
第1行: 第1行:
The '''Indian religions''', also called '''Dharmic religions''', are a subgroup within the [[Eastern religions]].
{{N|印度宗教|Indian religions}},又称为{{N|达摩宗教|Dharmic religions}},是[[ 东方宗教]] 的一个分支。

With the introduction of Taoism in patch 2.8,
随着道教在2.8 版本的引入,这些宗教在保留原有联系的情况下增加了与道教的互动, 构成了[[ 东方宗教]] 的一部分。
these religions retain their connection, both in game code and features, but get additional interaction features with the Taoist faith, which is considered part of the main group of [[Eastern religions]].

The Dharmic religions all originated in India and share a number of common beliefs. They offer varied styles of gameplay depending on which religion you choose. '''Hinduism''' offers military benefits, '''Buddhism''' offers technology, and '''Jainism''' offers stability.

Non-nomadic rulers following Dharmic religions require the {{icon|roi}}[[Rajas of India]] DLC to be playable.
非游牧制统治者信仰达摩宗教要求启用 {{icon|roi}} [[ 印度罗阇]]

== Common features ==
== 共同特点==
Although historically conflicts did occur (especially resulting in Jainism being routed by Hinduism), in-game, all three religions are relatively tolerant of each other, getting no increased revolt risk in provinces of the other religions and only a minor (-10) relations penalty with rulers of the other religions. Similarly, none of the religions have heresies; instead, different sects of each religion coexist peacefully, with followers of different sects having a small -5 relations penalty. None have formal [[religious heads]], though all have five [[holy sites]]. There is no [[great holy war]] mechanic. Followers of Indian religions have no modifier for following a female ruler.

Followers of one of the religions may, once in their lifetime, convert by [[decision]] to another Indian religion, at the cost of some prestige. This allows the members of a dynasty to switch to the religion whose features are best for their current needs. For example, the founder of a dynasty might practice Hinduism for its military benefits, while successors might adopt Jainism to peacefully govern their realm.  You must control a province of the religion in question in order to convert.  Characters with the {{iconify|Zealous}} trait cannot convert.
这些宗教的追随者一生可以有一次通过[[ 决议]] 花费一些威望转变为其他印度宗教的机会。这使得家族成员能够转变为当前最适合他们的宗教。例如,一位家族的建立者可能信仰印度教以获得其军事加成,而继承人可能信仰耆那教以和平地治理领地。你必须控制一个信仰此宗教的省份来皈依。有 {{iconify|Zealous}} 特质的角色不能转变信仰。

The Indian religions have a Subjugation [[casus belli]], usable on de jure kingdoms held by other Indians. The target must be in the same cultural group to use the CB, which also costs 500 [[piety]] (karma or purity) to use.  It can only be used once per lifetime, so make certain that you will win before using it.
印度宗教有一个征服[[ 宣战理由]] ,用于其他印度宗教角色持有的法理王国。目标必须是相同文化组,而且会花费500[[ 虔诚]] (善业或纯净)。这个CB一生只能使用一次,所以在使用它之前一定要确定你能赢得胜利。

With {{icon|mnm}}''[[Monks and Mystics]]'', each Dharmic religion has its own [[Societies#Monastic societies|monastic society]], and can also access [[Societies#Lucifer's Own|demonic cults]] (in the form of a malevolent cult of Kali).
启用 {{icon|mnm}} '''[[ 修道士与密契者]]''',每种达摩宗教有自己的[[ 社团# 修会| 修会]] ,并且也可以加入[[ 社团# 恶魔崇拜者| 恶魔崇拜者]] (恶神哥利教派)。

[[Decisions#Holy order|Holy orders can be created]] by rulers who control all five of their religion's holy sites, or more easily after the year 1100. Holy orders for all three dharmic religions are created automatically if five major cities in India fall.
统治者可以建立[[ 决议# 骑士团类| 骑士团]] ,如果控制了自己宗教的所有圣地,或者在1100年后更容易建立。如果印度的主要城市(摩呼陀耶补罗, 朱罗曼荼罗, 摩尼耶补罗, 那婆萨利迦, 羯磔迦, 罗叉摩那伐底<!-- PROV1151, 未审核 -->, 摩揭陀, 善补罗, 摩若契吒, 果阿, 毗阇耶婆陀, 末罗浮摩, 帝利城, 邬阇衍那, 提部罗, 阿阇耶迷卢, 曲女城, 拉合尔, 德里, 木尔坦)中有五个被非达摩宗教的统治者持有,三个骑士团会全部激活。

All Eastern religions can intermarry Zunist and Bön pagans.

All Indian religions allow a feudal ruler to declare themselves the Samrat {{w|Chakravartin}} if they control the entire [[region]] of India.
所有印度宗教允许一位封建统治者宣称他们自己是{{w|Chakravartin|转轮圣王}} ,如果控制了整个印度[[ 地区]]

== Succession ==
== 继承 ==

Jains and Buddhists (but '''not''' Hindus) can [[File:Designate_heir.png]] designate one of their children as heir, regardless of the child's age relative to their siblings. However, the choice cannot override gender law: a ruler with agnatic-cognatic succession and an eligible son cannot designate a daughter.
耆那教和佛教(''' 没有''' 印度教)可以 [[File:Designate_heir.png]] 指定一位子女作为继承人,无视年龄长幼。但是,这个选择不能逾越性别法:一位采用男性优先继承法的统治者如果有一位符合资格的儿子,则不能指定女儿为继承人。

