- 決定事件應該觸發的對象:通常有多種方法來編寫事件鏈腳本,但有些方法更高效/更簡單!
- 確定事件是自行觸發還是由其他事件觸發(根據On_action,決議或其他事件)。
- 如果它自行觸發,請使用快速觸發,以避免觸發器為世界上的每一個角色進行評估。
- 運行The Validator以確保沒有語法錯誤(以這種方式捕獲錯誤要快得多,因為在遊戲中測試效率不是很高)
- 加載遊戲,並使用控制台指令滿足事件條件(可通過
testevent <EventID> <CharOrProvID>
查看) - 通過
event <EventID> <CharOrProvID>
Events usually consist of:
- an initial trigger which fires the event on a character
- a "mean time to happen"; or average time it takes for the event to fire
- one or more options which will affect the character in the event-writer's chosen way
namespace = <namespace> <event_type> = { #Basic event information id = <namespace>.<id> desc = EVTDESC<namespace>.<id> #Fast event triggers only_playable = yes trigger = { #Event eligibility condition block religion_group = pagan_group } mean_time_to_happen = { #Randomness of the event (not applicable for triggered-only events) } immediate = { #Command block executed once the target is eligible, but before displaying the event } option = { name = EVTOPTA<namespace>.<id> trigger = { #Option A eligibility condition block } ai_chance = { #Option A modifiers } #Option A command block } option = { name = EVTOPTB<namespace>.<id> trigger = { #Option B eligibility condition block } ai_chance = { #Option B modifiers } #Option B command block } after = { #Command block executed after any option is chosen. It is the counterpart of the immediate block. } }
Basic information
There are several types of events:
Type | ROOT scope | Description |
character_event | Character | Basic character event. Vanilla frames: GFX_event_normal_frame_diplomacy, GFX_event_normal_frame_war, GFX_event_normal_frame_economy, GFX_event_normal_frame_intrigue, GFX_event_normal_frame_religion |
long_character_event | Character | Bigger popup for character events, used in vanilla learning scenario. Vanilla frames: GFX_event_long_frame_diplomacy, GFX_event_long_frame_war, GFX_event_long_frame_economy, GFX_event_long_frame_intrigue, GFX_event_long_frame_religion. |
letter_event | Character | Shows the sender in-game. Vanilla frames: GFX_event_letter_frame_diplomacy, GFX_event_letter_frame_war, GFX_event_letter_frame_war_big, GFX_event_letter_frame_economy, GFX_event_letter_frame_intrigue, GFX_event_letter_frame_religion. |
narrative_event | Character | Similar to character_event, but with a large ornamented first letter, fancy frame, and slightly larger window. Vanilla frames: GFX_event_narrative_frame_diplomacy, GFX_event_narrative_frame_war, GFX_event_narrative_frame_economy, GFX_event_narrative_frame_intrigue, GFX_event_narrative_frame_religion. |
province_event | Province | Basic province event. Warning: fires to the owner of the province, but ROOT is the province! Vanilla frames: same as character_event. |
diploresponse_event | Character | Used for notifications to diplomatic decisions, such as Declare War or Revoke Title. Can only be fired via on_action events. FROM is the character recieving the event, FROMFROM is the person sending the event. ROOT is empty or a third party, new_character is empty or a third party. Vanilla frames: same as letter_event if associated with hardcoded decisions. Window is hidden otherwise. |
unit_event | Unit | Used to unlock "Viking Raider" achievement. Can only be fired via on_action events. Warning: ROOT is the unit only when the event is fired via on_entering_port. Otherwise it's the owner. Vanilla frames: same as character_event. |
society_quest_event | Character | Allow to define a quest_target that is determined in the immediate block of the event. For instance quest_target = event_target:infiltration_target
ID and namespace
Event IDs must be unique, as event collisions can result in bugs and CTDs. To improve compatibility between mods, and reduce the chance of identical IDs, namespaces can (and should!) be used.
Namespaces can be any alphanumeric string (without the '.' character), and are used as prefix in the form <namespace>.<id>
If an event file uses a namespace, it has to be declared at the beginning of the file with namespace = <namespace>
. This has to be done for every file the namespace is used in.
At load time, namespaces are resolved to a numeric value. For instance event <namespace>.3132 may be transformed into ID 1403132 (i.e. <namespace> is 1,400,000 or 14). Because of this:
- event IDs without a namespace must not go over 999,999
- event IDs with a namespace must not go over 99,999
Below is an example of the use of the namespace "mymod":
namespace = mymod character_event = { id = mymod.0001 desc = EVTDESCmymod.0001 option = { name = EVTOPTAmymod.0001 } }
Note that neither the "EVTDESC" nor "EVTOPT" prefix are required—nor do the localisation keys even technically need to be related to your namespace at all—but it is best practice by far to choose a clear and clash-free naming convention based on your mod. Provided the localisation keys exist, the above example would work just as successfully as:
namespace = mymod character_event = { id = mymod.0001 desc = mymodprefix_event_0001 option = { name = mymodprefix_event_0001A } }
where mymodprefix is a unique prefix you've chosen to distinguish your mod. If you choose to do this, of course, be careful to use prefixes that do not clash with jargon—nothing would be more embarrassing than choosing a key like "cb_" for your hypothetical mod Crusader Babes, only to find that you are overwriting numerous casus belli keys from the base game. (Nothing more embarrassing, perhaps, with the exception of making the mod in the first place.)
