
CNrocke讨论 | 贡献2020年1月2日 (四) 16:48的版本 →‎策略


Breeding 优生在游戏中是指带有天生特质的角色,来把这些特质传给你的继承人。这些特质是与生俱来的,并且在Base icon CK2.png游戏中的其他角色身上也不常见。




Marriage 因为正面天赋在游戏中是比较稀有的,玩家大多数时候需要从外面的世界获得他们;同时尽量[[Traits#Genetic|]负面天赋特质]来到你的家族。正面天赋特质有小概率会在你的家族中遗传很长一点时间;而糟糕的负面天赋特质同样也会在一段时间内困扰着你的家族。如果玩家的角色不幸携带了负面天赋特质中的其中一个,他可以尝试一个带有与该负面特质相对的正面天赋特质的配偶,从而减少你的继承人携带该负面天赋特质的几率,避免因为负面天赋特质带来的属性减益。

如上所言,当你在使用Ruler Designer.png角色设计器时,给你的人物加上一些负面属性(比如Clubfooted.png足内翻或者Lisp.png口吃)会稍微有一点用,因为他能给你的人物省一些属性点,你的孩子们有85%的属性不会继承这些负面属性。




一对夫妇的生育能力决定了受孕的可能性。当DLCDLC icon Conclave.png御前会议被激活时,推荐使用野心培养一个继承人,这会增加你+20%生育能力;当DLCDLC icon Conclave.png御前会议未被激活时,野心Have a Son/Daughter得到一个儿子/女儿会增加你+25%生育能力

也可以通过事件来使你的夫人Pregnant.png怀孕。举个例子,男性角色因为长子的死感到愤怒,就可能触发类似事件;Seduction focus.png勾引重心也有类似事件。




关系 修正值 属性值



Childbirth Essentially, everything is decided at birth and not at conception:

  • Child's sex is a simple 50/50% chance
  • As for congenital traits, each have an inheritance chance built in, which ranges from +15% to +50%
  • There is a small chance of genetic traits randomly showing up at childbirth despite neither parent possessing any trait
  • The baby may get the Sickly.png trait and the mother may die while giving birth
  • Whether or not a pregnancy results in Twin.png, it is decided at conception; all of the twins' traits (including their genders) are decided at birth, as usual.

Note: Some genetic traits can also be acquired later in life, such as getting Stutter.png from one of the outcomes of a childhood event.


Characters whose parents have shared ancestors are at risk of being born with the Inbred.png trait, severely limiting their skills, fertility, and lifespan.

The risk is higher when the parents are more closely related (specifically, with more shared ancestors). As such, it is recommended to maintain a high degree of separation when marrying and avoid union between close relatives, unless there is a significant advantage.

The chance of the Inbred.png and Lunatic.png traits depends on the number of unique ancestors the child has in the past five generations (the first of the five generations being their parents), with a 0% chance of both when all ancestors are unique, rapidly increasing as the number of ancestors shrinks. Missing ancestors (i.e., characters without parents) are assumed to all be unique.

Number of unique ancestors Chance of Inbred.png Chance of Lunatic.png
At least 32 0-10% 0-2%
28-31 23.25-25.5% 4.65-5.1%
23-27 35-39% 7-7.8%
18-22 80-88% 16-17.6%
17 or fewer 100% 27-36.6%

Once inbreeding has taken root, it has a 25% chance of being passed on to the affected character's children (assuming this marriage is not also incestuous, in which case it is amplified by the above chances), therefore, it is difficult to uproot.

Inbreeding is also a major concern for Zoroastrians and others who benefit from incestuous marriages. Thus, Concubinage.png becomes particularly important for them.

Non-congenital lineage traits


The Sayyid.png trait is based on agnatic descent from close relatives of the Prophet Muhammad. If a character marries a woman possessing the Sayyid.png trait, her sons will be Mirza.png. However, a Mirza.png's child will not become Mirza.png. Because each of these traits offer a +5 opinion bonus with all Muslims and make it easier to become a Caliph, they are desirable for Muslim rulers.

If the player is not running a Sayyid.png dynasty, it is very difficult to breed it into the dynastic line. The player is required to invite a Sayyid.png into court and pass the Notable Status of Women law so the player will be able to form a Matrilineal marriage.png, or convert the character to a religion that allows for such a marriage. Next, the Sayyid.png character should be married matrilineally to a woman of the player's dynasty. If a male child of this union inherits, the dynasty will have the Sayyid.png trait from this point forward.



Children born outside of marriage or Concubinage.png are considered bastards. Initially, they have the Bastard.png trait, preventing them from inheriting or passing on the dynasty of their parents. However, a parent can choose to make them a Legitimized bastard.png, allowing them to inherit, but the -1 Icon diplomacy.png diplomacy attribute penalty remains.


Children born to a ruling Emperor of the Byzantine Empire automatically receives Born in the purple.png with a +5 vassal opinion bonus and priority in succession.