Feudal rulers are generally restricted to [[elective gavelkind]], [[gavelkind]], [[primogeniture]], and [[ultimogeniture]] succession laws. In particular, they can never use [[seniority]] succession, and they can only switch to [[feudal elective]] with {{icon|con}} [[Conclave]] and full council authority.
封建统治者通常限于[[ 选举均分继承法]] [[ 均分继承法]] [[ 长子继承法]] [[ 幼子继承法]] 。特别是,他们永远不能使用[[ 年长者继承法]] ,并且启用 {{icon|con}} [[ 御前会议]]以及通过完全内阁权力时仅能转变为[[选举君主制]]

These restrictions force most low-tech realms to use gavelkind. However, players have some options that AI rulers don't consider:
*Players with {{icon|con}}Conclave can voluntarily enact full council authority in order to implement feudal elective succession.
* 启用 {{icon|con}} 御前会议的玩家可以自愿启用完全内阁权力以实行君主选举中选举君主制。
*Players without Conclave can enact ultimogeniture before primogeniture becomes available. If the religion supports heir designation, ultimogeniture is equivalent to primogeniture as long as the ruler has children.
* 未启用御前会议的玩家可以在能够使用长子继承法前先启用幼子继承法。如果宗教支持指定继承人,幼子继承法等同于长子继承法,只要统治者有子女。
* An education in the Irish Band allows [[tanistry]] succession, at the cost of giving up war elephants and use of the [[Casus Belli#Indian Subjugation|subjugation CB]].
* 在爱尔兰大队接受教育(凯尔特文化组)将允许启用[[ 凯尔特选任法]] ,代价是放弃战象和[[ 宣战理由#Indian Subjugation| 征服CB]]

Like most Christians, Indians can disqualify characters from succession by [[Diplomatic actions#Order to take the vows|ordering them to take the vows]] or by granting them a temple.
和大多数基督徒一样,印度宗教信徒可以通过[[ 外交行动#Order to take the vows| 要求宣誓]] 或者授予神殿来剥夺角色的继承权。

==Caste system ==
== 种姓系统==

Indian characters are divided into three ''varnas'' or castes, marked in-game by traits:

* [[File:Brahmin.png]] Brahmins, the priests. +0.5 Karma/month.
* [[File:Brahmin.png]] 婆罗门,神职人员。+0.5 每月善业。
* [[File:Kshatriya.png]] Kshatriyas, the soldiers and nobles. +0.5 Prestige/month.
* [[File:Kshatriya.png]] 刹帝利,贵族与士兵。+0.5 每月威望。
* [[File:Vaishya.png]] Vaishyas, the craftsmen and merchants. +0.03 gold/month.
* [[File:Vaishya.png]] 吠舍,工匠与商人。+0.03 每月财富。

(The fourth caste, the Shudras (slaves/servants), is not represented in-game.) The castes correspond to religious (temple), feudal (castle) and city holdings, respectively. Hindus may only give holdings to characters of the appropriate caste. Characters may only marry within their caste. Children belong to the same caste as their parents, while a child of parents from different castes gets the lower of the two parental castes.
(第四种种姓首陀罗(奴隶/ 仆人)在游戏中不显示)种姓分别对应于宗教(寺庙)、封建(城堡)和城市地产。印度教徒应授予角色其种姓所对应的地产。角色只能在其所属种姓内结婚。子女将与父母同属一个种姓,而当父母来自不同种姓时,其子女的种姓将跟随父母所持有的种姓中较低下的一方。

Hindus get a -30 opinion modifier toward characters with a holding that does not match their caste, as well as -30 towards characters married to someone of a different caste. Non-Indians who convert to Hinduism are considered to be casteless untouchables, which gets them a -15 opinion from other Hindus. Hindu characters must be of the Kshatriya caste in order to qualify as commanders.
印度教对持有不符合其种姓相应地产的角色有-30 的好感修正(统治者种姓错误),对与不同种姓的人结婚的角色也有-30 的好感修正。皈依印度教的非印度教教徒被认为是无种姓的贱民,印度教教徒将对他们有-15 的关系修正。印度教人物必须是刹帝利种姓,才能有资格成为指挥官。

[[Decisions#Become Kshatriya|A decision allows tribal/feudal Hindus to become Kshatriya]], at the cost of considerable gold (cut in half if Learning at least 15) and prestige (if a Vaishya or casteless) or 200 karma (if a Brahmin). Hindu patricians have a similar decision to become Vaishya. It is also possible to change a line's caste by seducing a woman of the desired caste and legitimizing the child.
[[ 决议#Become Kshatriya| 一个决议允许部落/ 封建印度教徒成为刹帝利]] ,花费大量金币(如果学识大于等于15则减半)和威望(如果是吠舍或无种姓)或者200善业(如果是婆罗门)。印度教贵人有一个相似的决议成为吠舍。也有可能通过勾引一个想要的种姓的女人并且合法化孩子来改变家族的种姓。

Buddhists and Jains in the Indian subcontinent have castes, but are not bound by the restrictions that Hindus are, nor do they care about characters with the wrong caste. They do receive the minor bonuses granted by the caste traits themselves, however. A character who converts to a non-Indian religion loses their caste trait.

==Specific features ==
== 特点 ==
===[[File:Hindu.png]] 印度教===
===[[File:Hindu.png]] 印度教===
[[File:Hshindu.png|thumb|right|Hindu holy sites.]]
[[File:Hshindu.png|thumb|right| 印度教圣地]]
Hinduism, which emerged from the Vedic religion of the early Indo-Aryans, is today the majority religion of India.

Unlike the other two religions, there is no unified definition of the religious beliefs of Hinduism, no single agreed-upon philosophy, pantheon of gods to be worshiped, or even who a Hindu is or is not. The most consistent and relevant difference is its strict adherence to a caste system that places the Hindu priests (Brahmins) at the top, followed by secular rulers, merchants, commoners, and finally the outcast (literally, "without caste") untouchables.