Descriptions define the text of the event and can either be a fixed localization key or a dynamic block. A fixed localisation key is simply expressed in the form desc = key
desc = EVTDESC450
A dynamic block is similar but includes a series of trigger conditions that determine whether a description will appear
desc = { trigger = { #Conditions for 1st description to be chosen } text = EVTDESC_case1_mymod.0001 } desc = { trigger = { #Conditions for 2nd description to be chosen } text = EVTDESC_case2_mymod.0001 }
If multiple descriptions can appear according to their trigger conditions, a list of all available descriptions will be generated and one of the descriptions will be chosen randomly by the game engine. This can also be done with static localisation keys. For instance:
character_event = { id = mymod.733 desc = EVTDESCmymod.733.1 desc = EVTDESCmymod.733.2 desc = EVTDESCmymod.733.3 desc = EVTDESCmymod.733.4 }
This will randomly display one of the four descriptions provided when the event is triggered. (This feature also works for option descriptions.)
Event pictures are the horizontal pictures that appear on the top of an event scroll. Like descriptions they can either be fixed event_pictures or a dynamic block. A fixed localisation key is simply expressed in the form picture = key
, for example:
picture = GFX_evt_battle
A dynamic block is similar but includes a series of trigger conditions that determine whether the listed picture will be replaced. Note that the picture has to be defined under the dynamic description block, this is true even if the description is the same throughout with only the picture changing.
character_event = { id = mymod.777 title = TITLE picture = GFX_evt_battle # There needs to be a default picture, even if it won't actually show up desc = { trigger = { condition = yes } text = EVTDESC_case1_mymod.777 picture = GFX_evt_battle_byzantine } desc = { trigger = { condition2 = yes } text = EVTDESC_case2_mymod.777 picture = GFX_evt_mongols_pillage_oldgods } }
Since 3.0, you can also have triggers on the pictures themselves, allowing you to define multiple pictures without having to go via event descriptions. Note that event description pictures will still take precedence.
character_event = { id = mymod.777 desc = EVTDESCMYMOD777 picture = { trigger = { is_female = no } picture = GFX_evt_battle_byzantine } picture = { trigger = { is_female = yes } picture = GFX_evt_mongols_pillage_oldgods } }
Keep in mind that these triggers are resolved after the immediate command block has been run, which you need to take into account if you're using conditionals that get changed in the same event.
It should be noted that the name used to call an event picture is not always the same as the name for the event picture. In the example above: GFX_evt_battle_byzantine doesn't call a file named battle_byzantine, instead it calls the file Battle_Cataphracts_Saracen. This is because in order to call an event picture the event picture needs to be defined in a gfx file in the interface folder, and sometimes the call name differs from the file name. If a call name does not match any text from the gfx file in the interface folder, your event will have the default event picture.
In addition, many event pictures and their defining files are not located in the main event_pictures and interface folders. These are instead found in their corresponding dlc zip folder. For example: the event pictures for the Sunset Invasion DLC and their defining gfx file are located in the dlc/dlc018.zip folder.
You can also create your own event picture. To do so, make the picture a 450 x 150 .dds or .tga file inside of the gfx/event_pictures folder. Then define the file inside of a gfx file inside of the interface folder like so;
spriteTypes = { ... spriteType = { name = "GFX_evt_custompic" texturefile = "gfx\\event_pictures\\custompic.tga" } ... }
The name calls it and the texture file points to the needed file. You can make name anything you want, but usually it is best to set it to be the same as the file name for simplicity.
Some flags can be used to configure events:
Flag | Type | Description |
title | Localization key | Short text that will appear above the picture for standard event, and before the description for narrative_event. This is mandatory for narrative_event to display properly, as the first letter of the title is ornamented. |
desc | Localization key or clause | Main text for the event. Use \n in localization to force a newline. |
window | gui | Specifies the name of a GUI window to use, meaning an event can be given virtually any look. |
background | gfx | Used with window . Specifies the background of the event and will also apply that GFX name + "_option" to the option buttons if GFX by that name exists.
picture | gfx | Image that shows up at the top of the event (450x150 px). Not needed in case of hide_window = yes, nor for letter_event. References an entry in interface/*.gfx folder (ex: GFX_evt_council).
Those entries can be overridden by culture and/or religion by defining a gfx entry GFX_<picture>_<religion> or GFX_<picture>_<culture>. |
border | gfx | Frame for the popup. Event types have different matching frames. |
portrait | character/title/offmap | Determines which character is shown in the upper-right corner in a (long)_character_event , province_event , narrative_event or the sole portrait in a letter_event . For an offmap power, will show the ruler of the offmap. Won't show anything if hide_from = yes is used.
major | bool | If yes, will also appear for other characters, in addition to ROOT. This can be refined via the major_trigger block.
