring war on an enemy of our own religion, this overrides all "for" reasons
Zealot.png 狂热者 赞成 这场战争将废黜邪恶的教宗 Defender is pope with the Bad priest christian.png Wicked Priest trait.
Gainer is our antipope and does not have the trait.
Zealot.png 狂热者 赞成 这场战争针对异教敌人! The defender (or the holder of the contested title) does not share our religion
Note: Catholic and Orthodox are considered "religious enemies" in this clause, even though they are not normally hostile.
Zealot.png 狂热者 赞成 这场战争针对绝罚者
Zealot.png 狂热者 赞成 这场战争针对绝罚者对立教宗 Depose Antipope CB, councilor has the same religion(?)
Zealot.png 狂热者 反对 我想专注于正在进行的[大圣战] When declaring war on an enemy of a different religion, this is just a fallback (?)
Malcontent.png 反对派 反对 这名投票者是反对派,他将会反对领主
Council-vote-wartarget-against.png 首选战争目标 反对 目前别的战争对我而言更重要。

Each voter with a “neutral” stance will try to select a preferred war target:

  • Pragmatist.png Pragmatist: not a close relative, ___ power ___
  • Glory Hound.png Glory Hound: not a close relative, ___ power between ___ and ___
  • Zealot.png Zealot: not a close relative, not the same religion, ___ power ___

When hovering a councilor's portrait, their tooltip will indicate whether they have a preferred war target and who it is.


模式 投票 提示条 注释
Council-vote-selfish-for.png 利己 赞成 我将获得一个头衔!
Council-vote-selfish-for.png 利己 赞成 你严重超出了直辖上限,应该分出一个男爵领或伯爵领 Liege exceeds demesne limit by 4
Liege is not nomadic
Title rank is barony or county
Council-vote-selfish-against.png 利己 反对 我没有土地,我应该得到这个头衔! Voter is landless, recipient is already landed.
Voter is male or liege can generally grant titles to women
Liege does not exceed demesne limit by 2.
Liege is not nomadic
Note: applies even to duchy grants!
Council-vote-selfish-against.png 利己 反对 这个头衔是我的法理领土之一,这是我的! Direct de jure vassal title (?)
Council-vote-selfish-against.png 利己 反对 我渴望得到这个头衔 De jure liege title or above (?)
Council-vote-family-for.png 家族 赞成 我的家族成员会获得一个头衔! Close relative and NOT a rival
Loyalist.png 效忠者 赞成 这个投票者是效忠者,他会支持领主
Pragmatist.png 实用主义者 反对 目标角色直辖领为 4 或更多
Pragmatist.png 实用主义者 反对 我不想让你把土地授予给你的家族! Unless voter is also of your dynasty
Zealot.png 狂热者 赞成 Same religion, 20 opinion
Zealot.png 狂热者 反对 Different religion, below 25 opinion
Zealot.png 狂热者 反对 Same religion, Decadent.png
Zealot.png 狂热者 反对 Same religion, Excommunicated.png
Malcontent.png 反对派 反对 这名投票者是反对派,他将会反对领
好感 赞成 我喜欢这个角色 25 opinion
好感 赞成(?) 我讨厌这个角色而且他没有领地 opinion is BELOW -9 (backwards!)

Revoke title

Pattern Vote Tooltip Notes
Council-vote-selfish-against.png Selfish against I would lose a title!
Council-vote-family-against.png Family against My family member would lose a title! Close relative and NOT a rival
Loyalist.png Loyalist for This voter is a Loyalist and will vote like the liege
Pragmatist.png Pragmatist for The targeted characters demesne is 4 or larger
Glory Hound.png Glory Hound against I do not want you to weaken Powerful vassals!
Zealot.png Zealot for Different religion and opinion below 20
Zealot.png Zealot against The target is pious and of my religion Same religion and piety at least 200
Malcontent.png Malcontent against This voter is Malcontent and will oppose the liege
Opinion for I dislike this character Opinion is -15 or below