Children of concubines


Children of concubines get the Child of consort.png trait. They can inherit normally but incur a -1 Icon diplomacy.png diplomacy attribute penalty.


A Zoroastrian ruler who fully controls the Persian Empire can earn the Saoshyant.png trait. All of their descendants benefit from the Saoshyant descendant.png trait, regardless of gender.



Most characters following Dharmic religions are assigned to one of three castes:

Each caste has a different advantage, but followers of the Hindu religion have -30 opinion penalty toward rulers whose caste does not match their holding type. Children inherit the lower one of the castes their parents have.

List of genetic traits


名称 键值 ID Diplomacy Martial Stewardship Intrigue Learning 健康 出生 % 继承 % 好感 其他修正 杂项 花费
Attractive 魅力非凡 fair 53 +1 1% 15% +30 吸引力好感 Ugly.png 相反 16
Genius 天才 genius 56 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 0.5% 15% +5 封臣 +10 个人实战能力
+30 理性
Imbecile.png, Slow.pngQuick.png 相反
Quick 敏锐 quick 57 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 1% 15% +5 个人实战能力
+15 理性
Imbecile.png, Slow.pngGenius.png 相反
Strong 强壮 strong 61 +1 +2 +1 1% 15% +10 吸引力好感
+5 封臣
+10 部落
+10% 生育能力
+10 个人实战能力
Weak.png 相反 25


名称 键值 ID Diplomacy Martial Stewardship Intrigue Learning 好感 出生 % 继承 % 好感 其他修正 杂项 花费
Clubfooted 足内翻 clubfooted 48 -1 0.5% 15% -10 吸引力好感
+5 同一特质好感
-5 个人实战能力 -4
Dwarf 侏儒 dwarf 55 -1 0.25% 25% -30 吸引力好感
+5 同一特质好感
-15 个人实战能力 如果父母都有 Dwarf.png 特质,继承几率增加到50%。与 Giant.png 相反 -14
Harelip 兔唇 harelip 49 -1 0.5% 15% -10 吸引力好感
+5 同一特质好感
Hunchback 驼背 hunchback 50 -1 0.5% 15% -30 吸引力好感
+5 同一特质好感
-5 封臣
Imbecile 痴呆 imbecile 59 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 0.5% 15% -30 吸引力好感
-10 封臣
-30 个人实战能力
-30 理性
Slow.png, Quick.pngGenius.png 相反 -65
Inbred 近亲缺陷 inbred 60 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -1.5 25% -30 吸引力好感
-10 封臣
-30% 生育能力
-20 个人实战能力
-20 理性
如果父母都有 Inbred.png 特质,继承几率增加到50%。 -71
Lisp 口齿不清 lisp 51 -1 0.5% 15%
+5 同一特质好感
解锁军令费解作战战术 -1
Slow 迟钝 slow 58 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 1% 15% -5 个人实战能力
-15 理性
Imbecile.png, Quick.pngGenius.png 相反 -15
Stutter 口吃 stutter 52 -1 0.5% 15% +5 同一特质好感 解锁军令费解作战战术 -4
Ugly 丑陋不堪 ugly 54 -1 1% 10% -20 吸引力好感 Attractive.png 相反 -11
Weak 虚弱 weak 62 -1 -1 1% 15% -10 吸引力好感
-5 封臣
-10 部落
-5% 生育能力
-10 个人实战能力
Strong.png 相反 -22
Giant 巨人症 giant 327 -0.5 0.5% 5% +5 封臣
+10 部落
-5 吸引力好感
-20% 生育能力
+10 个人实战能力
Dwarf.png 相反
Left-Handed 左撇子 lefthanded 337 0.75% 25% +5 同一特质好感
-10 基督教教会
-10 伊斯兰教
+15 个人实战能力


Strategies 为了处理具有负面遗传特质的家族成员,可以考虑以下操作:

  • 如果后代在继承顺位中:玩家可以尝试取消他们的继承资格。
  • 如果后代不在继承顺位中,那么就很容易地把婚姻安排到其他重要的统治家族,这也有可能将缺陷引入到这些朝代的基因库中。从长远来看,这种“感染”有可能通过几代基因不良的家族领袖侵蚀他们的权力。
  • 或者,如果没有剥夺继承权的选择,可以尝试分封无利可图的地产。


  • 避免近亲结婚;确保新郎和新娘至少不共享任何祖父母。
  • 避免与携带负面遗传特质的配偶结婚。
  • 寻找具有正面遗传特质的婚姻候选人。
  • 如果玩家碰巧有负面遗传特质,可以与其相反的正面遗传特质的配偶结婚(例如,天才而不是迟钝),因为这会降低继承人总体属性值减少的可能性。

See also

个人属性 属性特质虔诚威望文化宗教家族称号好感
行为 外交决议教育婚姻/生育摄政人情
目标 派系野心阴谋生活重心
恶行 刺杀暴政驱逐处决逮捕剥夺头衔贿赂
其他 内阁廷臣疾病继承同盟