Warning: for events with
is_friendly | bool | Always uses compliments in letter events, regardless of opinion. |
is_hostile | bool | Always uses insults in letter events, regardless of opinion. |
is_triggered_only | bool | If yes, event cannot fire by itself and needs to be called from another event, decision or on_action. Note: trigger = { } block will still be evaluated to test if the event should apply or not.
offmap | string | If allow, the event can fire both for on-map rulers as well as offmap rulers. If only, the event will not fire for on-map rulers and will fire only for offmap rulers. If this flag is omitted, the event will never fire for offmap rulers. |
triggered_from_code | bool | Used for some vanilla tutorial events. These are referenced in NLearningScenario section of defines. |
hide_from | bool | Does not show FROM's portrait on the event, even when it is normally visible. Overrides portrait .
hide_new | bool | |
hide_window | bool | Makes the event invisible. Event options will still be evaluated while hidden. |
show_root | bool | Usually used in combination with major = yes
show_from_from | bool | Overrides default behavior of showing character of FROM scope in the top-right corner. |
show_from_from_from | bool | Overrides default behavior of showing character of FROM scope in the top-right corner. |
sound | sfx | Plays the given sound. |
notification | bool | Adds a notification message. Note: not very nice for province_event, as it will show an empty character portrait in the notification. |
Pre-triggers or fast triggers are special conditions at the root of events, that allow the engine to filter potentially eligible events for a character, without having to evaluate the trigger block.[1][2]
There’s no limit to how many pre-triggers, other than there only being one of each (except for DLC checks).
Most pre-triggers only work for character events, but a few can also be used in province events as of patch 2.6.
Warning: some pre-triggers have a different name than the equivalent normal condition!
Filtering pre-triggers
Few pre-triggers are significantly more effective, because they’re kept in separate event lists that are only ever evaluated if a character meets their condition. These can be considered "filtering" pre-triggers since they can completely eliminate events from even preliminary evaluation.
They are, in order of precedence:
Pre-trigger | Type | Scope | Description | Equivalent trigger |
only_playable | bool | character | In script, "playable" does not actually mean that the player can play the character. What it means is: count-tier or above, or a patrician, and is not a landless rebel. Using this pre-trigger completely eliminates evaluation of the event for anyone who does not meet the criteria, meaning that the event is checked for the ~1000 playable characters in the game, rather than all ~20k | is_playable |
is_part_of_plot | bool | character | Restricts to characters that are backing or leading a plot. Takes precedence over everything except only_playable , as the number of characters involved in plots is generally lower than the number of rulers.
has_plot |
only_rulers | bool | character | Excludes untitled characters. This is a lesser version of only_playable , as it includes barons, rebels, etc. (i.e. anyone holding a title).
is_ruler |
religion | religion | character | Restricts the event for members of the religion/religion_group. It is mutually exclusive with the other filtering pre-triggers, i.e only_playable and only_rulers both take precedence, so in some cases it might actually be better to just use religion_group = SOME_RARE_GROUP and leave out only_rulers = yes .
religion |
religion_group | religion_group | character | religion_group |
Other pre-triggers
Other pre-triggers are simply checked at the start of event evaluation, which is slightly quicker than checking them in the trigger itself. All are cheap checks and so should be used as much as possible (but are not worth contorting the logic of events to make them work).
Pre-trigger | Type | Scope | Description | Equivalent trigger |
min_age | int | character | Minimum age of the character (for this event). | age |
max_age | int | character | Maximum age of the character (for this event). | NOT age |
only_independent | bool | character | Excludes vassals and tributaries. Implies only_playable .
independent |
only_men | bool | character | is_female = no | |
only_women | bool | character | is_female = yes | |
only_capable | bool | character | NOT = { trait = incapable } | |
capable_only | bool | character | If yes, only picks characters without any incapacitating = yes traits, i.e. the ![]() |
NOT = { trait = incapable } |
lacks_dlc | string | character/province | Will never ever get evaluated if DLC is enabled/disabled by the player (or in the case of multiplayer, the host). Can be applied more than once per event, to filter based on many DLCs. | NOT has_dlc |
has_dlc | string | character/province | has_dlc | |
friends | bool | character | Checks whether the character has/doesn't have friends. | num_of_friends = 0 or 1 |
rivals | bool | character | Checks whether the character has/doesn't have rivals. | num_of_rivals = 0 or 1 |
prisoner | bool | character | If no, can't be applied to imprisoned characters. | prisoner |
ai | bool | character |
ai |
in_command | bool | character | Example: in_command = no will make the event only trigger for people not commanding troops (since patch 3.0). Warning: not tested, seems to be buggy right now | in_command |
is_patrician | bool | character | Checks if a character is the head of a Merchant Republic patrician family. Implies only_playable .
