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(重定向自Casus belli modding

Casus Belli are quite complex to mod, as lot of flags and scopes are involved.

CB life-cycle is the following:

  • When selecting a target character, can_use is evaluated
  • If character is eligible, can_use_title is evaluated on the titles in the realm (which titles are scanned depend on CB flags like check_all_titles, check_de_jure_tier,...)
  • War is declared on the contested title (for AI this also depends on ai_will_do and some hardcoded logic)
  • on_add, on_add_title and on_add_posttitle are executed.
  • During the duration of the war, is_valid and is_valid_title are regularly executed to ensure CB remains valid (otherwise war ends as inconclusive)
  • Each battle and occupied holding contribute to warscore based on CB parameters. Depending on CB type, there might be an additional ticking warscore.
  • Depending on the output of the war either on_success, on_fail or on_reverse_demand and associated title/posttitle blocks are executed.
  • A truce is applied between attacker and defender, whose duration depend on value of truce_days

Special flags

Name Type Effect Example
name key Localized name to use for this Casus Belli. If a title is involved "Title" is available as a localization scope. name = CB_NAME_RELIGIOUS
war_name key Localized name to use for the resulting war. If a title is involved you can use the variable "$OTHER_TITLE$" in your localized text to display the title name. war_name = WAR_NAME_RELIGIOUS
sprite int Index of sprite to use for CB icon sprite = 1
truce_days int How long of a truce is enforced after war end. truce_days = 100
is_permanent bool CBs with this set to 'no' can not be declared via the the regular CB interface; they’re instead declared via events, decisions, etc. is_permanent = no
is_independence bool Allows the attacker to call in other vassals or tributaries, if possible. This flag is necessary for the AI to use cbs against its suzerain if it is a tributary. is_independence = yes
hostile_against_others bool Whether others attacking the same target be considered enemies hostile_against_others = yes
full_hostility bool If set to yes in addition to hostile_against_others, will cause anyone targeting a realm with a CB with the flag to be hostile towards one another. They will also be hostile to anyone targeting the defender's primary title. Defaults to no. full_hostility = yes
can_ask_to_join_war bool Whether others ask to join this war can_ask_to_join_war = no
reflect_titleholder_change bool reflect_titleholder_change = no
is_claim_all bool is_claim_all = yes
is_revolt_cb bool Whether CB is considered a revolt against the liege is_revolt_cb = yes
major_revolt bool Whether CB is a major (faction-based) revolt major_revolt = yes
press_claim bool press_claim = yes
allow_whitepeace bool Whether the war can end in a white peace
allowed_to_target_suzerains bool Prevent a tributary to target his suzerain allowed_to_target_tributaries = no
allowed_to_target_tributaries bool Prevent a suzerain to target his tributaries
can_call_allies bool Whether either side can call allies
attacker_can_call_allies bool attacker_can_call_allies = no
defender_can_call_allies bool defender_can_call_allies = no
can_call_vassals bool Whether vassals can be called to assist can_call_vassals = no
can_attack_vassals bool can_attack_vassals = yes
attacker_alliance_occ_warscore bool Whether occupying any holding of any attacker counts towards war score
check_de_jure_tier tier Scans all de jure kingdoms for the counties which are held by or vassals(or below) of selected character. Only valid if is_permanent = yes check_de_jure_tier = KING
check_dejure_duchies bool [{{{1}}}]
check_all_titles bool If permanent, setting this to true will check against all of someones titles, including vassal held titles
check_all_trade_posts bool check_all_trade_posts = yes
check_actor_direct_vassals bool [{{{1}}}]
other_de_jure_claim bool Optimization for de jure claims of vassals other_de_jure_claim = yes
is_holy_war bool is_holy_war = yes
apply_short_occ_mod bool Do not apply the 'recently_conquered' modifier to Holdings apply_short_occ_mod = no
piety_cost double Cb is visible to select even if not having enough piety.
prestige_cost double Cb is visible to select even if not having enough prestige.
allow_distant bool AI parameter allow_distant = yes
attacker_ai_victory_worth Minimum warscore for AI to accept surrender from defender. -1 means always accept. attacker_ai_victory_worth = { factor = -1 }
attacker_ai_defeat_worth Minimum warscore for AI to admit defeat to defender attacker_ai_defeat_worth = { factor = 100 }
defender_ai_victory_worth Minimum warscore for AI to accept surrender from attacker attacker_ai_victory_worth = { factor = -1 }
defender_ai_defeat_worth Minimum warscore for AI to admit defeat to attacker defender_ai_defeat_worth = { factor = 100 }
battle_warscore_mult double Modifies the warscore gained from battles in wars using that CB battle_warscore_mult = 0.5
attacker_rel_head_is_ally bool The attacker can call his (main) Pope into the war attacker_rel_head_is_ally = yes
display_on_map bool Cb is displayed in the diplomatic map mode (default is yes) display_on_map = no
coalition_threat bool Does not cause a threat increase. Deprecated since 2.8. coalition_threat = no
infamy_modifier float Multiplied by resulting threat from a war infamy_modifier = 0.85
is_tyranny_cb bool is_tyranny_cb = yes
ticking_war_score_multiplier float Changes the speed of ticking warscore. Deprectated since 2.8? ticking_war_score_multiplier = 5.0
att_ticking_war_score_multiplier float Changes the speed of ticking warscore for the attacker att_ticking_war_score_multiplier = 5.0
def_ticking_war_score_multiplier float Changes the speed of ticking warscore for the defender def_ticking_war_score_multiplier = 5.0
max_defender_occupation_score float Defines how much warscore it is possible for the defender to gain by occupying provinces. Defaults to 100. Make sure the CB has ticking warscore if using this or you could end up with never-ending wars max_defender_occupation_score = 85
max_attacker_occupation_score float Defines how much warscore it is possible for the attacker to gain by occupying provinces. Defaults to 100. Make sure the CB has ticking warscore if using this or you could end up with never-ending wars max_attacker_occupation_score = 85
max_defender_battle_score float Defines how much warscore it is possible for the defender to gain by fighting battles. Defaults to the defines MAX_WARSCORE_FROM_BATTLE_DEFENDERS max_defender_battle_score = 50
max_attacker_battle_score float Defines how much warscore it is possible for the attacker to gain by fighting battles. Defaults to the defines MAX_WARSCORE_FROM_BATTLE_ATTACKERS max_attacker_battle_score = 50
hostages_block_cb bool Defaults to "yes". If set to "no", the defender having close relatives of yours imprisoned does not prevent you from declaring war hostages_block_cb = no
attacker_unoccupied_warscore bool If attacker completely unoccupied, attacker will get ticking warscore. Only works if no title is targetted attacker_unoccupied_warscore = yes
defender_unoccupied_warscore bool If defender completely unoccupied, defender will get ticking warscore. Only works if no title is targetted defender_unoccupied_warscore = yes
capturing_attacker_is_complete_victory bool Whether capturing the attacker as a prisoner is considered automatic victory for the defender. Defaults to yes. If set to no, capture instead gives CAPTURED_HEIR_WAR_SCORE warscore capturing_attacker_is_complete_victory = yes
capturing_defender_is_complete_victory bool Whether capturing the defender as a prisoner is considered automatic victory for the attacker. Defaults to yes. If set to no, capture instead gives CAPTURED_HEIR_WAR_SCORE warscore capturing_defender_is_complete_victory = yes
third_party_portrait scope If set, this will override what'd normally show as the third party on the war overview. The scopes are the same as in can_use. third_party_portrait = event_target:invasion_of_china_claimant
sort_priority int Can be used to decide the order in which CBs show up in the UI. sort_priority = 1000
diplo_view_region region Can be used to override which provinces are highlighted when the CB is selected in the diplomacy view. diplo_view_region = custom_leon


