

Scopes are used in scripting to select entities in order to check for conditions or apply commands.

Scopes always have a bracketed block on the right side:

<scope_name> = {
    #Stuff to execute in the scope.

But not all bracketed blocks are scopes: some are function blocks (option, trigger, mean_time_to_happen,...), operators (AND), flow control statements (if, limit), or clause for complex conditions or commands (create_character, ...).

Ten types of scopes can be created from script: character, title/holding, province, war, siege/flank, unit, religion, culture, society, and artifact. There is also a special portrait scope used for portrait rendering rules.

Scopes can be nested (see scope chain), and are usually relative to the scope from which there are called, except for the ones that are global and can be called from "Any" scope.

Triggers and effects in scopes are only evaluated and executed if the scope exists. This can be used with always = yes to check for the existence of a scope in a trigger or for effects that you only want to execute if, for example, a character's religion has a religious head.

Note that the condition tooltips within any_ scopes are misleading and only show whether the conditions are satisfied for one specific, seemingly randomly-chosen thing contained within the scope, and thus may show that some conditions are false even when the scope itself evaluates to true. These are best overridden with a custom_tooltip.

Condition vs command scopes

When used within a condition block, a scope allows to check whether any entity is matched by that scope:

trigger = {
    <scope_name> = {
	#Conditions to be met by at least one entity in the scope for the trigger to evaluate to true

When used within a command block, a scope allows to apply commands on each entity matched by that scope:

effect = {
    <scope_name> = {
	limit = { #Optional limit block (valid only for any_* and random_* scopes)
	    #Further conditions to filter entities matched by the scope
	#Commands to apply each entity in the scope

Some scopes only work in a condition block (this is rare), and some only work in effect command blocks (all random_* scopes).


any_ scopes can use count = N. For condition scopes, the scope will evaluate to true only if at least N items match. For effect scopes, the scope will execute for at most N items (not randomized).


Preferred limit

random_ scopes (except for random_quest_target) allow for one or multiple preferred_limit blocks in addition to the regular limit. When preferred limits are used, the first one that at least one target fulfills will be used in addition to the limit. If no preferred limit is fulfilled, only the base limit gets used. Very useful for when you want to pick a better target when one is available.

The following example would give 1000 gold to a random independent Norwegian with less than 1000 gold, if one exists. If none exists, it'll give it to a random independent North Germanic with less than 1000 gold. If none exists, it'll give it to a random independent ruler of any culture with less than 1000 gold.

random_independent_ruler = {
    limit = { wealth < 1000 }
    preferred_limit = { culture = norwegian }
    preferred_limit = { culture_group = north_germanic }
    wealth = 1000 

Score value

any_ scopes can be narrowed to the top scorer(s) by specifying a score_value system:

any_society_member = {
    score_value = {
        value = 1
        additive_modifier = {
            society_rank == 4
            value = 1000
        additive_modifier = {
            society_rank == 3
            value = 100
    count = 3
    add_trait = maimed

If there is a tie in score, only 1 (or count) of the highest-scoring items will be selected, but the pick is not randomized. Set of modifiers can be defined in common/scripted_score_values/ for reuse.


The most important scopes are shown in this quickcard:

Scopes modding quickcard.png


  • (!) CPU heavy, use with care
  • (scope) deprecated variant, rarely used in vanilla
  • * coming in some next patch[1]

List of scopes


Character scopes are all scopes that target characters. Most scopes in the game are character scopes. The "from scope" column shows what scope(s) it can be called from.

Note that dead characters are special: they usually need one of the scopes with suffix _even_if_dead to be scoped to (ex: father_even_if_dead, and some scopes may not work inside a dead character scope.

Scope Used in vanilla Description Trigger Effect From scope
c_%character_ID% Direct scoping to character by ID. For instance if character has ID 12345: c_12345 = { }

This is generally pointless as new character IDs are generated randomly, but it can be used for scripting historical events for characters defined in history with a pre-defined ID.

