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Crusader Kings II's music was composed by Swedish composer Andreas Waldetoft. The original soundtrack contains 24 tracks, including the main theme.

In addition, Paradox has released some music DLC which adds tracks to the game's soundtrack. Not all of these will play for all characters and some have quite restricted conditions, such playing an English character or playing as a Muslim. Since 2.5.2, context-sensitive music can be unlocked for all characters through a sound option; i.e. when toggled off all music can play disregardless of whether the conditions for playing it are fulfilled.

Unless noted otherwise, the songs in the DLCs were composed by Andreas Waldetoft.

Original Soundtrack

Song Tracks:

  • A King is Dead (00:58)
  • A Simple Song for Commoners (05:01)
  • A Royal Marriage (03:05)
  • Coeur-De-Lion (05:40)
  • Crusader Kings 2 Main Title (02:39)
  • Crusaders (04:06)
  • Horns of Hattin and Aftermath (05:22)
  • In Taberna (03:02)
  • Journey to Absolution (03:19)
  • Kingdom of Jerusalem (04:27)
  • Krak des Chevaliers (05:15)
  • March to Holyland (03:14)
  • Order of the Temple (03:30)
  • Path to Glory (02:56)
  • Pilgrimage (01:37)
  • Saladin Besiege Jerusalem (03:32)
  • Sanctus (02:50)
  • Siege of Kerak (02:04)
  • To Dominum (03:34)
  • The First Crusader (4:24)
  • The Franks (02:43)
  • The Holy Sepulchre (04:02)
  • The Last Crusader - Finale (04:16)
  • Tu Rex Gloriae (03:39)

Patch 3.0 also adds the following song, which was originally unlocked by completing the spin-off interactive novel Crusader Kings: Chronicles:

  • Guy de Rose’s Quandry (4:30)

Each of these songs has the same probability to play during the game regardless who you're playing with.


Name Release Date Store Ultimate Music Pack (Steam) Logo Description
Songs of Albion April 18, 2012 Paradox


Yes File:Songs of Albion banner.jpg "Songs of Albion contains four new songs, totaling 10 minutes. These songs give more flavour to the player as you play characters in the Kingdom of England."

Song Tracks:

  • England Anno 1066 (01:54)
  • The Coronation of a King (03:03)
  • The Forest (02:31)
  • The King's Crusade (01:59)

Each of these songs is twice as likely to play than other songs if you are playing an Anglo-Saxon or English culture character and can't play otherwise.

Songs of Faith April 18, 2012 Paradox


Yes File:Songs of Faith banner.jpg "Songs of Faith contains two new songs, totaling 10 minutes. These songs give more flavour to the player as you play characters that are devout and religious."

Song Tracks:

  • In the Name of God (05:30)
  • The Temple Church (03:32)

Each of these songs is twice as likely to play than other songs if you are zealous, 1.25 times as likely to play if your piety is more than 25 and can't play if you're cynical or a heretic. In any other case, it has the same probability to play during the game as other songs.

Songs of the Holy Land April 18, 2012 Paradox


Yes File:Songs of the Holy Land banner.jpg "Songs of the Holy Land contains 2 new songs, totaling more than 10 minutes.. These songs give more flavour to the player as he or she plays characters from the middle east."

Song Tracks:

  • Ascalon (05:06)
  • The Holy Land (04:46)

Each of these songs is half as likely to be played if not in a crusade and ten times more likely to play if in a crusade.

Songs of the Caliph June 26, 2012 Paradox


Yes File:Songs of the Caliph banner.jpg Released in conjunction with the Dlc icon sword of islam.pngSword of Islam DLC.

"Songs of the Caliph contains two new songs, totaling 11 minutes. These songs are used while playing as Muslim rulers in the Sword of Islam expansion."

Song Tracks:

  • Saladin Arrives at Jerusalem (06:22)
  • The Persian Army (04:26)

Each of these songs has twice as many chances to play than other songs if you're playing a Muslim character and can't play otherwise.

Songs of Byzantium October 16, 2012 Paradox


Yes File:Songs of Byzantium banner.jpg Released in conjunction with the Dlc icon legacy of rome.pngLegacy of Rome DLC.

