
咯咯炀讨论 | 贡献2019年10月8日 (二) 22:04的版本 →‎Effects

Excommunicated.png 绝罚(英文:Excommunication)是宗教领袖的一种责难行为。教会正式切断了与这个角色的所有联系,引发重大的外交yazidi问题。它适用于大部分基督教分支,还适用于伊斯兰教逊尼派异端雅兹迪派。若 Holy Fury.png 神圣之怒生效,改革原始宗教信仰的领导权类型为教士统治地方统治也有此机制。



  • 请求者能够支付虔诚花费。
  • 目标没有控制宗教领袖。这意味着拜占庭皇帝永远不会被绝罚。
  • 目标控制的枢机没有请求者多(对于天主教,有 Dlc icon sons of abraham.png 亚伯拉罕之裔 DLC)。
  • 目标最近没有被撤销绝罚。
  • 宗教权威至少40%。




亲属最高等级 花费 教宗神职叙任权下的花费
(廷臣) 25 12.5
男爵 50 25
伯爵 75 37.5
公爵 100 50
国王 125 62.5



  • 好感降低:-5 外交属性和一个额外的来自同宗教角色的-15好感。对于统治者来说,这使得管理一个国家变得相当困难,也使得派系叛乱更有可能发生。
  • 给予同一教派分支下的统治者一个被绝罚的统治者CB,他们可以使用此CB强迫统治者退位。
  • 领主可以逮捕被绝罚封臣,且不会招致暴政,使之成为对付麻烦封臣的有力工具。处决囚禁中的被绝罚角色不会受惩罚。


  • 使用(非常昂贵)“发布忏悔书”决议并且同意教宗的要求
  • 对另一位角色使用“撤销绝罚”互动
  • 如果角色同意,通过事件,参加教宗的进行中的十字军。
  • 当扶持一位对立教宗,因为国家不再服从教宗而结束绝罚。
  • 当一个对立教座结束,对于追随对立教宗的角色
  • 宗教转变


Avoiding excommunication yourself

  • Keep your religious head's opinion of you positive, especially if you know another ruler would like to see you excommunicated
  • Bribe your religious head. If Catholic, bribe a newly elected Pope, before gifts become too expensive.
  • Send your Chancellor to Improve Diplomatic Relations (less effective in Constantinople, where you have a 50% chance of pleasing the Basileus instead)
  • If possible, vassalize your religious head. You'll be protected from hostile actions (including excommunication); if you choose to, you may (ab)use the powers of your religious head to cement your dynasty's grip on power.

Damaging opponents

  • Excommunicate vassals for free imprisonment and/or execution
  • Excommunicate rivals to soften up their realms before attacking.
  • Depose excommunicated rulers to make their child heir inherit. This makes the realm vulnerable to weak claims.
    • Reinstate deposed rulers - newly abdicated rulers gain a strong claim on their old realm. If you grant them a landed title, you can push their claim and thus expand.
  • Excommunicate your heir for free imprisonment, and subsequently order them to take the vows to get rotten heirs out of the way of your strong genius younger son.

Exclusive to Christians

  • Send your Court Chaplain to Improve Religious Relations with your religious head.
  • Go on a pilgrimage

Exclusive to Catholics

  • Join a crusade. Beware: if you pledged to join a crusade during the preparation phase, but did not send troops, you will eventually be excommunicated (via event); you'll first be given a warning event which causes you to lose piety.
  • Switch to Papal Investiture. With Holy Fury.pngHoly Fury, emperors who have vassalize the pope should have Free Investiture before their (and their successors') coronation by the Pope, so that the Pope can ask for a law change rather than independence (which is another valid and popular request)
  • Give the Pope a landed title
  • Control cardinals
  • If you intend to take the Papal States, consider setting up an antipope, as you are highly likely to be excommunicated and and unlikely to have the excommunication lifted.

Exclusive to Muslims

  • Charity decision
  • Go on hajj
  • Join a jihad