%trait_name% In a trigger scope, this scopes to all characters with given trait. In an effect scope, this scopes to a random character with the given trait. The given trait needs to have the flag cached = yes.
on_hajj = {
    NOR = {
	has_character_flag = hajj_arrived_in_mecca
	opinion = { who = ROOT value >= 0 }

Warning: count = N doesn't work in this scope, as it's not an any_ scope.

any_allied_character Scopes to all allies. Expensive calculation, use with care[2] Character
any_artifact_owner X Scopes to anyone who has ever owned the artifact, including the current owner. Does not work on artifacts that have the history = no parameter. Artifact
any_attacker Scopes to all attackers in a war War
any_backed_character Scopes to all characters whose plots a character is supporting Character
any_bloodline_member X Scopes to all members of the current bloodline Bloodline
any_character Scopes to all characters, except for offmap rulers. WARNING CPU HEAVY Any
Scopes to all of a character's children Character
any_claimant Scopes to all claimants of a title Title
any_close_relative Scopes to all living close relatives of a character. Includes anyone with a "red blood" icon in their dynasty (siblings, children, grandchildren, parents, grandparents, etc.), as well as bastards of their closest relatives. Does not include spouse. Character
any_courtier Scopes to everyone in the same court as the character. Note that it will match prisoners (even if foreign) and councillors (even if landed). Character

Primarily used to find minor title holders:

any_courtier_or_vassal = {
    has_minor_title = title_court_physician
    liege = { character = PREVPREV }

For direct subjects including courtiers abroad, you must use the inefficient any_character scope instead:

