


  • …HF.20200 || Explain coronation preparation, ask whom to ask to be crowned by
    982字节(148个字) - 2019年11月21日 (四) 10:05
  • |Author=A team originally led by Cabezaestufa. Currently, knuckey. …ing ''[[Wikipedia:A Song of Ice and Fire|A Song of Ice and Fire]]'' series by George R.R. Martin.
    17 KB(2,839个字) - 2019年2月26日 (二) 18:01
  • * Byzantine Elector AI behavior now takes more into consideration the candidate' * Increased Just opinion given by Benevolent Bloodline, and added Kind opinion to it as well.
    21 KB(3,311个字) - 2019年2月27日 (三) 09:43
  • …re-defined functions (or "blocks") attached and called in a specific order by the engine, and containing [[scopes]], [[conditions]] and [[commands]]. …r know why a decision isn't available, and without any extra work required by modders.
    58 KB(8,570个字) - 2020年12月25日 (五) 22:52
  • | [[File:Crowned by priest.png|Crowned by a Bishop|link=]] | crowned_by_priest
    161 KB(15,558个字) - 2020年12月26日 (六) 00:11
  • * April 2014: The [[forum:771626|original AAR]] with the mod is started by Enlil, playing as Soissons. This AAR will later be split between [[forum:77 #Clear your gfx cache, by deleting the folder ''Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\WTWSM
    57 KB(8,288个字) - 2019年2月27日 (三) 09:52
  • …ty of PB/EMF-style laws with the strategic and challenge benefits afforded by usage of a "master" slider to represent ''Crown Authority'' itself. …by any means whatsoever), its ''Crown Authority'' is automatically lowered by one tier, and all of its laws are adjusted accordingly.
    310 KB(49,113个字) - 2019年2月27日 (三) 09:30
  • …|1184|| 重建格鲁吉亚王国的黄金时代!<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/byqekx/new_featured_ruler_queen_tarmari_of_georgia/</ref> || …e House of Barcelona (which became the Catalan national flag) were created by Emperor Louis, who gave him a golden shield and blotted it with the blood…
    231 KB(24,490个字) - 2024年1月13日 (六) 19:53