is_patrician |
is_female | bool | character | If yes, will only affect female characters. Warning: now it raises an error in error.log, use only_men/only_women instead of it. | is_female |
is_married | bool | character | is_married | |
is_sick | bool | [?] | [?] | |
has_character_flag | flag | character | Warning: more than 1 has_character_flag pre-trigger raises an error in error.log | has_character_flag |
has_global_flag | flag | character/province | Checks whether the global flag has been set. Warning: more than 1 has_global_flag pre-trigger raises an error in error.log | has_global_flag |
war | bool | character | Checks whether the character is/isn't at war. | war |
culture | culture | character | culture | |
culture_group | culture_group | character | culture_group | |
is_in_society | bool | character | Checks whether the character belongs/doesn't belong to a society. | is_in_society |
has_quest_target | bool | character | Yes will restrict the event to people that have a quest with an actual target. No will restrict the event to people that have a quest without a target or don't have a quest. | [?] |
has_job_title | bool | character | has_job_title |
The trigger of an event is responsible for making sure the event is fired at the proper time on the proper character. There are many different conditions which can be used under 'trigger'. They all serve the purpose of adding flavor to the game. In some instances events may have the line: is_triggered_only = yes
, this means that the event is triggered by the option of another event, therefore it will not fire unless the option in question is chosen by the character.
All events (except those with is_triggered_only = yes
) need a trigger section. This defines when the event can trigger, and is where much of the power of event modding lies. Here you can check almost any condition, the only limit is the scopes and conditions you have available, and your creativity.
Below is an example trigger section:
trigger = { NOT = { wealth = -50 } NOT = { has_character_flag = loan_taken } OR = { NOT = { has_character_flag = loan_refused } had_character_flag = { flag = loan_refused days = 365 } } }
Mean Time to Happen
Mean time to happen (MTTH) is a measure of how much time it takes, on average, for a random event to occur. An MTTH of 90 days, for example, means that after 90 days, the probability of the event having been fired is exactly 50%. The use of the "mean time to happen" value rather than probability allows modders and developers to specify how often they feel an event should occur, independent of the mechanics that make events fire. Thus, it removes the need for calculating probabilities while coding.
Like with the trigger, mean_time_to_happen
has to be defined for any event that isn't is_triggered_only = yes
. This section determines the average time it takes for an event to happen. This is typically defined in months, but can also be defined in days or years.
It can be affected by modifiers depending on virtually any condition.
Below is an example section:
mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 modifier = { factor = 2 # Decreases chances by half some_condition = yes } modifier = { factor = 0.5 # Increases chances by half some_condition = yes } }
Weight Multiplier
Weight multiplier is an alternative to mean-time-to-happen required by on_action events, introduced in patch 2.0. It is more efficient to handle by the engine and much faster than using events with a very low mean-time-to-happen to poll for changes. Events called by on_actions must use weight_multiplier
instead of mean_time_to_happen
. Although the engine does also support the use of weight multipliers for regular events instead of MTTH, it is not recommended for events with a low delay as they will queue up and then fire once per month in a large batch of popups. The Validator will report all such uses as an error.
Weight multiplier modifiers, as used by #on_action events, increase the chance of an event occurring, rather than increase the amount of time the event takes.
For example, this is an event in the game where the factors increase the chance of the event occurring, rather than increasing the amount of time the event takes:
# on_failed_assassination - maimed character_event = { id = 158 desc = "EVTDESC158" picture = "GFX_evt_shadow" hide_FROM = yes is_triggered_only = yes trigger = { NOT = { trait = maimed } } weight_multiplier = { days = 1 modifier = { factor = 3 trait = wounded } } immediate = { FROM = { character_event = { id = 40005 } } } option = { name = "EVTOPTA158" add_trait = maimed } }
Commands in the immediate = { }
block are executed before the event is displayed (i.e even before description and title localization gets resolved).
Warning: when firing an event with no delay within immediate block, the new event actually uses the original event's scope (sort of like a sub-routine), rather than creating a copy of these scopes. This can lead to unexpected effects when used with event targets[3]
Commands in the after = { }
block are executed after an option is selected and run, regardless of which option is chosen.
Fail trigger effect
Commands in the fail_trigger_effect = { }
block are executed if script attempts to trigger an event, but the trigger isn't fulfilled. Useful for handling things like one character in a chain dying for unrelated reasons partway through the chain.
Finally, every event needs one or more (maximum 4 eligible) option section. Once an option is selected, the associated effects will be applied.
The options listed in an event are arguably one of the most crucial parts of the event itself. They allow the player to decide upon which option best suites their current needs or wants, as well as occasionally forcing the character to choose an option depending on their traits and/or attributes.
The only requirement for an option is a name, but you'll typically want to define effects, as well as possibly a trigger which determines when the option shows up. Below is an example option section.
option = { name = "EVTOPTA38000" # Go to the moneylenders - Favorable terms trigger = { stewardship = 8 } wealth = 200 character_event = { id = 38001 days = 1825 tooltip = EVTTOOLTIP38001 } set_character_flag = loan_taken clr_character_flag = loan_refused }
Option Name
The option name can be a set localisation key or be dynamic, based on meeting certain conditions
name= { text = EVTOPTA_case1_mymod.0001 trigger = { #Conditions for 1st name to be chosen } } name = { text = EVTOPTA_case2_mymod.0001 trigger = { #Conditions for 2nd name to be chosen } }
AI chance
In order to help the AI choose the most rational option, ai_chance
modifiers can be used.