any_character = {
    independent = no
    liege = { character = PREVPREV }
any_crusade_defender Scopes to all characters who are defending in a new-style Crusade Character
any_crusade_participant Scopes to all characters who are attacking in a new-style Crusade Character
any_current_enemy Scopes to all characters actively at war with a character. Both characters have to be participating directly in the war, not as vassals Character
any_de_jure_vassal Scopes to all de jure vassals of a character or title. X[3] Character, title
any_defender Scopes to all defenders in a war War
Scopes to all members of a character's dynasty. Character
any_elector_character Scopes to all electors of a title Title
any_enemy_plotter X Scopes to any character (known/unknown) plotting against the character in scope Character
any_faction_backer Scopes to faction members. Faction field can be used to specify faction (ex: faction = faction_lower_tribal_organization). Used in the character scope currently leading the faction. Character
any_favor_holder X Scopes to all characters to which a character owes a favor Character
any_favor_ower Scopes to all characters that owe a favor to the character Character
any_friend Scopes to all of a character's friends Character
any_host_courtier Scopes to all characters in the same court. Shorter version of host = { any_courtier = { ... } } Any
any_independent_ruler Scopes to all independent rulers. Doesn't include ROOT. Excludes revolts; to include them, use a broader scope with limit = { liege = { character = PREV } }. Any
any_known_enemy_plotter X Scopes to any known character plotting against the character in scope Character
any_known_plotter Scopes to any plotter whose plot the scoped character knows about Character
any_kill_list_character Scopes to anyone in the character's kill list. Character
any_liege Scopes to all lieges a character has, regardless of how many tiers above. This includes liege and top_liege scopes. If THIS is independent, scopes to nothing. Character
any_lover Scopes to all lovers a character has Character
any_neighbor_independent_ruler Scopes to all independent rulers whose realm neighbors the realm you are in. Character
any_non_aggression_pact_character Scopes to all characters to which someone has a non-aggression pact X Character
any_opinion_modifier_target Scopes to all characters having an opinion modifier toward scoped character
any_opinion_modifier_target = {
    limit = {
	reverse_has_opinion_modifier = {
	    who = PREV
	    modifier = opinion_spying_on
    reverse_remove_opinion = {
	who = PREV
	modifier = opinion_spying_on
any_playable_ruler Scopes to all playable rulers currently alive. Combined with limit = { ai = no }, it allows to broadcast events to human players. Any
any_player Scopes to all players. Any
any_plot_backer Scopes to everyone backing the character's plot Character
any_plotter Scopes to all plotters targeting the specified character, specified by target = some_scope.
any_plotter = {
    target = ROOT
    limit = {
	OR = {
	    has_plot = plot_kill_character
	    has_plot = plot_kill_spouse
    character_event = { id = CM.6001 }
any_pretender Scopes to all pretenders to the currently scoped title Title
any_previous_holder Scopes to previous holders of a title Title
any_province_character Scopes to all characters in the province Province
any_province_lord Scopes to all landed characters in the province Province
any_pupil Scopes to all characters that the scope is educating. Character
any_quester X Scopes to all characters with a quest. Any
any_quester_targeting_this Scopes to all characters with a quest targeting the current scope. Character, Title, Province
any_quest_target X Scopes to all characters, provinces, and titles that are a target of a quest. Note that the script should either be able to handle all three types or filter the target type in the limit. Any
any_realm_character Scopes to all characters within the current character or title's sub-realm. Includes both vassals and courtiers, but not the liege of the realm. Like any_courtier, it does not include prisoners abroad. Character, title
any_realm_lord Scopes to all landed characters within the current character's realm. It doesn't include the liege of the realm. Character
any_rival Scopes to all of a character's rivals Character
Scopes to all of a character's siblings Character
any_society_member Scopes to all members of the society. Note: if current scope is not a society, will scope to all characters in any society. Society/Any
Scopes to all of a character's spouses Character
any_consort Scopes to all of a character's consorts (not only concubines, works for both genders) Character
any_suzerain Scopes to all suzerains of the scoped character X Character
any_tributary Scopes to all tributaries of the scope Character
any_unit_leader Scopes to all leaders (flank or subunit) in a unit scope (only subunit leaders in effect scopes). In character scope, uses the unit that character is in. If the unit is in combat, every unit on the same side in the battle is included. Character, Unit
any_unique_dynasty_vassal Scopes to vassals with different dynasties (excluding dynasty of scoped character). Character
any_unknown_enemy_plotter X Only scopes to the unknown enemy plotters of the scoped Character Character
any_unknown_plotter Only scopes to the unknown plotters of the scoped Character Character
any_vassal Scopes to all direct vassals of a character or title. Does not include courtiers. To scope to all vassals (direct or not) consider using any_realm_character. Character, title
any_voter Scopes to all voters in a character's council Character
any_ward Scopes to all of a character's wards Character
artifact_owner Scopes to all the artifact's owner Artifact
attacker Scopes to the aggressor in a war War
band_creator Scopes to the creator of a dynamic mercenary band. Title
best_crusade_claimant Scopes to the best claimant for that title in context of crusade Title
best_fit_character_for_title Scopes to a character who should get a chosen title, from a chosen character's perspective. Parameters: title, perspective (from whose perspective we are viewing the title), index (The index of the character in the list)
best_fit_character_for_title = {
    title = PREV 
    perspective = ROOT
    index = 1 
    grant_title = PREV
X Title
betrothed Scopes to the character who the current scoped character is betrothed to. Character
biggest_realm_size_relative Scopes to relatives with biggest realm size. Character
