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[[Category: 模组制作]]

2020年5月24日 (日) 03:10的版本

Defines are numerical variables used by the engine, allowing to tweak behaviors that are not opened to scripting (diplomatic actions, succession laws, ...).

Defines are static and global: they apply to the whole game and cannot be changed dynamically.


Vanilla values are configured in the file common/defines.lua, which contains more than 1000 variables affecting many areas of the game.

As of patch 2.4, it is no longer necessary to include a copy of the whole file to change values.

Instead, you can put your changed values in a custom .lua file in Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod\[mod name]\common\defines\ folder, with the following format:


Additional changed values go on separate lines, with no commas at the end of lines:


List of defines

Here is a list of defines, grouped by functionality and with the unit of the define numeric value.


Age static modifiers

Key Unit Description
NDefines.NCharacter.AGE_YOUNG = 20 Age Non-child characters below this age have the 'teen' static modifier applied.
NDefines.NCharacter.AGE_ADULT = 30 Age Non-child characters below this age have the 'young' static modifier applied.
NDefines.NCharacter.AGE_OLD = 50 Age Non-child characters below this age have the 'adult' static modifier applied.
NDefines.NCharacter.AGE_VERY_OLD = 70 Age Non-child characters below this age have the 'old' static modifier applied.


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NCharacter.MAX_CHILD_BIRTH_AGE = 45 Female menopause age.
NDefines.NCharacter.CHILD_BIRTH_TO_PREGNANCY_WAIT = 3 Months Probably months between birth and when woman can be pregnant again.
NDefines.NCharacter.FERTILITY_BASE_MULT = 0.50 Base fertility multiplier to adjust the base chance of impregnation
NDefines.NCharacter.SECONDARY_SPOUSE_FERTILITY_MULT = 0.50 Applied to fertility of secondary spouses and concubines
NDefines.NCharacter.NOT_SPOUSE_FERTILITY_MULT = 0.50 Applied to fertility when two lovers are not married
NDefines.NCharacter.MARRIED_LOVERS_FERTILITY_MULT = 1.5 Applied to fertility when lovers are married
NDefines.NCharacter.PRESTIGE_FROM_DYNASTY_ON_BIRTH_DIV = 5 Newly born characters get the dynasty prestige of their mother and father divided by this as their starting prestige.


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NCharacter.NEED_GUARDIAN_AT_AGE = 6 Age The age at which children should be appointed a mentor/guardian.
NDefines.NCharacter.MAX_WARDS_PER_GUARDIAN = 2 Int Self Explanatory.
NDefines.NCharacter.CHILDHOOD_FOCUS_ALERT_AGE = 6 Age The childhood focus alert is shown for children this old
NDefines.NCharacter.AGE_CHILDHOOD_PULSE = 6 Age The childhood pulse events start from this age
NDefines.NCharacter.AGE_ADOLESCENT = 12 Children are considered to be adolescent from this age.
NDefines.NCharacter.CHILDHOOD_AUTO_EDUCATION_FOCUS_AGE = 15 Age Children automatically get education focus at this age.
NDefines.NCharacter.BASE_MAX_ATTRIBUTE = 10 The max attribute value you can get from growing up
NDefines.NCharacter.CONCLAVE_CHILDHOOD_ATTRIBUTE_INCREASE_CHANCE = 20 The chance of increasing an attribute during childhood
NDefines.NCharacter.CONCLAVE_ADOLESCENCE_ATTRIBUTE_INCREASE_CHANCE = 25 The chance of increasing an attribute during adolescence
NDefines.NCharacter.CONCLAVE_UNKNOWN_PARENT_DEFAULT_STAT = 5 If a child has no parents represented as characters in the game, this stat value is used when getting stat increases
NDefines.NCharacter.CONCLAVE_INHERITED_ATTRIBUTE_INCREASE_CHANCE = 1.0 The parent's base stats influence stat increases in children by this much


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NCharacter.AGE_OF_ADULTHOOD_MALE = 16 Age Male can rule at this age.
NDefines.NCharacter.AGE_OF_ADULTHOOD_FEMALE = 16 Age Female can rule at this age.


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NCharacter.MAX_GENERATED_TRAITS_FOR_HISTORICAL Generate random traits up this number for adult historical characters.
NDefines.NCharacter.INBRED_TRAIT_CHANCE_FACTOR Inbreeding: Multiplier to the base chance.
NDefines.NCharacter.LUNATIC_TRAIT_CHANCE_FACTOR Inbreeding: Multiplier to the base chance
NDefines.NCharacter.INBRED_DIVINE_BLOOD_TRAIT_CHANCE_FACTOR Inbreeding: Multiplier to the base chance
NDefines.NCharacter.LUNATIC_DIVINE_BLOOD_TRAIT_CHANCE_FACTOR Inbreeding: Multiplier to the base chance
NDefines.NCharacter.MALE_ATTRACTION_CUTOFF = 65 Age After this age, the sex appeal of traits no longer have any effect
NDefines.NCharacter.FEMALE_ATTRACTION_CUTOFF = 45 Age After this age, the sex appeal of traits no longer have any effect


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.OBJECTIVE_DISCARD_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD = 0.05 The AI will not pick ambitions or plots below this evaluated weight
NDefines.NCharacter.CHANGE_AMBITION_YEARS = 3 Years Delay between being able to pick a new ambition.
NDefines.NCharacter.CHANGE_FOCUS_YEARS = 5 Years Delay between being able to change focus.


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NCharacter.BETROTHAL_MIN_AGE = 12 Age AI will not arrange betrothals for children below this age
NDefines.NCharacter.AGE_OF_MARRIAGE_MALE = 16 Age Male allowed to marry at this age.
NDefines.NCharacter.AGE_OF_MARRIAGE_FEMALE = 16 Age Female allowed to marry at this age.
NDefines.NCharacter.PRESTIGE_FROM_DYNASTY_ON_MARRIAGE_DIV = 10 Characters get the dynasty prestige of the spouse divided by this on marriage.
NDefines.NCharacter.MARRIAGE_TIER_DIFF_PRESTIGE_MULT = 100 Prestige multiplier from marrying below or above your rank.
NDefines.NCharacter.CONSORT_TIER_PRESTIGE_MULT = 25 Prestige multiplier for rank of consort.
NDefines.NCharacter.MUSLIM_NUM_WIVES_MONTHLY_PRESTIGE_BONUS = 0.4 The prestige effect from each extra expected wife.
NDefines.NCharacter.MUSLIM_NUM_WIVES_MONTHLY_PRESTIGE_PENALTY = 1.0 The prestige effect from each lacking expected wife.
NDefines.NCharacter.PAGAN_NUM_CONSORTS_MONTHLY_PRESTIGE = 0.2 The monthly prestige effect for pagans for each young Concubine.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DOWRY_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 This value is multiplied with the prestige gain of the patrician from the marriage in order to determine the dowry that must be paid to marry a feudal character.
NDefines.NAI.MARRIAGE_AI_PRESTIGE_VALUE = 0.33 Multiplier for how highly AI values prestige when arranging marriages and evaluating marriage offers
NDefines.NAI.MARRIAGE_THREATENING_FOR_THEM_MODIFIER = 5 How much AI will pay attention to marriages with realms they have a CB on and are considerably stronger than
NDefines.NAI.DESIRED_CONSORTS = 0 AI will always want at least this many concubines, if they lack sons


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NCharacter.INFANT_DEATH_CHANCE = 0.0 Chance of stillbirth / death at birth
NDefines.NCharacter.NATURAL_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE_0 = 5 Per mille Natural deaths per decade out of 10000 people for each age range (0-9, 10-19, ..., 100+)
NDefines.NCharacter.NATURAL_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE_10 = 1
NDefines.NCharacter.NATURAL_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE_20 = 15
NDefines.NCharacter.NATURAL_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE_30 = 20
NDefines.NCharacter.NATURAL_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE_40 = 51
NDefines.NCharacter.NATURAL_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE_50 = 100
NDefines.NCharacter.NATURAL_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE_60 = 400
NDefines.NCharacter.NATURAL_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE_70 = 1400
NDefines.NCharacter.NATURAL_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE_80 = 3500
NDefines.NCharacter.NATURAL_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE_90 = 7000
NDefines.NCharacter.NATURAL_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE_100 = 9000
NDefines.NCharacter.TREASURY_CHANCE_TO_DISAPPEAR_STANDARD = 0.05 Chances that artifacts disappear on inheritance
NDefines.NCharacter.TREASURY_CHANCE_TO_DISAPPEAR_NO_HEIR = 0.5 Chances that artifacts disappear on inheritance when the dying character doesn't have an heir