Historically, the placing of Brahmins at the top of the social order (as opposed to the soldier/military ruler castes) had a calming effect upon what had been in more ancient times a far more violent Indian subcontinent that practiced ceaseless war for empire and slaves. The Brahmins, by fragmenting the power of secular rulers and outlawing slavery, made the Middle Ages relatively more peaceful (although still quite bloody) in India compared to previous centuries. 
历史上,将婆罗门置于社会阶层的顶端(与士兵/ 军事统治者的种姓不同),对印度次大陆的安定起了作用。在更古老的时代,印度次大陆的暴力要严重得多,印度次大陆上因为帝国和奴隶发生了无休止的战争。婆罗门通过分割世俗统治者的权力和废除奴隶制,使印度的中世纪相对于前几个世纪更加和平(尽管仍然相当血腥)。

In-game, the ruling caste for all practical intents is actually the higher class, and it is the most warlike of the three Indian religions, still. It has unrestricted access to the Holy War casus belli, usable on all followers of non-Indian religions.  Hindu troops have 30% more morale, making them more durable than troops of other faiths, and Hindus may also [[raiding|raid]], similar to [[pagans]].  However, Hindus cannot designate a primary heir like the other Indian religions can and, like Buddhists and Jains, they are restricted to gavelkind, ultimogeniture, and primogeniture succession laws.
  游戏中,统治的种姓的一切意图实际是更高的阶层,它也仍是三类印度宗教中最好战的一种。它可以无限制地使用圣战CB,适用于所有非印度宗教的信徒。印度教部队的士气额外多30% ,使得他们的部队比其他信仰的部队更耐久,并且印度教也可以[[ 劫掠]] ,类似于[[ 原始宗教]] 。但是,印度教徒不能像其他印度宗教一样指定主要继承人;和佛教、耆那教相似,他们限于均分继承法,幼子继承法和长子继承法。

Overall, the Hindus offer a very warlike playstyle just like pagans. Convert if you plan on going to war outside of India.

* 最好战的达摩宗教。
* The most warlike of the dharmic religions
** 无限制使用圣战CB。
** Full access to Holy War CB.
** 单位+0.3 士气。
** Units get +0.3 morale.
** 可以劫掠;洗劫非印度教神殿将增加宗教权威。
** Can raid; sacking non-Hindu temples will increase moral authority.
* 可以选择一位守护神:
* Can choose a patron deity
**湿婆     +1 军事,-1 外交
** Each deity gives +1 to one stat, -1 to another
**毗湿奴    +1 外交,-1 军事
** Choosing Kali lets you hold a Kali Puja feast. (Alternatively, holding land in de jure Bengal Empire also allows this feast.)
**梵天     +1 密谋,-1 管理
* Opinion penalty towards characters with the wrong caste for their title or who married the wrong caste.
** 迦梨时母   +1 军事,-1 学识
* Four sects:
**象头神伽内什 +1 学识,-1 密谋
** [[File:Smartist hindu.png]] '''Smartism''' gives +0.5 karma ([[piety]]) per month.
** 恒河女神   +1 管理,-1 军事
** [[File:Shaktist hindu.png]] '''Shaktism''' gives +20% fertility.
** 选择迦梨时母使得你能够举行时母法会而不是排灯节。(另外,首都位于法理旁伽罗帝国内也解锁时母法会)。
** [[File:Shaivist hindu.png]] '''Shavism''' gives +0.5 prestige per month.
* 对那些所属种姓与持有头衔不相应的角色,或者与错误种姓结婚的角色有好感惩罚。
** [[File:Vaishnavist hindu.png]] '''Vashnavism''' gives +5 vassal opinion.
* 四个支派,相互间-5好感:
* Caste system restricts job opportunities.
** [[File:Smartist hindu.png]] ''' 传承派''' +0.5 每月善业
**Hindu rulers may have to rely on inviting characters of the right caste in order to have enough [[commander]]s, if they do not have enough holders of castles as vassals (or such holders are female). Similarly, they must match the type of holding being granted with the recipient's caste. This makes landing sons more problematic.
** [[File:Shaktist hindu.png]] ''' 性力派''' +20% 生育能力
**Hindu rulers cannot grant sons temples to disqualify them from succession unless said sons are of the {{iconify|Brahmin}} caste.
** [[File:Shaivist hindu.png]] ''' 湿婆派''' +0.5 每月威望
**Hindu [[court physician]]s must be Brahmin.
** [[File:Vaishnavist hindu.png]] ''' 毗湿奴派''' +5 封臣好感
**Foreigners who convert are considered casteless, making them ineligible to receive landed titles or marry other Hindus born with a caste.
* 种姓制度限制了工作机会。
**Hindu patricians are also affected by opinion penalties with the wrong caste for their title.
** 印度教统治者可能必须邀请合适种姓的角色以获得足够多的[[ 指挥官]] ,如果他们没有足够的城堡持有者作为封臣(或者持有者是女性)。类似的,它们必须与被授予者的种姓相匹配。这使得授予儿子领地更成问题。
*Holy sites:
** 印度教统治者不能授予儿子神殿来剥夺其继承权,除非这个儿子属于 {{iconify|Brahmin}} 种姓。
** '''Varanasi''': According to Hindu mythology, Varanasi was founded by Shiva himself. It is also the place where Brahma's decapitated head dissapeared in the ground. Varanasi is therefore considered an extremely holy site.
** 印度教 {{icon|trd}} [[ 宫廷医师]] 必须是婆罗门。
** '''Purang''': Location of Lake Manasarovar.  Created in the mind of the Lord Brahma, Lake Manasarovar is the personification of purity. One who drinks water from the lake will go to the abode of Shiva after death, cleansed of all his sins committed over even a hundred lifetimes.
** 皈依的外国人被视作贱民,使得他们不能被授予实地头衔或者和其他有种姓角色结婚。
** '''Mathura''': Mathura is believed to be the birthplace of Krishna.
** 印度教贵人也受到好感惩罚,如果他们的头衔和种姓不相应。
** '''Ujjayini''': Location of the Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga Temple, one of the holiest shrines dedicated to Shiva.
* 圣地:
** '''Dvaraka''': Dvaraka was the sacred city where Krishna lived in 16,108 palaces for his 16,108 queens. The opulent city disappeared into the sea at the time of Krishna's departure from the world. A second city also named Dvaraka (Dwarka) replaced it on the shore as an important site of pilgrimage.
** ''' 波罗奈''' :根据印度教神话,波罗奈是湿婆自己建立的。这里也是梵天被斩首的头颅在地上消失的地方。因此,波罗奈被认为是一个极其神圣的地方。
***Varanasi, Purang, Mathura, Ujjayini are important {{icon|hl}}{{icon|jd}}[[Silk Road]] counties.
** ''' 布让''' :玛旁雍措所在地。玛旁雍措是梵天的意念所造,是纯洁的化身。喝了湖水的人死后就会去湿婆的住所,洗净百辈时间里的所有罪过。
** ''' 秣菟罗''' :秣菟罗被认为是奎师那诞生之地。
** ''' 邬阇衍那''' :寺庙Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga 所在地,这是供奉湿婆的最神圣的圣地之一。
** ''' 堕罗迦''' :堕罗迦是奎师那居住的圣城,有16,108 座宫殿为他的16,108 位妻子所建。奎师那离开这个世界时,这座富裕的城市消失在大海里。第二座城市也称作堕罗迦,在海岸边替代它成为朝觐的重要地点。
*** 波罗奈,布让,秣菟罗,邬阇衍那是重要的 {{icon|hl}} {{icon|jd}} [[ 丝绸之路]] 省份。