center_flank_leader Scopes to the central flank leader of an army Army
left_flank_leader Scopes to the left flank leader of an army Army
right_flank_leader Scopes to the right flank leader of an army Army
consort Scopes to the most recent consort of the scoped character, or to the senior party of a consort Character
controller Scopes to the character controlling a barony. Rarely used, more generic scope owner being favored. Title (barony or county)
crusade_target_char Scopes to the character targeted by the active new-style Crusade Any
crusader_beneficiary Scopes to the currently scoped character's selected beneficiary for the Crusade Character
crusader_king Scopes to the recipient of a new-style Crusade Any CB effect clause
current_heir Scopes to the heir of the scoped character or title. In character scope, this is the character who inherits the primary title, regardless of dynasty. Character/Title
defender Scopes to the defender in a war War
dynasty_head Scopes to the head of the dynasty Character
educator Scopes to the educator of a child (Conclave DLC education) Character
employer Scopes to the character's employer. Only works for landless characters, as landed rulers are considered their own employer, even if they work on their liege council. Character
enemy Scopes to the enemy in a siege or opposing flank in combat Siege
Scopes to the character's father Character
father_of_unborn Scopes to the unborn child's father Character
founder Scopes to the founder of the current bloodline Bloodline
fort_owner Scopes to the owner of the fort in the scoped province Province
guardian Scopes to the child's guardian Character
governor Scopes to the governor of the scope's offmap power. Scope can be the offmap power itself, the offmap power ruler, or the governor title. Offmap Power/Character/Title.
heir_under_primogeniture_law Scopes to the character who'd be heir if Primogeniture succession was enacted Title
heir_under_seniority_law Scopes to the character who'd be heir if Seniority succession was enacted Title
heir_under_ultimogeniture_law X Scopes to the character who'd be heir if Ultimogeniture succession was enacted Title
highest_ranked_relative Scopes to relatives with highest feudal tier Character
holder_scope Scopes to the owner of the province or title Title, province
hospital_owner X Scopes to the owner of the hospital in the scoped province Province
host Scopes to the owner of where the character resides. Works both for landed and unlanded characters. If character is residing at court, the host would be the liege. For an imprisoned character, this yields their jailer. Character
job_chancellor Scopes to the character's current Chancellor, if they have one. Character
job_marshal Scopes to the character's current Marshal, if they have one. Character
job_treasurer Scopes to the character's current Steward, if they have one. Beware, it's "treasurer", not "steward"! Character
job_spymaster Scopes to the character's current Spymaster, if they have one. Character
job_spiritual Scopes to the character's current Chaplain, if they have one. Character
killer Scopes to the killer of a character Character
leader Scopes to the leader of a force in a siege, or of a flank (but not subunit) in combat Siege/Flank
least_populous_clan_vassal(_except_me) X Scopes to the clan with the smallest population in the realm. To scope directly to the clan title use least_prestigious_clan(_except_me) Character
least_prestigious_clan_vassal(_except_me) X Scopes to the clan with the least prestige in the realm. To scope directly to the clan title use least_prestigious_clan(_except_me) Character
liege Scopes to a character's direct liege Character
liege_before_war Scopes to whoever was the character's liege before his rebellion Character
lover Scopes to the character's lover Character
mercenary_employer Character
most_participating_attacker Scopes to the attacker that's done the most in a war War
most_participating_crusader Scopes to the non-theocracy attacker that's done the most in a war [{{{1}}}] War
most_participating_defender Scopes to the defender that's done the most in a war War
most_popular_vassal Scopes to a the most popular vassal who meets its limit clause. Seems to use an average of opinion among all vassals (including mayors). Used to determine the new ruler when the "Oust ruler" faction is successful. X Character
most_populous_clan_vassal(_except_me) X Scopes to the clan with the greatest population in the realm. To scope directly to the clan title use most_populous_clan(_except_me) Character
most_prestigious_clan_vassal(_except_me) X Scopes to the clan with the most prestige in the realm. To scope directly to the clan title use most_prestigious_clan(_except_me) Character
mother Scopes to the character's mother Character
mother_even_if_dead Scopes to the character's mother, even if she's dead Character
new_character Scopes to the character previously created in the event, via create_character or similar command. X Any
official_crusade_recipient Scopes to the recipient shown in the new-style Crusade window, if one exists. Usually a claimant or the current title holder. Any
offmap_prev_ruler Scopes to the previous ruler of the scope's offmap power. Scope can be the offmap power itself, the current offmap power ruler, the governor, or the governor title. Offmap Power/Character/Title
offmap_ruler Scopes to the ruler of the scope's offmap power. Scope can be the offmap power itself, the governor, or the governor title. Offmap Power/Character/Title
Scopes to the original owner of the artifact. Both scopes function identically. Artifact
owner Scopes to the owner of the province, title, or artifact Title, Province, Artifact
parent_religion_head Scopes to the religion head of the parent religion. Scopes to nothing for non-heretic characters. Character,Province
player_heir Scopes to the scope's heir as listed on the character sheet (i.e. the character you would be playing if you were playing the scope and the scope died) rather than the heir to the primary title of the scope. Character
plot_target_char Scopes to the character that's being plotted against Character
preferred_war_target Scopes to the character's attack target Character
previous_artifact_owner X Scopes to the previous owner of the artifact. Does not work on artifacts that have the history = no parameter. Artifact
previous_owner X Scopes to the previous owner of the wonder. Wonder
