
第55行: 第55行:
 然而,为了使骑士团''持续''作为封臣,团长必须对领主有相当的好感(高于 -20)并且是同一宗教。否则,骑士团可能宣称独立并且脱离附庸关系。<!-- See HFP.44002 for details -->
 然而,为了使骑士团''持续''作为封臣,团长必须对领主有相当的好感(高于 -20)并且是同一宗教。否则,骑士团可能宣称独立并且脱离附庸关系。<!-- See HFP.44002 for details -->

=== 继承骑士团/佣兵 团===
=== 成为 ===
Be the child of the previous captain to get weak claim on the title and push it,  or have your dynast in the mercenary's. Court, let them be elected and then inherit as them.  

(make sure you have at least king level title if doing the inheritance methid and at least duke level title when pushing claim, as making the mercenary band your primary titke gives you game over)

如果你通过某种原因(例如Bug)获得了骑士团/ 佣兵团头衔,你可以免费招募它们,且不需要维护费。尽管如此,持有它们的时候你可能不能结婚。而且封臣对你的好感可能因此下降(-10持有过多公国头衔)。
Take note, however: upon the Grandmaster's death, you inherit his wealth, the kingdom title you gave him, and any holdings he controlled ''directly''. The vassalized Order will likely continue with a new elected Grandmaster as your vassal, presumably because it still has baronies that were indirectly controlled, i.e., held by other Knights o/t Order. It is uncertain how this may affect any holdings you may have granted with the Kingdom title. For safety, it is best to give an ''empty'' kingdom title, such as transferring the Duke of Brittany to another king, then granting the Kingdom of Brittany to the Order with no accompanying lands. If the Order has significant wealth, this may be worthwhile even if it only gains you wealth and a single barony.

The duchy title may deteriorate your vassal relations due to the -10 "Too many held duchies" penalty. You can raise them for free (no initial cost nor maintenance—the Military screen may show an "upkeep" but it does not actually deduct anything). You may be disallowed from arranging marriages while you hold the title.

2020年2月24日 (一) 08:56的版本

附庸雇佣兵和骑士团(英文:Vassalizing mercenaries and holy orders):在史实剧本中,部分雇佣兵和骑士团开局便是封建领主的封臣,有些则可以通过特殊决议被附庸。其他有地的雇佣兵和骑士团在一些特殊情况下也可以成为封臣。


  • 一个封臣佣兵团/骑士团只能被其领主雇佣,且无视其通常的雇佣限制。
  • 一个封臣佣兵团/骑士团的雇佣花费仅原价的1/5。且不需要花费维护费。
  • 如果允许,附庸骑士团可以劫掠,这能极大地帮助其领主升级地产。(需要 Dlc icon the old gods.png 逝往神灵)
  • Dlc icon sons of abraham.png 激活时:
    • 许多统治者的儿子会成为骑士团的廷臣。你可以授予你附庸骑士团中的廷臣土地,如此你就可以为他们索取宣称,或是让他们能够继承其父母的头衔。(对于后者你可能需要重载游戏,或对其父母使用recalc_succ指令)
    • 你还可以通过上述方法将其他家族成员从骑士团继承序列中移除,以确保你家族的骑士团成员成为下任大团长。如此能够进一步降低雇佣成本,并能够使你家族的高于伯爵级的正信统治者得到每月的威望与虔诚收入。
    • 骑士团长可能因为捐款和持有10座城堡而变得非常富有。没有 DLC icon Conclave.png 时,任命一位贪婪的财政总管可以允许你抢夺这些财富。
    • 你可以收回其分封的城堡封臣,而来自其他封臣的好感惩罚几乎小至忽略不计。你能够继承这些城堡,因为其继承法在收回后仍然是委任制。只要骑士团控制的城堡少于10个,其就能以300 Icon wealth.png 的代价再造一个,从而完成一个循环。




  • 等级高两级(皇帝)
  • 是其法理领主(你可以和平授予其一个你的法理公国,或者使用下文描述的技巧,让雇佣兵大队继承你的一个法理公国)
  • 相同文化(注意每一任新团长都会接收骑士团的传统文化)


服从于你的角色将会接收“要求臣服”要求。通过 DLC icon Monks and Mystics.png 暗魔术有可能灌输服从意识。


此外,你可能能够找到宣称者。开放选举继承不会使第二、第三顺位继承人得到宣称权,但是骑士团团长或许会有子女,他们能够继承得到弱宣称。参见Activating weak claims获得提示。

强迫臣服 CB


  • A) 雇佣一支雇佣兵然后破产,他们可能会入侵王国。
  • B) 邀请出身低贱的女性并让她们嫁给雇佣兵团的继承人。在佣兵团换代后,其佣兵队长可能会有儿子。邀请佣兵团长的儿子,授予其领地再杀掉他。




  • 宗座近卫队教廷属邦的附庸,无论教宗是否有地。在附庸教宗后可以通过收回,一般是通过索取对立教宗的宣称。教宗必须留有领地。
  • 马穆鲁克 自850年后是埃及的附庸
  • 古拉姆在1037后后是塞尔柱的附庸,1157年后是罗姆苏丹国的附庸
  • 瓦兰吉卫队自950年至1024年是拜占庭帝国的附庸,或在更早开局里拜占庭皇帝通过决议建立
  • 附庸雇佣兵和骑士团自1082年是拜占庭帝国封臣


  • 耶路撒冷可以附庸圣殿骑士团或医院骑士团,并且在较晚开局时间后两骑士团都是其附庸
  • 卡斯蒂利亚有附庸卡拉特拉瓦骑士团和圣地亚哥骑士团的正确文化,并且在较晚开局时间后两骑士团都是其附庸


  • 耶路撒冷国王可以附庸圣殿骑士团或医院骑士团
  • 北方十字军血脉的子嗣可以花费300虔诚附庸条顿骑士团(需要 +25 好感;耶路撒冷王国被天主教统治者持有)




然而,为了使骑士团持续作为封臣,团长必须对领主有相当的好感(高于 -20)并且是同一宗教。否则,骑士团可能宣称独立并且脱离附庸关系。


Be the child of the previous captain to get weak claim on the title and push it, or have your dynast in the mercenary's. Court, let them be elected and then inherit as them.

(make sure you have at least king level title if doing the inheritance methid and at least duke level title when pushing claim, as making the mercenary band your primary titke gives you game over)

Take note, however: upon the Grandmaster's death, you inherit his wealth, the kingdom title you gave him, and any holdings he controlled directly. The vassalized Order will likely continue with a new elected Grandmaster as your vassal, presumably because it still has baronies that were indirectly controlled, i.e., held by other Knights o/t Order. It is uncertain how this may affect any holdings you may have granted with the Kingdom title. For safety, it is best to give an empty kingdom title, such as transferring the Duke of Brittany to another king, then granting the Kingdom of Brittany to the Order with no accompanying lands. If the Order has significant wealth, this may be worthwhile even if it only gains you wealth and a single barony.

The duchy title may deteriorate your vassal relations due to the -10 "Too many held duchies" penalty. You can raise them for free (no initial cost nor maintenance—the Military screen may show an "upkeep" but it does not actually deduct anything). You may be disallowed from arranging marriages while you hold the title.