
(08:19, 10 November 2019‎ Jruderman)
第1行: 第1行:

 欢迎来到 ''[[Crusader Kings II|十字军之王2(王国风云2)]]''的世界, 这是一款混合了 RPG 元素的战略游戏。本指南旨在让新手玩家了解该做什么。
 欢迎来到'''[[Crusader Kings II|十字军之王2(王国风云2)]]'''的世界, 这是一款混合了 RPG 元素的战略游戏。本指南旨在让新手玩家了解该做什么。

The first thing a new player should do is play the Learning Scenario from the prompt that appears after the game loads, which introduces the basic [[:Category:Game concepts|game concepts]] and mechanics. After action reports and Let's Plays of ''CKII'' posted on various websites, such as [https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?forums/crusader-kings-ii-after-action-reports-aar.684/ the Paradox forums] and [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4oetSfHo3F5XIFBlfjqh_A YouTube], are also informative.
对于新手玩家来讲,上手第一件事应该是游玩{{N|教学战役|Learning Scenario}},教学战役可以在游戏读取完成后出现的提示框中进入。教学战役介绍了基本的[[:Category: 游戏概念| 游戏概念]] 和游戏机制。 在很多网站上,如[https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?forums/crusader-kings-ii-after-action-reports-aar.684/ Paradox 论坛] 的{{N|战报|After Action Reports}}以及[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4oetSfHo3F5XIFBlfjqh_A Youtube] 上的《Let's Plays of ''CKII''》等视频对增进游戏的了解也大有帮助。

This guide assumes that no [[DLC#Expansions|expansions]] are enabled.
本篇新手指南的假定没有[[DLC# 扩展包| 扩展包]] 处于开启状态。

==Selecting a character==
== 选择一个角色==
[[File:Unkown character.png|right]]
[[File:Unkown character.png|right]]
 在“王国风云2(十字军之王2)”中,玩家所扮演的是统治者而非国家意志。开始新游戏时,单击“自定义游戏设置”以选择开始日期(1066年后任选)和扮演角色。玩家可玩角色有很多选项,新手开始时可能会晕头转向。所以请在选择角色时 斟酌 以下 事项
 在“王国风云2(十字军之王2)”中,玩家所扮演的是统治者而非国家意志。开始新游戏时,单击“自定义游戏设置”以选择开始日期(1066年后任选)和扮演角色。玩家可玩角色有很多选项,新手开始时可能会晕头转向。所以请在选择角色时 可以考虑从 以下 几个推荐领主入手

*“征服者威廉”剧本(1066年12月)对于初学者来说是最合适的游玩日期:很少有正在发生的重大事件,大多数领主都很弱小,[[科技]]水平低,大多数[[ 基础建筑]]几乎没有 发展 ,所以[[税收]]很低,[[ 军队规模]]相对较 。在征战四方的豪情真正涌现之前,可以利用小规模的几场战斗来理解这款游戏机制。
<!--*“征服者威廉”剧本(1066年12月)对于初学者来说是最合适的游玩日期:很少有正在发生的重大事件,大多数领主都很弱小,[[科技]]水平低,大多数[[ 领地]]几乎没有 完善 ,所以[[税收]]很低,[[ 征召兵]]相对较 。在征战四方的豪情真正涌现之前,可以利用小规模的几场战斗来理解这款游戏机制 。--> <!-- 原文已删除 -->
*通过在1066年剧本下的爱尔兰新手村历练,已经算是业界学习如何进行CK战争最为简单的方法,其中强烈建议选择幕穆国王穆尔哈德(King Murchad of Mumu)开局。因为这个时期的爱尔兰,各方领主实力较为弱小,算是独立于世事的桃源

*1066年 爱尔兰新手村 是学习如何进行战争最为简单 方法 因为 期的爱尔 的各方领 实力较为弱小,算 独立于世事 桃源
* 一个庞大王国亦或帝国 君主在开始便承担着重大的责任。虽然玩家可能不会立即 消灭,但不甘寂寞的附庸所造成的内部冲突会使盛世王朝很快走向虚弱。作 玩家 必须提防 群不满的附庸,同 对邻国积极备战。
**对于初学者来说,开扮演波 国王“英勇者”博莱斯瓦夫(King Boleslaw 'the Bold' of Poland)以及丹麦国王斯温(King Svend of Danmark)这几位独立君 也许 最安全 的。

**在神圣罗马帝国境内, 来自 波希米亚 的Vratislav 公爵和托斯卡纳 的Matilda 女公爵是玩家不错的选择,一个更有挑战性的选择是扮演来自东方拜占庭帝国里雄心勃勃 的Doux Michael of Adrianopolis。
**在神圣罗马帝国境内,波希米亚公爵 弗拉季斯拉夫(Duke Vratislav of Bohemia) 和托斯卡纳女公爵 玛蒂尔达(Duchess Matilda of Tuscany) 是玩家不错的选择,一个更有挑战性的选择是扮演来自东方拜占庭帝国里雄心勃勃 的哈德良波利斯公爵米海尔(Doux Michael of Adrianopolis
* 一个 庞大王国亦或帝国 君主在开始便承担着重大的责任 虽然玩家可能不会立即被消灭,但不甘寂寞的附庸所造成的内部冲突会 使 盛世王朝很快走向虚弱。作为 玩家 的你,必须提防这群不满的附庸,同时对邻国积极备
**对于初学者来说 开扮演波兰国王Boleslaw和Bold 及丹麦国王Svend这几位独立君主也许是最安全 的。
选择 一个 角色后,将出现[[游戏规则|游戏规则设定]] 提示框 关闭“溃退”选项和“共同防御协定”选项将 使玩家 争中更容易上手 并且将[[刺杀|密谋杀害]]设置为“直接行为”可 更轻松地将你 政敌做掉

  选择一个角色后 将出现[[ 游戏规则设定]] 的提示框。禁用“战败溃退”选项和“缔结共同防御协定”选项将使玩家在战争中更容易上手,并且将[[ 密谋杀害]] 设置 “直接行动”可以 轻松 将你的政敌做掉。
  首先 试着把地图模式由最初的[[ 键盘快捷键#地图模式|地图模式]] —— [[File:Map_mode_terrain.png]] 地形地图({{key press|Q}})转变 为更 实用的 图模式:

==Before unpausing==
*[[File:Map_mode_realms.png]] 独立领主地图({{key press|W}} )很适合独立的领主,因为你大多数时候是在和其他独立的统治者较量。
First, consider switching from the default [[map mode]], [[File:Map_mode_terrain.png]] Terrain ({{key press|Q}}), to a more useful mode:
*[[File:Map_mode_direct_vassals.png]] 直属封臣地图({{key press|F}} )适合在一个大国中的封臣,因为你大多数时候是在和其他封臣较量。
*[[File:Map_mode_realms.png]] Realms ({{key press|W}}) if you are independent, as you will mostly compete with other independent rulers.
*[[File:Map_mode_direct_vassals.png]] Direct vassals ({{key press|F}}) if you are a vassal inside a larger realm, as you will mostly compete with other vassals.

