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[[File:Map empires.PNG|500px|thumb|right|De jure empires in 1066.]]
[[File:Map empires.PNG|500px|thumb|right|De jure empires in 1066.]]
[[File:Empire.png]] '''帝国'''是{{icon|ck2}} '''王国风云2'''中最高等级的领地头衔,高于[[王国]]。这个头衔只被'''[[封臣#等级|皇帝]]'''级别角色持有。皇帝(或同等等级)的肖像有一个由宝石装饰的金色边框。 [[File:Emperor Feudal.png|56px]] 
[[File:Empire.png]] '''帝国'''是{{icon|ck2}} '''王国风云2'''中最高等级的领地头衔,高于[[王国]]。这个头衔只被'''[[封臣#等级|皇帝]]'''级别角色持有。皇帝(或同等等级)的肖像有一个由宝石装饰的金色边框。 [[File:Emperor Feudal.png|56px]] 

 为了 [[Title actions#Create|创建]]或者[[篡夺]]一个帝国,角色需要:
 为了[[Title actions#Create|创建]]或者[[篡夺]]一个帝国,角色需要:

2019年3月3日 (日) 16:01的版本

De jure empires in 1066.

Empire.png 帝国Base icon CK2.png 王国风云2中最高等级的领地头衔,高于王国。这个头衔只被皇帝级别角色持有。皇帝(或同等等级)的肖像有一个由宝石装饰的金色边框。 Emperor Feudal.png


  • 控制该头衔至少80%的法理领土
  • 持有两个王国头衔,或者一个帝国头衔
  • 花费600财富和400虔诚(或等价物)(角色积累的虔诚越多财富花费得越少,当有1000虔诚时有50%的折扣)
  • 遵守特定的宗教和/或文化条件(自从patch 2.0以来,大多数条件仅适用于AI)
  • 符合任何其他条件

帝国过于庞大,难以建立。尽管如此,皇帝能够附庸其他国王(或者相同等级)作为封臣的能力使管理一个庞大领地相当容易,因为他们有一次性将整个王国王国法理吸收到帝国内的能力。基督教皇帝在成功索取对立教宗宣称之后可以附庸宗教领袖。通过授予各个军事修会法理 公国, 基督教皇帝可以轻松的恐吓异端和异教领主。信仰祆教的皇帝统治波斯帝国后可以重立至高祭司长做为信仰的宗教领袖。一旦完全统治波斯帝国法理,他们可以宣布自己是萨奥希扬特,也就是救世主,这可以增强他们及后代在祆教封臣心中的地位,即获得特殊血脉。


拜占庭帝国在任何开局时间都会存在; 神圣罗马帝国在1066年之后存在。 在 DLC icon Charlemagne.png 查理曼剧本的开局时间769年,阿巴斯帝国刚刚获得权力并且处于上升期,神圣罗马帝国尚未形成但是可以通过决议建立。在东方,强大的吐蕃帝国笼罩着他弱小的邻居。Dlc icon the old gods.png 逝往神灵在867年开始,阿拉伯帝国处于腐朽的阿巴斯王朝控制之下,同时神圣罗马帝国仍需通过决议成立。到目前为止,吐蕃帝国已经陷入战乱状态。


如果 Horse Lords.png 马上诸王扩展包运行,将会有更多帝国存在。独立的游牧统治者(可汗)也会拥有帝国级头衔。系统检测到新的独立可汗时会自动给予其帝国级名誉头衔。(当 DLC icon Charlemagne.png查理曼DLC运行时帝国以首都地产文化命名。)



  • 帝国管理:自动获得公国总督法并且可以剥夺公国总督头衔,无惩罚收回封臣, 可以收回公国头衔(不需要DLC icon Charlemagne.png查理曼DLC),以及大量封臣上限奖励(+25;与公国总督法-10相加,净增加+15).
  • 总督(需要DLC icon Charlemagne.png查理曼DLC):他们是终身制的头衔,并在总督去世时归还给皇帝,皇帝可能通过王国总督法(-5封臣上限),或者公国总督制和王国总督制(-10封臣上限)。