Each option is weighted based on a base factor, that can be influenced by modifiers, and the chosen option is picked via a weighted random.
ai_chance = { factor = 10 modifier = { factor = 0 OR = { trait = gregarious trait = proud trait = ambitious trait = charitable } } }
If you want to show any portraits in options, you can do that by defining a scope in the option.
option = { name = EVTOPTXXX random_consort = { character_event = { id = EVTXXX } } }
This code would show a portrait besides the option, and if clicked on it, would execute the event EVTXXX on the random consort of the event-taker. Some consequence must be defined in order for the portrait to show, and it must be defined directly inside the scope of that character, and not inside a subsequent scope. If you have nothing else you want to happen, you can always save the character as an event target that is never checked, which will cause the portrait to appear.
Option availability hint and border color
Optionally, an option can specify a border color and a tooltip like "This option is available because...", similar to the events which are available because your character has a special trait.
tooltip_info = <trait>
: yellow bordertooltip_info = martial
: red bordertooltip_info = stewardship
: green bordertooltip_info = intrigue
: purple bordertooltip_info = diplomacy
: blue bordertooltip_info = learning
: grey bordertooltip_info = combat_rating
: combat icontooltip_info_custom = <loc_key>
Option trait icons
Traits added or removed in the option have their icons shown. To show additional trait icons (e.g. ones that might be added later in the event chain), use the show_trait
Ping events
Events with hide_window = yes
can be used to get a specific character into the FROM scope (and the character portrait is, by default, the FROM character).
So, by sending an event with hide_window = yes
to the character you wish to be in the FROM scope (character A), and have that event's option send another event back to the original character B (which would be the FROM of the ping event), you can get A into the FROM scope for B's event. A can now be referenced in localisation and the event code.
This can be useful:
- when you are using any_ or random_ scopes and need to reference the any_ or random_ character in localisation. See the example code below
- when you want to re-use an event chain, but have it triggered from different sources (for instance: MTTH, decision and on_action)
- when you want to hide portraits in your event's options. Replace the character scope with a character_event command, then put the original character scope in that new event that pings back. Often used for times when you don't want the player to know which character is getting pinged (e.g. a murder mystery event chain).
# Initial event that fires for character A # ROOT is character A character_event = { id = 1 (...) option = { name = OK random_realm_character = { # character B character_event = { id = 2 } # this is the ping event } } } # Ping event # ROOT is character B # FROM is character A character_event = { id = 2 hide_window = yes # description and portrait don't matter if it's hidden! immediate = { FROM = { character_event = { id = 3 } } } option = { name = OK } # must always have an option } # ROOT is character A # FROM is character B # Note: FROMFROM is character A character_event = { id = 3 # FROM can be be referenced in localisation and event code (...) }
Many options
Events have a maximum of 4 options at one time, but the 4th option of an event can call another event that has more options, allowing more than 4 options. The last option needs to cycle back to the 1st option.
Recursive events
command with the current event ID can be used to fire an event recursively, with a delay.
It fires in the specified scope as ROOT, but does not add a FROM to the stack, thus greatly reducing the risk of stack overflow in case of recursions.
這是一篇小作品。你可以通過編輯或修訂擴充其內容。 如果可以請盡你所能的去協助完善這篇文章。 |
Turn by turn interactive event chains
Some restrictions apply when an event chain:
- must be playable on both sides by 1 player (the chain can be initiated by the player OR the AI)
- interacts between 2 (or more) players in a multiplayer game
For instance this would apply for an interactive duel by combat, a dice poker mini-game, etc.
The idea is that the result of any action taken by player A must be notified to player B, based on which B takes an action, which is notified to A, etc.
There is a single event chain that alternates between A and B in turns, until the chain reaches an exit condition (for instance a variable counting the number of turns). To reduce the scripting duplication, events may be designed to be re-used for both A and B, if the opponent is always kept into FROM scope (you don't know if ROOT is player A or player B).
Example of interactive loop (not showing the startup and conclusion events):
# Describe the previous action from FROM (if any), and ROOT takes an action # FROM is the opponent character_event = { id = event.1 is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = event.1.a repeat_event = { id = event.2 } # use repeat_event to keep opponent as FROM } (...) } # Show result of own action # FROM is the opponent character_event = { id = event.2 is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = event.2.a FROM = { character_event = { id = event.1 } # It's the opponent turn } } (...) }
On_action events
Events can be attached to on_action triggers that fire when hardcoded conditions are met. For instance on_marriage
fires when two characters marry each other.
This allows to script events that need to happen instantly, and that would otherwise be impossible or very costly to trigger via normal mean-time-to-happen events.
These events should have is_triggered_only = yes
and no mean_time_to_happen
Note that the fast-triggers and the trigger
block of these events will still be checked.
On_action event IDs are referenced by adding a new .txt file in common\on_actions folder (vanilla uses 00_on_actions.txt). There are 3 lists:
- Effects that are executed before any events are fired. Use scripted effects if there's any complex logic involved so as to not bloat the on_actions file.
- Events that systematically fire.
- Events that randomly fire based on specified default probability, modified by the
of the event. Within this list there can be different named blocks containing events. Only one event per block will be fired, if any. Blocks with the same name in the same on action in different files are merged.
The events and effects fire for the ROOT of the on_action.