Vassal opinion

Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.PRESTIGE_OPINION_DIV = 200 Number Prestige divided by this number determines the bonus to Feudal opinion. In the case of negative opinion the opinion change is multiplied by five.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.PRESTIGE_OPINION_MAX = 10 Number This is the maximum amount of opinion gain or loss from prestige.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.PIETY_OPINION_DIV = 50 Number Piety divided by this number determines the bonus to Clergy opinion. In the case of negative opinion the opinion change is multiplied by five.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.PIETY_OPINION_MAX = 10 Number This is the maximum amount of opinion gain or loss from piety.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.JAIN_LIEGE_OPINION_BONUS = 15 Number Jain Lieges Get Vassal Opinion Bonus
NDefines.NDiplomacy.REALM_DIPLOMACY_OPINION_MUL_FACTOR = 0.25 Number Realm diplomacy factor affecting opinion value

De jure drift

主条目:De jure
Key Unit Description
NDefines.NTitle.ALLOW_DE_JURE_ASSIMILATION_ANYWHERE = 1 Bool If set to 0, will only assimilate duchy titles which contain the assimilating Kingdom's capital or border existing de jure land of that title
NDefines.NTitle.DE_JURE_ASSIMILATION_YEARS = 100 Years Duchies a under the de facto control of another kingdom will change de jure liege after this many years
NDefines.NTitle.EMPIRE_DE_JURE_ASSIMILATION_YEARS = 100 Years Kingdoms under the de facto control of another empire will change de jure liege after this many years
NDefines.NTitle.GAME_RULES_DEJURE_LONG = 300 Years
NDefines.NTitle.GAME_RULES_DEJURE_SHORT = 50 Years

Demesne limit

Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEMESNE_BASE_MAX_SIZE = 1.0 This is the base demesne limit.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEMESNE_MAX_SIZE_BARON_MULT = 1.0 Extra Max Demesne Size from the ruler's rank
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEMESNE_MAX_SIZE_DUKE_MULT = 1.0
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEMESNE_MAX_SIZE_KING_MULT = 3.0
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEMESNE_MAX_SIZE_GREAT_DUKE_BONUS = 1.0 Dukes with more than one duchy will get this value added to their demesne limit.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEMESNE_MAX_SIZE_STEWARDSHIP_MULT = 0.15 Characters will have their stewardship plus half their spouse's stewardship, multiplied by this value, added to their demesne limit
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEMESNE_MAX_SIZE_PATRICIAN = 1.0 Patricians get this value added to their demesne limit. Note that the multipliers for tier will not be applied to patricians.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEMESNE_MAX_SIZE_PATRICIAN_DOGE = 1.0 Doges get this value added to their demesne limit, in addition to DEMESNE_MAX_SIZE_PATRICIAN.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.GAVELKIND_MAX_SIZE_BONUS = 0.30 Titles with gavelkind will have this percentage of their demesne limit (including all modifiers mentioned above) added to their demesne limit.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEMESNE_MAX_SIZE_JAIN_BONUS = 3 Followers of the Jain religion have extra demesne

Vassal limit

Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.VASSAL_BASE_LIMIT = 1.0 Base Vassal Limit
NDefines.NDiplomacy.VASSAL_LIMIT_DUKE_MULT = 10.0 Extra Vassal Limit from the ruler's rank
NDefines.NDiplomacy.VASSAL_LIMIT_KING_MULT = 20.0 Extra Vassal Limit from the ruler's rank
NDefines.NDiplomacy.VASSAL_LIMIT_EMPEROR_MULT = 30.0 Extra Vassal Limit from the ruler's rank
NDefines.NDiplomacy.VASSAL_LIMIT_GREAT_DUKE_BONUS = 5.0 Extra Vassal Limit for Dukes with more than one Duchy
NDefines.NDiplomacy.VASSAL_LIMIT_DIPLOMACY_MULT = 0.3 Extra Vassal Limit from ruler and spouse diplomacy
NDefines.NDiplomacy.VASSAL_LIMIT_DECADENCE_MULTIPLIER = 0.25 Negative modifier, multiplied with the current decadence.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.VASSAL_LIMIT_LEVY_MULTIPLIER = 1 Used for levy penalty calculation for being over vassal limit.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.VASSAL_LIMIT_LEVY_BASE = 4 Used for levy penalty calculation for being over vassal limit.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.VASSAL_LIMIT_TAX_MULTIPLIER = 1 Used for tax penalty calculation for being over vassal limit.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.VASSAL_LIMIT_TAX_BASE = 4 Used for tax penalty calculation for being over vassal limit.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.VASSAL_LIMIT_COUNT_BARONS = 0 If set to 1, baron-tier vassals will also count towards vassal limit.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.CONCLAVE_VASSAL_LIMIT_DUKE_MULT = 8.0 Extra Vassal Limit from the ruler's rank
NDefines.NDiplomacy.CONCLAVE_VASSAL_LIMIT_KING_MULT = 15.0 Extra Vassal Limit from the ruler's rank
NDefines.NDiplomacy.CONCLAVE_VASSAL_LIMIT_EMPEROR_MULT = 20.0 Extra Vassal Limit from the ruler's rank
NDefines.NDiplomacy.CONCLAVE_VASSAL_LIMIT_GREAT_DUKE_BONUS = 3.0 Extra Vassal Limit for Dukes with more than one Duchy

Short reign

Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.SHORT_REIGN_YEARS_END = 9 Years This value is the default length of the short reign penalty. The penalty is multiplied by the number of years left.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LONG_REIGN_YEARS_START = 10 This value is the number of years someone has to rule before they start getting the long reign bonus of 1 opinion per year beyond this value.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.SHORT_REIGN_OPINION_MULT = 1.0 The number of years left of a short reign is multiplied by this value to determine the short reign penalty. It can be overridden in the religion files.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MAX_LONG_REIGN_BONUS = 100 Opinion Max bonus in opinion you can get from long reign
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LONG_REIGN_PENALTY = -2 Penalty ticking down every year from long reign bonus
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LONG_REIGN_PENALTY_START = 3 What year penalty tick should start
NDefines.NDiplomacy.SHORT_REIGN_OPINION_MULT = 1.0 Opinion penalty multiplier to short reign years
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LONG_REIGN_OPINION_MULT = 0.5 Opinion penalty boost to long reign years


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DUKE_POWERFUL_VASSAL_COUNT = 4 The x most powerful vassal will expect a seat in the council
NDefines.NDiplomacy.KING_POWERFUL_VASSAL_COUNT = 5 The x most powerful vassal will expect a seat in the council
NDefines.NDiplomacy.EMPEROR_POWERFUL_VASSAL_COUNT = 6 The x most powerful vassal will expect a seat in the council
NDefines.NCouncil.MONTHS_OF_DISCONTENT_COUNCIL = 24 Months How long a council is discontent after succession.
NDefines.NCouncil.CHANGE_POSITION_COOLDOWN = 12 Months
NDefines.NCouncil.COUNCIL_REJECTED_LAW_TIMEOUT = 10 Years How many years the timeout for a law is when council reject the law change.
NDefines.NCouncil.COUNCIL_REJECTED_CROWN_LAW_TIMEOUT = 5 Years How many years the timeout for a crown law is when council reject the law change.
NDefines.NCouncil.LAW_VOTE_CHANGE_TIME_LIMIT = 1 The time limit abstained council members have to vote before their vote becomes automatically an against vote.
NDefines.NCouncil.ENFORCE_PEACE_LENGTH = 60 Months How many months Enforce Peace is active for.
NDefines.NCouncil.ENFORCE_PEACE_START_DELAY = 3 Months How many months it takes before the enforce peace becomes active.
NDefines.NCouncil.ENFORCE_PEACE_BLOCK_LENGTH = 24 Months How many months Enforce peace is blocked when vassal uses the interaction.
NDefines.NCouncil.ENFORCE_PEACE_COOLDOWN = 60 Months How many months liege has to wait before he can use enforce peace again.
NDefines.NCouncil.NO_VOTING_PIETY_OVERRIDE = 1 Bool Flag that disables law voting when Conclave is enabled for groups that otherwise change laws based on piety without Conclave.
NDefines.NCouncil.NO_VOTING_PRESTIGE_OVERRIDE = 1 Bool Flag that disables law voting when Conclave is enabled for groups that otherwise change laws based on prestige without Conclave.
NDefines.NCouncil.REGENCY_VOTING = "(...)" List<interactions> In regencies the council votes on these issues. Example: "laws declare_war_interaction revoke_title_interaction imprison_character_interaction grant_landed_title_interaction exile_imprisoned_interaction execute_imprisoned_interaction"
NDefines.NCouncil.COUNCIL_REJECTION_ALL_LAWS_TIMEOUT = 1 Years How many years the timeout for doing a law change (for any law) is when the council has rejected a law change.
NDefines.NCouncil.COUNCIL_REJECTION_ALL_CROWN_LAWS_TIMEOUT = 1 Years How many years the timeout for doing a law change (for any law) is when the council has rejected a law change.
NDefines.NCharacter.ASSIGN_ACTION_DAYS Days Days before a Councillor can be assigned a new job in a county. Don't set to 0.