For Casus Belli, inside scopes:

  • Default scope for character scopes can't be counted upon. Use ROOT, FROM and FROMFROM explicitly to specify which character you want.
  • Default scope for title scopes is the title the war is declared over.
  • ROOT is the character who has a case for war. (for both titles and character scopes)
  • FROM is the character who is being declared war on. (for both titles and character scopes)
  • FROMFROM is the third party claimant, used in other_claim(_) Casus Belli.

Name Type Effect Example
can_use_title title conditions This section sets up the conditions under which the CB can be used (title scope)
can_use character conditions This section sets up the conditions under which the CB can be used (character scope).

Warning: if this evaluates to false, the CB will still seem to be available, but the interface will tell you that you "haven't selected a valid CB". It may be better to put as many character scope requirements for the CB as possible in can_use_gui instead.

can_use_gui character conditions This sections sets up further conditions to prevent starting the war even though it shows up in the UI. can_use_gui = { ROOT = { piety = 100 } }
is_valid character conditions This section tests if the CB remains valid. If the test fails, the war ends inconclusively (character scope)
is_valid_title title conditions This section tests if the CB remains valid. If the test fails, the war ends inconclusively (title scope) is_valid_title = { FROM = { has_landed_title = PREV } }
ai_will_do clause Warning: using FROM inside ROOT scope is broken until Patch 2.5.[1]
on_add character commands The immediate effect of declaring war using this CB on_add = { ROOT = { piety = -100 } }
on_add_title title commands
on_add_posttitle character commands
on_success character commands What happens when attacker wins (character scope) on_success = { FROM = { prestige = -50 } }
on_success_title title commands What happens when attacker wins (title scope) on_success_title = { usurp_title_plus_barony_if_unlanded = ROOT }
on_success_posttitle character commands What happens when attacker wins, after transfer of title
on_fail character commands What happens when attacker white peaces out (character scope)
on_fail_title title commands What happens when attacker white peaces out (title scope)
on_fail_posttitle character commands
on_reverse_demand character commands What happens after loss (character scope) (e.g., loss of prestige/piety/gold) on_reverse_demand = { ROOT = { prestige = -150 } }
on_reverse_demand_title title commands What happens after loss (title scope) (e.g., loss of claim) on_reverse_demand_title = { ROOT = { remove_claim = PREV } }
on_reverse_demand_posttitle character commands
on_attacker_leader_death war commands What happens if the leader of the attacking alliance dies on_attacker_leader_death { end_war = invalid }
on_defender_leader_death war commands What happens if the leader of the defending alliance dies
on_thirdparty_death war commands
on_invalidation war commands


<cb_tag> = {
    name = <cb_name>
    war_name = <cb_war_name>
    # other special flags go here

    # scopes go here


  • <cb_name>: name of the cassus belli.
  • <cb_war_name>: name of the war after it starts.
  • <cb_tag>_desc: description of the cassus belli when declaring war.