Before unpausing the game, there are a few things that usually need to be done, indicated by some of the circular [[alerts]] appearing at the top of the screen
通常在解除暂停之前,还有一些事情需要解决。这些事都会展示在屏幕上方的一些圆形[[ 通知#警告|警告]] 中。

=== 婚姻===
[[File:Alert marriage.png|right]]
[[File:Alert marriage.png|right]]
One of the alerts is most likely Ruler Unmarried, though some characters start already [[married]]. If you are the only living member of your [[dynasty]], this is even more critical. This is best dealt with before unpausing the game, because most of the other nobles will also be unmarried and good brides will be snatched up very quickly.
虽然某些角色在开始时就已经[[ 婚姻|结婚]] 了,其中一个开局最容易出现的提醒仍然是“统治者未婚”。特别是如果你是你的[[ 家族]] 最后一个在世的成员,这就更加重要了。最好在解除暂停时就赶紧解决这事,因为其他大多数贵族们也是未婚,好的配偶人选很快会被一抢而空。

*Click on your portrait. Before searching for a spouse, first pick the Get Married [[File:Obj get married.png]] [[ambition]] for a quick +10 [[piety]] gain. Then click the Arrange Marriage button [[File:Marry.png]]. This will open a list of potential spouses sorted by general desirability. As with the [[character finder]], it is also possible to sort by other criteria.
* 点击你的头像。在寻找配偶人选之前,首先选择 [[File:Obj get married.png]] “结婚”这一[[ 野心]] 来快速获取10点[[ 威望]] (御前会议DLC激活后该野心仅对AI生效)。然后,点击安排婚姻按钮 [[File:Marry.png]] ,打开一个按通常的优先度排序的潜在配偶人选名单。同[[ 角色查找器]] 一样,这个名单也可以按其他条件排序。

*Always choose the type of marriage that will result in children of your dynasty: a regular marriage when playing as a man or a matrilineal marriage when playing as a woman.
* 选择婚姻类型时一定要确保诞下的孩子属于你的家族:扮演男性时选择普通婚姻,扮演女性时选择入赘婚姻。

*Half of your spouse's [[attributes]] are added to yours, so target a bride with high skills. A high Stewardship is particularly useful as it will increase your [[Demesne#Demesne limit|demesne limit]], although high ranks in any skills other than Learning are useful.
* 你配偶[[ 属性]] 的一半将加在你的国家属性中,所以要寻找高属性的配偶。虽然除了学识之外,高等级的各项属性都非常有用,但由于可以增加[[ 直辖领# 直辖领上限| 直辖领上限]] ,高管理能力就显得特别重要。

*Avoid marrying anyone with any negative [[Breeding|congenital traits]]. Try to marry someone with positive congenital [[traits]], especially {{iconify|Quick}} or {{iconify|Genius}} which improve everything a character does. {{iconify|Lustful}} is also a great trait for spouses (and your character, for that matter) - it gives a bonus to fertility, and having many children early in the game gives you a good foundation for building a mighty dynasty.
* 避免与带有负面[[ 优生| 遗传特质]] 的角色结婚,而试着与带有正面遗传[[ 特质]] 的角色结婚,特别是 {{iconify|Quick}} 或者 {{iconify|Genius}} 这种全面提升角色能力的特质。{{iconify|Lustful}} 也是一个对于配偶来说很有用的特质(当然对扮演角色来说也是一样)——特质能够提高生育能力,在游戏中尽快开枝散叶做到多子多孙可是建立一个强大家族的基石。

*Avoid marrying other members of your dynasty. {{iconify|Inbred}} is rare in marriages between cousins, but its effects are devastating if your children do get it.
* 避免与其他家族成员结婚。{{iconify|Inbred}} 在表亲联姻中非常罕见,但一旦你的孩子有这个特质,其结果将是毁灭性的。

*Try to arrange a marriage that gives you a non-aggression pact with a nearby ruler. This pact can later be upgraded to an [[alliance]] that lets you call your in-laws into your wars. It may be difficult to make your first marriage a useful alliance as at the start most potential spouses will be randomly generated lowborn.
* 尽量同能够和你签订互不侵犯协议的临近统治者通婚。互不侵犯协议随后可以升级为[[ 同盟]] ,让你可以在战争中召唤姻亲的帮助。不过在刚开局时,在第一次婚姻就建立起同盟很困难,因为此时大多数配偶人选都是随机生成的出身低贱的角色。

*Characters are considered adults at 16 and women become infertile at 46, so younger is better. At this point, most of them will be 16, since that is the starting age of an adult and most of them will have been generated at the game's start. It may take some time for a married woman to become pregnant.
* 游戏中,角色在16岁进入成年,同时女性在46岁之后就无法生育了,所以选择配偶越年轻越好。在开局阶段,由于16岁是成年的界限,同时也有许多在游戏开始时生成的角色,大多数配偶人选都是16岁。女性结婚后要怀孕的话可能要花上一点时间。

Once married, selecting the Have a Son or Have a Daughter ambitions will increase fertility.

[[File:Alert heir marriage.png|right]]
[[File:Alert heir marriage.png|right]]
If you have a dynastic [[heir]] who is not married, you will get the Unmarried Heir alert. You should find him a suitable bride in a similar way. It is prudent to also marry off other members of your dynasty to expand it.
如果你的[[ 继承人]] 是本家族的又没有结婚,你会收到“继承人未婚”的提醒。你应该按相同的原则为他寻找一个合适的配偶。要扩张你的家族的话,为其他家族成员安排婚姻是个明智的选择。