===[[File:Buddhist.png]] 佛教 ===
===[[File:Buddhist.png]] 佛教 ===
[[File:Hsbuddhist.png|thumb|right|Buddhist holy sites.]]
[[File:Hsbuddhist.png|thumb|right| 佛教圣地]]
Buddhism developed from the teachings of Siddartha Gautama, the Buddha, who lived in the 6th century BCE.

Karma is a central concept to Buddhism.  It is the "debt" that people incur between themselves and the rest of creation (one way or the other), which guides their reincarnation and passage through the Wheel of Life. After death, souls are reincarnated somewhere else in the Wheel of Life as either a human or animal on Earth, or in one of many heavens or hells, according to what karma they carry. Even being born, one has a karmic debt relation to one's parents, to be paid off by paying for funeral rights for one's parents, and bearing children to bear your own.  

Buddhism's central doctrines are the Four Noble Truths, and the Noble Eightfold Path. The Four Noble Truths tell one that all things mortal and physical are transient and ultimately unfulfilling, leading to only suffering.  The Noble Eightfold Path (which is the fourth of the Four Noble Truths) teaches the way to spiritual enlightenment, and release from worldly desires (which generate karma which bind people to the Wheel of Life).  Buddhism teaches these offer an escape from suffering by acknowledging all these karma debts to become completely detached from worldly bindings, and therefore, detached from the Wheel of Life.

Strictly speaking, the in-game actions of conquest for physical territory, conflict, and status measured in gold and territory are all anathema to Buddhist teachings, although obviously not without historical precedent for actual rulers who at least nominally followed the religion.

Buddhists may be considered a hybrid of Hindus and Jainists. Like Jains, Buddhist rulers can designate any of their legitimate children as the primary heir and have no short reign penalty.  They lack the Jain bonus to vassal opinion and demesne limit, but do not have as severe restrictions on violent behavior (Buddhists can duel rivals without penalty, go on tiger hunts, etc.)  Their troops do not have the Hindu morale bonus, but Buddhist rulers have an easier time navigating succession crises than their Hindu counterparts.

Overall, Buddhism is the best religion in terms of controlling the player's inheritance.