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NTitle.MAX_CROWN_LAW_CHANGES = 1 Number
NDefines.NTitle.CROWN_LAW_CHANGE_MONTHS = 600 Months
NDefines.NTitle.CROWN_LAW_CHANGE_TIMER = 1 Bool If set to 0, rulers will be restricted to MAX_CROWN_LAW_CHANGES. If set to 1, they'll have a CROWN_LAW_CHANGE_MONTHS cooldown
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LAW_CHANGE_PIETY_COST = 50 Muslims must have and pay this amount of piety in order to change demesne laws.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.CROWN_LAW_CHANGE_PIETY_COST = 100 Muslims must have and pay this amount of piety in order to change crown laws.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LAW_CHANGE_PIETY_COST_ABSOLUTISM = 100 Piety cost for Iqta government when changing normal demesne laws with no council
NDefines.NDiplomacy.CROWN_LAW_CHANGE_PIETY_COST_ABSOLUTISM = 100 Piety cost for Iqta government when changing Crown laws with no council
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LAW_CHANGE_PRESTIGE_COST = 100 Prestige cost for Nomadic government when changing normal demesne laws
NDefines.NDiplomacy.CROWN_LAW_CHANGE_PRESTIGE_COST = 200 Prestige cost for Nomadic government when changing Crown laws
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LAW_CHANGE_PRESTIGE_COST_ABSOLUTISM = 100 Prestige cost for Nomadic government when changing normal demesne laws with no council
NDefines.NDiplomacy.CROWN_LAW_CHANGE_PRESTIGE_COST_ABSOLUTISM = 100 Prestige cost for Nomadic government when changing Crown laws with no council

Succession laws

Key Unit Description
NDefines.NCharacter.CHANGE_SUCC_LAW_YEARS = 10 Years Rulers must have reigned this long before they can change succession laws.
Papal succession
Key Unit Description
NDefines.NReligion.PAPAL_SUCCESSION_PASS_ON_HOLDINGS = 1 Bool Set to zero if holdings shouldn't be passed on
NDefines.NReligion.PAPAL_SUCCESSION_LOSE_MINOR_TITLES = 1 Bool Set to zero if minor religious titles should be lost
Patrician elective
Key Unit Description
NDefines.NEconomy.DOGE_SUCC_RANDOM_FACTOR = 500 The random Respect factor on actual Doge succession
NDefines.NEconomy.PATRICIAN_CAMPAIGN_FUND_FACTOR = 5 The effect of money in the Campaign Fund on Doge elections (money * factor)
NDefines.NEconomy.PATRICIAN_PRESTIGE_RESPECT_FACTOR = 2 The effect of Prestige on the Respect value for Doge elections (prestige * factor)
NDefines.NEconomy.PATRICIAN_AGE_RESPECT_FACTOR = 1 The effect of Age on the Respect value for Doge elections (age * age * factor)
Feudal elective
Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MAX_ELECTOR_TITLES_LEGALLY_HELD Number If a liege holds more than this number of elector titles in an Elective realm, vassals will start to get angry.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.TITULAR_TITLES_COUNT_TOWARDS_DUCHY_LIMIT Bool If set to 1 then titular duchy titles (duchy titles with no de-jure land) will count towards the maximum duchy titles held before vassals will get upset.


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.WOMEN_INHERIT_PRESSED_CLAIMS = 1 Bool If this value is set to 1, women will inherit pressed claims on their parents' titles.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.BASTARDS_INHERIT_PRESSED_CLAIMS = 1 Bool If this value is set to 1, bastards will inherit pressed claims on their parents' titles.


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NCharacter.MAX_LED_FACTIONS = 2 Number Maximum number of led Factions
NDefines.NCharacter.MAX_JOINED_FACTIONS = 2 Number Maximum number of Factions a character can be a member of (including led factions)
NDefines.NCharacter.NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_BLOCKS_FACTIONS = 1 Bool If set to 1 then factions will be blocked for vassals that have a non-aggression pact with their liege.
NDefines.NAI.FACTION_EXPIRATION_MONTHS = 12 Months How long AI will cling onto weak factions
NDefines.NAI.FACTION_EXPIRATION_MONTHS_RANDOMNESS = 5 Months Randomness to how long AI will cling onto weak factions
NDefines.NAI.FACTION_EXPIRATION_SIZE_LIEGE = 0.5 How much smaller a faction must be compared to liege to be considered weak
NDefines.NAI.FACTION_EXPIRATION_SIZE_OTHER_FACTION = 0.5 How much smaller a faction must be compared to the strongest faction to be considered weak
NDefines.NAI.FACTION_EXPIRED_MONTHS = 24 Months How long AI will avoid factions after they have been expired


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.BASE_REVOLT_CHANCE_MOD = 250 Pre Old Gods rebel spawn chance modifier (fires on_rebel_revolt) : lower means fewer revolts. MUST NOT BE ZERO.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.TOG_REVOLT_CHANCE_MOD = 100 Old Gods rebel spawn chance modifier (fires on_rebel_revolt) : lower means fewer revolts. MUST NOT BE ZERO.
NDefines.NMilitary.REVOLTRISK_REDUCTION_PER_YEAR = 1 Revolt-risk reduction from temporary sources.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.CROWN_LAW_REVOLTRISK_INCREMENT = 10 Crown authority will increase revolt risk by this value. Note that this is presumably hardcoded to the "centralization" law group.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.GAME_RULE_PROVINCIAL_REVOLT_RARE_DIVIDER = 2.0 Divider to decrease risk of revolt when using the "provincial revolt: rare" game rule
NDefines.NAI.REVOLT_AGGRESSION_FACTOR = 0.75 General aggressiveness for revolts against the liege
NDefines.NAI.REVOLT_DISTANCE_FACTOR = 1.0 Multiplier for how much distance from capital affects independence minded revolters
NDefines.NAI.REVOLT_OTHER_INDEP_RISK = 10 Each ongoing other independence revolt increases revolt risk by this amount for all independence-minded revolters
NDefines.NAI.REVOLT_OTHER_INDEP_RISK_CAP = 50 Cap to the total risk from the above