=== 内阁成员===
Five [[council]]lors will help you manage your realm. Initially, the best suitable characters in the realm will be appointed.
5名[[ 内阁]] 成员将帮助你治理你的领地。在游戏开始时,领内最适任角色将会被任命,你需要指派他们去完成一项任务,列如:
You need to assign them to a mission, for instance:
*[[File:Obj become chancellor.png]] The [[Chancellor]] in your liege's [[capital]] or a county of an unhappy vassal, to Improve Diplomatic [[Relations]] [[File:Job_improve_relations.png]]
*[[File:Obj become chancellor.png]] [[外交总管]]到你领主的[[首都]]或一个不满的封臣的伯爵领去改善[[好感|关系]] [[File:Job_improve_relations.png]]<!--原文是[[File:Obj become chancellor.png]] The [[Chancellor]] in your liege's [[capital]] to a county of an unhappy vassal, to Improve Diplomatic [[Relations]] [[File:Job_improve_relations.png]]-->
*[[File:Obj become marshal.png]] The [[Marshal]] in your capital to Research Military Tech [[File:Job advance mil tech.png]]
*[[File:Obj become marshal.png]] [[ 军事总管]] 到你的首都研究军事科技 [[File:Job advance mil tech.png]]
*[[File:Obj become treasurer.png]] The [[Steward]] in your capital to Research Economy Tech [[File:Job advance eco tech.png]]
*[[File:Obj become treasurer.png]] [[ 财政总管]] 到你的首都研究经济科技 [[File:Job advance eco tech.png]]
*[[File:Obj become spymaster.png]] The [[Spymaster]] in your capital to Scheme [[File:Job_uncover_plots.png]]
*[[File:Obj become spymaster.png]] [[ 间谍总管]] 到你的首都进行密谋 [[File:Job_uncover_plots.png]]
*[[File:Obj become spiritual.png]] The [[Court Chaplain]] to Proselytize [[File:Job inquisition.png]] in any counties with a different religion, otherwise in your capital to Research Cultural Tech [[File:Job advance cul tech.png]]
*[[File:Obj become spiritual.png]] [[ 宫廷司祭]] 到任何一个不同信仰的伯爵领进行传教 [[File:Job inquisition.png]] ,或者到你的首都研究文化科技 [[File:Job advance cul tech.png]]

When a councillor dies or leaves the council, you will get the alert Open Council Positions, and should appoint a successor as soon as possible and assign a mission to him. You should generally pick the most skilled character, or a skilled landed vassal to please him. Avoid appointing a character that has a negative [[opinion]] of you as your [[Spymaster]], as he won't warn you of discovered plots against you and will likely join them.
当一位内阁成员死亡或离开内阁时,你将收到一个“内阁成员空缺”的提醒,此时应当立刻着手任命以为继任者并指派一项任务给他。你通常应该选择能力最出色角色,或者一位能力出色的封臣来取悦他。避免任命一位对你有着负[[ 好感]] 度的角色作为你的[[ 间谍总管]] 。他不会在发现反对你的阴谋时警告你,并有可能加入他们的阴谋。

===The character system===
=== 角色系统===
A character's strengths and weaknesses lie mainly in their [[Attributes]] and [[Traits]].
角色的优点和缺点主要在于[[ 属性]] [[ 特质]]

A ruler's attributes are added to their councilor's attributes and half of their spouse's attributes to determine the state level of that attribute. The five attributes are:

*'''Diplomacy''' affects other characters' [[opinion]]s of you. It is important for having better success with character interactions.
*''' 外交''' 影响其他角色对你的[[ 好感]] 。外交属性非常重要,在角色互动事件中获得更好的选项,增加他人好感。
*'''Martial''' affects a character's skill as a commander on the battlefield. It also bolsters levies, making it core to realm survivability.
*''' 军事''' 影响角色作为指挥官的一项属性。军事影响你征召数量,使其成为领地存续的关键所在。
*'''Stewardship''' affects a ruler's tax income and [[demesne limit]], making it essential for getting the most out of your holdings.
*''' 财政''' 影响统治者的税收收入和[[demesne limit|直辖数量]] ,这将使你人物的资产效益最大化。
*'''Intrigue''' affects a character's ability to plot and uncover others' plots. It's important for both increasing your options and surviving others' designs on your power.
*''' 密谋''' 会影响角色组织阴谋和揭露他人阴谋的效率。这对于增加你的阴谋力量和你提防他人针对你的密谋。
*'''Learning''' affects technological research. It's beneficial to have vassals with high Learning to improve the spread of technology, but it's not too important for player characters.
*''' 学习''' 影响科技研究点数的增长。拥有高学识的附庸能有效加快技术的传播,但对于玩家角色来说,这并不重要。

Further augmenting a character's abilities are traits. Traits range from small modifiers to complete alterations of how a character works. Mouse over a trait to see a tooltip displaying its effects. These will mostly be modifiers to attributes, opinions, combat ability, and health.

In addition to the displayed modifiers, most traits affect certain [[events]]. This sometimes results in a major effect of a trait not being displayed. For example, {{iconify|Craven}}, while being the opposite of the purely advantageous {{iconify|Brave}} and having severe negative effects, does have the hidden benefit of making the character less likely to be killed, wounded, or captured in battle.
除了说明里显示的之外,大多数特质都会影响角色所遭遇的某些[[ 事件]] 。这有时会导致特征未显示的主要影响。例如,{{iconify|Craven}} 怯懦特质虽然与纯粹有增益效果的 {{iconify|Brave}} 勇敢特质相反,并且具有严重的负面影响,但也确实使得角色不太可能受伤、被杀或在战斗中被捕获。

Each character has an [[opinion]] of every other character in the game, based on a variety of factors. Keep vassal opinions high by issuing [[honorary title]]s and [[Diplomatic actions#Send gift|sending gifts]]. The more vassals like you, the more tax they'll pay and the more men they'll provide when you raise their levies.
基于各种因素,每个角色都有一个游戏中每个其他角色对其的[[ 好感]] 。通过[[ 荣誉头衔|授予荣誉称号]] [[ 外交行动# 赠送礼物| 赠送礼物]] 保持附庸好感。附庸对你的好感越高,他们上缴的税款和提供的征召兵数就越多。

==Early game==
== 游戏初期==
After unpausing the game ({{key press|Space}}), you can adjust the speed ({{key press|+}}/{{key press|-}}), as the default speed of 1 [[File:Speed 1.png]] is very slow. Faster speeds allow things to go by quickly in peacetime while slower speeds make managing wars easier. Speed 5 [[File:Speed 5.png]] causes game time to pass as quickly as your computer can run the simulation and should only be used to pass a large amount of time quickly.
在接触暂停游戏之后({{key press|Space}} , 你可以用({{key press|+}}/{{key press|-}} )调整速度, 默认速度为1 [[File:Speed 1.png]] ,即非常慢。你可以在和平时期用更快的游戏速度让时间过得更快;同样,放慢速度会让你更轻松的指挥战争。5倍速 [[File:Speed 5.png]] 会让你的电脑以最快速度运行,但最好只在你需要跳过一长段时间时使用。