* +4 [[attribute#Learning|learning]].
* +4 [[ 属性# 学识| 学识]]
* If paired with a Tibetan culture, allows [[Monastic Feudal]] government, allowing the holding of temples without penalty and the construction of [[Castles#Gompa_Monasteries|Gompa Monasteries]] in castles.
* 如果结合吐蕃文化,允许[[ 僧侣封建制]] ,可以无惩罚持有神殿以及在城堡中建造[[ 城堡# 贡巴寺院| 贡巴寺院]]
* Limited religious wars:
* 有限的宗教战争:
** Can wage [[Casus Belli#Buddhist county conquest|county conquests]] against infidels. Since Buddhist county conquests vassalize rather than usurp, they can be used to capture infidel claimants or heirs, making them surprisingly useful.
** 可以对异教徒发动[[ 宣战理由#Buddhist county conquest| 伯爵领征服]] 战争。由于佛教伯爵领征服是附庸目标而不是篡夺头衔,它们可以用来捕获异教宣称者或继承人,让他们很有用。
** Can also wage duchy-level holy wars against infidels, but must spend 250 Karma to do so.
** 可以对异教徒发动公国级别的圣战,但要花费250善业。
* Moderate stability boosts:
* 中等的稳定加成:
** No short reign penalty (only if vassal is also Buddhist)
** 没有短暂统治惩罚(仅对佛教封臣)。
** No penalty for female rulers.
** 女性统治者无惩罚。
** Ability to designate primary heir from among one's children.
** 可以指定一位子女作为主要继承人。
* [[Ambition#Reject negative trait|Special ambitions to remove negative traits]].
* [[ 野心#Reject negative trait| 移除负面特质的野心]]
* Three sects: ''Mahayana'', ''Theravada'', and ''Vajrayana''
* 三个分支:'''大乘佛教''',''' 金刚乘佛教''' ''' 上座部佛教'''
** [[File:Mahayana buddhist.png]] '''Mahayana''' gives +5 vassal opinion.
** [[File:Mahayana buddhist.png]] ''' 大乘佛教''' +5 封臣好感
** [[File:Theravada buddhist.png]] '''Theravada''' gives +1 learning (in addition to the +4 all Buddhists get)
** [[File:Theravada buddhist.png]] ''' 小乘佛教''' +1 学识(在佛教+4 学识的基础上)
** [[File:Vajrayana buddhist.png]] '''Vajrayana''' gives +1 health.
** [[File:Vajrayana buddhist.png]] ''' 金刚乘佛教''' +1 健康
*Holy sites:
* 圣地:
** '''Varanasi''': Buddha is believed to have founded Buddhism here around 528 BCE.
** ''' 波罗奈''' :佛陀被认为是在公元前528年左右于此建立了佛教。
** '''Lumbini''': Lumbini is the place where, according to Buddhist tradition, Queen Mayadevi gave birth to Buddha in 563 BCE.
** ''' 岚毗尼''' :根据佛教传说,岚毗尼是女王摩诃摩耶在公元前563年生下佛陀的地方。
** '''Gaya''': This is where the Buddha is said to have reached enlightenment and the most important holy site in Buddhism.
** ''' 伽耶''' :传说中佛陀悟道之地,佛教最重要的圣地。
** '''Devagiri''': Location of the Ajanta Caves, approximately 30 rock-cut Buddhist cave monuments and masterpieces of Buddhist religious art.
** ''' 提婆耆厘''' :阿旃陀石窟所在地,拥有近30处石刻佛窟遗址和佛教艺术精品。
** '''Bamian''': Location of monumental statues of Buddha carved into the side of a cliff. They were dynamited and destroyed in March 2001 by the Taliban.
** ''' 梵衍那''' :巴米扬大佛所在地。于2001年3月被塔利班炸毁。
* Intermarry [[Zoroastrians|Mazdans]], Taoist, Nestorian, Tengri (in addition to Bön and Zunist)
* 除了苯教和尊日神教外,还可以与[[ 祆教| 马兹达教]] ,道教,聂斯脱里派及长生天通婚

===[[File:Jain.png]] 耆那教 ===
===[[File:Jain.png]] 耆那教 ===
[[File:Hsjain.png|thumb|right|Jain holy sites.]]
[[File:Hsjain.png|thumb|right| 耆那教圣地]]
Jainism is an ancient pacifistic religion. Jains believe their religion to be ever-existing, having no origin and end. It is occasionally forgotten by humans and revived by a succession of ''tirthankara'' (literally "ford-maker", one who builds a ford across the ocean of rebirth and transmigration). Parshvanatha (c. 877 – c. 777 BCE), the twenty-third ''tirthankara'', is the earliest Jain leader now accepted as a historical figure.
耆那教是一种古老的和平主义宗教。耆那教徒相信他们的宗教是永远存在的,没有起源和终点。它偶尔会被人类遗忘,通过众''' 祖师''' (Tirthanankara,字面意思是“渡口创造者”,他在重生和轮回的海洋中建造了一座渡口)。白史婆(6-7世纪) ,第二十三代祖师,现在被认为是耆那教的最早领袖的史实人物。

It is from Jainism that the concept of "karma" originates, which they see as pollutants in the soul. The objective of Jainist practice is to further refine and purify one's soul and work against the desires and worldly attachments of karma. A core principle of Jainism is An ēkāntavāda, a belief in the multiplicity of viewpoints, and that conflict is, at its core, a result of misunderstanding and miscommunication, rather than inherent human evil.  Jainists are taught to see the truth or falseness of any statement as a complicated multi-faceted probability, based upon one's own point of view compared to others. They are taught to avoid absolutes, as leading down a path of dogmatism and intolerance. (An odd stand-out in a game named after religious dogmatic warfare, and why Jainists lack a Holy War CB of any kind.)
  “业”的概念源自耆那教,他们认为这是灵魂的污染。耆那教修行的目的是进一步提纯和净化一个人的灵魂,与欲望和世俗的业力相对抗。耆那教的核心概念是非一端论(An ēkāntavāda ),相信观的多样性,这种冲突的核心是误解和沟通不畅的结果,而不是人类固有的邪恶。耆那教徒被教导要把任何陈述的真伪看作是一个复杂的、多方面的可能性,这个这建立在一个人自己的观点与他人的观点相比较的基础上。他们被教导要避免绝对化,因为这会导致教条主义和偏狭。(在一款以宗教教条战争命名的游戏中显得突兀,也是为什么耆那教徒没有任何类型的圣战CB的原因)

Proper practitioners of Jainism practice Ahimsa, a code of pacifism that protects even animals, and are forbidden from violence for any reason but the least violence necessary for self-defense or defense of another. This extends to diet; Jains are expected to be vegan, and in some cases cannot even eat root vegetables (such as potatoes or onions) due to the uprooting of such vegetables harming soil life.

