- Changing government type → 政体#Changing government
- Chaplain → 内阁#Court Chaplain
- Character → 角色
- Character (Modding) → 角色模组制作
- Character event → 事件
- Character finder → 角色查找器
- Character modding → 角色模组制作
- Characters → 角色
- Charlemagne → 查理曼
- Cheat → 控制台指令
- Cheats → 控制台指令
- Checksum → 补丁#校验和
- Child → 优生
- Childhood Personality Traits → Childhood personality traits
- Childhood focus → 教育#Childhood focus
- Childhood traits → 童年特质
- Children → 优生
- China → 中国
- China Screen → 与中国互动
- Chinese Imperial → 政体#Chinese Imperial
- Christian → 基督教
- Christianity → 基督教
- Christians → 基督教
- Chronicle → Chronicle events
- Church → 神殿
- Cities → 城市
- City → 城市
- Civil War → 内战事件
- Ck2plus → CK2Plus
- Ck plus → CK2Plus
- Claim → 宣称
- Claimants → 宣称
- Claims → 宣称
- Claims and Casus Belli (Guide) → 宣战理由
- Claims and casus belli guide → 宣战理由
- Clergy → 封臣#神职人员
- Climate.txt → 地图模组制作#Climate
- Coalition → 共同防御协定
- Coalitions → 共同防御协定
- Coat of arms → 盾徽模组制作
- Coats of arms.gfx → 盾徽模组制作#Coats of arms.gfx
- Coats of arms.txt → 盾徽模组制作#Coats of arms.txt
- Coats of arms modding → 盾徽模组制作
- Cognatic → 继承
- College of Cardinals → 教宗选任法
- Combat → 战斗
- Combat Modifiers → 战斗
- Combat Tactics → 作战战术
- Combat tactics → 作战战术
- Commander → 指挥官