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NCharacter.WRONG_GOV_FORM_TAX_MOD = -0.75
NDefines.NCharacter.WRONG_GOV_FORM_LEVY_MOD = -0.75
Merchant republics
Key Unit Description
NDefines.NCharacter.MERCHANT_REPUBLIC_MAX_PATRICIANS = 5 Number The amount of merchant republic patrician families that the game will keep active.
NDefines.NEconomy.MERCHANT_REPUBLIC_SALARY_MULT = 3 Councillor salaries in Merchant Republics are multiplied by this
NDefines.NEconomy.PATRICIAN_FAMILY_SHARES_HEAD = 50 Monthly Patrician Income, number of shares for the Patrician himself
NDefines.NEconomy.PATRICIAN_FAMILY_SHARES_REST = 5 Monthly Patrician Income, number of shares for adult male dynasty members in the Patrician's court
NDefines.NEconomy.PATRICIAN_INHERITANCE_FROM_RELATIVE_MULT = 0.5 When a Patrician inherits the wealth of a non-Patrician relative, this multiplier determines the part he actually gets
NDefines.NEconomy.PATRICIAN_GOLD_TO_MONTHLY_PRESTIGE = 0.0005 Prestige that Patricians get each month from their treasury (CFixedPoint64 to support such small numbers)
NDefines.NEconomy.PATRICIAN_CITY_TAX_MULT = 0.5 Patricians don't pay normal City Tax to their liege... (CFixedPoint64)
Key Unit Description
NDefines.NNomad.ALWAYS_GENERATE_NOMADS = 0 Bool If turned on will generate nomads even if they are not playable (i.e. titles with historical_nomad = true and without Horse Lords DLC)
NDefines.NAI.NOMAD_KEEPS_BARON_TRIBAL_SETTLEMENTS = 1 Bool If set to 1, Independent AI Nomads will never give away baron tribal settlements in owned provinces (they will instead use the decision to pillage these holdings)
NDefines.NAI.NOMAD_BUILDS_TEMPLES = 0 Bool If set to 1, AI Nomads will build temples like any other government would (when at 0 they will only build them in holy sites lacking a temple province)
Key Unit Description



Key Unit Description
NDefines.NInfamy.REALM_SIZE_GROWTH_MODIFIER = 0.125 The bigger you are, the more dangerous you are, modifier for when nation is growing.
NDefines.NInfamy.REALM_SIZE_SHRINK_MODIFIER = 0.0 The bigger you are, the more dangerous you are, modifier for when nation is shrinking.
NDefines.NInfamy.WAR_REALM_CHANGE_VALUE = 0.55 How much base value for realm growth/shrink is worth in a war.
NDefines.NInfamy.INDEPENDENCE_REALM_CHANGE_VALUE = 10.0 How much base value for realm growth/shrink is worth when giving a vassal independence.
NDefines.NInfamy.INHERITANCE_CHANGE_VALUE = 0.15 How much base value for realm growth/shrink is worth when inheriting titles.
NDefines.NInfamy.VASSAL_CHANGE_VALUE = 0.3 How much base value for realm growth/shrink is worth when inheriting titles.
NDefines.NInfamy.INFAMY_DECAY_BASE = 0.8 How many percent that decay each month as base.
NDefines.NInfamy.MIN_INFAMY_DECAY = 0.21 The minimum infamy decay regardless of troop strength.
NDefines.NInfamy.MAX_INFAMY_DECAY = 0.4 The maximum infamy decay regardless of troop strength.
NDefines.NInfamy.MILITARY_STRENGTH_DECAY_BASE = 600 Divider on military strength value that is used for the logarithmic part of the decay value.
NDefines.NInfamy.MAX_INFAMY_PER_WAR_PROVINCE = 15 A single province taken in war can give at most this much threat.
NDefines.NInfamy.MIN_INFAMY_PER_WAR_PROVINCE = 2 A single province taken in war can give at most this much threat.

Defensive pacts

Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEFENSIVE_PACT_THREAT_LIMIT = 0.05 The amount of provinces in a realm that is needed for beeing a valid target of a defensive pact
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEFENSIVE_PACT_SIZE_RATIO = 1.0 Relative size requirement is this at 100% threat
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEFENSIVE_PACT_MAX_RANGE = 400 At 100% threat characters are able to join defensive pacts against targets of this distance
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEFENSIVE_PACT_MAX_RANGE_SAME_GROUP = 300 At 100% threat characters are able to join defensive pacts against targets of this distance
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEFENSIVE_PACT_THREAT_SIZE_START = 0.0 Relative size requirement starts from this level of threat
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEFENSIVE_PACT_BASE_SIZE = 0.0 This is the base size requirement at 0% threat
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MAX_INFAMY_GAIN = 50 This is the max infamy gained from a single source
NDefines.NDiplomacy.EVERY_DEFENSIVE_PACT_JOIN_THREAT = 0.95 If threat is this high, members of all defensive pacts against a target will join
NDefines.NDiplomacy.EVERY_DEFENSIVE_PACT_EXCEPT_HEADS_JOIN_THREAT = 0.75 If threat is this high, members of all defensive pacts against a target will join, except religious heads that only joins when their own group is attacked
NDefines.NDiplomacy.OTHER_DEFENSIVE_PACT_JOIN_THREAT = 0.5 If threat is this high, other religious groups band together when attacked, if it's lower every defensive pact acts on its own
NDefines.NDiplomacy.NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_REJECTED_COOLDOWN = 1 Number of years before a character can ask to form a non-aggression pact again


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NMilitary.ARMY_MOVEMENT_SPEED = 3 Base movement speed of land units
NDefines.NMilitary.NAVY_MOVEMENT_SPEED = 15 Base movement speed of naval units
NDefines.NMilitary.NUMBER_OF_TROOPS_PER_GALLEY = 100 The number of men each galley can hold.
NDefines.NMilitary.REINFORCE_RATE = 0.05 Reinforce rate per year (based on total size of the subunit).
NDefines.NMilitary.GARRISON_REINFORCE_RATE_MULTIPLIER = 5 The rate at which the garrison reinforce in comparison to levies
NDefines.NMilitary.LEVY_RAISED_REINFORCE_RATE_MULTIPLIER = 0.5 The rate at which the garrison/levy reinforce when the levy is raised
NDefines.NMilitary.LEVY_PERCENT_BEFORE_CAN_RAISE = 1.1 Needs at least this much % of full levy before we can raise it
NDefines.NMilitary.FRIENDLY_TERRITORY_LEVY_RETURN_PERCENT = 1.0 Percent Percent of subunit that returns to its holding levy when unit is disbanded in friendly territory
NDefines.NMilitary.OTHER_TERRITORY_LEVY_RETURN_PERCENT = 0.5 Percent Percent of subunit that returns to its holding levy when unit is disbanded in non-friendly territory
NDefines.NMilitary.RAISED_TROOPS_VASSAL_OPINION_DAYS = 61 Days After 61 days of having their troops raised, vassals will get -1 opinion more of you.
NDefines.NMilitary.OPINION_WHEN_MARSHAL_INSTEAD_OF_SELF Below this opinion value a vassal tends to use his marshal instead of himself when someone asks to raise his troops (a vestigial pre-LOR node)
NDefines.NMilitary.OPINION_WHEN_NO_LEADER Below this opinion a vassal will not supply a leader for subunits at all (a vestigial pre-LOR node)
NDefines.NMilitary.MIN_LEVY_RAISE_OPINION_THRESHOLD Below this opinion value you'll get the least amount of troops possible (as defined by crown laws)
NDefines.NMilitary.MAX_LEVY_RAISE_OPINION_THRESHOLD Above this opinion value you'll get the max amount of troops possible


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NMilitary.OWN_SETTLEMENT_SUPPLY_BONUS = 0.5 Extra supply from being in home realm
NDefines.NMilitary.NEUTRAL_SETTLEMENT_SUPPLY_BONUS = 0.25 Neutral supply bonus (relative to base supply)
NDefines.NMilitary.CONTROL_SETTLEMENT_SUPPLY_BONUS = 0.25 Supply bonus from occupied enemy settlements
NDefines.NMilitary.ENEMY_SETTLEMENT_SUPPLY_BONUS = -0.1 Supply bonus from unoccoupied enemy settlements
NDefines.NMilitary.HOSTILE_RELIGION_SUPPLY_MOD = -0.25 Supply modifier from a hostile religion
NDefines.NMilitary.NEARBY_SETTLEMENT_SINGLE_SUPPLY_BONUS = 0.75 Bonus for nearby settlement, if not controlling one yourself
NDefines.NMilitary.MAX_ATTRITION_LEADER_REDUCTION = -0.1 Center leader reduces max attrition(reduction in actual percent)
NDefines.NMilitary.ATTRITION_LEVEL_FACTOR = 0.5 A general "attrition per month" multiplier
NDefines.NMilitary.ATTRITION_LEVEL_FACTOR_50_OVER = 1.0 A general "attrition per month" multiplier when 50% over the supply limit
NDefines.NMilitary.ATTRITION_LEVEL_FACTOR_100_OVER = 2.0 A general "attrition per month" multiplier when 100% over the supply limit
NDefines.NMilitary.COASTAL_SUPPLY_BONUS = 0.5 Supply bonus in coastal provinces
NDefines.NMilitary.PAGAN_HOME_SUPPLY_MOD = 0.12 Non Pagans suffer extreme attrition in some Pagan homelands (based on province religion)
NDefines.NMilitary.NAVAL_ATTRITION = 0.0 Attrition taken monthly by units loaded on ships.
NDefines.NMilitary.DIFFERENT_RELIGIONGROUP_SUPPLY_PENALTY = -0.5 Only 50% supply in provinces with different religious group