The game gives Jain rulers serious flexibility compared to these standards. (And historical rulers and militaries were at least nominal practitioners of Jainism in spite of not particularly adhering to non-violence.) +15 vassal opinion gives Jainists long, stable realms no matter how large the empire is. Convert if you have a large, unstable empire.
与这些准则相比,游戏给了耆那教统治者极大的灵活性。( 历史上的统治者和军队至少是名义上的耆那教信徒,尽管他们并不特别信奉非暴力。) +15 封臣好感给耆那教徒带来了长久而稳定的领地,无论帝国有多旁大。如果你有一个庞大而不稳定的帝国,那就皈依吧。

* Increased stability:
* 提升稳定:
** +3 [[Demesne]] limit
** +3 [[ 直辖领]] 地上限
** +15 vassal opinion
** +15 封臣好感
** Ability to designate primary heir from among one's children
** 可以从子女中指定主要继承人
** No short reign penalty (only if vassal is also Jain)
** 没有短暂的统治惩罚(只对耆那教封臣)
* Expectation of non-violence:
* 非暴力期望:
** Strong limitations on [[Casus Belli]]! No Holy Wars and no Border Dispute wars; Claim wars (including claims fabricated by the Chancellor), Indian Subjugation wars  and Great Conquests are available, as are wars to establish tributaries.   
** 强力限制[[ 宣战理由]] !没有圣战,没有边界争端;宣称战争(包括外交总管伪造的宣称),印度征服战争和伟大征服可用,朝贡战争也可用。   
** No tiger hunts
** 不能狩猎老虎
** No hunting [[focus]]
** 没有狩猎[[ 生活重心]]
** Purity (piety) lost when taking certain event choices
** 在做出某些事件选择时失去纯净(虔诚)
** +1 purity per month while at peace
** 处于和平时+1 每月虔诚
* Two sects:
* 两个支派:
** [[File:Digambara jain.png]] '''Digambara''' gives +1 Health.
** [[File:Digambara jain.png]] ''' 天衣派''' +1 健康
** [[File:Svetambara jain.png]] '''Svetambara''' gives a further +5 vassal opinion.
** [[File:Svetambara jain.png]] ''' 白衣派''' +5 封臣好感
*Holy sites:
* 圣地:
** '''Godwad''': Location of the Kesariyaji Tirth (the "Main Temple") dedicated to the first Jain Tirthankara, Rishabhadeva.
** ''' 乔荼婆荼<!-- PROV1174 -->''' :The Kesariyaji Tirth (the "Main Temple") 所在地,用于供奉第一位耆那教祖师,Rishabhadeva。
** '''Purang''':  Mount Ashtapada is the site where the first Jain Tirthankara, Rishabhadeva, attained Moksha (liberation).
** ''' 布让''' :Ashtapada山(冈仁波齐)是第一位耆那祖师,Rishabhadeva,获得涅槃(解脱)的地方。
** '''Rajrappa''': Location of Shikharji, the "Venerable Peak of Concentration", where twenty of the twenty-four Jain tirthankaras along with many other monks attained Moksha.
** ''' 罗奢罗波''' :尸佉罗时所在地,二十四位祖师中的二十位以及众多僧人于此获得了涅槃。
** '''Srirangapatna''': Location of the White Pond of Shravanabelegola. The Gommateshwara Bahubali statue at Shravanabelagola is one of the most important pilgrimage destinations in Jainism. Chandragupta Maurya is said to have died here in 298 BCE after he became a Jain monk and assumed an ascetic life style.
** ''' 室利浪伽钵多那''' :室罗伐拿白泽的白色池塘所在地。室罗伐拿白泽的巴霍巴利王雕像,是耆那教重要的朝觐地。据说旃陀罗笈多 孔雀成为耆那教徒并且过着苦修的生活,于公元前298年在这里逝世。
** '''Bhumilka''': Location of Mount Girnar. Neminath, the 22nd Tirthankara, became an ascetic after he saw the slaughter of animals for food on his wedding. He renounced all worldly pleasures and came to Mount Girnar where he attained Moksha.
** ''' 菩弥伽''' :吉尔纳尔山所在地。Neminath,第二十二代祖师,在看见他的婚礼上屠杀动物作为食物的行为后成为苦行者。他放弃了所有的世俗享乐,来到吉尔纳尔山,在那里他获得涅槃。

== Overview ==
== 概述 ==
Unless your realm is located at the western regions of India (where you'll fight Muslims), the main way of waging war in India is through claims. Due to the relative lack of religious conflicts, the eastern region of India is an ideal place to start in {{icon|cm}}769, as even Ireland and many parts of Europe are seeing conflict between pagans and Catholics, and among warring tribes. The kingdom of Kamarupa controls a number of provinces on the Silk Road, making it an interesting start. See [[Kamarupa walkthrough]] for more details.
除非你的领地位于印度西部(在那里你将对抗穆斯林),在印度发动战争主要是通过宣称。因为宗教冲突相对较少,印度东部地区是 {{icon|cm}} 769 开局一个理想的地点,就连爱尔兰和欧洲许多地方也在经历原始宗教徒和天主教徒之间的冲突,以及交战部落之间的冲突。迦摩缕波王国控制着数个位于丝绸之路上的省份,使其成为一个有趣的开局。

India itself is a relatively poor subcontinent; temples and castles are more likely to be found than cities. However, given that clergy here act like any other vassal (unlike Catholic clergy), a relatively small realm can still punch pretty hard, compared to a Catholic realm of the same size. Hindu raiders can weaken their neighbours, and enrich themselves at the same time.
印度本身是一个相对贫穷的次大陆;寺庙和城堡相比城市更易被找到。但是,考虑到这里的神职人员的行为像任何其他的封臣(不像天主教神职人员) ,相比同规模的天主教领地,一个相对较小的领地仍然难以击破哦。印度教劫掠者可以削弱邻居,同时使自己富裕。

Should a feudal ruler following an Indian religion control the entire [[region]] of India, they can declare themselves the Samrat {{w|Chakravartin}}, an emperor (Samrat) who is deemed an ideal universal ruler who rules ethically and benevolently over the entire world (Chakravartin). By becoming the Samrat Chakravartin, ''all'' Indian kingdoms will ''de jure'' belong to one empire, allowing the emperor to increase his levies via the increased ''de jure'' modifier.
S如果一位信奉印度宗教的封建统治者控制了整个印度[[ 地区]] ,他们可以宣称自己是{{w|Chakravartin|转轮圣王}} ,一位皇帝(圣王),被认为是一位理想的世界统治者,以道德和仁慈统治整个世界。通过成为转轮圣王,'''所有'''印度王国将属于一个''' 法理''' 帝国,允许皇帝通过增加''' 法理''' 修正来增加征召兵。

