
木易门吉讨论 | 贡献2019年3月13日 (三) 15:34的版本 →‎关键科技

Alert technology.png 科技(英文:Technology)代表了一个省份的军事、经济和文化知识水平。




文化建筑一样, 科技需要长期发展,而且和建筑不同的是发展科技往往需要数十年,效果也不显著。但另一方面,科技是你建设更高级建筑的前提。


The Technology advancement screen (V. 2.8)


Military.png 军事科技

  • 轻步兵:
    • 每级为Light infantry.png 和 Archers.png 所有属性+7.5% (满8级加成为+60% )。
  • 重步兵:
    • 每级为Heavy infantry.png 和 Pikemen.png 所有属性+7.5% (满8级加成为+60% )。
  • 骑兵:
    • 每级为Light cavalry.pngHeavy cavalry.pngHorse archers.pngWar elephants.png所有属性+7.5% (满8级加成为+60% )。
  • 攻城器械:
    • 每级增加攻城时己方攻城速度并减少守城时敌方攻城速度+12.5%(满8级加成为+100% )。
  • 造船术:
    • 每级船只数量+10%
    • 等级I至IV解锁各地产的造船建筑。
  • 军事组织:
    • 每级(全球) 补给上限 +12.5%
    • 每级陆军士气+6.2%
    • 每级近卫军上限+150%
    • 等级IV及以上可移除防御性多神教地区损耗。

Economy.png 经济科技

  • 城堡设施:
    • 解锁大部分城堡建筑
    • 每级城堡税收收入+6.2%(满8级时加成为+50%
    • 解锁部落3、4级要塞建筑(在升级为城堡时需要)
  • 城市设施
    • 解锁大部分城市建筑。
    • 每级城市税收收入+6.2%(满8级时加成为+50%
    • 解锁部落3、4级市场建筑(在升级为城市时需要)
  • 教堂设施:
    • 解锁大部分神殿建筑。
    • 每级神殿税收收入+6.2%(满8级时加成为+50%
  • 防御工事:
    • 解锁要塞和防御工事建筑。注意,一些建筑需要城墙达到一定级别才能修建。
  • 贸易制度:
    • 解锁港口建筑(仅沿海城市可修建)。
    • 部落升级为商业共和国需要贸易制度I。
    • 每级贸易收入+7.5%
    • 每级依次对贸易站上限-66.7%-33.3%0%+10%+20%+30%+40%+50%
  • 建筑:
    • 每级减少建筑时间和花费-3.1%(满8级时加成为+50%
    • 解锁所有的医院建筑

Culture.png 文化科技

  • 封建义务:
    • 每级贵族好感+3
    • 部落升级为城堡需要封建义务I。
  • 城市义务:
  • 神权义务:
  • 君权:
    • 每级增加每月虔诚和威望+6.2%
    • 每级减少短暂统治惩罚年数+0.62(满8级时加成为+5
    • 使用建立朝贡国宣战理由需要君权II(若首都位于欧洲则需要君权IV)
    • 帝国管理制法律需要君权V。  
  • 宽容:
    • 每级不同宗教和不同文化好感惩罚-6.2%(满8级时减成为-50%
    • ToleranceIII和VI解锁女性地位法律.
  • 法律化:


Duke-rank and higher rulers generate 科技点数(英文:Technology Point) each month in each of the three categories - Military, Economic and Cultural - according to the following formula;

Monthly points = (0.04 *(Learning + Skill) + BuildingBonus) * RankBonus.

where Learning is the ruler's personal learning attribute; Skill is the ruler's military, stewardship or diplomatic attribute, for military, economic and cultural technology, respectively; the RankBonus is 1.0, 1.2 or 1.4 for a duke, king or emperor, respectively; and BuildingBonus is the sum of all extra points from all special buildings in your demesne plus from count and baron tier vassals. Buildings held (directly or indirectly) by Duke and King tier vassals do not contribute to your BuildingBonus. Church schools produce 0.04 Cultural points per level per month, while universities produce 0.05 economic points per level per month. Advanced hospital buildings also generate technology points.

In addition, the spymaster study technology mission will often trigger an event that rewards 50 points in a random category, while the research missions for the military, economic and religious advisers will less frequently trigger an event that rewards 50 points in the appropriate category. Battles, whether won or lost, generate military points based on duration and the size of each army (as a fraction of total strength).