The following code example will, for ROOT: execute effect1 before any events are fired; fire event1; fire event2; either fire event3 (50% chance), fire event2 (25% chance) or do nothing (25% chance); and, after 5 days, either fire event5 (50% chance) or do nothing (50% chance):
<on_action_name> = { effect = { # Effects to happen in the scope the on-action provides. Happens before any events. <effect1> } events = { # List of events that must always fire. <event1> <event2> } random_events = { # List of events that may fire. Weight multiplier of each event will impact the probability of the event being selected, further modified by MTTH modifiers on the event. 100 = <event3> 50 = <event4> 50 = 0 # Setting the right hand to 0 allows for the possibility of no event happening arbitrarily_named_block = { delay = 5 # How many days to delay the event. Useful to ensure the player doesn't get spammed with a bunch of events at the same time. 1 = <event5> 1 = 0 } } }
List of on_action triggers
Name | Description and scopes | Category |
on_startup | Fires on game load (game start and loading from saves) for ALL characters (not only the player). BUG (as of version 3.2.1): at the start of the new game, it does not fire for courtiers that are not defined in the history files. It will fire for these character upon loading a save.
Note: not called for ruler designed characters.
Also see |
Control |
on_yearly_pulse | Fires every year | Pulse |
on_bi_yearly_pulse | Fires every 2 years | Pulse |
on_five_year_pulse | Fires every 5 years | Pulse |
on_decade_pulse | Fires every 10 years | Pulse |
on_yearly_childhood_pulse | For characters 2 to 16 years old | Pulse |
on_childhood_pulse | Fires at ages 6 years plus six months, 8 years plus six months and 10 years plus six months | Pulse |
on_adolescence_pulse | Fires at ages 12 years plus six months and 14 years plus six months | Pulse |
on_focus_pulse | Yearly pulse (six months from on_yearly_pulse) intended for Focus events (only fires for characters with a Focus) | Pulse |
on_province_major_modifier | Fires when a province modifier with major = yes is removed.
Province |
on_outbreak | Fires when a new outbreak starts
Province |
on_combat_pulse |
Pulse,War |
on_combat_starting |
Pulse,War |
on_siege_pulse | Fires for both the attacking and defending siege leaders roughly every 10 days, attacker first.
Pulse,War |
on_battle_won |
War |
on_major_battle_won |
War |
on_battle_won_leader |
War |
on_major_battle_won_leader |
War |
on_battle_won_owner |
War |
on_battle_lost |
War |
on_major_battle_lost |
War |
on_battle_lost_leader |
War |
on_major_battle_lost_leader |
War |
on_battle_lost_owner |
War |
on_siege_won_leader | Fires for settlements.
War |
on_siege_won_leader_fort | Fires for forts.
War |
on_siege_won_leader_trade_post | Fires for trade posts.
War |
on_siege_lost_leader | Fires for settlements.
War |
on_siege_lost_leader_fort | Fires for forts.
War |
on_siege_lost_leader_trade_post | Fires for trade posts.
War |
on_siege_over_winner | Fires for settlements.
War |
on_siege_over_winner_fort | Fires for forts.
War |
on_siege_over_winner_trade_post | Fires for trade posts.
War |
on_siege_over_loc_chars | Fires for all characters presumed to be in a settlement at the time.
War |
on_siege_over_loc_chars_fort | Fires for all characters presumed to be in the fort's province at the time.
War |
on_siege_over_loc_chars_trade_post | Fires for all characters presumed to be in a trade post's province at the time.
War |
on_failed_assassination |
Plot |
on_failed_assassination_disc |
Plot |
on_assassination |
Plot |
on_assassination_disc |
Plot |
on_birth |
Note that in case of |
Character |
on_adulthood |
Character |
on_post_birth |
Note: see also on_birth. |
Character |
on_pregnancy | At 2 months of pregnancy.
Character |
on_marriage | Sent to liege of both spouses:
Character |
on_betrothal | Sent to liege of both betrothed:
Character |
on_become_imprisoned_any_reason | Fires when someone gets imprisoned for any reason.
Character |
on_avoided_imprison_started_war | Fires if someone tries to imprison someone landed and fails. This leads to an automatic war declaration (independence)
War |
on_became_imprisoned | Fires if someone becomes imprisoned by the diplo-action
Character |
on_avoided_imprison_fled_country | Fires if someone tries to imprison someone unlanded and fails. Character is exiled to another country
Character |
on_released_from_prison | Fires if someone is released from prison
Character |
on_executed | Fires if someone is executed. [Executed before on_death?]
Character |
on_exiled | Fires if someone is exiled
Character |
on_prepared_invasion_monthly | Fires every month for characters who are preparing an invasion.
War |
on_prepared_invasion_aborts | Fires if a prepared invasion becomes invalid.
War |
on_prepared_invasion_expires | Fires if a prepared invasion expires.