quest_target Scopes to current target of the character's quest. Can be a character, province, or title depending on the quest. Character
random_allied_character Scopes to an ally X Character
random_artifact_owner X Scopes to a random character from those who have ever owned the artifact, including the current owner. Does not work on artifacts that have the history = no parameter. X Artifact
random_backed_character Scopes to a random character the character is backing. Cannot be used as a trigger X Character
random_bloodline_member X Scopes to a random member of the current bloodline ? ? Bloodline
random_character Scopes a random character in the game, excluding offmap rulers. Cannot be used as a trigger. Note: This scope doesn't apply commands to ROOT. X Any
Scopes to a random child of the character. Cannot be used as a trigger X Character
random_close_relative Scopes to a random close relative of the character. X Character
random_courtier Scopes to a random courtier of the character, including prisoners. Cannot be used as a trigger. X Character
random_courtier_or_vassal Scopes to a random courtier or vassal of the character. Cannot be used as a trigger. X Character
random_crusade_defender Scopes to a random defender in a new-style Crusade X Character
random_crusade_participant Scopes to a random attacker in a new-style Crusade X Character
random_current_enemy Scopes to a random enemy of the character. Both characters must be participating directly in the war, not as vassals. X Character
Scopes to a random member of the character's dynasty. X Character
random_elector_character X Scopes to a random elector of the scoped title X Title
random_enemy_plotter X X Character
random_friend Scopes to a random friend of the character. X Character
random_host_courtier Scopes to a random character in the same court. Shorter version of host = { random_courtier = { ... } } X Any
random_independent_ruler Scopes to a random independent ruler. Doesn't include ROOT. X Any
random_known_enemy_plotter X X Character
random_lover Scopes to a random lover. X Character
random_neighbor_independent_ruler Scopes to a random independent ruler whose realm neighbors the realm you are in. X Character
random_non_aggression_pact_character Scopes to a random character with a non-aggression pact toward current character. X Character
random_opinion_modifier_target Scopes to a random character with an opinion modifier toward scoped character X Character
random_playable_ruler Scopes to a random playable ruler. X Any
random_player Scopes to a random player. X Any
random_pretender Scopes to a random pretender to the currently scoped title. X Title
random_province_character Scopes to a random character in the province. X Province
random_province_lord Scopes to a random landed character in the province. X Province
random_pupil Scopes to a random character that the scope is educating. X Character
random_quester X Scopes to a random character with a quest. X Any
random_quester_targetting_this X Scopes to a random character with a quest targeting the current scope. X Character, Title, Province
random_quest_target Scopes to all characters, provinces, and titles that are a target of a quest. Note that the script should either be able to handle all three types or filter the target type in the limit. X Any
random_realm_character Scopes to a random character in the character or title's realm. X Character, title
random_realm_lord Scopes to a random landed character in the character or title's realm. X Character, title
random_rival Scopes to a random rival of the character. X Character
Scopes to a random sibling of the character. X Character
random_society_member Scopes to a random member of the society. Note: if current scope is not a society, will scope to a random character that is in any society. X Society/Any
Scopes to a random spouse of the character. X Character
random_consort Scopes to a random consort of the character (not only concubines, works for both genders). X Character
random_tributary X Scopes to all tributaries of the scope X Character
random_unit_leader Scopes to a random leader (flank or subunit) in a unit scope. In character uses the unit that character is in. If the unit is in combat, every unit on the same side in the battle is included. X Character, Unit
random_unknown_enemy_plotter X X Character
random_vassal Scopes to a random vassal of the character or title. X Character, title
random_voter X Scopes to a random voter on the council X Character
random_ward Scopes to a random ward of the character. X Character
Scopes to the character's real father, if the character's known father is not their genetic parent. This will select the genetic parent even if the cuckolding is unknown. If character's known father is their actual father, produces no result. See true_father or true_father_even_if_dead if you would prefer to return the actual father every time. Character
reincarnation_scope Scopes to the character that currently scoped character is the reincarnation of Character
regent Scopes to the character's regent Character
religion_head Scopes to the character's religious head(s). Does NOT includes antipopes Character/Province
rightful_religious_head_scope Scopes to the character's rightful religious head. Includes antipopes Character
ruler Scopes to the province's owner. Rarely used, owner being preferred. Province
spouse Scopes to the character's primary spouse Character
spouse_even_if_dead Scopes to the character's primary spouse, even if dead Character
strongest_clan_vassal(_except_me) Scopes to the clan with the greatest military strength in the realm. To scope directly to the clan title use strongest_clan(_except_me) Character
supported_claimant Character
suzerain Scopes to the suzerain of a tributary character Character
title_to_get_rid_of Scopes to titles over the demesne limit Title
top_liege Scopes to a character's independent liege. Includes ROOT if independent. Character
trade_post_owner Scopes to the owner of the trade post Province, Title
true_father X Scopes to the real_father if one exists; otherwise it scopes to the father. Character
true_father_even_if_dead X Character
twin X Scopes to the character's twin. WARNING: If mods add additional twins (triplets, etc.), these scopes may produce unpredictable results. Character
twin_even_if_dead X Character
weakest_clan_vassal(_except_me) X Scopes to the clan with the smallest military strength in the realm. To scope directly to the clan title use weakest_clan(_except_me) Character