===Building a war chest===
=== 建立战争金库===
One of the first tasks as a ruler is to amass a sufficient amount of [[wealth]] before spending it on upgrading your holdings. Choose the Build a War Chest [[ambition]] and aim to complete it as a first priority. The target for the ambition varies depending on the level of the ruler—300 Wealth for a Count, 500 Wealth for a Duke, and so on. Throughout the game, it is useful to maintain that level of wealth at minimum so that you can hire mercenaries to ward off invasions or wars (or if you want to take on a pesky yet powerful vassal). Excess money can then be used to upgrade holdings. Thus, you should maintain at least 300 Wealth as a Count at all times, and spend money to build a Barracks, for example, only when you have enough money for it without dipping into the 300 Wealth.
作为一名统治者,首要任务之一便是累积足够的[[ 经济|财富]] ,以便用于升级你的地块。纵观整个游戏,将财富保持在最低限度十分必要。这样你就可以租用雇佣军来抵挡入侵或战争(或者处理讨厌且强大的封臣),超额的资金则可以用来升级地块。因此,比如在扮演伯爵时,你应该保证任何时间都至少有300财富,而后在有足够的资金时再花钱升级兵营。

===Upgrading holdings===
=== 升级地块===
When upgrading holdings, prioritise buildings that generate Wealth so that you can accumulate wealth faster in order to build more. You should prioritise upgrading holdings in your capital province before upgrading holdings in other provinces. This is especially useful if you are placing your Marshal or your Steward to train troops or increase taxes in your capital. When you start making enough wealth, you may find it useful to build new holdings in the provinces you own. It is usually a good idea to have one province that is filled castles (in order to increase the troops that you can raise as levy), and build cities in all other provinces to increase your income from City Taxes.

===Expanding your dynasty===
=== 扩展你的家族===
An early priority should be having as many children as possible to continue your legacy.

Your [[dynasty]] is what the game centers around. Though you play individual characters within that dynasty, at some point, you will die. Your top priority is to ensure that your heir always is of your dynasty and is as prepared as you can possibly make him - whether that means removing potential threats or possibly removing the heir in favor of another by [[succession]] law changes or even [[execution]].
你的[[ 家族]] 是游戏的核心。你扮演着这个家族里的某个角色,在某些时刻,角色将会死亡。你的首要任务是确保你的继承人属于你的家族并尽你所能的为他做好准备——这意味着消除潜在威胁,为了换一个继承人而修改[[ 继承]] 法甚至[[ 处决]]

You should soon get the responses for marriage proposals: select the gain of [[Prestige]] at this stage rather than gold. This initial Prestige will slightly boost [[relations]] with your vassals.
你很快就会得到关于求婚的回应:在这个阶段选择[[ 威望]] 要优于选择黄金。 这个初始的威望会略微提升你附庸的[[ 好感]]

[[File:Alert ambition.png|right]]
[[File:Alert ambition.png|right]]
If your character doesn't have children, you may pick the Have a Son [[File:Obj_have_a_son.png]] ambition for a [[fertility]] boost.
如果你扮演的角色没有孩子,你可以点击有一个儿子 [[File:Obj_have_a_son.png]] 野心来获得一个[[ 属性#生育能力|生育能力]] 提升。

====Grooming an heir====
==== 培养一个继承人====
When children from your dynasty turn 6, you will see the alert Children Lack a Guardian and should appoint them a guardian as soon as possible to provide an [[education]]. Children will usually get an education trait for the same attribute as the guardian's education trait, with the guardian's other traits also influencing the child's traits. It is best to educate your heir yourself to have more control over what traits he gets.
当你的家族的孩子到了6岁,你会看到孩子缺少儿童生活重心的提示,应尽快进行选择。一般而言推荐责任(管理方向)、争斗(军事方向)。而比较万金油的是节俭,其对各个发展方向均有帮助。如果孩子与你宗教或文化不同,你可能会希望将其纠正,此时建议选择传统重心,因为信仰导致的狂热这个儿童特质一般没什么用。当孩子满12岁时,你将收到为孩子选择教育重心的提醒,这会决定最终的教育特质种类,请谨慎选择。一般而言推荐管理(提供更大的直辖领地上限),军事(提供更多的征召兵),如果扮演大国的君主则外交也不错。监护人一般设定为自己来纠正孩子可能获得的坏特质。此条详见[[ 教育]] 

As your dynasty expands, and depending on your realm [[succession law]], you may get the Unlanded Sons alert. As a beginner it might be best to ignore it and take the monthly Prestige penalty, because landing your heir means losing control over him, and landing your other sons means giving power to the future rivals of your heir.
随着你的王朝扩张,并且根据你的领域继承法,你可能会得到“有儿子未获得土地”警告。作为一个初学者,最好忽略它; 但因此也会每月获的声望惩罚,因为授予你的继承人领地意味着失去对他的控制权,而授予你的其他儿子领地就意味着给你继承人的未来竞争对手权力。
有两种办法可以扩大你的[[ 领地]] ——战争和婚姻:

===Expanding your realm===
*[[ 战争]] 是扩张的最直接方法。宣战有很多种方式,不管怎样你必须有[[ 宣战理由]] (简称CB)。在其他角色看来,CB只是宣战的正当理由。
There are two main ways to expand your [[realm]] - war and marriage:
*[[ 婚姻]] 通常是一种更复杂的扩张方式, 包括让你的[[ 继承人]] 与领地的[[ 继承|顺位继承]] 人结婚,并试着通过阴谋让你的继承人有朝一日可以获得能够继承到头衔或是获得[[ 宣称]]
*[[Warfare|War]] is the most direct way to expand. There are many ways to declare war, however you must have a [[Casus Belli]] (or CB). A CB is simply a valid reason in the eyes of other nobility to declare war.
*[[Marriage]] is usually a more complicated way to expand, that involves marrying your [[heir]] within the [[line of succession]] of a title, and then trying to get to closer via intrigue to ensure one of your descendant one day either inherits the title, or gets a [[claim]] on it.

The simplest way to declare war is to press a [[claim]] for yourself [[File:CB claim.png]]. Claims are shown on the character page underneath your holdings. Claims can be gotten in many ways but the simplest is through the Fabricate Claim [[Chancellor]] mission.
宣战最简单的方式就是索取你自己的[[ 宣称]] [[File:CB claim.png]] 。宣称被展示在你角色页头衔的下方。你有多种方式可以获得宣称,但最简单的方式是通过[[ 内阁]] 任务中的伪造宣称获得。

You should first expand in your [[de jure]] realm, and then try to expand in counties that are de jure part of the title above your primary title. The de jure structure can be seen by going to the title view ({{key press|F1}}) and checking the "de jure" checkbox, or by switching between map modes - de jure duchies ({{key press|I}}), de jure kingdoms ({{key press|O}}), de jure empires ({{key press|P}}).
你应当首先在你的[[ 法理]] 领地内扩张,然后试着在你主头衔的上级法理头衔内进行扩张。你可以通过在头衔界面({{key press|F1}}) 勾选“查看法理”复选框,或是将地图模式改变为- 法理公国({{key press|I}} )、法理王国({{key press|O}} )或法理帝国({{key press|P}} )来查看法理结构。

[[File:Alert de jure.png|right]]
[[File:Alert de jure.png|right]]
If you are a duke or higher then you may have a Can Press De Jure Claims alert, which means as long as you hold that duchy (or higher title) you can declare war to claim those counties.