War |
on_death | Fired before succession is dealt with (character still has their relevant flags and titles)
Succession |
on_merc_rampage | War | |
on_merc_leave | War | |
on_merc_turn_coat_from | War | |
on_merc_turn_coat_to | War | |
on_holy_order_leave | War | |
on_loot_settlement |
Holding |
on_loot_province | Fires when someone is looting currently in a province
on_warleader_death | Never triggered, but reserved for CB use | War |
on_approve_law | Respond to a proposed change of de facto law
Realm |
on_approve_de_jure_law | Respond to a proposed change of de jure law
Realm |
on_rebel_revolt | When rebels appear.
War |
on_defect_to_rebels | When province defects to rebels
War |
on_defect_from_rebels | When rebels disperse
War |
on_crusade_creation |
Religion |
on_crusade_invalid |
Religion |
on_crusade_success | When a mission succeeds
Religion |
on_crusade_failure | When a mission fails
Religion |
on_forced_consort | When a pagan ruler forces a prisoner to be his consort
Character |
on_reform_religion | When a pagan religion is reformed and the old religion has become an heresy.
Religion |
on_county_religion_change | When the religion changes in a county
Religion |
on_vassal_accepts_religious_conversion | When a character accepts religious conversion (the diplomatic action). Fires for the vassal and each of his courtiers and vassals.
Religion |
on_heresy_takeover | A heresy has become the new norm, replacing the old orthodoxy
Religion |
on_become_doge | Fires for a newly elected Doge.
Succession |
on_elective_gavelkind_succession |
Succession |
on_entering_port | Fires when a navy moves into a port.
Units |
on_rel_elector_chosen | Fires when a cardinal is elected (SoA only).
Religion |
on_rel_head_chosen | Fires when a Pope is elected (SoA only)
Religion |
on_settlement_looted |
Holding |
on_navy_returns_with_loot |
Units |
on_create_title |
Succession |
on_new_holder |
Succession |
on_new_holder_inheritance |
Succession |
on_new_holder_usurpation |
Succession |
on_create_chronicle_if_empty | Fires at the end of each year if the chronicle is empty | Control |
on_chronicle_owner_change | Fires when the player changes character
Control |
on_chronicle_start | Fires for the player character, when the game starts (but not when loading from saves). Also works when Charlemagne DLC is not active.
Note: for ruler designed characters, fires twice (for the historical character and player ruler designed character). |
Control |
on_character_convert_religion | Character converts religion, for whatever reason.
Character,Religion |
on_character_convert_secret_religion | Character converts to their secret religion.
Character,Religion |
on_character_convert_culture | Character converts culture, for whatever reason.
Character |
on_acquire_nickname |
Character |
on_over_vassal_limit_succession | Fires for vassals that can become independent as a result of liege being over vassal limit | Sucession |
on_war_started |
War |
on_war_ended_victory |
Offensive War Victory
War |
on_war_ended_invalid |
War |
on_war_ended_whitepeace |
Offensive War Whitepeace
War |
on_war_ended_defeat |
Offensive War Defeat
War |
on_divorce | Fires whenever a character gets divorced regardless of the reason:
Character |
on_holding_building_start | Fires whenever a character build something in a holding
Holding |
on_settlement_construction_start | Fires whenever the "construction" of a new settlement/holding starts
Holding |
on_settlement_construction_completed | Fires whenever the "construction" of a new settlement/holding is finished
Holding |
on_trade_post_construction_start |
Holding |
on_trade_post_construction_completed |
Holding |
on_fort_construction_start |
Holding |
on_fort_construction_completed |
Holding |
on_feud_started |
Relations |
on_feud_ended |
Relations |
on_blood_brother_death | Relations | |
on_ai_end_raid |
Relations |
on_mercenary_hired |
War |
on_mercenary_dismissed |
War |
on_mercenary_captain_replacement |
War |
on_enforce_peace | Conclave "enforce peace" mechanic | Realm |
on_enforce_peace_start | Conclave "enforce peace" mechanic | Realm |
on_enforce_peace_six_vassals | Conclave "enforce peace" mechanic | Realm |
on_law_vote_passed | Realm | |
on_law_vote_failed | Realm | |
on_player_mercenary_income | Character | |
on_artifact_inheritance | Fired whenever a character receives an artifact (one for each artifact)
Character |
on_society_bi_yearly_pulse | Bi-yearly pulse intended for Society events (only fires for characters in a society) | Pulse,Society |
on_society_created | Fires when someone joins a society with no members.
Society |
on_society_destroyed | Fires when the last member of a society leaves the society and is not replaced
Society |
on_society_failed_to_find_new_leader | Fires when a indestructable society fails to find a new leader from existing characters.
Society |
on_society_progress_full | Fires when a society's progress is increased/set to the value 100.
Society |
on_society_progress_zero | Fires when a society's progress is decreased/set to the value 0.
Society |
on_offmap_policy_changed | Fires for an offmap power's governor when the power changes its policy.
Offmap |
on_offmap_status_changed | Fires for an offmap power's governor when the power changes its status.
Offmap |
on_offmap_governor_changed | Fires for an offmap power's new governor when the power changes its governor.
Offmap |
on_offmap_ruler_changed | Fires for an offmap power's new ruler when the power changes its ruler.
Offmap |
on_offmap_monthly_pulse | Fires for an offmap power's governor once per month on a random day.
Offmap |
on_offmap_yearly_pulse | Fires for an offmap power's governor once per year during a random monthly update.