"Songs of Byzantium contains three new songs, totaling more than 10 minutes. These songs give more depth to your game playing experience as you play characters in the Byzantine Empire and other Greek, Armenian or Georgian states."

Song Tracks:

  • Komnenós (02:09)
  • The Legacy of Rome (03:23)
  • The Byzantine Empire (04:51)

Each of these songs has double the number of chances to play than other songs if you're playing a Byzantine culture group character and can't play otherwise.

Songs of the Rus December 13, 2012 Paradox


Yes File:Songs of the Rus banner.jpg "Songs of the Rus DLC contains three new songs, totaling almost 10 minutes. These songs run while playing a Russian, Bulgarian or Alan ruler."

Song Tracks:

  • Land of the Rus (04:27)
  • The Trade Route (03:04)
  • Alexander Nevsky Rides to Battle (02:32)

Each of these songs is twice as likely to play than other songs if you're playing a Slavic culture group, Alan culture or Bulgarian culture character and can't play otherwise.

Songs of Prosperity January 15, 2013 Paradox


Yes File:Songs of Prosperity banner.jpg Released in conjunction with Dlc icon the republic.pngThe Republic DLC.

"Contains 3 new songs, totaling almost 10 minutes. Listen to these songs while playing as a Republic."

Song Tracks:

  • A Tuscan Night (03:42)
  • Florence (02:27)
  • The Ballad for Maria (02:46)

Each of these songs is twice as likely to play than other songs if you're playing a patrician character and can't play otherwise.

Hymns to the Old Gods May 28, 2013 Paradox


Yes File:Hymns to the Old Gods banner.jpg Released in conjunction with Dlc icon the old gods.pngThe Old Gods DLC.

"Hymns to the Old Gods contains four new songs, totaling almost 12 minutes, run while playing as Norse characters to enhance the experience and atmosphere of the game."

Song Tracks:

  • We Are Norse (02:14)
  • The City of Birka (03:01)
  • Wilderness (02:40)
  • Thor (02:26)

Each of these songs is twice as likely to play than other songs if you're playing a north Germanic culture group character and can't play otherwise.

Hymns of Abraham November 18, 2013 Paradox


Yes File:Hymns of Abraham banner.jpg Released in conjunction with Dlc icon sons of abraham.pngSons of Abraham DLC.

"Crusader Kings II: Hymns of Abraham contains two new songs, totaling almost 15 minutes, run while playing as characters of the Abrahamic religions."

Song Tracks:

  • And the Lord Said (Introit) (02:26)
  • Go Forth out of thy Country (10:55)

Each of these songs is twice as likely to play than other songs if you're playing a Christian religion group, Muslim religion group or Jewish religion group character and can't play otherwise.

Songs of Yuletide December 20, 2013 Steam No File:Songs of Yuletide banner.jpg "The carol brings two famous songs, Deck the Halls and Joy to the World, together with influences from the music of both CK2 and EU4."

Song Track:

  • Paradox Christmas Carol (04:16)

This song is twice as likely to play than other songs if it is December and can't play otherwise.

This song is also available as a DLC for Europa Universalis IV (Steam).

Songs of India March 25, 2014 Paradox


Yes File:Songs of India banner.jpg Released in conjunction with Rajas of India.pngRajas of India DLC.

"Crusader Kings II: Songs of India contains three new songs, totaling over 10 minutes, run while playing as Indian characters."

Song Tracks:

  • Alauddin Besiege Chitta (02:39)
  • Charge of the War Elephants (04:04)
  • From East to Farther East (03:39)

Each of these songs is twice as likely to play than other songs if you're playing a Indo-Aryan culture group or Dravidian culture group character and can't play otherwise.

Songs of the Steppes July 14, 2015 No Released in the Horse Lords Content Pack DLC.

"These songs run while playing ruler among any of the steppe cultures of CKII."

Not composed by Waldetoft. If he remembers correctly then it was Robin Birner and Yannick Suss.[1]

Song Tracks:

  • Cataraman Mirage (03:44)
  • Hurricane Wasteland (03:50)
  • Sandlight and Moonlight (03:56)
  • Steppes of the Nomads (3:25)

Each of these songs is twice as likely to play than other songs if you're playing a Altaic culture group character and can't play otherwise.