[[File:Alert claims.png|right]]
[[File:Alert claims.png|right]]
Some of your [[courtiers]] or vassals may have claims on titles outside the realm, which you can press on their behalf. In order to vassalize the claimed title, the rank of the claimed title must be lower than yours and the claimant must either already have a title in your realm or be of your dynasty. So you should probably ignore this alert for now.
你的一些[[ 廷臣]] 或封臣可能有你领土外的头衔的宣称,你可以替他们去宣称这些头衔。为了能使在你帮你的廷臣或封臣索取头衔之后,他们能成为你的附庸,被宣称的头衔应该低于你的主头衔等级,并且宣称者要么已经在你的领土内拥有头衔,要么在你的宫廷内。因此,你或许可以暂时忽略这条提示。

Once you have a valid CB you can declare war. Before declaring war though, you should first review your enemy's capabilities. Click on the defender's portrait to open the Character Interface for him or her, then check the number next to the Army Levies icon. If you are not outnumbered, next ensure that the defender has no major allies by checking the Allies tab, which displays the names of his or her allies and the ally's relationship to the character. A relationship in green letters indicates that the ally is available to be called to war - though may not necessarily join - while red lettering indicates that the ally cannot be called to war. Then declare war via the Diplomacy View. Now raise all your [[levies]], gather them together, and march into their land. As long as you significantly outnumber your enemy, victory should come easily. If your armies are close in size, however, ensure that you appoint the best [[commander]]s you can to lead the army and try to ensure that the armies engage in favorable (to you) terrain. Don't attack across rivers if your forces aren't much larger than the enemy, as that puts you at a disadvantage. After defeating his army in battle, you just need to siege his holdings, and victory will be yours.
一旦你拥有了一个有效的宣战理由(CB),你就可以宣战。不过在宣战前,你应该先看看你对手的实力水平。点击防御方的头像来打开他(她)的角色界面,然后查看他的军队数量。如果你的数量并不比他少,你接下来应该通过检查防御方的盟友标签(展示了角色的盟友关系以及盟友的名字)来确认其是否拥有强大的盟友。 绿色字母表示的关系是该盟友可以被征召参战 - 虽然不一定会加入 - 而红色的字母则表示盟友不能被征召参战。然后通过外交视图宣战。现在动员你全部的[[ 征召兵]] ,把他们汇集到一起,然后攻入对手的领地。只要你的人数远远超过你的敌人,胜利就会唾手可得。然而,如果你的军队规模很接近,要确保你任命了最好的[[ 指挥官]] 来领导军队,并确保军队在对你有利的地形上作战。如果你的部队不比敌人强大得很多,就不要越过河流进攻,那样会使你处于劣势。在战斗中击败他的军队后,你只需要围攻他的领地,胜利将属于你。

Continue this way and you'll eventually forge yourself a powerful realm, and be able to take on more major powers. If you lose an offensive war, the most you stand to lose is that claim, some Prestige and some Wealth, so it's not [[game over]] if you don't succeed.
继续这样下去,你最终会把自己打造成一个强大的王国,并能够获得更多的专业点数。如果你输掉了一场进攻性的战争,你最多可能失去的就是那个宣称,一些声望和一些财富,所以如果你没有成功,并不是[[ 游戏结束]]

The effects of a war's different outcomes are fixed, i.e. unless the peace results say otherwise, you cannot gain counties you're not pressing a claim for by occupying them and they will be returned to their holders when the war ends.

[[File:Alert levies.png|right]]
[[File:Alert levies.png|right]]
After a few months, the alert Vassal Levies Raised Too Long will appear: your vassals are slowly starting to get angry that you raised their levies; it will slowly improve back once the levies are disbanded. Try to avoid lengthy wars and wait a few years between each war to keep the vassals' opinion penalty to a minimum. Once your realm has expanded, you will not need all your vassal levies at the same time to win wars against weaker opponents.

[[File:Alert create title.png|right]]
[[File:Alert create title.png|right]]
When you control enough of a title's de jure territory, you can create it. Creating titles grants Prestige and, if the title is of a rank higher than your current rank, increases your rank. If you are a count, try to become a Duke, then a King. You will need to look at the requirements for the title to be created. Don't hoard titles, as holding more than two duchies causes an opinion penalty among your vassals. Distributing duchies (and kingdoms if you're an emperor) helps keep you under your vassal limit, as only direct vassals count towards your vassal limit. If you are a vassal, you cannot create a title of same rank as your liege and you will need to either to usurp him or gain independence.

====Granting landed titles====
==== 授予实地头衔====
[[File:Alert demesne.png|right]]
[[File:Alert demesne.png|right]]
When you personally hold too many holdings and exceed your [[demesne]] size limit, the alert Demesne too Big will appear. You should give less interesting titles to some characters in your realm with good attributes.
当你个人拥有过多的[[ 地产]] 并且超过你[[直辖领]]的规模限制,会出现“直辖地超限”警告。你应该把不太重要的头衔授予给一些领地内有良好属性的角色。

Click the Find Characters button and set it to search your realm for men who aren't in prison, aren't rulers, and have your religion and your culture. Only give titles to characters with the same religion and culture as you. In order to avoid vassals becoming too powerful, don't grant landed titles to characters who already have them—ideally, your counts should only hold one county and your dukes should only hold one duchy and within that only the capital county. (The exception is granting multiple titles to your heir, as they will return to you upon succession.) Giving landed titles to your kinsmen helps spread your dynasty, but be careful about empowering pretenders and those with claims to your titles. Give minor holdings in a county to generated characters by right-clicking on the holding in the Province Interface and clicking Create New Vassal.