这些法律在直辖领法律界面中可见;如果DLC icon Conclave.png御前会议DLC可用,玩家在领地法界面也可以找到。



The proper title of emperor-rank character and their respective land titles are generated according to the combination of their religion, government type, and culture, for instance:

  • The Byzantine Emperor is called basileus if their culture group is Byzantine
  • A German emperor-tier character is known as kaiser, while a Russian liege is tsar
  • An Arabic emperor is known as badshah, while a Turkish liege is padishah
  • An Iranian emperor is shahanshah and an Indian liege is called samrat
  • An Altaic emperor is known as khagan, while a Tibetan liege is called tsenpo
  • A merchant republic liege who attains the emperor-tier title is known as grand prince.

Custom empires

If the DLC icon Charlemagne.png Charlemagne DLC is active, rulers can create a custom de jure empire.

This decision is available to an independent king with 8,000 prestige as well as either 180 holdings in their realm, or else three kingdom titles. Custom empires are named after, and take the color of, their creator's primary kingdom (although they can be renamed by owning the Customization Pack DLC).

When formed, all kingdoms either held or entirely controlled by their creator ruler become de jure vassals of the custom empire, so long as their original de jure empire does not exist.


CoA 帝国 首都 法理王国 特殊要求 AI额外要求 ID 替代名称
E abyssinia.png 阿比西尼亚 贡德尔(883) 阿比西尼亚,努比亚 是埃及,努比亚及阿比西尼亚国王 东非文化组 e_abyssinia
E arabia.png 阿拉伯帝国 大马士革(728) 阿拉伯,耶路撒冷,埃及,也门
769 only:马格里布,阿非利加
阿拉伯文化组 e_arabia
E bengal.png 旁伽罗帝国 罗叉摩那伐底 (1151) 旁伽罗,毗诃罗,共陀婆那,迦摩缕波,奥里萨 印度帝国不存在 e_bengal
E britannia.png 不列颠尼亚 米德尔塞克斯(32) 英格兰,爱尔兰,苏格兰,威尔士 英格兰,盎格鲁-撒克逊,诺曼文化,或者凯尔特或北日耳曼文化组 e_britannia 阿尔巴,普里戴恩
E byzantium.png 拜占庭帝国 君士坦丁堡(496) 安纳托利亚, 亚美尼亚, 保加利亚, 克罗地亚, 伊庇鲁斯, 格鲁吉亚, 希腊, 塞尔维亚, 西西里,色雷斯, 特拉比松(& 塞浦路斯,萨鲁汗,特里纳克里亚,泰凯,奥斯曼,罗姆,门泰谢,卡拉曼,格尔米扬,埃雷特纳,艾登,钱达尔) 罗马帝国不存在,拉丁帝国不存在,必须信仰东正教或者(改革)希腊多神教。 e_byzantium
E carpathia.png 喀尔巴阡 佩斯(522) 匈牙利,瓦拉吉亚 e_carpathia
E deccan.png 德干帝国 摩若契吒(1210) 案达罗,羯罗拏吒,楞迦,摩诃剌侘,耽弥罗迦摩,得楞伽那 印度帝国不存在 e_deccan
E france.png 法兰克 巴黎(112) All starts:阿基坦,法兰西,布列塔尼,勃艮第
Additionally in 769:弗里西亚,洛塔林吉亚
除了:阿基坦,法兰西,布列塔尼,勃艮第另一个王国头衔 法兰西,诺曼,奥克文化 e_france 高卢
E germany.png 日耳曼尼亚 拿骚(121) 769:巴伐利亚,卡林西亚,日耳曼,萨克森(& The Hansa)
All other starts:无
萨克森或中日耳曼文化组 e_germany
E spain.png Hispania Toledo (197) All starts: Andalusia, Navarra
769 and 867: Asturias
from 769 to 1147: Badajoz
from 769 to 1212: Galicia, Valencia
from 1066: Aragon, Castille, León
from 1109: Portugal
No de jure kingdom is held by an infidel (with Holy Fury.pngHoly Fury) e_spain
E hre.png Holy Roman Empire Jülich (90) 769: None
All other starts: Bavaria, Carinthia, Frisia, Germany, Lotharingia (& The Hansa)
Additionally from 15 September 1066 on: Bohemia
Can only be created by special decisions.
867 on: requires Catholic or Fraticelli religion, German or Dutch culture, neither the HRE nor Francia exists, the ruler be adult, not a prisoner, not Incapable, 1000 Prestige, 180 Realm Size, Kingdom of Germany and one other Kingdom title, and 2 years of wealth
769: requires Catholic or Fraticelli religion, not holding the Byzantine Empire, the ruler be adult, not a prisoner, not Incapable, 1000 Prestige, 220 Realm Size, holding the Kingdom of Italy or Empire of Italia, a Kingdom or Empire title within Francia, Germania, Britannia, or Hispania, no Christian holder of Francia, Germania, Britannia, or Hispania other than the ruler, 100 opinion with your religious head, and 2 years of wealth.
E italy.png Italia Rome (333) Italy, Romagna (Papal States in its place in most bookmarks), Sardinia-Corsica, Venice (& Genoa, Pisa, Naples).