Title scopes are all scopes that target titles.

Title scopes of baron tier are also referred as holding scopes, and certain triggers/commands will only work in holdings (E.g. add_building).

Extra holdings (trade posts, hospitals and forts) do not have a corresponding holding/title scope, and are instead managed from their parent province scope[4].

The "from scope" column shows what scope(s) it can be called from.

Scope Used in vanilla Description Trigger Effect From scope
%title_ID% Scopes to a title based on its id (starting with b_, c_, d_, k_, or e_).

For instance: e_byzantium = { }

%faction_ID% Scopes to the subject title of the scoped character's faction, if applicable Character
any_claim Scopes to all titles a character has claims upon Character
any_defacto_liege Scopes to all de facto liege titles of a character or title. Does not work in character effect scope. Character, Title
any_dejure_liege Scopes to all de jure liege titles of a character or title. Does not work in character effect scope. Character, Title
any_de_jure_liege_title Scopes to all de jure liege titles of a character or title. X Character, Title
any_de_jure_vassal_title Scopes to all titles that are dejure part of a character or title's realm ✓ (2.5) Character, Title
any_direct_de_jure_vassal_title Scopes to all titles that are dejure part of a title's realm Title
any_demesne_title Scopes to all titles a character holds Character
any_eldership_title Scopes to all titles using Eldership succession held by the scoped character Character
any_feud_rival_clan Scopes to all clan titles in a feud with the currently scoped clan title Title
any_heir_title Scopes to all titles to which the character is the current heir X Character
any_landed_title Scopes to all landed titles. Warning CPU HEAVY Any
any_mercenary_band Scopes to all mercenary bands Any
any_potential_tribal_county X Character
any_pretender_title Scopes to all titles held by pretenders Character, title
any_province_holding Scopes to all holdings of a province* Province
any_quest_target X Scopes to all characters, provinces, and titles that are a target of a quest. Note that the script should either be able to handle all three types or filter the target type in the limit. Any
any_realm_title Scopes to all titles within a character or title's realm X Character
any_title Scopes to all titles X Any
any_title_under Scopes to all titles held by the character or characters they control X Character
blood_brother Character
capital_holding Scopes to the character's capital holding title. Note: this is different from capital_scope which scopes to the capital province. Character, province
clan_title Scopes to the clan of a nomad. Character
county Scopes to the county a barony is in, or scopes from province to corresponding county title Province, Title (barony only)
crownlaw_title Scopes to the title giving a character or title its crown laws Character, title
crusade_target Scopes to the target of the ongoing crusade of the character's religion Character
crusade_target_title Scopes to the target of the ongoing new-style Crusade Any
defacto_liege_title Scopes to the title a title de facto belongs to Title
dejure_liege_title Scopes to the title a character or title de jure belongs to Character, title
duchy Scopes to the duchy a province belongs to. (From county scope, you must use dejure_liege_title instead) Province
empire Scopes to the empire a title belongs to Province, Title (any except empires)
family_palace Scopes to the family palace title of a patrician. Character
governor_title X Scopes to the governor title of the scope. Scope can be the offmap power itself, the offmap power ruler, or the governor. Offmap Power/Character
invasion_target X
kingdom Scopes to the kingdom a title belongs to Province, Title (duchy or below)
least_populous_clan(_except_me) X Scopes to the clan with the smallest population in the realm. To scope directly to the title holder use least_populous_clan_vassal(_except_me) Character
least_prestigious_clan(_except_me) X Scopes to the clan with the least prestige in the realm. To scope directly to the title holder use least_prestigious_clan_vassal(_except_me) Character
most_populous_clan(_except_me) X Scopes to the clan with the greatest population in the realm. To scope directly to the title holder use most_populous_clan_vassal(_except_me) Character
most_prestigious_clan(_except_me) Scopes to the clan with the most prestige in the realm. To scope directly to the title holder use most_prestigious_clan_vassal(_except_me) Character
new_title Scopes to the title previously created in the same scope via create_title command. X Any
plot_target_title Scopes to the title of the character the character is plotting against Character
primary_title Scopes to the character's primary title Character
quest_target Scopes to current target of the character's quest. Can be a character, province, or title depending on the quest. Character
random_claim Scopes to a random title the character has a claim upon. X Character
random_demesne_title Scopes to a random title the character holds. X Character
random_direct_de_jure_vassal_title Scopes to a random title that is dejure part of the scoped title's realm X Title
random_eldership_title Scopes to a random held title using Eldership succession X Character
random_landed_title Scopes to a random landed title X Any
random_potential_tribal_county Scopes to a county suitable for tribal takeover X Character
random_province_holding Scopes to a random holding of a province X Province
random_quest_target X Scopes to all characters, provinces, and titles that are a target of a quest. Note that the script should either be able to handle all three types or filter the target type in the limit. X Any
random_realm_title Scopes to a random title in realm. X Character
realm Scopes to the independent realm the character or title is part of. It is the equivalent of top_liege for titles. Character, title
strongest_clan(_except_me) Scopes to the clan with the greatest military strength in the realm. To scope directly to the title holder use strongest_clan_vassal(_except_me) Character
succ_law_title Scopes to a title where has_law trigger can be used to check succession law. Title
supported_claimant_title Scopes to the subject title of the scoped character's claimant faction Character
thirdparty_title_scope Only valid if thirdparty title is involved in the war War
weakest_clan(_except_me) X Scopes to the clan with the smallest military strength in the realm. To scope directly to the title holder use weakest_clan_vassal(_except_me) Character


Province scopes are all scopes that target provinces.