Also consider the traits your subjects have, as they affect both their skills and behavior. While deciding on who to land, take note of the following traits:
*'''{{iconify|Honest}}''' - 加入阴谋的可能性更小。
*'''{{iconify|Honest}}''' - Much less likely to join plots.
*'''{{iconify|Deceitful}}''' - 加入阴谋的可能性更大。
*'''{{iconify|Deceitful}}''' - Much more likely to join plots.
*'''{{iconify|Ambitious}}''' - 侵略性和对他们领主的好感惩罚通常使得他们成为卑鄙的封臣。
*'''{{iconify|Ambitious}}''' - Aggression and opinion penalties towards their liege make them generally poor vassals.
*'''{{iconify|Content}}''' - 好感加成和更低的侵略性的AI使得这些封臣更为软弱。
*'''{{iconify|Content}}''' - Opinion bonuses and less aggressive AI make it easy to keep these vassals weak.
*'''{{iconify|Zealous}}''' - 如果足够强大,他们更可能改信并且发动自己的圣战。
*'''{{iconify|Zealous}}''' - More likely to proselytize and wage their own holy wars if strong enough.
*'''{{iconify|Trusting}}''' - 加入阴谋的可能性更小,并且将更容易被[[ 刺杀| 暗杀]]
*'''{{iconify|Trusting}}''' - Less likely to join plots and much easier to [[Assassination|assassinate]] should the need arise.

===Planning ahead===
=== 提前规划===
When starting as a smaller count or duke, your first objective will likely be to unite the duchy you are in. If you are a duke, work on gaining control of any county within your duchy that you don't currently have. If you are a count, aspire to be the duke of whatever duchy you are in. This is more important if you are a vassal; while vassal counts don't get any bonus to levies from their capital, a vassal duke will get a 25% bonus for their capital and a 15% bonus for holdings within their capital duchy.
当作为一个较小的伯爵或公爵开始游戏时,你的第一个目标将可能是统一你所在的公国。如果你是公爵,努力控制你的公国内所有当前没有持有的省份。如果你是伯爵,努力成为你所在公国的公爵。如果你是封臣,这更为重要;封臣伯爵不会从其首都获得任何征召兵加成,而封臣公爵将从其首都获得25% 加成,从首都公国的地产获得15% 加成。

''CKII'' is a sandbox game and has no strict winstate. As long as at least one landed member of your dynasty survives (of at least the rank of count), the game will continue until 1453 (the conventional end date of the Middle Ages) and at the end you will get the same dynasty [[score]] screen you would get if you had resigned earlier.
''CKII'' 是沙盒游戏,没有严格的胜利条件。只要你的家族有至少一位有领地(至少伯爵级别)角色在世,游戏将持续到1453年(传统上中世纪的结束时间)并且最后你会看到家族[[ 分数]] 界面,和你在这之前结束游戏看到的一样。

==Later on==
== 之后==
===Keeping vassals weak===
=== 保持封臣弱小===
It is important to keep your demesne strong and your vassals in check. If some vassals are getting too strong, or if you haven't reached your demesne limit yet, consider [[plot]]ting to revoke a title [[File:Plot gain title.png]], whenever available. As long as you are under your demesne limit, try to hold all the counties within your capital duchy.
保持你的直辖领强大并且时刻关注你的封臣很重要。如果某些封臣变得过于强大,或者你还未到达你的直辖领上限,每当合适的时候,考虑[[ 阴谋]] 剥夺头衔 [[File:Plot gain title.png]] 。只要你未达到直辖领上限,尝试持有你的首都公国内的所有省份。

Once in every ruler's lifetime, [[crown authority]] can be increased. You should maintain at least Medium crown authority, which prevents vassals from declaring war on each other. Increasing crown authority upsets your vassals, so try to do it after a long reign. Higher crown authority increases the opinion penalty with your vassals, and the benefits may not be worth angering them. Lowering crown authority does not cause the current succession law to be lost if it required the higher crown authority, and a common strategy is to raise crown authority to High to implement Primogeniture, then lower it back to Medium with the next ruler.
每位统治者一生中可以提升一次[[ 王权法|王权]] 。你应该至少保持中等王权,其阻止了封臣间相互宣战。增加王权会使你的封臣不满,所以在长时间统治后再这样做。更高的王权会增加你的封臣的好感惩罚,而且其带来的好处可能并不值得激怒他们。降低王权不会导致当前继承法(如果此继承法要求较高王权)失效,所以通常的策略是提升到高王权来采用长子继承法,并在下一位统治者时降回中等王权。

[[File:Alert title loss.png|right]]
[[File:Alert title loss.png|right]]
If under [[Gavelkind]] succession law, you may get the Title Loss on Succession alert. You should try switching as soon as possible (minimum 10 years reign) to an easier and more stable [[succession law]], such as [[Primogeniture]] or Feudal Elective. The longer you wait, the easier it should be, because of the long reign and prestige [[opinion]] bonus your vassals will have toward you.
如果处于[[ 均分继承法]] 下,你可能会获得“继承时将失去头衔”警告。你应该尽快(最少10年统治)转变未更容易且更稳定的[[ 继承法]] ,例如[[ 长子继承法]] 或选举君主制。你等待的时间越长,转变应该会更容易,因为你的封臣将对你有长期统治和威望[[ 好感]] 加成。

===Improving holdings===
=== 领地建设===
Whenever you have a surplus of wealth, you should build [[Holdings#Construction|improvements]] in holdings you control, prioritizing your [[capital]]. Improvements provide more income or troops, but it can take a while for it to pay off. Stick to investing in holdings in your demense, as vassals will improve their holdings on their own.
一个出色的CK玩家,应合理地管控你手里的每一分钱,所以每当你有闲钱时,应该优先考虑扩充自己的硬实力。当然,合理投资能为玩家提供更多的税收或军队,但总是需要一段时间才能获得回报的。 建议前期坚持投资那些牢牢把握的伯爵领,因为你的封臣会自己改善他们的领地建筑(虽然很慢)。

=== 科技===
There are three categories of [[technology]]: Military, Economy, and Culture. Over time, the realm accumulates points in each category.
有三类[[ 科技]] :军事、经济和文化。随着时间的推移,领地在每类科技都会积累科技点数。

[[File:Alert technology.png|right]]
[[File:Alert technology.png|right]]
When you have a surplus of technology points, the alert You Should Invest in a Technological Advance will appear. You should spend the technology points generated in your realm to boost specific technologies. The others will slowly improve over time. The most important are:
*The unit from your [[Cultural buildings|cultural building]]
*Military Organization (military)- Benefits all units, makes attrition more manageable.
*Castle Infrastructure (economy)- More tax income and unlocks buildings for bigger armies.
*Improved Keeps (economy)
*Majesty (cultural)- Reduced short reign penalty makes succession easier.
*Legalism (cultural)- Unlocks more powerful laws.

*来自[[ 文化建筑]] 的单位
Eventually your character will die, be it from illness, battle, assassination, or old age. Once your character dies, you continue playing as his dynastic heir [[File:Dynasty heir.png]].