King of Sicily. (This requirement changes based on de jure drift. You must own all of the following kingdoms if not titular and not de jure Italia: Kingdoms of Sicily, Naples, Trinacria, Italy, Sardinia-Corsica, Romagna, Venice.)

Italian culture e_italy
E kanem.png Kanem-Bornu None Hausaland, Kanem e_kanem
E maghreb.png Maghreb Marrakech (843) 769: none (titular)
All other starts: Africa, Maghreb
Berber culture e_maghreb
E mali.png Mali Timbuktu (911) Ghana, Mali, Songhay West African culture group e_mali
E persia.png Persian Empire Esfahan (646) Al-Jazira, Daylam, Iraq, Kabulistan, Khorasan, Persia, Sistan Iranian culture group e_persia Parthicum
E pontic steppe.png Pontic Steppe Saray (619) Alania, Crimea, Khazaria Altaic culture group, Alan culture or Hungarian culture e_pontic_steppe
E rajastan.png Rajasthan Kanyakubja (1356) Delhi, Gujarat, Kosala, Malwa, Punjab, Rajputana, Sindh Empire of India does not exist. e_rajastan
E russia.png Russia Kiev (547) Chernigov, Galicia-Volhynia, Kievan Rus, Novgorod, Vladimir East Slavic, North Germanic or Finno-Ugric culture groups e_russia Suomi
E scandinavia.png Scandinavia Uppland (290) Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lapland, Norway, Sweden North Germanic culture group or Finnish culture e_scandinavia
E tartaria.png Tartaria Sarkel (594) Cumania, Mongolia, Sibir Altaic culture group e_tartaria
E tibet.png Tibet Lhasa (1498) Guge, Kashmir, Kham, Nepal, Yarlung, Xia e_tibet Bodchenpo, Tufan, Tubo
E turkestan.png Turan Khiva (626) Khotan, Oghuz, Transoxiana, Zhetysu e_turkestan Turkestan
E wendish empire.png Wendish Empire Krakow (527) All start dates: Lithuania, Poland, Pomerania
Additionally at 769 start: Bohemia
Additionally at 867 start: Bohemia, Great Moravia
West Slavic or Baltic culture groups e_wendish_empire
E idel ural.png Volga-Ural Bulgar (610) Nenetsia, Perm, Volga Bulgaria e_idel_ural
CoA Empire Capital De Jure Kingdoms Requirements AI additional requirements ID
E mexikha.png Aztec Empire None N/A Impossible to create. Always exists once activated. If the Sunset Invasion DLC is active, it can show up somewhere on the Atlantic Coast between 1250 and 1350. Never e_mexikha
E chagatai.png Chagatai Samarkand (903) N/A Impossible to create. Exists if you start after 1227. Never e_chagatai
E golden horde.png Golden Horde Saray (619) N/A Impossible to create. Always exists once activated. Exists if you start after 1227. Never e_golden_horde
E il-khanate.png Ilkhanate Esfahan (646) N/A Impossible to create. Always exists once activated. Exists if you start after 1227. Never e_il-khanate
E rajastan.png India None N/A (Inherits everything in India region when formed) Activated and created by the "Become Samrat Chakravartin" decision. Rajastan, Bengal Empire, and Deccan Empire either do not exist or are held by you. Completely control the India region. 500 gold, 1000 prestige. e_india
