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Customization Pack
File:Customization Pack banner.jpg

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The Customization Pack is a DLC for Crusader Kings II. It allows players to change the names of characters, titles, and dynasties that they control as well as the appearances of their character portrait and their coat of arms.


Do you think your character has an ugly beard? Trim it! (And get a haircut while you're at it...) Want to change the name of your kingdom to 'Awesomia'? Do it. Does your faithful vassal have a stupid dynasty name or shield? Customize them! The Customization Pack allows you to alter all of these things in-game. It has no effect on gameplay, but perhaps on your peace of mind.


Customization Pack.jpg

Barber.png In-game barber shop to customize hair and beard

Rename.png Name descendants, such as grandchildren, who are born in your court

Rename.png Rename titles you control

Customize coa.png Customize coat of arms and rename dynasties you control