Imprison, banish, or execute

Pattern Vote Tooltip Notes
Council-vote-selfish-against.png Selfish against This affects me negatively
Council-vote-selfish-against.png Selfish against This affects the stability of the Council! Fellow voter and NOT a rival
Council-vote-family-against.png Family against My family member would be affected negatively Close relative and NOT a rival
Loyalist.png Loyalist for This voter is a Loyalist and will vote like the liege
Glory Hound.png Glory Hound against I do not want you to weaken your Dynasty!
Glory Hound.png Glory Hound against There is no glory in this, the character is a defenseless child!
Glory Hound.png Glory Hound against I do not want you to weaken Powerful vassals!
Zealot.png Zealot for Different religion and opinion below 20
Malcontent.png Malcontent against This voter is Malcontent and will oppose the liege
Opinion for I dislike this character Opinion is -5 or below for imprisonment
Opinion is -10 or below for banishment or execution


Enforcing realm peace requires the approval of the council.

Pattern Vote Tooltip Notes
Council-vote-selfish-for.png Selfish for I am losing a war, this would save my hide! Defender is voter or voter's ally.
Attacker is more powerful or war score is not clearly in my favor
🐞 Defenders are confused and think they're losing when they're actually winning
Council-vote-selfish-for.png Selfish for My ally is losing a war, this would help them
Council-vote-selfish-against.png Selfish against I am winning a war
Council-vote-selfish-against.png Selfish against My ally is winning a war
Loyalist.png Loyalist for This voter is a Loyalist and will vote like the liege Liege initiated the vote
Malcontent.png Malcontent against This voter is Malcontent and will oppose the liege


  • Remember the number of votes needed from the council to approve your actions: 2 for counts and dukes, 3 for kings and emperors. If under a regency, the vote count changes to 4 for counts to kings, and 5 for emperors (as there are no tie-breaker votes and the regent will not automatically vote to approve actions, unlike the ruler).
  • Powerful vassals who are Malcontent have to be dealt with.
    • If negative opinion, improving opinion until it is positive can push Malcontent members to either of the three neutral stances. If the negative opinion is too big to overcome, consider measures like induced rebellion (Holy Fury.pngantagonizing the councilor for one) or murder and work on relations with their heirs.
    • Players should never allow a council member to gather enough titles such that they are Malcontent due to sub-realm size.
    • While 1 Malcontent council member is still manageable, multiple Malcontent members are a danger to the ruler, especially if they use favors to force fellow councilors to vote their way.
  • It is often possible to avoid having to buy favors by finding new council members with the correct stance for the action you want to take. Beware of opinion malus from powerful vassals who are not on the council; they can also create and join factions due to not being in the council (if they were previously disallowed).
  • For players with small realms, try to have at least half of your council be Loyalist.png or cheap to buy favors from. Baron-level characters are the cheapest at 40g+. Courtiers require 80g, but you can often get their money back (inheritance if they have no family; banishment if they abuse their office).
  • Avoid letting your council members hold favors on you, unless you have (or will soon) have absolutism. They will often use their favors to start votes to increase council power.
    • If a council member gains a favor on you, you may wish to fire them from the council. You can also use the Buy Favor interaction to "buy back" the favor, but opinion must be high: "- I have better use for the favor"
  • Be opportunistic and seize the opportunity whenever a powerful vassal undergoes a regency and has to vacate his council seat. Powerful vassals undergoing major rebellions within their sub-realms may also deprive them of their "powerful vassal" status.
  • If playing in a region where different religions clash, it may be easier to sway the council to vote your way if they are mostly Zealots. The flipside is that once the era of great holy wars begins, you'll have to keep an eye on whether any GHWs have been called by or against your religion; Zealots expect you to drop (almost) everything and participate in a GHW, either as an supporting attacker or as a defender.
  • If your council is dominated by Glory Hounds, hover over their portraits to see if they have a preferred war target. If they do, consider declaring war on the preferred target, especially if the realm is relatively weak. Other Glory Hounds are likely to support such a war declaration, justifying the support under "winning war will enlarge realm".


  • Stance selection is defined in common/council_positions/
  • Voting patterns, for both laws and interactions, are defined in common/council_voting/