Orchestral Horse Lords July 14, 2015 Paradox


Yes File:Orchestral Horse Lords banner.jpg Released in conjunction with Horse Lords.pngHorse Lords DLC.

"Based on some of the iconic Crusader Kings II tracks, the Orchestral House Lords selection elevates songs to a new level and is for the CK fan craving an up tempo experience across a classical backdrop."

Composed by Tobias Gustafsson.

Song Tracks:

  • Main Theme (Electro Orchestral Mix) (03:47)
  • Journey to Absolution (Electro Orchestral Mix) (03:44)
  • Kingdom of Jerusalem (Marching Epic Mix) (03:04)
  • The First Crusade (Marching Epic Mix) (04:02)
  • Horns of Hattin and the Aftermath (Electro Orchestral Mix) (03:26)

Each of these songs has the same probability to play during the game regardless who you're playing with.

Viking Metal February 2, 2016 Paradox


Yes File:Viking Metal banner.jpg Released in conjunction with DLC icon Conclave.pngConclave DLC.

"From the composer of "Guns, Drums and Steel" for Europa Universalis IV, Paradox brings a new sound to the world of Crusader Kings II. Test your dynasty's mettle while listening to metal—our interpretation of Viking Metal! Five new tracks are added to your game's soundtrack with this music pack, composed and designed from scratch specifically for Crusader Kings II, blending the intensity of Metal with themes and sounds from Nordic folk music."

Composed by Tobias Gustafsson.

Song Tracks:

  • Viking Gods (04:04)
  • Locust Storm (04:07)
  • Campfire (03:45)
  • The Sun And the Earth (03:29)
  • Our Kingdom Will Fall (instrumental) (04:10)
  • Our Kingdom Will Fall (04:10)

Each of these songs has the same probability to play during the game regardless who you're playing with.

Full Plate Metal August 25, 2016 Paradox


Yes File:Full Plate Metal banner.jpg Outfit your dynasty with the power to rock! Due to popular demand, a new pack of metal music is now available for Crusader Kings II. From Tobias Gustavsson, composer of “Viking Metal” and “Guns, Drums and Steel,” five completely original compositions have been created to add intensity to your Crusader Kings experience, with inspirations drawn from Viking music, the Main Theme, Nordic culture, and – of course – heavy metal.

Composed by Tobias Gustafsson.

  • CK2 Main Theme
  • A Viking Trail
  • Ahurani Rain
  • Passage Grave
  • We're That Perfect Storm
Hymns of Revelation March 7, 2017 Paradox


Yes File:Hymns of Revelation banner.jpg Released in conjunction with the DLC icon Monks and Mystics.pngMonks & Mystics DLC.

"Hymns of Revelations reminds you of the new sacred duties available to you in the new expansion Monks and Mystics. Five new songs transport your soul to heavenly heights while you scheme and plot on earth."

Composed by Robin Birner and Yannick Suss.

Song Tracks:

  • Agnus Dei (03:44)
  • Ave Mari Stella (02:59)
  • Deus Misere (03:40)
  • Mystery (1:39)
  • Rorate Caeli (4:07)

Each of these songs is 1.5 times as likely to play than other songs if you're playing in a Society, and another 1.5 times if you're playing in a Christian Society

Pagan Fury November 13, 2018 Paradox


No File:Pagan Fury banner.jpg Released in conjunction with Holy Fury.pngHoly Fury DLC.

"Pagan Fury is a neo-folk metal band fronted by the the charismatic Arven Latours. Pagan Fury sings songs inspired by their love of Crusader Kings II; songs of passion and loss, power and sacrifice, ambition and glory. Their first EP is now available."

Song Tracks:

  • Til the Day we Die (3:40)
  • La La Lej (3:52)
  • Going To War (4:16)
  • A Toast to You (4:07)
Pagan Fury - Warrior Queen October 19, 2019 Paradox


No File:Pagan Fury - Warrior Queen banner.jpg "The official band of Crusader Kings returns with a new music pack to help set the mood for your medieval conquests.

Pagan Fury, The folk metal band led by Arven Latour has composed four new energetic tracks that get the blood moving as rally your vassals around your banner. Pagan Fury has contributed music to Paradox Development Studio games since 2018, and their passion for thematic music now continues into the next generation of grand strategy games."

See also