Some province modifiers, such as those provided by the chinese master engineer or earned through prosperity-booming events, provide a constant stream of technology points. The amount they provide is doubled if the province itself is booming.

The cost to improve technology by one rank is given by the following formula:

Cost = ((100 * Rank) * (1 + AheadPenalty)) * ProgressRemaining

where rank is the rank (from level I to VIII) of the new technology; AheadPenalty is 0.006 for every year the current year is ahead of the 'Base Year' of the technology - this is 800 for level I, 900 for level II, etc.; and ProgressRemaining is the percentage, from 10% to 100%, left to research in the current technology level. For example, suppose the year is 1150 and we want to go from Military Organization level 4.0 to 5.0 in our capital. The Base Year for level V technologies is 1200, so we are 50 years ahead. The cost is (100 * 5) * (1 + 0.006*50) = 650 points. If our capital already had Military Organization at level 4.5, we would only need to spend half as much, or 325 points.


Technology spreads between provinces that border each other, as well as between provinces in the demesne of the same ruler even if they do not border each other. The rate of growth depends on the degree of the technology lead in the more advanced province. The spymaster's "study technology" mission also lets technology spread from the target province to the ruler's capital. The other advisors' research missions also increase the speed of spreading, as do the school and university buildings.

The chance of an increase (by one tenth (1/10) of a full level) in a particular technology per year is:

Tech Increase Percentage = (Demesne Bonus + Neighbor Bonus + Trade Post Bonus + Spymaster Bonus) * (1 + Councillor Bonus + Building Bonus) 

Here are the formulas for each bonus:

Demesne Bonus = 6 * TotalDemesneDifference
  • TotalDemesneDifference is the sum of the tech lead in all other demesne provinces. For example, if County A has Light Infantry at 1.0, County B has 1.7, C has 2.0 and D has 1.3, the total difference is (0.7 + 1.0 + 0.3) = 2.0, resulting in a (2.0*6% =) 12% chance of increase in County A per year. Demesne counties that are behind do not increase the rate of spread, but do not penalize it either. TotalDemesneDifference is limited to 5, providing a maximum bonus of 30%.

The maximum Demesne bonus is 30%.

Neighbor Bonus = 6 * TotalNeighborDifference
  • TotalNeighborDifference is, similarly, the sum of the tech lead in all neighboring provinces. Neighbors of different religious groups provide only half of their lead. If a county is both a neighbor and in the same demesne, it counts for both TotalDemesneDifference and TotalNeighborDifference.
Trade Post Bonus = 0.2 * TotalTradePostDifference

Where TotalTradePostDifference is the sum of of the tech lead in provinces that have your trade posts. A 0.20% bonus for a 1.0 tech level difference is all you get. Note: I didn't completely test this one out. I tested it at 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.9, 4.0 tech level differences, and with 1 to 15 trade posts. The above formula worked for 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 tech differences and was slightly off at 3.9 and 4.0 tech differences. Example: You have 15 trade posts with 8.0 tech levels in a given technology. Your capitol has 4.0 tech levels in that technology. The Total TradePostDifference would be 60. (15 * 4.0) According to my formula the Trade Post Bonus would be 12%. The game showed 11.7%.

Spymaster Bonus = ((TargetProvinceDifference * 6) Rounded down) *  SpymasterIntrigueSkill * 0.1
  • SpymasterIntrigueSkill applies to a Spymaster using the "Study Technology" mission in a target foreign province.
  • TargetProvinceDifference is the tech difference with the Spymaster's target province.

Note: If the difference in tech levels is only 0.1, you get no bonus from the spymaster.