The new ruler is significantly weaker in the first few years after a [[succession]]. Vassals' opinions of the new ruler will be low, resulting in fewer available troops and a higher chance of revolt. Other dynasty members may attempt to claim your title or kill you. You should first pause the game and review all the alerts and a few other things:
由于疾病、战争、刺杀或年龄等原因,你的角色终将是会死去的。一旦你的角色死掉了,你将扮演你角色的继承人继续游戏 [[File:Dynasty heir.png]]。
新的统治者将在[[继承]] 后的前几年尤其脆弱,新统治者拥有较少的封臣上限,也就意味着更少的军队和更高的叛乱风险。其他王朝成员将会试图索取你的宣称或者杀死你,你应当首先暂停游戏并浏览所有的提示和一些其他事情:

[[File:Alert demesne.png|right]]
[[File:Alert demesne.png|right]]
Look for Demesne too Big alert. Your new character may have a different demesne limit, due to a different state Stewardship: give out some holdings to some unlanded characters, thereby gaining new friends while also reducing the opinion penalty from existing vassals.

[[File:Alert imprison.png|right]]
[[File:Alert imprison.png|right]]
In case you get the Righteous [[Imprisonment]] alert, check if you can throw some angry vassal in prison without incurring [[tyranny]]. Once imprisoned a character cannot plot or join factions anymore, and is no longer a threat to you.
如果你拥有合法[[ 逮捕]] 提示,检查一下你是否能将一些对你不满的封臣投入监狱而不会招致其他封臣的不满。一个角色一旦被投入监狱将不能再密谋或加入派系,因此也就不再是你的威胁了。

Send your [[council]]lors:
指派你的[[ 内阁]]
*to improve diplomatic and religious relations with angry direct vassals.
*to prepare for a rebellion by training troops with your Marshal
* 提高与不满直属封臣的外交或宗教关系。
*to discover plots or discourage an angry powerful vassal from joining a [[faction]].
* 派你的军事总管训练军队来为一场叛乱做好准备。
* 发现密谋或打消强力封臣加入派系的念头。

[[File:Alert faction.png|right]]
[[File:Alert faction.png|right]]
After a few months and despite your best efforts, angry vassals may group into a faction that becomes dangerous. You can weaken a faction by [[bribe|bribing]] or imprisoning the most powerful faction members. If you think you can crush it (refer to the faction view to see their strength), you can let the revolt break out.

==See also==
*[[:Category:Guides|Guides category]], for more specific concept-related guides

[[Category: 指南]]
[[en:Beginner's guide]]

2020年12月27日 (日) 23:55的最新版本

欢迎来到十字军之王2(王国风云2)的世界, 这是一款混合了 RPG 元素的战略游戏。本指南旨在让新手玩家了解该做什么。

对于新手玩家来讲,上手第一件事应该是游玩教学战役(英文:Learning Scenario),教学战役可以在游戏读取完成后出现的提示框中进入。教学战役介绍了基本的游戏概念和游戏机制。 在很多网站上,如Paradox论坛战报(英文:After Action Reports)以及Youtube上的《Let's Plays of CKII》等视频对增进游戏的了解也大有帮助。



Unkown character.png


  • 通过在1066年剧本下的爱尔兰新手村历练,已经算是业界学习如何进行CK战争最为简单的方法,其中强烈建议选择幕穆国王穆尔哈德(King Murchad of Mumu)开局。因为这个时期的爱尔兰,各方领主实力较为弱小,算是独立于世事的桃源。
  • 一个庞大王国亦或帝国的君主在开始便承担着重大的责任。虽然玩家可能不会立即被消灭,但不甘寂寞的附庸所造成的内部冲突会使盛世王朝很快走向虚弱。作为玩家的你,必须提防这群不满的附庸,同时对邻国积极备战。
    • 对于初学者来说,开扮演波兰国王“英勇者”博莱斯瓦夫(King Boleslaw 'the Bold' of Poland)以及丹麦国王斯温(King Svend of Danmark)这几位独立君主也许是最安全的。
  • 另一方面,选择扮演一个强势领主的封臣,可以让你有一个君主保护你免受外界威胁。但是,玩家仍然容易受到国境内其他封臣势力进攻。单击“公爵领”地图模式按钮可有所了解,其详细信息,可参阅扮演封臣
    • 在神圣罗马帝国境内,波希米亚公爵弗拉季斯拉夫(Duke Vratislav of Bohemia)和托斯卡纳女公爵玛蒂尔达(Duchess Matilda of Tuscany)是玩家不错的选择,一个更有挑战性的选择是扮演来自东方拜占庭帝国里雄心勃勃的哈德良波利斯公爵米海尔(Doux Michael of Adrianopolis)。



首先,试着把地图模式由最初的地图模式—— Map mode terrain.png 地形地图(Q)转变为更实用的地图模式:

  • Map mode realms.png 独立领主地图(W)很适合独立的领主,因为你大多数时候是在和其他独立的统治者较量。
  • Map mode direct vassals.png 直属封臣地图(F)适合在一个大国中的封臣,因为你大多数时候是在和其他封臣较量。



Alert marriage.png


  • 点击你的头像。在寻找配偶人选之前,首先选择 Obj get married.png “结婚”这一野心来快速获取10点威望(御前会议DLC激活后该野心仅对AI生效)。然后,点击安排婚姻按钮 Marry.png,打开一个按通常的优先度排序的潜在配偶人选名单。同角色查找器一样,这个名单也可以按其他条件排序。
  • 选择婚姻类型时一定要确保诞下的孩子属于你的家族:扮演男性时选择普通婚姻,扮演女性时选择入赘婚姻。
  • 你配偶属性的一半将加在你的国家属性中,所以要寻找高属性的配偶。虽然除了学识之外,高等级的各项属性都非常有用,但由于可以增加直辖领上限,高管理能力就显得特别重要。
  • 避免与带有负面遗传特质的角色结婚,而试着与带有正面遗传特质的角色结婚,特别是 Quick.png 或者 Genius.png 这种全面提升角色能力的特质。Lustful.png 也是一个对于配偶来说很有用的特质(当然对扮演角色来说也是一样)——特质能够提高生育能力,在游戏中尽快开枝散叶做到多子多孙可是建立一个强大家族的基石。
  • 避免与其他家族成员结婚。Inbred.png 在表亲联姻中非常罕见,但一旦你的孩子有这个特质,其结果将是毁灭性的。
  • 尽量同能够和你签订互不侵犯协议的临近统治者通婚。互不侵犯协议随后可以升级为同盟,让你可以在战争中召唤姻亲的帮助。不过在刚开局时,在第一次婚姻就建立起同盟很困难,因为此时大多数配偶人选都是随机生成的出身低贱的角色。
  • 游戏中,角色在16岁进入成年,同时女性在46岁之后就无法生育了,所以选择配偶越年轻越好。在开局阶段,由于16岁是成年的界限,同时也有许多在游戏开始时生成的角色,大多数配偶人选都是16岁。女性结婚后要怀孕的话可能要花上一点时间。