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NMilitary.OVERRUN_RATIO = 25 Ratio needed for total extermination of enemy units
NDefines.NMilitary.FLANKING_DAMAGE_BONUS = 0.3 Percentage bonus when flanking in combat
NDefines.NMilitary.LEADER_MARTIAL_DAMAGE_BONUS = 0.05 Percentage bonus to damage for each point of martial the flank leader has, no longer used in vanilla
NDefines.NMilitary.MORALE_COLLAPSE_THRESHOLD = 0.20 Threshold before unit runs away from combat (i.e. initiates the retreat phase).
NDefines.NMilitary.MORALELOSS_FACTOR = 3.0 Affects the death rate in combat (a higher value means more troops are killed per day of combat).
NDefines.NMilitary.MIN_COMBAT_DAYS = 8 The minimum number of days in combat (before retreating/withdrawing is possible).
NDefines.NMilitary.NUMBER_OF_RETREAT_DAYS = 8 The number of days before you retreat successfully
NDefines.NMilitary.DAYS_BETWEEN_COMBAT_EVENTS = 10 Combat events will happen every this many days
NDefines.NMilitary.BATTLE_PRESTIGE_MULTIPLIER = 10 Total prestige gained in the battle will be this * ( losers losses ) / 1000
NDefines.NMilitary.BATTLE_TECH_MULTIPLIER = 0.5 Military tech gain from battles multiplier.
NDefines.NMilitary.MAINLEADER_PRESTIGE_PART = 0.35 The % of the total prestige gained in the battle that the center flank leader will get
NDefines.NMilitary.FLANKLEADER_PRESTIGE_PART = 0.125 The % of the total prestige gained in the battle that each other flank leader will get
NDefines.NMilitary.BATTLE_UNIT_OWNER_PRESTIGE_MULT = 0.5 The % of the total prestige gained in the battle that will be divided among the participating unit owners
NDefines.NMilitary.BATTLE_UNIT_OWNER_PIETY_MULT = 0.5 The % of the total piety gained in the battle that will be divided among the participating unit owners
NDefines.NMilitary.BATTLE_PIETY_MULTIPLIER Piety gain/loss multiplier. This is based on the prestige value, so a value of 1 gives a leader as much piety as he gains prestige from combat


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NMilitary.DAYS_BEFORE_DEFENDER_SALLY = 7 Number of days before defenders sally in a siege where they have superior numbers (more appropriately - this seems to be the frequency of siege events).
NDefines.NMilitary.ATTACKER_ASSULT_DAMAGE_FACTOR = 0.15 Attacker damage scale factor when assaulting. This affects how much damage the attackers RECIEVE from the defenders (damage is dependent on melee values)
NDefines.NMilitary.DEFENDER_ASSULT_DAMAGE_FACTOR = 0.6 Defender damage scale factor when assaulting. This affects how much damage the defenders RECIEVE from the attackers (damage is dependent on melee values)
NDefines.NMilitary.DAYS_PER_FORTLEVEL_BEFORE_ASSAULT = 30 Number of days until attacker can assault (this is also affected by the fort level and outnumbering ratio).
NDefines.NAI.AI_ASSAULT_RATIO = 10 AI will launch assaults at this ratio of attackers to defenders
NDefines.NMilitary.ATTACKER_SIEGE_DAMAGE = 0 Siege attack values are multiplied by this value(when not doing a sally), for attackers. Note that this is daily damage (using the defender's melee damage) done to the attackers.
NDefines.NMilitary.DEFENDER_SIEGE_DAMAGE = 0 Siege attack values are multiplied by this value(when not doing a sally). Note that this is daily damage (using the attacker's melee damage) done to the defenders.
NDefines.NMilitary.PERCENT_OF_GARRISON_DETACHED This percent of the garrison is detached from the winning unit of a siege
NDefines.NMilitary.SIEGE_MORALE_LOSS Monthly morale loss in a siege. This is a raw damage percentage (out of 1 or 100%) that is adjusted by other factors (namely fort level [(N+1)^-1] and outnumbering ratio [attackers/defenders] ).
NDefines.NMilitary.SIEGE_PIETY_MULTIPLIER = 0.2 Piety gain/loss multiplier for sieges
NDefines.NMilitary.SIEGE_WEALTH_MULTIPLIER = 1 Wealth gain/loss multiplier for sieges (this is referenced with the total annual income of the holding at the time).
NDefines.NMilitary.FORT_LEVEL_MORALE_LOSS_REDUCTION_MULT = 2.0 double Fort Level effect on morale loss (a higher value slows down morale loss).
NDefines.NEconomy.TRADE_ROUTE_SIEGE_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 double Sieges multiply the value of trade routes by this amount downstream.
NDefines.NEconomy.TRADE_ROUTE_OCCUPATION_MULTIPLIER = 0.75 double Occupied provinces multiply the value of trade routes by this amount downstream. If sieged as well, the lowest of this and TRADE_ROUTE_SIEGE_MULTIPLIER is used.


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NMilitary.CAPTURED_CLOSE_MALE_RELATIVE_WAR_SCORE = 5.0 War score for holding a close male relative prisoner
NDefines.NMilitary.CAPTURED_HEIR_WAR_SCORE - 50.0 War score for holding the heir prisoner
NDefines.NMilitary.OCCUPATION_PENALTY_MONTHS = 12 At or below this many months, different modifier lengths are applied to settlements upon conquest
NDefines.NMilitary.WAR_CONTRIBUTION_OCCUPATION_PER_DAY = 10 Occupying a Holding gives this Contribution score per day
NDefines.NMilitary.WAR_CONTRIBUTION_BATTLE_PER_DAY = 0.20 Every day in battle, a participant gets this. (My Troops / Total Friendly Troops) * Total Enemy Troops * WAR_CONTRIBUTION_BATTLE_PER_DAY. Max is [My Troops].
NDefines.NMilitary.MONTHS_UNTIL_REBEL_WIN = 12 Number of days until province is totally conquered by rebels
CAPITAL_WARSCORE_MULTIPLIER = 1 Warscore multiplier for capital(this is scaled with SETTLEMENT_WARSCORE_MULTIPLIER)
NDefines.NMilitary.SETTLEMENT_WARSCORE_MULTIPLIER = 0.3 Warscore worth for occupied private demesne (concerning relevant direct participants of the war).
NDefines.NMilitary.VASSAL_SETTLEMENT_WARSCORE_MULTIPLIER = 0.3 Warscore worth for occupied vassals
NDefines.NMilitary.CONTESTED_TERRITORY_WARSCORE_MULTIPLIER = 1.75 Multiplier for contested settlements
NDefines.NMilitary.DAYS_UNTIL_HOLDER_GETS_WARSCORE = 365 ays until the war score of the title owner starts increasing, if he controls the Holdings
NDefines.NMilitary.DAYS_UNTIL_HOLDER_GETS_WARSCORE_INDEP = 0 Days until the war score of the title owner starts increasing in Independence Wars, if he controls the Holdings
NDefines.NMilitary.CONTESTED_TITLE_OCCUPIED_WARSCORE_BONUS = 15 Amount of warscore per year since attacker/defender started getting the bonus. Deprecated since 2.8.
NDefines.NMilitary.CONTESTED_TITLE_OCCUPIED_WARSCORE_BONUS_INDEP = 20 Amount of warscore per year since attacker/defender started getting the bonus, for independence wars (can be overridden separately in religion scripts). Deprecated since 2.8.
NDefines.NMilitary.CONTESTED_TITLE_OCCUPIED_DEF_WARSCORE_BONUS = 15 Amount of warscore per year since defender started getting the bonus
NDefines.NMilitary.CONTESTED_TITLE_OCCUPIED_DEF_WARSCORE_BONUS_INDEP = 20 Amount of warscore per year since defender started getting the bonus, for independence wars (can be overridden separately in religion scripts)
NDefines.NMilitary.CONTESTED_TITLE_OCCUPIED_ATT_WARSCORE_BONUS = 40 Amount of warscore per year since attacker started getting the bonus
NDefines.NMilitary.CONTESTED_TITLE_OCCUPIED_ATT_WARSCORE_BONUS_INDEP = 50 Amount of warscore per year since attacker started getting the bonus, for independence wars (can be overridden separately in religion scripts)
NDefines.NMilitary.BATTLE_WARSCORE_WORTH = 75 Warscore from battles are multiplied with this value
NDefines.NMilitary.BATTLE_WARSCORE_DEFENDER_MULTIPLIER = 1.5 Defenders wins are multiplied with this value, which also means they get more prestige for a win
NDefines.NMilitary.BATTLE_MINIMUM_WARSCORE = 0.2 Battles below this value (in actual percentage) are removed from warscore calculations
NDefines.NMilitary.TOTAL_OCCUPATION_SCALE = 0.8 The % of occupation which gives you 100% warscore
NDefines.NMilitary.CONTROLLER_MONTHS_BEFORE_OWNER_CHANGE = 120 Number of months before ownership change of province, for certain cb:s that have contested titles


