- 邀请并任命一名高学识的宫廷司祭:
- 将神殿分封给廷臣可获得虔诚。(分封男爵级神殿获得25虔诚,如果神殿是伯爵领首都获得50虔诚)
- 教育两个儿童。如果你不具有愤世嫉俗特质,一些“童年个性”事件可以让你“为孩子祈祷”。(仅在御前会议DLC未激活情况下有效)
- 某些个人特质能增加每月虔诚。狂热和谦卑增加1 虔诚/月,安于现状忠贞增加0.5虔诚/月。
- 选择神学生活重心可以在隐居事件中可以获得100虔诚。
- 战争:
- 一些神殿建筑给持有者每月提供虔诚。持有者也给他们的领主提供虔诚,取决于好感。
- 一些医院建筑每月提供虔诚。
- 释放相同宗教的囚犯给予5虔诚。
- 如果囚犯持有头衔,释放他们获得虔诚(?)
- 通过向骑士团捐款,或允许廷臣(统治者的兄弟或儿子)加入他们可获得大量虔诚。
- 家族成员就任宗教领袖或骑士团团长。
Specific religions
- Christians: Go on a pilgrimage . Catholics can also buy indulgences from the Pope.
- Muslims: Sadaqah charity (not available if you're a Caliph), observe Ramadan, go on Hajj, choose humble trait in Hajj, hold mosques in your demesne, follow the school (if Sunni), avoid the Wicked Caliph trait
- Jews: Observe Passover.
- Pagans: Blot/Jarilo/Ukonjuhla/Uzagavenes celebration. (Not Nerge, which isn't religious.) Win county conquests and subjugation wars. Raising runestones.
- Zoroastrians: Marry close relatives.
- Dharmic religions: Go on a pilgrimage . Diwali/Kali Puja festival. Jains receive purity (equivalent to piety) when at peace. Hindus can choose the Smartist branch. Non-Hindus might consider seducing into caste.
- 拥有大量虔诚可以让神职人员更喜欢你(每50虔诚增加1好感,在拥有500虔诚增加10好感时达到最高值)。
- 完成“成为美德典范”野心需要积累2000虔诚。
- 拥有的虔诚越多,创建或篡夺头衔时花费的财富越少(在1000虔诚时花费将减半)。
- 对于宗教领袖,虔诚可以增加宗教权威 (每点虔诚增加0.02,在在拥有1250虔诚增加25%宗教权威时达到最高值)
- 祆教徒皇帝在完全控制波斯帝国法理领地并拥有1500虔诚后可以宣布成为“救世主”。
Spending piety
- Requesting favors from your religious head costs piety:
- Request invasion
- Divorce
- Excommunication
- Lifting Excommunication
- Duchy and county claims
- Asking for money
- Some wars cost piety:
- Muslims fighting other Muslims of their faith lose 2 Piety/month.
- The Muslim-only County Conquest, Invasion and Caliphal Subjugation Casus Belli cost Piety.
- The Jain, Hindu, or Buddhist Subjugation Casus Belli costs 500 karma/purity.
- Hiring a holy order costs a lump sum of Piety. Note that Catholics can have more than 1 order, making it easier for Catholic rulers to hire holy orders.
- Creating a Kingdom costs 200 Piety.
- Creating an Empire costs 400 Piety.
- Zoroastrian emperors holding the Empire of Persia require 300 piety in order to restore the Priesthood (and create their religious head).
- The "Invite Holy Man to court" decision costs 25 Piety.
- Execution (except of heathens) reduces your Piety.
- Reforming a pagan faith costs 750 Piety.
- Muslims need 50 piety to change demesne laws and 100 piety to change crown laws.
- Muslims also need 100 Piety in order to request that a Decadent relative "straighten up".
- Secretly converting to another religion requires 250 piety; maintaining the facade during events with the liege also requires Piety.