(→机制) |
(→选举人) |
第55行: | 第55行: | ||
例子: | 例子: | ||
* 一个王国内,公爵和伯爵可以投票,相反,选举君主制中只有公爵和宣称者可以投票。 | * 一个王国内,公爵和伯爵可以投票,相反,选举君主制中只有公爵和宣称者可以投票。 | ||
* 一个帝国内,国王和公爵可以投票,(不同于在选举君主制中,选举人是''实际''封臣) | * 一个帝国内,国王和公爵可以投票,(不同于在选举君主制中,选举人是''实际''封臣) 。但是注意,对于持有王国头衔(通常至少有他们[[ 首都]] 所属的'' 法理'' 王国)的皇帝,有不同的两组选举人,因为伯爵可以投票王国的继承人,而国王可以投票帝国的继承人并且不能投票王国的继承人。 | ||
===候选人=== | ===候选人=== |
2019年10月30日 (三) 16:10的版本
凯尔特选任法(英文:Tanistry)是一种罕见的继承法,仅适用于凯尔特文化或者 有布里恩血脉或尼尔“九人质”血脉的角色,而且角色不能是穆斯林。
- 部落制统治者除均分继承法外可用的几类继承法之一(还有土耳其继承法,仅限于
男性氏族或女性氏族教义的改革原始宗教;长老选举制, 仅限于未改革非洲泛灵教,洛姆瓦教,有祖先崇拜,季耶瓦斯卫士或者图腾守卫教义之一的改革原始宗教)
- 当选举按照你的意愿进行时,继承就会顺利得多。
- 你可以提名有最好属性和特质的继承人。
- 你不用受限于自己的子女,因为你可以支持任何家族成员。
- 如果出现票数相等,你的投票就是决定性的。
- 凯尔特文化/
- 不是穆斯林
角色 | 好感修正 | 原因 |
长子 | -20 | 他更喜欢长子继承法。 |
其他所有子女(觊觎者) | -10 | 他们更喜欢均分继承法。 |
其他所有家族成员 | +5 | 所有家族成员有可能继承。 |
所有封臣 | +5 | 他们有权选择自己喜欢的统治者 |
你投票支持的角色 | +20 | 显然他喜欢你的选择 |
- 一个王国内,公爵和伯爵可以投票,相反,选举君主制中只有公爵和宣称者可以投票。
- 一个帝国内,国王和公爵可以投票,(不同于在选举君主制中,选举人是实际封臣)。但是注意,对于持有王国头衔(通常至少有他们首都所属的法理王国)的皇帝,有不同的两组选举人,因为伯爵可以投票王国的继承人,而国王可以投票帝国的继承人并且不能投票王国的继承人。
- All nominees will be a dynasty member.
- Electors cannot vote for themselves unless they are of the same dynasty.
- All dynasty members are eligible, even if they are children and even if they are completely outside the elective title's realm with no claims on any de jure titles.
- Female children may be nominated under Agnatic-Cognatic law even if they have brothers.
- Bastards cannot be nominated, even if they are electors.
Voters evaluate candidates as detailed in the Succession voting article. The main differences from other succession laws are:
- Voters prefer older candidates
- Voters prefer candidates who are not close relatives of the current ruler
Since Tanistry has a greater number of electors voting and those electors prefer older, collateral relatives to direct ones, it can be very difficult to pass inheritance to a child or your desired heir. There are several approaches to improving the chances of a decent heir being elected:
- Very small dynasty. Minimize the number of candidates through controlled breeding or assassinations. Voters will have no choice but to elect your preferred heir, but untimely deaths could mean game over.
- Entire dynasty in court. Breed a large dynasty, but don't give anyone land. By maintaining tight control over education and marriages, you can ensure there are more good candidates than bad ones.[1] Having everyone in your court also gives you additional options for disqualifying bad candidates if needed, such as investiture or ordering to take the vows.
- Many dynastic vassals. After a few generations, you are almost guaranteed to have enough good candidates that voters have no reason to elect a bad one. Landed characters will gain prestige, increasing the likelihood of combining titles (cf seniority). However, this approach can be dangerous if a branch of the family comes to have non-Celtic culture, especially with land outside the realm, so restraint in the marriage game is advised.[2] If such a scenario does occur, consider switching to feudal elective, as your dynastic vassals are likely to be electors under that succession law as well.
- No (voting) Vassal. If your realm is small or if you are using Reign_of_tyranny strategy, it is possible to be the sole voter. For a duke, all vassals vote. For a king, all vassals of count level and above vote. For an emperor, all vassals of duke level and above vote. Contrary to Feudal elective, with Tanistry, all vassals vote on all titles, with no de jure concerns. For example, a count in France may vote for a candidate as the king of Ireland and another as the king of Scotland, if he is a vassal of the king. He may vote for two different candidates for the two kingdoms. Meanwhile, an Irish duke outside the realm of the king of Ireland and Scotland is not voting. It is thus perhaps necessary to destroy extra titles if you cannot control succession (through limiting voter number or using favors with
Conclave DLC).
Under Tanistry, remember that since there are two sets of electors (one for kingdoms and one for empires), electors may not choose the same candidate for both, a potential cause of discontent.