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NMilitary.MERC_REINFORCE_RATE = 0.015 The rate at which mercenaries and holy orders reinforce in the field (based on total size of the subunit)
NDefines.NMilitary.MERC_REINFORCE_RATE_WHEN_IDLE = 0.03 The rate at which mercenaries and holy orders reinforce when not hired (based on total size of the subunit)
NDefines.NMilitary.MERCENARY_MAINTENANCE_FACTOR = Maintenance factor (i.e. upkeep) for NORMAL/NON-VASSAL mercenary units
NDefines.NMilitary.MERCENARY_VASSAL_MAINTENANCE_FACTOR = Maintenance factor (i.e. upkeep) for VASSALIZED mercenary units
NDefines.NMilitary.HOLY_ORDER_HIRE_COST_FACTOR = Conversion of nominal gold cost to piety cost when hiring Holy Orders
NDefines.NMilitary.VASSAL_MERC_HIRE_COST_FACTOR = 0.125 Fraction of nominal hire cost when hiring VASSAL mercenaries and/or VASSALIZED holy orders
NDefines.NMilitary.MERCENARY_HIRE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 600 Mercs will not be available if the province of origin is more distant from your capital
NDefines.NCharacter.DYNAMIC_MERCENARY_HEIR_WEALTH_MULT = 0.10 How much a dynamic mercenary get from his wealth when he is an heir and the parent dies.
NDefines.NCharacter.NUM_INHERITABLE_DYNAMIC_MERCENARIES = 1 How many dynamic mercenary bands that can be inheritable. The ones not inherited are cut loose and become independent.


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NMilitary.RETINUE_FROM_REALMSIZE = 2.0 Retinue points obtained from realmsize (the total amount of men of your entire realm, vassals and all).
NDefines.NMilitary.RETINUE_INCREASE_PER_TECH = 1.5 The retinue multiplication per relevant tech level.
NDefines.NMilitary.RETINUE_HIRE_COST_MULTIPLIER = 0.14 The cost of hiring retinues (based on the sum of individual "costs" of a single soldier as defined).
NDefines.NMilitary.RETINUE_REINFORCE_RATE = 0.025 Reinforce rate percentage dependent on total number of men.
NDefines.NMilitary.RETINUE_REINFORCE_COST = 3.0 The cost of reinforcing retinues (based on the sum of individual "costs" of a single soldier as defined).
NDefines.NMilitary.RETINUE_CONSTANT_COST = 0.25 Retinues cost at all times, i.e. their upkeep.


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NMilitary.LOOTED_MODIFIER_MONTHS = 36 Months How long pagan-raid inflicted looting lasts
NDefines.NMilitary.LOOT_TAX_MULTIPLIER = 1.5 Base gold looted from raided holdings is (tax * LOOT_TAX_MULTIPLIER) + (total building value * LOOT_BUILDING_MULTIPLIER)
NDefines.NMilitary.LOOT_BUILDING_MULTIPLIER = 0.02 Extra gold looted from raided holdings, from buildings (LOOT_BUILDING_MULTIPLIER * building built cost)
NDefines.NMilitary.LOOT_HOLDING_DEST_MIN_SAFE = 4 there is a 1 in (LOOT_HOLDING_DESTRUCTION_ODDS) chance that a holding with less than LOOT_HOLDING_DEST_MIN_SAFE buildings will be destroyed by looting
NDefines.NMilitary.LOOT_HOLDING_DESTRUCTION_ODDS = 20 Odds affecting said LOOT_HOLDING chances
NDefines.NMilitary.LOOT_HOLDING_BUILDING_DEST_ODDS = 10 there is a 1 in this chance a random building is destroyed when looted
NDefines.NAI.RAID_MAX_REALM_SIZE = 24 Holdings Realms with more holdings than this will never go on Raids
NDefines.NAI.RAID_AGGRESSION = 18 General frequency of raids. A LOWER number means more often!
NDefines.NAI.RAID_PREP_INV_SPARE_SAME_CULTURE = 1 Bool AI of religions that allow prepared invasions will not raid provinces in their own culture group (to prevent intra-Scandinavian raids)
NDefines.NAI.RAID_SPARE_ACCEPTED_RELIGIONS = 1 Bool AI will not raid rulers of other religions in the same religion group, unless heresy vs parent religion


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NCharacter.DYNASTY_CONTROLS_HOLY_ORDER_PRESTIGE = 2 Monthly Prestige from a dynasty member as head of a Holy Order (only for counts+ and if the same religion).
NDefines.NCharacter.DYNASTY_CONTROLS_HOLY_ORDER_PIETY = 1 Monthly Piety from a dynasty member as head of a Holy Order (only for counts+ and if the same religion).
NDefines.NCharacter.DYNASTY_CONTROLS_RELIGIOUS_HEAD_PRESTIGE = 2 Monthly Prestige from a dynasty member as head of a religion (only for counts+ and if the same religion).
NDefines.NCharacter.DYNASTY_CONTROLS_RELIGIOUS_HEAD_PIETY = 3 Monthly Piety from a dynasty member as head of a religion (only for counts+ and if the same religion).

Landed kin prestige

Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LANDED_SIBLING_PRESTIGE_BONUS = 5 For religions with landed win prestige bonus. Is multiplied with the percentage of how many of your realm they own.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LANDED_HALF_SIBLING_PRESTIGE_BONUS = 5 For religions with landed win prestige bonus. Is multiplied with the percentage of how many of your realm they own.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LANDED_NIECE_PRESTIGE_BONUS = 2 For religions with landed win prestige bonus. Is multiplied with the percentage of how many of your realm they own.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LANDED_CHILD_PRESTIGE_BONUS = 5 For religions with landed win prestige bonus. Is multiplied with the percentage of how many of your realm they own.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LANDED_GRAND_CHILD_PRESTIGE_BONUS = 2 For religions with landed win prestige bonus. Is multiplied with the percentage of how many of your realm they own.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LANDED_PARENT_PRESTIGE_BONUS = 5 For religions with landed win prestige bonus. Is multiplied with the percentage of how many of your realm they own.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LANDED_UNCLE_AUNT_PRESTIGE_BONUS = 3 For religions with landed win prestige bonus. Is multiplied with the percentage of how many of your realm they own.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LANDED_GRAND_PARENT_PRESTIGE_BONUS = 2 For religions with landed win prestige bonus. Is multiplied with the percentage of how many of your realm they own.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LANDED_GREAT_GRAND_PARENT_PRESTIGE_BONUS = 2 For religions with landed win prestige bonus. Is multiplied with the percentage of how many of your realm they own.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.LANDED_GREAT_GRAND_PARENT_PRESTIGE_BONUS = 3 For religions with landed win prestige bonus. Is multiplied with the percentage of how many of your realm they own.