Offmap |
on_eu4_conversion_start | Fires for the player (or a random character if in observe mode) just prior to the EU4 converter converting the game. Can be used to prepare the gamestate for EU4 conversion, then restore the original state.
EU4 Converter |
on_eu4_conversion_done | Fires for the player (or a random character if in observe mode) just after the EU4 converter is done converting the game.
EU4 Converter |
on_tyranny_gained | Fires for every character that gets the tyrant opinion penalty towards the tyrant when tyranny is caused by the code rather than script. Won't fire if you use add_opinion_modifer to add tyrrany.
Character |
on_tyranny_gained_tyrant_only | Fires once for the tyrant when tyranny is caused by the code rather than script. Won't fire if you use add_opinion_modifer to add tyrrany.
Character |
on_revoke_attempted_started_war | Fires for the character refusing a revoke title attempt and declaring war over it.
War |
on_retract_vassal_attempted_started_war | Fires for the character refusing a retract vassalage attempt and declaring war over it.
War |
on_absorb_clan_attempted_started_war | Fires for the character refusing an absorb clan attempt and declaring war over it.
War |
on_split_clan_attempted_started_war | Fires for the character refusing a split clan attempt and declaring war over it.
War |
on_unit_entering_province | Fires for all characters in a unit (leading a flank or subunit) when it enters a province.
War |
on_command_unit | Fires for a character when they are put in command of a flank.
War |
on_command_subunit | Fires for a character when they are put in command of a subunit.
War |
on_alternate_start | Fires for the very first character generated in a Random/Shattered World at the end of game setup (just before the Welcome screen is shown).
Alternate Start |
on_crusade_preparation_starts | Fires when a Crusade begins preparation. Fires for all Crusades/Jihads/GHWs regardless if they have a preparation phase - use uses_new_crusade = yes trigger to limit effects.
War, Crusade |
on_crusade_preparation_ends | Fires when a Crusade ends preparation.
War, Crusade |
on_crusade_canceled | Fires when a Crusade is canceled.
War, Crusade |
on_crusade_monthly | Fires once a month while a Crusade is preparing or active.
War, Crusade |
on_crusade_target_changes | Fires when the target of a Crusade chages (either through script or invalidation, or the target's heir inheriting). Happens immediately after the crusade_target_char and crusade_target_title scopes are updated).
War, Crusade |
on_pledge_crusade_participation | Fires when a character pledges their participation, even if the war has started. Does not fire when the character is auto-pledged due to joining the war.
War, Crusade |
on_pledge_crusade_defense | Fires when a character pledges their defense of the crusade target, even if the war has started. Does not fire when the character is auto-pledged due to joining the war.
War, Crusade |
on_unpledge_crusade_participation | Fires when a character unpledges their participation, including the automatic unpledging on death and conversion.
War, Crusade |
on_unpledge_crusade_defense | Fires when a character unpledges their defense, including the automatic unpledging on death and conversion.
War, Crusade |
on_excommunicate_interaction | Fires when someone is excommunicated via the hardcoded diplomatic interaction.
Religion |
on_character_renamed | Fires when a player renames a character. This includes the "newborn" event.
Control |
on_title_renamed | Fires when a player renames a title. This includes renaming via the title screen.
Control |
on_province_renamed | Fires when a player renames a province. This includes renaming via the province view.
Control |
on_artifact_renamed | Fires when a player renames an artifact.
Control |
on_bloodline_renamed | Fires when a player renames a bloodline.
Control |
on_employer_change | Fires when a change of employer has been detected. With trigger = { FROM = { character = no } } this can be used to fire an event for any newly-spawned character, but not necessarily those created through hardcoded means.
Character |
on_host_change | Fires when a change of host has been detected. on_employer_change is fired first if a character has had both their employer and host changed since the last check was made. With trigger = { FROM = { character = no } } this can be used to fire an event for any newly-spawned character, including those created through hardcoded means.
Character |
on_wonder_construction_start | Triggers when a wonder begins construction of any stage.
Wonder |
on_wonder_destroyed | Triggers when a wonder is destroyed.
Wonder |
on_wonder_loot_start | Triggers when looting of a wonder starts
Wonder |
on_wonder_owner_change | Triggers when a character becomes the owner of a wonder.
Wonder |
on_wonder_renamed | Triggers when a wonder is renamed
Wonder |
on_Wonder_restore_finish | Triggers when resotration of a wonder finishes
Wonder |
on_wonder_restore_start | Triggers when resotration of a wonder starts
Wonder |
on_wonder_stage_finish | Triggers when a wonder finishes building a stage.
Wonder |
on_wonder_stage_loot_finish | Triggers when looting of a wonder stage finishes
Wonder |
on_wonder_stage_loot_start | Triggers when looting of a new wonder stage starts
Wonder |
on_wonder_upgrade_destroyed | Triggers when an upgrade is destroyed in a wonder.
Wonder |
on_wonder_upgrade_finish | Triggers when a wonder upgrade finishes construction.
Wonder |
on_wonder_upgrade_start | Triggers when construction of an upgrade begins in a wonder.
Wonder |
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