Extra holdings (trade posts, hospitals and forts) are targeted via province scope, using conditions/commands with the name of the extra holding in it (has_fort, fort_has_building, etc.)[5]

The "from scope" column shows what scope(s) it can be called from.

Scope Used in vanilla Description Trigger Effect From scope
%province_ID% Scopes to a province based on its id (number from 1 to (max_provinces - 1) where max_provinces is coded into map/default.map).

For instance: 290 = { # Uppland }

any_connected_province Scopes to all provinces in the targeted sub-realm that are connected to this province. Takes the same parameters as the is_connected_to trigger, except for target. ? ? Province
any_demesne_province Scopes to all provinces in a character's demesne. ✓ (v2.6.1) Character
any_disconnected_province Scopes to all provinces in the targeted sub-realm that aren't connected to this province. Takes the same parameters as the is_connected_to trigger, except for target. Province
any_neighbor_province Scopes to all border provinces, including sea tiles. Province
any_province Scopes to all provinces. WARNING CPU HEAVY Any
any_fort X Scopes to all provinces in which the character owns a fort Character
any_hospital X Scopes to all provinces in which the character owns a hospital Character
any_quest_target X Scopes to all characters, provinces, and titles that are a target of a quest. Note that the script should either be able to handle all three types or filter the target type in the limit. Any
any_realm_province Scopes to all provinces in a character or title's realm Character, title
any_trade_post Scopes to all provinces in which the character owns a trade post Character
any_trade_route_province Scopes to all provinces on a trade route Province
capital_scope Scopes to the character's (or title's, if a capital has been defined in landed_titles definitions) capital province Character, Title
location Scopes to the character's location (or county or barony title's province) Character, title, unit
plot_target_province Scopes to the province that the character's plot is targeting Character
quest_target Scopes to current target of the character's quest. Can be a character, province, or title depending on the quest. Character
random_connected_province X Scopes to a random province in the targeted sub-realm that is connected to this province. Takes the same parameters as the is_connected_to trigger, except for target. X Province
random_demesne_province Scopes to a random province in the character's demesne. X Character
random_disconnected_province Scopes to a random province in the targeted sub-realm that isn't connected to this province. Takes the same parameters as the is_connected_to trigger, except for target. X Province
random_fort X Scopes to a random province in which the character owns a fort X Character
random_hospital X Scopes to a random province in which the character owns a hospital X Character
random_neighbor_province Scopes to a random bordering province. Unlike any_neighbor_province, this does NOT scope to sea tiles! X Province
random_province Scopes to a random province province X Any
random_quest_target Scopes to all characters, provinces, and titles that are a target of a quest. Note that the script should either be able to handle all three types or filter the target type in the limit. X Any
random_realm_province Scopes to a random province in the character or title's realm. X Character, title
random_trade_post Scopes to a random province in which the character owns a trade post X Character
sea_zone Scopes to ALL sea provinces bordering the currently scoped province Province

Offmap power

Offmap power scopes allow scoping to particular offmap powers, such as China.

Scope Used in vanilla Description Trigger Effect From scope
%offmap_name% Direct scoping to the offmap power by name. Any
offmap_power Scopes to the offmap power of the scope. Scope can be the offmap power ruler, the governor, or the governor title. Character/Title


War scope allows to scope to on-going wars. There are very few trigger and effects available in war scope (using_cb , war_score, war_title, end_war, days_since_last_hostile_action).

Scope Used in vanilla Description Trigger Effect From scope
any_war Scopes to any war the character is participating in as an active member; a liege participating would not count.

When used in title scope, checks all wars for that title.

Character, Title


Siege (or flank) scopes allow to scope to on-going combats. They are different from unit scopes.

Scope Used in vanilla Description Trigger Effect From scope
siege Scopes to the siege the character is participating in Character
combat Scopes to the flank the character is leading, as primary leader or subunit leader[6] Character


Unit scope allows to scope to an army (outside of a battle/siege) or fleet. It is rarely used in vanilla, and there are very few triggers or effects that work in these scopes (loot, set_looting, set_can_toggle_looting).