With patch 2.8, the introduction of the Tibetan Plateau offers new opportunities and challenges, with new raiding cultures (any Tibetan, Nepali) and religions (Bön) to interact with. The {{icon|jd}} Jade Dragon DLC also introduces China and its agent realm, the Western Protectorate, which can affect many factors, including profitability of the [[Silk Road]] and the possibility of attacks. In addition, the Mongols may now attack India more easily.
版本2.8 后,青藏高原的引入带来了新的机遇和挑战,拥有新的劫掠文化(所有吐蕃文化,尼波罗)和宗教(苯教)以互动。{{icon|jd}} 碧玉之龙DLC也引入了中国及其代理领地——西域都护府——可以影响许多因素,包括[[ 丝绸之路]] 的利润率以及进攻的可能性。此外,蒙古现在进攻印度可能更容易。

[[Category: 宗教]]

2021年8月7日 (六) 21:39的最新版本

印度宗教(英文:Indian religions),又称为达摩宗教(英文:Dharmic religions),是东方宗教的一个分支。



非游牧制统治者信仰达摩宗教要求启用 Rajas of India.png 印度罗阇



这些宗教的追随者一生可以有一次通过决议花费一些威望转变为其他印度宗教的机会。这使得家族成员能够转变为当前最适合他们的宗教。例如,一位家族的建立者可能信仰印度教以获得其军事加成,而继承人可能信仰耆那教以和平地治理领地。你必须控制一个信仰此宗教的省份来皈依。有 Zealous.png 特质的角色不能转变信仰。


启用 DLC icon Monks and Mystics.png 修道士与密契者,每种达摩宗教有自己的修会,并且也可以加入恶魔崇拜者(恶神哥利教派)。

统治者可以建立骑士团,如果控制了自己宗教的所有圣地,或者在1100年后更容易建立。如果印度的主要城市(摩呼陀耶补罗, 朱罗曼荼罗, 摩尼耶补罗, 那婆萨利迦, 羯磔迦, 罗叉摩那伐底, 摩揭陀, 善补罗, 摩若契吒, 果阿, 毗阇耶婆陀, 末罗浮摩, 帝利城, 邬阇衍那, 提部罗, 阿阇耶迷卢, 曲女城, 拉合尔, 德里, 木尔坦)中有五个被非达摩宗教的统治者持有,三个骑士团会全部激活。




耆那教和佛教(没有印度教)可以 Designate heir.png 指定一位子女作为继承人,无视年龄长幼。但是,这个选择不能逾越性别法:一位采用男性优先继承法的统治者如果有一位符合资格的儿子,则不能指定女儿为继承人。

封建统治者通常限于选举均分继承法均分继承法长子继承法幼子继承法。特别是,他们永远不能使用年长者继承法,并且启用 DLC icon Conclave.png 御前会议以及通过完全内阁权力时仅能转变为选举君主制


  • 启用 DLC icon Conclave.png 御前会议的玩家可以自愿启用完全内阁权力以实行君主选举中选举君主制。
  • 未启用御前会议的玩家可以在能够使用长子继承法前先启用幼子继承法。如果宗教支持指定继承人,幼子继承法等同于长子继承法,只要统治者有子女。
  • 在爱尔兰大队接受教育(凯尔特文化组)将允许启用凯尔特选任法,代价是放弃战象和征服CB




  • Brahmin.png 婆罗门,神职人员。+0.5 每月善业。
  • Kshatriya.png 刹帝利,贵族与士兵。+0.5 每月威望。
  • Vaishya.png 吠舍,工匠与商人。+0.03 每月财富。






Hindu.png 印度教








  • 最好战的达摩宗教。
    • 无限制使用圣战CB。
    • 单位+0.3士气。
    • 可以劫掠;洗劫非印度教神殿将增加宗教权威。
  • 可以选择一位守护神:
    • 湿婆 +1 军事,-1 外交
    • 毗湿奴 +1 外交,-1 军事
    • 梵天 +1 密谋,-1 管理
    • 迦梨时母 +1 军事,-1 学识
    • 象头神伽内什 +1 学识,-1 密谋
    • 恒河女神 +1 管理,-1 军事
    • 选择迦梨时母使得你能够举行时母法会而不是排灯节。(另外,首都位于法理旁伽罗帝国内也解锁时母法会)。
  • 对那些所属种姓与持有头衔不相应的角色,或者与错误种姓结婚的角色有好感惩罚。
  • 四个支派,相互间-5好感:
    • Smartist hindu.png 传承派 +0.5 每月善业
    • Shaktist hindu.png 性力派 +20% 生育能力
    • Shaivist hindu.png 湿婆派 +0.5 每月威望
    • Vaishnavist hindu.png 毗湿奴派 +5 封臣好感
  • 种姓制度限制了工作机会。
    • 印度教统治者可能必须邀请合适种姓的角色以获得足够多的指挥官,如果他们没有足够的城堡持有者作为封臣(或者持有者是女性)。类似的,它们必须与被授予者的种姓相匹配。这使得授予儿子领地更成问题。
    • 印度教统治者不能授予儿子神殿来剥夺其继承权,除非这个儿子属于 Brahmin.png 种姓。
    • 印度教 DLC icon Reaper's Due.png 宫廷医师必须是婆罗门。
    • 皈依的外国人被视作贱民,使得他们不能被授予实地头衔或者和其他有种姓角色结婚。
    • 印度教贵人也受到好感惩罚,如果他们的头衔和种姓不相应。
  • 圣地:
    • 波罗奈:根据印度教神话,波罗奈是湿婆自己建立的。这里也是梵天被斩首的头颅在地上消失的地方。因此,波罗奈被认为是一个极其神圣的地方。
    • 布让:玛旁雍措所在地。玛旁雍措是梵天的意念所造,是纯洁的化身。喝了湖水的人死后就会去湿婆的住所,洗净百辈时间里的所有罪过。
    • 秣菟罗:秣菟罗被认为是奎师那诞生之地。
    • 邬阇衍那:寺庙Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga所在地,这是供奉湿婆的最神圣的圣地之一。
    • 堕罗迦:堕罗迦是奎师那居住的圣城,有16,108座宫殿为他的16,108位妻子所建。奎师那离开这个世界时,这座富裕的城市消失在大海里。第二座城市也称作堕罗迦,在海岸边替代它成为朝觐的重要地点。
      • 波罗奈,布让,秣菟罗,邬阇衍那是重要的 Horse Lords.png Jade Dragon.png 丝绸之路省份。