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NMilitary.LOW_DECADENCE_MORALE_MOD = 0.5 Modifier Extra Morale defence when at 0% decadence
NDefines.NMilitary.HIGH_DECADENCE_MORALE_MOD = -0.5 Modifier Extra Morale damage taken when at 100% decadence
NDefines.NDiplomacy.VASSAL_LIMIT_DECADENCE_MULTIPLIER = 0.25 Modifier Negative modifier, multiplied with the current decadence.
NDefines.NTitle.BARON_GRANT_DECADENCE_RED = 0.01 Modifier Title Grant Decadence Reduction (Multiplied with current decadence)
NDefines.NEconomy.DECADENCE_MODIFIER = 0.2 Modifier Maximum effect of decadence, positive for low dec, negative for high
NDefines.NEconomy.DECADENCE_PER_WEEK_OF_COMBAT = -0.04 Percent Decadence lost per 7 days of combat, for each participant in the combat
NDefines.NEconomy.DECADENCE_PER_WEEK_OF_SIEGE = -0.008 Percent Decadence lost per 7 days of siege, for each participant in the siege
NDefines.NDecadence.BASE_EMPEROR_GAIN = 0.225 Decadence Base decadence gain by tier
NDefines.NDecadence.BASE_KING_GAIN = 0.18
NDefines.NDecadence.BASE_DUKE_GAIN = 0.12
NDefines.NDecadence.BASE_COUNT_GAIN = 0.09
NDefines.NDecadence.BASE_BARON_GAIN = 0.045
NDefines.NDecadence.BASE_UNLANDED_GAIN = 0.0225
NDefines.NDecadence.REALM_SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 0.005
NDefines.NDecadence.DEMESNE_FRACTION_MULT_NEG = -0.8
NDefines.NDecadence.SAFETY_VALUE = 75 Decadence The limit at where your decadence will give you a risk of decadence revolts



Key Unit Description
NDefines.NCharacter.ADULT_DIPLOMACY_OPINION_SUB_FACTOR = 4 Adult diplomacy factor affecting opinion value
NDefines.NCharacter.ADULT_DIPLOMACY_OPINION_MUL_FACTOR = 1.5 Adult diplomacy factor affecting opinion value
NDefines.NCharacter.CHILD_DIPLOMACY_OPINION_SUB_FACTOR = 4 Adult diplomacy factor affecting opinion value (I think this should be child, but it says adult in the file)
NDefines.NCharacter.CHILD_DIPLOMACY_OPINION_MUL_FACTOR = 1.5 Adult diplomacy factor affecting opinion value (I think this should be child, but it says adult in the file)
NDefines.NCharacter.INHERITED_OPINION_END_AGE = 30 Inherited opinions end when the inheritor hits this age
NDefines.NCharacter.INHERITED_OPINION_MIN_MONTHS = 12 This is the minimum number of months for inherited opinions
NDefines.NCharacter.INHERITED_OPINION_FACTOR = 0.5 This is the factor of the opinion of the previous holder that gets inherited


Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.FAVOR_THRESHOLD_TO_FORCE_HUMANS = 250 Mininum importance of issue for us to consider forcing a human to do it by using the favor they owe us
NDefines.NDiplomacy.CHANCES_TO_USE_FAVOR = 75 Percent Chance to use favor to change the outcome of a diplomatic request (as a percentage)
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MINIMUM_BUY_FAVOR_COST = 40 Minimum amount of money needed to buy favor.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.BUY_FAVOR_TIER_REDUCTION_FOR_NOMADS = 0.25 Percent Reduction for nomads since they're always considered emperors
NDefines.NCouncil.FAVOR_USE_DURATION = 36 Months How long a favor last when used in council in amount of months
NDefines.NAI.CONTINUE_WAR_TRESHOLD = 5 Warscore How much warscore needed for the AI to consider using a favor to stop the liege enforce peace
NDefines.NAI.STOP_WAR_THRESHOLD = -50 Warscore How much warscore needed for the AI to consider using a favor to force the liege to start enforcing peace
NDefines.NAI.ASK_FOR_COUNCIL_POSITION_BASE_DESIRE = 25 Opinion Base score for the AI to use the AskForCouncilPosition interaction when they have a favor on their liege

Diplomacy distance

Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MAX_DIPLO_DISTANCE = 700 Most diplomacy is disallowed if two rulers are too distant
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MAX_DIPLO_DISTANCE_SAME_RELIGION = 100 Bonus to max diplo distance for being of the same religion
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MAX_DIPLO_DISTANCE_SAME_RELIGION_GROUP = 0 Bonus to max diplo distance for being of the same religion group
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MAX_DIPLO_DISTANCE_SAME_CULTURE = 100 Bonus to max diplo distance for being of the same culture
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MAX_DIPLO_DISTANCE_SAME_CULTURE_GROUP = 100 Bonus to max diplo distance for being of the same culture group
NDefines.NDiplomacy.GAME_RULE_RESTRICTED_DIPLO_DISTANCE_MULTIPLIER = 0.5 Multiplier to max diplo distance when using the "diplomatic range: restricted" game rule

Diplomatic actions

主条目:Diplomatic actions
Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.<INTERACTION>_MONEY Gold This determines how much gold a specific diplomatic interaction costs, or multiplier of yearly income for DIVORCE_INTERACTION.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.<INTERACTION>_PIETY Piety This determines how much piety a specific diplomatic interaction costs.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.<INTERACTION>_PRESTIGE Prestige This determines how much prestige a specific diplomatic interaction costs.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.<INTERACTION>_THRESHOLD_FOR_NO The purpose of this value is currently unknown.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.<INTERACTION>_THRESHOLD_FOR_YES The purpose of this value is currently unknown.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.<INTERACTION>_MUST_HAVE_COST Bool Is having prestige/piety >= cost required for this action?
NDefines.NDiplomacy.<INTERACTION>_ENABLED Bool Should this action be used at all? See Decision modding for replacing by a custom decision.
List of interactions
Send gift
Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MINIMUM_SEND_GIFT_COST = 15 This value determines the minimum amount of gold that can be given away to other characters.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.SEND_GIFT_INCOME_SCALEFACTOR = 15 This value multiplied by someone's monthly income is what a gift will amount to, unless the value is lower than the MINIMUM_SEND_GIFT_COST.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.SEND_GIFT_DIPLOMACY_MULT = 0.5 Diplomacy affects the opinion bonus multiplied with this
NDefines.NDiplomacy.SEND_GIFT_NOT_LIEGE_BONUS = 7 Not being the liege of the receiver affects the opinon bonus by this much
NDefines.NDiplomacy.SEND_GIFT_GREED_MULT = 0.15 Changes how much greed affects the opinion
NDefines.NDiplomacy.PRESTIGE_LOSS_ON_SEND_GIFT_DECLINE This is the amount of prestige that is lost if someone declines your gift. It is not currently in use.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.PIETY_FROM_CHURCH_GIFTS This amount of piety will be gained when giving a gift to a member of the clergy. It is not currently in use.
Create title
Key Description
NDefines.NTitle.DEJURE_COUNTY_LIMIT_TO_CREATE = 0.51 Fraction of de jure counties that you must control to create a non-imperial title.
NDefines.NTitle.EMPIRE_DEJURE_COUNTY_LIMIT_TO_CREATE = 0.8 Fraction of de jure counties that you must control to create an imperial title.
NDefines.NAI.MAX_KING_TITLES_TO_CREATE = 0 Number AI will not seek to create/usurp more King-level titles than this (0 for unlimited)
NDefines.NAI.MAX_EMPIRE_TITLES_TO_CREATE = 0 Number AI will not seek to create/usurp more Empire-level titles than this (0 for unlimited)
NDefines.NAI.AI_EMPEROR_CREATES_KINGDOMS = 0 Bool If set to 1, AI Emperors will create King-level titles
NDefines.NAI.AI_EMPEROR_CREATES_VICE_ROYALTY_KINGDOMS = 1 Bool If set to 1, AI Emperors with the kingdom viceroyalty law will create King-level titles regardless of the setting above
NDefines.NAI.AI_ALWAYS_CREATES_DUCHIES = 0 Bool If set to 1, AI will always create Duchy titles even if it has Gavelkind etc
Usurp title
Key Unit Description
NDefines.NTitle.DEJURE_COUNTY_LIMIT_TO_USURP = 0.8 Fraction of de jure counties that you must control to usurp a non-imperial title.
NDefines.NTitle.EMPIRE_DEJURE_COUNTY_LIMIT_TO_USURP = 0.8 Fraction of de jure counties that you must control to usurp an imperial title.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.USURP_TITLE_PRESTIGE_MULT = 0.25 The prestige gain from creating a title will be multiplied by this amount if the title is being usurped rather than created.
Declare war
Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.BREAK_TRUCE_PRESTIGE_PERC_COST = 0.5 This percentage of current prestige will be lost when breaking a truce. Ranges from 0 to 1.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.BREAK_TRUCE_PRESTIGE_COST = 200 This absolute value of prestige will be lost when breaking a truce. The cost is incurred after the percentage cost.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.ATTACKING_SOMEONE_CRUSADING_PIETY_COST = 40 This amount of piety will be lost when attacking someone of your own religion while they're participating in a Crusade.


