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Europa Universalis IV Converter
Europa Universalis IV Converter banner.jpg

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《欧陆风云IV》转档器(英文:Europa Universalis IV Converter)是的王国风云IIDLC。它可以将CK2的存档转变为欧陆风云IV的模组。此DLC最初是EU4的预购福利;这款游戏发行后不久它便以DLC的形式被单独发行,定价€/$9.99。

在GNU/Linux系统中存档被导出到~/.paradoxinteractive/Crusader\ Kings\ II/eu4_export/mod/.



  • CK2的存档(任何年份)被转变为EU4的一个模组,开局时间1444年,允许玩家继续此存档直到1821年。


  • Dynamic country tags are created for CK2 realms without equivalents in the base EU4 game. Flags are carried over for the nations as well for CK2 nations that have no equivalent in EU4.
  • Nations that have an equivalent in EU4 gain their national ideas. Nations without equivalents gain randomly generated ideas (though at the moment there appears to be a glitch where generic national ideas appear on the launch screen, as it seems ideas are only generated upon first launch of a game using the generated mod. It is recommended to pick a nation, start a game, and immediately save and restart back to the screen that lets you select a nation in order to have the actual generated ideas appear).
  • Unique national ideas for Aztec, Hashashin, Inca, Israel, Jomsvikings, Karlings, Knights Templar, and the Roman Empire.
  • With Sunset Invasion active, The Inca and Aztec empires will have the High American tech group, as well as large empires in the New World.
  • Provinces convert to a dynamic amount of development, depending on total income generated by holdings in corresponding provinces in CK2 (as of CK2 2.7.2). Economic view in CK2 gives a preview of the probable development in the export.



  • With Minimal Crown Authority (Autonomous Vassals), kingdom-level vassals and duke-level vassals will become vassal states rather than integrated into the whole realm.
  • With Conclave enabled, this is tied to a realm's council power. With council power abolished, the whole nation will stay independent. If any council laws are active, there will be some vassals. The centralization law doesn't affect this.
  • A maximum of 4 EU vassals are created from a nation's largest vassals. The rest will stay part of the nation.


  • The Holy Roman Empire is implemented using EU4's HRE mechanics. All vassals remain unless crown authority is Absolute.
  • The seven largest vassals within the empire will become electors and the rest of the direct vassals will become normal princes.
  • If crown authority is absolute the HRE becomes a single nation instead. With Conclave DLC, the HRE becomes a single nation when the council is not empowered.