Councillor Bonus = 0.05 * Councillor's appropriate attribute
  • Councillor Bonus is 0.05 per skill point if the appropriate Councillor is using the Research Tech mission in the province.
Building Bonus = is the sum of the bonuses from buildings in the province:
  • From cities: 0.3 for each level of University
  • From temples: 0.1 and 0.2 for the first and second levels of School
  • From hospitals: 0.25 for each of the Library and Pharmacology Laboratory




地区 军事 经济 文化
撒哈拉以南非洲西部 0.1 0.1 0.1
非州西北部 0.5 1.1 1.1
北非 0.75 1.5 1.5
埃及 1.0 1.5 1.5
东非 0.45 0.3 0.6
东欧 0.2 0.25 0.15
斯堪的纳维亚 0.35 0.2 0.1
大草原 0.3 0.1 0.1
塔里木盆地 0.5 1.0 2.0
中国地区 1.25 1.1 2.0
蒙古 0.5 0.3 0.2
印度与西藏 0.5 1.0 2.0
西欧 0.5 0.85 1.0
意大利 0.75 1.0 1.0
不列颠与爱尔兰 0.5 0.70 0.75
伊比利亚南部 0.75 1.2 1.5
中东(不包括埃及) 0.5 1.5 1.5
拜占庭 1.2 1.5 1.5




当前科技 = 最早开局科技 + (最晚开局科技 - 最早开局科技) * ((当前年份 - 769) / (1337 - 769))).

地区 军事 经济 文化
撒哈拉以南非洲西部 3.5 3.5 3.5
非州西北部 4.0 4.0 4.0
北非 4.0 4.0 4.0
埃及 4.5 4.5 4.5
东非 3.5 3.5 3.5
东欧 3.5 3.5 3.5
斯堪的纳维亚 3.5 3.5 3.5
大草原 3.5 3.5 3.5
塔里木盆地 4.0 5.0 7.0
中国地区 4.5 5.5 7.0
蒙古 4.0 4.0 4.0
印度与西藏 4.0 5.0 7.0
西欧(包括整个西班牙) 5.0 5.0 5.0
意大利 5.0 5.5 5.0
中东(不包括埃及) 4.5 4.5 4.5
拜占庭 4.5 4.5 4.5




  • 军事组织增加近卫军补给上限,还能在等级IV时移除防御性多神教地区损耗惩罚。
  • 造船术 I能提供给你最早的征召船只(除非你拥有商业共和国)。


  • 防御工事 II解锁城堡城市以及神殿的第二级城墙的建设。第二级城墙是大多数军事建筑的前提条件。
  • 贸易制度II 和III能迅速增加共和国贵人每个家族成员提供的贸易站上限。如果国土位于丝绸之路附近,这项科技也十分重要,因为可以控制数个可以建造贸易站的省份。
  • 城市设施II建筑III解锁城市的大学建筑和医院的翻译馆建筑,他们能够生成更多的经济科技点数。


  • 法律化解锁新的法律.
  • 帝国管理制需要君权V科技。(如果DLC icon Conclave.pngDLC未激活,还同时需要法律化V解锁的绝对王权法律。)

Strategies for the realm

Conquer a good county and make it your capital. E.g. Rome is often poorly defended; beware of triggering early crusades if you're not Christian.

Use council missions to spread tech to your capital. Invite good councilors. Send the spymaster to a location with high tech. Consider having the other councillors use the "study [tech group]" missions, especially while the spymaster is studying technology, since the bonuses are multiplicative.

Spread economic tech throughout the realm. Tech spread could be encouraged from the capital by using trade zones, a spread-out demesne, and council missions.

Having many duke-rank vassals, since counts do not generate technology points. With viceroyalties, vassals with high stewardship and learning skill could be selected, although opinion and age are usually more important considerations.

If Muslim, ignore Religious Customs, as Muslim realms do not have theocracies.

Remember that Nomads do not generate tech points.

Strategies for research points

Gain traits that boost multiple attributes such as Diligent.png, Patient.png, and Ambitious.png. See education and focus.

Inherit research points. Arrange for the ruler's heir to rule a duchy before inheriting the throne (this works well with feudal elective or open succession). Conversely, if a vassal duke dies without heirs, the liege inherits their tech points along with their titles and wealth.

Let special vassals spend their points in the liege's capital. The player could grant their capital to the Ecumenical Patriarch or a holy order captain who normally holds no counties. Then revoke the county a year later. (If the player rules the Byzantine Empire or Restored Roman Empire, they can use a decision to seize Constantinople or Rome, respectively.)

Concentrate research point use on new technologies, since the player will gradually receive the other technologies for free. They can see the spread rate by hovering gears in the Tech view (F5) or by hovering the three icons in the province view.


聚居地 城堡城市神殿部落游牧制首都
特殊地产 家族宅邸贸易站堡垒医院
概念 首都/首府经济征召兵叛乱科技文化建筑奇观