Scope Used in vanilla Description Trigger Effect From scope
any_army Scopes to all armies belonging to the character. Character
any_controlled_unit X Scopes to all units controlled by the character (?). Character
any_fleet X Scopes to all fleet belonging to the character. Character
any_unit X Scopes to all units belonging to the character. Character
random_army X Scopes to an armies belonging to the character. X Character
random_controlled_unit X Scopes to a unit controlled by the character (?). X Character
random_fleet X Scopes to a fleet belonging to the character. X Character
random_unit X Scopes to a unit belonging to the character. X Character


Scope Used in vanilla Description Trigger Effect From scope
%religion_name% Scopes to a religion based on its name. Can also be used for religion groups, in which case it scopes to the first religion in the group.

For instance: catholic = { }

crusade_religion_targeting_us Scopes to the religion of the new-style Crusade targeting the current scope Character/Title/Society
parent_religion Scopes to the parent religion of the current scope. Character/Province/Religion/Society/Title
religion_scope Scopes to the religion of the current scope. Character/Province/Society
secret_religion_scope Scopes to the secret religion of the character. Character
true_religion_scope Scopes to the true religion of the character. Character

Note: most scopes/commands/conditions that work in religion scope can also be used in character scope


Scope Used in vanilla Description Trigger Effect From scope
%culture_name% X Scopes to a culture based on its name. Can also be used for culture groups, in which case it scopes to the first culture in the group.

For instance: norse = { }

culture_scope Scopes to the culture of the character or province. Character/Province
gfx_culture_scope Scopes to the culturegfx of the character. Character


Scope Used in vanilla Description Trigger Effect From scope
%society_name% Scopes to a society statically, based on its name. Example: the_satanists = { }. Any
secret_religious_cult Scopes to the secret religious cult of the character's true religion, or otherwise the secret religious cult of the religion of the scope. Character/Province/Religion
society Scopes to the society the character is a member of Character


Scope Used in vanilla Description Trigger Effect From scope
any_artifact Scopes to any artifact. Used within character scope. Character
new_artifact Scopes to the artifact just created using add_artifact. X Character
random_artifact Scopes to a random artifact. Used within character scope. X Character


Scope Used in vanilla Description Trigger Effect From scope
any_bloodline Scopes to any created bloodline Any
any_owned_bloodline Scopes to any bloodline owned by the character Character
new_bloodline Scopes to the newly created bloodline X Character
random_bloodline X Scopes to a random created bloodline Any
random_owned_bloodline Scopes to any bloodline owned by the character X Character


Scope Used in vanilla Description Trigger Effect From scope
any_demesne_wonder Scopes to any wonder located which exists (or has begun construction) within your personal demesne Character
any_demesne_wonder_upgrade X Scopes to any wonder upgrade which exists (or has begun construction) located within your personal demesne. Character
any_previous_wonder_owner X Scopes to any character who previously owned this wonder. Wonder
any_realm_wonder Scopes to any wonder which exists (or has begun construction) within the borders of your realm Character
any_realm_wonder_upgrade Scopes to any wonder upgrade which exists (or has begun construction) within the borders of your realm. Character
any_upgrade_on_wonder Scopes to any upgrade (completed or uncompleted) on wonder Wonder
any_wonder Scopes to any wonder which exists (or has begun construction) in the world Any
any_wonder_owner X Scopes to any character who owns a wonder. Any
any_wonder_upgrade Scopes to any wonder upgrade which exists (or has begun construction) in the world. Any
location Scopes to the province of the wonder. Wonder or wonder upgrade
original_wonder_owner Scopes to the character who put down the first stones of the wonder (original creator/starter). From wonder scope. Wonder
previous_wonder_owner X Scopes to the character who was previously the owner of a wonder. Wonder
random_demesne_wonder Scopes to a random wonder in a province owned by the scoped character X Character
random_demesne_wonder_upgrade X Scopes to a random wonder upgrade which exists (or has begun construction) located within your personal demesne. X Character
random_previous_wonder_owner X Scopes to a random character who previously owned this wonder. X Wonder
random_realm_wonder Scopes to a random wonder in the realm of the scoped character X Character
random_realm_wonder_upgrade Scopes to a random wonder upgrade which exists (or has begun construction) within the borders of your realm. X Character
random_upgrade_on_wonder X Scopes to a random upgrade (completed or uncompleted) on the scoped wonder X Wonder
random_wonder Scopes to a random wonder which exists (or has begun construction) in the world X Any
random_wonder_owner X Scopes to a random character who owns a wonder. X Any
random_wonder_upgrade X Scopes to a random wonder upgrade which exists (or has begun construction) in the world. X Any
wonder Scopes to the parent wonder Wonder upgrade, Province
wonder_owner Scopes to the character who currently is the top liege (owner) of the wonder. Wonder