This amount of piety will be lost when attacking someone of your own religion while they're being attacked by someone in a different religious group.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.ATTACKER_CALL_DECLINE_COST = 25 This amount of prestige will be lost when declining a call to join an offensive war.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DEFENDER_CALL_DECLINE_COST = 100 This amount of prestige will be lost when declining a call to join a defensive war.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.ALLIED_CALL_DECLINE_COST = 200 This amount of prestige will be lost when declining a call to war from an ally.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.TRIBAL_VASSAL_CALL_DECLINE_COST_FACTOR = 3.0 Prestige cost multiplier for tribal vassals
NDefines.NDiplomacy.DOW_ON_ALLY_PRESTIGE_COST = 50 This amount of prestige is required in order to declare war on an ally, and will be removed upon doing so.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.ALLIANCE_BREAKER_MODIFIER_MONTHS = 3650 Months How long the alliance breaker temporary modifier lasts
NDefines.NDiplomacy.TRUCE_BREAKER_MODIFIER_MONTHS = 3650 Months How long the truce breaker temporary modifier lasts
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MIN_PREP_INV_TARGET_HOLDINGS = 9 Holdings Realms with less than this number of holdings within a target kingdom cannot be targeted by a prepared invasion.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MAX_PREP_INV_TARGET_HOLDINGS = 40 Holdings Realms with more than this number of holdings within a target kingdom cannot be targeted by a prepared invasion.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MAX_PREP_INV_ATTACKER_HOLDINGS = 40 Holdings Rulers with more than this number of holdings cannot prepare invasions.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.PREP_INV_REQ_PRESTIGE = 1000 Rulers need this amount of prestige in order to prepare an invasion.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.INTER_MUSLIM_WAR_MONTHLY_PIETY_COST = 2 Muslims will lose this amount of piety each month if attacking other Muslims of the same religion. Rebellions won't incur this piety cost.
Key Unit Description
Grant independence
Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.RELEASE_VASSAL_TRUCE_DAYS = 3650 Days Truce with vassal after granting independence.
Release prisoner
Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.RELEASE_PRISONER_PIETY = 5 This amount of piety will be gained when releasing a prisoner.
Key Unit Description
NDefines.NDiplomacy.ASSASSINATION_COST_RANK_MULT = 100 Additional cost for assassinations multiplied by rank (count = 1, emperor = 4). Also applies to children of rulers.



主条目:Portrait modding
Key Unit Description
NDefines.NCharacter.PORTRAIT_ADULT_MALE_AGE_THRESHOLD = 16 Age Male child to adult age portrait switch
NDefines.NCharacter.PORTRAIT_ADULT_FEMALE_AGE_THRESHOLD = 16 Age Female child to adult age portrait switch
NDefines.NCharacter.PORTRAIT_MID_AGE_THRESHOLD = 30 Age Middle age switch for character portraits
NDefines.NCharacter.PORTRAIT_OLD_AGE_THRESHOLD = 50 Age Old age switch for character portraits
NDefines.NCharacter.EARLY_PORTRAIT_AND_UNIT_BEFORE_YEAR = 950 Date Before this date, early versions of Units and Portraits will be used if available
NDefines.NCharacter.LATE_PORTRAIT_AND_UNIT_AFTER_YEAR = 1200 Date After this date, late versions of Units and Portraits will be used if available
NDefines.NGraphics.NUMBER_OF_PROPERTIES = 14 Int Number of letters in properties string (zeros will be added if some letters are missing in character history). This allows to add custom properties in portrait_properties.txt.


Defines that don't fit in any other category.

Key Unit Description
NDefines.NCharacter.PAPAL_INVEST_PIETY_COST_MULT = 0.5 When Papal Investiture is in place, the Piety cost of religious actions will be multiplied by this value.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MAX_DUCHIES_LEGALLY_HELD = 2 Beyond this number of duchies held, vassals will start to get angry with their liege. Does not apply if the liege is duke-level.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.MUSLIM_TEMPLE_HOLDING_MONTHLY_PIETY = 0.2 Muslims will get this amount of piety per month for each temple in their demesne.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.PAGAN_PEACE_MONTHS = 24 After this number of months, Pagans will start to lose prestige for being at peace.
NDefines.NDiplomacy.PAGAN_PEACE_MONTHLY_PRESTIGE_LOSS = 2.0 Pagans will lose this amount of prestige each month for being at peace.

To Sort

Over 500 New Defines that i Grabbed from the .exe (Not sure about all of them).

Key Unit Description
:"NUMBER_OF_DNA_PROPERTIES" Int Number of letters in dna string (zeros will be added if some letters are missing in character history). This allows to add custom dna frames in portrait_properties.txt.
:"CAMERA_LOOKAT_X" The position on the map that the camera will look at in the horizontal plane
:"CAMERA_LOOKAT_Y" The height above the map that the camera will look at
:"CAMERA_LOOKAT_Z" The position on the map that the camera will look at in the vertical plane
:"CAMERA_LOOKAT_SETTINGS_Z" The position on the map that the camera will look at in the vertical plane
:"CAMERA_LOOKAT_SETTINGS_X" The position on the map that the camera will look at in the horizontal plane
:"CAMERA_LOOKAT_SETTINGS_Y" The height above the map that the camera will look at
:"FRONTEND_POS_X" The position of the camera in the horizontal plane
:"FRONTEND_POS_Y" The Height of camera
:"FRONTEND_POS_Z" The position of the camera in the vertical plane
:"FRONTEND_LOOK_X" The position on the map that the camera will look at in the horizontal plane
:"FRONTEND_LOOK_Y" The height above the map that the camera will look at
:"FRONTEND_LOOK_Z" The position on the map that the camera will look at in the vertical plane
:"SETTINGS_POS_X" The position of the camera in the horizontal plane
:"SETTINGS_POS_Y" The Height of camera
:"SETTINGS_POS_Z" The position of the camera in the vertical plane
:"SETTINGS_LOOK_X" The position on the map that the camera will look at in the horizontal plane
:"SETTINGS_LOOK_Y" The height above the map that the camera will look at
:"SETTINGS_LOOK_Z" The position on the map that the camera will look at in the vertical plane
:"MP_OPTIONS_POS_X" The position of the camera in the horizontal plane
:"MP_OPTIONS_POS_Y" The Height of camera
:"MP_OPTIONS_POS_Z" The position of the camera in the vertical plane
:"MP_OPTIONS_LOOK_X" The position on the map that the camera will look at in the horizontal plane
:"MP_OPTIONS_LOOK_Y" The height above the map that the camera will look at
:"MP_OPTIONS_LOOK_Z" The position on the map that the camera will look at in the vertical plane
:"CREDITS_POS_X" The position of the camera in the horizontal plane
:"CREDITS_POS_Y" The Height of camera
:"CREDITS_POS_Z" The position of the camera in the vertical plane
:"CREDITS_LOOK_X" The position on the map that the camera will look at in the horizontal plane
:"CREDITS_LOOK_Y" The height above the map that the camera will look at
:"CREDITS_LOOK_Z" The position on the map that the camera will look at in the vertical plane
(Again not sure But it could be NRulerDesigner but i doubt it)