Alert heir marriage.png




Alert appointment.png





  • 外交影响其他角色对你的好感。外交属性非常重要,在角色互动事件中获得更好的选项,增加他人好感。
  • 军事影响角色作为指挥官的一项属性。军事影响你征召数量,使其成为领地存续的关键所在。
  • 财政影响统治者的税收收入和直辖数量,这将使你人物的资产效益最大化。
  • 密谋会影响角色组织阴谋和揭露他人阴谋的效率。这对于增加你的阴谋力量和你提防他人针对你的密谋。
  • 学习影响科技研究点数的增长。拥有高学识的附庸能有效加快技术的传播,但对于玩家角色来说,这并不重要。


除了说明里显示的之外,大多数特质都会影响角色所遭遇的某些事件。这有时会导致特征未显示的主要影响。例如,Craven.png 怯懦特质虽然与纯粹有增益效果的 Brave.png 勇敢特质相反,并且具有严重的负面影响,但也确实使得角色不太可能受伤、被杀或在战斗中被捕获。



在接触暂停游戏之后(␣ Space), 你可以用(+/-)调整速度, 默认速度为1 Speed 1.png ,即非常慢。你可以在和平时期用更快的游戏速度让时间过得更快;同样,放慢速度会让你更轻松的指挥战争。5倍速 Speed 5.png 会让你的电脑以最快速度运行,但最好只在你需要跳过一长段时间时使用。







你的家族 是游戏的核心。你扮演着这个家族里的某个角色,在某些时刻,角色将会死亡。你的首要任务是确保你的继承人属于你的家族并尽你所能的为他做好准备——这意味着消除潜在威胁,为了换一个继承人而修改继承法甚至处决

你很快就会得到关于求婚的回应:在这个阶段选择威望 要优于选择黄金。 这个初始的威望会略微提升你附庸的好感

Alert ambition.png

如果你扮演的角色没有孩子,你可以点击有一个儿子 Obj have a son.png 野心来获得一个生育能力提升。


Alert guardian.png


Alert unlanded son.png

随着你的王朝扩张,并且根据你的领域继承法,你可能会得到“有儿子未获得土地”警告。作为一个初学者,最好忽略它; 但因此也会每月获的声望惩罚,因为授予你的继承人领地意味着失去对他的控制权,而授予你的其他儿子领地就意味着给你继承人的未来竞争对手权力。



  • 战争是扩张的最直接方法。宣战有很多种方式,不管怎样你必须有宣战理由(简称CB)。在其他角色看来,CB只是宣战的正当理由。
  • 婚姻 通常是一种更复杂的扩张方式, 包括让你的继承人与领地的顺位继承人结婚,并试着通过阴谋让你的继承人有朝一日可以获得能够继承到头衔或是获得宣称

宣战最简单的方式就是索取你自己的宣称 CB claim.png。宣称被展示在你角色页头衔的下方。你有多种方式可以获得宣称,但最简单的方式是通过内阁任务中的伪造宣称获得。


Alert de jure.png


Alert claims.png


一旦你拥有了一个有效的宣战理由(CB),你就可以宣战。不过在宣战前,你应该先看看你对手的实力水平。点击防御方的头像来打开他(她)的角色界面,然后查看他的军队数量。如果你的数量并不比他少,你接下来应该通过检查防御方的盟友标签(展示了角色的盟友关系以及盟友的名字)来确认其是否拥有强大的盟友。 绿色字母表示的关系是该盟友可以被征召参战 - 虽然不一定会加入 - 而红色的字母则表示盟友不能被征召参战。然后通过外交视图宣战。现在动员你全部的征召兵,把他们汇集到一起,然后攻入对手的领地。只要你的人数远远超过你的敌人,胜利就会唾手可得。然而,如果你的军队规模很接近,要确保你任命了最好的指挥官来领导军队,并确保军队在对你有利的地形上作战。如果你的部队不比敌人强大得很多,就不要越过河流进攻,那样会使你处于劣势。在战斗中击败他的军队后,你只需要围攻他的领地,胜利将属于你。



Alert levies.png


Alert create title.png



Alert demesne.png




  • Honest.png - 加入阴谋的可能性更小。
  • Deceitful.png - 加入阴谋的可能性更大。
  • Ambitious.png - 侵略性和对他们领主的好感惩罚通常使得他们成为卑鄙的封臣。
  • Content.png - 好感加成和更低的侵略性的AI使得这些封臣更为软弱。
  • Zealous.png - 如果足够强大,他们更可能改信并且发动自己的圣战。
  • Trusting.png - 加入阴谋的可能性更小,并且将更容易被暗杀






保持你的直辖领强大并且时刻关注你的封臣很重要。如果某些封臣变得过于强大,或者你还未到达你的直辖领上限,每当合适的时候,考虑阴谋剥夺头衔 Plot gain title.png。只要你未达到直辖领上限,尝试持有你的首都公国内的所有省份。


Alert title loss.png



一个出色的CK玩家,应合理地管控你手里的每一分钱,所以每当你有闲钱时,应该优先考虑扩充自己的硬实力。当然,合理投资能为玩家提供更多的税收或军队,但总是需要一段时间才能获得回报的。 建议前期坚持投资那些牢牢把握的伯爵领,因为你的封臣会自己改善他们的领地建筑(虽然很慢)。



Alert technology.png


  • 来自文化建筑的单位
  • 军事组织(军事科技)——所有单位获得加成,使得补给更易管理。
  • 城堡设施(经济科技)——更多税收并且解锁给予更多军队的建筑。
  • 防御工事(经济科技)
  • 君权(文化科技)——降低短期统治惩罚,使得继承更容易。
  • 法律化(文化科技)——解锁更多强力法律。


由于疾病、战争、刺杀或年龄等原因,你的角色终将是会死去的。一旦你的角色死掉了,你将扮演你角色的继承人继续游戏 Dynasty heir.png


Alert demesne.png


Alert imprison.png



  • 提高与不满直属封臣的外交或宗教关系。
  • 派你的军事总管训练军队来为一场叛乱做好准备。
  • 发现密谋或打消强力封臣加入派系的念头。
Alert faction.png



  • 如欲了解更详细的概念指引,请查看下方的指南目录