E latin empire.png Latin Empire Constantinople (496) N/A Catholic religion or Catholic heresy. Neither Byzantine Empire nor Roman Empire exists. Control Kaliopolis and Thrake. e_latin_empire
E mongol empire.png Mongol Empire Kara-khorum (1457) N/A Activated and created by the "Become Genghis Khan" decision. Must be a nomadic Mongol with 1500 prestige and control of 35 counties. Always exists once activated. Exists if you start between year 1206 and 1227. Almost certainly arrives in Mongolia between 1210 and 1218, if it doesn't already exist. e_mongol_empire
E outremer.png Outremer Jerusalem (774) N/A (inherits de jure land of ruler's kingdoms in Near East region and de jure kingdom of Egypt if Egypt is fully controlled) Activated and created by the "Form an Empire of the Outremer" decision.
Requirements: 5000 prestige, Catholic or Fraticelli, not Byzantine/Roman/Holy Roman emperor, king or emperor title in Near East region, complete control of Near East region, County of Jerusalem in demesne.
Never e_outremer
E roman empire.png Roman Empire Rome (333) N/A (inherits de jure land of player's main title when formed) Activated and created by the "Restore Roman Empire" decision. Requires Legacy of Rome DLC, Christian religion, 3000 Prestige, full control of duchies of Latium, Venice, Ferrara, Sicily, Genoa, Capua, Apulia, Thrace, Antioch, Jerusalem, Alexandria, Athens, Tunisia and Croatia. With Holy Fury DLC there is also an option to revive Hellenism under a Greek, Italian or Roman Christian Emperor. e_roman_empire
E seljuk turks.png Seljuk Empire Esfahan (646) N/A Impossible to create. Seljuk can appear between 965 and 1200, and if he is successful forms this empire. Never e_seljuk_turks
E lechczechrus.png Slavic Union Kiev (547) N/A (inherits as de jure kingdoms of Bohemia, Poland, Chernigov, Galicia-Volhynia, Kievan Rus, Novgorod, Vladimir and Pomerania if Pomerania is fully controlled) Activated and created by the "Form the Slavic Union" decision.
Requirements: 5000 prestige, king or emperor title, complete control of Bohemia, Poland, Chernigov, Galicia-Volhynia, Kievan Rus, Novgorod, Vladimir, culture must be one of Russian, Polish, Bohemian, Volhynian, Ilmenian, Severian, Pomeranian.
Never e_lechczechrus
E timurids.png Timurids Esfahan (646) N/A Impossible to create. Timur can appear between 1350 and 1370, and if he is successful forms this empire. Never e_timurids
E china.png Western Protectorate Dunhuang (1448) N/A Impossible to create, for it always exists as a Chinese tributary. Its Chinese Bureaucracy government type makes it unplayable. In games without Jade Dragon.png, it is largely inactive although it still has a court, and only has a physical presence in DLC icon Charlemagne.png769 and from February 1227 onwards. Never e_china_west_governor

See also