Buddhist.png 佛教









  • +4 学识
  • 如果结合吐蕃文化,允许僧侣封建制,可以无惩罚持有神殿以及在城堡中建造贡巴寺院
  • 有限的宗教战争:
    • 可以对异教徒发动伯爵领征服战争。由于佛教伯爵领征服是附庸目标而不是篡夺头衔,它们可以用来捕获异教宣称者或继承人,让他们很有用。
    • 可以对异教徒发动公国级别的圣战,但要花费250善业。
  • 中等的稳定加成:
    • 没有短暂统治惩罚(仅对佛教封臣)。
    • 女性统治者无惩罚。
    • 可以指定一位子女作为主要继承人。
  • 移除负面特质的野心
  • 三个分支:大乘佛教金刚乘佛教上座部佛教
    • Mahayana buddhist.png 大乘佛教 +5 封臣好感
    • Theravada buddhist.png 小乘佛教 +1 学识(在佛教+4学识的基础上)
    • Vajrayana buddhist.png 金刚乘佛教 +1 健康
  • 圣地:
    • 波罗奈:佛陀被认为是在公元前528年左右于此建立了佛教。
    • 岚毗尼:根据佛教传说,岚毗尼是女王摩诃摩耶在公元前563年生下佛陀的地方。
    • 伽耶:传说中佛陀悟道之地,佛教最重要的圣地。
    • 提婆耆厘:阿旃陀石窟所在地,拥有近30处石刻佛窟遗址和佛教艺术精品。
    • 梵衍那:巴米扬大佛所在地。于2001年3月被塔利班炸毁。
  • 除了苯教和尊日神教外,还可以与马兹达教,道教,聂斯脱里派及长生天通婚

Jain.png 耆那教





与这些准则相比,游戏给了耆那教统治者极大的灵活性。(历史上的统治者和军队至少是名义上的耆那教信徒,尽管他们并不特别信奉非暴力。) +15封臣好感给耆那教徒带来了长久而稳定的领地,无论帝国有多旁大。如果你有一个庞大而不稳定的帝国,那就皈依吧。


  • 提升稳定:
    • +3 直辖领地上限
    • +15 封臣好感
    • 可以从子女中指定主要继承人
    • 没有短暂的统治惩罚(只对耆那教封臣)
  • 非暴力期望:
    • 强力限制宣战理由!没有圣战,没有边界争端;宣称战争(包括外交总管伪造的宣称),印度征服战争和伟大征服可用,朝贡战争也可用。
    • 不能狩猎老虎
    • 没有狩猎生活重心
    • 在做出某些事件选择时失去纯净(虔诚)
    • 处于和平时+1每月虔诚
  • 两个支派:
    • Digambara jain.png 天衣派 +1健康
    • Svetambara jain.png 白衣派 +5封臣好感
  • 圣地:
    • 乔荼婆荼:The Kesariyaji Tirth (the "Main Temple") 所在地,用于供奉第一位耆那教祖师,Rishabhadeva。
    • 布让:Ashtapada山(冈仁波齐)是第一位耆那祖师,Rishabhadeva,获得涅槃(解脱)的地方。
    • 罗奢罗波:尸佉罗时所在地,二十四位祖师中的二十位以及众多僧人于此获得了涅槃。
    • 室利浪伽钵多那:室罗伐拿白泽的白色池塘所在地。室罗伐拿白泽的巴霍巴利王雕像,是耆那教重要的朝觐地。据说旃陀罗笈多 孔雀成为耆那教徒并且过着苦修的生活,于公元前298年在这里逝世。
    • 菩弥伽:吉尔纳尔山所在地。Neminath,第二十二代祖师,在看见他的婚礼上屠杀动物作为食物的行为后成为苦行者。他放弃了所有的世俗享乐,来到吉尔纳尔山,在那里他获得涅槃。


除非你的领地位于印度西部(在那里你将对抗穆斯林),在印度发动战争主要是通过宣称。因为宗教冲突相对较少,印度东部地区是 DLC icon Charlemagne.png 769开局一个理想的地点,就连爱尔兰和欧洲许多地方也在经历原始宗教徒和天主教徒之间的冲突,以及交战部落之间的冲突。迦摩缕波王国控制着数个位于丝绸之路上的省份,使其成为一个有趣的开局。



版本2.8后,青藏高原的引入带来了新的机遇和挑战,拥有新的劫掠文化(所有吐蕃文化,尼波罗)和宗教(苯教)以互动。Jade Dragon.png 碧玉之龙DLC也引入了中国及其代理领地——西域都护府——可以影响许多因素,包括丝绸之路的利润率以及进攻的可能性。此外,蒙古现在进攻印度可能更容易。